Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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I got it lol; the problem is the random bozos who make first posts on here do not. Wanting internet strangers to assuage their second-guessing about playing God over their endocrine systems with substances of dubious legality and manufacturing standards (at best).

Hey do you guys think I should inject this bathtub-brewed oil into my ass? My bro said 2ml for 12 weeks is all I have to know. I’ve thought this through and I’m resolute. But also, is it worth it? And is Clomid a good PCT? Also I don’t want any side effects, please. Just looking to do one cycle to max out my genetic potential, then I’ll stop lifting weights or using gear and just have my muscles forever.


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Not to mention that I don't think I can loose the weight and get in shape in time. I'm 206 today, I'd have to drop 28lbs and I'm a little fluffy right now but I'm not 28 lb of fat fluffy lol
I'd have to starve some of the weight off and kinda waste away.

Which doesn't bother me because I know I can get it back in like 6 weeks. But I'd be going into this thing not in shape from a cardiovascular standpoint, and I'd be tired and weak feeling.

As usual I'm very undecided on what I want to do with everything but for the immediate future I'm just going to focus on doing the bench and after that I'll probably drop a few more pounds get back to about 190 or wherever weight I'm at when I like the way it looks and call reassess from there.

Just trying to have fun, because pretty soon I'm not going to have these little adventures anymore and my logs are going to suck. They're all going to be exactly the same bulking season cutting season bulking season cutting season bulking season. In a never-ending cycle.
That's the bodybuilding lifestyle bro...just think of all the crazy cycles and stacks you can come up with tho. You can be your own science experiment lol


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Hey do you guys think I should inject this bathtub-brewed oil into my ass? My bro said 2ml for 12 weeks is all I have to know. I’ve thought this through and I’m resolute. But also, is it worth it? And is Clomid a good PCT? Also I don’t want any side effects, please. Just looking to do one cycle to max out my genetic potential, then I’ll stop lifting weights or using gear and just have my muscles forever.

I read this and I swear I could hear your mocking-bro tone of voice in my head!

That was too good


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So here's some cool info I thought I would share, especially for the trt crowd not looking to add too much.

Talking with my buddy last night he went over all the experiments he's been doing with some stuff I gave him and we got some good early feedback that looks promising.

He's on trt, 120mg cyp per week and his testosterone levels are low 700's this was baseline.

I gave him injectable Carnitine from amino asylum and I also gave him injectable yk11 and igf lr3 both from MARESEARCHCHEMS

first bloods were taken after 2 weeks on 300mg Carnitine per day intramuscular.

Total testosterone was up 29 points and free testosterone 2 points, nothing else really changed.

Then he added 50mcg lr3 per day sub q for 2 weeks and igf score doubled and test and free t went up a couple more points but nothing really worth mentioning.

Here's were it gets crazy

He then dropped the igf and added 30mk yk per day.

At this point he's on 120 testosterone, 300 carnitine and he adds 30mg yk for 14 days.

Day 15, total testosterone is 1478 and free testosterone is off the chart. Even though we can't see what is free testosterone number was it had to have raised at least 46 points because that's where the chart tops off at.

Just basically means he doubled his free and total testosterone by adding 30 mg of yk11 for 2 weeks. Little to no change in e2

All the rest of his blood work looked the same pretty much igf levels were still elevated but they were closer to baseline and the only negative was it really screwed up his cholesterol, hdl 61, ldl 138.

Anyone have any suggestions on what's the next step in this experiment because we're looking to keep going with this stuff.

On a side note within 7 Days of using YK he noticed some tenderness in his knees ankles and elbows


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Very interesting, does yk have a much higher affinity for aromatase and shgb? I don't know too much about it.


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Wow, that’s really interesting. I had heard Carnitine and YK seem to have a positive effect on Test levels, but I’ve never seen where anyone had taken blood work. It’s interesting the Carnitine had raised Test 29 points, but after the YK was added it’s off the charts. I wonder if it’s the synergy between Carnitine and YK added to the Test or if YK raises Testosterone more than we realize, on its own when added to TRT.
I would be interested in knowing what just adding YK to TRT, without Carnitine, would produce by itself. Then you would know if it’s the synergy between the three compounds or YK just adds much more than originally thought all on its own.
I love experiments though, especially when you have good results.


