Operation Swole Gheneration, Contest prep lift off!!



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Excellent on the progress DW, and I am sure the base reason for the outburst was more than likely valid, it just is just that your temper SWOLE in the excitement. Besides i get a feeling the guy had that "smarmy" feel to him if it set you off that bad he must have had an undertone of some sort that got into your skin.
Yah he's shifty and I can tell that. Some people don't know how transparent they are. He was honest about one thing, this was a business opportunity for him.


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Excellent on the progress DW, and I am sure the base reason for the outburst was more than likely valid, it just is just that your temper SWOLE in the excitement. Besides i get a feeling the guy had that "smarmy" feel to him if it set you off that bad he must have had an undertone of some sort that got into your skin.
Agreed. And DW, Old Swollen One, some people in this world just need a thorough ass-kicking anyway. I'm a peaceful and benevolent deity, but when my righteous ire is raised.........LOOKOUT!!!!:buttkick::smashfreakB:
:smashfreakB: :firedevil:


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Agreed. And DW, Old Swollen One, some people in this world just need a thorough ass-kicking anyway. I'm a peaceful and benevolent deity, but when my righteous ire is raised.........LOOKOUT!!!!:buttkick::smashfreakB:
:smashfreakB: :firedevil:
Well he got a wake up call, he backed right down and started giving us advice on how we could get out of it. What really peeves me is that my wife has CFS and it was her mistake and her they are trying to take advantage of. Anybody that can do this to a woman like my wife is just immoral. She is a ray of sunshine and everyone who has the pleasure to talk to this completely genuine person is fortunate to have done so. Everybody loves her and she is the most popular person in the building. It won't go over well if they try and fug us around.


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DW I think you need to wreck shop on this guy; just because you KNOW he has it coming. Surely cool heads will prevail, mainly because a 6' 230 pound guy is standing in front of me and is looking like he could pop my head like a zit, but that is neither here nor there, LOL! Best of luck with that and sounds like your progress is continuing. Any workout this morning or is this a scheduled off day?


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DW I think you need to wreck shop on this guy; just because you KNOW he has it coming. Surely cool heads will prevail, mainly because a 6' 230 pound guy is standing in front of me and is looking like he could pop my head like a zit, but that is neither here nor there, LOL! Best of luck with that and sounds like your progress is continuing. Any workout this morning or is this a scheduled off day?
Fasted Cardio this morning 30 minutes AP and 2 scoops of Xtend. I do 3.5 hours of cardio a week so whenevr I can get it in.


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Well he got a wake up call, he backed right down and started giving us advice on how we could get out of it. What really peeves me is that my wife has CFS and it was her mistake and her they are trying to take advantage of. Anybody that can do this to a woman like my wife is just immoral. She is a ray of sunshine and everyone who has the pleasure to talk to this completely genuine person is fortunate to have done so. Everybody loves her and she is the most popular person in the building. It won't go over well if they try and fug us around.
That is the way he should have handled it from the start. Talk to you about how to make it right. To many people want to shaft us out of our last dime.:nono:


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Until they shart themselves knowing the Dream Weaver is about to bring a nightmare down upon them. Then it is well here are 15 loopholes that may get you out of it. NOW PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't shove my head up my own azz!


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Well he got a wake up call, he backed right down and started giving us advice on how we could get out of it. What really peeves me is that my wife has CFS and it was her mistake and her they are trying to take advantage of. Anybody that can do this to a woman like my wife is just immoral. She is a ray of sunshine and everyone who has the pleasure to talk to this completely genuine person is fortunate to have done so. Everybody loves her and she is the most popular person in the building. It won't go over well if they try and fug us around.
we sure are lucky, my wife is same way-she can talk to someone for 10 minutes and be their best friend. she balances out how i am, i am very untrusting at first until i know how a person really is. i am negative, she is positive-it makes for a good mix. thanks, you reminded me how lucky i am to have a wife like that.
good luck with your problem.


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Until they shart themselves knowing the Dream Weaver is about to bring a nightmare down upon them. Then it is well here are 15 loopholes that may get you out of it. NOW PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't shove my head up my own azz!
Yah that about sums it up. :damnit1:


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we sure are lucky, my wife is same way-she can talk to someone for 10 minutes and be their best friend. she balances out how i am, i am very untrusting at first until i know how a person really is. i am negative, she is positive-it makes for a good mix. thanks, you reminded me how lucky i am to have a wife like that.
good luck with your problem.
Yah things have a way of evening out in the good relationships, the ones that really work.

Ok still a good night last night but not as good as Tuesday

Decling db press 100 lbs had troube with this last time so I kept the same weight got 10-3-2 2 extra reps. Damn once I fail on these it's hard to go after only 15 seconds...

Push Press 125 X 12-6-4 10 lbs increase one less rep

Decline tri ext 105 X 11-5-3 up 10 lbs less reps last time it was too light so got 28 10 lbs is a big increase on this exercise.

Lat Pulldown 180 X 11-5-3 a few extra reps no increase again it's hard to keep this up after failure.

