Legacyfighter's Needtobuildmuscle Contest Log. NeedToBuildMuscle & MrSupps



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Well currently i'm at 192.5. Pretty much the exact same weight as when i started, but I'm definitely a lot leaner. By the 25th, I'll probably be between 180 and 185.

Today, there was no workout, just recovery. Did a ton of walking at work today, can definitely count that as cardio. Waking up for some fasted cardio in the morning. Then a nice depletion session later in the day. These last few weeks are going to be interesting.
Nice! You should be ripped up nice if you can drop 10 lbs by the end of this


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Nice! You should be ripped up nice if you can drop 10 lbs by the end of this
10 lbs is a lot in 3 weeks but I find myself in a similar situation, I need to drop down to around 217 which is only 8 lbs actually so not that bad but still significant for the time we have left. 215 would have me under 7% I believe.


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Yea, 10 lbs is a big goal, but I think its definitely achievable. Remember that a few pounds of that will be from water weight, so its not THAT extreme. I'll take some bodyfat measurements over the next 3 weeks to get a really good idea of how everything is coming along.

Today's Workout:

30 minute fasted cardio

Bench Press: 185x15,15,15
Pull Ups: BWx15,15,15
Leg press: 310x15,15,15
Military Press: 95x15,15,15
Bent Over Rows: 155x15,15,15
Machine Lateral raises: 110x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 90x15,15,15
Calf Raises: 310x15,15,15
Pushups: BWx50
Planks: 3x30 seconds

20 minutes cardio.

Today was a pretty good workout. I feel like I probably should have done a little more isolation work, but the volume for the rest of the week will make up for it. Tomorrow should be interesting, I've got two flag football games, rugby practice, and another depletion workout. I'm looking forward to seeing how we do at flag football, we've come close to winning the tourney the last few years, and have a good chance to win it this year.


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Yea, 10 lbs is a big goal, but I think its definitely achievable. Remember that a few pounds of that will be from water weight, so its not THAT extreme. I'll take some bodyfat measurements over the next 3 weeks to get a really good idea of how everything is coming along.

Today's Workout:

30 minute fasted cardio

Bench Press: 185x15,15,15
Pull Ups: BWx15,15,15
Leg press: 310x15,15,15
Military Press: 95x15,15,15
Bent Over Rows: 155x15,15,15
Machine Lateral raises: 110x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 90x15,15,15
Calf Raises: 310x15,15,15
Pushups: BWx50
Planks: 3x30 seconds

20 minutes cardio.

Today was a pretty good workout. I feel like I probably should have done a little more isolation work, but the volume for the rest of the week will make up for it. Tomorrow should be interesting, I've got two flag football games, rugby practice, and another depletion workout. I'm looking forward to seeing how we do at flag football, we've come close to winning the tourney the last few years, and have a good chance to win it this year.
Yah it's bitch to be in this situation but I knew I was in for it with the short time frame. It's been pedal to the metal from the get to...


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Today's Workouts:

1 hour fasted cardio

Low Pulley Rows: 160x15,15,15
Incline Bench: 160x15,15,15
Leg Extension: 160x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 90x15,15,15
Pull ups: BWx15,15,15
Calf Raises: 180x15,15,15
Machine Military Press: 200x15,15,15
Pec Deck: 170x15,15,15
Reverse Pec Deck: 145x15,15,15
Lateral Raises: 35x8,25x8,20x8 (no rest) then 35x8,25x8,15x8
DB Curls: 45x15,15
Diamond Pushups: 25,25

1 hour cardio

Pretty solid sessions today. This is pretty much what my days will look like for the next 3 weeks. Its going to be epic. Can't wait to see where I end up after all this.


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Today's Workouts:

1 hour fasted cardio

Low Pulley Rows: 160x15,15,15
Incline Bench: 160x15,15,15
Leg Extension: 160x15,15,15
Leg Curl: 90x15,15,15
Pull ups: BWx15,15,15
Calf Raises: 180x15,15,15
Machine Military Press: 200x15,15,15
Pec Deck: 170x15,15,15
Reverse Pec Deck: 145x15,15,15
Lateral Raises: 35x8,25x8,20x8 (no rest) then 35x8,25x8,15x8
DB Curls: 45x15,15
Diamond Pushups: 25,25

1 hour cardio

Pretty solid sessions today. This is pretty much what my days will look like for the next 3 weeks. Its going to be epic. Can't wait to see where I end up after all this.
epic indeed kill that **** man!!!!


