PHAT journey continues with an AI Piñata (more products than u can shake a stick at)



AI Sports Nutrition
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Awesome job bro, lookin good! Now thats hard work!

Also AI is a great company, sooner or later I will give HGHPRO a shot :)
If you want a sample of HGHpro along with Perform and Motivate just send me a PM and I will tell you how to get them.:)


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Ok guys, here's the long awaited mammoth update, resulting in the pics I took yesterday, yes the hard work did continue! I will try to be as accurate as I can from my increasingly failing memory and the notes I took from each session BUT I do expect to have some blanks in terms of details, for this I apologise (just glad this isn't a sponsored log otherwise AI Sports might be inclined to open up a a can of virtual whoop a$$ on me!!

for my next logging marathon, I might try and get better at logging my thoughts as well as stats on paper, if not straight away in the log, so that I'm less reliant on my memory.

As always thanks for your continued support, thoughts, guidance and kind words throughout this log, it has been very much appreciated I can tell you :bigok:

Hopefully, Don will after next Saturday's conclusion, feel this log merits a link in the “go to” threads that I have seen appear in the AI Sports sub-forum for others to share in the experience and ascertain whether or not running some of their products would benefit them – I do hope that this log helps with some sales for AI Sports as notwithstanding the hard work I put in, I do believe the AI Sports Product range has tremendously helped over this gruelling 10-11 week period (the log officially started on the 2nd September 2010, with the first workout on the 1st along with starting the supps)

Next week I will post a summary of thoughts, final pics and measurements to compare, and hopefully decide where I go to next... I suspect that I will start my main log back up again with my new stack, which will be a mixture of USP/PES/AI Sports/Genomyx

Saturday 23rd October


Barbell Curl
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Standing EZ-Bar Triceps Press (supersetted with bent over rows)
5 x 8 x 64 lbs

Dumbbell Hammer Curl
5 x 8 x 26 lbs

Two Hand DB Overhead Triceps Extension
5 x 8 x 53 lbs

5 x 8 x BW

Barbell Rollout
5 x 8 x 44 lbs

5 x 40 secs


Ok so this was one and a half hours of pure hell, very little TaeKwonDo and a huge amount of fitness. Basically running around the Dojang, occasionally switching to side steps, and varying speeds according to instruction BUT absolutely no walking! Every now and then we were stopped on the spot to perform the following

Diamond Press-Ups
One Hand Press-Ups
Burpees (knees to chest on the jump
Mountain Climbers
Sit Ups
A TaeKwonDo Pattern

The number count started a 10 for everything except patterns which was always 1, and everything except for the pattern increased in increments of 5 each... so run, stop and circuit, run, stop and circuit +5, run stop and circuit +10, etc... we got to 25!!!

On my newly developed “puke in mouth” scale this was a 5/5, I managed to puke in my mouth each circuit whilst performing burpees... the first 45 mins were the worst (bearing in mind i've already been at the gym beforehand and had a recovery protein shake between the gym and dojang) but after this I actually felt pretty good – one of our better Saturday sessions!

Monday 25th October

2.5hrs, first session was focused on fitness and the technical aspects of sparring and the second session was sparring – nothing strange or startling to report but a good workout. I really think that this is drastically improving my fitness levels at the moment

Tuesday 26th October


Incline Barbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 110lbs

Chin Up
5 x 8 x (BW - 44lbs)

Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 48lbs

Single Arm Dumbbell Row (each side)
5 x 8 x 48lbs

Medicine Ball Reverse Crunch
5 x 8 x 7lbs

Reverse Seated Crunch
5 x 20

Wednesday 27th October


With the team competing at the weekend, the focus this evening was more sparring and some limited time on pattern work. I have the basic moves of the pattern down, but i'm battling with the required “exactness” required for the first 3 moves, a combination of a double outer forearm block, followed by an inward knife-hand strike and then a side punch, the three moves also switch between 2 stances. These “move” is then repeated as a mirror image and also occurs again later in the pattern. You could say it's pretty fundamental part of the pattern, less than two months to go until next grading exam!

