Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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13,000 is crazy. I've pulled 6000-8000 cheat days and it was rough.

Once I did a eating comp where I had to eat 2lbs of pork belly which is mostly fat, 2 cups of cabbage and whatever else I don't remember but the total was slightly over 10,000 calories. I failed, but we weighed the remainder and it was just like 3.8oz of pork belly and some cabbage left and whatever I eat was approximately 8,000 calories, but here's the kicker, I did it in under 20 minutes.

About 2 hours later I got violently ill and I was projectile vomiting what looked like pure fat. Then pursued a two-day food hangover and I'm not even slightly exaggerating it felt like the worst hangover ever 😂.

I don't think I ate pork for 3 months after that
That’s wild…. I think I would have puked sooner, with that much pork belly, but then you throw 2 cups of cabbage in…..🤢🤮
No wonder you wouldn’t touch pork for a couple of months. 😂


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That’s wild…. I think I would have puked sooner, with that much pork belly, but then you throw 2 cups of cabbage in…..🤢🤮
No wonder you wouldn’t touch pork for a couple of months. 😂
Like a week after I eat it I went to a cookout and guess what they were doing there, roasting a pig LOL. No b******* I almost puked on myself just from looking at it


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Bit off topic, but does anyone know of anything that helps with carpaltunnel or whatever it's called. Not your standard fish oil and supplements but anything in the healing peptides world or something up and coming maybe?

My hands suck. I can manage just fine for my fitness/bodybuilding type stuff but my grip strength and pain are fairly bad for handling oddball shaped stuff at work. I'm kind of having a hard time explaining but does anyone understand what I'm getting at


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Bit off topic, but does anyone know of anything that helps with carpaltunnel or whatever it's called. Not your standard fish oil and supplements but anything in the healing peptides world or something up and coming maybe?

My hands suck. I can manage just fine for my fitness/bodybuilding type stuff but my grip strength and pain are fairly bad for handling oddball shaped stuff at work. I'm kind of having a hard time explaining but does anyone understand what I'm getting at
My wife had it, and we tried different braces that helped, but she eventually had to have the surgery. But no regrets, because she says it’s still great now and that was 10 years ago.
That was also before we had ever tried BPC, but my first thought would be BPC 157 and maybe TB500 would help, but the surgery is fairly simple and from what I remember she healed pretty quickly.


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Lol idk, but that’s a cheap shot I’ve heard tossed around. Obviously there are some really big & strong guys under 200, but haters gonna hate.

I still remember the look on a friend’s face some years back when we were all benching, discussing an upcoming meet 2 of us were doing. I commented that Sunday is when the 220 & up men compete, while Saturday is when all the female classes & men under 198 lifted. The other guy looks at me and says, “You mean the women??” and we burst out laughing.

We forgot one of the guys there was only like 190lbs or something. He was so hurt, he literally powerbulked to like 205 in a couple months after that I swear just because of that joke.
Damn that's messed up lol. I know plenty of guys under 200 pounds that are strong as $hit. If strength is your thing then go for it. When I was younger and had to get over that bodybuilding and strength training are different and to get over the ego thing my coach told me do you want to bench 400 pounds or look like you can? Because we can train you too bench 400 but I promise you're not going to like the way you look. That always stuck with me and it helps today now that I'm older. There are plenty of kids in the gym way stronger than me but I wear a 2xl t shirt and they do not and that's what keeps me going


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ART - Active Release Technique does a good job of fixing that non-surgically. Will likely take them 3-6 sessions but you should notice a difference after even one session. Definitely worth checking out! My ART guy is a Godsend!


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ART - Active Release Technique does a good job of fixing that non-surgically. Will likely take them 3-6 sessions but you should notice a difference after even one session. Definitely worth checking out! My ART guy is a Godsend!
Cool, I’ll have to check that out myself.👍


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Cool, I’ll have to check that out myself.👍
It was a game changer for me. My ART guy has corrected a lot of issues that just didn't want to go heal up on their own. They can break up the scar tissue in the carpal tunnels so that the nerve gets freed up to do it's job better. I will warn anyone trying it that it is painful. Like worthy of warning people used to pain that it hurts during the session.