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Workout looks nice..if that's how you are doing it these final weeks then it will be epic I'm sure :sgrin:


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2hrs of cardio a day? I see I'm not the only one suffering on the treadmill!


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2hrs of cardio a day? I see I'm not the only one suffering on the treadmill!
Yah I am up over 12 hours a week myself..


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Is that in addition to your daily 10K walk to/from work, or is that included?
I count 75% of my walks to cardio.. about 8.25 hours come from the walks...


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Today's Workout: 2 hours of cardio. Walking around campus and up through mountains.


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After the last couple days of bumping the cardio WAYYYY up, I'm already able to tell a bit of a difference. I'm leaning out like i should be now. Yesterday's walk was much better than Tuesday's walk. The difference being outside made was huge. It felt like it took half the time. I'll be walking another 2 hours today, probably immediately after the test I'm currently cramming for. I've to decide on a route though. Although walking around campus looking at beautiful women who are already starting to bust out the booty shorts, is a tempting option...


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After the last couple days of bumping the cardio WAYYYY up, I'm already able to tell a bit of a difference. I'm leaning out like i should be now. Yesterday's walk was much better than Tuesday's walk. The difference being outside made was huge. It felt like it took half the time. I'll be walking another 2 hours today, probably immediately after the test I'm currently cramming for. I've to decide on a route though. Although walking around campus looking at beautiful women who are already starting to bust out the booty shorts, is a tempting option...

Nice to get things tightened up in this final stretch bro! ;)


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Thursdays Workout:

Bench: 225x5,275x3,295x3
T-Bar Row: 135x3,180x3,225x3,270x3,305x3 PR
Machine Military: 300x3,330x3,360x3 PR!!! 380x3 PR!!!
Pull ups: 45x3,55x3,65x3,75x3,85x3,95x3
Leg Ext: Stack x6,6
Leg Curl: Stack x8,8

Today's Workout:
Pull ups: 45x10,55x8
Bench Press: 265x10,245x12
Bent Over Row: 225x8,245x8
Machine Military: 330x8,300x12
DB Curls: 45x12,55x10
BW Tri Ext: 8,8,8,8

Knee was hurting today, so no leg work. I really don't want to risk messing it up any worse than it already is. Rugby practice was pretty easy today. Lots of short bursts of sprinting, nothing crazy. Today is my carb up day, so i'm loving life right now. Tomorrow i'm back to strict dieting... Can't wait


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Nice big PRs on them militarys man...that's some huge weight, machine or not :bigok:


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Rock: I was definitely happy with the military press. I just wish all my other lifts were going up as well. Everything else has stalled right now, obviously due to being in a caloric deficit for most days of the week.

Today's Workout:

2 hours incline walking

Lifting will take place later tonight. Really feeling good about it though. Ready to crush some weights.


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Rock: I was definitely happy with the military press. I just wish all my other lifts were going up as well. Everything else has stalled right now, obviously due to being in a caloric deficit for most days of the week.

Today's Workout:

2 hours incline walking

Lifting will take place later tonight. Really feeling good about it though. Ready to crush some weights.
use that feel good energy to kill that **** man!!!


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Well today turned out to be a bit of a downer. I was expecting to be able to get a really good workout in today, and tear some stuff up. I got off work about 2 hours later than I was expecting, which really cut into my workout time.

Today's Workout:

A1) Bench Press: 185x10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A2) Pull Ups: BWx10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A3) RDL: 185x10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A4)Calf Raises: 200x10,10,10,10,10,10,10
B1) BB Curl: 65x10,10,10
B2) BB Front Raise: 65x10,45x10,10
B3) Diamond Pushups: 15,15,15

Tomorrow will be lots of sprinting between my flag football games and rugby practice. So, glycogen in my legs should be pretty well depleted by the end of tomorrow. Tomorrow will also be another 2 hours of cardio and another full body lifting session. These next two weeks should be pretty epic. Looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.