Thursday 28th October


Front Squat (cross hand grip)
5 x 8 x 132lbs

Barbell Squat
4 x 8 x 154 lbs
1 x 8 x 198 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug
5 x 8 x 154 lbs

Leg Press
1 x 8 x 352 lbs
1 x 8 x 374 lbs
1 x 8 x 396 lbs
1 x 8 x 418 lbs
1 x 8 x 440 lbs

Leg Curl
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Leg Extension
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Puke in mouth factor 3/5 (PIMF), I'm getting kinda used to this... is it weird to actually now think I haven't really pushed myself hard enough if it doesn't happen

Saturday 30th October

OK no sparring!!! team have gone to tournament, I love sparring obviously but I am now starting to really worry about the lack of work on patterns. No fear - intense session, all on grading material, but I didn't get berated so maybe my pattern isn't as bad as I think ?!?


Barbell Curl
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Standing EZ-Bar Triceps Press (supersetted with bent over rows)
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Dumbbell Hammer Curl
5 x 8 x 31 lbs

Two Hand DB Overhead Triceps Extension
5 x 8 x 66 lbs

5 x 8 x BW

Barbell Rollout
5 x 8 x 44 lbs

5 x 20 x 13 lbs

Monday 1st November


2.5 hrs, hmmm pattern work, and apparently I was right the first time, my first three moves suck!! He was nice about it though apparently everyone has a weak pattern and so far this one is mine, good session but I left annoyed with myself.

Tuesday 2nd November


Feet Up Close Grip Press Up
4 x 12

Reverse Grip Bent-over row
4 x 12 x 40

4 x 12 x BW

Alternate Grip Pull-up (assisted)
4 x 12 x BW-44lbs

The alternate grip thing is really difficult, wow! I have enough problems doing these normally, but with the alternate grip it's a whole new ball game!

Hanging Knee Raise
4 x 12 x BW

VIPR Russian Twist
4 x 12 x 13lbs

Wednesday 3rd November

Ok so tonight we managed a little bit better on my pattern it still wouldn't get me through the exam but at least we've identified the problem of sorts, I twist my body on the last of the three moves BUT we still haven't worked out why... he suspects my weight training isn't helping :( but i'm sure we'll crack it in time.

Thursday 4th November


Front Squat
4 x 12 x 132 lbs

Barbell Squat
1 x 12 x 154 lbs
1 x 12 x 176 lbs
1 x 12 x 198 lbs
1 x 12 x 220 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug
2 x 12 x 154 lbs
2 x 12 x 176 lbs

Leg Press
4 x 12 x 440 lbs

Adductor Machine
4 x 12 x 110lbs

Abductor Machine
4 x 12 x 110lbs

Saturday 6th November


Ok I think we've cracked it! Simple case of taking my eye of the target on the transition during the movements, results in an incorrect foot placement and a twist of the body on the side punch – unfortunately i've made it a bit of a habit now, so we've now had to de-construct the pattern and start over... pressure is on just over a month till grading....


Alternate Dumbbell Hammer Curl
4 x 12 x 26 lbs

Cable Triceps Press Down
4 x 12 x 66 lbs

Close Grip EZ Bar Preacher Curl
4 x 12 x 75 lbs

Barbell Triceps Press
4 x 12 x 75 lbs

4 x 12 x BW

Decline Crunch
4 x 12 x BW
This log more than merits being there. In fact it is going there right now.:)



Never enough
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You are making some nice progress. If only I could keep my diet in better control...


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You are making some nice progress. If only I could keep my diet in better control...
Thanks mate! Hoping it continues, can't wait to see your results on Halo... Watching with interest for obvious reasons!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Gwls what rep ranges are you training in now and what rep ranges did you just finish?

(or are you training in the same rep ranges)


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Gwls what rep ranges are you training in now and what rep ranges did you just finish?

(or are you training in the same rep ranges)
John I followed the following protocol

  1. Week 1 & 2 - 3 sets, 12-14 reps
  2. Week 3 & 4 - 5 sets, 6-8 reps
  3. Week 5 & 6 - 4 sets 10-12 reps
I am currently in week 6 and doing 4 sets of 12

I haven't yet decided what programme I will run next, I've really enjoyed this programme for the last 6 weeks and I'm very tempted to run it again, but I'm going to think about that over the next few days....


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Really busy week at work... I got a new boss recently and moved up a level!?! Anyway trying to do my job best I can in the hope that when the re-org happens ( which I'm sure it wil), I will get to hold my place on the ladder :D my boss carries a President job title so I could get VP if I impress... Anyway did end missing legs day as a result of a 7am start, so will do legs before taekwondo tomorrow (not my best idea, but what you gonna do?) and then do arms on Sunday.