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Very interesting, does yk have a much higher affinity for aromatase and shgb? I don't know too much about it.
That's the problem, there's not a lot of human studies done on YK, they're actually might not be any. But we know that YK is a partial agonist to the androgen receptor, and we also know that it's chemical structure is basically DHT. So from what I can understand, this explains the increase in free testosterone and it also explains why estrogen didn't go up even though testosterone went up. What I don't understand is how it doubled his testosterone levels on trt. Because if somebody was natural and they took yk11 it is not going to raise their testosterone levels. But apparently it will on testosterone.

Being a partial agonist, it seems to make sense to use YK in a scenario when there's not a lot of drugs involved because things like tren and other full agonists will kick YK off the receptor.

I don't want to talk too much on the subject because I don't fully understand this stuff. I mean I do understand how things work but I don't know how to properly put it into words so I don't want to say the wrong things and look like an idiot because my science lingo is not so great lol.

He's getting bloods again in 2 weeks.


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Yeah, keep us updated…..I’ve never tried YK, but very interested in the results, and the potential, as I’m on TRT, and getting an edge without doing a full blown cycle is very intriguing.


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Yeah, keep us updated…..I’ve never tried YK, but very interested in the results, and the potential, as I’m on TRT, and getting an edge without doing a full blown cycle is very intriguing.
We're looking to see how fast cholesterol goes back to normal and for also looking to see how long the total and free testosterone stay elevated.

If cholesterol levels go back to normal fairly quick and the other hormones stay elevated for a while I think it might be cool or worth experimenting more with to do like a week or two of yk11 and then take 2 to 3 weeks off, rinse and repeat and see what kind of progress he can make on that.

But obviously if cholesterol stays crappy and total test and free test dip off super quick then it would kind of defeat the purpose. Basically he was willing to do a bunch of blood work in exchange for some free supplements and we're screwing around with it. I had a couple bottles of these things lying around and just figured why not.

I'm actually overdue for blood work myself but I'm holding off until the end of October and then I'm going to drop back to trt through the winter. I was going to do these experiments myself but since he offered I figured I'll let someone else play guinea pig for once lol.


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Makes sense, my best guess would be it somehow effects aromatization with the test doubling, and the E2 staying the same, it would seem that a lot of the aromatase enzyme might be binding to something that does not produce much if any E2 and the test is being left alone to do it's thing. Of course the key word there would be guess.


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Makes sense, my best guess would be it somehow effects aromatization with the test doubling, and the E2 staying the same, it would seem that a lot of the aromatase enzyme might be binding to something that does not produce much if any E2 and the test is being left alone to do it's thing. Of course the key word there would be guess.
I'm going to see what I can dig up tonight about why k11, but as far as I know there isn't a ton of good information outside of the animal studies which I don't find as good information


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Makes sense, my best guess would be it somehow effects aromatization with the test doubling, and the E2 staying the same, it would seem that a lot of the aromatase enzyme might be binding to something that does not produce much if any E2 and the test is being left alone to do it's thing. Of course the key word there would be guess.
That is all I can think of as well. Aromatase entzyme not converting test to estro as much and thus leaving more test on system and lowering of SHBG unbounding estro and test to keep estro levels not much changed and unbounding more free test. Quite the phenomenom for the AI effect and unbounding of estro to have such an even impact, that estro levels didn't really change though, but yeah all I can come up with as well.


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Do you know the actual panel is he using to test his total testosterone? If it’s not LC-MS, other androgens like deca and Tren can falsely be reported back as testosterone. Not a stretch to think 210mg of Yk/wk would double “test” levels on the report if it’s being read as such by a cheaper panel.

Yk11 is a 19-Nor structure derivative, that seems to act most like a DHT derivative in practical effect, essentially the opposite of the Anadrol paradox. I have mentioned this to you several times now:



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Do you know the actual panel is he using to test his total testosterone? If it’s not LC-MS, other androgens like deca and Tren can falsely be reported back as testosterone. Not a stretch to think 210mg of Yk/wk would double “test” levels on the report if it’s being read as such by a cheaper panel.