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Well today turned out to be a bit of a downer. I was expecting to be able to get a really good workout in today, and tear some stuff up. I got off work about 2 hours later than I was expecting, which really cut into my workout time.

Today's Workout:

A1) Bench Press: 185x10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A2) Pull Ups: BWx10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A3) RDL: 185x10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
A4)Calf Raises: 200x10,10,10,10,10,10,10
B1) BB Curl: 65x10,10,10
B2) BB Front Raise: 65x10,45x10,10
B3) Diamond Pushups: 15,15,15

Tomorrow will be lots of sprinting between my flag football games and rugby practice. So, glycogen in my legs should be pretty well depleted by the end of tomorrow. Tomorrow will also be another 2 hours of cardio and another full body lifting session. These next two weeks should be pretty epic. Looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
sounds like its going to be a hell of a next 2 weeks


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Well today didn't go quite as scheduled. My flag football game was cancelled, rugby practice got cancelled. I tried to make up for it in the gym, but time ran short because I have a bunch of class projects due this week. Tomorrow I'm working all day, then i'll be heading to the gym to finish up the slack from today.

Today's Workout:

Pull ups: 5x10
DB Military: 65'sx10,10,10,10
Leg Press:250x20,20,20
Leg Ext: 145x20,20,20
Leg Curl: 90x20,20,20

30min Cardio

Bench press: 175x30
BB 21's drop set: 80,70,60,50,45
Decline Diamond Pushups: 20,20,20
Lateral Raises: 30x10,10,10


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With everything that goes on in life it does make it difficult sometimes to get the gym time in. You have done a great job of finding that time through this though....


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thanks rock. I'm really doing my best to get in the gym as much as possible.

Today's Workout:

Pull ups:BWx20,20
Diamond Pushups: 20,20
DB Curls; 45'sx10,10
DB Lateral raise; 20'sx20,20

Cardio: 2 hours walking, 11degree incline at 3mph

Some weird stuff is going on with my weight right now... Not sure what it is. I'm glycogen depleting, but for some reason my bodyweight isnt dropping any... It makes no sense. Carbs are next to nothing, and the workouts have been focused around depleting glycogen. Usually i'll lose about 6lbs in 3 days before leveling off. This time i've lost no weight, and i'm definitely holding water.

The workout was pretty solid, short and sweet. Had to make up for yesterday's workout. Tomorrow will be a heavy day, but still low carb. Time is quickly running out. starting to get worried that i'm not going to make my goal in time. I'm going to be putting everything I have into this over the next couple weeks. I'll be run down, sick feeling, and over trained by the end of this, but it will be worth it.


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Weird that the water and glycogen is holding on. Ive never done Carb cycling so I can't really offer anything but my guess is that its just taking a little longer this time for some reason.

Looks like you aren't taking any prisoners here towards the end...just straight killing that sh1t!! :D


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thanks rock. I'm really doing my best to get in the gym as much as possible.

Today's Workout:

Pull ups:BWx20,20
Diamond Pushups: 20,20
DB Curls; 45'sx10,10
DB Lateral raise; 20'sx20,20

Cardio: 2 hours walking, 11degree incline at 3mph

Some weird stuff is going on with my weight right now... Not sure what it is. I'm glycogen depleting, but for some reason my bodyweight isnt dropping any... It makes no sense. Carbs are next to nothing, and the workouts have been focused around depleting glycogen. Usually i'll lose about 6lbs in 3 days before leveling off. This time i've lost no weight, and i'm definitely holding water.

The workout was pretty solid, short and sweet. Had to make up for yesterday's workout. Tomorrow will be a heavy day, but still low carb. Time is quickly running out. starting to get worried that i'm not going to make my goal in time. I'm going to be putting everything I have into this over the next couple weeks. I'll be run down, sick feeling, and over trained by the end of this, but it will be worth it.
hmmm sometimes actual weight loss is somewhat delayed, were your all that glyco loaded in the first place. The only other thing I can think of is sodium or potassiium in the diet...


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Glutes getting striated brah?


