Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol


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I go through a lot of tortilla wraps. Mainly because when I'm on the road I can eat while driving
Being born and raised in SoCal and currently living in NoCal you'd think I'd be all over tortilla wraps but I not. I still prefer a burrito "bowl " or whatever street tacos are good every once in awhile especially if the tortillas are homemade


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Being born and raised in SoCal and currently living in NoCal you'd think I'd be all over tortilla wraps but I not. I still prefer a burrito "bowl " or whatever street tacos are good every once in awhile especially if the tortillas are homemade
Honestly I eat them out of convince a lot more then preference


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Honestly I eat them out of convince a lot more then preference
Yea I totally get the driving thing especially since your drive to and from work is wicked long


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Idk if anyone got a answer but I know when your trying to peak strength you want to avoid failure or failing a attempt on a lift.

But should I stop training chest to failure period leading up to the day or is it ok to say hit my 3 rep set with 90% and then back down to 70% and go to failure, or hit failure on a secondary or 3rd chest exercise.

Also, at what point should I stop everything other then bench and bench related work


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I know typically when training in Powerlifting it is better to avoid failure, and the heaviest you can Bench 3 reps is about 90% of your max. So if you hit that 90% for 3 reps you probably wouldn’t need to do a set of failure after that.
I’m not sure when your Bench competition is, but probably at least about 3 weeks out you should avoid the extra heavy bag work and most cardio to conserve energy for strength and power. The only thing is that would be counterproductive to your boxing and MMA goals. That’s tricky to balance really.
I’m interested to see Hyde’s advice on this my self, because I might try a bench competition later next year.


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I know typically when training in Powerlifting it is better to avoid failure, and the heaviest you can Bench 3 reps is about 90% of your max. So if you hit that 90% for 3 reps you probably wouldn’t need to do a set of failure after that.
I’m not sure when your Bench competition is, but probably at least about 3 weeks out you should avoid the extra heavy bag work and most cardio to conserve energy for strength and power. The only thing is that would be counterproductive to your boxing and MMA goals. That’s tricky to balance really.
I’m interested to see Hyde’s advice on this my self, because I might try a bench competition later next year.
I've been doing minimal bag work and no grappling unfortunately, just little 3 round sessions on the heavy bag and some Shadow boxing as a warm up, just enough to keep some sort of muscle memory on the bag and this is my only cardio lately too. I went from ,30-45min down to 15min most days, just trying to use my energy where it's most important at the moment. October 15th is the date so that gives me 6 weeks


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Then if I wanted to fight In November which I'm pretty sure he's already started looking for match ups but il have 5 weeks to drop 20lbs. As crappy as that is, I'm not stressing it because it will force me to do a boatload of cardio which is gonna help with getting endurance up in the process.


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Then if I wanted to fight In November which I'm pretty sure he's already started looking for match ups but il have 5 weeks to drop 20lbs. As crappy as that is, I'm not stressing it because it will force me to do a boatload of cardio which is gonna help with getting endurance up in the process.
Without losing any punching power? Don't know too much about fighting. I just like looking like I can kick someone's a$$ not actually doing it


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Without losing any punching power? Don't know too much about fighting. I just like looking like I can kick someone's a$$ not actually doing it
Actual power will go down a little, but by the time I'm down to 185 I notice my speed is dramatically improved and it levels out.

Like imagine you can swing with 100% power but your speed and agility ect only allowed you to throw 5-6 punches in say 15-20sec.

Then imagine throwing 20-25 punches at 90% power in the same time frame.

The 90% punches in bunches are gonna do more damage.

There's also link between handspeed and power. I know some big dudes that can probably hit hard but there unlikely to land a punch because I'm gonna light that ass up with a 4 piece combo before there first punch makes contact


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Short and sweet today, I shadow boxed for a couple rounds just to loosen up, then spent about 1/2hr. On just bench press. Worked up to 325x2 and 345x1, almost felt too easy. The guy spotting me told me to do another rep with 345 but I racked it. Didn't want to risk failing. I'm positive I could do 360 touch and go but not with a pause.

