Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol


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When's the last time anyone played baseball or went to the batting cages😶.

I haven't played in about 4 years now and just left the batting cages and I can feel it in my hips and my wrists like someone beat me up lol
I couldn't imagine the last time I went bowling I was sore for a week and couldn't hit delts for 2 lol


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Yeah, we have a group of us that play softball periodically, so I still swing a pretty mean bat. Now running, I think I need to retire from that, because I’m always pulling or tweaking something. It is funny when you play different sports you haven’t played in awhile, and you realize muscles you haven’t used lately.


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Good to see that you got your groove back after the "something's off" workout.


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Good to see that you got your groove back after the "something's off" workout.
Ya I'm gonna go hard still from here on out still but I'm gonna be extra careful about the shoulder. I'm going to do the minimum heavy work that I think is necessary and work hard on the lighter stuff.

I'm also debating on saying no to the fight in November and just bulk through winter


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Ya I'm gonna go hard still from here on out still but I'm gonna be extra careful about the shoulder. I'm going to do the minimum heavy work that I think is necessary and work hard on the lighter stuff.

I'm also debating on saying no to the fight in November and just bulk through winter
Just a personal thought but I would pick one or the other, if the fight is a priority drop the strength focus and get your conditioning right. I don't think 4 weeks is a proper amount of time to get in amazing condition for a fight. Otherwise maintain the weight do the bench contest and bulk. Of course it all comes down to your priorities.


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Just a personal thought but I would pick one or the other, if the fight is a priority drop the strength focus and get your conditioning right. I don't think 4 weeks is a proper amount of time to get in amazing condition for a fight. Otherwise maintain the weight do the bench contest and bulk. Of course it all comes down to your priorities.
I agree with this too, because you really don’t want to chance putting in so much work that really requires different training, that you injure yourself. I actually started thinking that when you started talking about tweaking your shoulder. Brother I know from experience there’s just no quick way back from a shoulder injury. Just the dedication, knowledge, proper training, and muscle memory helps you get back faster than the average Joe, but it still feels like for ever.
I would probably vote on the Bench competition, if I had a vote, since you are well on your way to probably hitting a new max. But I also understand the boxing, because you have more time invested in that. Of course you may go ahead do both, win both, and kick back and enjoy what you accomplished this year.💪🏆


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Just a personal thought but I would pick one or the other, if the fight is a priority drop the strength focus and get your conditioning right. I don't think 4 weeks is a proper amount of time to get in amazing condition for a fight. Otherwise maintain the weight do the bench contest and bulk. Of course it all comes down to your priorities.
That's the problem, neither one is really a priority right now LOL. The fight should have been the main priority but I let the bench press thing get in the way and the more I keep thinking about dropping 20 lb in 4 weeks or 5 weeks the more I'm thinking it's a bad idea my endurance is also crap right now in comparison to what it used to be and I know it'll come back quick but I don't know if it'll come back for weeks quick.

As much as I preach the right and wrong ways to do things at the end of the day everything I do is focused around fun I rarely do things the most optimal way as I'm sure most of you have seen. Because at the end of the day if I'm not enjoying myself I'm not going to do it anyways.

I'm My own worst enemy 99% of the time


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My cardio/lung capacity is trash right now. Trying not to 🤮🤮🤮

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While this is nothing compared to what I was doing back in april-june, it's way more then anything I've done lately. I feel sick lol
When you puke, you know you’ve reached failure on cardio. No where to go but up from there.😎


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I feel you bro..just started my second week of cardio 45 minutes on the stepmill at level 7 drenched in sweat, it was dripping all over the place, I could hardly keep my head up to watch the game they had on the TV. Not gonna change the diet


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I feel you bro..just started my second week of cardio 45 minutes on the stepmill at level 7 drenched in sweat, it was dripping all over the place, I could hardly keep my head up to watch the game they had on the TV. Not gonna change the diet
See it's weird, if I do steady state cardio I can pace myself and it's hard but it doesn't make me feel bad after. When I do the high intensity cardio and I'm out of shape it makes me feel sick. The worst part is after doing it I go home and I sit down to eat my meal and I can't eat it takes me almost an hour and a half to kind of snap out of it. At least it did last night and it's done that in the past the worst shape I'm in for high intensity cardio the harder it is to eat after my workouts but if I just go lift weights I can shovel the food down immediately.


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Also, yesterday was the first time in a long time that I have done hang cleans and I forgot how taxing they are. I'm replacing deadlifts with hang cleans for a while because I think it'll be a very useful conditioning tool and it's got that overall explosive power factor. Used to be one of my favorite exercises.