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Yeah that's why I think it's underdosed, I did 500 for a couple days then I bumped to 1,000 for a couple days and I got no decrease in appetite and I tested my blood a few times and it doesn't seem to be doing that much, I'm going to work my way up to 1500mg this weekend and see if it changes anything
If you really want to know if it’s bunk, just hop straight to 2g and see if you get the shits and what your bg does. Kind of irresponsible but you might have more concrete answers lol


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By the way is night time the best time to use it? I would have guessed during the day but I also don't know the half life of it either.


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If you really want to know if it’s bunk, just hop straight to 2g and see if you get the shits and what your bg does. Kind of irresponsible but you might have more concrete answers lol
I can't afford to get the shits, I work construction. I don't wanna be running back and forth to a porto potty all day. I'm gonna do 1.5 tomorrow and 2 Saturday


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By the way is night time the best time to use it? I would have guessed during the day but I also don't know the half life of it either.
Most protocol I've seen have ppl taking 500mg to 1gm before bed.

For athletic or physique goals I see most splitting the dose up 500-1000 mid morning and again at night for 1.5-2g total.

Il report back Sunday on the metformin


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After a little bit of reading it seems like some ppl need to dose metformin fairly high at 1.5-2 so maybe I fall into that catagory. I'm gonna wait till the weekend to raise the dose tho because I've read it can make you **** your pants 😂
Im all for doing anything and everything you can to get yoked but crapping my pants is where I draw the line lol unless it makes me look like jay cutler circa 2009


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After a little bit of reading it seems like some ppl need to dose metformin fairly high at 1.5-2 so maybe I fall into that catagory. I'm gonna wait till the weekend to raise the dose tho because I've read it can make you **** your pants 😂
Im all for doing anything and everything you can to get yoked but crapping my pants is where I draw the line lol unless it makes me look like jay cutler circa 2009


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After a little bit of reading it seems like some ppl need to dose metformin fairly high at 1.5-2 so maybe I fall into that catagory. I'm gonna wait till the weekend to raise the dose tho because I've read it can make you **** your pants 😂
Im all for doing anything and everything you can to get yoked but crapping my pants is where I draw the line lol unless it makes me look like jay cutler circa 2009


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Great video here.

There's some talk about eq having significantly more collagen synthesis then nandrolone (deca) and eq actually being better for your joints. That one's new to me. I don't know how true it is but he had percentages and everything so I'm assuming he looked into it.

Either way I think it's worth a watch.



8 days to go


The scales been consistently dropping down as of lately which is good, I'm only 4.8 lb over which is nothing I can sweat that out in one day but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to walk right into this thing on weight.

Tomorrow will be my last bench press workout, I'll probably do some light shoulders and arms on Sunday and then take the rest of the week to just stay loose and do light cardio.

My question is, I haven't dropped carbs super low yet. What I've been doing is only eating between 50 and 80 g of carbs spread out amongst my first three meals and then eating the bulk of my carbs around 300 G with dinner and my meal after dinner. So basically I've been just eating all my carbs at night. So I have lowered my carbs a little bit but not a ton I just kind of moved around when I've been eating them I've also been getting my fat intake lower which is where I've been cutting the majority of my calories from but so far so good.

Back to the question, because it's been working fairly well do I just continue to do what I've been doing or do I cut the carbs out this week get more calories from protein weigh in on Saturday morning and then just eat a bunch of carbs after weigh-ins for the day.

I have no clue how long it'll be after weigh-ins that I'm lifting but I assume I have at least 2 hours so I can probably get a meal in right away


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I started watching that video last week but never finished I got into the Fouad abiad interview with Dave tate. I know at the beginning they were talking about insulin protocol.


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I've been cutting for a few weeks now and I'm at 197 lbs, empty morning weight = (

I still identify as a man though.


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I started watching that video last week but never finished I got into the Fouad abiad interview with Dave tate. I know at the beginning they were talking about insulin protocol.
I started watching that video last week but never finished I got into the Fouad abiad interview with Dave tate. I know at the beginning they were talking about insulin protocol.
That video just came out last night, you saw the first one


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I thought you would get a kick out of that lol
Yea I literally laughed out loud in the break room here at work woke eating my first meal:
1 can tuna
Half avocado
2 hard boiled eggs
2 packets of protein oatmeal
1activia yogurt


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Great video here.

There's some talk about eq having significantly more collagen synthesis then nandrolone (deca) and eq actually being better for your joints. That one's new to me. I don't know how true it is but he had percentages and everything so I'm assuming he looked into it.

