PHAT journey continues with an AI Piñata (more products than u can shake a stick at)



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Sorry for the delay in my updates chaps, things still hectic here with quarter end results for the company I work for looming, things are always a little manic for me and my team during this time


So last update I gave I think was 3rd October, and then in my posts last week I think I already indicated that I missed last week's TaeKwonDo double header on Monday night and my plan for starting the new programme I described had to wait until Thursday to begin...

Wednesday 6th October


Pretty much a standard night but with a bit of a twist, we have three people going to the national academy this week for their Black Belt grading, so as you may have guessed by now, when someone in the Dojang has an important "event" in the not too distant future, the focus of everyone in the Dojang is focused on giving that person(s) the best possible opportunity to succeed. Personally, I think it's a good ethos and makes those concerned feel supported. So last Wednesday saw everyone, all grades doing Black Belt line work that would be required during their practical examination, it was intense!! Fair enough it was probably more difficult for those of us who still have some way to go on the journey, but that equalled a really solid high intensity cardio session for me personally. I have to say though I hope my flying side kicks get significantly better by the time it's my turn!!! I suck big time, this 180+ pounder doesn't yet defy gravity quite long enough to get the side kick out and back, in reasonable form... more like a flying shin kick in my case.

Alas, it gives me something else to work towards, the punch bag hung on the tree in the back garden is looking more and more like a great idea

Thursday 7th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 44lbs

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
3 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side, so total weight 144lbs)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12 x BW

Ab Machine Crunch
3 x 20 x 88lbs

Friday 8th October


Barbell Squat (smith machine was busy, so I had to "man-up" and use the normal zero protection, no spotter old fashioned way - nervous is not the word, first time i've done squats since my back injury in August.

I have no idea what an olympic bar weighs, I guess around 40lbs?!? anyway weight is weight excluding bar, so I don't think it was that great, but my form was perfect BUT i will be going back to the smith in the hope of upping the weight assuming no one is hogging it this week.

3 x 12 x 110lbs excl bar

Dumbbell Cuban Press
3 x 12 x 15lbs

Hmm, hate these, can't believe even with lower reps I can't get more weight on this, but i'm not going to sacrifice form for my ego

Leg Curl
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Standing Lateral Raise
3 x 12 x 11lbs

Yep - see moaning above, clearly I have some work to do in the strength department!

Standing Cable Rotation
3 x 12 x 11lbs

Gym Ball Cable Rotation (800x478).jpg

This is a VERY cool exercise, when I have the laptop again, i'll post a pic from my workout programme, they look a bit "girly" and I was feeling very reluctant to try them, BUT they work!! Damn, i wish i had discovered this sooner, basically you stand side on to a cable machine with the pulley height set around the height of your armpit. Select a weight and have a Gym Ball to hand, twist your torso/trunk towards the weight stack, whilst holding the ball to your chest and grab the cable (i used a d attachment) with your arm furthest from the weight stack and rotate your arms/torso/ball - really works, give it go but I'll get the pic up since I think this will be easily to understand then my pathetic instructions

Side Raise on Back Extension Machine (grrr.. it's getting fixed, so did this on a gym ball instead, with feet against the wall
3 x 12 x BW

Saturday 9th October


3 x 12 x BW

Zottman Curl
3 x 12 x 26lbs

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Ok so we don't have a preacher bench, so here's what a did, I used the angled seat of the leg press (since the gym wasn't busy) which is at about a 45 degree angle and nice and wide and then placed a bench behind it for me to sit on, and viola an instant impromptu preacher bench!

1 x 12 x 64lbs
1 x 12 x 75lbs
1 x 12 x 86lbs

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Press (one dumbbell in each hand)
3 x 12 x 22lbs

3 x 20 x 13lbs

Bosu Pike Crunch
3 x 20


BIG CLASS today, I mean there must have been about 40 of us in the Dojang at one time, very strange indeed. Today's Black Belt focus was on set sparring routines of which there are loads, quite good fun, one of the guys in front of me, a red belt, momentarily forgot which set we were on and hesitated a little too long which resulted in me side kicking him in the ribs.. I felt quite bad, he winced a little, but the other 38 people found it hilarious - the instructor commented sarcastically to him, that this is exactly why it is very important to come to training regularly and revise your set sparring, that way the lower belts may not end up kicking your a$$ when you don't move forward when you're supposed to! Oh well, good lesson and everyone saw the humour in the incident, pretty tiring all in all, but another good session. It's amazing how much sweat one can generate in a hour just by kicking, punching and moving.

Monday 11th October


Two lessons tonight, one which focused on sparring and one which focused on patterns, very strange but I honestly felt lighter on my feet, i'll have to weigh myself this week or perhaps i'm just a little fitter, but I definitely held my own last night. Patterns was pretty much everything we know, so a straight run through from white to black, when you get to your grade you just start again while the others progress up to theirs. Went pretty well, I managed to remember all the moves in my new pattern, my form isn't great at this point and it's a little slow, but the main thing is to get the sequence down, and then work on improving a few moves at a time.

Tuesday 12th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 48lbs

I really battled to raise the left side (damn shoulder!), but found once I got past rep one, I was okay for the rest of the set

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 110lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
2 x 12 x 88lbs (plates each side)
1 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12

Nearly lost my grip on every set, made me wish I had wraps, but I managed each set regardless and with good form (would have been funny if i'd lost my grip, that's for sure!)

Ab Machine Crunch
1 x 20 x 88lbs
1 x 20 x 99lbs
1 x 12 x 110lbs

Phew!!! what an update....

My replacement HGHPro and LifeSupport have arrived, I've replenished my green tea supplies, bought some White Flood pre-workout matrix (not sure so far, only tried it once) and an extra bottle of TCF-1!