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See it's weird, if I do steady state cardio I can pace myself and it's hard but it doesn't make me feel bad after. When I do the high intensity cardio and I'm out of shape it makes me feel sick. The worst part is after doing it I go home and I sit down to eat my meal and I can't eat it takes me almost an hour and a half to kind of snap out of it. At least it did last night and it's done that in the past the worst shape I'm in for high intensity cardio the harder it is to eat after my workouts but if I just go lift weights I can shovel the food down immediately.
I've puked from lactic acid before (as I'm sure many of us here have) and it's just the worst, most burning sensation during and after. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that is the cause of your feeling sick during high intensity cardio when out of shape. It's also probably the reason it's hard to eat, your body's way of saying "hold up there, I got some stuff I gotta sort out." You probably have a bunch of LA that got dumped in there, maybe not enough to make you hurl though.

When lifting weights, even super intensely, you're still taking some rest breaks to let muscle groups recover, and you've already conditioned your body to be able to handle the LA build up in a fashion that doesn't force it to all get dumped into your stomach to keep your blood PH from getting so low that you cause some permanent damage and/or die.


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Could be, I noticed Carnitine helps with the lactic acid. For the time being il just work on it, but after the 15th I'm probably gonna reintroduce Carnitine while I'm back on trt


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Carnitine they seem to find more and more benefits the more it’s studied. They are definitely finding there’s a lot more health benefits besides the increased muscle endurance, increased oxygen capacity, enhanced recovery, and helping use fat for energy. It helps the blood pressure, lipids, as well as the endocrine and central nervous system. I know I can tell a pretty major difference when I add it, especially with cardio.


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Carnitine they seem to find more and more benefits the more it’s studied. They are definitely finding there’s a lot more health benefits besides the increased muscle endurance, increased oxygen capacity, enhanced recovery, and helping use fat for energy. It helps the blood pressure, lipids, as well as the endocrine and central nervous system. I know I can tell a pretty major difference when I add it, especially with cardio.
It's def high on my list to try out when I finally get my training periodized properly and do a fat loss phase.

Right now: recovery, easing back into things gradually to a maintenance phase while I adjust some exercises to better target specific muscle groups. Then assessing if I want to bulk or cut.


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Carnitine they seem to find more and more benefits the more it’s studied. They are definitely finding there’s a lot more health benefits besides the increased muscle endurance, increased oxygen capacity, enhanced recovery, and helping use fat for energy. It helps the blood pressure, lipids, as well as the endocrine and central nervous system. I know I can tell a pretty major difference when I add it, especially with cardio.
The list is 7miles long. It's good stuff


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I'm really confused about my weight, for the most part I've been tracking things and I should be maintaining around 200-202 but weight is still creeping up, I cut calories back a few days ago and I'm still 206-207

I took metformin 3 out of the last 4 nights @ 500mg just to assess tollerence on my stomach, nothing unusual to note, so I think starting this coming weekend il bump that to 1000mg before bed and reintroducing insuligen again. Only post workout because so far that's the only time I feel like it's doing it's thing.

Goal is to slowly, or I should say steadily, drop to 198 over the next 3 weeks.
Will be going for 330x3 tonight on flat bench but I will only attempt that third rep if I know I'm guaranteeing to get it. Otherwise I will stop at 2.

Flat bench
Weighted chins
Hang clean
Heavy bag
Side laterals and weighted shadow boxing.

Notes: My feet are as sore as ever, I'm really having a hard time walking without pain. I can get everything I need to done no problem, it just hurts to do it.

This is not the first time I've experienced this anyone who's been following me for a while knows I have issues with my feet and the problems come and go this is just one of the worst times in a while. Usually it lasts for a few weeks and goes away.
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I feel you on the foot pain….I’ve dealt with plantar fasciitis for years. It’s weird about your weight creeping up, because you usually have things pretty well dialed in. Unless your maintenance requirements have decreased, but that would seem unlikely with how active you are in your work and the gym.


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I feel you on the foot pain….I’ve dealt with plantar fasciitis for years. It’s weird about your weight creeping up, because you usually have things pretty well dialed in. Unless your maintenance requirements have decreased, but that would seem unlikely with how active you are in your work and the gym.
Cardio took a big cut but I thought I dialed back the calories accordingly. Maybe I was just overtraining for a while and now things are recovering better so I'm making better use of the food? I don't even know if that makes sense lol. Implementation of some things for insulin sensitivity, a few more calories cut and a tiny bit extra cardio should do the trick. Worst case scenario I do a mini cut 10 days out. I've had quite a few successful mini cuts in the past that lasted 7 to 10 days. They're just a lot of work and I don't like doing them lol


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Perhaps the metformin is shuttling the nutrients into the muscle better, are you looking more full, or softer?


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I jinxed myself by saying today's workout lol. Mandatory it at work. Idk I might have to to today's workout tomorrow.

I feel like that happens every time I say my workout ahead of time.


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As long as they don't abuse the "mandatory OT" thing on you, and they're treating you right, it's something we all get called on to do from time to time. Part of the gig right?

