Legacyfighter's Needtobuildmuscle Contest Log. NeedToBuildMuscle & MrSupps



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3 hours fasted cardio??? Whaaaaaaat?


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Mich, usually squats would get me pumped up too. However, squats on your second consecutive depletion workout while eating half of maintenance calories suck, and will not get you pumped for the rest of the session. Its a FACT, lol.

Today was another day where I had about 3 hours of fasted low intensity cardio. I really don't think its causing me to burn any extra muscle, but i'm DEFINITELY getting leaner...
indeed lets hope your keeping your muscle and burning the fat.


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Milas, its not as bad as it sounds. Just walking around for 3 hours constantly.

By the way, I forgot to mention... I said last week that I would be changing up my diet to make it look a little more like DW's diet... Well i've had 6 cups of broccoli each day, 2 cups of cauliflower each day, 2 cups green beans, and about 6 cups of lettuce each day. Its no where near as bad as i thought it was going to be. Steaming the veggies has actually made them quite enjoyable. I really like steamed veggies. This may sound ridiculous, but i'm actually thinking about upping the vegetable intake some more. I want to go to the point where it is almost unbearable, then cut back a cup or 2. It hasn't been long enough to notice the results yet... But I think it is helping.


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That's a lot of greens. If your poop starts looking like a baby's then I would say you are certainly getting enough...lol


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I'm thinking about trying the same diet, except with steak, bacon, turkey, pork and eggs. Mmmmm.... now that's good eatin'!


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Rock: I'll let you know after my next bowel movement....

Milas: I'm pretty sure you just described what heaven is like. This may sound a bit homosexual, but man I love me some meat...

I got my body fat tested again today. I'm still dropping fat at a decent rate and maintaining/ gaining muscle. It is a bit slower than it was at first, but still too fast for me to change anything up yet. If I drop .5 % bf a week for the remainder of the contest, I should be taking my after pics with striated glutes... That would be beyond awesome.


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Today's Workout

ATG Squats: 225x5,275x3,315x3,335x8 PR!!!
Bench Press: 225x5,265x9 Recent PR (tied all time PR), 225x15
Rack Deads: 315x5,405x5,495x1,455x5,405x12 PR

Rugby Practice: 2 Hours

2nd Workout
Bent Over Rows: 185x5,225x8, 205x12 (Grip wasn't there today)
Shrugs: 315x12,405x8
Incline DB Bench: 100sx8,8
Machine Military: 250x12 PR!!!, 300x8 PR!!! !!! !!!
GHR: BW+45x8,10 PR?
Pull ups: BW+45x8,10 PR!
DB Curl: 50sx8,8 PR?
Leg Ext: 295x8,8 PR!!! !!!
Skull Crusher: 95x12,12

Wow... Today was freaking awesome. It must be the catecholamines driving me, because I didn't get much sleep last night. Everything was clicking today. My focus was insane. On squats, I actually got a bit nervous before which has never happened before, but I freaking crushed it. I'm stoked about my bench finally getting back up. I think its because my delts are getting stronger, which is happening very fast as shown by the HUGE PR on machine military press.

I was expecting the second session to be more of a lighter weight pump session because it followed rugby practice. For some reason it was like there was a switch i could turn on for EVERY set. When I hit the switch it was go time. Focus was great. I hope I can keep finding this switch every time I workout for the rest of my life. Man it felt good today. I was definitely in the zone.


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I had a pretty awesome carb up over the past 30 hours. I'm considering throwing another 100g of carbs down tonight before bed to see if I can soak it all up. I have definitely gotten leaner again this week. Tonight I had some new veins showing for the first time ever. I've got several creeping up my lower abs, one in my left bicep, and one down my ribs on the left side... Pretty freaking awesome. My arms are finally starting to lean up pretty well. My legs are holding way more fat than every other body part, but it will melt off eventually I'm sure. Striations are creeping all the way across my chest, and shoulders are becoming more and more detailed. Today's lifting session definitely pulled some more carbs into the muscle.

I'm not sure that I will be able to lift tomorrow, because my gym is closed for spring break... But I think I can find a gym for one day. I've got one in particular that I'm really interested in trying out.