Also my Primordial Performance mega order arrived yesterday, so i'm pretty well stocked at the moment!! Although, I don't think i'll be running any PH's until the new year, but hey i've got two six week cycles worth, that's quite a nice problem to have :LOL:

Hope everyone is doing ok! I promise I will try and look in at everyone's logs over the next day or so
Last edited:


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I agree with Resolve that in weeks 3-6 you should increase the leg work. Once it goes to a 3 day split the upper body is getting way more volume. Perhaps do some of that core work that is in the B workouts on a cardio day and add in another compound movement or two on legs for the B workout making it a Leg Day with one shoulder exercise thrown in just to finish them off from the other two upper body days.
sounds good - any suggestions on what to add guys? some calf raises? leg press? i think i mentioned previously that i'd like to find somewhere to add in my adductor/abductor work...

so week 3 & 4 drop the low cable pull & side bend? and 5 & 6 alternating DB shoulder press and side plank?

definitely keen to drop at least one shoulder and maybe the less effective core, which would allow 2 extra's on legs to come in - open to susuggestions thanks BTW good suggestions


AI Sports Nutrition
  • Legend!
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Sorry for the delay in my updates chaps, things still hectic here with quarter end results for the company I work for looming, things are always a little manic for me and my team during this time


So last update I gave I think was 3rd October, and then in my posts last week I think I already indicated that I missed last week's TaeKwonDo double header on Monday night and my plan for starting the new programme I described had to wait until Thursday to begin...

Wednesday 6th October


Pretty much a standard night but with a bit of a twist, we have three people going to the national academy this week for their Black Belt grading, so as you may have guessed by now, when someone in the Dojang has an important "event" in the not too distant future, the focus of everyone in the Dojang is focused on giving that person(s) the best possible opportunity to succeed. Personally, I think it's a good ethos and makes those concerned feel supported. So last Wednesday saw everyone, all grades doing Black Belt line work that would be required during their practical examination, it was intense!! Fair enough it was probably more difficult for those of us who still have some way to go on the journey, but that equalled a really solid high intensity cardio session for me personally. I have to say though I hope my flying side kicks get significantly better by the time it's my turn!!! I suck big time, this 180+ pounder doesn't yet defy gravity quite long enough to get the side kick out and back, in reasonable form... more like a flying shin kick in my case.

Alas, it gives me something else to work towards, the punch bag hung on the tree in the back garden is looking more and more like a great idea

Thursday 7th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 44lbs

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
3 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side, so total weight 144lbs)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12 x BW

Ab Machine Crunch
3 x 20 x 88lbs

Friday 8th October


Barbell Squat (smith machine was busy, so I had to "man-up" and use the normal zero protection, no spotter old fashioned way - nervous is not the word, first time i've done squats since my back injury in August.

I have no idea what an olympic bar weighs, I guess around 40lbs?!? anyway weight is weight excluding bar, so I don't think it was that great, but my form was perfect BUT i will be going back to the smith in the hope of upping the weight assuming no one is hogging it this week.

3 x 12 x 110lbs excl bar

Dumbbell Cuban Press
3 x 12 x 15lbs

Hmm, hate these, can't believe even with lower reps I can't get more weight on this, but i'm not going to sacrifice form for my ego

Leg Curl
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Standing Lateral Raise
3 x 12 x 11lbs

Yep - see moaning above, clearly I have some work to do in the strength department!

Standing Cable Rotation
3 x 12 x 11lbs

This is a VERY cool exercise, when I have the laptop again, i'll post a pic from my workout programme, they look a bit "girly" and I was feeling very reluctant to try them, BUT they work!! Damn, i wish i had discovered this sooner, basically you stand side on to a cable machine with the pulley height set around the height of your armpit. Select a weight and have a Gym Ball to hand, twist your torso/trunk towards the weight stack, whilst holding the ball to your chest and grab the cable (i used a d attachment) with your arm furthest from the weight stack and rotate your arms/torso/ball - really works, give it go but I'll get the pic up since I think this will be easily to understand then my pathetic instructions

Side Raise on Back Extension Machine (grrr.. it's getting fixed, so did this on a gym ball instead, with feet against the wall
3 x 12 x BW

Saturday 9th October


3 x 12 x BW

Zottman Curl
3 x 12 x 26lbs

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Ok so we don't have a preacher bench, so here's what a did, I used the angled seat of the leg press (since the gym wasn't busy) which is at about a 45 degree angle and nice and wide and then placed a bench behind it for me to sit on, and viola an instant impromptu preacher bench!

1 x 12 x 64lbs
1 x 12 x 75lbs
1 x 12 x 86lbs

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Press (one dumbbell in each hand)
3 x 12 x 22lbs

3 x 20 x 13lbs

Bosu Pike Crunch
3 x 20


BIG CLASS today, I mean there must have been about 40 of us in the Dojang at one time, very strange indeed. Today's Black Belt focus was on set sparring routines of which there are loads, quite good fun, one of the guys in front of me, a red belt, momentarily forgot which set we were on and hesitated a little too long which resulted in me side kicking him in the ribs.. I felt quite bad, he winced a little, but the other 38 people found it hilarious - the instructor commented sarcastically to him, that this is exactly why it is very important to come to training regularly and revise your set sparring, that way the lower belts may not end up kicking your a$$ when you don't move forward when you're supposed to! Oh well, good lesson and everyone saw the humour in the incident, pretty tiring all in all, but another good session. It's amazing how much sweat one can generate in a hour just by kicking, punching and moving.

Monday 11th October


Two lessons tonight, one which focused on sparring and one which focused on patterns, very strange but I honestly felt lighter on my feet, i'll have to weigh myself this week or perhaps i'm just a little fitter, but I definitely held my own last night. Patterns was pretty much everything we know, so a straight run through from white to black, when you get to your grade you just start again while the others progress up to theirs. Went pretty well, I managed to remember all the moves in my new pattern, my form isn't great at this point and it's a little slow, but the main thing is to get the sequence down, and then work on improving a few moves at a time.

Tuesday 12th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 48lbs

I really battled to raise the left side (damn shoulder!), but found once I got past rep one, I was okay for the rest of the set

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 110lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
2 x 12 x 88lbs (plates each side)
1 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12

Nearly lost my grip on every set, made me wish I had wraps, but I managed each set regardless and with good form (would have been funny if i'd lost my grip, that's for sure!)

Ab Machine Crunch
1 x 20 x 88lbs
1 x 20 x 99lbs
1 x 12 x 110lbs

Phew!!! what an update....

My replacement HGHPro and LifeSupport have arrived, I've replenished my green tea supplies, bought some White Flood pre-workout matrix (not sure so far, only tried it once) and an extra bottle of TCF-1!

