Training Log


May 16th

Seated Overhead Press - Close Grip
135 x 10
170 x 10
175 x 10
180 x 10

Dumbell French Press
50 x 12
50 x 12
45 x 15
45 x 15

Dumbell Rear Delt Flye - Low Incline
50 x 15
50 x 15
50 x 15

Tricep Pushdown - Straight Bar
160 x 30
160 x 30

Tricep Pushdown - Rope
160 x 20
160 x 20
160 x 20
May 17th

Sumo Block Pull - Right Below Kneecap

Beltless Raw Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out @ 55%
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5

Lying Leg Curl
150 x 15
160 x 12
170 x 12
180 x 10

Seated Leg Curl
100 x 20
100 x 20
100 x 20
May 19th

Bench Press - Paused
135 x 10
225 x 20
225 x 20

Seated Overhead Press - Close Grip
135 x 3
175 x 10
180 x 10
185 x 10

Dumbbell French Press
60 x 8
60 x 8
60 x 8

Incline Press - Plate Loaded
225 x 15
315 x 12
315 x 12

Sitting Face Pull - Rope
160 x 20
160 x 20
May 20th
Sumo Deadlift - Touch and Go
135 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 2
405 x 1
495 x 1
595 x 7 (Plate Slide Off)
595 x 5 (Gassed)

Barbell Row - Cheat
315 x 15
365 x 5
405 x 10

Dumbell Row
110 x 15
120 x 12
130 x 12
May 25th
Conventional Deadlift - 2" Deficit
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 5
475 x 3
525 x 11

Barbell Row
315 x 6
365 x 6
385 x 6

Dumbell Row
110 x 20
110 x 20
110 x 20
May 23
Bench Press - Paused
135 x 5
225 x 4
255 x 4
275 x 2
335 x 5
335 x 5
335 x 5

Seated Overhead Press - Close Grip
135 x 3
175 x 3
190 x 11
185 x 11

Incline Bench - Dumbbell
50 x 8
60 x 8
70 x 8

Plate Loaded Incline Press
315 x 8
365 x 8
405 x 8

Sitting Cable Face Pull
170 x 20
170 x 20

Note: This session was 2 days ago. I forgot to log.
May 28th
Beltless Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out
135 x 5
225 x 2
315 x 2
365 x 1
425 x 8 / RIR 4

Leg Press
605 x 15
705 x 15

Barbell Hyperextension
285 x 12
300 x 10
May 27th
Paused Bench Press
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
285 x 5
320 x 1
340 x 5 RIR 2

Note: This was the session from the night before.
May 30th

Beltless Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 2
405 x 1
450 x 6 RIR 3

Barbell Row - Body English Involved
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 24
315 x 19

Standing Single Leg Curl
3 x 60 x 15

Seated Leg Curl
110 x 8
130 x 8
150 x 8
170 x 8
June 8th (Missed a week of logging)

Beltless Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out
135 x 2
225 x 2
315 x 2
385 x 2
425 x 2
460 x 7 RIR 3

Yates BB Row
225 x 5
300 x 20
340 x 20

Leg Press - Deadlift Stance
725 x 12

Barbell Hyperextension
135 x 2
225 x 2
260 x 2
290 x 12

Barbell Skullcrusher
135 x 12
135 x 12
140 x 8

Overhead Press - Seated BTN
165 x 15
170 x 10

Dumbell - Rear Delt Flye @ Incline
2 Sets of 25 Reps

3 Sets of 14 Reps
Beltless Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out
3 x 135 x 3
225 x 2
315 x 2
385 x 2
425 x 2
470 x 7 RIR 2

Leg Press - Single Leg (Conv DL Stance)
4 x 225 x 8

Glute Press Machine
3 x 200 x 10

Cable Pullthrough
3 x 220 x 15
June 12th

Beltless Squat - Close Stance, Toes Out
2 x 135 x 6
2 x 225 x 6
315 x 2
395 x 2
435 x 2
480 x 7 RIR 1

Beltless Squat - Regular Stance, Paused
5 x 315 x 4

Leg Press - Single Leg (Conv DL Stance)
2 x 275 x 8

3 x BW x 20

Barbell Skullcrusher / JM Press
95 x 5
115 x 5
145 x 10
145 x 8

Seated BTN Press
135 x 5
170 x 18
180 x 8

Pushups (Bench Width Grip)
3 x BW x 41

Pullups ( Deadlift Width Grip)
2 x BW x 18
I’m in!

Do you have one of those fancy seated overhead press racks where you can unrack the barbell over your head, or do you have to pull an adjustable bench up to the power rack?
I’m in!

Do you have one of those fancy seated overhead press racks where you can unrack the barbell over your head, or do you have to pull an adjustable bench up to the power rack?

