Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



Are you using cjc1295 DAC?

If so are you using ghrelin receptor agonist with it?


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Strains pec twice, still calls it fun. @Hyde you crazy man!
Screwed up my whole Christmas eve, but I got lucky in the end.

I really remember enjoying the heavy Neutral Grip DB Benching pyramid. Something like progressively heavier sets of 12,10,8,6,5 reps. Always felt like it added a lot of useful size & strength.


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Screwed up my whole Christmas eve, but I got lucky in the end.

I really remember enjoying the heavy Neutral Grip DB Benching pyramid. Something like progressively heavier sets of 12,10,8,6,5 reps. Always felt like it added a lot of useful size & strength.
When I first started working out, in the early eighties (man I’m old), I did a pyramid program of 10,8,6,4,2,8. I was already in good shape from football in high school and body weight exercises, but man when I started putting on real muscle I was hooked.


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Are you using cjc1295 DAC?

If so are you using ghrelin receptor agonist with it?
I was using it for 2 weeks with mk677 and I stopped. I have more and more on the way and I will throw it back in once i get everything back under control.

Last thing I need is cjc and mk while I'm stuffing my face with cake and cookies lol.

I just need a week or 2 to get things situated and il be back on it.


I was using it for 2 weeks with mk677 and I stopped. I have more and more on the way and I will throw it back in once i get everything back under control.

Last thing I need is cjc and mk while I'm stuffing my face with cake and cookies lol.

I just need a week or 2 to get things situated and il be back on it.
I'm curious about your experience with this combo. I am doing the same combo for the first time and my appetite is actually reduced so far. 🤔 2mg cjc/week and ~12.5mg mk/day. MK alone increases my hunger. Maybe this will change as I'm early in the run.

Great log as usual! Thanks for sharing the journey.


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I'm curious about your experience with this combo. I am doing the same combo for the first time and my appetite is actually reduced so far. 🤔 2mg cjc/week and ~12.5mg mk/day. MK alone increases my hunger. Maybe this will change as I'm early in the run.

Great log as usual! Thanks for sharing the journey.
The way your doing it was one of the ways I e done it in the past. I don't get a increased appetite either, The reason I said I don't wanna take it while eating junk is because mk and GH Peps are known to screw with your blood sugar, so if I'm eating garbage sweets and taking these things it's a double whammy to get fat and my insulin sensitivity go to crap.


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Oh, and apparently my crappy Walmart glucose meter is broken and my blood pressure cuff is broken, need to get new ones this weekend.

I thought my BP had been running high and I checked it at my aunt's house yesterday and it was 126/75
Then I went to my mom's later and used hers and it was 127/74

Mine had been reading high 130's/95-90


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Oh, and apparently my crappy Walmart glucose meter is broken and my blood pressure cuff is broken, need to get new ones this weekend.

I thought my BP had been running high and I checked it at my aunt's house yesterday and it was 126/75
Then I went to my mom's later and used hers and it was 127/74

Mine had been reading high 130's/95-90
Man I went to check my glucose the other day, first time in ages, since I added MK. My battery was dead. I don’t want to add Metformin without seeing my fasted value but my dumb ass still hasn’t gotten to the store for a new battery


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Bad idea time!

I still got a 50mg/ml bottle of trestolone ace

How fast does the strength gains on trestolone take to kick in?

Maybe I can slam some trest the last 2-3 weeks and kick up my strength and get out quick


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Without checking my log, I would say probably 2-3 weeks. It’s not as potent as an oral though, but you will see improvements.

Given you aren’t in a position to add weight, it’s not the best choice in my opinion. Better for a powerbuilding scenario where you intend to be in a surplus.


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Without checking my log, I would say probably 2-3 weeks. It’s not as potent as an oral though, but you will see improvements.

Given you aren’t in a position to add weight, it’s not the best choice in my opinion. Better for a powerbuilding scenario where you intend to be in a surplus.
Yeah for me I start to see my weight increase pretty quickly on Trest Ace, and in the second week that strength increase is kicking in. If you wasn’t worried about gaining weight, Smont, the timing for strength would be just about perfect, but you probably would put on 10 lbs or more in that 2-3 weeks.