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Glutes getting striated brah?
At my age that may never happen... I have been down pretty low and haven't seen it happen yet. Maybe this run if I get around 5%... different effects happen for different people at different times... as far as cut all you can hope for from me at this point is that I achieve what I did in my contest pics last year .. maybe a little better. Like I keep saying though, I have 3 weeks after the shoot to get ripped...


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At my age that may never happen... I have been down pretty low and haven't seen it happen yet. Maybe this run if I get around 5%... different effects happen for different people at different times... as far as cut all you can hope for from me at this point is that I achieve what I did in my contest pics last year .. maybe a little better. Like I keep saying though, I have 3 weeks after the shoot to get ripped...
Oops, I meant Legacy. He had mentioned it earlier in his log, just checking on progress (not that I'm terribly interested in male glutes).

I know you're pushing it Doug, and have some age on us, so what you're doing at your age is freakin' incredible! I don't think I'd be able to keep up your intensity and dedication when it comes to walking and dieting!


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Oops, I meant Legacy. He had mentioned it earlier in his log, just checking on progress (not that I'm terribly interested in male glutes).

I know you're pushing it Doug, and have some age on us, so what you're doing at your age is freakin' incredible! I don't think I'd be able to keep up your intensity and dedication when it comes to walking and dieting!
Yah that thought occurred to me after I posted lol

Thanks, and I'll admit it's been tough on me but I'll be ok in the end.. I'm pretty excited, I hope I'm good enough to make a run at the show...


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Yah that thought occurred to me after I posted lol

Thanks, and I'll admit it's been tough on me but I'll be ok in the end.. I'm pretty excited, I hope I'm good enough to make a run at the show...
I'm sure you'll be ready, just keep up the intensity and don't get sick/injured!!!


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I'm sure you'll be ready, just keep up the intensity and don't get sick/injured!!!
I think I have already met my quota in that department...:yup:


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More then met your quota! I'm impressed you could keep going with the bronchitis!


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More then met your quota! I'm impressed you could keep going with the bronchitis!
I got a bit lucky there, sure I had some bad days but it cleared up pretty good pretty quick. It was still annoying but not as grueling... I was close to not exercising though, if I got a fever there is no way I would have but I slipped by... as if this wasn't tough enougn... I have to say though it makes the rest of the way seem a little easier :blink:


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Yesterday was a pretty solid workout. Another two hours of cardio, rugby practice, then the gym.

Strict Military: 135x5,155x5,165x5,175x5
Pull ups: 45x5,65x5.85x5,100x5 PR?
Bench press: 225x5,245x5,265x5,285x5 PR?
T-Bar Row; 3plates,4 plates,4 plates +25, 5 plates x5

Legs were pretty well torched from practice, and my knees were a little sore again yesterday, so i decided not to hit them. Today, i'm headed back to the gym for some light pump work to help shuttle my extra carbs. Then going to do some low intensity cardio and go to bed. Gotta be up early for a HUGE rugby match tomorrow. First round of national playoffs.


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Today's workout.

Pull ups: BWx20,20
Bench Press: 185x15,15
Military Press: 95x15,15
BO Row: 95x20,20
Leg Ext: 135x20,20
Leg Curl: 95x20,20
BB Curl: 65x15,15
Dips: BWx15,15
Calf Raises: 180x25
Lateral Raises: 20'sx20,20

Really fast workout tonight. Got in. Got out. Was definitely looking pretty lean tonight. Really good pump from my carb up. Nice striations in my delts, some starting to show in my triceps and quads. Still no glute striations. Hell week starts tomorrow night. should be awesome...


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Today's workout.

Pull ups: BWx20,20
Bench Press: 185x15,15
Military Press: 95x15,15
BO Row: 95x20,20
Leg Ext: 135x20,20
Leg Curl: 95x20,20
BB Curl: 65x15,15
Dips: BWx15,15
Calf Raises: 180x25
Lateral Raises: 20'sx20,20

Really fast workout tonight. Got in. Got out. Was definitely looking pretty lean tonight. Really good pump from my carb up. Nice striations in my delts, some starting to show in my triceps and quads. Still no glute striations. Hell week starts tomorrow night. should be awesome...
can't wait for hell week I wanna see some **** get totally destroyed


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can't wait for hell week I wanna see some **** get totally destroyed

That makes two of us. A battle to the finish!! :swordfight:


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Well Saturday was a hell of a day... I ended up playing the entire game. About 5 minutes into the game I broke my zygomatic arch in my face. I played through that and about 70 minutes into the game I broke my orbital bone around my eye and my maxilla. I also got a fairly serious concussion out of the hit. I'm not allowed to do any kind of exercise or physical activity until i'm headache free for 48 hours. Currently its been ZERO hours since i've had a headache...