Exciting but busy times....


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Awesome news with work man. Looks like things are going pretty well :D
Thanks HtS!!! Yes very tough at the moment, but looking great in many aspects, and if don't get, well I can look back with pride knowing I gave all that I had... I'd be a pretty young VP for our company, so it would be very cool!!!


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Well did legs this morning, it flat out sucked!!! PIMF 9/10

Got it done, but strength was down on squats there was some bloke doing deads at the squat rack, which I'm cool with but he was doing 1 rep sets with about 3-5 minutes between sets!! And even then I didn't he much more than 280-300 max... Had to reverse my workout he was taking so long, so by the time I got to my squats I was exhausted!!!

Really concentrated on form, really deep but kept the weight lower to ensure I didn't injure myself, we all have bad days I guess?

Could be that I've been off swole/tcf about two weeks now, and I guess strength isn't quite maintaining

Some interim pics of arms :D and bear in mind I did NO arms so far this week

Hell yeah!!!!


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Arms looking good and congrats on the promotion bro!


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Looking much leaner ...


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Man those arms are looking great. Nice peak on that biceps and shoulders have some nice separation in them. Nice!


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Arms looking good man :D
Arms looking good and congrats on the promotion bro!
Arms looking strong bro. Great work!!!
Looking much leaner ...
Continuing with great progress!
Man those arms are looking great. Nice peak on that biceps and shoulders have some nice separation in them. Nice!

Really appreciate your words and encouragement, work still manic and training still getting done, will try and write my missing workouts and post them here and then I will starting posting this week's stuff back on my old log, while I wait for some developments which may require me to start a new log for a period of time elsewhere on the board...

I have decide to go back to the start of the training programme I started in May, I can't believe I've finished the entire programme!! I've learnt a lot and now I'm ready to start all over again. The first 6 week programme focuses on chest, which I started on Tuesday... As you all know from my arms programme , the "leg" day doesn't really include compound moves, so I will be sticking with my front squat, back squat, deadlift/shrug, leg press and the alternating between adductor/abductor one week and leg curl/leg extension the next

Obviously I need to finish this log off good and proper and then will let everyone know where to go from there

Hope everyone is well and once again guys thanks for all you kind words!

John Smeton

John Smeton

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John I followed the following protocol

  1. Week 1 & 2 - 3 sets, 12-14 reps
  2. Week 3 & 4 - 5 sets, 6-8 reps
  3. Week 5 & 6 - 4 sets 10-12 reps
I am currently in week 6 and doing 4 sets of 12

I haven't yet decided what programme I will run next, I've really enjoyed this programme for the last 6 weeks and I'm very tempted to run it again, but I'm going to think about that over the next few days....
what are your goals for your body to look like?

Would Arnold be it? It seems everyone at one time once wanted to look like Arnold. You are doing great thus far.


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Looking good gwls!!
Looks like everything is coming together really well.


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?No mas?


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what are your goals for your body to look like?

Would Arnold be it? It seems everyone at one time once wanted to look like Arnold. You are doing great thus far.
LOL John, no strangely not Arnold... I'd like to just be lean and muscular without being too big, I guess I could get big if I really wanted too but the missus doesn't find that attractive! So, I guess we're talking fitness cover model, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale... Yes ambitious but a goal nonetheless, I guess I'll know when I get there!

Looking good gwls!!
Looks like everything is coming together really well.
Thanks mate!! Appreciate it! How are things going your end?

I agree he did a great job.
Forever the gentleman and a scholar, thanks Don

Stxnas - can u translate that one for me :D

Ok - so I'm SICK!!! I have a bad cold, fever, tight chest etc... So I'm going to have a deload week, which probably isn't a bad thing and hope to shake off this lurgy asap and hit it hard again next week


AI Sports Nutrition
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LOL John, no strangely not Arnold... I'd like to just be lean and muscular without being too big, I guess I could get big if I really wanted too but the missus doesn't find that attractive! So, I guess we're talking fitness cover model, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale... Yes ambitious but a goal nonetheless, I guess I'll know when I get there!

Thanks mate!! Appreciate it! How are things going your end?

