Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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Have you ever tried cupping during your massage sessions? I know people that swear by it but I’ve never done it
I get a massage like 3x year. I'd like to do it bi Weekly but I get so busy. But no,I've heard ppl say they swear by it, but honestly, the ppl I know that swear by it are also the ppl who are into everything trendy. I think it's kinda a fad thing.

I'm not opposed to trying it tho. But at the same time, I work manual labor and work out a lot. I'd imagine having 30 black and blue painful bruises on my back would make the work week kinda rough lol


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Have you come across anyone on the forum here that regularly does it?
I haven’t. My wife just started getting them while doing lymphatic massages. She has to get the massages due to a surgery she had. She’s only had the cupping done once so far. She said it seemed to help her. I also work with a girl that gets them. She’s super active. Does cross fit and rolls at a BJJ gym. She swears by them as far as the soreness in her shoulders. Supposedly the cupping is supposed to decrease inflammation and pull toxins to the skin so the body can get rid of it. It’s been around forever.


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Tomorrow I got arms, so I'm gonna start with benching those sets of 3's and follow up with some pump work for arms.
Got arms and cardio tomorrow too bro probably gonna be a quick 1 hr pump session tho as I want to get atleast 45 minutes in before the first game. NFL starts at 10am here on the west coast most love it like that I kind of miss the 1pm starts tho you could actually get **** done before the first game. Pm the other hand tho the Sunday night game starts at 530 instead of 830 so there's that


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Got arms and cardio tomorrow too bro probably gonna be a quick 1 hr pump session tho as I want to get atleast 45 minutes in before the first game. NFL starts at 10am here on the west coast most love it like that I kind of miss the 1pm starts tho you could actually get **** done before the first game. Pm the other hand tho the Sunday night game starts at 530 instead of 830 so there's that
What's your arm workout looking like today.

I'm thinking I get my bench work in and follow up with a bunch of super sets and very short rest.

Barbell curl/ V bar pressdown
Hammer curl/ DB crushers
Machine preacher curl/ overhead db ext
Push ups to failure
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I haven’t. My wife just started getting them while doing lymphatic massages. She has to get the massages due to a surgery she had. She’s only had the cupping done once so far. She said it seemed to help her. I also work with a girl that gets them. She’s super active. Does cross fit and rolls at a BJJ gym. She swears by them as far as the soreness in her shoulders. Supposedly the cupping is supposed to decrease inflammation and pull toxins to the skin so the body can get rid of it. It’s been around forever.
I've read most of those things. Here's something that's always got me thinking tho, when they say it pulls toxins from the skin. How?

It stretches the facia and draws blood to the area, I can see that helping circulation. But in order to pull toxins from the skin then something would have to come out of the skin wouldn't it? Otherwise it's pulling toxins to the skin and then there going right back into your circulation.

I'm not saying it doesn't work because I don't have a clue lol, I just can't make sense of it.

It's like if you were to free up fatty acids in your bloodstream, if you don't burn them then the fat redeposits somewhere else.

When I go back next weekend il try to pick the ladies brain a little bit and see what she thinks. If they offer it il do it and see what happens


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Oh, by the way, the girl that did my evaluation and massage was kinda creepy. I couldn't tell if she was hitting on me or just really into her job.

Every time she found a knot she was very hyper focused on it and talking like a robot or something, very monotone. Make little jokes but not laughing or changing expression in her voice.

She also said I made her hands hurt and she's gonna have to schedule me for the last session of the day next week.

She was very nice and pretty good looking, but very strange lol


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I think one of the reasons for athletes to use cupping is to pull away and release tight fascia from the muscles to enable the 'normal' massage to have better effect. I saw Dominic Cruz talk about that, but it was a short clip in the middle of some MMA news, so I could be mistaken, lol.
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What's your arm workout looking like today.

I'm thinking I get my bench work in and follow up with a bunch of super sets and very short rest.