Also my Primordial Performance mega order arrived yesterday, so i'm pretty well stocked at the moment!! Although, I don't think i'll be running any PH's until the new year, but hey i've got two six week cycles worth, that's quite a nice problem to have :LOL:

Hope everyone is doing ok! I promise I will try and look in at everyone's logs over the next day or so
Great news.


The BPS Rep
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Your updates are good stuff, gwls, they're very enjoyable reads.

The ingenuitive "in promptu" preacher bench had me chuckling. The cable rotation, however, will have to wait for a video before I fully understand that one.


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Your updates are good stuff, gwls, they're very enjoyable reads.

The ingenuitive "in promptu" preacher bench had me chuckling. The cable rotation, however, will have to wait for a video before I fully understand that one.
thanks mate, i'm glad you're enjoying them! will get that pic posted later this week..


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ok not an update per se but some quick things I've been please with the last 24 hrs which I wanted to share with you!

Last night at TaeKwonDo, we spend the first 30mins on what could only be described as the old boot camp fitness stuff AND I was the last man standing every time!! (basically he continues with a chosen exercise until only one person is still doing it) Two particular highlights for me were -

Leg raises at 90/60/45/30/15 degrees off the floor, start at 90, on each count open and close legs and hold between counts and then without returning to floor drop to next level on his instruction, so you might do 10 reps at each level i guess (it all became a bit of a mind over matter exercise). By the time we are were at the 15 degrees mark, i.e. a couple of inches of the floor without dropping the legs once - it was just me!!!

Press ups - to his count, starting from the ground left (and then right later) arm behind your back, yes for the first time ever I not only managed to get my fat a$$ off the floor and do one-handed press ups but I was also the last person to carry on!


in the gym this morning, had a pretty decent workout BUT I had veins in shoulders and traps showing during Cuban Press and lateral raises, very exciting...

man great times!!


Well-known member
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Good job gwls!!! Seems like your are getting where you want to be! :)


AI Sports Nutrition
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ok not an update per se but some quick things I've been please with the last 24 hrs which I wanted to share with you!

Last night at TaeKwonDo, we spend the first 30mins on what could only be described as the old boot camp fitness stuff AND I was the last man standing every time!! (basically he continues with a chosen exercise until only one person is still doing it) Two particular highlights for me were -

Leg raises at 90/60/45/30/15 degrees off the floor, start at 90, on each count open and close legs and hold between counts and then without returning to floor drop to next level on his instruction, so you might do 10 reps at each level i guess (it all became a bit of a mind over matter exercise). By the time we are were at the 15 degrees mark, i.e. a couple of inches of the floor without dropping the legs once - it was just me!!!

Press ups - to his count, starting from the ground left (and then right later) arm behind your back, yes for the first time ever I not only managed to get my fat a$$ off the floor and do one-handed press ups but I was also the last person to carry on!


in the gym this morning, had a pretty decent workout BUT I had veins in shoulders and traps showing during Cuban Press and lateral raises, very exciting...

man great times!!
Good stuff and good job bro.


Active member
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ok not an update per se but some quick things I've been please with the last 24 hrs which I wanted to share with you!

Last night at TaeKwonDo, we spend the first 30mins on what could only be described as the old boot camp fitness stuff AND I was the last man standing every time!! (basically he continues with a chosen exercise until only one person is still doing it) Two particular highlights for me were -

Leg raises at 90/60/45/30/15 degrees off the floor, start at 90, on each count open and close legs and hold between counts and then without returning to floor drop to next level on his instruction, so you might do 10 reps at each level i guess (it all became a bit of a mind over matter exercise). By the time we are were at the 15 degrees mark, i.e. a couple of inches of the floor without dropping the legs once - it was just me!!!

Press ups - to his count, starting from the ground left (and then right later) arm behind your back, yes for the first time ever I not only managed to get my fat a$$ off the floor and do one-handed press ups but I was also the last person to carry on!


in the gym this morning, had a pretty decent workout BUT I had veins in shoulders and traps showing during Cuban Press and lateral raises, very exciting...

man great times!!
Keep kill'n it man!!!!!


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Still alive, haven't the lottery and work continues to be "interesting"....

Wednesday 13th October


Gruelling 1.5hrs, about 30 mins of fitness, 30 mins line work and 30 mins patterns, I already mentioned that I had some personal victories during this session, where I managed to be "last man standing" on core specific exercises, but was totally exhausted by the end and wasn't sure how I would push through the rest, but I dug deep and made it... a common theme as it turns out over the past week where TaeKwonDo was concerned.

Thursday 14th October


Barbell Squat (smith machine - all weights excluding bar)
1 x 12 x 110lbs
1 x 12 x 154lbs
1 x 12 x 176lbs

Dumbbell Cuban Press
3 x 12 x 15lbs

Leg Curl
3 x 12 x 110lbs

Standing Lateral Raise
3 x 12 x 13lbs

Standing Cable Rotation
3 x 12 x 17lbs

Side Raise on Back Extension Machine

3 x 12 x BW

Saturday 16th October


3 x 12 x BW

Pull Ups
3 x 12 x (BW - 55lbs)

Zottman Curl
3 x 12 x 26lbs

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

1 x 12 x 64lbs
1 x 12 x 75lbs
1 x 12 x 86lbs

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Press (one dumbbell in each hand)
1 x 12 x 22lbs
1 x 12 x 26lbs
1 x 12 x 31lbs

Alternating DB Curls
3 x 12 x 26lbs

3 x 20 x 13lbs

Bosu Pike Crunch
3 x 20


So the black belts went to their grading at the academy and it was back to business as usual, well almost! There is a tournament coming up in a couple of weeks, so I think this is where the increased fitness focus is starting to be driven from. We did about 20 mins high intensity cardio, 10 mins stretching followed by 30 mins sparring. Good stuff, I really enjoyed it and I think both my control and focus during sparring is improving as well as being a bit quicker on my feet... I'm not tournament ready yet (i'd have to fight with the 6.4" monsters) in my opinion and I need to work on getting inside the leg reach but at my belt level, all tournaments are "point stop", i.e. the fight is stopped each time someone scores a point, which for me means trying to get inside someone with a reach advantage from 4 limbs without getting tagged at all, is somewhat of a problem at this point. Two options as I see it, don't compete until I get to continuous and lose valuable tournament experience or drop a weight class. I'm trying for Option B, but I'm not dropping quick enough, so I may re-evaluate this in the new year

Monday 18th October


Two lessons tonight, one which focused on killing us and one which focused on sparring, hands down that is the most intense two hrs of training EVER! I knew it was going to kill, when the obligatory warm-up quickly went into a barrage of bouncing on the spot and then jumping whilst performing one of the following each in the air, only to return to bouncing on the spot (if he didn't immediately call the next instruction that was) Jump Front Kick Right, Jump Front Kick Left, Jump double punch, Jump Back kick. This was then followed by Pad work, 2 x 2 mins rounds of Hand techniques only, Foot techniques only and then combined. To finish we did alternating leg kicks and punches in a minute test.