Bento over rows - did a rp last time at 175 this time I did one heavy set 205 for 5 and 185 for 10

Official weigh in confirmed a 1 pound gain. I have been seeing obvious fat loss this week at least 2 lbs so I must have somehow put on 3 lbs of lean mass. So my new target is 208 3 weeks before contest up from 205. I made sure with my wife that we were seeing the same things. No doubt about it swole is the real deal. I did not expect this much out of it. I mean I'm on a fairly significant calorie deficit of about 300 cals a day on average.

Libido remains very high but not as out of control. There is a strong alpha male/ agressiveness I feel. It's pretty strong and I really have to watch myself, I seem to have a pretty short fuse.


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Did I mention I'm up to 3 OEP a day 5 hours apart now... I think I did...


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DW I hope you like the 3/day of OEP. I've been dosing 2 pre fasted cardio and 1 later in day pre-workout. How do you like splitting the dose 3 times?


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DW I hope you like the 3/day of OEP. I've been dosing 2 pre fasted cardio and 1 later in day pre-workout. How do you like splitting the dose 3 times?
I will let DW give you his opinion but I went to this protocol for the last 10 days of so of my bottle, loved it. Great focus, energy, less feeling of being over-stimmed. Works well if you ask me and I noticed increased appetite suppression this way, especially later into the evening.


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Yah things have a way of evening out in the good relationships, the ones that really work.

Ok still a good night last night but not as good as Tuesday

Decling db press 100 lbs had troube with this last time so I kept the same weight got 10-3-2 2 extra reps. Damn once I fail on these it's hard to go after only 15 seconds...

Push Press 125 X 12-6-4 10 lbs increase one less rep

Decline tri ext 105 X 11-5-3 up 10 lbs less reps last time it was too light so got 28 10 lbs is a big increase on this exercise.

Lat Pulldown 180 X 11-5-3 a few extra reps no increase again it's hard to keep this up after failure.

Bento over rows - did a rp last time at 175 this time I did one heavy set 205 for 5 and 185 for 10

Official weigh in confirmed a 1 pound gain. I have been seeing obvious fat loss this week at least 2 lbs so I must have somehow put on 3 lbs of lean mass. So my new target is 208 3 weeks before contest up from 205. I made sure with my wife that we were seeing the same things. No doubt about it swole is the real deal. I did not expect this much out of it. I mean I'm on a fairly significant calorie deficit of about 300 cals a day on average.

Libido remains very high but not as out of control. There is a strong alpha male/ agressiveness I feel. It's pretty strong and I really have to watch myself, I seem to have a pretty short fuse.
Nice workout bro. Great job 3 lbs of lean mass.:)


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Doing great DW, oh yeah on the rest pauses, the 15 seconds is an around about time frame. Dante says that it is much more important to make sure you getting in 10-12 deep strong breaths, 20 seconds is fine too, main goal is Oxygenating almost to the point of hyperventilating to get so much of a rush of oxygen into the muscle that it replenishes ATP and clears lactic acid faster. This is also the same thing free divers do to oversupply their bodies with oxygen before free diving.


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my libido and mood was very elevated on testopro, had that feeling where you thought anything was possible.


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DW I hope you like the 3/day of OEP. I've been dosing 2 pre fasted cardio and 1 later in day pre-workout. How do you like splitting the dose 3 times?
One every 5 hours, I still find that 2 at a time would be too strong for me.


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Doing great DW, oh yeah on the rest pauses, the 15 seconds is an around about time frame. Dante says that it is much more important to make sure you getting in 10-12 deep strong breaths, 20 seconds is fine too, main goal is Oxygenating almost to the point of hyperventilating to get so much of a rush of oxygen into the muscle that it replenishes ATP and clears lactic acid faster. This is also the same thing free divers do to oversupply their bodies with oxygen before free diving.
Yah that's what I do count breaths, it's probably more like 18 - 20 seconds


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my libido and mood was very elevated on testopro, had that feeling where you thought anything was possible.
Yah I know ... sometimes I find myself biting off more than I can chew...


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Just doing some catching up...LOL at "Wonder Wood."

...carry on...


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...carry on...
Will do....

Just had to comment on what I saw in the mirror this morning, all doubt was erased, despite what the scale says I am losing fat quite quickly. Yah the mass is going on and the fat is coming off.

This all started when I incresed my testofen dosage slightly. Now that I have upped the OEP the fat loss seems to have accelerated and I'm pretty excited. This keeps up who knows how big I'll be.

Just a half hour HITT session today fasted with AP an Xtend...


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Are your clothes starting to fit differently too?


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Will do....

Just had to comment on what I saw in the mirror this morning, all doubt was erased, despite what the scale says I am losing fat quite quickly. Yah the mass is going on and the fat is coming off.

This all started when I incresed my testofen dosage slightly. Now that I have upped the OEP the fat loss seems to have accelerated and I'm pretty excited. This keeps up who knows how big I'll be.

Just a half hour HITT session today fasted with AP an Xtend...
The mirror does not lie. Great work DW.:)


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Are your clothes starting to fit differently too?
Yes and no, remember I don't really have tons to lose so there won't be a tremendous difference in waste size from this point on.

