Operation Swole Gheneration, Contest prep lift off!!



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Oh posing practice went very well last night, it keeps getting better, seeing some improvements every time.


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I have to watch my dairy intake a lot. I get real muddy if I drink or eat much of it. Sucks too because I love shakes in milk...water just doesn't cut it!


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I have to watch my dairy intake a lot. I get real muddy if I drink or eat much of it. Sucks too because I love shakes in milk...water just doesn't cut it!
the ai protein was good in water, and so is syntha-6, imo.:dunno:


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I have to watch my dairy intake a lot. I get real muddy if I drink or eat much of it. Sucks too because I love shakes in milk...water just doesn't cut it!
Yah that was a consideration, something about dairy and water in the skin.

Oh my last tub of VAT Attack was thrown into the mix starting yesterday. I am hoping USP releases the new product with this in it soon.


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Waiting on this as well DW.


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No I looked at my diet and decided to go for a lowering of the amount of cottage cheese I was eating, which was too much. I am saving the carb lowering for my second adjustment.

It's just that you can't go up steadily for 8 weeks the way I was in the first 4, it has to slow down sometime. I am pretty pleased with my effort.
I bet you were guilty of the same thing I am always guilty of. Starting out a new routine balls to the wall. It's hard to progress from 110%. ha ha
You'll do fine. Just keep on pushing through. At the end of the 8 weeks, you'll be ready for that "cruise".


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I have to watch my dairy intake a lot. I get real muddy if I drink or eat much of it. Sucks too because I love shakes in milk...water just doesn't cut it!
I hear ya AZ. I grew up on a dairy farm and we had all the free whole milk we could drink. It's hard to give that up. And I completely agree, those protein shakes aren't the same with H20 only. But it's the sacrifice we must make.


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I bet you were guilty of the same thing I am always guilty of. Starting out a new routine balls to the wall. It's hard to progress from 110%. ha ha
You'll do fine. Just keep on pushing through. At the end of the 8 weeks, you'll be ready for that "cruise".
I think for me it was weeks 2 and 3 where I made huge progress, it's just going to a little slower now... Sunday's routine is a tough one for me to make gains on though, some lifts are more progressive for me than others. We'll see how things look at the end of the week before I have a complete picture.


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I think for me it was weeks 2 and 3 where I made huge progress, it's just going to a little slower now... Sunday's routine is a tough one for me to make gains on though, some lifts are more progressive for me than others. We'll see how things look at the end of the week before I have a complete picture.
i got faith you will figure it out!


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i got faith you will figure it out!
Thanks "T" , one area I will have to use some caution though is compound lifts that involve the back will need to be done with good form, more of my attention will be focussed on doing clean reps than adding weight now that my waist has gotten smaller.

Another observation is although my shoulder is 95% it is still not that strong and may take some time before it is, chest exercises will suffer in load but I will try to make up for it with form.


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Thanks "T" , one area I will have to use some caution though is compound lifts that involve the back will need to be done with good form, more of my attention will be focussed on doing clean reps than adding weight now that my waist has gotten smaller.

Another observation is although my shoulder is 95% it is still not that strong and may take some time before it is, chest exercises will suffer in load but I will try to make up for it with form.
about 4 years ago i suffered from terrible migraines, doc tried everything but nothing seemed to help much-i don't tolerate vicadin very well. finally went to chiropractor-magic. i swear by my chiropractor now and have gone every week with few exceptions for the last 4 years. might want to look into it.:dunno:


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Thanks "T" , one area I will have to use some caution though is compound lifts that involve the back will need to be done with good form, more of my attention will be focussed on doing clean reps than adding weight now that my waist has gotten smaller.

Another observation is although my shoulder is 95% it is still not that strong and may take some time before it is, chest exercises will suffer in load but I will try to make up for it with form.

You have been working hard bro good job.


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Another observation is although my shoulder is 95% it is still not that strong and may take some time before it is, chest exercises will suffer in load but I will try to make up for it with form.
Seeing how the DC routine only utilizes compound movements, maybe your chest would benefit from some isolation moves like pec-deck flyes and cable crossovers. Just an observation.


