Legacyfighter's Needtobuildmuscle Contest Log. NeedToBuildMuscle & MrSupps



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Sometimes dust collects on the bars over night and the weights weigh more because of it... It happens to me all the time, honest.


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Mich, no offense, but I like Milas' reasoning for it... Makes perfect sense, lol. Next time will be better, and tomorrow i'm going to have an awesome back and biceps workout, then head to the Chiropractor. Definitely looking forward to it.


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I weighed 186 this morning, which is exactly the same as i've weighed every thursday morning for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I'm definitely leaner. I've got another new vein popping in my lat. More veins are spreading across my chest and shoulders. I've even got a small vein popping in my left quad. I seriously hope I can continue this for the next 10 weeks. All i need is 1lb of fat loss per week to come in as lean as i want. Hopefully my weight will stay the same though.


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Mich, no offense, but I like Milas' reasoning for it... Makes perfect sense, lol. Next time will be better, and tomorrow i'm going to have an awesome back and biceps workout, then head to the Chiropractor. Definitely looking forward to it.
I lol'ed I might have to use this one sometime:mischievous:

I weighed 186 this morning, which is exactly the same as i've weighed every thursday morning for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I'm definitely leaner. I've got another new vein popping in my lat. More veins are spreading across my chest and shoulders. I've even got a small vein popping in my left quad. I seriously hope I can continue this for the next 10 weeks. All i need is 1lb of fat loss per week to come in as lean as i want. Hopefully my weight will stay the same though.
sounds like your well on your way.


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I weighed 186 this morning, which is exactly the same as i've weighed every thursday morning for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I'm definitely leaner. I've got another new vein popping in my lat. More veins are spreading across my chest and shoulders. I've even got a small vein popping in my left quad. I seriously hope I can continue this for the next 10 weeks. All i need is 1lb of fat loss per week to come in as lean as i want. Hopefully my weight will stay the same though.
That is effing awesome bro!! A perfect textbook recomp is exactly what you've been doing. Well done!


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That is effing awesome bro!! A perfect textbook recomp is exactly what you've been doing. Well done!
Recomp is good but if you want to get really low there will come a time you have to pull the plug... remember we are dealing with a time constraint... Now that time is different for everyone some can recomp down to 8% and others only to 12-13% before fat loss moves too slow and you have to do revisions to accelerate the process. I like a slow prep but sooner or later you always have to bite the bullet.


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DW: To be honest, i really thought that this diet would be me biting the bullet. From what i've been reading, its a good diet to go from 12% down to contest condition. Obviously the last week or two you have to manipulate some things, but for the most part its supposed to be able to get you super low. I was expecting this to be an all out cut, the fact that its turned into a recomp is pretty freaking sweet.


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DW: To be honest, i really thought that this diet would be me biting the bullet. From what i've been reading, its a good diet to go from 12% down to contest condition. Obviously the last week or two you have to manipulate some things, but for the most part its supposed to be able to get you super low. I was expecting this to be an all out cut, the fact that its turned into a recomp is pretty freaking sweet.
Could be the anabolics, I am a little in the dark on what they will bring to a prep... I assume more muscle spared but have no idea to what extent. I just posted this in my thread, it's my real contest prep style diet...

8am 1/2 cup steel cut oats
2 scoop protein
fish oil 3 grams

10am 2 boiled eggs
2 cups brocolli
1 cup Cauliflower
1 cup green beens
1/2 red or yellow pepper

12pm 8 oz chicken
2 cups brocolli
2 cups brocolli
1 cup Cauliflower
1 cup green beens
1/2 red or yellow pepper
1/2 cup black beans
3 grams fish oil

230pm 2 boiled eggs

5pm 8 oz chicken
1 cup rice
2 cups brocolli
1 cup Cauliflower
1 cup green beens

8pm 2 scoop protein

You can't go too much cleaner than that but this is very effective over long periods. About half you're carbs come from non-starch or fibrous sources...Keep the protein high fat moderate... This can't fail...


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I'm actually not taking any anabolics at this time, never have actually. I am seriously considering it though, so much so that I bought some Helladrol. Craziest thing I'm using right now is Need2slin, and glycobol. But i've been using glycobol for several weeks. I'm assuming that my youth is helping me out a lot in this process.

At some point my diet will change to something that looks alot more like yours. The last week or two of competition the beans would even be cut out. It would just be eggs, chicken, and green veggies, until the final carb up.