Today's Workout:

DB Lateral Raise: 30'sx8,25'sx8,20'sx8,15'sx8 (no rest between sets)
Pull ups: BWx25 PR!
Leg Ext: 160x10,145x8,130x8,115x8 (no rest between sets)
Leg Curl: 90x10,80x8,70x6,60x6 (no rest between sets)
Calf Raises: 180x25
PecDeck: 170x10,155x8,140x6,125x6 (no rest between sets)
Bent Over Row; 135x25
Reverse Grip Tri Ext: 80x10,70x8,60x8 (no rest between sets)
BB Curl; 65x10,55x10,45x10 (no rest between sets)

Today was a really good session. The goal was not to struggle with any reps at all and to achieve a nice pump with minimum muscle damage. I feel like I achieved that today. The pump was great. I feel like I'm looking bigger and leaner. Could just be the carbs playing tricks on me though. I was definitely more vascular today, and I feel like my skin folds are getting less and less..


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So you are kind of mixing Lean Gains with the UD2 and then just adding in activity to stimulate glycogen uptake. Cool. I just changed over to Lean Gains recently. So far so good. However I will be feeling it out since he doesn't leak all the specifics. Nice to be full of glycogen again.


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Great work in here man. Good to see you are shredding up nicely. And hitting PRs too!!

If you do get striated glutes, do us a favor and not post up a pic for us. Ill take your word for it...:)


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Kleen, thats pretty much exactly what I'm doing. Lyle mentions that mixing the two diet plans together may be a good option, but admitted that he hadn't really tried it out.

Rock, I'm sorry man but IF i get striated glutes, i'm going to be throwing up like 30 pics of my butt on here. Striated glutes as a natural is ridiculously rare, and I'll be pretty dang proud if I manage to pull it off.

Today's Workout:

ATG Squat: 225x5,275x5,315x3,335x3,355x3,365x3 PR! (no belt!)
Bench: 225x5,245x3,265x3,285x3,300x3 PR!!!
Sumo Deadlift: 225x5,275x3,315x3,365x3,405x1,455x1 (back was still torched from thursday)

Plyometrics and Sprints: 20 minutes

Rugby Practice: 90 minutes

Today's workout was pretty freaking awesome. I got to try out a new gym today. I really liked it, they had a chalk bowl at every power rack and deadlift station, its got a monolift, plenty of boxes for box squats and box jumps, new bars with plenty of gnurling, reverse hyper machine, and a bunch of other goodies. Its also got a bunch of big dudes who lift a lot of big weight. Unfortunately, I can't afford to go there. The drive alone would cost me over 100 bucks a month. Anyway, back to the workout. Squats felt really good today, I wanted to try 400x3, but I forgot my knee wraps and the gym didn't have any belts that fit me. Bench felt really strong today too. The benches are just a tad bit wider than what I'm used to, and it seemed to feel better. 285 went up easy so I decided to try for a PR and got 300x3, it went up pretty easy as well. Next time around i'm going for 315x2-3. Today, my grip was not an issue. The chalk and new bars definitely helped. I think if I do heavy deads when my back is fresh I could be looking at 5 plates again real soon.


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Well, I probably should have skipped out on the last 100g of carbs last night. I spilled over a bit, but man things were looking good yesterday. Today and tomorrow will be slightly above maintenance. 300g protein, 300g carb, 100g fat. Monday will be back down to 1500 calories a day. I'm hoping things will keep heading in the right direction.


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butt pics for the win ????

kidding if you got it show it off....STRONG NO HOMO THOUGH BRO


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Mich: Don't worry man, i gotchu. I'll take some extra special butt pics for ya... strong no homo though...


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Today was a nice day off from the gym. I probably needed it, even though i didn't want a day off. I definitely spilled over yesterday. I feel like i'm looking softer today than I have in a couple weeks. Its a pretty depressing state to be in because i've been working my butt off, and now it seems like i've lost a couple weeks worth of progress. I'm hoping that i'm just holding water, but its hard to be optimistic today. The worst part is that I didn't even cheat on the diet. I ate within my carb and calorie range.

Oh well, nothing I can really do about it now. I'm going to be busting my butt in the gym again tomorrow. I'm going to go in and do some fasted cardio. Hit a quick heavy weight session. Then come back a few hours later to do my first depletion workout of the week. It should be fun.


