I'm on Phosphatidic acid Ya'll



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I see PA (lecithin) as a staple supplement. It's cheap, it's safe, and very effective. It's in the same class as creatine, betaine, and beta alanine for me (all research supported, safe, and certainly cheap enough to take regularly), except I'd say PA is the most effective of the four in terms of progression/effects for me. Once I'm done with my supply of PhosphaMuscle, I'm going to start mixing the lecithin granules/powder with a bunch of different things and see if I can't figure out a good way to make it taste good and mix decently in a pre-workout drink, just for fun. If it can somehow be added to a pre-workout while still keeping decent taste and mixability, that'd take away a lot of the benefits that the concentrated supplements have, while still keeping prices much, much lower. I also find, as do many others, that the lecithin provides a very nice pump, as well as a potential energy/focus boost, which would also be good in a pre-workout (something like Ergonine with added PA, that could be taken pre-workout, but also on rest days, and split doses if someone gets stomach upset from taking all the lecithin at one time).


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I see PA (lecithin) as a staple supplement. It's cheap, it's safe, and very effective. It's in the same class as creatine, betaine, and beta alanine for me (all research supported, safe, and certainly cheap enough to take regularly), except I'd say PA is the most effective of the four in terms of progression/effects for me. Once I'm done with my supply of PhosphaMuscle, I'm going to start mixing the lecithin granules/powder with a bunch of different things and see if I can't figure out a good way to make it taste good and mix decently in a pre-workout drink, just for fun.
Could not agree more!


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Damn 3-4g. I like lol. When I start maybe next week Ima go stating to 2.4g. Think I should work my way up? Big difference from 2.4 to 3 or 4g? I might use it for 12weeks


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Damn 3-4g. I like lol. When I start maybe next week Ima go stating to 2.4g. Think I should work my way up? Big difference from 2.4 to 3 or 4g? I might use it for 12weeks
750mg was ok
1.2g was pretty good
2-3g was even better
4g Even stronger/better

Like Dr Wilson said, above 3g would be much more beneficial than running 750mg (they have data supporting that).
That means they have been "playing" with different doses.
I mean you can start with 2.4g . It is no need to work your way up.
If its SL, you can start with 1.2 g of PA just to see how your stomach react to it.
If its ok, increase the dose:)
I will try higher dose but not yet :)


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Damn 3-4g. I like lol. When I start maybe next week Ima go stating to 2.4g. Think I should work my way up? Big difference from 2.4 to 3 or 4g? I might use it for 12weeks
Danes' feelings on megadosing are legendary :)

I stuck with 4tbsp (2.4gm PA) for ages, merely because when I tried dosing higher I didnt experience any additional acute benefits. Well, I eventually thought fukc it, Ill dose 5tbs for a bit longer than a few days...best move I made. I found that over longer periods the benefits (the more tangible benefits like muscle fullness) did increase. I really thought 2.4gm was my sweet spot, but now it looks like higher dosing will yield increased benefits.

I havent gone any higher as of yet, but likely will.


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Danes' feelings on megadosing are legendary :)

I stuck with 4tbsp (2.4gm PA) for ages, merely because when I tried dosing higher I didnt experience any additional acute benefits. Well, I eventually thought fukc it, Ill dose 5tbs for a bit longer than a few days...best move I made. I found that over longer periods the benefits (the more tangible benefits like muscle fullness) did increase. I really thought 2.4gm was my sweet spot, but now it looks like higher dosing will yield increased benefits.

I havent gone any higher as of yet, but likely will.
Nice. I know that 1.5g gives me much better acute pumps when taken pre-workout than 750mg, but I haven't really gone higher than 1.5g pre-workout, or at all. It's so cheap that as long as you can fit the calories and fat into your diet, there's really no reason to keep upping the dose (within reason) for a little while until you find a point where it sort of levels off. I don't know how much I'd want to take at one time pre-workout, but I don't see any reason not to add some more in at another time, perhaps post-workout, since one of the PA studies dosed it split pre and post workout.

In case anyone is concerned about the PC content (choline) in high-doses of lecithin granules, I've seen a study use 34g PC (equivalent to almost 20tbsp of lecithin granules) per day, and conclude the following:
In our study phosphatidylcholine supplementation slightly increased triacylglycerol concentrations in healthy humans. Previous studies of phosphatidylcholine and blood lipids showed no clear effect. Thus the effect of phosphatidylcholine supplementation on blood lipids remains inconclusive, but is probably not large.
I don't think even Danes is going to go up to 20tbsp.