Yk11 is a 19-Nor structure derivative, that seems to act most like a DHT derivative in practical effect, essentially the opposite of the Anadrol paradox. I have mentioned this to you several times now:

View attachment 222734
Good info…..I didn’t know that… it’s getting more and more interesting.


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@Hyde what is the abadrol paradox? Just curious. I just put in an order for some.


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Do you know the actual panel is he using to test his total testosterone? If it’s not LC-MS, other androgens like deca and Tren can falsely be reported back as testosterone. Not a stretch to think 210mg of Yk/wk would double “test” levels on the report if it’s being read as such by a cheaper panel.

Yk11 is a 19-Nor structure derivative, that seems to act most like a DHT derivative in practical effect, essentially the opposite of the Anadrol paradox. I have mentioned this to you several times now:

View attachment 222734
I do not know the name of the panel he's using but I can find out, but for whatever it's worth I know he's used other steroids and sarms in the past alongside of his trt and none of them have done this. If I'm not mistaken he's used EQ, mast, lgd and rad 140. I think there's another one but I can't think of it off the top of my head I have to ask him but none of those changes total testosterone numbers for him. I'm heading home to eat dinner right now and I'll give him a call afterwards


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By the way, this toenail finally fell off today LOL
Progress! Now you don't have to worry about it being ripped off accidentally. Crazy how fast they grow but how long it takes for them to grow back.


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Progress! Now you don't have to worry about it being ripped off accidentally. Crazy how fast they grow but how long it takes for them to grow back.
No clue, there's no nail at all there but it's not soft or tender. It's almost like a layer of skin already grew over where the nail was, maybe it did ant that's why it finally fell off.

Well gentlemen, and you too Hyde, looks like we're doing a toenail growth log lol.


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Jokes aside I was super short on time today so I hit the gym and did 6 sets of bench, 6 sets of flys, 6 sets of Tricep pressdown and 6 sets of side laterals.

I did all that, 24 total sets in 31min so rest had to be like 15-30sec tops Between sets.

After tricep pressdown I got a muscle spasm in both triceps at the same time, it made my arms go stiff as a board fully extended and drop my shaker cup and they lock that way for like 10 seconds before it released and I can stretch them out. I probably looked like a jackass lol.

Why am I telling you this, because when I do pump work for certain muscle groups I get spasms every time, and after sitting and thinking about it I realized it's always a small muscle groups. Specifically biceps, triceps, abs and calves.

Anyone know why this might happen?

Am I forcing in more blood then the muscle can hold?

I tried linking certain drugs to times it's happened but it's random.

Back earlier this year when I was doing a log for someone I kept getting spasms in biceps and abs. I was only on trt and there fat burner. Later during the summer I was on trt dose, sarms and Clen and it happened 1 time to triceps and almost every time I did direct abs work.

Now it's mostly arms and abs and I'm on 300t, 300-450eq (depending on if I forget a shot which I seem to forget at least once every 2 weeks) and I'm taking 50mg winni pre workout.

There's no link between certain drugs

I'm always hydrated I believe, 1.5 gallons of fluids most days

It's happened on cuts and bulks

Nutrient deficiencies maybe

I've been adding salt to meals so it's not sodium.

Stumped 🤔


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Jokes aside I was super short on time today so I hit the gym and did 6 sets of bench, 6 sets of flys, 6 sets of Tricep pressdown and 6 sets of side laterals.

I did all that, 24 total sets in 31min so rest had to be like 15-30sec tops Between sets.

After tricep pressdown I got a muscle spasm in both triceps at the same time, it made my arms go stiff as a board fully extended and drop my shaker cup and they lock that way for like 10 seconds before it released and I can stretch them out. I probably looked like a jackass lol.

Why am I telling you this, because when I do pump work for certain muscle groups I get spasms every time, and after sitting and thinking about it I realized it's always a small muscle groups. Specifically biceps, triceps, abs and calves.

Anyone know why this might happen?

Am I forcing in more blood then the muscle can hold?

I tried linking certain drugs to times it's happened but it's random.

Back earlier this year when I was doing a log for someone I kept getting spasms in biceps and abs. I was only on trt and there fat burner. Later during the summer I was on trt dose, sarms and Clen and it happened 1 time to triceps and almost every time I did direct abs work.