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Your mind might be playing tricks on you. It happens to all of us when we look in the mirror. You might look jacked one day, and look fat and bloated the next. I think there is a lot of mental games we play with ourselves sometimes.


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Today was a nice day off from the gym. I probably needed it, even though i didn't want a day off. I definitely spilled over yesterday. I feel like i'm looking softer today than I have in a couple weeks. Its a pretty depressing state to be in because i've been working my butt off, and now it seems like i've lost a couple weeks worth of progress. I'm hoping that i'm just holding water, but its hard to be optimistic today. The worst part is that I didn't even cheat on the diet. I ate within my carb and calorie range.

Oh well, nothing I can really do about it now. I'm going to be busting my butt in the gym again tomorrow. I'm going to go in and do some fasted cardio. Hit a quick heavy weight session. Then come back a few hours later to do my first depletion workout of the week. It should be fun.
What is "spillover" and how is it so detrimental that it can undo a couple weeks of hard work? That just seems unlikely, and makes me not want to do UD2.0.

I think it's probably what you know in your head already, that it's just temporary bloat and will go down once you deplete again. Just keep working hard and you'll be fine I'm sure.

Also, weights before cardio, even fasted! C'mon, you know that! :rant2:


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I took some pics last night to compare to ones from two weeks ago. I definitely don't look as bad as I thought. I've made significant progress, but yesterday I didn't look anywhere near as good as i did on Friday. Definitely my mind playing tricks on me.

Milas: Spillover is just referring to when your muscles stop absorbing the extra carbs on your carb up and you start getting the watery look under the skin again. I actually planned to do the weights first, but for some reason that's not what I typed. I always do weights before cardio.


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little hey i got my forged for pct and forge liver support and as well thiking about some clomid to run after but just to re assre is this the right dosage 10mg of beastdrol one morning one before workout one before bed for weeks 1-4 and weeks three thru six katadrol and when should i use my pct after the beastdrol or after the whole cycle


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Nige: Definitely asking in the wrong place man. I've never done any PH's. From the sounds of it, you probably shouldn't be either. You need to do a ton of research before jumping into something like a beastdrol/katanadrol bridge. I'm sure that my advice will not be heeded though.. So I can tell you this, you should definitely get a SERM before you start your cycle, in case any problems arise on cycle. Probably nolva or clomid, preferrably both. You need to be preloading your liver support supps and you should also get something for your lipids and blood pressure. Finally, you should probably ramp your beastdrol usage. Maybe 10mg/day week 1, 20mg/day week 2, 30mg/day week 3.

Seriously though, do some more research. I've barely done any research on PH's because I haven't been planning on running any, so I'm not the most knowledgeable person on the topic. After 5 minutes of research you should have already known the answer to all your questions. Please don't be stupid.


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Workout 1: Fasted

Pull ups: BWx10,45x5,55x5,65x5,95x4 PR, 135x1 PR
BTN Push Press; 135x5,155x5,175x5,195x5 PR (felt easy today)
Bent Over Rows: 185x5.205x5,225x5,235x5,245x5 PR (easy)
Incline Bench: 185x5,205x5,225x5,235x5,245x5,255x6 PR (easy)

Cardio: Sprint Straights, walk curves. 6 laps, 1/8th mile track

This first session today was really solid. I felt like everything except pull ups was easy. I've done a chin up with 135, but i've never been able to do a pull up with 135. I think next week i'll try going up to 215 or 225 on BTN push press, though I may drop down to sets of 3. I should have tried going 10 more lbs on the bent over rows and incline bench, but I don't want to over do it since I have another workout today. The cardio was short and sweet. Its pretty specific to rugby. Next time I may try to shorten the sprints and the walks but increase the number of reps. Doing this will make it even more specific to rugby.


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As usual I ran out of time during my second session today. I did end up getting all the essentials in though. I'll make up for it in the morning.

Workout 2:

RDL: 225x15,15,15
Bench Press: 215x15,205x15,15
Leg Ext: 160x15,15,15
Pull ups: BWx15,15,15

I really didn't get much lifting in at all during the session. I didnt get to arms, shoulders, or horizontal pulling... Tomorrow I will definitely make up for it.