Rest assured that I am much leaner, I just did posing practice and I am way better than I was on Wednesday. It's getting exciting lots of positive changes...


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Will do....

Just had to comment on what I saw in the mirror this morning, all doubt was erased, despite what the scale says I am losing fat quite quickly. Yah the mass is going on and the fat is coming off.

This all started when I incresed my testofen dosage slightly. Now that I have upped the OEP the fat loss seems to have accelerated and I'm pretty excited. This keeps up who knows how big I'll be.

Just a half hour HITT session today fasted with AP an Xtend...
Lucky Duck! I so wanted to up my dose on TestoPro, now did you up the dose of Testofen of TestoPro? Just curious if that was a typo...
Yes and no, remember I don't really have tons to lose so there won't be a tremendous difference in waste size from this point on.

Rest assured that I am much leaner, I just did posing practice and I am way better than I was on Wednesday. It's getting exciting lots of positive changes...
DW, I think you will be surprised that your waist will drop about an inch to an inch and a half going from 6-4% so what ever V Taper you are happy with now just wait until sub 6% the visceral fat and whatever is left of any fat pockets is about all that is left then and that is when the waist gets tiny. You are gonna love having the time to get REALLY lean for this show.


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Lucky Duck! I so wanted to up my dose on TestoPro, now did you up the dose of Testofen of TestoPro? Just curious if that was a typo...

DW, I think you will be surprised that your waist will drop about an inch to an inch and a half going from 6-4% so what ever V Taper you are happy with now just wait until sub 6% the visceral fat and whatever is left of any fat pockets is about all that is left then and that is when the waist gets tiny. You are gonna love having the time to get REALLY lean for this show.
I upped the Testopro by one pill

My VAT should be pretty low, actually have some VAT attack which I will incorporate soon...

Ok Pretty good day

Preacher curls 95 X 10/5/5 up 10 lbs 1 less rep...

Wrist curls ss 20 X 55 up 10 lbs

Standing Calf raise 20 second neg.. 12 X 160 up 20 lbs as I become more accustomed to this I get much more efficient.

Stiff legged dead's 275 X 6 255 X 11 did these rest pause last time so can't compare but this is damn good...

Leg Press 6 X 650 then 600 lb widowmaker, OK there was lots of pauses... lol but I was up 50 lbs!!

Geez now that I look at it this was fuggin awesome !!


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What's VAT Attack? Sounds familiar, but I can't seem to place it.


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I upped the Testopro by one pill

My VAT should be pretty low, actually have some VAT attack which I will incorporate soon...

Ok Pretty good day

Preacher curls 95 X 10/5/5 up 10 lbs 1 less rep...

Wrist curls ss 20 X 55 up 10 lbs

Standing Calf raise 20 second neg.. 12 X 160 up 20 lbs as I become more accustomed to this I get much more efficient.

Stiff legged dead's 275 X 6 255 X 11 did these rest pause last time so can't compare but this is damn good...

Leg Press 6 X 650 then 600 lb widowmaker, OK there was lots of pauses... lol but I was up 50 lbs!!

Geez now that I look at it this was fuggin awesome !!
Looks like a good workout to me.:)


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Just a fasted session this morning 30 minutes.. will do a 30 minute HITT session late this afternoon then posing practice this evening.


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Yah I didn't know how good until typed it out. I find that I am very ambitious, the aggresion is always high..
that is much the same as i felt on testopro. 2 weeks and counting till i start testopro/hghup.


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that is much the same as i felt on testopro. 2 weeks and counting till i start testopro/hghup.
You going to take something extra for more Estrogen control ?


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DW, you are tearing it up. Strength is up and you are killing the DC. Love to hear all of this is occurring while you are leaning up. SWOLE Stack is the real deal. I am very happy I ran it.


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DW, you are tearing it up. Strength is up and you are killing the DC. Love to hear all of this is occurring while you are leaning up. SWOLE Stack is the real deal. I am very happy I ran it.
I know you said it was good and I know I respond well to the ingredients across the board but that doesn't prepare you for the results. I would probably not be able to gain strength like this even if I were bulking and here I am in a deficit kicking the shyte out of the weights!! Then I look in the mirror and say wow I am really leaning out and step on the scale and what?? My Chiropractor commented on how lean and big I looked compared to 4 weeks ago. I am just stepping back and looking at the big picture and it's looking very good.


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Yeah you are really making amazing progress. Are you planning on taking incremental progress pictures as you go? Oh yeah you said the wife doesn't take pics too good eh...


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Yeah you are really making amazing progress. Are you planning on taking incremental progress pictures as you go? Oh yeah you said the wife doesn't take pics too good eh...
I am doing some more after this run and then more frequently after that.


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I am doing some more after this run and then more frequently after that.
You are in the same boat as me there. Not quite lean enough that lots of pictures are warranted. However we are not too far from being there then the changes come so frequently you want to take pics.


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You are in the same boat as me there. Not quite lean enough that lots of pictures are warranted. However we are not too far from being there then the changes come so frequently you want to take pics.
Just around the corner... it's lookin good...

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