Both. Usually I do it from the seated racks, its designed very well, well enough that I can unrack the bar myself even with something like 225 loaded on. It's terrible for Behind The Neck Pressing though, the seat doesn't go far enough forward.

I injured the ligaments around my pec and anterior delt a few weeks ago (my best guess), so I've been doing BTN Presses in the Power Rack.
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Both. Usually I do it from the seated racks, its designed very well, well enough that I can unrack the bar myself even with something like 225 loaded on. It's terrible for Behind The Neck Pressing though, the seat doesn't go far enough forward.

I injured the ligaments around my pec and anterior delt a few weeks ago (my best guess), so I've been doing BTN Presses in the Power Rack.

Yep, I know exactly what you mean. Those racks are great for front pressing, but they aren’t built for behind (unless they have those trick jcups that swing back when you unrack).

Sucks about the strain; hopefully it bounces back in a month or so.
Yep, I know exactly what you mean. Those racks are great for front pressing, but they aren’t built for behind (unless they have those trick jcups that swing back when you unrack).

Sucks about the strain; hopefully it bounces back in a month or so.

Appreciate it. I had some numbers I wanted to hit on my Bench but that put a stop to it lol. This training cycle was focused on bringing up my weaknesses. It still has me beat to ****, haven't logged a lot of it except the end here

I'm taking a week off and deloading the following week before I start to do some periodization again, hope it does my body some good.
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Appreciate it. I had some numbers I wanted to hit on my Bench but that put a stop to it lol. This training cycle was focused on bringing up my weaknesses. It still has me beat to ****, haven't logged a lot of it except the end here

I'm taking a week off and deloading the following week before I start to do some periodization again, hope it does my body some good.

Yeah you can only push so long before you have to wave it back and start ramping back up steadily.

Ironically, when you start strength training you have to learn to work so much harder than you ever have…then as years pass you have to spend most of your time learning how to NOT work as hard as possible in order to try to minimize injury but keep the ball rolling.
June 22

Paused Bench Press
5 x 135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
2 x 225 x 12

Incline Dumbell Bench
2 x 50 x 25

Plate Loaded Incline Press
2 x 225 x 15

Single Arm Lateral Raise
25 x 15
20 x 18
15 x 20

Lateral Raise Machine
2 x 70 x 20
How did the light benching feel on the shoulder/pec?

A bit stumped, if anything. There's no more Pec Pain to note, there's not much Labrum Pain either, I had the tiniest bit of tightness and discomfort after the 2 sets there. It's all situated in my upper-ish inner bicep, right in the middle, and only on the Pushing motion of my Bench and Incline Pressing, not on the lowering. It's not painful but noticable.

Interesting to note, no pain on my Incline Dumbell Bench, I do these with an angled (not quite neutral) grip. Seems to be taking the stress off something.
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June 24

Beltless Conventional Deadlift - 2.25" Deficit
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
2 x 405 x 8

Beltess 1s Paused Squat - Narrow High Bar Stance
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
395 x 5

2s Paused Bench Press
135 x 5
225 x 5
2 x 275 x 5
July 10th

Conventional Deadlift Beltless - 2.25 Inch Deficit
135 x 5
225 x 4
315 x 3
405 x 2
495 x 1
585 x 2

Barbell Row
315 x 10
355 x 10

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip 100% Raw
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5

Behind The Neck Press - Seated
135 x 15
155 x 12
170 x 12

Had a lot going on and I forgot to log the last couple weeks. Starting up a new training cycle. Shoulder is healed up.
Strong session, and glad to hear shoulder feels good again. Why do you structure the exercise order how you did - to prioritize the back performance?
Strong session, and glad to hear shoulder feels good again. Why do you structure the exercise order how you did - to prioritize the back performance?

Alot of factors. What you pointed out is the main one, it's also why I enjoy topset training, easier for me to go all out for a set or two. I never have the energy to do any type of back down sets after. I just make up the volume on a different day if I feel recovered enough. Also saves me time and I train less.