Will make the work out all the more intense and worthwhile once you can squeeze it in bro. I'm sure you can find a way to turn that OT into a mini resistance or HIIT session if you try. Might even speed things up and get you out of there early.


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As long as they don't abuse the "mandatory OT" thing on you, and they're treating you right, it's something we all get called on to do from time to time. Part of the gig right?

Will make the work out all the more intense and worthwhile once you can squeeze it in bro. I'm sure you can find a way to turn that OT into a mini resistance or HIIT session if you try. Might even speed things up and get you out of there early.
Ya I'm not complaining, I'm on hour 13 right now. We get time and a half after 8:00 and double time after 12 so I'm making $73hr right now.

But because of that there probably gonna tell me to take tomorrow off


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You'll have an awesome workout if you have tomorrow off! Always a bright side somewhere.


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That’s a long day for sure, but hey you’ve earned the right with the extra money to maybe get you some anabolic goodies.😎


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So did they give you the day off or do you get to make a little more bank today? Either way sounds like a win but of course we know what your preference was.


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So did they give you the day off or do you get to make a little more bank today? Either way sounds like a win but of course we know what your preference was.
Yeah they gave us today off, I'm glad they did I didn't get home till 10:30 last night and I didn't fall asleep till about 2:00 a.m. and I would have had to been up at 4:00 a.m. would have made for a really crappy day today. And it's pouring where I live so would have been even worse doing it in the rain all day. For some reason I still woke up at my normal time well about a half an hour late 4:30 a.m. but I went back to sleep and slept till 9:00 and I've been running around doing errands all day. I got two people supposed to work out with me at 6:00 p.m. tonight. I could probably hit the gym right now but I wouldn't have anyone to spot me and I'm going to need a spot tonight.


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That’s a long day for sure, but hey you’ve earned the right with the extra money to maybe get you some anabolic goodies.😎
October 1st I picked up a little side job for the day, my uncle's restaurant is catering a big wedding and they want me to bartend from 10:00 a.m. till midnight. The people who are having the wedding actually know my family and requested me so I have a feeling I'm going to make a big chunk of money that day I'm expecting somewhere between $600-$800 and that money is going to Goodies, all of it! Lol


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October 1st I picked up a little side job for the day, my uncle's restaurant is catering a big wedding and they want me to bartend from 10:00 a.m. till midnight. The people who are having the wedding actually know my family and requested me so I have a feeling I'm going to make a big chunk of money that day I'm expecting somewhere between $600-$800 and that money is going to Goodies, all of it! Lol
Good for you man!


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Ended up hitting the gym early, no spotter, my buddy backed out on the 6pm workout and the other guy showed up after I finished benching, whatever 🤷

Just some thinking out loud notes

For some reason I thought I had 330 on the bar but it was 325, I also didn't have my elbow sleeves and normally I wear them as soon as I hit 275.

On bent over row I dropped the weight by almost 100lbs and here's why.

Yesterday I saw a video of myself doing bent over row with 255 and it was sooooooo sloppy. Slinging the weight all over the place. Basically just manhandling it and I'm gonna **** my back up or something doing that. So I significantly dropped the weight and will work my way back up slowly with stricter reps. More bracing, more elbow drive.


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Another note, this is 3 times in a row I feel sick after HIIT cardio. I really need to get my **** together. 3 rounds on the heavy bag or 4-5 rounds of intervals (2.5min medium intensity, 30sec high intensity, 30sec low or rest and repeat) that kills me lately. I'm gonna stay at this pace till the 15th next month and then going to 2x day workouts. One steady state cardio and one balls to the wall. That will be the amazing dissapearing man act as I waste away to 178-185


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@Hyde, and everyone's opinion is welcome, 22-23 days till the bench. Would anything change these last 3 weeks.

Currently been benching 2x week for the most part, 1 day involves a flat barbell bench, the other day some kind of variation like incline bench or high incline pin press. Maybe a third of I close grip bench with arms occasionally.

Do I just keep doing the same till a few days out and rest? Or should I throw in a couple more actual bench press sessions?

Also, recent numbers I've been working with.

345x1 paused
355x1 not as heavy as I thought it would be but also not paused.

BW is 205lbs today


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If your benching 325x3, then you probably could of hit 360 or maybe even 365 for one. I would say stay the course, as long as everything is feeling good. If that shoulder is still acting out a little, then you may want to change the incline work to another flat bench variation. The last thing you need is to tweak something or end up with a full blown injury. You probably don’t want to hear this, but you may want to back off even more on your cardio as your trying to conserve your energy and intensity for your bench focus. But you look right on pace to reach your goals, and looking good. Again I’ll always defer to Hyde on powerlifting advice, and interested in what he would tweak or change.