I'm really pissed off about all of this. I feel like all of my hard work is getting thrown out the window. I'm doing my best to keep my diet in check to make up for the lack of working out that i'll be doing. Since the brain runs off glucose, its probably a bad idea to do low carb while its trying to heal from a concussion... Luckily for me I can pretty much only drink my food because the broken bones have caused some serious problems with my TMJ...

The absolute WORST part is that it was a really tight game through 70 minutes of play. Once I got pulled out of the game due to uncontrollable bleeding, they scored like 3 times in 10 minutes. We were missing three of our best players and the wind was unbelievable. It was a hell of a game though. A freaking dog fight till the very end. Both teams had used up all of their subs by the end of the game. I think I took three players out of the game, and the favor was returned...

Oh well, its time to man up and figure out a way to finish out this competition without causing too much dmg to my brain and my physique. I sort of feel like i'm letting everyone down right now, and I'm sorry for that. Believe me, i'll continue to do everything I can to put in a good showing.


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Well Saturday was a hell of a day... I ended up playing the entire game. About 5 minutes into the game I broke my zygomatic arch in my face. I played through that and about 70 minutes into the game I broke my orbital bone around my eye and my maxilla. I also got a fairly serious concussion out of the hit. I'm not allowed to do any kind of exercise or physical activity until i'm headache free for 48 hours. Currently its been ZERO hours since i've had a headache...

I'm really pissed off about all of this. I feel like all of my hard work is getting thrown out the window. I'm doing my best to keep my diet in check to make up for the lack of working out that i'll be doing. Since the brain runs off glucose, its probably a bad idea to do low carb while its trying to heal from a concussion... Luckily for me I can pretty much only drink my food because the broken bones have caused some serious problems with my TMJ...

The absolute WORST part is that it was a really tight game through 70 minutes of play. Once I got pulled out of the game due to uncontrollable bleeding, they scored like 3 times in 10 minutes. We were missing three of our best players and the wind was unbelievable. It was a hell of a game though. A freaking dog fight till the very end. Both teams had used up all of their subs by the end of the game. I think I took three players out of the game, and the favor was returned...

Oh well, its time to man up and figure out a way to finish out this competition without causing too much dmg to my brain and my physique. I sort of feel like i'm letting everyone down right now, and I'm sorry for that. Believe me, i'll continue to do everything I can to put in a good showing.
Take care of your health first, this contest is fun but in the grand scheme it doesn't add up to much. Don't worry most people don't lift in the last week anyhow so forget about the gym. If health permits you can do some cardio and posing practice...


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Dude, that sounds REALLY serious. I don't think one week is going to make a huge difference. Just look at BB'ers on peak week, they don't go balls out, they take it relatively easy. Just do a peak week style approach, and you should be good to go.

Take care of your brain and your face!!!! Body will come and go, but your head is what stays with you to the end. Don't do permanent damage over a contest, especially when the last week isn't really necessary.

You'll probably do what you want though, but let me tell you from personal experience boxing in college, you can do permanent damage trying to "tough it out." I wish I were wiser back then, perhaps I wouldn't have the aches and pains I do at the young age of 31.

Seriously, think about it, and look up "peak week" and follow the protocol to cruise into the final week.

Hope you feel better, sounds like an epic game. Something to tell the grandkids about, right?


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Thanks for the encouragement guys, because i'm definitely a little bummed right now. I was a little behind where I needed to be at this point, and I was really hoping to make a lot of progress this final week. I had a bunch of plans as far as my workouts and diet goes. Both are somewhat out the window, but I'll still be doing everything in my power to peak correctly. Now I just have to hope I don't have to have surgery done before this week is over. That would really throw a wrench into my plans.


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just post up some pics now, incase you have to get surgery. You can submit others if you don't.