I also like doing it as a way to pre-exhaust in the non traditional sense, makes benching harder, obviously. So when I come in after a couple days of rest and it's bench focused, always feels easier.
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July 12th

Beltless Paused Squat - High Bar Narrow Stance
135 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
385 x 5 RIR 5

3 x BW x 20

Seated Leg Curl
110 x 8
130 x 8
150 x 8

Standing Leg Curl
60 x 8
70 x 8
80 x 8
July 13th

Barbell Skullcrusher
45 x 20
95 x 12
115 x 10
3 x 135 x 12

Seated BTN Press
145 x 15
165 x 12
185 x 10

Single Arm Lateral Raise - Lean Into Wall
3 x 20 x 15

Tricep Rope Pushdown
2 x 100 x 25
July 15th

Paused Beltless Squat - Narrow Stance
2 x 135 x 10
225 x 4
315 x 4
370 x 5

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 12
250 x 10
July 17th

Conventional Deadlift - 2.25" Deficit
225 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 4
315 x 3
405 x 2
405 x 1
495 x 1

Lat Pulldown - Wide Neutral Grip
140 x 8
220 x 8
3 x 250 x 10

Rack Pull From Knee Height
315 x 5
405 x 5
500 x 5
3 x 585 x 5

DB Row
3 x 110 x 20

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
260 x 5
3 x 275 x 5
July 19th

Paused Squat Beltless - Narrow Stance
135 x 5
225 x 4
315 x 2
365 x 1
405 x 5 RIR 3

Power Squat - Plate Loaded Machine
185 x 8
275 x 8
365 x 8
455 x 8
545 x 8
585 x 8
July 20th

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
255 x 5
2 x 285 x 5 RIR 4

Barbell Skullcrusher - Close Bench Press Grip
115 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 10
145 x 10

Reverse Curl
25 x 12
50 x 12
85 x 10
3 x 120 x 8

Lateral Single Arm Shoulder Raise - Lean Into Wall
2 x 25 x 18
July 21st

Beltless Squat - Mini Purple Reverse Band (40 lbs
135 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
405 x 1
405 x 1
500 x 1
500 x 1
550 x 1
585 x 1
605 x 1

Conventional Deadlift - Beltless 6" Block Pull
315 x 3
405 x 3
500 x 3
585 x 2
625 x 2
660 x 1

Barbell Row
315 x 6
365 x 6
385 x 6

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 8
225 x 2
275 x 2
3 x 315 x 1
2 x 280 x 6

Stuff I don't normally do, sometimes it's good to just have fun with ****, which is what today was
Looks like a great day of lifting!

Definitely fun , it's been awhile since I've had 585+ on my back for a squat, the most ever without wearing wraps, felt weird and i misgrooved alot, 405 felt hard then 500 was easy, 550 felt hard but then 585 felt better... The reverse bands felt a lot like my wraps right out of the hole
Definitely fun , it's been awhile since I've had 585+ on my back for a squat, the most ever without wearing wraps, felt weird and i misgrooved alot, 405 felt hard then 500 was easy, 550 felt hard but then 585 felt better... The reverse bands felt a lot like my wraps right out of the hole

Yeah, I used to peak my squat years back by working up with a thicker reverse band, and then as I moved through the peak would use progressively smaller reverse bands over the weeks. Like taking a similar weight with a light/monster mini/miniband/deload/contest.

This can be good if you need to build confidence, or just more specific heavy comp squat exposure without getting completely wrecked.
July 23rd
3 Days Ago

Paused Beltless Squat - Narrow Stance
135 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 4
225 x 4
315 x 4
365 x 2
415 x 5 RIR 3

2 x BW x 25

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 5
225 x 4
275 x 3
285 x 5 RIR 3

Seated Leg Curl
110 x 8
150 x 8
170 x 8

Standing Single Leg Curl
70 x 8
3 x 80 x 10

Forgot to log.
July 26th

Barbell Skullcrusher
45 x 10
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 10
150 x 10
100 x 20

Incline DB Flye
65 x 8
75 x 8
3 x 85 x 10

Single Arm DB Lateral Raise - Lean Into Wall
3 x 30 x 18

Seated BTN Press
135 x 12
165 x 10
190 x 8
July 28th
2 Days Ago

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 4
185 x 4
225 x 4
265 x 4
3 x 295 x 5

Hammer strength Incline Press
1 pps x 8
2 pps x 8
3 pps x 8
4 pps 3 x 10
2 pps x AMRAP
July 30th

Paused Beltless Squat - Narrow Stance
135 x 6
225 x 5
315 x 4
365 x 2
405 x 1
430 x 5 RIR 2

Pete Rubish Barbell Hyperextension
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
2 x 315 x 8

First time I weighed myself a little over a month or so. Got a little lighter, coming in at 215 from 223
That’s a big drop if you didn’t mean it, 8lbs!

I always liked those Rubish Raises; you can really load them up and it just feels like it’s working you well. If you have access to a GHR, doing them on that (Hatfield Raises) can fix if you feel like you want more ROM with full size plates.
That’s a big drop if you didn’t mean it, 8lbs!

I always liked those Rubish Raises; you can really load them up and it just feels like it’s working you well. If you have access to a GHR, doing them on that (Hatfield Raises) can fix if you feel like you want more ROM with full size plates.