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Yeah for me I start to see my weight increase pretty quickly on Trest Ace, and in the second week that strength increase is kicking in. If you wasn’t worried about gaining weight, Smont, the timing for strength would be just about perfect, but you probably would put on 10 lbs or more in that 2-3 weeks.
Yep, and that would be a big problem uless I cut 10-12 lbs now and hold tight in the low 190's till I added it. And that doesn't make a lot of sense for me to do either.

In the bigger scheme of things, none of this stuff is important, this competition is for fun and it's a memorial fundraiser as well. It's just the competitive dick head in me that never wants to loose at anything is looking for excuses to throw the kitchen sink into the mix lol. I should have been smarter about my rebound from last cut. If I held back on the calories I could have slowly crept up little by little until it was showtime and then reversed back out again.

Now I gotta maingain as dickhead douchette would say, for the next 6 weeks, Then I gotta crash diet 20lbs in the following 4-5 weeks


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Just curious, do you use injectable L-Carnitine? I haven’t seen you mention it, so wasn’t sure. I haven’t tried it, but was going to add it to my next cut, after seeing how great it seems on a cut.
Actually now that I think about, I think you had recommended it to a guy talking about taking HGH for a cut.


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Just curious, do you use injectable L-Carnitine? I haven’t seen you mention it, so wasn’t sure. I haven’t tried it, but was going to add it to my next cut, after seeing how great it seems on a cut.
Actually now that I think about, I think you had recommended it to a guy talking about taking HGH for a cut.
I've used it quite a few times but I'm not currently. I've tried as low as 180mg 4x week up to 900mg per day. In my experience the higher the better.

The problem is when you're already pinning daily adding another one and a half cc's of something per day is a pain


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I've used it quite a few times but I'm not currently. I've tried as low as 180mg 4x week up to 900mg per day. In my experience the higher the better.

The problem is when you're already pinning daily adding another one and a half cc's of something per day is a pain
Il probably add it back in when I cut the calories after Oct 15th.

Trt 150mg, clen 50mcg, l Carnitine 600mg and that's it for my crash diet cut


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Yep, and that would be a big problem uless I cut 10-12 lbs now and hold tight in the low 190's till I added it. And that doesn't make a lot of sense for me to do either.

In the bigger scheme of things, none of this stuff is important, this competition is for fun and it's a memorial fundraiser as well. It's just the competitive dick head in me that never wants to loose at anything is looking for excuses to throw the kitchen sink into the mix lol. I should have been smarter about my rebound from last cut. If I held back on the calories I could have slowly crept up little by little until it was showtime and then reversed back out again.

Now I gotta maingain as dickhead douchette would say, for the next 6 weeks, Then I gotta crash diet 20lbs in the following 4-5 weeks
I fuxking hate that term it even sounds dumb let's combine maintain with gain it just sounds ridiculous


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I k
Today's weight is 204, so I knocked off 4-5lbs of crap from last weekends escapades
I love how us mearheads know exactly what you're talking about where most normies would think your escapades was a weekend in Vegas with a bunch of hookers and blow


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I fuxking hate that term it even sounds dumb let's combine maintain with gain it just sounds ridiculous
Ya **** maingaining, I'm either gonna start bulktaining instead, or screw it and start cutmaining early. Maybe you guys should start shameblaming me for eating all the Pop-Tarts and..... I just spent like 10min trying to think of food that rhymes with blaming but I give up


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Ya **** maingaining, I'm either gonna start bulktaining instead, or screw it and start cutmaining early. Maybe you guys should start shameblaming me for eating all the Pop-Tarts and..... I just spent like 10min trying to think of food that rhymes with blaming but I give up
You sir just won AM response of the day. Congratulations 👏👏👏


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So I made a executive decision today and decided on how I'm gonna train for this bench press comp.

I'm not lol. It just hit me, I'm gonna spend more time looking for a program then training and time is short anyway. I'm already good at benching so I'm just gonna go back to what I was doing before and making sure I get a extra bench day in.