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nice work bro keep gettin in as much as you can.


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Yesterday I tried to make up for the lack of a full depletion workout on monday. I got tuesday's regular workout in. Didn't really set any PR's and I felt bad about the workout in general. Motivation was super low yesterday, and I didn't even want to be in the gym. I got the workout in regardless, but I didn't even try to commit any of it to memory. It was pretty much the exact same as every tuesday workout so far.

Today my motivation was back up, so I headed into the gym immediately after work. I had 30 minutes to get some full body work in. It was more of a pump session than anything, because I didn't want to take away from tomorrows heavy lifting.

Pull ups: BWx20
Pushups: BWx30
DB Bench Press: 75'sx20
Low Pulley Rows: 180x20
BTN Press: 95x15
Upright Row: 95x15
Leg Ext: 155x20
Leg Curl: 100x20
PecDeck: 175x15
Machine Lateral Raise: 100x20
BB Curl: 65x15
Machine Tri Ext: 100x15

I actually had a really nice pump after this workout. This probably means that I consumed too many carbs yesterday or today. Hopefully today's little session depleted me the rest of the way. I'm going back in tomorrow for some fasted cardio to make up for it. Then starting the carb up... I'm pretty pumped about it. Looking forward to some PRs tomorrow night. It should be pretty epic.


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Pure Awesomeness to Follow...

Today's Workout:
ATG Squats: 225x5,275x3,315x3,(wraps on) 345x10 PR!!! (would have tried more with a spotter)
Bench Press: 135x10,225x5,275x9 PR!!! 245x12 PR!!!
Rack Deads (deadstop): 315x12,365x8 (really focusing on back tightness)
Bent Over Rows: 225x12,245x8 PR?
Machine Military: 310x12 PR!!! 330x8 PR!!! (had to stack extra weight on the pin)
Donkey Calf Machine: 310x12 PR, 350x8 PR
Leg Ext: 305x8 PR!!!
Leg Curl: 210x8 PR!!!
Lat Pull Down: 260x7 PR
Pull ups: BWx15
DB Curls: 50'sx8
Lateral Raise: 30'sx8

Man I felt strong today. I waited a bit longer before working out today, after I started my carb up and I think it made a difference. Usually when I put 300+ lbs on my back it feels heavy, I didn't get that crushing feeling today. Bench press... FINALLY!!! Its about time I set a PR on this. My old PR of 265x9 had been there for almost 2 years!!! So stoked I finally put that one away. The machine military press was also pretty freaking awesome. My shoulders haven't bothered me in a while and they are finally starting to come up. I pushed some huge weights on this exercise today. I wanted to get some tricep work in, I'll add some extra work for them on Monday. They got hit pretty well from just doing my pressing exercises though.

My quads are already feeling pretty sore... I love it. Monday WILL be another PR day. Going 400x3 I think on ATG Squats...


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Pure Awesomeness to Follow...

Today's Workout:
ATG Squats: 225x5,275x3,315x3,(wraps on) 345x10 PR!!! (would have tried more with a spotter)
Bench Press: 135x10,225x5,275x9 PR!!! 245x12 PR!!!
Rack Deads (deadstop): 315x12,365x8 (really focusing on back tightness)
Bent Over Rows: 225x12,245x8 PR?
Machine Military: 310x12 PR!!! 330x8 PR!!! (had to stack extra weight on the pin)
Donkey Calf Machine: 310x12 PR, 350x8 PR
Leg Ext: 305x8 PR!!!
Leg Curl: 210x8 PR!!!
Lat Pull Down: 260x7 PR
Pull ups: BWx15
DB Curls: 50'sx8
Lateral Raise: 30'sx8

Man I felt strong today. I waited a bit longer before working out today, after I started my carb up and I think it made a difference. Usually when I put 300+ lbs on my back it feels heavy, I didn't get that crushing feeling today. Bench press... FINALLY!!! Its about time I set a PR on this. My old PR of 265x9 had been there for almost 2 years!!! So stoked I finally put that one away. The machine military press was also pretty freaking awesome. My shoulders haven't bothered me in a while and they are finally starting to come up. I pushed some huge weights on this exercise today. I wanted to get some tricep work in, I'll add some extra work for them on Monday. They got hit pretty well from just doing my pressing exercises though.