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about 4 years ago i suffered from terrible migraines, doc tried everything but nothing seemed to help much-i don't tolerate vicadin very well. finally went to chiropractor-magic. i swear by my chiropractor now and have gone every week with few exceptions for the last 4 years. might want to look into it.:dunno:
Yah I'm seeing one every month, now I have done so well it will be every 2 months. Lifting heavy like deads and squats a wider waste will really help you support the load. It's just smart to use more caution as you lean out and get small wasted.


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Yah I'm seeing one every month, now I have done so well it will be every 2 months. Lifting heavy like deads and squats a wider waste will really help you support the load. It's just smart to use more caution as you lean out and get small wasted.
how right you are, we are not youngsters, lol.


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how right you are, we are not youngsters, lol.
I have no plans on backing off but I will be more conservative as far as increases are concerned. You know not let the Testopro do all the talkin... you know what I mean.


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I have no plans on backing off but I will be more conservative as far as increases are concerned. You know not let the Testopro do all the talkin... you know what I mean.
brother i am lucky i didn't get injured on testopro-i was walking into the gym like a ****y teenager. going for pr's on everything-really had the alpha male mentality. had my wife on the run too, lol. libido went absolutely apeshiit.


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brother i am lucky i didn't get injured on testopro-i was walking into the gym like a ****y teenager. going for pr's on everything-really had the alpha male mentality. had my wife on the run too, lol. libido went absolutely apeshiit.
yah i hear that.. My injuries are from before nothing new but not looking to add any new ones either. :squint:


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brother i am lucky i didn't get injured on testopro-i was walking into the gym like a ****y teenager. going for pr's on everything-really had the alpha male mentality. had my wife on the run too, lol. libido went absolutely apeshiit.
Cannot wait to see what the Perform does to you.:)


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hell yeah, it was in the mail when i woke up. will post log tomorrow-thanks!
Oh Oh...:nervous:

Decent HITT session 30 minutes last night and another 30 minutes fasted AP and Xtend sesion this morning... moderate intensity...

Fat seems to be melting away at a good pace, I should be down a couple again this week, you never know with the increase of dosage with Testopro though. Scales lose meaning.... Anywho I am going to take another couple lbs of my target no matter what. The fat loss is there.

Posing practice was shyte last night, I kept forgetting to keep my legs flexed .. just got distracted.


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That's why they call it practice DW..plenty of time to get the total package dialed in.


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I am sure it will come back to you.:)
I see said the blind man...it's all coming back to me...as he peed into the wind!! Sorry guys..had to.:booty:


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I see said the blind man...it's all coming back to me...as he peed into the wind!! Sorry guys..had to.:booty:
damn, bro. you seem in good spirits today-right on! f'ing A, lol.


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Just turning my frown upside down today...tuff start to it but getting through it the only way I know how!!


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Hey DW, you are right to err on the side of caution, I just had to push my contest back a few months because I can not safely train on my leg anymore. Taking some time off on quads to see if it can heal on it's own before going through the rigors of going to a doctor for an MRI, I know he is going to tell me "4-6 weeks no heavy lifting plenty of light stretching, and increase blood flow to the area..." Can you tell I have been here before. Oh well. It is not ridiculously painfull but it is the type of pain that says something is wrong here. If you keep pushing it could easily turn to something VERY WRONG so I have to do what is right for me. I changed my workout up so many times and honestly recovery has never been a problem for me with the program but with these recurring issues I have only let halfway heal then beat on them again need to heal more completely now. Not to mention those slower reps I just started have been killing me DOMS wise. Yeah Babay!!!!!


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Hey DW, you are right to err on the side of caution, I just had to push my contest back a few months because I can not safely train on my leg anymore. Taking some time off on quads to see if it can heal on it's own before going through the rigors of going to a doctor for an MRI, I know he is going to tell me "4-6 weeks no heavy lifting plenty of light stretching, and increase blood flow to the area..." Can you tell I have been here before. Oh well. It is not ridiculously painfull but it is the type of pain that says something is wrong here. If you keep pushing it could easily turn to something VERY WRONG so I have to do what is right for me. I changed my workout up so many times and honestly recovery has never been a problem for me with the program but with these recurring issues I have only let halfway heal then beat on them again need to heal more completely now. Not to mention those slower reps I just started have been killing me DOMS wise. Yeah Babay!!!!!
Crap sorry to hear that... better safe than sorry I suppose. I think these supps make us so alpha that we tend to not think clearly at times.