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Bent Over Rows: 135x15,185x8,205x8,225x8, 315x1
Shrugs: 315x15,365x10,10
High Pulls: 185x8
Upright Rows: 135x8
Wide Pull ups: 2x10 (chest to bar, dead hang)
Low Pulley Wide Grip Rows: 140x10,160x10,180x10
Close Grip Pull Downs: 180x12,200x10,220x8
Low Pulley Close Grip Rows: 140x15,160x12,180x10
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 45x12,65x10,75x10
BB Curls: 85x10,10

Definitely had a pretty awesome back session today. I wanted to do rack pulls or deadlifts, but I didn't want to risk loading my spine. I had a great pump in my lats, my weights were good on all my lifts. There may have been a PR or 2 in there as well. Still noticing that i'm leaner today. I had more veins than i've ever noticed before. Pretty sweet. I feel like this workout makes up for yesterday.

Right after my workout, and eating, I went to the Chiropractor. All i can say is Wow... I feel so much better right now. I had a vertebrae out of alignment, I got that realigned, and then got some E Stim done on it. When i got home, I iced it, and followed that up with a nice hot shower. I'm feeling great right now.


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The DOMS are already setting in nicely. Traps are sore, lats and biceps are getting tight... it feels good. I haven't had this feeling in a while. My lower back is sore again. I don't know if its from getting worked on today, or if its sore from not being worked on enough... time will tell i guess.


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My back was doing great today, up until I decided to play in our first rugby match of the season. I didn't notice any pain at all during the game, but now some of the pain is coming back. I'm going to ice it down tonight before bed, maybe that will help it out some. I do have some DOMS from yesterday's workout, which i'm definitely happy about.

I only played about 25 minutes today in the game, but I was going balls to the wall the entire time. I had some big hits, and a couple decent runs. I have no idea how, but my arms are bruised from elbows down, my chin is split, and my knees are cut up. I love me some battle wounds.


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Them battle wounds are just a sign of a good game :afro:

I thnk I would be too afraid of injury to try Rugby, but then again I'm in my mid 30's, and if I was still in my early 20's I'd be all over it. Things break easier and don't heal as well when you get older..


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We actually have several people in their 40's on the team. Its pretty crazy the amount of punishment they can take, and dish ou. All of our older guys are probably the best players on the team.


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We actually have several people in their 40's on the team. Its pretty crazy the amount of punishment they can take, and dish ou. All of our older guys are probably the best players on the team.
Thats awesome:)


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I feel like i've been a complete slacker this weekend. I know thats not the case at all, but since it just feels like I should have worked out yesterday and today. I know rugby should count as a workout, but in my head it just feels like I was being lazy. No time to worry about the past though. Tomorrow I will kill it in the gym. Yay for depletion workouts.


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I love battle scars I have quite a few from my younger days I think its part of being a man that you have to have at least one huge gash on you somewhere.


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We actually have several people in their 40's on the team. Its pretty crazy the amount of punishment they can take, and dish ou. All of our older guys are probably the best players on the team.
Pain is an aquired taste like it says in my sig... the older you get the more you can take... provided you have the nuts to weather the storm....:147:


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Pain is an aquired taste like it says in my sig... the older you get the more you can take... provided you have the nuts to weather the storm....:147:
Pain is temporary, pride is forever...

F*ck arthritis!


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I like the way you 3 think. I'm definitely in the same boat, albeit younger, but I still feel the same way. I've had enough knee and shoulder injuries on top of some back problems for about 30 people, and I'm still pushing hard. I've got plenty of battle wounds scars already, including a 3 inch scar down the side of my face :) I plan to acquire a few more over the course of my lifetime.

Speaking of working through pain, its time to head to the gym. Get this depletion workout taken care of.


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Just got finished working out. It was definitely the best depletion session i've had since I started this diet. It started off a little rough, but i started getting pretty amped up and started killing it from the RDL's on. The weights won't reflect how awesome it was though.

Front Squat: 120x15,15,15
A1) DB Bench: 65'sx15,15,15
A2) DB Row: 65'sx15,15,15
Calve raises: 180x15,15,15
B1) Machine Military: 170x15,15,15 PR?
B2) Pull Down: 145x15,15,15
Leg Ext: 145x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 95x15,15,15
PecDec: 135x15,15,15
Lat Pull Down: 135x15,15,15
Machine Lateral Raises: 90x15,15,15
DB Curl: 40'sx15,15
Reverse tricep ext: 70x15,15
Lateral Raise: 20'sx20 no rest Front Raise: 20x10

Again, this workout may not look that impressive, but I had an awesome pump going from the second set of front squats until now. My upper body is still pumped. The weights felt good. I'm definitely getting leaner. I had more striations in my chest and shoulders today. I was thinking that I had gained a bit of fat this weekend, but I definitely look leaner today. Motivation was very high today. I'm hoping it stays elevated like this for the rest of this competition.