Now it's mostly arms and abs and I'm on 300t, 300-450eq (depending on if I forget a shot which I seem to forget at least once every 2 weeks) and I'm taking 50mg winni pre workout.

There's no link between certain drugs

I'm always hydrated I believe, 1.5 gallons of fluids most days

It's happened on cuts and bulks

Nutrient deficiencies maybe

I've been adding salt to meals so it's not sodium.

Stumped 🤔
Weird mines abs and hams


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@Hyde what is the abadrol paradox? Just curious. I just put in an order for some.
Anadrol structurally is a DHT derivative, but in many ways acts more like 19-Nor derivatives with the extra fluid retention, volumization, some stimulation of the progesterone receptors.

Jokes aside I was super short on time today so I hit the gym and did 6 sets of bench, 6 sets of flys, 6 sets of Tricep pressdown and 6 sets of side laterals.

I did all that, 24 total sets in 31min so rest had to be like 15-30sec tops Between sets.

After tricep pressdown I got a muscle spasm in both triceps at the same time, it made my arms go stiff as a board fully extended and drop my shaker cup and they lock that way for like 10 seconds before it released and I can stretch them out. I probably looked like a jackass lol.

Why am I telling you this, because when I do pump work for certain muscle groups I get spasms every time, and after sitting and thinking about it I realized it's always a small muscle groups. Specifically biceps, triceps, abs and calves.

Anyone know why this might happen?

Am I forcing in more blood then the muscle can hold?

I tried linking certain drugs to times it's happened but it's random.

Back earlier this year when I was doing a log for someone I kept getting spasms in biceps and abs. I was only on trt and there fat burner. Later during the summer I was on trt dose, sarms and Clen and it happened 1 time to triceps and almost every time I did direct abs work.

Now it's mostly arms and abs and I'm on 300t, 300-450eq (depending on if I forget a shot which I seem to forget at least once every 2 weeks) and I'm taking 50mg winni pre workout.

There's no link between certain drugs

I'm always hydrated I believe, 1.5 gallons of fluids most days

It's happened on cuts and bulks

Nutrient deficiencies maybe

I've been adding salt to meals so it's not sodium.

I still believe it likely to be an electrolyte imbalance. If you are consuming that much water, and likely sweating as much as I’d expect for a man of your activity level, I would think you need more sodium than you probably realize. It takes a massive amount of sodium for me to avoid cramping from that higher volume isolation type work, as long as I’m on Telmisartan and a blast.

If I am not using my ARB on a blast, I can get away with much less sodium because I will retain way more salt from the angiotensin receptor stimulation from the elevated AAS. But, in either case, if I find I’m cramping then increasing periworkout sodium further generally resolves the issue.

Adding a cap of magnesium preWO could be something to try first though, since that’s necessary for the muscles to relax.


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But if you are training really hard & high volume, like a John Meadows routine done with intent, there’s going to be a certain amount of post-training cramping that will probably be unavoidable. I’m specifically talking about cramps in the gym.


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Anadrol structurally is a DHT derivative, but in many ways acts more like 19-Nor derivatives with the extra fluid retention, volumization, some stimulation of the progesterone receptors.

I still believe it likely to be an electrolyte imbalance. If you are consuming that much water, and likely sweating as much as I’d expect for a man of your activity level, I would think you need more sodium than you probably realize. It takes a massive amount of sodium for me to avoid cramping from that higher volume isolation type work, as long as I’m on Telmisartan and a blast.

If I am not using my ARB on a blast, I can get away with much less sodium because I will retain way more salt from the angiotensin receptor stimulation from the elevated AAS. But, in either case, if I find I’m cramping then increasing periworkout sodium further generally resolves the issue.

Adding a cap of magnesium preWO could be something to try first though, since that’s necessary for the muscles to relax.
So I normally take my magnesium product before bed, I could switch it up. I also have a ARB but haven't been using it.

Also, here's the weird thing, the abs are definitely cramping. But the other muscles I wouldn't call it a cramp. They literally lock up. Like they contract as hard as they can and I can't release them for a few seconds.


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But if you are training really hard & high volume, like a John Meadows routine done with intent, there’s going to be a certain amount of post-training cramping that will probably be unavoidable. I’m specifically talking about cramps in the gym.
I'm also not training hard at all in my opinion. Yesterday was a lot of volume in a short period of time so I guess that was pretty hard.