Barbell curl/ V bar pressdown
Hammer curl/ DB crushers
Machine preacher curl/ overhead db ext
Push ups to failure
I like to start with bis as they cushion the tris fir later ( bro science from Arnold's encyclopedia)
Bb curls
Machine preacher curls
Hammer curls
Bodyweight dips( might superset w lat pull-down just bc)
Straight bar push downs 5 × pronated wrist 5 × supinated wrist
Overhead extensions probably with rope
Reverse curls and bb reverse wrist curls

Not the best workout but they guy i train with on Sundays likes it and he has otherworldly genetics dude is 53 and yoked af. Natty too know for a fact he's scared to death of needles like worse than a toddler but he's fun to train with and we both get gnarly pumps it's funny too because we always see the young kids doing the same workout throughout the week lol


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Oh, by the way, the girl that did my evaluation and massage was kinda creepy. I couldn't tell if she was hitting on me or just really into her job.

Every time she found a knot she was very hyper focused on it and talking like a robot or something, very monotone. Make little jokes but not laughing or changing expression in her voice.

She also said I made her hands hurt and she's gonna have to schedule me for the last session of the day next week.

She was very nice and pretty good looking, but very strange lol
Bro she probably was but I might be the wrong guy telling you my wife told me she coujdnt have been more obvious back in the day. She always said I spent 1000s of dollars buying pt sessions from you and you still had no clue that the only reason I bought them was so I could spend an hour with you to myself a couple of times a
For real tho I'm sure working on someone with your physique is exciting for a change considering what she probably gets the rest of the day which most likely makes you even more attractive. Just go with it bro I mean don't cheat I your wife (ever) but you can make the woman's day at work and thats a good deed done lol

Mr Green

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I get regular chiropractic care and often that involves cupping and dry needling. Definitely recommend as someone who’s trashed their body at a young age. Keeps me in the game so to speak.


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I get regular chiropractic care and often that involves cupping and dry needling. Definitely recommend as someone who’s trashed their body at a young age. Keeps me in the game so to speak.
What benifits have you noticed

Mr Green

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What benifits have you noticed
I feel like it really helps loosen up the fascia improving my mobility and recovery. I think it’s more useful acutely like whenever I’d have an injury flare up like my lower back or if my shoulder was feeling jammed up.


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I've read most of those things. Here's something that's always got me thinking tho, when they say it pulls toxins from the skin. How?

It stretches the facia and draws blood to the area, I can see that helping circulation. But in order to pull toxins from the skin then something would have to come out of the skin wouldn't it? Otherwise it's pulling toxins to the skin and then there going right back into your circulation.

I'm not saying it doesn't work because I don't have a clue lol, I just can't make sense of it.

It's like if you were to free up fatty acids in your bloodstream, if you don't burn them then the fat redeposits somewhere else.

When I go back next weekend il try to pick the ladies brain a little bit and see what she thinks. If they offer it il do it and see what happens
Here’s my understanding of the skin and toxins. The lymphatic system helps pull bacteria and toxins from the skin and other tissue in the body then expels it.


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Here’s my understanding of the skin and toxins. The lymphatic system helps pull bacteria and toxins from the skin and other tissue in the body then expels it.
Ok I get that, but it has to expel it out of something. It has to expel through your skin, or your mouth, or your ass, or your eyeballs, it has to come out somewhere you get what I'm saying lol. Your sweat, your urine, feces.

Somewhere. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just trying to make a understanding for myself.

In order for it to get rid of any toxins or bacteria then yes it would have to expel it. But it would physically have to come out of somewhere or it's not expelled and it's just staying in your body


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I could be 100% wrong on that too but I don't see any way it makes sense that you could expel something without it physically coming out


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Flat bench, I did a bunch of 3 rep sets between 225-275 just really trying to make sure I pause at the bottom and fire it back up.

Then I just did the exact workout I listed earlier. Didn't write anything down but it was 3 supersets, each superset was 4x10ea

Then I did push ups 50, 33, 22


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Ok I get that, but it has to expel it out of something. It has to expel through your skin, or your mouth, or your ass, or your eyeballs, it has to come out somewhere you get what I'm saying lol. Your sweat, your urine, feces.

Somewhere. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just trying to make a understanding for myself.