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I like the way you 3 think. I'm definitely in the same boat, albeit younger, but I still feel the same way. I've had enough knee and shoulder injuries on top of some back problems for about 30 people, and I'm still pushing hard. I've got plenty of battle wounds scars already, including a 3 inch scar down the side of my face :) I plan to acquire a few more over the course of my lifetime.

Speaking of working through pain, its time to head to the gym. Get this depletion workout taken care of.
That's right man!!

Do what others wont today...

So you can do what they can't tomorrow..;)


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Me too!!! Me too!! Haha. No one wants to depletion workouts, lol.


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Me too!!! Me too!! Haha. No one wants to depletion workouts, lol.
Yah they sound bad... and nobody wants to eat a boatload of raw vegtables... least I don't, but I did and it was very unpleasant..


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Yah they sound bad... and nobody wants to eat a boatload of raw vegtables... least I don't, but I did and it was very unpleasant..
I don't know how vegitarians do it, honestly...


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Mich: I love your perspective on perspective...

I got my body fat tested today. Apparently i'm about 8.5-9% bf now. That's down 3% since the start of this competition, and my weight still hasnt changed. I was considering running helladrol during this competition, but if I can continue to see results like these without anabolics, then i'll just stay natural throughout the competition.


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Today's Workout:

DB Bench Press: 70'sx15,15,15
Machine Military: 170x15,15,15
Lat Pull Down: 145x15,15,15
Leg Ext: 145x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 95x15,15,15
T-Bar Row: 120x15,15,15
PecDeck: 130x15,15,15
DB Laterals: 20'sx15,15,15
DB Curls: 40'sx15,15
Reverse Grip Tri Ext: 70x20,15

Today was another solid depletion session. My body is definitely increasing its ability to clear lactate. The last two days have been nausea free. I'm still getting some nice burning in my muscles though. I think i'm going to attempt to move up in weight on everything next week. I would love to add 5 lbs a week to all depletion exercises, we'll see if this is possible.

I had rugby practice right after my workout today. Our conditioning was pretty brutal, as usual, but the rest of practice was quite a bit easier today. We did a lot of skill work. Thursday will be a heavy workout session and rugby practice. It should be pretty interesting.


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Mich: I love your perspective on perspective...

I got my body fat tested today. Apparently i'm about 8.5-9% bf now. That's down 3% since the start of this competition, and my weight still hasnt changed. I was considering running helladrol during this competition, but if I can continue to see results like these without anabolics, then i'll just stay natural throughout the competition.
That is incredible that you have been able to recomp so well through this. Not easy to do at all without hormonal help.


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I've been really impressed with my results. Again, I wasn't expecting this at all, I was expecting strictly fat loss, and just hoping to maintain my muscle mass. Fat loss does seem to have slowed down a bit over the last week and a half, but its still going at a respectable rate. I'm almost positive that I will run forma stanzol the last few weeks to really harden up. Should be interesting to see how my body reacts to that stuff.


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That is incredible that you have been able to recomp so well through this. Not easy to do at all without hormonal help.
I am speechless...


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Yesterday was a much needed day off from the gym. I was dragging pretty good. School and work have been making it impossible to get enough sleep the last couple weeks. I take naps when I can to help, but that only does so much. Today, I'm ready to go hit some PR's. Its my heavy 6-12 rep day, and I'm going to kill it.


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ATG Squats: 315x8 PR, 295x10
RDL: 315x8,275x12
Bent Over Row: 225x8, 185x12
Shrugs: 405x10,10
Upright Row: 135x12 PR
Bench: 255x8, 225x14
Incline: 225x7, 205x8
Close Grip Pull Downs: 240x8,220x10
Hammer Curls: 45x15,15
Lateral Raise: 30'sx10 superset Front raise: 30'sx8

Workout was pretty solid today, I was hoping for some more PR's, but i'm happy with teh squat PR. It was pretty solid. Oh, and I thought I should mention this, the squat PR's at the beginning of this log were with wraps, i beat those PR's without them today... Definitely a huge PR. For some reason my chest was fried after bench. I'm still frustrated with my bench, it needs to come up... i'm going to start hammering some close grip bench and see what happens. Back is getting stronger... I like it.