Idk, maybe because I'm use to the boxing stuff which I find hard I don't consider the lifting hard but it actually is.

Il start with the magnesium switch and then ARB if necessary


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I smashed my thumb way back in April and it fell off and regrew but it’s still not 100% normal looking yet
Damn, like 6 months! At least mine is my foot where I don't gotta look at it lol


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16 days to go. Today's weight is 205.0

I was wondering what you guys think.

Does it make sense for me to incrementally drop down to 198 over the course of the next two weeks leading into the competition or does it make more sense for me to just chill eat at maintenance and then sweat it out the day before.

I can drop 7 to 10 lb with a sauna suit and 24-48 hours no problem


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16 days to go. Today's weight is 205.0

I was wondering what you guys think.

Does it make sense for me to incrementally drop down to 198 over the course of the next two weeks leading into the competition or does it make more sense for me to just chill eat at maintenance and then sweat it out the day before.

I can drop 7 to 10 lb with a sauna suit and 24-48 hours no problem
I would incrementally drop down that way you know you'll be at your goal wait instead of a 48 hour crash which I know will spike the sh.t outta cortisol levels. For competition purposes I couldn't imagine dropping weight like that abd then being able to perform at an optimal level imo I'm curious as to @Hyde Answer as he is the most knowledgeable in our group of bros when it comes to this kind of stuff


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I would incrementally drop down that way you know you'll be at your goal wait instead of a 48 hour crash which I know will spike the sh.t outta cortisol levels. For competition purposes I couldn't imagine dropping weight like that abd then being able to perform at an optimal level imo I'm curious as to @Hyde Answer as he is the most knowledgeable in our group of bros when it comes to this kind of stuff
I'm interested to hear too. My thoughts are loosing weight up to the day means I spend the next 16 days in a caloric defect, strength is not optimal in a caloric defect.

But if I suck the water weight 48 hours before I am not in a defect for the next two weeks and I only have to spend two days with my calories a little bit lower while sweating out water weight. I just don't know which way we'll have the bigger negative impact


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I'm also not training hard at all in my opinion. Yesterday was a lot of volume in a short period of time so I guess that was pretty hard.

Idk, maybe because I'm use to the boxing stuff which I find hard I don't consider the lifting hard but it actually is.

Il start with the magnesium switch and then ARB if necessary
The ARB would actually make it worse; because it prevents AAS-induced sodium retention you will need much more sodium to stay hydrated if you need to introduce it due to BP concerns.

16 days to go. Today's weight is 205.0

I was wondering what you guys think.

Does it make sense for me to incrementally drop down to 198 over the course of the next two weeks leading into the competition or does it make more sense for me to just chill eat at maintenance and then sweat it out the day before.

I can drop 7 to 10 lb with a sauna suit and 24-48 hours no problem
Whatever water you can comfortably cut in a 20-24hr period of fasting with little to no water is the amount you should stay over weight. You will be strongest at your biggest, PROVIDED you can get the weight off in that relatively small window AND can get it all back on and filled out to the correct places.

The longer you experience dehydration, the greater risk to performance from accumulated fatigue. The larger % of bodyweight you watercut, the greater the odds you don’t fill out properly even if you get scale weight back completely.

For these reasons, 20-24 hours of dehydration tends to be a time range that doesn’t really affect most lifters, and 7% bodyweight (~15lbs in your case) is something you should definitely expect to fill out properly without the aid of IV therapy for rehydration. When you get up around that 10% bodyweight mark, you better have an IV service at the ready if you want to get your pressing strength back. Higher the % cut and longer the dehydration, greater the risk for severe complications like kidney damage, arrhythmia, strokes.

I can get an easy 8lbs off just by pulling carbs 3 days out, lowering sodium, then cutting it off for the last day drinking water and drinking only distilled water. Then fasting the last 20-24 hours, shutting water off at 16-24 hours out, is worth another 5 usually. From there, you will need cycles of hot baths smeared in Albolene, or if that’s unavailable then sauna time is a more taxing/less effective way to do the sweating cycles. Either must be done with a competent partner present to ensure you stay conscious, and who knows when to pull the plug to prevent accidental DEATH.