In order for it to get rid of any toxins or bacteria then yes it would have to expel it. But it would physically have to come out of somewhere or it's not expelled and it's just staying in your body

See if this make sense


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I could be 100% wrong on that too but I don't see any way it makes sense that you could expel something without it physically coming out
I have to agree here. If you want to talk about manipulating structures or bloodflow in order to achieve some sort of improved functionality, I'm on board to listen to what someone might propose, but I still think the onus is on the practitioner to explain how/why it works.

When chiropracters start talking about realigning subluxations to cure viral diseases (like popping your back to cure your flu), or when a massage therapist uses the word "toxins" at all, I just tune them out and remind myself that they don't have a PhD, nor is one required for the work that they do.

In my opinion they should stop playing (or calling themselves) "doctor" and stay in their lane.

My apologies if this rubs anyone the wrong way, but my wife used to work for a chiropractor when we first got married. She was a big believer in what they did. She was plagued by neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, all of the years that she went to (and worked for) them. I convinced her to stop getting adjustments (it was not easy, it took time and patience and some tears), and after 6 months of not getting "treated" by them: she was pain free.


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I have to agree here. If you want to talk about manipulating structures or bloodflow in order to achieve some sort of improved functionality, I'm on board to listen to what someone might propose, but I still think the onus is on the practitioner to explain how/why it works.

When chiropracters start talking about realigning subluxations to cure viral diseases (like popping your back to cure your flu), or when a massage therapist uses the word "toxins" at all, I just tune them out and remind myself that they don't have a PhD, nor is one required for the work that they do.

In my opinion they should stop playing (or calling themselves) "doctor" and stay in their lane.

My apologies if this rubs anyone the wrong way, but my wife used to work for a chiropractor when we first got married. She was a big believer in what they did. She was plagued by neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, all of the years that she went to (and worked for) them. I convinced her to stop getting adjustments (it was not easy, it took time and patience and some tears), and after 6 months of not getting "treated" by them: she was pain free.
I know a lot of ppl who would agree with you. I'm more on your side of the fence but I like to give things a chance once in a while.

I do agree with the toxins part. That's a word selectively used to draw ppl in.

Toxins bad, we get rid of toxins.

Oooo that sounds good!

As for chiropractors I'm up in the air on that one as well. I have friends that swear they work and others that say it made them worse.

I like to keep a open mind for all these things but I'm usually on the skeptical side


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I like to keep a open mind for all these things but I'm usually on the skeptical side
I think that's a great way to approach many aspects of life, especially applicable in this regard.

I'm happy for anyone who gets relief from pain from treatments (even if I don't understand them). But some of these practitioners are causing harm and claiming to heal, and we have to protect ourselves (and those we care about) from that wherever we can. It'd be nice to see it properly regulated, but we know that's not going to happen in our lifetimes, so discernment and healthy skepticism are prudent.


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I’ll explain why my wife is having lymphatic massages. Three and a half weeks ago she had an abdominoplasty and muscle repair. Her abs were torn from giving birth to two kids close together. She’s 48 works out all the time but the loose skin isn’t going anywhere and while doing any core work she felt her insides were coming out through the tear. After the plastic surgeon did the surgery, part of the recovery process is lymphatic massages. Your lymphatic system is totally fucked up from the surgery. So her dr recommended her to go to this specific massage therapist because she had been vetted by the plastic surgery practice. Lymphatic massages are pretty standard for the recovery process of this surgery across the country. So with that being said, I’m skeptical of all dr’s. Most dr’s don’t listen to their patients and treat them way they think they should be treated and not taking all symptoms in consideration. I know all dr’s aren’t like this. So I say all of that to say this, the cupping things makes sense to me after learning more than I knew about the lymphatic system since my wife’s surgery. Not saying the cupping thing is all it’s cracked up to be but who knows. To each their own I guess.