Yeah I didn't mean too , I'm pretty terrible with nutrition , most days I don't have an appetite. I don't bother with weighing in too much anymore , I've found judging my performance and strength in the gym is a better indicator if I need to up the food or not , it's helped me not get too crazy with the bulking and cutting like I used to do

And, I absolutely love Rubish Raises. 100% a necessary accessory for my deadlift and squat, if I stop doing them my strength starts going down. It's very underrated and I have had so many gym guys ask me what I'm doing lol. I do have a gym with a GHR, I've been planning on adding weight to that eventually, wanting to hit some BW goals first.
July 31st

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
5 x 135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 4
245 x 2
2 x 275 x 5 RIR 3

Barbell Row
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
405 x 5 RIR 3

Dumbell Row
2 x 110 x 15
August 1st

Zercher Squat - Pins Set At Parallel
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 1
405 x 1 RIR 6-7

First time ever doing this. It was fun. I can see why it'd be hard to get carried away on this especially if you've already built up a good strength base. Forearms killing me.
August 1st

Zercher Squat - Pins Set At Parallel
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 1
405 x 1 RIR 6-7

First time ever doing this. It was fun. I can see why it'd be hard to get carried away on this especially if you've already built up a good strength base. Forearms killing me.

I can’t bend my left arm enough anymore to do them (I’ve tried), but I remember messing with them about 10 years ago when they were going through one of their niche popularity waves. They are a lot of fun. I remember doing a 365 zercher deadlift from the floor, round back and all, when I could only pull high 400s - you can do more than you’d guess on them, but at what cost? Guy here hit 585 taken from the rack when his raw SSB squat was back around 700 or so, so similar percentage showing you should be looking for ~80% potential probably.

First time I ever saw them, a local strongman was doing them holding a length of chain in both hands and around his neck - he explained this ensured he couldn’t let his arms open. Whenever I’ve done that, that’s when I’ve gotten some minor bicep strains. Just dump it.
Honestly we have one of those Titan Viking harnesses, and I have definitely thought about giving them another go when my back is stronger again.
I can’t bend my left arm enough anymore to do them (I’ve tried), but I remember messing with them about 10 years ago when they were going through one of their niche popularity waves. They are a lot of fun. I remember doing a 365 zercher deadlift from the floor, round back and all, when I could only pull high 400s - you can do more than you’d guess on them, but at what cost? Guy here hit 585 taken from the rack when his raw SSB squat was back around 700 or so, so similar percentage showing you should be looking for ~80% potential probably.

First time I ever saw them, a local strongman was doing them holding a length of chain in both hands and around his neck - he explained this ensured he couldn’t let his arms open. Whenever I’ve done that, that’s when I’ve gotten some minor bicep strains. Just dump it.

Thanks for the little tidbit about the chain , I had that same exact thought about a bicep strain while I was doing my warmup sets, I'll try that out.

Not quite sure whether or not to do it off pins, walk it out, or just deadlift it off the floor, so many different variations. I want to start a training block with Zerchers eventually, that much I know. Not sure how hard this would cut into recovery though, esp with the benching and rowing.

And thanks for the numbers reference, it's hard for me to use percentages since I never use them for my lifts, but it gives me an idea.
Thanks for the little tidbit about the chain , I had that same exact thought about a bicep strain while I was doing my warmup sets, I'll try that out.

Not quite sure whether or not to do it off pins, walk it out, or just deadlift it off the floor, so many different variations. I want to start a training block with Zerchers eventually, that much I know. Not sure how hard this would cut into recovery though, esp with the benching and rowing.

And thanks for the numbers reference, it's hard for me to use percentages since I never use them for my lifts, but it gives me an idea.

Yeah, percentages are just ranges to be taken with a big grain of salt (especially because preparedness is so dynamic).

Having done them from the floor, I think the floor is a bad idea. If you want to train the low back in a bit of flexion, stone or sandbag loading goes a lot further in total body strengthening while still being easier on the low back & biceps even.

I have never had an issue walking anything out, and these are lighter than a backsquat obviously. But I would always do them over pins or safeties, or with straps in a mono. Like fronts, if it goes it’s going!
August 8th
1 Week Hiatus

Paused Bench Press - Close Grip Larsen
135 x 5
135 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 4
185 x 4
225 x 2
250 x 2
275 x 2
295 x 2
2 x 325 x 2
285 x 5

Plate Loaded Incline Press
2 pps x 10
3 pps x 10
4 pps x 10

2 Sets of 15 Reps

Got a little burnt out , took the week off.

First time going down to heavy 2s in awhile , based off my topset I'm going to estimate my Larsen Max is around 345-350 right now, real good spot for me but not quite what I'd like it to be at. 3-4 more weeks before I start up a new block with a focus on Spoto Pressing