The sparring session was good, lots of focus on techniques and different formats, with the tournament approaching, I'm expecting some scored practice fights, which will be a good gauge to see how far off the pace I really am which make my decision for the new year easier.

Tuesday 19th October


Incline Barbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 110lbs

Chin Up
5 x 8 x (BW - 55lbs)

Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 48lbs

Single Arm Dumbbell Row (each side)
5 x 8 48lbs

Dips (ok it was there and I just wanted to push a little more)
5 x 8 x BW

Medicine Ball Reverse Crunch
5 x 8 x 7lbs

Reverse Seated Crunch
5 x 20

I don't think I am imaging it but my arms look and feel MASSIVE, ok not as big as some of you and when I measured tonight (just because I was interested), it looks like it's marginal :( - unflexed 14 1/8" Flexed 15 1/4" flexed.

I know I owe the log some pics, so will try and get some taken at the weekend, if not sooner and maybe then we'll all be able to see if there are any changes of note.

If there aren't, then all I can say is that close up I think I look "harder" and muscle tone has increased, but perhaps not in the one place we all know I really need it... yep it still looks like I ate all the pies!

Take care guys & thanks for reading and following my log, it's very much appreciated!


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Yes good thanks Don, just varying degrees of exhaustion :) but everytime I think I'm gonna have severe DOMS it doesn't happen

So either you guys make killer supps OR I am seriously not trying hard enough and should buy a tutu!!!


  • RockStar
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Yes good thanks Don, just varying degrees of exhaustion :) but everytime I think I'm gonna have severe DOMS it doesn't happen

So either you guys make killer supps OR I am seriously not trying hard enough and should buy a tutu!!!
You're still taking HGHPro right ?

Cuz that would be my explanation. The first time I took it I was in contest prep and only noticed the improved sleep, recently when I was using it during HST I noticed a big difference in recovery.


AI Sports Nutrition
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You're still taking HGHPro right ?

Cuz that would be my explanation. The first time I took it I was in contest prep and only noticed the improved sleep, recently when I was using it during HST I noticed a big difference in recovery.
Hghpro is very good at recovery and decreasing the DOMS.


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Yep agreed chaps it was sorta a back-handed compliment if you like, yep still on HGHPro and what I credit the incredible recovery aspect with :fing02:

Whilst I'm sure we can all push ourselves more, I very much it's a lack of work effort.. Even as a 185lb weakling, I'm still putting in the work IMO (just wish my numbers were a little more respectable)

Just getting ready for TKD, I wonder what joys behold me this evening


AI Sports Nutrition
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Getting caught up on numbers is the perfect way to mind-**** yourself. Put in the work and the results will happen.

BTW, the recovery on HGHpro is pretty awesome, I need to do another run of it soon, loved the sleep benefit.
I want to do another run also but Stxnas has all the HGHpro.:(


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Keep kill'n it man!!!!!
Thanks Bro, have you started logging again? If you did i've missed the link... post it here if you have!

Kick ass man!
Thank you sir, kicking a$$ is something i'm getting to do quite a lot of at the moment and enjoying :fing02:

Getting caught up on numbers is the perfect way to mind-**** yourself. Put in the work and the results will happen.

BTW, the recovery on HGHpro is pretty awesome, I need to do another run of it soon, loved the sleep benefit.
Don't worry mate, I do know and I won't let it mind-**** me, i'd like bigger numbers BUT my body isn't there yet and as i think i've said before I'm not sacrificing form for ego :cheers:

Besides, I have my super duper PP PH sale products ready and waiting for a couple of cycles next year, so we can see what happens to the numbers then - having a lower starting point make it more interesting!

I love HGH Pro :flowers1:

I want to do another run also but Stxnas has all the HGHpro.:(
well, what can I say that I haven't already Don? You need to extert your authority a little more :twak:


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Wednesday 20th October

Another great workout, not as intense on cardio tonight though, but great all the same! We had quite a lot of lower belts in tonight's class, so he split us into a lower and higher group and then higher group formed a line up for each of the lower grades to come an face one of us. We did One-Step Sparring, it's a simple as it sounds, one person punches straight to the centre, the defendent (lower grade) has move, block (basically avoid getting smacked) and then perform a counter attack, one or more moves. There is NO CONTACT permitted but it is a test of control, counter attacks and punches are performed at full power, but MUST stop short of actual contact (the defendent's block to the punch being the only exception), ideally an inch away... As a higher grade we do the punch, watch their counter-attack, advise them on what could be changed and what went wrong and then show them how it should be done.

Once you've done that with one individual a couple of times, we then rotate them until they all have had an opportunity to be coached and scared witless by all the higher grades and when each one of them has finished with us, they have to go up against the instructor to show him what they have learnt.

It was really interesting and personally found it quite enriching to help the others.... and since you really can't call me a higher grade yet (i was the only green belt moved to the higher grade section whilst my fellow green belts stayed in the lower grade group) in my mind it was recognition of the progression I must be making in the club, pathetically I felt rather honoured to help out.

At the end the higher grades had to go against the instructor and if we got it wrong, we did it until we got it right... except I did a front kick elbow strike to the head counter attack and must have got it close enough because I didn't get asked to repeat my turn!

Thursday 21st October

Hmmmm, who said winter was allowed to arrive this week? -1 degree celcius this morning when I went out to the car, damn thing was like an ice block, took me an extra 5 minutes to scrape the ice of all the windows!! Anyway once de-iced headed for the gym and arrived 15 mins late, clearly the whole world was running late today!