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I actually considered that, but I think i'm going to just take pics everyday up until the day of. I don't really want to post up pics early. I went to the gym last night and did some super low intensity walking just to do something. I was pretty down on myself yesterday. Could have been side effects from the concussion, or could have just been bummed out.. Oh well, definitely not giving up on this competition


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I agree def plan for the long term.I know you been killing **** all through this comp but your long term health is the most important thing.


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I actually considered that, but I think i'm going to just take pics everyday up until the day of. I don't really want to post up pics early. I went to the gym last night and did some super low intensity walking just to do something. I was pretty down on myself yesterday. Could have been side effects from the concussion, or could have just been bummed out.. Oh well, definitely not giving up on this competition

As bad luck as this whole thing is, a positive is that it happened close this close to the end and not right in the middle of the contest. That would have had a bigger impact on your progress I believe.

Good move taking pics now and until the end. Then you can pick your best from them.

I wish you a speedy and effective recovery man ;)


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Yah and you can still be damn proud of all the hard work you put in, you busted your azz and that has to count for one hek of a lot. I too am very satisfied with my effort, so what if I don't get where I want, I know I did my best and it was one hek of an effort...perspective man.. perspective..


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Thanks again for the kind words everyone. This crap sucks. I don't know if my cortisol has shot through the roof from everything, but i'm holding TONS of water. I look fatter now than I have in the past 2-3 weeks. I'm in a caloric deficit, i'm drinking tons of water, and keeping sodium and carbs pretty low right now. I should be looking DRY!! I'm just going to hope for the best when I drop my water and bring carbs and sodium back in. As of right now, i'm really disappointed with where I'm at. I guess I can look at the bright side and say that i've gained at least 6lbs of muscle while dropping 8lbs of fat, but I really wanted to drop more fat. pissed...


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I got into the gym for a bit today. Obviously I still can't go hard yet, but I did get a bit of a depletion workout in and some cardio.

Pull ups; 4x10
Pushups: 4x25
DB Curls: 35'sx4x10
BB Front Raise: 45x4x10
Upright Rows: 45x4x15

Circuit 2
Calf Raise: 200x3x15
Leg Ext: 150x3x15
Leg Curl: 95x3x15

Cardio: Walk 2 hours @ 10degree incline and 3mph

Again, I couldn't bring the intensity up too high, when I did, my face would really start to throb, and I could feel the bones moving.. Its a ridiculously weird feeling, oh and my vision would get really screwy.. I'm doing everything I can to come in where I need to be. No quit in me.


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I got into the gym for a bit today. Obviously I still can't go hard yet, but I did get a bit of a depletion workout in and some cardio.

Pull ups; 4x10
Pushups: 4x25
DB Curls: 35'sx4x10
BB Front Raise: 45x4x10
Upright Rows: 45x4x15

Circuit 2
Calf Raise: 200x3x15
Leg Ext: 150x3x15
Leg Curl: 95x3x15

Cardio: Walk 2 hours @ 10degree incline and 3mph

Again, I couldn't bring the intensity up too high, when I did, my face would really start to throb, and I could feel the bones moving.. Its a ridiculously weird feeling, oh and my vision would get really screwy.. I'm doing everything I can to come in where I need to be. No quit in me.
be careful man I know you wanna kill some **** but don't make anything worse.we want you around and lifting with us as we all grow into old age.


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Thanks again for the kind words everyone. This crap sucks. I don't know if my cortisol has shot through the roof from everything, but i'm holding TONS of water. I look fatter now than I have in the past 2-3 weeks. I'm in a caloric deficit, i'm drinking tons of water, and keeping sodium and carbs pretty low right now. I should be looking DRY!! I'm just going to hope for the best when I drop my water and bring carbs and sodium back in. As of right now, i'm really disappointed with where I'm at. I guess I can look at the bright side and say that i've gained at least 6lbs of muscle while dropping 8lbs of fat, but I really wanted to drop more fat. pissed...
I'm sure DW and a couple of these other guys can give you some pointers on getting you dried out for pics.

You did an AWESOME job recomping during this contest man. I'm sure you are being too hard on yourself. What you have accomplished is incredible :cheers:
