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Thus far, a big increase in endurance, slight weight gain, and some body comp change. Lifts have remained the same, but my volume has gone up because there is a set or two left in the tank- which is likely resulting in what I am experiencing in body comp.

Keep in mind that none of us know what to expect and when to expect it. It could be that it takes 3-4 weeks to see strength increases.


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Thus far, a big increase in endurance, slight weight gain, and some body comp change. Lifts have remained the same, but my volume has gone up because there is a set or two left in the tank- which is likely resulting in what I am experiencing in body comp.

Keep in mind that none of us know what to expect and when to expect it. It could be that it takes 3-4 weeks to see strength increases.
You're absolutely true about when one will experience any changes. 3-4 weeks is the sweet spot for most from what I gather.


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But the writeup suggested within 10 days you might notice a dramatic difference in strength.


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Who knows, I can't say what may have been behind that. I am being very critical of my log and not hyping it because I know BLR stands behind their products and I believe in being honest in all feedback. I am very happy with the endurance and stamina to this point because unlike prior to this when my body was telling me that I needed a rest, I literally feel like I could hit the weights 7 days a week. Now I am fighting my own common sense and experience to make myself not over do it.


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Thus far, a big increase in endurance, slight weight gain, and some body comp change. Lifts have remained the same, but my volume has gone up because there is a set or two left in the tank- which is likely resulting in what I am experiencing in body comp. Keep in mind that none of us know what to expect and when to expect it. It could be that it takes 3-4 weeks to see strength increases.
Good point buddy.


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On Day 4 of this. I'm actually taking 3/day spread out evenly. Had one of those in the zone type workouts today. Strength is through the roof. But keep in mind I am also just beginning week 2 of Superdrol.
Id be willing to gamble 100% its the superdrol causing this.
Non of the loggers are seeing strength through the roof in week 1. Only 2 initial trial testers saw fast strength gains and it may have been placebo.
If there wasnt superdrol on board this would be awesome.
Im sure the Follidrone will help the cycle though. Should be interesting combining them.


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I'm on high but stable doses of AAS, we'll see how it works as an amplifier. In theory I should see strength gains out of proportion to what I'd usually expect in a week or so.
We had one guy who had been on cycle for like 25 weeks He had plateaued months before. It seemed to give him a restart so to speak. At any rate numbers started going up again. Let us know what happens.


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I added this to my supp regimen on Saturday. By Sunday nights workout I was experiencing crazy pumps, almost annoying. I figured it was way to soon and just blew it off. I trained again yesterday and went through the same annoying pumps laugh out loud. My arms were so pumped it made it almost difficult to train. Twice in four days def not a placebo. Had some random guy walk up to me in the gym and ask me if I compete. I have not had a question like that since running prohormones a while back. I am taking other supps but have been running this natty cycle four 5 weeks when I added the follidrone. I bought two bottles so plan on running it four a solid 8 weeks with four weeks off and then back on again. Take care.
I started the Follidrone a few days ago and yesterday my chest pump was insane. I looked like I had gained 10lbs although I know I havnt.
Someone actually said dude your looking bigger. At my gym this means the gear is kicking in and everyone is noticing. no gear though ;)


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The study shows much faster than that
All of those numbers happened in testing. Some of it is hard to believe. I made them send me videos.
It def happened but weather it was placebo or not I honestly dont know. I only posted the numbers because they were so insane.
Hopefully we see something similar in loggs. IF we dont this is ok as well because I do know we will see positive results one way or another.
There is so much strong research regarding this compound its impossible it wont work. Its also impossible all the results we saw were placebo.
PLus....there are a dozen logs up and everyone is saying 2 things-
Endurance and faster recovery
Pump. One guy says he cant finish his workouts because the pump hurts to much to continue working.


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First workout today, second day on Folli, I don't expect anything yet. I'll be utilizing it differently than the other testers do so far in that my volume will be based on sets not reps i.e. 8+ sets on certain exercises with lower rep ranges and I do incorporate super sets. We'll see how the endurance aspect with Folli impacts my training, I'm excited to start.


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I was always told that if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all. After being stoked to try this starting Monday of this week, I came down with some CRAZY sickness Sunday night. Pain kept moving thru body and I went to doctor today and they told me it is probable that it is appendicitis. Waiting on blood work now. I am officially pissed, I was so ready to try this.


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any joint/tendon issues yet?
Also curious about this. With the increased endurance people will do more volume so it could be a limiting factor.


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I'm 3 days in, last night I flexed my bicep and it was one of those cramping hurt type situations then I flexed my tricep and felt the same thing. Today at the gym a guy I see there once or twice a week asked if I was on roids, I was doing a pump workout bicep/tricep and my arms were blown up huge. I'm also a couple weeks in on ostarine and xgels just dumped these on top but I'm cutting and I'm completely carb depleted so to see this good of a pump is great. It's too early to tell if it has anything to do with the folli or if I was just lined up right from food and such but either way when I went in to the locker room to change in the mirror I looked swelled up and leaner. Looking forward to the weeks to come


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I'm 3 days in, last night I flexed my bicep and it was one of those cramping hurt type situations then I flexed my tricep and felt the same thing. Today at the gym a guy I see there once or twice a week asked if I was on roids, I was doing a pump workout bicep/tricep and my arms were blown up huge. I'm also a couple weeks in on ostarine and xgels just dumped these on top but I'm cutting and I'm completely carb depleted so to see this good of a pump is great. It's too early to tell if it has anything to do with the folli or if I was just lined up right from food and such but either way when I went in to the locker room to change in the mirror I looked swelled up and leaner. Looking forward to the weeks to come
That hurt is likely from the xgels but could also be caused by the pump from the combination of xgels and osta.


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I'm 3 days in, last night I flexed my bicep and it was one of those cramping hurt type situations then I flexed my tricep and felt the same thing. Today at the gym a guy I see there once or twice a week asked if I was on roids, I was doing a pump workout bicep/tricep and my arms were blown up huge. I'm also a couple weeks in on ostarine and xgels just dumped these on top but I'm cutting and I'm completely carb depleted so to see this good of a pump is great. It's too early to tell if it has anything to do with the folli or if I was just lined up right from food and such but either way when I went in to the locker room to change in the mirror I looked swelled up and leaner. Looking forward to the weeks to come
A bunch of loggers are talking about painful pumps from the follidrone. I imagine if the other stuff also gives pumps youll be cramping lol.


why is mr. cooper hating on this product hard in another forum ?
Piston Honda

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I started the Follidrone a few days ago and yesterday my chest pump was insane. I looked like I had gained 10lbs although I know I havnt.
Someone actually said dude your looking bigger. At my gym this means the gear is kicking in and everyone is noticing. no gear though ;)[/QUOT

I wonder if that is a plus or what. I am training chest tomorrow so I will see what happens. If it happens again it's got to be a result of this product or the combo of products I am taking. Either way definately enjoying it.


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After catching up on the other threads keep negative or ridiculous arguments away from this thread plz. I have no moderator powers but I lost a good deal of respect for some after reading some of the attacks on Follidrone. Keep this thread on track the best we can so our information doesn't become an argument.


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What? There isn't anyone arguing here, we are in a discussion.


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~~~~~POSITIVE VIBES~~~~~~~POSITIVE VIBES~~~~~~~~~~~~


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After catching up on the other threads keep negative or ridiculous arguments away from this thread plz. I have no moderator powers but I lost a good deal of respect for some after reading some of the attacks on Follidrone. Keep this thread on track the best we can so our information doesn't become an argument.
They seriously need some mods in these forums.
On a forum with mods rep numbers would be limited and sponsor bashing would = banning.
I mod on several forums. All the jokers would have been banned years ago and none of this would happen.
Oh well...its not my job here so..