I've modified my "B" workouts for weeks 3&4 and 5&6 at the advice of Kleen and Resolve, as they quite rightly pointed out that I wasn't getting enough leg work. So i've dropped all core work on these days, since some of the big compound lifts involve the core anyway and i'll do some extra core on TKD days to compensate. I've reflected the changes in my workout programme post... so hopefully everyone agrees this was a good move.

Front Squat (cross hand grip)
5 x 8 x 110lbs

I decided to use the Squat rack and a proper olympic bar today, since I read somewhere that using the Smith machine takes a significant amount away from the excercise. I'm a little nervous, since I don't have a spotter, but I was careful, focused on my form and did really nice deep squats on both this and the next excercise which is....

Barbell Squat
4 x 8 x 154 lbs
1 x 8 x 198 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug (you wanted compound moves, I am to please!)
5 x 8 x 154 lbs

Great form, really concentrated on this, since I haven't done DL's since my injury which was caused by lack of concentration and poor form back in August on this exact excercise. Once at the top of the move I then did a shrug before returning to the start position - I was dead by the end of this, had to swallow my own puke a couple of times and sweating like a pig!

Leg Press
3 x 8 x 320 lbs
1 x 8 x 374 lbs
1 x 8 x 396 lbs

I did try to put the extra 44 lb plate on the rack, but I have to honest and say I was done, I couldn't move the sled, so had to make do with the 396lbs

and just to make sure that I was truly finished...

Leg Curl
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Leg Extension
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Really pleased with both of these workouts, i'm really tired but I have a whole day's rest tomorrow, so i'm looking forward to it and I feel great!!


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Your updates are good stuff, gwls, they're very enjoyable reads.

The ingenuitive "in promptu" preacher bench had me chuckling. The cable rotation, however, will have to wait for a video before I fully understand that one.
Pic now added in post #201


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Sorry for the delay in my updates chaps, things still hectic here with quarter end results for the company I work for looming, things are always a little manic for me and my team during this time


So last update I gave I think was 3rd October, and then in my posts last week I think I already indicated that I missed last week's TaeKwonDo double header on Monday night and my plan for starting the new programme I described had to wait until Thursday to begin...

Wednesday 6th October


Pretty much a standard night but with a bit of a twist, we have three people going to the national academy this week for their Black Belt grading, so as you may have guessed by now, when someone in the Dojang has an important "event" in the not too distant future, the focus of everyone in the Dojang is focused on giving that person(s) the best possible opportunity to succeed. Personally, I think it's a good ethos and makes those concerned feel supported. So last Wednesday saw everyone, all grades doing Black Belt line work that would be required during their practical examination, it was intense!! Fair enough it was probably more difficult for those of us who still have some way to go on the journey, but that equalled a really solid high intensity cardio session for me personally. I have to say though I hope my flying side kicks get significantly better by the time it's my turn!!! I suck big time, this 180+ pounder doesn't yet defy gravity quite long enough to get the side kick out and back, in reasonable form... more like a flying shin kick in my case.

Alas, it gives me something else to work towards, the punch bag hung on the tree in the back garden is looking more and more like a great idea

Thursday 7th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 44lbs

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
3 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side, so total weight 144lbs)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12 x BW

Ab Machine Crunch
3 x 20 x 88lbs

Friday 8th October


Barbell Squat (smith machine was busy, so I had to "man-up" and use the normal zero protection, no spotter old fashioned way - nervous is not the word, first time i've done squats since my back injury in August.

I have no idea what an olympic bar weighs, I guess around 40lbs?!? anyway weight is weight excluding bar, so I don't think it was that great, but my form was perfect BUT i will be going back to the smith in the hope of upping the weight assuming no one is hogging it this week.

3 x 12 x 110lbs excl bar

Dumbbell Cuban Press
3 x 12 x 15lbs

Hmm, hate these, can't believe even with lower reps I can't get more weight on this, but i'm not going to sacrifice form for my ego

Leg Curl
3 x 12 x 99lbs

Standing Lateral Raise
3 x 12 x 11lbs

Yep - see moaning above, clearly I have some work to do in the strength department!

Standing Cable Rotation
3 x 12 x 11lbs

View attachment 35816

This is a VERY cool exercise, when I have the laptop again, i'll post a pic from my workout programme, they look a bit "girly" and I was feeling very reluctant to try them, BUT they work!! Damn, i wish i had discovered this sooner, basically you stand side on to a cable machine with the pulley height set around the height of your armpit. Select a weight and have a Gym Ball to hand, twist your torso/trunk towards the weight stack, whilst holding the ball to your chest and grab the cable (i used a d attachment) with your arm furthest from the weight stack and rotate your arms/torso/ball - really works, give it go but I'll get the pic up since I think this will be easily to understand then my pathetic instructions

Side Raise on Back Extension Machine (grrr.. it's getting fixed, so did this on a gym ball instead, with feet against the wall
3 x 12 x BW

Saturday 9th October


3 x 12 x BW

Zottman Curl
3 x 12 x 26lbs

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Ok so we don't have a preacher bench, so here's what a did, I used the angled seat of the leg press (since the gym wasn't busy) which is at about a 45 degree angle and nice and wide and then placed a bench behind it for me to sit on, and viola an instant impromptu preacher bench!

1 x 12 x 64lbs
1 x 12 x 75lbs
1 x 12 x 86lbs

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Press (one dumbbell in each hand)
3 x 12 x 22lbs

3 x 20 x 13lbs

Bosu Pike Crunch
3 x 20


BIG CLASS today, I mean there must have been about 40 of us in the Dojang at one time, very strange indeed. Today's Black Belt focus was on set sparring routines of which there are loads, quite good fun, one of the guys in front of me, a red belt, momentarily forgot which set we were on and hesitated a little too long which resulted in me side kicking him in the ribs.. I felt quite bad, he winced a little, but the other 38 people found it hilarious - the instructor commented sarcastically to him, that this is exactly why it is very important to come to training regularly and revise your set sparring, that way the lower belts may not end up kicking your a$$ when you don't move forward when you're supposed to! Oh well, good lesson and everyone saw the humour in the incident, pretty tiring all in all, but another good session. It's amazing how much sweat one can generate in a hour just by kicking, punching and moving.