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Danes' feelings on megadosing are legendary :)

I stuck with 4tbsp (2.4gm PA) for ages, merely because when I tried dosing higher I didnt experience any additional acute benefits. Well, I eventually thought fukc it, Ill dose 5tbs for a bit longer than a few days...best move I made. I found that over longer periods the benefits (the more tangible benefits like muscle fullness) did increase. I really thought 2.4gm was my sweet spot, but now it looks like higher dosing will yield increased benefits.

I havent gone any higher as of yet, but likely will.
Haha as long its safe , I want more ;)
Its like banging hot girl. Its not enough once daily.. lol

I mean 2.4-3g will be a totaly GOOD dose. Rather 2.4g and running it for a long period than 4g for 2 months


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lol, nice

Yeah, that leveling off point...I enjoy eating these suckers, so could quite easily eat a good load prewo...and then like you (MUC) said with splitdosing, youve certainly got options


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Nice. I know that 1.5g gives me much better acute pumps when taken pre-workout than 750mg, but I haven't really gone higher than 1.5g pre-workout, or at all. It's so cheap that as long as you can fit the calories and fat into your diet, there's really no reason to keep upping the dose (within reason) for a little while until you find a point where it sort of levels off. I don't know how much I'd want to take at one time pre-workout, but I don't see any reason not to add some more in at another time, perhaps post-workout, since one of the PA studies dosed it split pre and post workout.

In case anyone is concerned about the PC content (choline) in high-doses of lecithin granules, I've seen a study use 34g PC (equivalent to almost 20tbsp of lecithin granules) per day, and conclude the following:

I don't think even Danes is going to go up to 20tbsp.
Lol no I would not take so many TBSP of SL :)


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Thanx fellas. Good. I'm not sticking to 2.4g then. I'll stick to it for about a week or two and up the dose to 3G.

What's the longest you guys have ran it?


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Thanx fellas. Good. I'm not sticking to 2.4g then. I'll stick to it for about a week or two and up the dose to 3G.

What's the longest you guys have ran it?
Sounds very good!

I have been on PA since April 2014, but I have made some breaks . But Its very big difference being on and off.


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Sounds very good!

I have been on PA since April 2014, but I have made some breaks . But Its very big difference being on and off.
Excellent. Then I'll take a month off every 12 weeks then. Have to see what this is about personally


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Ive been on soyl since about dec last year? So about 4-5mnths. Had some experience running og-King for 8wks prior to that.


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Ive been on soyl since about dec last year? So about 4-5mnths. Had some experience running og-King for 8wks prior to that.
And it keeps getting better correct?


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Excellent. Then I'll take a month off every 12 weeks then. Have to see what this is about personally
Actually there is no need to take breaks.
There is no sides, and how PA works, it will work month after month:) but you can try to take 1 month off just to see and feel the difference being off and on :)


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And it keeps getting better correct?
Hmmm, I want to be careful here. I assume youre a learned dude supp-wise, but I dont want to overhype and perpetuate any possible placebo.

To clarify, I wouldnt say the benefits accumulate, where they keep increasing (such a scenario would be ridiculous). But over the first month or so of continual use all the benefits will build, so to speak. Beyond that you should find that your progression (lifts, muscle mass) is sustained in a manner 'better' than it would normally without PA.

So its obviously no PH, but its the best ingredient Ive currently run :)


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Actually there is no need to take breaks.
There is no sides, and how PA works, it will work month after month:) but you can try to take 1 month off just to see and feel the difference being off and on :)
Cool. I figured that in sense from what I've read.


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Hmmm, I want to be careful here. I assume youre a learned dude supp-wise, but I dont want to overhype and perpetuate any possible placebo.

To clarify, I wouldnt say the benefits accumulate, where they keep increasing (such a scenario would be ridiculous). But over the first month or so of continual use all the benefits will build, so to speak. Beyond that you should find that your progression (lifts, muscle mass) is sustained in a manner 'better' than it would normally without PA.

So its obviously no PH, but its the best ingredient Ive currently run :)
I see. Thanx bruh.

"Best ingredient ran so far?" That's a bold quote. I like.


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I see. Thanx bruh.

"Best ingredient ran so far?" That's a bold quote. I like.
It is a pretty bold statement, but I think I'd have to agree with it. Even just using 750mg PA (Mediator), I've made some of the best progress (besides beginner gains). If we're talking about value, I can't see anything beating lecithin (PA) in terms of how much faster I progress while taking it per dollar spent. I don't really see a reason why most lifters shouldn't be taking it regularly.


