Tomahawk is Unleasing the Monster (log)



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The Day the FC Employees Grew Cojones


So Ben tells me he is going to be late because he has a nail in his car tire. Sitting around waiting getting anxious to lift.

Ben gets there and sets up his Blackberry which can play music on speakers. A guy walks over in workout clothes and ask if thats a ringtone or what and I tell him its an MP3 player. He says u cant have it because its against the FC rules. Then I remember he works there. Gay, we have been listening to it for a while now. Isnt like we just started.

So Ben and I r a little annoyed but whatever. Then we start warming up. Get to 405 and motherfacker comes back again this time bitching about us "slammin" the weight. This guy was doing arms on a Monday. What that tells me is his main focus is arms because u dont start the week off with arms unless thats all u give a fack about.

They say they have told other guys who lift as much as us to set the weights down lightly and blah blah blah bullsh1t. Something about the guys said they would and suggested getting a weightlifting platform or some crap. Ok one thing NO ONE ELSE there deadlifts anywhere near as us. Im talking within a hundred pounds. Another thing they will never get something conducive to lifting heavy. I have been working out at this base for like 7 years now and never seen them do anything to suggest they would.

Then Ben starts ranting to others about how its crap and basically saying FC employees are lazy and r good for nothing lol. Which is too damn true. We "cant" use chalk because its too hard for them to clean up for inspections.

Dude tells me to "tell my boy to chill because he is 5 minutes away from being kicked out." I just walk off and then he comes over and pulls Ben aside and talks to him. Ben said the guy wasnt all that bad. I know it had a lot to do with Ben's car having a nail in it plus he isnt 1 to keep his mouth shut. I just duck my head down and shut up letting things boil inside hoping the idiot shuts up before I lose it.


End up not using a belt till maxing. Wasnt too sure how it was going to go. Last week got 630 without a belt.

Here is the video of me trying 645 with a belt
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I wish I could embed it because I dont want to spoil a surprise yet


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thats fawking sick bro! im shooting for a PR on deads monday; wont be close to that.


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Damn. Your avatar doesn't do you justice!


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645 ... DAYUMMN!!! Looked like you were gonna make a career out of holding it too. lol


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But wait theres more!

Ok now for the HOLY SH!T FACTOR

After Ben pulled it with a little more struggle than me. I just calmly walked back over to the bar without the belt on and pulled 645 again!


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thats fawking sick bro! im shooting for a PR on deads monday; wont be close to that.
Thanks man. Dont worry I was DESIGNED to deadlift

Damn. Your avatar doesn't do you justice!
Haha thanks that avatar pic was from like April when I took Lindsey shooting. Was in the high 220s I think. Either on cycle or PCT from Turinabol LV. Im thinking PCT.

645 ... DAYUMMN!!! Looked like you were gonna make a career out of holding it too. lol
Lol it was light and felt good. The 2nd time I lifted it didnt hold it as long and my eyes went bloodshot like CRAZY. I mean I could feel them go bloodshot.


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You should have left the belt on and tried 650 or more just to say you did it and to get over the mental hump. Oh well, there's always next Monday!


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Lol it was light and felt good. The 2nd time I lifted it didnt hold it as long and my eyes went bloodshot like CRAZY. I mean I could feel them go bloodshot.
I'm surprised you didn't pop a blood vessel from the massive jump in BP!


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thats fawking sick bro! im shooting for a PR on deads monday; wont be close to that.
DEEEAAAAMN!!! Beast bro and you looked leaner in this deads vids then the squatting vid.


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bro im only on first day of test e but my nuts just shrunk

thats insane bro!!! keep killin that ****...

dudes in the back must of had the same thing happen to them too haha :lol:


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You should have left the belt on and tried 650 or more just to say you did it and to get over the mental hump. Oh well, there's always next Monday!
Honestly there is no mental hump for me on deadlifts. Just put a weight in front of me and I will lift it if my body is able.

I'm surprised you didn't pop a blood vessel from the massive jump in BP!
Haha thats what the support supps r for. Felt a little lightheaded but not too bad considering.