Problem solved


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Tomorrow is pull day with legs included
Sunday is push day and il throw some extra work in after boxing during the week. Except on bench day, that will be bench before boxing or no boxing that day.

If it ain't broken don't fix it


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There’s a lot to be said for training how you know you can recover, what you feel works fine for you, and you believe in. So doing what you have been with a little more bench practice and upper body work & maybe a little less legs/cardio as you get close to the comp is about all it will take.


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There’s a lot to be said for training how you know you can recover, what you feel works fine for you, and you believe in. So doing what you have been with a little more bench practice and upper body work & maybe a little less legs/cardio as you get close to the comp is about all it will take.
Yep, agreed. I also need to remember there's a difference between recovering and fighting through it. I have a high work load capacity or whatever you wanna call it and that's because I've trained myself to do it. Dosent make it optimal. For the time being I need to train smarter, not harder. Just hard enough to progress


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So I made a executive decision today and decided on how I'm gonna train for this bench press comp.

I'm not lol. It just hit me, I'm gonna spend more time looking for a program then training and time is short anyway. I'm already good at benching so I'm just gonna go back to what I was doing before and making sure I get a extra bench day in.

Problem solved
I actually had thought about you’ve been making progress just keep doing your thang….makes total sense. Some of those bench specialty programs really would have been hard to fit into your schedule with all the extra work for boxing. Staying flexible, as you have been, really is the smartest move considering the bench competition was just something you’ve kind of threw in your journey on the way to fights.


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So I made a executive decision today and decided on how I'm gonna train for this bench press comp.

I'm not lol. It just hit me, I'm gonna spend more time looking for a program then training and time is short anyway. I'm already good at benching so I'm just gonna go back to what I was doing before and making sure I get a extra bench day in.

Problem solved
Sounds like a great idea finding a program seemed to be stressing you out more than anything


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Sounds like a great idea finding a program seemed to be stressing you out more than anything
It wasn't stressful I just realized I was wasting time on something that's not very important. I get myself wrapped up in stuff that's unnecessary


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Made a big veggie platter and a Greek yogurt dipping sauce that was basically ranch flavor

Then a wheat pasta salad with veggies and feta

And I forgot to take pictures of the meat but there's dry rub jerk chicken, regular chicken and teriyaki beef


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Looks really good….you’ve got me where I use the different yogurts for sauces and dressings. Me and my wife love it (my wife said tell that Smont guy thanks for the idea)…..I’ll have to add some Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning to some greak yogurt with some veggies now.😜


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Using the leftover pasta salad and chicken for lunches the next 3 days.

I did cut my calories again, slightly weight is 203.5, still wanna get back under 200, maybe even 195 and then see if I can put on 2-3lbs "good" weight the last 35 days or so, comp is 48 days away.

Without getting too detailed I hit 315 for 3sets of 4 on incline Smith machine because I couldn't get a flat free weight bench today, did db shoulder press with a neutral grip 65's for 3 sets of 8
Db flys
Wenning tricep ext
Side laterals
Cable press down.

I also have been slacking on my pin schedule I'm supposed to be taking 100test and 100eq 3 times a week to EOD, well looking at my calendar I've missed 3 pins in 3 weeks lol.

I'm gonna go back to pinning daily so I never forget. If I gotta do it every day il be on top of things and if I do miss a day it's no big deal because of the frequency.

So I was actually doing 200/200

I'm gonna start 50mg each daily for 350/350


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Looks really good….you’ve got me where I use the different yogurts for sauces and dressings. Me and my wife love it (my wife said tell that Smont guy thanks for the idea)…..I’ll have to add some Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning to some greak yogurt with some veggies now.😜
That's awesome


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Damn bro you made it all like that just for yourself? It looks like you're on your way to a graduation party or something. Lol. But here i am on the west coast living outta Tupperware chicken rice oatmeal steak sweet potato. Wash rinse repeat
No my kids too, except they are like 1 vegetable each and then just had chicken and that naan bread stuff. So all the leftovers will make my lunch for the next 3 days


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Bro pin your EQ once a week in one big depot shot; the half life is insane and you will literally get more out of it with the larger waving peaks (higher total drug exposure).