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I see. Thanx bruh.

"Best ingredient ran so far?" That's a bold quote. I like.
It is bold, and fwiw I should probably qualify it by adding that my attitude/belief is not based solely on efficacy, but also takes into account dosing flexibility.


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It is bold, and fwiw I should probably qualify it by adding that my attitude/belief is not based solely on efficacy, but also takes into account dosing flexibility.
I'd say that price and how frequently/often/consistently you can take a supplement, and what is necessary to maximize benefits of said supplement, play a role as well. For example, if a supplement is very expensive, it may not be affordable/practical to take it regularly (HMB-FA is a great example. I'd love to take it year round, but it's so expensive). Also, if you have to cycle off of a supplement for a few weeks/months after a few weeks/months use, you're not going to be getting constant benefits like you can with something like PA, which doesn't need to be cycled. Also, unlike things like HMB-FA, which really only shines during overreaching, you don't need to do any special workouts to benefit from PA.

Basically, lecithin PA has just about everything going for it:
-no need to cycle
-no need to modify/alter training program or diet


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MUC, for sure, I do agree with you. Prior to running PA, ArA was my gold standard or yardstick (I know you cant run it yourself). There certainly is a significant price difference between the 2 ingredients, but I wouldnt base my preference for PA *on* that difference (though of course it figures into things).


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Thanx fellas. Good. I'm not sticking to 2.4g then. I'll stick to it for about a week or two and up the dose to 3G.

What's the longest you guys have ran it?
3g (5 tbsp Fearn) preWO since Nov '14, I think. Zero wash out. Still great. Will up to 4g+ once my cut is over and I can have more fat on training days.


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I'm looking at picking up Fearn "Lecithin Granules" with 97% Phosphatides. I take it this is the right stuff?


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Basically, lecithin PA has just about everything going for it:
-no need to cycle
-no need to modify/alter training program or diet
Ofcourse, there will ALLWAYS be those with horrible workout routine and bad diet expecting wonders from PA.
But those who have pretty good diet and workout routine, addiing PA (without changing any og those) would really give nice results


I see PA (lecithin) as a staple supplement. It's cheap, it's safe, and very effective. It's in the same class as creatine, betaine, and beta alanine for me (all research supported, safe, and certainly cheap enough to take regularly), except I'd say PA is the most effective of the four in terms of progression/effects for me. Once I'm done with my supply of PhosphaMuscle, I'm going to start mixing the lecithin granules/powder with a bunch of different things and see if I can't figure out a good way to make it taste good and mix decently in a pre-workout drink, just for fun. If it can somehow be added to a pre-workout while still keeping decent taste and mixability, that'd take away a lot of the benefits that the concentrated supplements have, while still keeping prices much, much lower. I also find, as do many others, that the lecithin provides a very nice pump, as well as a potential energy/focus boost, which would also be good in a pre-workout (something like Ergonine with added PA, that could be taken pre-workout, but also on rest days, and split doses if someone gets stomach upset from taking all the lecithin at one time).
Man up and suck it down


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I mean what else is left to say to you , your a rep who can't back his own input sit down bro . If anything you've never used king in your life only sups you use is dbol and test e .every one who reads this is gonna buy soy granules not some over priced concentrate . People aren't dumb enough these days to buy snake oil man I'm sorry . Keep your day time job cause this "research" you doin ain't payin off lmfao.


I mean what else is left to say to you , your a rep who can't back his own input sit down bro . If anything you've never used king in your life only sups you use is dbol and test e .every one who reads this is gonna buy soy granules not some over priced concentrate . People aren't dumb enough these days to buy snake oil man I'm sorry . Keep your day time job cause this "research" you doin ain't payin off lmfao.
It's quite obvious you play follow the leader. Go buy your pebbles and have a placebo party


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Ahh id rather buy pebbles then a product backed by someone who can't even back his own "research" because he doesn't have the balls to release the PA concentration either due to the fact he's scarred of legality issues or is just plain ignorant to his own product.


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It's quite obvious you play follow the leader. Go buy your pebbles and have a placebo party
Yes, because high doses of PA (which we can quite easily and inexpensively obtain with absolute certainty using lecithin granules, considering that there is a range of PA, and we can dose according to the minimum value in the range) provide only a placebo effect, while an undisclosed amount of PA (which math and logic dictates is below the research supported dose) that costs much more money is legitimate science. Got it.