If you set up your water load/cut in the days prior to the weighin so that you avoid any sweating cycles, you can basically guarantee zero risk to performance impact with just the water/carb manipulation and fast the day prior. And if you need to sweat a couple lbs off in the sauna, that will be fine too, but you’d want to do that as close to the weighin as possible.


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@Hyde knows that stuff way better than me. However it is just a gym thing, are they actually doing weigh ins the day or night before? If not weighing in with several hours to fill back up and get electrolytes right then I would gradually get down to the weight you need to be ahead of time so you are not dehydrated or have an electrolyte imbalance during the comp. No use in cutting the weight if you don't have time to correct it.

Also if using the baths I don't know what Albolene is and will have to look at that but a really hot bath with a lot of epsom salt will do a good job. The added salt in the water pulls the water out of your body more so than just sweating from the heat. I am sure it is not as good as albolene since Hyde mentioned it and is more schooled on the subject for sure but it is another option I prefer over a sauna for sure.


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@Hyde knows that stuff way better than me. However it is just a gym thing, are they actually doing weigh ins the day or night before? If not weighing in with several hours to fill back up and get electrolytes right then I would gradually get down to the weight you need to be ahead of time so you are not dehydrated or have an electrolyte imbalance during the comp. No use in cutting the weight if you don't have time to correct it.

Also if using the baths I don't know what Albolene is and will have to look at that but a really hot bath with a lot of epsom salt will do a good job. The added salt in the water pulls the water out of your body more so than just sweating from the heat. I am sure it is not as good as albolene since Hyde mentioned it and is more schooled on the subject for sure but it is another option I prefer over a sauna for sure.
Good catch. We always use lots of epsom salt, a small bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and hot water for the baths.

Albolene is a brand name of a make up removal product that fighters have used for a very long time to induce excess sweating by spreading it all over your body. It will remain on the skin while still taking the hot bath. You basically stay in the bath as long as you can, then when you get out it’s important to scrape the body dry (we use an old credit card) so any water and sweat is not pressed back into the skin - when you get sufficiently dehydrated, if you towel dry the body will begin to re-absorb water through the skin.


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Good catch. We always use lots of epsom salt, a small bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and hot water for the baths.

Albolene is a brand name of a make up removal product that fighters have used for a very long time to induce excess sweating by spreading it all over your body. It will remain on the skin while still taking the hot bath. You basically stay in the bath as long as you can, then when you get out it’s important to scrape the body dry (we use an old credit card) so any water and sweat is not pressed back into the skin - when you get sufficiently dehydrated, if you towel dry the body will begin to re-absorb water through the skin.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention the closing portion of my bathtub process. Pat dry after the shower then wipe off with rubbing alcohol to close the pores so they do not absorb moisture. According to the write up after having that much water pulled out your skin will actually try to absorb moisture from the air. So the astringent effect limits that. If I remember correctly the write up specified green rubbing alcohol but I have always used regular rubbing alcohol. Then if late in the evening put on some clothes comfy enough to sleep in go to bed and lay under your blanket and wake up a a couple pounds lighter than you lost in the bathtub.


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Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention the closing portion of my bathtub process. Pat dry after the shower then wipe off with rubbing alcohol to close the pores so they do not absorb moisture. According to the write up after having that much water pulled out your skin will actually try to absorb moisture from the air. So the astringent effect limits that. If I remember correctly the write up specified green rubbing alcohol but I have always used regular rubbing alcohol. Then if late in the evening put on some clothes comfy enough to sleep in go to bed and lay under your blanket and wake up a a couple pounds lighter than you lost in the bathtub.
That’s why we always add the alcohol to the bath; it does help but like you said we don’t use the green. The menthol smell is nice, but when you are that dehydrated the warm menthol vapor wafting off the hot water can be unbearable unfortunately. You don’t smell the plain alcohol the same way; it’s not a fume issue but rather a scent one that just makes it harder to stay in the tub.

Thought we were going to get a nice puke out my wife when we tried the green, but when there’s nothing to puke up you just wretch for nothing and risk an ab cramp.



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The ARB would actually make it worse; because it prevents AAS-induced sodium retention you will need much more sodium to stay hydrated if you need to introduce it due to BP concerns.