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Barbell curls 130 X 10/6/4 + 5 lbs and - 1 rep on the 3rd set

Reverse curls I accidentally did rest pause again when if was supposed to be 20 ss I was up 10 lbs though 95 X 16/9/8 + 2 reps as well on the 3rd set

Seated calf 120 X 8 up 10 lbs but down 2 reps ouch

Leg curls 135 X 12/6/4 up 5 lbs and 1 rep on the first set

275 lbs for 6 reps on front squats followed by 235 lb widowmaker this was done to completion this time did not have to wrack it, man was I tired and dizzy, I had 3 short pauses. This is the same weight as last time but better effort by far.

Unofficial weigh in has me down another 1.35 lbs from 5 days ago at 225.25


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Barbell curls 130 X 10/6/4 + 5 lbs and - 1 rep on the 3rd set

Reverse curls I accidentally did rest pause again when if was supposed to be 20 ss I was up 10 lbs though 95 X 16/9/8 + 2 reps as well on the 3rd set

Seated calf 120 X 8 up 10 lbs but down 2 reps ouch

Leg curls 135 X 12/6/4 up 5 lbs and 1 rep on the first set

275 lbs for 6 reps on front squats followed by 235 lb widowmaker this was done to completion this time did not have to wrack it, man was I tired and dizzy, I had 3 short pauses. This is the same weight as last time but better effort by far.

Unofficial weigh in has me down another 1.35 lbs from 5 days ago at 225.25
that's tremendous progress while on a cut. i just plain can't seem to cut weight if i lift more than 1-2 days a week, i just grow and grow. but cardio drops weight like a big dog.


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that's tremendous progress while on a cut. i just plain can't seem to cut weight if i lift more than 1-2 days a week, i just grow and grow. but cardio drops weight like a big dog.
I don't care much if I drop weight, but fat that's a different story!! Yah my loss has been very strategic, I have my lbm mass figured to around 200 right now, with these supps that could actually go up.


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I don't care much if I drop weight, but fat that's a different story!! Yah my loss has been very strategic, I have my lbm mass figured to around 200 right now, with these supps that could actually go up.
I agree with this.


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I don't care much if I drop weight, but fat that's a different story!! Yah my loss has been very strategic, I have my lbm mass figured to around 200 right now, with these supps that could actually go up.
our goals differ in that respect. i want to be 210-that is a good weight for me at my height almost 6'1. as i get older it has become more and more difficult to carry the extra weight. knee and joint problems were much better at 210 plus i liked being lighter. i was 210 before starting trt and really liked how i felt at that weight.:dunno:


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our goals differ in that respect. i want to be 210-that is a good weight for me at my height almost 6'1. as i get older it has become more and more difficult to carry the extra weight. knee and joint problems were much better at 210 plus i liked being lighter. i was 210 before starting trt and really liked how i felt at that weight.:dunno:
Yah 210 for me is more like comp weight, for maintenance I would like to see 220 to 225. After the contest I will go up about 10 lbs and then settle in to recomp/lean bulk year round.


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Just turning my frown upside down today...tuff start to it but getting through it the only way I know how!!
Laughter is the best medicine after all. And laugh and the world laughs with you.....cry, and you cry alone!!


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Laughter is the best medicine after all. And laugh and the world laughs with you.....cry, and you cry alone!!
Yes and learn to laugh at yourself... we can be so fuggin ridiculous.. really relieves the preasure too... Ahh humility... it's so liberating!!


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HITT cardio 30 minutes last night and 30 minutes fasted this morning with the usual ingredients..

Pretty good job posing last night, routine is looking pretty good and so is the fat loss... I see no reason for any adjustments, would have been pretty miffed if I did, after making my first adjustment last week.


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HITT cardio 30 minutes last night and 30 minutes fasted this morning with the usual ingredients..

Pretty good job posing last night, routine is looking pretty good and so is the fat loss... I see no reason for any adjustments, would have been pretty miffed if I did, after making my first adjustment last week.
Nice that the posing is coming around and no adjustments needed.:)


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Not as good a workout last night but like I said before you can't just keep increasing all the time especially if your losing weight. There were some highlights though and I finished very strong.