Rugby practice went very well today. I definitely feel like i'm getting faster. We'll see if this trend continues or not...


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You've had some good success in this man with setting PRs, losing fat, AND building muscle. Is the only Supp you're running Need2slin? If so that is even more impressive what you have done with just diet and training..


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Currently, I'm rotating out glycobol and need2slin. Obviously I take protein powder, usually around 4 scoops a day. I'm taking 9-12g of fish oil a day, 3-5g of Vitamin C per day and a multi vitamin, and I take a massive amount of creatine on my carb up days. I've got the some helladrol staring at me everyday though... Right now, i'm resisting the urge to take it. I've got all the supports to go with it, as well as PCT. I'm just holding off, to see IF i will actually need it. I've got some forma stanzol on the way, which I will definitely use the last few weeks for hardening and drying effects. Other than that, its all diet and exercise. I'm eating IF style 5 days per week.

My carb up started today at about 3 o'clock, its been pretty dirty so far. Tomorrow will be clean all day, with the exception of a gatorade or two. I look to be spilling over, but I think i've taken in fluid faster than my muscles can soak it up. Tomorrow morning, I expect to look pretty dry.


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very strong numbers.I've often wondered how wraps and squats would work together for me but I haven't tried them yet


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Mich: It really depends on your squatting style, what type of wraps you use, and what you need the most help with in your squat. Personally, since I go ATG, I like something that is going to give me some bounce out of the whole, since I drop faster. Some people prefer a cast type wrap that has huge stopping power, but doesn't give you much bounce. These are usually used by people who squat traditional powerlifting style. Wraps help me get about 20-40 more lbs usually, but it still depends on a ton of other factors.


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My carb up will be a little dirty low fat yogurt and bagels are going to make an appearance other than that it will be pretty clean and only last 6-7 hours....


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Mich: It really depends on your squatting style, what type of wraps you use, and what you need the most help with in your squat. Personally, since I go ATG, I like something that is going to give me some bounce out of the whole, since I drop faster. Some people prefer a cast type wrap that has huge stopping power, but doesn't give you much bounce. These are usually used by people who squat traditional powerlifting style. Wraps help me get about 20-40 more lbs usually, but it still depends on a ton of other factors.
good stuff here.thanks for the info.


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Mich: No problem man, anytime.

DW: 6-7 hr carb up, that doesn't sound like much fun. I'm enjoying my 30 hour carb up and the two days after at maintenance calories. I'm not looking forward to the point where I have to start gorging myself on veggies...


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Mich: No problem man, anytime.

DW: 6-7 hr carb up, that doesn't sound like much fun. I'm enjoying my 30 hour carb up and the two days after at maintenance calories. I'm not looking forward to the point where I have to start gorging myself on veggies...
Yah the longer carb ups are a bit too much for me at this time and for the situation I am in. A slower prep with me in better condition would be condusive to longer carb ups.... not to worry fun will be had...:mischievous:


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So I've really been trying to figure out why I have been able to gain muscle mass as fast as I am. The only thing that really stands out to me is the fact that it has been many months since I've done any sets above 3-5 reps. Now I have two workouts that i'm hitting 15 reps per set, one workout that is 8-12, and one workout that is 3-6 reps. AND I'm hitting every body part 4 times a week. My guess is that I'm getting gains like this because of the drastic difference in training style.

I'm also taking advantage of my natural hormonal responses. Since i'm getting less sleep early in the week, my catecholamine levels are higher during my depletion days. This may actually be sparing some muscle mass, and should be increasing fat loss. My GH production is staying relatively normal because of the intermittent fasting style of dieting. On thursdays my body is primed for carbohydrate storage due to the lack of glycogen and my first meal comes pre workout, leading to optimal nutrient partitioning. These effects are being further maximized by the need2slin and glycobol. I'm continuing to put on muscle over the next 3 days of maintenance and carb up due to the heavy lifting, putting a maximal stress on my body.

That is pretty much all I can think of. If its none of those factors, then I don't have a clue why i'm making gains.


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Not being able to figure out why I'm making gains is a problem I want to have!;)


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nuttin like switchin ya sytle up to get some new gains going


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Looking solid, definitely doing something right there in the nutrition and exercise department! Keep it up!