360 is the goal for October 15th

You get 3 attempts so I'm just planning on going 320,340,360

The boxing gym is all bumper plates by the way, so it always looks crazy when I'm in there benching lol. Especially because most of the ppl there don't lift with the exception of the strength club

I'm gonna try to get a Facebook page going. One of the guys at the gym records sparring and stuff and said if I get Facebook he will start recording my training and posting it. Obviously I'm not really boxing right now but think it's a good idea, il spar 1x week or something just to get some live footage

After bench I hit the bag for 3 rounds and went home because there was a class going on and they were using most of the floor area


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I know typically when training in Powerlifting it is better to avoid failure, and the heaviest you can Bench 3 reps is about 90% of your max. So if you hit that 90% for 3 reps you probably wouldn’t need to do a set of failure after that.
I’m not sure when your Bench competition is, but probably at least about 3 weeks out you should avoid the extra heavy bag work and most cardio to conserve energy for strength and power. The only thing is that would be counterproductive to your boxing and MMA goals. That’s tricky to balance really.
I’m interested to see Hyde’s advice on this my self, because I might try a bench competition later next year.
I’d agree with of this.

You can do failure on hypertrophy work still, so something like 70% for an AMRAP at the end is okay, but understand something like benchpress doing that is way more costly than doing that on tricep pressdowns or push-ups.

Generally as you get closer, when you bench you should bench to kill, not get killed. Same shoes you will use, not failing, weights creeping up and failure reserved for hypertrophy. High intensity conditioning work should be pulled down at the end to enhance recovery.

Make your opener 315. Always always always open light; you don’t know how the comp will start, how you will feel, nerves, if you will be rushed or getting cold, and the opener is just about getting comfortable and getting into the rotation. Nobody remembers what you open with - they remember what you finish with.


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And I just smashed my toes with a big concrete block while only wearing socks.

Pretty sure the middle and one to the left are broken and my big toe is crooked and I took a chunk out the nailView attachment 221422
That has to suck. See, this is why I don’t lift anything heavy…it’s just too high risk!

I’m currently sidelined with a shoulder injury :cry:. Just weeks after I had turned to the dark side.

I am more than pissed!


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And I just smashed my toes with a big concrete block while only wearing socks.

Pretty sure the middle and one to the left are broken and my big toe is crooked and I took a chunk out the nailView attachment 221422
Aww man, that looks like it hurts!

Got an appointment for xrays set up yet? Can you still walk/work?


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Aww man, that looks like it hurts!

Got an appointment for xrays set up yet? Can you still walk/work?
My aunt is a nurse I'm at her house now, I can walk it just hurts and I can't bend the middle one. She said she's like 90% sure the middle is broken and the others are not and if I go to the ER there not gonna x ray it, there gonna tell me ice and Ibuprofen.

Have to work tomorrow can't take it off nor can I take off Friday. If it gets worse il go somewhere over the weekend


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That has to suck. See, this is why I don’t lift anything heavy…it’s just too high risk!

I’m currently sidelined with a shoulder injury :cry:. Just weeks after I had turned to the dark side.

I am more than pissed!
Wasn't super heavy, probably only 30-40lbs. But heavy enough to smash bare feet


That has to suck. See, this is why I don’t lift anything heavy…it’s just too high risk!

I’m currently sidelined with a shoulder injury :cry:. Just weeks after I had turned to the dark side.

I am more than pissed!
Damn that has to suck


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My aunt is a nurse I'm at her house now, I can walk it just hurts and I can't bend the middle one. She said she's like 90% sure the middle is broken and the others are not and if I go to the ER there not gonna x ray it, there gonna tell me ice and Ibuprofen.

Have to work tomorrow can't take it off nor can I take off Friday. If it gets worse il go somewhere over the weekend
Well if you need any advice from a respiratory therapist that works in the ER, I’m here.
Damn that has to suck
It’s so completely my kind of luck. It was about a month ago when I got injured at the gym. There was a teenage douchebag who thought it was appropriate to lay a mat down directly in front of the dumbbell rack to do stretches. I was waiting for him to finish but I got too impatient and decided to bend my upper body around him to slightly stretch out and reach some 45# dumbbells. Then my right shoulder popped.

You should have to pass a gym etiquette course to be able to be a gym member. These young kids have zero clue how to conduct themselves in a gym.


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Definitely going to loose that toenail.