Decline db press 100 lbs 10-4-2 I extra rep on second set

Push Press 130 X 9-3-3 5 lbs increase lost a lot of reps though 3 on the first 3 on the second and one on the third this was just tough tonight

Decline tri ext 105 X 12-7-5 better story up 1 on the first up 2 on the second and third same weight.

Lat Pulldown 180 X 10-5-4 lost one on the first but gained it back on the third

Bent over rows - 215 for 6 and 185 for 12 here's the strong finish up 10 lbs and 1 rep on the first set and 2 reps on the second. I am an animal when it comes to back thickness.

So it was a bit of a roller coaster but overall it's still a stronger workout I think.

Official weigh in 225 even that's 1.6 down from last week 17 more lbs to go in the next 12 weeks 15 weeks out of contest. Can't do any better than that.


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Positive stuff in here DW! This freight train just keeps rolling on...


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Positive stuff in here DW! This freight train just keeps rolling on...
Yes it has been very steady, it's tough sometimes slow and steady wins this race though. You get an urge to make adjustments to speed the process but that is almost as bad or maybe even worse than stalling. I get excited cuz I know where it's going but I want it to come faster... like a kid waiting for Xmas!!


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Fine tuning not overhauling..that's the key.


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Progress is the key word here DW. And you exemplify the word. Great stuff going on in here as usual. Keep that nose to the grind brotha!! You're on your way to showing the crowd a new and improved DreamWeaver!!:head:


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Progress is the key word here DW. And you exemplify the word. Great stuff going on in here as usual. Keep that nose to the grind brotha!! You're on your way to showing the crowd a new and improved DreamWeaver!!:head:
Yah, I have made improvements, beyond a doubt. I am anxious and yes apprehensive about how it shows up. One thing I know, the key is to get scary lean to get rid of pocket fat and loose looking skin. I have taken steps to deal with this problem.

a) I have recomped year round so that I did have to shed 40 50 lbs to compete.

b) using topical fat burners and OEP will then use skin conditioning creams on problem spots.

c) I will avoid tanning beds and damaging my skin as much as possible.

d) I won't use hair removal creams till I have to starting about 8 weeks out then only every 3 weeks.

e) this sort of ties in with "a" but it is key also. A long contest prep arriving at my target weight 3 weeks early allowing me to become thin skinned and trim as much residual fat as possible. This will also allow my skin time to tighten. During this time it's the fish and milk fed veal diet using very high grade hydrolysate for protein supplementation.

f) Herbs that I use swole stack asteroid + tna along with HGH support supps like Ghenerate are a tremendous advantage and I am losing no mass, as a matter of fact my lean mass may go up.

g) Nutrient repartitioning supps like AP and Glycobol help me to retain full and I will do a much better job with water retention.

h) The support of my AM members who have helped educate and support me. You know who you are...:439:

These are all improvements I have made over my last go so I am expecting bigger and better things.


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Yah, I have made improvements, beyond a doubt. I am anxious and yes apprehensive about how it shows up. One thing I know, the key is to get scary lean to get rid of pocket fat and loose looking skin. I have taken steps to deal with this problem.

a) I have recomped year round so that I did have to shed 40 50 lbs to compete.

b) using topical fat burners and OEP will then use skin conditioning creams on problem spots.

c) I will avoid tanning beds and damaging my skin as much as possible.

d) I won't use hair removal creams till I have to starting about 8 weeks out then only every 3 weeks.

e) this sort of ties in with "a" but it is key also. A long contest prep arriving at my target weight 3 weeks early allowing me to become thin skinned and trim as much residual fat as possible. This will also allow my skin time to tighten. During this time it's the fish and milk fed veal diet using very high grade hydrolysate for protein supplementation.

f) Herbs that I use swole stack asteroid + tna along with HGH support supps like Ghenerate are a tremendous advantage and I am losing no mass, as a matter of fact my lean mass may go up.

g) Nutrient repartitioning supps like AP and Glycobol help me to retain full and I will do a much better job with water retention.

h) The support of my AM members who have helped educate and support me. You know who you are...:439:

These are all improvements I have made over my last go so I am expecting bigger and better things.
And I have no doubt that you will achive this.:)

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