Monday 11th October


Two lessons tonight, one which focused on sparring and one which focused on patterns, very strange but I honestly felt lighter on my feet, i'll have to weigh myself this week or perhaps i'm just a little fitter, but I definitely held my own last night. Patterns was pretty much everything we know, so a straight run through from white to black, when you get to your grade you just start again while the others progress up to theirs. Went pretty well, I managed to remember all the moves in my new pattern, my form isn't great at this point and it's a little slow, but the main thing is to get the sequence down, and then work on improving a few moves at a time.

Tuesday 12th October


Incline Dumbbell Press
3 x 12 x 48lbs

I really battled to raise the left side (damn shoulder!), but found once I got past rep one, I was okay for the rest of the set

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12 x 110lbs

Close Grip Bench Press (smith machine excluding bar weight)
1 x 12 x 66lbs
1 x 12 x 77lbs
1 x 12 x 88lbs

Close Grip Seated Row (Hammer Strength MTS row)
2 x 12 x 88lbs (plates each side)
1 x 12 x 77lbs (plates each side)

Hanging Garhammer
3 x 12

Nearly lost my grip on every set, made me wish I had wraps, but I managed each set regardless and with good form (would have been funny if i'd lost my grip, that's for sure!)

Ab Machine Crunch
1 x 20 x 88lbs
1 x 20 x 99lbs
1 x 12 x 110lbs

Phew!!! what an update....

My replacement HGHPro and LifeSupport have arrived, I've replenished my green tea supplies, bought some White Flood pre-workout matrix (not sure so far, only tried it once) and an extra bottle of TCF-1!

Also my Primordial Performance mega order arrived yesterday, so i'm pretty well stocked at the moment!! Although, I don't think i'll be running any PH's until the new year, but hey i've got two six week cycles worth, that's quite a nice problem to have :LOL:

Hope everyone is doing ok! I promise I will try and look in at everyone's logs over the next day or so


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Wednesday 20th October

Another great workout, not as intense on cardio tonight though, but great all the same! We had quite a lot of lower belts in tonight's class, so he split us into a lower and higher group and then higher group formed a line up for each of the lower grades to come an face one of us. We did One-Step Sparring, it's a simple as it sounds, one person punches straight to the centre, the defendent (lower grade) has move, block (basically avoid getting smacked) and then perform a counter attack, one or more moves. There is NO CONTACT permitted but it is a test of control, counter attacks and punches are performed at full power, but MUST stop short of actual contact (the defendent's block to the punch being the only exception), ideally an inch away... As a higher grade we do the punch, watch their counter-attack, advise them on what could be changed and what went wrong and then show them how it should be done.

Once you've done that with one individual a couple of times, we then rotate them until they all have had an opportunity to be coached and scared witless by all the higher grades and when each one of them has finished with us, they have to go up against the instructor to show him what they have learnt.

It was really interesting and personally found it quite enriching to help the others.... and since you really can't call me a higher grade yet (i was the only green belt moved to the higher grade section whilst my fellow green belts stayed in the lower grade group) in my mind it was recognition of the progression I must be making in the club, pathetically I felt rather honoured to help out.

At the end the higher grades had to go against the instructor and if we got it wrong, we did it until we got it right... except I did a front kick elbow strike to the head counter attack and must have got it close enough because I didn't get asked to repeat my turn!

Thursday 21st October

Hmmmm, who said winter was allowed to arrive this week? -1 degree celcius this morning when I went out to the car, damn thing was like an ice block, took me an extra 5 minutes to scrape the ice of all the windows!! Anyway once de-iced headed for the gym and arrived 15 mins late, clearly the whole world was running late today!

I've modified my "B" workouts for weeks 3&4 and 5&6 at the advice of Kleen and Resolve, as they quite rightly pointed out that I wasn't getting enough leg work. So i've dropped all core work on these days, since some of the big compound lifts involve the core anyway and i'll do some extra core on TKD days to compensate. I've reflected the changes in my workout programme post... so hopefully everyone agrees this was a good move.

Front Squat (cross hand grip)
5 x 8 x 110lbs

I decided to use the Squat rack and a proper olympic bar today, since I read somewhere that using the Smith machine takes a significant amount away from the excercise. I'm a little nervous, since I don't have a spotter, but I was careful, focused on my form and did really nice deep squats on both this and the next excercise which is....

Barbell Squat
4 x 8 x 154 lbs
1 x 8 x 198 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug (you wanted compound moves, I am to please!)
5 x 8 x 154 lbs

Great form, really concentrated on this, since I haven't done DL's since my injury which was caused by lack of concentration and poor form back in August on this exact excercise. Once at the top of the move I then did a shrug before returning to the start position - I was dead by the end of this, had to swallow my own puke a couple of times and sweating like a pig!

Leg Press
3 x 8 x 320 lbs
1 x 8 x 374 lbs
1 x 8 x 396 lbs

I did try to put the extra 44 lb plate on the rack, but I have to honest and say I was done, I couldn't move the sled, so had to make do with the 396lbs

and just to make sure that I was truly finished...

Leg Curl
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Leg Extension
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Really pleased with both of these workouts, i'm really tired but I have a whole day's rest tomorrow, so i'm looking forward to it and I feel great!!
Killer leg workout bro.


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Killer leg workout bro.
Thanks mate, I have to say that today DOMS is very much here :lol: slept like a baby, but I think after that workout I may have asking too much of HGHPro to expect anything else!

I haven't really focused on big leg moves for a while now so it's to be expected I think... And I plan to keep it up on legs day for the next few weeks until the programme finishes

Will be interesting to see how my legs now develop taking this approach


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I grew the most when I first started to really concentrate on legs. You should be in for some great results.


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Really? That's the best day of the week! It's the days after that suck :lol:


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I grew the most when I first started to really concentrate on legs. You should be in for some great results.
Interesting... I am looking forward to this aspect, although much like Don, I kind of dread the thought of it, but I want to see where this will go if I committ more to my legs. I guess years of sports in my younger years gave me pretty muscular legs and therefore I purposefully have ignored them BUT now is the time to make that solid base something to work on

I've never really appreciated my legs but I see how hard it is for people to build calves for example and now realise I'm probably quite lucky, time to start making the most of what I've got!!!

Thanks for the support guys, hopefully as I move the log around you'll continue to follow? I only have a couple of days left on my AI stack, but with a cupboard full of products I'll have to start using up some of stocks, but I'm sure you both know already that I'll be back and that some AI products are always going to part of whatever stack I run :fing02:

Proper update to follow soon and will be definitely getting some pics to show overall what the 8 weeks has produced for me (and will become the new reference point for start of new stack)

Which reminds me need to get an order in at NP tomorrow for some staples (HGHPro and life support) as a minimum as well as a few other bits I am pondering


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Haha. I love that feeling, still yet to puke leg day


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My calf muscles are my worst area, IMO. My mom has amazing calf muscles and my dad is 6'0". I'm about 5'8" with high calf muscles :frustrate


Never enough
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I have gotten to where I almost crapped my pants on leg day. Weirdly, the only time i've puked in the gym was after cardio. But that day I probably drank close to a gallon of water in the 45 minutes of my workout then 45 min of cardio, so I think that was mostly the cause


AI Sports Nutrition
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I have gotten to where I almost crapped my pants on leg day. Weirdly, the only time i've puked in the gym was after cardio. But that day I probably drank close to a gallon of water in the 45 minutes of my workout then 45 min of cardio, so I think that was mostly the cause
Damn a gallon in 45 minutes and I would puke without the cardio LOL.


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Ok guys, updates FOR TWO WEEKS will happen over the weekend with what I hope will be some decent update pics! Weight is around 183lbs, 14% BF and definitely leaner :D but carb refeed started today so not sure if the pics will truly show the reality.

I finished my AI Sports Nutrition run as planned on 31st October BUT I haven't started anything else, so that I can continue to complete this log in line with my 6 week programme on arms AND be in a position to comment on what effects if any I feel now running "solo"

Some bad but functional teasers on my arms (lighting not great) and I don't think the full extent of the bicep peak is visible, but trust me guys it's really there!

I'm just under 5 weeks into this programme and I am very pleased with the progress...



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Ok camera battery dead, had to use phone - will take some more pics next weekend with proper camera, and that will also be the end of the six week programme.... But here's some from the phone, definitely carrying some more weight today will perhaps do pics before beginning carb refeed next week

Let me know what you guys think of hard work and AI Sports Nutrition products now....

by god, what will happen when I go dark next year I wonder?!?


AI Sports Nutrition
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Ok camera battery dead, had to use phone - will take some more pics next weekend with proper camera, and that will also be the end of the six week programme.... But here's some from the phone, definitely carrying some more weight today will perhaps do pics before beginning carb refeed next week

Let me know what you guys think of hard work and AI Sports Nutrition products now....

by god, what will happen when I go dark next year I wonder?!?
You did a hell of alot of hard work. I am glad AI Sports Nutrition products could play a small part.


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You did a hell of alot of hard work. I am glad AI Sports Nutrition products could play a small part.
Don, you're too modest I really think you have the best natty products I've ever run! I think AI and hard work are a great partnership!!! I think my work effort has been nothing short of brutal and with work being incredibly busy, recovery time has been limited and I ain't captain America that's for sure... So with the intensity over the last 9 weeks or so, the stress and limited available time to sleep I BELIEVE that AI's products are what has delivered the drive and ability to keep on trucking without injury :fing02:

P.S. Still using HGHPRO AND LIFESUPPORT and have another couple of bottles on hand, truly both are now a staple for me.. 50-60 hr work, 6hrs martial arts, 6 hrs gym, 7hrs dog walking, a wife, couple of kids and if there's time some sleep... Want to still be able to smile, laugh and enjoy life? Look forward to every training session? Still have libido? Feel rested after 5hrs sleep? Look no further than getting some natty supps from AI Sports Nutrition!!


  • RockStar
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Awesome job bro, lookin good! Now thats hard work!

Also AI is a great company, sooner or later I will give HGHPRO a shot :)


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The third and fourth pix look good/really stand out. Keep it up!


Board Sponsor
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Outstanding progress. Outstanding log. Realize it's the work you put into these supplements that yeild the gains. They dont work if you dont work. Every once of progress is a testament to the hard work you put in day in and day out, AI Sports is just there to support you in these endeavors through quality supps.

Again this has been a a great log!


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Awesome job bro, lookin good! Now thats hard work!

Also AI is a great company, sooner or later I will give HGHPRO a shot :)
Thanks JD, much appreciated in my next log i'm going to steal all your libido pics and use them as if they were my own... i think my company calls that positive knowledge re-use!

The third and fourth pix look good/really stand out. Keep it up!
Cheers bro, appreciate the comments, had a massive cheat weekend, clean but excessive! now have to see how much I can lose in this last week!!

Outstanding progress. Outstanding log. Realize it's the work you put into these supplements that yeild the gains. They dont work if you dont work. Every once of progress is a testament to the hard work you put in day in and day out, AI Sports is just there to support you in these endeavors through quality supps.

Again this has been a a great log!
why thank you sir, that's very flattering!!!! but yep I get the work in = results aspect as you can tell - I'm so pleased you've enjoyed the log about to post the missing two week update below and then only this week to capture before rounding it all up.


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Ok guys, here's the long awaited mammoth update, resulting in the pics I took yesterday, yes the hard work did continue! I will try to be as accurate as I can from my increasingly failing memory and the notes I took from each session BUT I do expect to have some blanks in terms of details, for this I apologise (just glad this isn't a sponsored log otherwise AI Sports might be inclined to open up a a can of virtual whoop a$$ on me!!

for my next logging marathon, I might try and get better at logging my thoughts as well as stats on paper, if not straight away in the log, so that I'm less reliant on my memory.

As always thanks for your continued support, thoughts, guidance and kind words throughout this log, it has been very much appreciated I can tell you :bigok:

Hopefully, Don will after next Saturday's conclusion, feel this log merits a link in the “go to” threads that I have seen appear in the AI Sports sub-forum for others to share in the experience and ascertain whether or not running some of their products would benefit them – I do hope that this log helps with some sales for AI Sports as notwithstanding the hard work I put in, I do believe the AI Sports Product range has tremendously helped over this gruelling 10-11 week period (the log officially started on the 2nd September 2010, with the first workout on the 1st along with starting the supps)

Next week I will post a summary of thoughts, final pics and measurements to compare, and hopefully decide where I go to next... I suspect that I will start my main log back up again with my new stack, which will be a mixture of USP/PES/AI Sports/Genomyx

Saturday 23rd October


Barbell Curl
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Standing EZ-Bar Triceps Press (supersetted with bent over rows)
5 x 8 x 64 lbs

Dumbbell Hammer Curl
5 x 8 x 26 lbs

Two Hand DB Overhead Triceps Extension
5 x 8 x 53 lbs

5 x 8 x BW

Barbell Rollout
5 x 8 x 44 lbs

5 x 40 secs


Ok so this was one and a half hours of pure hell, very little TaeKwonDo and a huge amount of fitness. Basically running around the Dojang, occasionally switching to side steps, and varying speeds according to instruction BUT absolutely no walking! Every now and then we were stopped on the spot to perform the following

Diamond Press-Ups
One Hand Press-Ups
Burpees (knees to chest on the jump
Mountain Climbers
Sit Ups
A TaeKwonDo Pattern

The number count started a 10 for everything except patterns which was always 1, and everything except for the pattern increased in increments of 5 each... so run, stop and circuit, run, stop and circuit +5, run stop and circuit +10, etc... we got to 25!!!

On my newly developed “puke in mouth” scale this was a 5/5, I managed to puke in my mouth each circuit whilst performing burpees... the first 45 mins were the worst (bearing in mind i've already been at the gym beforehand and had a recovery protein shake between the gym and dojang) but after this I actually felt pretty good – one of our better Saturday sessions!

Monday 25th October

2.5hrs, first session was focused on fitness and the technical aspects of sparring and the second session was sparring – nothing strange or startling to report but a good workout. I really think that this is drastically improving my fitness levels at the moment

Tuesday 26th October


Incline Barbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 110lbs

Chin Up
5 x 8 x (BW - 44lbs)

Dumbbell Bench Press
5 x 8 x 48lbs

Single Arm Dumbbell Row (each side)
5 x 8 x 48lbs

Medicine Ball Reverse Crunch
5 x 8 x 7lbs

Reverse Seated Crunch
5 x 20

Wednesday 27th October


With the team competing at the weekend, the focus this evening was more sparring and some limited time on pattern work. I have the basic moves of the pattern down, but i'm battling with the required “exactness” required for the first 3 moves, a combination of a double outer forearm block, followed by an inward knife-hand strike and then a side punch, the three moves also switch between 2 stances. These “move” is then repeated as a mirror image and also occurs again later in the pattern. You could say it's pretty fundamental part of the pattern, less than two months to go until next grading exam!

Thursday 28th October


Front Squat (cross hand grip)
5 x 8 x 132lbs

Barbell Squat
4 x 8 x 154 lbs
1 x 8 x 198 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug
5 x 8 x 154 lbs

Leg Press
1 x 8 x 352 lbs
1 x 8 x 374 lbs
1 x 8 x 396 lbs
1 x 8 x 418 lbs
1 x 8 x 440 lbs

Leg Curl
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Leg Extension
5 x 8 x 99 lbs

Puke in mouth factor 3/5 (PIMF), I'm getting kinda used to this... is it weird to actually now think I haven't really pushed myself hard enough if it doesn't happen

Saturday 30th October

OK no sparring!!! team have gone to tournament, I love sparring obviously but I am now starting to really worry about the lack of work on patterns. No fear - intense session, all on grading material, but I didn't get berated so maybe my pattern isn't as bad as I think ?!?


Barbell Curl
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Standing EZ-Bar Triceps Press (supersetted with bent over rows)
5 x 8 x 75 lbs

Dumbbell Hammer Curl
5 x 8 x 31 lbs

Two Hand DB Overhead Triceps Extension
5 x 8 x 66 lbs

5 x 8 x BW

Barbell Rollout
5 x 8 x 44 lbs

5 x 20 x 13 lbs

Monday 1st November


2.5 hrs, hmmm pattern work, and apparently I was right the first time, my first three moves suck!! He was nice about it though apparently everyone has a weak pattern and so far this one is mine, good session but I left annoyed with myself.

Tuesday 2nd November


Feet Up Close Grip Press Up
4 x 12

Reverse Grip Bent-over row
4 x 12 x 40

4 x 12 x BW

Alternate Grip Pull-up (assisted)
4 x 12 x BW-44lbs

The alternate grip thing is really difficult, wow! I have enough problems doing these normally, but with the alternate grip it's a whole new ball game!

Hanging Knee Raise
4 x 12 x BW

VIPR Russian Twist
4 x 12 x 13lbs

Wednesday 3rd November

Ok so tonight we managed a little bit better on my pattern it still wouldn't get me through the exam but at least we've identified the problem of sorts, I twist my body on the last of the three moves BUT we still haven't worked out why... he suspects my weight training isn't helping :( but i'm sure we'll crack it in time.

Thursday 4th November


Front Squat
4 x 12 x 132 lbs

Barbell Squat
1 x 12 x 154 lbs
1 x 12 x 176 lbs
1 x 12 x 198 lbs
1 x 12 x 220 lbs

Deadlift & Shrug
2 x 12 x 154 lbs
2 x 12 x 176 lbs

Leg Press
4 x 12 x 440 lbs

Adductor Machine
4 x 12 x 110lbs

Abductor Machine
4 x 12 x 110lbs

Saturday 6th November


Ok I think we've cracked it! Simple case of taking my eye of the target on the transition during the movements, results in an incorrect foot placement and a twist of the body on the side punch – unfortunately i've made it a bit of a habit now, so we've now had to de-construct the pattern and start over... pressure is on just over a month till grading....


Alternate Dumbbell Hammer Curl
4 x 12 x 26 lbs

Cable Triceps Press Down
4 x 12 x 66 lbs

Close Grip EZ Bar Preacher Curl
4 x 12 x 75 lbs

Barbell Triceps Press
4 x 12 x 75 lbs

4 x 12 x BW

Decline Crunch
4 x 12 x BW

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