Whatever water you can comfortably cut in a 20-24hr period of fasting with little to no water is the amount you should stay over weight. You will be strongest at your biggest, PROVIDED you can get the weight off in that relatively small window AND can get it all back on and filled out to the correct places.

The longer you experience dehydration, the greater risk to performance from accumulated fatigue. The larger % of bodyweight you watercut, the greater the odds you don’t fill out properly even if you get scale weight back completely.

For these reasons, 20-24 hours of dehydration tends to be a time range that doesn’t really affect most lifters, and 7% bodyweight (~15lbs in your case) is something you should definitely expect to fill out properly without the aid of IV therapy for rehydration. When you get up around that 10% bodyweight mark, you better have an IV service at the ready if you want to get your pressing strength back. Higher the % cut and longer the dehydration, greater the risk for severe complications like kidney damage, arrhythmia, strokes.

I can get an easy 8lbs off just by pulling carbs 3 days out, lowering sodium, then cutting it off for the last day drinking water and drinking only distilled water. Then fasting the last 20-24 hours, shutting water off at 16-24 hours out, is worth another 5 usually. From there, you will need cycles of hot baths smeared in Albolene, or if that’s unavailable then sauna time is a more taxing/less effective way to do the sweating cycles. Either must be done with a competent partner present to ensure you stay conscious, and who knows when to pull the plug to prevent accidental DEATH.

If you set up your water load/cut in the days prior to the weighin so that you avoid any sweating cycles, you can basically guarantee zero risk to performance impact with just the water/carb manipulation and fast the day prior. And if you need to sweat a couple lbs off in the sauna, that will be fine too, but you’d want to do that as close to the weighin as possible.
Jesus Christ @Hyde That sounds insane af. I mean it's Hella cool that athletes abd coaches can manipulate physiology like that ( it's one of the main reasons I got into bodybuilding) but that's way too crazy for me. And here I wa s thinking I was hard-core because I've used hydrochlorothiazide lol


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Jesus Christ @Hyde That sounds insane af. I mean it's Hella cool that athletes abd coaches can manipulate physiology like that ( it's one of the main reasons I got into bodybuilding) but that's way too crazy for me. And here I wa s thinking I was hard-core because I've used hydrochlorothiazide lol
Welcome to the world of high performance. Nobody said it would be easy

Anyone looking for the real scoop on making weight as skillfully, efficiently, & with the lowest impact to performance (with great potential to actually increase game day performance via glycogen storage super-compensation) should read the series of articles:

“Secrets of Bodyweight Manipulation for Competitive Sport” by JM Blakley

Good luck finding the actual book, but all of the series can be found on the Deszo Ban blog above.


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Welcome to the world of high performance. Nobody said it would be easy

Anyone looking for the real scoop on making weight as skillfully, efficiently, & with the lowest impact to performance (with great potential to actually increase game day performance via glycogen storage super-compensation) should read the series of articles:

“Secrets of Bodyweight Manipulation for Competitive Sport” by JM Blakley

Good luck finding the actual book, but all of the series can be found on the Deszo Ban blog above.
You can't find any of the classics anymore. I would do anything to have an actual copy of big beyond belief by Leo Costa (I think ) but I know that's the title. Would love to run that program with the knowledge I have of gear and nutrition now


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You can't find any of the classics anymore. I would do anything to have an actual copy of big beyond belief by Leo Costa (I think ) but I know that's the title. Would love to run that program with the knowledge I have of gear and nutrition now
It is Leo Costa, and is a good book.👍
Amazon has the paperback for $75…..


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Good catch. We always use lots of epsom salt, a small bottle of isopropyl alcohol, and hot water for the baths.

Albolene is a brand name of a make up removal product that fighters have used for a very long time to induce excess sweating by spreading it all over your body. It will remain on the skin while still taking the hot bath. You basically stay in the bath as long as you can, then when you get out it’s important to scrape the body dry (we use an old credit card) so any water and sweat is not pressed back into the skin - when you get sufficiently dehydrated, if you towel dry the body will begin to re-absorb water through the skin.
You think it's worth trying a trial run of this before doing it the day before comp to see how it makes you feel or see how much it drops?


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When this is over I wanna spend one day on the JM Blakely bulking diet just to see if I can do it lol

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