At least it wasn't my hand. Il stop complaining now. Lol


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Bro you can break it with a 10lb plate even, this sucks! I’m sorry man.
Thanks, it's not the end of the world tho. I can work around it. Of all things to **** up this is one that's relatively easy to deal with. "Saying this as I just woke up with throbbing pain lol"

But now that I've iced everything and calmed down, it's only the very middle toe that's fucked up. It's purple and black now and I can't bend it and throbbing like a mofo. But as long as I stay mindful of it I can walk and il be able to get through the day.

Far as lifting goes il probably back the weight down a little till it feels good enough to drive into the ground on my presses and all other lifts are not really gonna be affected.

For legs il just do isolation work


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Thanks, it's not the end of the world tho. I can work around it. Of all things to **** up this is one that's relatively easy to deal with. "Saying this as I just woke up with throbbing pain lol"

But now that I've iced everything and calmed down, it's only the very middle toe that's fucked up. It's purple and black now and I can't bend it and throbbing like a mofo. But as long as I stay mindful of it I can walk and il be able to get through the day.

Far as lifting goes il probably back the weight down a little till it feels good enough to drive into the ground on my presses and all other lifts are not really gonna be affected.

For legs il just do isolation work
Bro pin some nubain in it and get on the damn Squat rack let's go!!!... nah just messing with ya hope it gets better quick


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Bro pin some nubain in it and get on the damn Squat rack let's go!!!... nah just messing with ya hope it gets better quick
Ya lol, I don't **** with drugs anymore, no alcohol no nothing 😓. I did eat some weed cookies over the weekend tho, haven't had any thc in almost a year. That was enjoyable till I ate a entire bag of mini donuts


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Ya lol, I don't **** with drugs anymore, no alcohol no nothing 😓. I did eat some weed cookies over the weekend tho, haven't had any thc in almost a year. That was enjoyable till I ate a entire bag of mini donuts
Yea me neither the bodybuilding lifestyle got me into drugs but it has also gotten me off of them. Going to be in Vegas this weekend visiting family and while everyone is drinking ill just be enjoying normal/unhealthy food and then get up early and go get a day pass at dragon's lair gym


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Yea me neither the bodybuilding lifestyle got me into drugs but it has also gotten me off of them. Going to be in Vegas this weekend visiting family and while everyone is drinking ill just be enjoying normal/unhealthy food and then get up early and go get a day pass at dragon's lair gym
I'm always one end of the extreme.

When I'm not in the gym or a extended period of time "talking years" I drink and party. When I'm on my gym grind I won't touch anything. Rec drugs and steroids don't mix. March 9th was 3 years I quit everything and may was 3 years back in the gym.

I'm getting too old to party anyway. Not because it's not fun but because If I fall into the drinking and partying again, by the time I snap back out of it I might be too old to accomplish anything


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Can you compete in 2 weight classes on the same day? There gonna follow basic pl weight classes and rules for the bench.

Take all logic out of the equation, I don't really care what's counter productive and all that. Im just wondering if someone could enter 2 weight classes, like weight in @198 and compete at 198 and 220

My boy is gonna enter at 220. I know I can put bench him so I'm thinking of doing my 3 lifts at 198 and staying a little conservative and then going for my best when the 220's come around


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Can you compete in 2 weight classes on the same day? There gonna follow basic pl weight classes and rules for the bench.

Take all logic out of the equation, I don't really care what's counter productive and all that. Im just wondering if someone could enter 2 weight classes, like weight in @198 and compete at 198 and 220

My boy is gonna enter at 220. I know I can put bench him so I'm thinking of doing my 3 lifts at 198 and staying a little conservative and then going for my best when the 220's come around
No, unfortunately. If you want to directly compete against him, you will need to weighin over 198lbs. And make sure he doesn’t move up to avoid you, like drink a Gatorade last minute to bump up over 220 (thus being in the 242 class).

Everyone only gets 3 attempts. Flights of lifters will often be partially be organized by weightclasses first, then by how heavy the opening attempts put in are. So 198s and 220s commonly lift in the same group, but aren’t technically competing with one another.

How many flights and how big each group is are up to the promoter and number of participants. There is almost always at least 2 flights, and 4 is common for over 40 lifters total in a meet. Usually most women, then stronger women & light men, middleweight men, then the heaviest group.