DEEEAAAAMN!!! Beast bro and you looked leaner in this deads vids then the squatting vid.
Like I said I pulled my shirt down just for that reason. My arms have been looking so much more vascular and defined. Getting into the shower takes longer these days lol.

bro im only on first day of test e but my nuts just shrunk

thats insane bro!!! keep killin that ****...

dudes in the back must of had the same thing happen to them too haha :lol:
Lol I was made to deadlift so thats what I do.

Man apparently I dont look scary enough because the FC guys seemed like they wanted to start something. Dont tell me there r other people lifting as much as me when I know there arent because I have looked.

nice video :) impressive.....
Thank ya. Glad u approve. When I did it a second time it wasnt as pretty but more hardcore without the belt.


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dang you were holding it so long i forgot how heavy it was.


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dang you were holding it so long i forgot how heavy it was.
I kind of wanted to prove a point oh ya and it was a really good part of the song :rofl:

Not sure how much I want to try next week. Def will be in PCT by then. Obviously 645 went up pretty easy. If I can get it twice in 1 workout Im pretty sure I can get more weight on the bar. Thinking 655 and possibly 665 if Im feeling crazy. One friend said 675 but that would just be reckless on my part.

My signature will be changing pretty soon :D


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damn tom you are up late. but anyway cool video, my back hurts thinking about it :p

and man that's some bullll**** at the gym, i can't stand it when people pussify the gym with that crap "no heavy lifting" "no slamming the weights" and WTF no chalk? They don't like cleaning chalk off the floor... well too ****ing bad, it's their job to keep that place clean. What panzy ****. My old gym was like that. Bunch of girly men. I pay a lot more to go to the gym I've been going to but it's worth it, there's space and equipment for hardcore lifting and even *OMG* sometimes people that are bigger and stronger than me.
I'm not one to roidrage but for me, someone interfering with my workout is like someone interfering with my food when I'm eating it, that is one sure way to piss me off.


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damn tom you are up late. but anyway cool video, my back hurts thinking about it :p

and man that's some bullll**** at the gym, i can't stand it when people pussify the gym with that crap "no heavy lifting" "no slamming the weights" and WTF no chalk? They don't like cleaning chalk off the floor... well too ****ing bad, it's their job to keep that place clean. What panzy ****. My old gym was like that. Bunch of girly men. I pay a lot more to go to the gym I've been going to but it's worth it, there's space and equipment for hardcore lifting and even *OMG* sometimes people that are bigger and stronger than me.
I'm not one to roidrage but for me, someone interfering with my workout is like someone interfering with my food when I'm eating it, that is one sure way to piss me off.
Haha Im always up late. I just broke through what I call the "sleep wall." If I stay up past a certain point of being sleepy I suddenly cant sleep.

But I guess it takes a video to get ur ass in my log lol. Today was destroy lower back day. Idk if I made this clear enough but I did 645 twice today. The video is of me doing it the 1st time and then after Ben got it I walked over and got it again this time without a belt on. Then we did lat pulldowns with a close grip row bar. Followed that up with hyperextensions with a nice twist to them. We would hold DBs in our hands and at the top of the ext do a lat fly used 20s and 25s. Then did some sets of underhand smith machine bb rows. Not my idea but Idk if I could have done reg bb rows the way my back felt.

The only reason y I dont complain more is the place is free. Oh and its a fitness center which they love to emphasis. I hear u though all the rules they have r so people dont get "offended" or the staff doesnt have to actually do work. Like they no longer play music(granted the sh1t sucked anyway) because people complained about the stations. If my lifting "offends or scares" u then stop being such a pussay. It isnt my fault u r afraid of a little weight. It really does suck being the strongest guys there sometimes. That isnt me being c0cky or anything but for the most part we are.

Ya it was just stupid. It honestly wouldnt have esculated like it did I dont think if Ben wasnt having a sh1tty day with his car. I wasnt saying all that much but the guy was pushing my buttons. It wasnt like the guy was even working at the time the dude was doing arms on a MONDAY.