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When I benched 320x3 last winter, I added 20mg Dbol into my blast for 2 weeks after that and benched 375x1. So if you are benching 325x3 and continuing to use the Winny, I see no reason why 360 won’t happen. Perhaps more, but there are things to consider in my case that might make me better at peaking (competing in powerlifting for almost a decade skews the nervous system’s potential for maximal output). You want to take a weight you feel extremely confident in on the meet day. So that way you aren’t trying it, you’re just doing it.

I personally would switch your incline/overhead day to a second flat bench, lighter and focusing on technical practice. So not heavy, and not hypertrophy. 8 sets of 3, very short rests, working with 225 & pausing the reps and holding the lockouts. The goal is pretending every rep is 365 - it’s perfect practice. A week out, make the last practice just 185lbs. I promise your muscles will not disappear, and I also promise you will lift more weight if you lift with a higher degree of skill/technique.

Your heaviest bench single should probably occur about 2-2.5 weeks out. From there you will taper it down 10% each time on a heavy day, and keep doing the technique day basically as described. Lower accessory work last 2 weeks.


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Ok, ditch incline and overhead for a seccond bench day, practicing lots of perfect reps with 225.

Somewhere around the 15-18 days out mark go for my heaviest single attempt.

I don't have dbol or anadrol but I have dmz. I was going to start using 30 mg a day two weeks out.

I also have a boatload of winni. I have been using 50mg pre workout for the past 2ish weeks or so


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Ok, ditch incline and overhead for a seccond bench day, practicing lots of perfect reps with 225.

Somewhere around the 15-18 days out mark go for my heaviest single attempt.

I don't have dbol or anadrol but I have dmz. I was going to start using 30 mg a day two weeks out.

I also have a boatload of winni. I have been using 50mg pre workout for the past 2ish weeks or so
Thought you said you’re just going to take 50mg Winny a day from now until the meet?

DMZ will certainly do it; entered many contests on some the last couple weeks, but it’s going to add a few lbs of glycogen for sure. And if you are like me, make you feel like lethargic crap.


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Everybody already took my idea of swapping out overhead and incline for more flat bench. So I don't have anything to offer other than telling you that you've got this.


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And thats why I never had kids I know you guys don't regret them at all but i knew a long time ago I was too selfish to l have them. My wife and I have 2 mini dachshunds and those 2 were more than enough for us so I just shrank my balls to nothing with gear so having kids was close to impossible lol


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And thats why I never had kids I know you guys don't regret them at all but i knew a long time ago I was too selfish to l have them. My wife and I have 2 mini dachshunds and those 2 were more than enough for us so I just shrank my balls to nothing with gear so having kids was close to impossible lol
I think that's actually unselfish. Having kids when you're not up to the task; mentally, financially, commitment wise or what ever, but still have them just cause' you want to have them, that's selfish.


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And thats why I never had kids I know you guys don't regret them at all but i knew a long time ago I was too selfish to l have them. My wife and I have 2 mini dachshunds and those 2 were more than enough for us so I just shrank my balls to nothing with gear so having kids was close to impossible lol
That's my brother, he never had kids, his dogs are his kids. While I was working 60hr weeks and drinking myself to sleep in my 20's and early 30's my brother was going to Jamaica and Vegas and wherever else he wanted.

I don't regret having kids tho, because as awesome as it must be to do whatever you want, I'm a little too extreme for my own good. I probably would have done something that killed me.

Even with kids I was partying hard (mostly alcohol) with no kids I might have ended up a drug attic or dead.

Most of my friends that kept fighting after I stopped developed drug problems, all of my friends that don't have kids have some sort of substance abuse problems.

I probably would be worse, I don't half ass my problems, I go full blown degenerate status, it's all or nothing around here most of the time.


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I didn't really have anything planned for the gym today but I felt the need to go and since I've been working on my bench a lot and my upper body strength I've been neglecting legs, surprise surprise. So I did a lower body workout it was probably more of a cardio workout than anything because I did very lightweights just full range of motion getting good stretches but not really struggling at all as I pretty much used bare Bones baby weights for everything.


I'm also going to have someone look at my shoulders and lower back this afternoon and getting a 20min massage after the evaluation.

It's kinda hippie therapy **** but I figured I'd give it a try and at the least it should be relaxing


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I didn't really have anything planned for the gym today but I felt the need to go and since I've been working on my bench a lot and my upper body strength I've been neglecting legs, surprise surprise. So I did a lower body workout it was probably more of a cardio workout than anything because I did very lightweights just full range of motion getting good stretches but not really struggling at all as I pretty much used bare Bones baby weights for everything.

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I'm also going to have someone look at my shoulders and lower back this afternoon and getting a 20min massage after the evaluation.

It's kinda hippie therapy **** but I figured I'd give it a try and at the least it should be relaxing
Have you ever tried cupping during your massage sessions? I know people that swear by it but I’ve never done it

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