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That's a Gorgonzola encrusted 45 day dry aged New York strip, Cajun shrimp and some sauteed vegetables.
Bro that looks so beyond good as I'm eating my boneless skinless chicken breast with a little bit of salsa and cream of rice


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Oh man, now that’s a good combination, New York Strip and Cajun Shrimp. Looks medium rare too, so you can savor and enjoy the flavor. Man I gotta go buy some steaks now. I can’t resist the power of the food porn.😜😵💫


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Bro that looks so beyond good as I'm eating my boneless skinless chicken breast with a little bit of salsa and cream of rice
Don't feel bad, I had a protein bar and coffee for breakfast and my next 2 meals today are boneless skinless baked chicken breasts with steamed broccoli and carrots and I got to eat them cold lol
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Don't feel bad, I had a protein bar and coffee for breakfast and my next 2 meals today are boneless skinless baked chicken breasts with steamed broccoli and carrots and I got to eat them cold lol
Pretty much my meals today at work as well but I have jasmine rice with the chicken abd veggies oh yea I do have some nice bananas and an orange to look forward to


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Pretty much my meals today at work as well but I have jasmine rice with the chicken abd veggies oh yea I do have some nice bananas and an orange to look forward to
Ahhh, yep I almost forgot, I got 5 dates and 2 clementines to go with meal 3.

Working on restructuring my meal plan these last few weeks.

I also think I'm gonna say no to fighting in November and worry about it in the spring.

I'd rather just be a little porky and happy this winter. Gonna probably let my weight climb up in the 220s after the bench comp


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Ahhh, yep I almost forgot, I got 5 dates and 2 clementines to go with meal 3.

Working on restructuring my meal plan these last few weeks.

I also think I'm gonna say no to fighting in November and worry about it in the spring.

I'd rather just be a little porky and happy this winter. Gonna probably let my weight climb up in the 220s after the bench comp
You’re gonna be 220 by Thanksgiving, calling it now.


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You’re gonna be 220 by Thanksgiving, calling it now.
Lol, I don't know if I can disagree. I've spent the last few years not letting myself get too heavy so when I do let myself go it piles up quick

I'm gonna do a mini cut still at some point just to tighten up and make sure blood sugar and everything is under control and then I'd hope to slowly gain through the winter.

I guess the deciding factor would be if I stayed on some sort of cycle or not.

On trt im not hitting 220 without gaining a lot of fat and bloat, but even if I went to something mild like a low to moderate dose of test and primo i could definitely be 220+ sometime between thanksgiving and Christmas


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Ahhh, yep I almost forgot, I got 5 dates and 2 clementines to go with meal 3.

Working on restructuring my meal plan these last few weeks.

I also think I'm gonna say no to fighting in November and worry about it in the spring.

I'd rather just be a little porky and happy this winter. Gonna probably let my weight climb up in the 220s after the bench comp
That's what everyone keeps telling me to do. I like to wear sweatshirts when I'm cutting tho because when I wear them it still makes me feel big. I know it's all in my head but I'd rather do my cut now when I'm actually motivated to do it on top of that most people at crunch are using this season to eat like crap and train like pussies and call it bulking season little do they know a real true bulk is just as miserable as pre contest


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It’s gonna happen. He’s a foodie, his drugs are high enough and he’s got muscle/fat cell “memory” in his favor lol
He's also going to have to come to terms with the fact that you can train and look like a bodybuilder a lot longer than you can fighting and powerlifting. I know it sucks but it is what it is


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I hope I didn't come off like a dick in my response bro. I'll try and help/give support no matter what your goal(s) are


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It’s gonna happen. He’s a foodie, his drugs are high enough and he’s got muscle/fat cell “memory” in his favor lol
Yes, I love food, in fact, there are few things in live I value more then a good meal.

As far as the muscle/fat memory, your also correct. I can get to about 215 and maintain some abs on muscle memory and then the fat piles on.

So to avoid this il probably do a mini cut (which I'm kinda starting today 15 days to drop about 7-8lbs. I got some tricks up my sleeve and my little mini cuts always go well and I think I finally figured them out in a way that works best for me.

So I would do the bench at 198, then probably keep eating at maintenance or slightly less and kick up cardio and get back to where I feel I look my best, not biggest but my most complete look is probably around 192-194. Then I would start the "bulking"

Rocking a full set of abs @195 I think I can put on 20lbs while staying lean.

I also started metformin a few days ago and I gotta say, it does some recomping. I'm the anti recomp guy but metformin makes it happen.

After the next 15 days if everything works out il lay out exactly what I did.

In the meantime I'm just gonna keep training as I was with a little bit more cardio


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Glad you have some certainty with your immediate training goals.

A word of caution: go easy on the minicut. Lifting maximal weights and steep caloric deficits do not play nicely. You need your programming to reflect this, so lower the accessory volume and save your energy/recovery for the heavy benching now that you are getting so close to the contest.


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Outside of a few exercises like the bench, weighted chins and hang cleans, everything else I'm doing is basically fluff work. Light weights, stuff I can do for 15-20 reps but I'm doing sets of 10-12, shorter rest but not by any means burning out. Either tonight or Thursday I'm gonna go for my last big bench single and that's it for bench as well outside of working with lighter weights and practicing good reps.

It's also being judged by the strong man guys so I have a feeling there not gonna be super strict on the reps. I've been watching some of them bench and the do a very quick pause at the bottom and back up. Closer to a touch and go then a strict competition lift.

Last single was 355 with elbow sleeves.

My question is, for my final single do I go 360 with sleeves or 355 no sleeves? My heaviest lifts with no sleeves were 345x1 and 325x3


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Outside of a few exercises like the bench, weighted chins and hang cleans, everything else I'm doing is basically fluff work. Light weights, stuff I can do for 15-20 reps but I'm doing sets of 10-12, shorter rest but not by any means burning out. Either tonight or Thursday I'm gonna go for my last big bench single and that's it for bench as well outside of working with lighter weights and practicing good reps.

It's also being judged by the strong man guys so I have a feeling there not gonna be super strict on the reps. I've been watching some of them bench and the do a very quick pause at the bottom and back up. Closer to a touch and go then a strict competition lift.

Last single was 355 with elbow sleeves.

My question is, for my final single do I go 360 with sleeves or 355 no sleeves? My heaviest lifts with no sleeves were 345x1 and 325x3
You can’t use elbow sleeves to bench in a meet. Go sleeveless.


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You can’t use elbow sleeves to bench in a meet. Go sleeveless.
I don't know what it is about the sleeves but they give me a confidence boost and a sense of security. Lots of the time I hit a weight like say 330 with sleeves and now that I know that I can do 330 il do it next time without sleeves. The confidence level goes through the roof knowing I've done it before. But no sleeves it is. Il avoid them from here out as I'm not gonna lift anything that might get me hurt anyway for the next few weeks


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He's also going to have to come to terms with the fact that you can train and look like a bodybuilder a lot longer than you can fighting and powerlifting. I know it sucks but it is what it is
Ya but that's not the point, well, actually I guess it is the point.

I can train like a bodybuilder forever but I can't train for strength indefinitely and I definitely can't fight forever.

So now is the time to do those things before it's too late, specifically fighting. I'm not chasing a fighting career as I know that ship has sailed.

But I like to fight, I enjoy fighting in front of a crowd and pretty soon il be too old. I probably got less then 3-5 years total unless I start slamming the GH. Joking.

My point is I need to fight a few more times before it's too late.

For my own personal satisfaction


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I don't know what it is about the sleeves but they give me a confidence boost and a sense of security. Lots of the time I hit a weight like say 330 with sleeves and now that I know that I can do 330 il do it next time without sleeves. The confidence level goes through the roof knowing I've done it before. But no sleeves it is. Il avoid them from here out as I'm not gonna lift anything that might get me hurt anyway for the next few weeks
Something I tell newer competitors is that you don’t need to lift it in the gym to lift it at the comp - you just need to be well-prepared. If you have done the work to earn it, trust your training.


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Ya but that's not the point, well, actually I guess it is the point.

I can train like a bodybuilder forever but I can't train for strength indefinitely and I definitely can't fight forever.

So now is the time to do those things before it's too late, specifically fighting. I'm not chasing a fighting career as I know that ship has sailed.

But I like to fight, I enjoy fighting in front of a crowd and pretty soon il be too old. I probably got less then 3-5 years total unless I start slamming the GH. Joking.

My point is I need to fight a few more times before it's too late.

For my own personal satisfaction
Totally agree with you on that bro. It's good you know that your time is near so you can take advantage. Most people don't until it's to late no matter what the goal is.