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They seriously need some mods in these forums.
On a forum with mods rep numbers would be limited and sponsor bashing would = banning.
I mod on several forums. All the jokers would have been banned years ago and none of this would happen.
Oh well...its not my job here so..
Yea its clear why the last thread was closed but it seems conflict is all people are good at these days. I even reported one loser already for being an idiot on here since he wanted to be a child. Hopefully it doesn't dampen the outlook of most members on this forum. Some people just live to see the world burn I guess


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Haters will always hate.


Lol BB. Com forums are ripping on AM in one thread. I lolled at one guy names NoAddedHormones. Completely skinny twig in July 2012 and by November looking like the HULK. God they're so ****ing dumb over there. Some guy asked "hey why don't you go over to AM and ask Brundel about the product yourself" and some fat faced **** replied "AM lol". Are they seriously that ****ing dumb? God I wanna hit that guy right now lol oh just found the thread on kali muscle..where people believe he's natural..Jesus
Piston Honda

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Lol BB. Com forums are ripping on AM in one thread. I lolled at one guy names NoAddedHormones. Completely skinny twig in July 2012 and by November looking like the HULK. God they're so ****ing dumb over there. Some guy asked "hey why don't you go over to AM and ask Brundel about the product yourself" and some fat faced **** replied "AM lol". Are they seriously that ****ing dumb? God I wanna hit that guy right now lol oh just found the thread on kali muscle..where people believe he's natural..Jesus
I saw that thread at and the s**t is funny as hell.


Brundel my consensus is that people are just dumb and let me explain why. It seems when I read through all these forum threads people are literally stuck on the "get stronger in 7 days claims" and are not thinking about the big picture. So instead of seeing the product for what it is they're dismissing it before they actually see what it does. One guy said before even running the product "this will be easy to review. Either I'm stronger in 7 days or I'm not." SMH
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Brundel my consensus is that people are just dumb and let me explain why. It seems when I read through all these forum threads people are literally stuck on the "get stronger in 7 days claims" and are not thinking about the big picture. So instead of seeing the product for what it is they're dismissing it before they actually see what it does. One guy said before even running the product "this will be easy to review. Either I'm stronger in 7 days or I'm not." SMH
Right obviously this logic is flawed.
Research studies showed this happened. Its not my opinion.
Only a child thinks this way. Thankfully we are not talking about religion or politics.....
TBH its impossible for me to know whats gonna happen long term in larger groups.
Im 100% certain positive results will happen for most if not all.
Creatine a good deal of people dont respond. Does it work?
Me....I take 2000mg test and lose weight....think it works?

Seems like in logs so far its rep range thats increasing.
This is exactly what happened in the studies. They used grip and length of time.
So far pretty much every logger has seen the same thing. Increase of length of time an exercise can be performed.

Seems like its doing whats expected.
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Lol BB. Com forums are ripping on AM in one thread. I lolled at one guy names NoAddedHormones. Completely skinny twig in July 2012 and by November looking like the HULK. God they're so ****ing dumb over there. Some guy asked "hey why don't you go over to AM and ask Brundel about the product yourself" and some fat faced **** replied "AM lol". Are they seriously that ****ing dumb? God I wanna hit that guy right now lol oh just found the thread on kali muscle..where people believe he's natural..Jesus
That was me telling them off in that thread; unfortunately I cannot use my Papa Emeritus avatar in that forum. I don't even know why I still browse over there.


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Me too please :)


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I saw nothing from coop either. But anyways, is just a waste of time. I used to go there but realized every thread was about the best protein, glutamine, and BCAAs....zzzzzz


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Well I got this coming in today and am looking forward to it. is great if you wanna get in depth reviews on, oh I don't know, how feakin awesome a protein tastes and when a new MT supp will drop. Supps are part of our lifestyle and I would rather not take life advice from, well....them.


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Any updates on the Tongkat/Boron product and SERM?
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