When a flight begins, the weakest opening attempt that was registered goes first, then the next lowest, and so on, until all lifters in a flight have done their opener. As soon as you do your first lift, you walk over to the scoring table and tell them your second attempt. You have about a minute, so there’s not a bunch of time to decide. Then when the last opener is completed, second attempts begin based on the lowest attempt put in. So the lifting order can change if some guys barely go up while others make big jumps.

If you are in flight B, you need to warm up while flight A is actively competing. As soon as their third attempts are complete, that group will peace out and your flight will move from the warmup area to near the platform to wait for them to call your name to lift your first attempt. Put your wrist wraps on when the guy before you is called so you aren’t rushing.


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And I just smashed my toes with a big concrete block while only wearing socks.

Pretty sure the middle and one to the left are broken and my big toe is crooked and I took a chunk out the nailView attachment 221422
oh my.. that sucks.. did you get an x-ray done?

Thanks for the tag.. Always a treat..


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That’s my kind of meal. Any sauce?
Ha, and I like the presentation.
Chef Smont 👨🏻‍🍳
I love food and love cooking. Presentation is important to me. Obviously I'm not going to go crazy with presentation every meal but I always have to do something.

I used a low cal terrakyi and I cut it with a little soy sauce to stretch it further without adding more calories.

Vegetables were sauteed in a little bit of oil. Teaspoon of a 50/50 canola oil olive oil blend and I added a couple drops of sesame oil for taste. Salt, pepper, garlic


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Also, you can NEVER go down in weight once you have done an attempt. You can retake a weight if you missed the previous attempt, but not call for a lesser number.


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6 weeks to go

I have gotten my waist line back under control, I still would like to get it a little bit tighter so I think I will spend 1 more week working on that. I'm also introducing metformin before bed, 500,mg for about 7-10days to see how my stomach feels and then probably 1000. Or maybe just 1000 on high carb days. Not positive yet. Next week I will also add the mk and cjc dac back in.

Off to do a full body "ish" workout as I might go clamming and fishing tomorrow.

Flat bench 3x5, 1xamrap
High incline pin press 5x3
Weighted chins 5x3
And if my foot feels decent I may deadlift

Then probably hit the bag and do arms later tonight


If I let my stomach really hang out I can see the abs outline but I'm a little distended which leads me to believe I got a lot of visceral fat underneath.

I kinda want to add the winny now but I don't wanna be on it for 6 weeks. Although I talked with @jtmass old coach and he reccomended I run the winny for 64.5 weeks minimum. Still undecided 🤔


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I think I'm roughly 15%bf right now and I was just thinking, 15% of 200lbs is 30lbs of fat. I'm 202 so to drop to 178 for boxing would put me sub 5% that's not doable.

So after the bench comp I'm coming off everything. I'm not even gonna pin my test for 3-4 weeks and hope that shrinks me down to 180 fairly quick. The last 2 weeks il pin my regular trt so I don't crash but I think that's the only way I'm gonna be able to drop 22lbs in 5 weeks.

If I feel like crap then next time around Il just ask them to find me someone at a catch weight around 190lbs


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If my boxing match is a go this time 🤞 I also will have 3 days off of work planned out for a water load and cut.

If it falls through again I'm gonna enter a submission wrestling tournament that's a breast cancer fundraiser so that this time at least they didn't cut for nothing and the money will go to a good cause


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Didn't go as planned but I made due.

There was a group of ladies using the weight area in the boxing gym and my boy couldn't make it anyway so I left and went to planet fitness (insert laughing here)

Obviously I had to change the workout around

Those poundages are not completely correct because 315 on the Smith machine is actually like 290 or something like that, idk it's not important. I made it challenging but avoided failure.

For weighted chins I made a make shift whatever you want to call this thing and just hung the 50 lb around my neck to do pull-ups lol

Then I went back to the boxing gym and did 3 rounds and had to quit on the 4th cuz my toe was fukin killing me. Haven't looked yet but I think the nail fell off 💅

2 hours total but there was 2x15min car rides in-between.

**** it, at least I got some **** accomplished today


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Didn't go as planned but I made due.