My quads are already feeling pretty sore... I love it. Monday WILL be another PR day. Going 400x3 I think on ATG Squats...
can't wait to see how the 400lbs atg goes bro.killin **** man fo real


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You killed those Military machine presses man! Its nice to see those PRs still coming after all this. You haven't hit a wall and always looks like there are no obstacles you can't get around. Nice job Legacy. Its always good reading your log and seeing what happens next..:)


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Your legs strength is uber legit there Legacy, bravo.


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Mich: I'm stoked about the 400x3, I may try it today.

Rock: I was pretty stoked about the machine presses too. My shoulders have always been behind, and I think they may finally be catching up. They are definitely getting stronger, but they need to get a bit bigger still. Also, I think I finally figured out what works the best for me training wise. From the time I was 5 years old, i've been going to multiple training sessions a day for one thing or another. When I was playing pop warner football, i would practice 5 nights a week, then go immediately to martial arts training for a couple hours each night. If i wasn't playing a football game, playing a baseball game, or doing karate, I was out running around or boxing. In middle school and high school, i would have either football practice or wrestling practice every day, after practice I would go train martial arts, and then go lift weights if I had time. So over the years my body has been accustomed to super high training volume. In college my training volume has gone down significantly and so have gains. Now that my volume is sky high again, i'm making progress. Pretty sweet.

Volc: I've always had pretty strong legs. Its not hard when your legs are as short as mine. EVERY day i get a comment on the size of my legs or glutes, its getting ridiculous, lol. The guys who I will be squatting with today, can all do 550+ ATG.. So, I will be a boy amongst men today. My day will come though.


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550 ATG is YouTube strength. I don't ever see myself hitting beyond 405, even at box squat. That's some awesome workout partners there. I know its a blast when your working out in a corporate environment with people of the same intense mindset.


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Volcom: They are the throwers and weightlifters from my university. They've definitely got some ridiculous strength feats. One weighs about 280, and the other is about 215, they have both hit 600 ATG. Strong strong dudes.


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Volcom: They are the throwers and weightlifters from my university. They've definitely got some ridiculous strength feats. One weighs about 280, and the other is about 215, they have both hit 600 ATG. Strong strong dudes.
Thats some crazy stength. How much do they clean?


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Today's Workout: EPIC

ATG Squats: 225x5,275x5,315x5,335x3,355x3,400x4 PR!!! 420x3 PR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bench Press: 225x5,255x3,275x3,295x3,310x3 PR!!!
Deadstop Bent Over rows: 225x3,245x3,265x3
Low Rack Deads: 275x3,315x3,335x3,355x3,375x3 (deadstop)
BTN Push Press: 135x5,175x5
Pull ups: 45x5,5,5,5
BB Curl: 135x3,3,3 PR

So today's workout was pretty epic. After squats, I didn't really feel like going heavy on anything else. I accidentally loaded up 400 instead of 375 I got it for 4... When I looked back at the weights, I almost flipped out. I was stoked, then decided to go for 420 and I freaking smoked it. So pumped about it. Nothing left to say. Awesome.




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Today's Workout: EPIC

ATG Squats: 225x5,275x5,315x5,335x3,355x3,400x4 PR!!! 420x3 PR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bench Press: 225x5,255x3,275x3,295x3,310x3 PR!!!
Deadstop Bent Over rows: 225x3,245x3,265x3
Low Rack Deads: 275x3,315x3,335x3,355x3,375x3 (deadstop)
BTN Push Press: 135x5,175x5
Pull ups: 45x5,5,5,5
BB Curl: 135x3,3,3 PR

So today's workout was pretty epic. After squats, I didn't really feel like going heavy on anything else. I accidentally loaded up 400 instead of 375 I got it for 4... When I looked back at the weights, I almost flipped out. I was stoked, then decided to go for 420 and I freaking smoked it. So pumped about it. Nothing left to say. Awesome.