I was going to wait but ahh wtf as of now Im the newest member of the Needto rep team. By the time people read this I wont be the newest one :rofl:


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I just want to give a shout out to perico13 somehow that mofo got in here on the 1st page and is still here after 21. I swear I dont remember seeing him before my log so either my log is really interesting or he is one cool ass dude. Just figured I would give props where they were due.

Oh and of course props to Coolazice because without him my log would have had to taken a break. Thanks to him my log didnt die. Thanks for ur help man.


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So apparently everyone I know IRL thinks I should compete. Even my old wrestling coach who was kind enough to make a height joke lol.

I guess I will be looking for competitions to enter. My big thing is getting sleep the night before.

Wow just did a search and apparently there is only 1 PL comp in GA the rest of the year WTF?


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Ok now for the HOLY SH!T FACTOR

After Ben pulled it with a little more struggle than me. I just calmly walked back over to the bar without the belt on and pulled 645 again!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Tom, you made that look too easy bro. No struggle at all. And I love the extended hold at the end. You should have shrugged it a few times like Johnnie Jackson for emphasis.

You look like you have a lot more in you. I think 700 is not out of the question.
Within 3 to 6 months for very sure.




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I kind of wanted to prove a point oh ya and it was a really good part of the song :rofl:

Not sure how much I want to try next week. Def will be in PCT by then. Obviously 645 went up pretty easy. If I can get it twice in 1 workout Im pretty sure I can get more weight on the bar. Thinking 655 and possibly 665 if Im feeling crazy. One friend said 675 but that would just be reckless on my part.

My signature will be changing pretty soon :D
:D:D Dude killer video bro. That's a damn good pull buddy :D


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:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Tom, you made that look too easy bro. No struggle at all. And I love the extended hold at the end. You should have shrugged it a few times like Johnnie Jackson for emphasis.

You look like you have a lot more in you. I think 700 is not out of the question.
Within 3 to 6 months for very sure.


Haha thanks man Im just trying to make sure u dont catch me.

Ya I am def peaking as far as strength goes for this cycle. Def benefitting from having someone who is can push me.

Oh ya and Id def rather have the Wolverine look as opposed to Beast lol.

:D:D Dude killer video bro. That's a damn good pull buddy :D
Thanks man 1 more week of videos and then I go back to being videoless. Might consider getting a video of chest tomorrow but it would be incline bb so ehh no real point.

Looks like u saw what Im talking about :veryhappy:

Oh and about the competition it turns out it is a tested one... so gay. My friend Jared who goes to UGA the one who put the idea of doing a PL comp a while back told me they had another girl join their little powerlifting team. Charolette is in a sorority and facking hot lol. They have another girl(Winter) on the team but she is weird and no lol. Charolette is doing the tested one so it could have been a chance to meet her.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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man I need to do more deads!!! Great vid my friend! just motivates the rest of us to try and play catch up!!


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I just want to give a shout out to perico13 somehow that mofo got in here on the 1st page and is still here after 21. I swear I dont remember seeing him before my log so either my log is really interesting or he is one cool ass dude. Just figured I would give props where they were due.

Oh and of course props to Coolazice because without him my log would have had to taken a break. Thanks to him my log didnt die. Thanks for ur help man.
No problem!!! :)


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So apparently everyone I know IRL thinks I should compete. Even my old wrestling coach who was kind enough to make a height joke lol.

I guess I will be looking for competitions to enter. My big thing is getting sleep the night before.

Wow just did a search and apparently there is only 1 PL comp in GA the rest of the year WTF?
Dude, you should. Then you could run like a, Road to The Olympia log, only it'll be more like a Road to the PL Competition. I think you have competition strength in the squats & deads as far as raw numbers.


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Dude, you should. Then you could run like a, Road to The Olympia log, only it'll be more like a Road to the PL Competition. I think you have competition strength in the squats & deads as far as raw numbers.
that would be great man!! just make sure its not tested :fing02: and if it is make sure you stop about 3months out haha :type:


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Yep, welcome brotha:D

man I need to do more deads!!! Great vid my friend! just motivates the rest of us to try and play catch up!!
Haha well I dont suggest too many try catching me too quick. I have always had a strong deadlift. Just something I was born to do.

No problem!!! :)
Well u def helped out.