Forever the gentleman and a scholar, thanks Don

Stxnas - can u translate that one for me :D

Ok - so I'm SICK!!! I have a bad cold, fever, tight chest etc... So I'm going to have a deload week, which probably isn't a bad thing and hope to shake off this lurgy asap and hit it hard again next week

Damn bro get well soon.


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Get better G!!!!


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Stxnas - can u translate that one for me :D

Ok - so I'm SICK!!! I have a bad cold, fever, tight chest etc... So I'm going to have a deload week, which probably isn't a bad thing and hope to shake off this lurgy asap and hit it hard again next week
I was asking if there was anymore :D (in reference to updates)

Lurgy? I've never heard that one before.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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LOL John, no strangely not Arnold... I'd like to just be lean and muscular without being too big, I guess I could get big if I really wanted too but the missus doesn't find that attractive! So, I guess we're talking fitness cover model, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale... Yes ambitious but a goal nonetheless, I guess I'll know when I get there!
I like the positive attitude.


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QWLS.... My man, I have not checked in on you in a while. Holy cow, you've done some leaning and growing!

I did not read all of what I have missed. Still totally natural or dip into the PP products you grabbed? I picked up some PP fun and have also snatched up some of the AI Cycle Support / PCS and some TestoPro. Looking forward to running it!

Either way, those lifts are going up and you look great.


AI Sports Nutrition
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QWLS.... My man, I have not checked in on you in a while. Holy cow, you've done some leaning and growing!

I did not read all of what I have missed. Still totally natural or dip into the PP products you grabbed? I picked up some PP fun and have also snatched up some of the AI Cycle Support / PCS and some TestoPro. Looking forward to running it!

Either way, those lifts are going up and you look great.
Someone has been busy.:439:
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Bump Gwls You have been making incredible progress . Wondering how progress is still progressing?


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I'm back!!!!

Hey guys, sorry got very sick and very busy... Haven't managed back to gym yet and now Christmas I'd upon us! Went back to TKD this week, and hope to hit the gym soon, although weather conditions aren't good here at the mo and I've been getting texts from the gym to say it has been closed due to staffing issues

Not much in way of updates although I had started my new programme before I got sick, but think I'll now have to start again when I go back, determination is high but I think I probably lost some strength, and gained a few pounds... Not good!!!

BUT I have no doubt, it's a mind over matter job and removing and surplus pounds should be okay, I guess I will have the shock value on my side, the body won't know what's hit it :D

Work is CRAZY! So not sure what's gonna happen there, it's not mentally sustainable at this level if I don't get the official promotion - I mean otherwise it will like someone is taking the pi$$, but it's only been a month or so, so we will just have to see!

Will try and post more personal response to questions tomorrow guys, thanks for maintaining a interest in me and my log, sorry for not being around

Right now got to go and shovel some f'ing snow off the front yard, otherwise nobody's going anywhere (at least it's a bit of a workout)


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Hope all is well brother.


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All well Griswald family Christmas over, relatives gone and quiet new years with the missus and the kids!

Hope you all have a great one, here's to a safe, injury free free year ahead! To our goals brothers, to our goals



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HE LIVES!!!! Happy New Year Gary.

Much success to you and your family.


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All well Griswald family Christmas over, relatives gone and quiet new years with the missus and the kids!

Hope you all have a great one, here's to a safe, injury free free year ahead! To our goals brothers, to our goals


I literally laughed out loud when I read that. I immediately thought of the scene with the squirrel. "Russ! Go get the hammer."



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Love that movie!!! I think I'm looking a bit like chevy chase.. Not good, time to get my my Christmas turkey butt back to the gym!

Thursday is the day chaps, 2011 here we come! (got some catching up to do from my totally unneccesary Xmas "mini-bulk")


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Love that movie!!! I think I'm looking a bit like chevy chase.. Not good, time to get my my Christmas turkey butt back to the gym!

Thursday is the day chaps, 2011 here we come! (got some catching up to do from my totally unneccesary Xmas "mini-bulk")
Kick that Turkey in the BUTT MAN!!!!! Just started my T-Bol / Dermacrine cycle today. Doing it up with the AI Cycle Support.


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LOL @ "unnecessary Christmas mini-bulk."

Are you logging that Emartin? If not, can you at least give a final review on it?