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Jason: Not really sure exactly how much they can clean, but I know its over 300. I want to say that the smaller one clean and jerked 330 in competition, but the bigger guy is a bit stronger on everything except squats. There was actually another guy there for my squat attempt who recently squatted 600x3 ATG. He's pretty beastly as well.


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Good stuff man, you and volcom are incredibly strong, you guys definitely make me leave my comfort zone weight wise while I'm in the gym! Thanks


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Nice job on that 420x3 squat!! Awesome PR bro. :cheers:


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Jherman: I'm glad I cam help motivate others and I'm sure volc is too. We're both coming from a heavier bodyweight, and have been training a bit longer, so we should be a little bit stronger. At my biggest I was 220, so you are doing just fine for yourself.

Thanks everyone for the congrats on the PR. I've been wanting it for a while. I may try a legit max soon looking for at least 460


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Today's Workout:

Incline Bench: 185x15,15,15
Bent Over Row: 185x15,15,15
Standing Calf Raise: 200x15,15,15
RDL: 185x15,15,15
Pull ups: 15,15
Leg Ext: 145x15,15,15
Close Grip Pull Down: 145x15,15
BB Curls: 45x20,20
Rope Tri Ext: 70x15,15
PecDeck: 145x15,15,15
Machine Lateral Raise: 220x15,15

Pretty good workout today. It took about 45 minutes. I abbreviated the workout a bit, but I feel like i still got some good depletion work in. I supersetted everything, and I was definitely feeling a bit queezy by the end, but I did have a really nice pump. I didn't try to set any PRs today, just tried to push the pace on everything. I was out of breath pretty much the entire workout and my muscles were burning nicely.


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Today's Workout:

Incline Bench: 185x15,15,15
Bent Over Row: 185x15,15,15
Standing Calf Raise: 200x15,15,15
RDL: 185x15,15,15
Pull ups: 15,15
Leg Ext: 145x15,15,15
Close Grip Pull Down: 145x15,15
BB Curls: 45x20,20
Rope Tri Ext: 70x15,15
PecDeck: 145x15,15,15
Machine Lateral Raise: 220x15,15

Pretty good workout today. It took about 45 minutes. I abbreviated the workout a bit, but I feel like i still got some good depletion work in. I supersetted everything, and I was definitely feeling a bit queezy by the end, but I did have a really nice pump. I didn't try to set any PRs today, just tried to push the pace on everything. I was out of breath pretty much the entire workout and my muscles were burning nicely.
sounds like a solid day in the gym to me.


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I see you are still killing it in here Legacy! Nice work! ;)


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Well today was a pretty awful day. I've been ridiculously tired the last two days from VERY little sleep, due to time commitments. On top of being in a zombie state, I managed to pull my right erector in my back. I'm really hoping its better real soon, tomorrow would be nice... I had to skip my workout today and rugby practice. Man this kind of stuff pisses me off. I really don't need any set backs right now. I want to be back by Thursday, and I HAVE to be back by Saturday. We've got a big game Saturday that i'll be playing in regardless of the state of this injury. Ugh, wish me luck.


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Well today was a pretty awful day. I've been ridiculously tired the last two days from VERY little sleep, due to time commitments. On top of being in a zombie state, I managed to pull my right erector in my back. I'm really hoping its better real soon, tomorrow would be nice... I had to skip my workout today and rugby practice. Man this kind of stuff pisses me off. I really don't need any set backs right now. I want to be back by Thursday, and I HAVE to be back by Saturday. We've got a big game Saturday that i'll be playing in regardless of the state of this injury. Ugh, wish me luck.
random back injuries suck they affect everything you do most times.hope you recover soon.


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I know all about back injuries bro.. just getting over one myself. It sucks big time


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Ouch ... hope it gets better...


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I woke up this morning pain free for the first time in two days... Then I got up... My back is definitely feeling better today, but its still pretty sore. I'm thinking it will be better by tomorrow. just going to do some low intensity cardio today. Gotta get this thing straightened out.


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Hope your back feels better for your game.


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Milas: Thanks a bunch man. I've already decided that I'm playing regardles. I'm too competitive to let this keepme from playing. I think its more of an annoyance than a serious injury.

Jhermam: thanks bro, I really appreciate it. Its nice to see that everyone in this competition has everyone elses back