Either way I think it's worth a watch.



8 days to go

View attachment 223034

The scales been consistently dropping down as of lately which is good, I'm only 4.8 lb over which is nothing I can sweat that out in one day but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to walk right into this thing on weight.

Tomorrow will be my last bench press workout, I'll probably do some light shoulders and arms on Sunday and then take the rest of the week to just stay loose and do light cardio.

My question is, I haven't dropped carbs super low yet. What I've been doing is only eating between 50 and 80 g of carbs spread out amongst my first three meals and then eating the bulk of my carbs around 300 G with dinner and my meal after dinner. So basically I've been just eating all my carbs at night. So I have lowered my carbs a little bit but not a ton I just kind of moved around when I've been eating them I've also been getting my fat intake lower which is where I've been cutting the majority of my calories from but so far so good.

Back to the question, because it's been working fairly well do I just continue to do what I've been doing or do I cut the carbs out this week get more calories from protein weigh in on Saturday morning and then just eat a bunch of carbs after weigh-ins for the day.

I have no clue how long it'll be after weigh-ins that I'm lifting but I assume I have at least 2 hours so I can probably get a meal in right away
That was an interesting video….I had never heard that EQ has more collagen synthesis than nandrolone. I may have to do some more research and see if I can find anymore info. Anything that increases collagen peaks my interest, as an old man with old joints.
As far as your question about the carbs….. I would say since you are so close, and what your doing is working, as long as you’re feeling good, just stay the course.


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Yea I literally laughed out loud in the break room here at work woke eating my first meal:
1 can tuna
Half avocado
2 hard boiled eggs
2 packets of protein oatmeal
1activia yogurt
I can't handle hard boiled eggs they gross me out, it's weird because I love eggs just about every way that you cook them except for hard boiled


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I can't handle hard boiled eggs they gross me out, it's weird because I love eggs just about every way that you cook them except for hard boiled
Not me man, I love hard boiled eggs. With or without a little salt.

It's definitely possible to overdo it though. When I do have them (which is rare) 2 is kinda my limit. If I tried to eat like 6 I'd struggle. But I can chow down 6 scrambled eggs like they're nothin.


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Great video here.

There's some talk about eq having significantly more collagen synthesis then nandrolone (deca) and eq actually being better for your joints. That one's new to me. I don't know how true it is but he had percentages and everything so I'm assuming he looked into it.

Either way I think it's worth a watch.



8 days to go

View attachment 223034

The scales been consistently dropping down as of lately which is good, I'm only 4.8 lb over which is nothing I can sweat that out in one day but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to walk right into this thing on weight.

Tomorrow will be my last bench press workout, I'll probably do some light shoulders and arms on Sunday and then take the rest of the week to just stay loose and do light cardio.

My question is, I haven't dropped carbs super low yet. What I've been doing is only eating between 50 and 80 g of carbs spread out amongst my first three meals and then eating the bulk of my carbs around 300 G with dinner and my meal after dinner. So basically I've been just eating all my carbs at night. So I have lowered my carbs a little bit but not a ton I just kind of moved around when I've been eating them I've also been getting my fat intake lower which is where I've been cutting the majority of my calories from but so far so good.

Back to the question, because it's been working fairly well do I just continue to do what I've been doing or do I cut the carbs out this week get more calories from protein weigh in on Saturday morning and then just eat a bunch of carbs after weigh-ins for the day.

I have no clue how long it'll be after weigh-ins that I'm lifting but I assume I have at least 2 hours so I can probably get a meal in right away
I’m no expert but being this close to game day, why change what you’re doing? It’s working and it’s looking like you’re gonna make weight so I’d stick to your current plan. If you starting cutting carbs too much you may dick up your energy levels


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Without a 24 hour weighin, I would not drop all your carbs. You cannot have glycogen stores full for a max bench in just 2 hours if you have been depleting them for the week, so don’t do that.

2 hour weighins are not ideal for cutting more than a few lbs because otherwise they affect performance much more.


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I can't handle hard boiled eggs they gross me out, it's weird because I love eggs just about every way that you cook them except for hard boiled
The funny thing is I can't either..i mix them up in the tuna with the avocado to create some sort of breakfast hash


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I agree with Hyde, like I mentioned earlier if you don't have a big enough window to refill glycogen stores you will be in a worse position by cutting carbs heavily to drop weight. If you can make weight with what you are doing then do it.