There was a group of ladies using the weight area in the boxing gym and my boy couldn't make it anyway so I left and went to planet fitness (insert laughing here)

Obviously I had to change the workout around View attachment 221541

Those poundages are not completely correct because 315 on the Smith machine is actually like 290 or something like that, idk it's not important. I made it challenging but avoided failure.

For weighted chins I made a make shift whatever you want to call this thing and just hung the 50 lb around my neck to do pull-ups lolView attachment 221542
Then I went back to the boxing gym and did 3 rounds and had to quit on the 4th cuz my toe was fukin killing me. Haven't looked yet but I think the nail fell off 💅

2 hours total but there was 2x15min car rides in-between.

**** it, at least I got some **** accomplished today
Way to make the most of an imperfect situation. RIP your toe nail, that does not sound fun.


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Good job with the improvisation. You can’t practice comp lifts at a planet fitness, but if you are smart you can definitely get bigger and stronger. Like we all give it a ton of **** because it used to be really condescending in its marketing towards meatheads (see the old Kali Muscle adds), but if you can load up the smith machine for RDLs, Front/Back/Split Squats, Flat/Incline/Overhead Press, Rows, and you do weighted chins and max out the machines you’re going to be all set. Biggest thing is just avoiding intensity to the point of making noise.


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6 weeks to go

I have gotten my waist line back under control, I still would like to get it a little bit tighter so I think I will spend 1 more week working on that. I'm also introducing metformin before bed, 500,mg for about 7-10days to see how my stomach feels and then probably 1000. Or maybe just 1000 on high carb days. Not positive yet. Next week I will also add the mk and cjc dac back in.

Off to do a full body "ish" workout as I might go clamming and fishing tomorrow.

Flat bench 3x5, 1xamrap
High incline pin press 5x3
Weighted chins 5x3
And if my foot feels decent I may deadlift

Then probably hit the bag and do arms later tonight

View attachment 221536View attachment 221537

If I let my stomach really hang out I can see the abs outline but I'm a little distended which leads me to believe I got a lot of visceral fat underneath.

I kinda want to add the winny now but I don't wanna be on it for 6 weeks. Although I talked with @jtmass old coach and he reccomended I run the winny for 64.5 weeks minimum. Still undecided 🤔
Definitely looking swole…..I bet your a little less than 15%, your shredded everywhere except just a little on your lower abs.
You have become a master at improvising….get it in any way you can.👍


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Definitely looking swole…..I bet your a little less than 15%, your shredded everywhere except just a little on your lower abs.
You have become a master at improvising….get it in any way you can.👍
My lower abs hold fat forever! It won't be a lot, but I can get to the point that I can only pinch skin everywhere on my body and vascular as heck and will still have that fat until sub 10%


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Good job with the improvisation. You can’t practice comp lifts at a planet fitness, but if you are smart you can definitely get bigger and stronger. Like we all give it a ton of **** because it used to be really condescending in its marketing towards meatheads (see the old Kali Muscle adds), but if you can load up the smith machine for RDLs, Front/Back/Split Squats, Flat/Incline/Overhead Press, Rows, and you do weighted chins and max out the machines you’re going to be all set. Biggest thing is just avoiding intensity to the point of making noise.
I actually like planet fitness in certain situations (not powerlifting obviously) because I'm the type of person that will overdue heavy barbell stuff and neglect certain things. But when I'm at pf, especially on back or legs it's good for me. I have to use lighter weights so ego lifting is out. Il pre exhaust or do more isolation and volume. I work the muscle better when I'm forced to use cables and machines


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My lower abs hold fat forever! It won't be a lot, but I can get to the point that I can only pinch skin everywhere on my body and vascular as heck and will still have that fat until sub 10%
Yep, same here… 10% mine will finally be gone, but Lord I like food too much to be able to stay at 10%. lol


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Yep, same here… 10% mine will finally be gone, but Lord I like food too much to be able to stay at 10%. lol
Me too, you saw what happened after I botched that boxing cut back in June. It was 6 weeks of cheat meals. Pop-Tarts, cookies and pizza.

I went straight iifym today and only counted calories.

Protein bar and coffee

2 deli meat sandwichs and a Greek yogurt cup

1/2lb cheeseburger, 1 hotdog and some steak fries. Small ice cream cone.

2300 so far and I'm still starving. I gotta make these last 700 count

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