Dude, you should. Then you could run like a, Road to The Olympia log, only it'll be more like a Road to the PL Competition. I think you have competition strength in the squats & deads as far as raw numbers.
Haha when I do a comp I will. Ya from the few comps I have seen I think so too. Hopefully get a 1600+ total by then.

that would be great man!! just make sure its not tested :fing02: and if it is make sure you stop about 3months out haha :type:
Ya the only 1 in GA the rest of this year is tested. So wanted to do that one. Read previous post y. Wont have 3 monthes before this one. Damn y does it have to be test?

So of course after saying I wouldnt talk to Lindsey I do :rant:


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that would be great man!! just make sure its not tested :fing02: and if it is make sure you stop about 3months out haha :type:
or one month out, but jugs of drinking vinegar


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Bumping this on to the next page.

Got a pic for the Asian/s later haha.


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U gotta love a good coach:
no PL competitions in GA the rest of the year

there are other states around

We are in the dead facking center of GA. Its easily 4 hours to get to another state in anyway which way.

Off to the fitness center to hit chest.


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I just want to give a shout out to perico13 somehow that mofo got in here on the 1st page and is still here after 21. I swear I dont remember seeing him before my log so either my log is really interesting or he is one cool ass dude. Just figured I would give props where they were due.

Oh and of course props to Coolazice because without him my log would have had to taken a break. Thanks to him my log didnt die. Thanks for ur help man.

bro all i can say is im glad i came along for the ride, and got to be a part of it. your a straight savage my friend like i said before your log has been nothing but inspiration for me. I mean im in the middle of a cut and you've got me motivated to go out and hit some PR's. im well over a 100lbs behind on your deads im max out tomorrow see where they stand, but on an other hand im right behind you on squats watch out cause im catch up soon :thumbsup:

keep killing it tom!


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You inspire :) keep going...


My bat **** story is.... well promise soon...every time I think of it I laugh....


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So I know Im def on my last leg of Tren and Derma. I honestly dont "feel" like Im on tren. Last time I got shut down HARD and was moody. Now I see something I like I look and want to facking pounce :rofl: Words flow when sometimes they shouldnt. Could it be I have some confidence naaaaa that cant be it. Still getting a bit moody but nothing too bad unless provoked.

Workout today was HEAVY chest.

Last time we did this I got 335 on incline bb. Today I got 350. So I know my 1 rep bench max is up lol. Thinking I could something like 365+ on flat fairly well.

Flat DB press 150*4, 6, 125*12
Incline DB flyes 50*10, 10 Real clean slow reps with an insane stretch
High cable flyes 70*12, 90*10, 110*8, 130*7, 150* was just too insanely hard to stand without being yanked back lol
Mid cable fly 40*20, 50*15, 60*10 These were done real slow working on the stretch and pump.

You inspire :) keep going...


My bat **** story is.... well promise soon...every time I think of it I laugh....
Thanks never thought I would do such a thing. PCT isnt going to be a let down either. It is going to be thorough as hell. Here r some that r in for sure clomid, HCGenerate by Needtobuildmuscle :), Erase by PES, and Toco-8. Something that could make its way into the PCT fun is Forma-Stanzol if I get lucky. Would be great for lowering prolactin levels after being on tren. Would basically replace Sustain Alpha in this PCT. I will still be adding SA to the boys that seems to be helping def notice a difference on days I do it and days I dont.

FUCCK! So apparently my quads arent the only muscles that decide to lock up on me. Chest is doing it but in its own way of course. Reaching across my triggers it. Obviously not as bad as having this happen in ur quads but still no fun. Doesnt really bother me but lets me know I will have to do plenty of opening up my chest tomorrow if I want to squat well.

The goal tomorrow is 550 on squat. So a guesstimated total would be 1580 lol. Thats with a 365 bench, 550 squat, and 665 deadlift. All of those numbers seem reasonable to me but I could just be bat sh1t crazy :veryhappy:


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A guy I know who powerlifts says he cant incline press 350 but his bench at a competition was 408. Now I know I havent been working on my flat bench but with some work Im sure I could get it up more. I must say this has been a very successful cycle.