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The funny thing is I can't either..i mix them up in the tuna with the avocado to create some sort of breakfast hash
Yep, that’s the way I’ll eat hard boiled eggs, like mixed in with tuna or chicken for homemade chicken salad.


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The funny thing is I can't either..i mix them up in the tuna with the avocado to create some sort of breakfast hash
I sometimes do a lazy man's deviled egg,, cut it in half, squirt some mustard on it then hit it with paprika and salt.


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I can't do devil eggs or egg salad because of the hardboiled eggs. Once they're hard boiled the taste of the yolk is just gross to me LOL, the consistence of the hard boiled egg whites a little weird too.

Either way not a big deal I have plenty of other ways to eat I don't need to eat hard boiled eggs more power to you though. I got a guy I work with who eats six hard boiled eggs for lunch every single day, literally nothing but the hard boiled egg, nothing with it just hard boiled eggs......🤮


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I can't do devil eggs or egg salad because of the hardboiled eggs. Once they're hard boiled the taste of the yolk is just gross to me LOL, the consistence of the hard boiled egg whites a little weird too.

Either way not a big deal I have plenty of other ways to eat I don't need to eat hard boiled eggs more power to you though. I got a guy I work with who eats six hard boiled eggs for lunch every single day, literally nothing but the hard boiled egg, nothing with it just hard boiled eggs......🤮
Makes sense, I don't do liver for the very same reason. It just disgusts me. The taste, and horrid texture. I just don't like anything about it. I wish I did because it's great for micronutrient content.


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The only thing I dislike about hard boiled eggs is all the peeling. When they come right off it’s great, but when you have a batch you have to pick every piece off I start to lose my patience


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The only thing I dislike about hard boiled eggs is all the peeling. When they come right off it’s great, but when you have a batch you have to pick every piece off I start to lose my patience
Same. Taste wise I like boiled eggs. Something like 6 min boiling, when the eggs are a bit 'loose' is what I like the best (if boiled), but that makes the peeling even more difficult, lol.


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The only thing I dislike about hard boiled eggs is all the peeling. When they come right off it’s great, but when you have a batch you have to pick every piece off I start to lose my patience
Do you know the trick to make the eggshell fall right off?


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The only thing I dislike about hard boiled eggs is all the peeling. When they come right off it’s great, but when you have a batch you have to pick every piece off I start to lose my patience
There's hacks for that on youtube, I saw a few videos and tried one of them out one time and was surprised how easy it made the whole process.


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Dropping them in some ice water is supposed to help if I remember correctly.


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Dropping them in some ice water is supposed to help if I remember correctly.
I always do this (just as cold water as the tab provides), but I just Googled it and apparently I've done it wrong, as I've poured the cold water in too soon. Apparently the eggs should be let sit for a min before putting them in cold water.

I've also seen some instructions of putting salt in the boiling water. As I Googled instructions just now, I saw some interesting tips. Like breaking the shells from the ends of the eggs and blowing the shells off 🤨 lol


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Do you know the trick to make the eggshell fall right off?
Just putting them in an ice bath after they sit for a minute, but it never seems to work out consistently.

And that’s more work and dishes too, so then it gets to be more hassle, and I don’t need to be consuming eggs routinely anyway based on bloodwork, so I never really do eggs anymore. Besides restaurant food occasionally.


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Easiest way ever, you make your girl do it.

No, I was gonna say boil, ice bath, roll on the table. My little brother can shell a egg in like 10 seconds and that's how he does it.

But, the wife method takes YOU zero seconds. Then there's the kids method too.
I'll try including the rolling on the table in to my routine. If I cook them too soft, I'll probably end up smashing them on table, though. Not having a wife/girl would probably make the first option to take a little too much time 😛 Starving to death on the mission, lol


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Easiest way ever, you make your girl do it.

No, I was gonna say boil, ice bath, roll on the table. My little brother can shell a egg in like 10 seconds and that's how he does it.

But, the wife method takes YOU zero seconds. Then there's the kids method too.
Damn I use to have one if those too.


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My new favorite thing to do is add liquid egg whites to oatmeal instead of milk to make it creamy. Tastes just as good with a better protein source


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No for real it's good..I mean there's fruit and a little but of sugar in the oatmeal so you can't even tell the egg whites are in there

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