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I think it’s a good choice not fighting in November, and focus on the bench competition. Training to accomplish one at a time seems a lot more realistic to put your best foot forward and to have better results in both, because a lot of the training for strength is counterproductive for boxing and vice versa.
I think you’ll be more satisfied in the end and do better in your bench competition coming up, and then you should be able to do better in boxing early next year when your focus can shift to that style of training.
I can relate to wanting to get that one last goal in. I’m still thinking about doing a bench competition next year and I’m 58.


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I think it’s a good choice not fighting in November, and focus on the bench competition. Training to accomplish one at a time seems a lot more realistic to put your best foot forward and to have better results in both, because a lot of the training for strength is counterproductive for boxing and vice versa.
I think you’ll be more satisfied in the end and do better in your bench competition coming up, and then you should be able to do better in boxing early next year when your focus can shift to that style of training.
I can relate to wanting to get that one last goal in. I’m still thinking about doing a bench competition next year and I’m 58.
Not to mention that I don't think I can loose the weight and get in shape in time. I'm 206 today, I'd have to drop 28lbs and I'm a little fluffy right now but I'm not 28 lb of fat fluffy lol
I'd have to starve some of the weight off and kinda waste away.

Which doesn't bother me because I know I can get it back in like 6 weeks. But I'd be going into this thing not in shape from a cardiovascular standpoint, and I'd be tired and weak feeling.

As usual I'm very undecided on what I want to do with everything but for the immediate future I'm just going to focus on doing the bench and after that I'll probably drop a few more pounds get back to about 190 or wherever weight I'm at when I like the way it looks and call reassess from there.

Just trying to have fun, because pretty soon I'm not going to have these little adventures anymore and my logs are going to suck. They're all going to be exactly the same bulking season cutting season bulking season cutting season bulking season. In a never-ending cycle.


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Not to mention that I don't think I can loose the weight and get in shape in time. I'm 206 today, I'd have to drop 28lbs and I'm a little fluffy right now but I'm not 28 lb of fat fluffy lol
I'd have to starve some of the weight off and kinda waste away.

Which doesn't bother me because I know I can get it back in like 6 weeks. But I'd be going into this thing not in shape from a cardiovascular standpoint, and I'd be tired and weak feeling.

As usual I'm very undecided on what I want to do with everything but for the immediate future I'm just going to focus on doing the bench and after that I'll probably drop a few more pounds get back to about 190 or wherever weight I'm at when I like the way it looks and call reassess from there.

Just trying to have fun, because pretty soon I'm not going to have these little adventures anymore and my logs are going to suck. They're all going to be exactly the same bulking season cutting season bulking season cutting season bulking season. In a never-ending cycle.
Yeah dropping that 28 lbs., that quickly would be rough, and it’s always a shame to lose muscle. I understand, you know what it takes to compete, you see the other competitors, and feel you can take them, then that inner drive kicks in and you just want to get in and finish what you can while you’re able. That’s probably a part of your DNA.
I bet you’ll be like me when you get in your 50s, a competitor can’t help it. Getting out and wrestling around with your grown kids and their buddies, and playing ball with them on the weekends. Still going all out, but just pulling a muscle every once in a while, ha, and go to injured reserve, rest, and back at it. Hey, but I can still lift. 😎


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Yeah dropping that 28 lbs., that quickly would be rough, and it’s always a shame to lose muscle. I understand, you know what it takes to compete, you see the other competitors, and feel you can take them, then that inner drive kicks in and you just want to get in and finish what you can while you’re able. That’s probably a part of your DNA.
I bet you’ll be like me when you get in your 50s, a competitor can’t help it. Getting out and wrestling around with your grown kids and their buddies, and playing ball with them on the weekends. Still going all out, but just pulling a muscle every once in a while, ha, and go to injured reserve, rest, and back at it. 😎
Yep, I wanna be 27 forever. Right now I'm on year 10 of being 27 lol. And when I'm in my fifties I'll have enough testosterone and growth hormone in me to still pretend that I'm 27 hopefully.

If all these kids can choose to identify as imaginary genders and all that nonsense then I can identify as a 27-year-old indefinitely 🤷

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