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Hello all, well I'm hoping work gets better, but I've been working nights and weekends and little time for anything else... But back to taekwondo and did my blue tag grading yesterday - Results tomorrow!!!

So I've got about twelve weeks before a weekend away with some friends were I need to be in shape as much as can ( not that I need a timeline goal, but it helps focus!) and I've got my PP cycles sitting in the cupboard, so my friends I think it's time :D

So quick questions here for my favourite friends, some of whom just happen to be reps

1) cycle support - how long should I pre-load? ( cycle will be 6 weeks turinbol LV and dermacrine LV) followed by TRS and TCF-1 for PCT (not intending to go the serm route, don't think it is required from what I have read)

2) how much cycle support should I buy?and do I run into PCT? or just run pre and during cycle?

3) right, I hear the taste is NOT GOOD, (not sure how much worse it could be vs. the original Andraulic State) but what is the best flavour and the best way to take? I was thinking orange with orange juice BUT I heard chocolate was the better flavour and mix with protein, but just read EM's log and not sounding like choc is that good! I also see there is PB flavour, which I could mix with real PB or my banana protein shake. So honest opinion here chaps please, I'm buying AI either way, just need the best option

4) any other things you guys things I should stock up on? I'll have a ready supply on Erase but shouldn't need it on cycle, I have some alpha T2 if i feel the need (I know there are mixed views on fat burners while on cycle), will I need extra Taurine outside of CS? (thinking of headache prevention here) I'll stock up on fish oil... Anything I'm missing?

Will do my best to log in my usual way but some entries are going to have to be shorter if work continues this way, but I'm just going to have to find a way to get in the work and deal with work so to speak, all work and no gym makes me very lazy and grumpy!


Never enough
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Best idea is to start cycle support 2 weeks pre cycle, and also run thru pct. So 3 tubs would be best. You could get away with 2 tubs, as with the 2.0 that's 72 servings so would last partway into PCT. Definitely get the orange flavor, its pretty good in a vanilla protein shake.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Best idea is to start cycle support 2 weeks pre cycle, and also run thru pct. So 3 tubs would be best. You could get away with 2 tubs, as with the 2.0 that's 72 servings so would last partway into PCT. Definitely get the orange flavor, its pretty good in a vanilla protein shake.
Agreed go with the orange CS.


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Hello all, well I'm hoping work gets better, but I've been working nights and weekends and little time for anything else... But back to taekwondo and did my blue tag grading yesterday - Results tomorrow!!!

So I've got about twelve weeks before a weekend away with some friends were I need to be in shape as much as can ( not that I need a timeline goal, but it helps focus!) and I've got my PP cycles sitting in the cupboard, so my friends I think it's time :D

So quick questions here for my favourite friends, some of whom just happen to be reps

1) cycle support - how long should I pre-load? ( cycle will be 6 weeks turinbol LV and dermacrine LV) followed by TRS and TCF-1 for PCT (not intending to go the serm route, don't think it is required from what I have read)

2) how much cycle support should I buy?and do I run into PCT? or just run pre and during cycle?

3) right, I hear the taste is NOT GOOD, (not sure how much worse it could be vs. the original Andraulic State) but what is the best flavour and the best way to take? I was thinking orange with orange juice BUT I heard chocolate was the better flavour and mix with protein, but just read EM's log and not sounding like choc is that good! I also see there is PB flavour, which I could mix with real PB or my banana protein shake. So honest opinion here chaps please, I'm buying AI either way, just need the best option

4) any other things you guys things I should stock up on? I'll have a ready supply on Erase but shouldn't need it on cycle, I have some alpha T2 if i feel the need (I know there are mixed views on fat burners while on cycle), will I need extra Taurine outside of CS? (thinking of headache prevention here) I'll stock up on fish oil... Anything I'm missing?

Will do my best to log in my usual way but some entries are going to have to be shorter if work continues this way, but I'm just going to have to find a way to get in the work and deal with work so to speak, all work and no gym makes me very lazy and grumpy!

You going to log is Gary? Funny thing is that chocolate CS is not great in the flavor dept at all... However, it will be like heaven compared to the first week of the Derm and T-Bol!!!!! You get accustomed to them all and I do not mind any of them anymore!

Kick it in the teeth Gary!


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Welcome back G!

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