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A guy I know who powerlifts says he cant incline press 350 but his bench at a competition was 408. Now I know I havent been working on my flat bench but with some work Im sure I could get it up more. I must say this has been a very successful cycle.
I know you can push more too if you concentrate on it. No doubt the cycle has been a huge success! Can't wait to see how the PCT goes too... looks interesting.


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A guy I know who powerlifts says he cant incline press 350 but his bench at a competition was 408. Now I know I havent been working on my flat bench but with some work Im sure I could get it up more. I must say this has been a very successful cycle.
I've gotten a 60% rep with 350 before, lol. I got it halfway off the chest but didn't have the triceps strength to finish the rep. I also got spotty vision and extremely light headed for a good few seconds. Now... mmm... not so much.


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I know you can push more too if you concentrate on it. No doubt the cycle has been a huge success! Can't wait to see how the PCT goes too... looks interesting.

^ x5 youll kill it for sure


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Alright folks, time to start a signature petition for Tom to get in a competition.

1. VolcomX311


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I know you can push more too if you concentrate on it. No doubt the cycle has been a huge success! Can't wait to see how the PCT goes too... looks interesting.
Haha well 350 on incline was def close to as much as I could get no doubt about it. Went down as far as I could go. Thanks man a lot of help from others to make this cycle what it has been. It will be a fun PCT and thats hard to do.

I've gotten a 60% rep with 350 before, lol. I got it halfway off the chest but didn't have the triceps strength to finish the rep. I also got spotty vision and extremely light headed for a good few seconds. Now... mmm... not so much.
Ya I was surprised when it went up honestly.

^ x5 youll kill it for sure
We shall see. Today trying to squat 550 and next week trying 665 on deadlifts.

Alright folks, time to start a signature petition for Tom to get in a competition.

1. VolcomX311
Lol u r a funny guy. The ONLY PL competition in GA for the rest of the year is of course tested. Old wrestling coach's response was "u got a car, there r other states" lol.

I wonder if yall can tell what this is :lol: 1 of yall better facking know



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Looks like some bomb ass Kimchi to me

I knew u wouldnt fail me my asian brothen. I swear there is only a handful of us on AM but I dont really count.

Today is the day 550 on squat and I will be going LOW. Not going to be any questions about my depth this time.


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350 on incline Tom! Damn, i envy you ;) Good luck on that 550 squat, i know you will not disappoint. video?


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So I am about to look like a big fat liar right now. No squat today. Ben says he isnt going to lift today. Im more than ready to lift today but wouldnt be able to get a video. So I will wait till tomorrow to squat and do shoulders on Friday. Sorry guys but this will give my back another day to recover from deadlifts anyway. I might go do arms by myself since I wont be doing them later this week.

350 on incline Tom! Damn, i envy you ;) Good luck on that 550 squat, i know you will not disappoint. video?
Btw just to clarify it wasnt a touch press but Mario said it was about half an inch away from touching. Getting stiff to the point where its hard to touch my chest. Need to work on my flexibility.


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Not a bad idea. I just got my USPlabs Modern BCAA's today, so I'm amped to go lift, but I'm waiting until tomorrow to squat for recovery reasons. I'm actually going to hit one of those cycling classes. I used to kill cardio at 190lbs, right now, I might sweat a donut out my head.


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Ok I lied again lol. I didnt go lift arms today. Took a nap and it was too good so I just stayed in bed. If I can get arms in on Friday I will otherwise who cares anyway.


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Ok in case people havent checked out the thread at the top of the page. Needto and MrSupps r giving away products for people to log. Here is a list of them:

5 bottles of Epi - Strong (Epistane)
5 Beastdrol (Superdrol)
5 Helladrol (Hdrol 180 PILLS!)
5 Dieselbolan v2.0 (Dymethazine and Max LMG)
5 Forma Stanzol (Formestane plus a nice list of other goodies)
5 Katanadrol v2.0 (Furazadrol)

and also close to 10 testers to help us do beta testing on our newest product. Chlorathoxy!!!
A topical 4-chlor(Hdrol) and 13-methyl-methoxy(Max LMG) product. Yes it will work and we will prove it...

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