Then pin your testosterone daily if that allows you to run the higher dose with no AI.

But EQ obviously can’t aromatize to estradiol, so there’s no benefit to daily shots for estrogen management, and like I said actually less benefit truly because you never quite hit the same exposure ceiling.

Unless you screwed yourself by already premixing everything in a jug, then forget I said anything


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Bro pin your EQ once a week in one big depot shot; the half life is insane and you will literally get more out of it with the larger waving peaks (higher total drug exposure).

Then pin your testosterone daily if that allows you to run the higher dose with no AI.

But EQ obviously can’t aromatize to estradiol, so there’s no benefit to daily shots for estrogen management, and like I said actually less benefit truly because you never quite hit the same exposure ceiling.

Unless you screwed yourself by already premixing everything in a jug, then forget I said anything
I premix a week at a time so il give that a try starting next week


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Haven't watched it yet but I'm sure it's useful
They're all really good. I feel that you personally would know most of the information in the videos he just dropped the 3rd one this morning which details the schedule for a year kind of like the previous one he did. Scincw vigorous Steve has dissapeared I've been watching big Paul


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No my kids too, except they are like 1 vegetable each and then just had chicken and that naan bread stuff. So all the leftovers will make my lunch for the next 3 days
That Naan stuff is so good. My wife introduced me to it, she used to get it for me when I would start craving bread


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That Naan stuff is so good. My wife introduced me to it, she used to get it for me when I would start craving bread
Absolutely delicious but definitely not diet friendly lol. I been thinking it was 300cal per piece and then realized each piece was 2 servings.

I do love bread tho, I've had periods of time where I got 90% of my carbs from rye and sourdough bread. My diet was basically ham and eggs on sourdough for breakfast, grilled chicken on rye, grilled chicken on rye, protein shake and then steak and eggs with sourdough for dinner.


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I love a good tortilla for easy simple carb intake. Throw some prepped chicken in one postWO for a burrito with whatever you like in it.


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I love a good tortilla for easy simple carb intake. Throw some prepped chicken in one postWO for a burrito with whatever you like in it.
I go through a lot of tortilla wraps. Mainly because when I'm on the road I can eat while driving


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Quick 45min workout today

Weighted chins I went up to 90lbs for a couple sets of 3 and then I beat up the heavy bad for 15min, grabbed some dumbbells and did hammer curls for 5 sets of 10 and walked out.

Il be sticking to these quick workouts during the week like I was before and getting more volume on the weekends, basically just going back to what I was doing.

Officially entered the bench press comp at 198lbs so I'm paid up ($35) for fundraiser for the bench. If I decide to do the strongman stuff I don't think it costs anything extra.


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Il take pictures this weekend but I'm 203 still but I look fukin huge right now lol. I got a little gut going but my arms shoulders and chest are massive. If my entire body matched my shoulders and arms right now I'd probably be 225 lol. Im not sure why but I look bigger now then I did at 210 and 215 last year


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Il take pictures this weekend but I'm 203 still but I look fukin huge right now lol. I got a little gut going but my arms shoulders and chest are massive. If my entire body matched my shoulders and arms right now I'd probably be 225 lol. Im not sure why but I look bigger now then I did at 210 and 215 last year
Getting the slabs put in the right places.🥩💪


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Absolutely delicious but definitely not diet friendly lol. I been thinking it was 300cal per piece and then realized each piece was 2 servings.

I do love bread tho, I've had periods of time where I got 90% of my carbs from rye and sourdough bread. My diet was basically ham and eggs on sourdough for breakfast, grilled chicken on rye, grilled chicken on rye, protein shake and then steak and eggs with sourdough for dinner.
Cmon bro I start cardio and strict diet after my weekend on Vegas for labor day you're already making me start to crave lol I'm gonna fill up on French toast until all weekend to the point where I won't want bread until the holidays lol

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