Oh, and let's just ignore the multiple users who have explicitly stated that they did not notice as much benefit with, and did not like, King V2 as much as really any other source of PA (King V1, PhosphaMuscle, lecithin granules). I wonder why this could be? It must be that every other PA supplement is "placebo." No, wait, I meant to say it's because all the others list the PA amount, and you can be sure you're getting at least 750mg PA per serving, which is an effective dose...


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It's quite obvious you play follow the leader. Go buy your pebbles and have a placebo party
Why would the granules be placebo? I've ran og King twice and never tried the granules. It looks like they contain PA, so I can't figure out why it would be a placebo.


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Wilson is the Dr. with the most (as far as I know) experience studying the ergogenics and overall health benefits of PA and SL overall. He said SL Granules are just as good. Are we *really* going to argue that? IMO, and to me personally, that would put me off of whatever product/company said otherwise. I'd stick to the convenience angle, but hey, I don't own a business.... wait! I do! :)


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Why would the granules be placebo? I've ran og King twice and never tried the granules. It looks like they contain PA, so I can't figure out why it would be a placebo.
Best advice to all of you.
Ignore the rep I bet never tried PA. Not to talk about the knowledge of PA either and giving other false information about soy lecithin.
We all want this thread to stay alive so we can help other who is interessed in PA,more PA science etc.

A very important thing:
-All PA products around are showing on the label how much exact its PA (all of companies are using 750mg of PA as daily dose and the dose they used in the study. Remember, it does NOT mean 750mg is more than enough.).
-King V1 Proudly shown they had 750mg PA in their daily dose.
KING v2 does not show how much PA it is and with a simple math (no need to be brain surgeon or rocket scienctist) it show clearly it is even less than 400mg.

But actually, they are not breaking any rules. In the product writeup, they dont say "this product contain 750mg PA/as used in the study". They dont.
So even if KING v2 contain just 10mg of PA,they are not braking any rules.
-I know just 1 thing for sure, If people want to experience PA benefits, KING v2 would NOT be the right choice. It will make you disapointed and many users know what I mean.


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Wilson is the Dr. with the most (as far as I know) experience studying the ergogenics and overall health benefits of PA and SL overall. He said SL Granules are just as good. Are we *really* going to argue that? IMO, and to me personally, that would put me off of whatever product/company said otherwise. I'd stick to the convenience angle, but hey, I don't own a business.... wait! I do! :)
Agreed .
This thread is not made for bashing PA caps. Not at all. I do use my self PA caps and they have a place in the supplement industry.

This is something i wrote before (copy/paste) to refresh and to show new guys.

here is some more info before other companies trying to say "study was done on enriched PA ".
Remember. Everything has an beginninng and how they found that PA,PS and LPA activated mTOR.

Concentrated PA such as mediaTOR IS soy PA from soy Lecithin which is enriched to 50% . like I said, It means you take less caps than if it was just 10% PA.
Higher % would play a big role IF Bioavaiability and absorption was an issue (due to other phospholipids etc), but studies show no problem With that and like I said, it would be very arogant to say "PA consumed from SL is not so good as soy lecithin enriched PA".

Concentrated PA IS soy lecithin enriched PA.It is actually SAME thing!

Do you know how scientists found that PA, PS and LPA do activate mTOR/where it all started?

Those studies are old and scientists found out that Soy Lecithin do activate mTOR but they was not sure which phospholipid or phospholipids was responsible for that.
They Isolated one by one and tested. they found that:
-Phosphatidic Acid (PA), Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) and LysoPhosphatidic Acid (LPA) was responible for signaling/activating mTOR.
They found out that other phospholipids did have other benefits. PS showed to have effect on brain Health and much more. Newer studies showing a good cortisol decreasing effect, studies done on People With ADHD (better concentration, less hyperactive).

ChemiNutra found those old studies interessting and they wanted to make PA Product.
To make it more "inovative" and to avoid taking a lot of pills, they enriched PA from soy lecithin.
They knew (from old studies) that PA would make difference (activating mTOR), so they ran studies.
So, instead of selling soy granules (which is pretty cheap and cant take so much for it), they enriched PA and could take 3-4x the price.
I would say, they are smart and they make good Money on it and will still make good Money on it.
That is the real face of business!

remember, those who ran studies on PA (hoffman,wilson,Stout etc), they know the Whole story about phospholipids and thats why they say "running SL would actually be even better. Not just because its MUCH cheaper,it let you get higher Doses of PA cheaper , but you will get high doses of other beneficial phospholipids too).
When I asked if 3g of PA would be better than 750mg (like they ran in the study). they said YES. they have data supporting this.
Remember, Cheminutra is interessting in Money. 750mg is Showing a activation of mTOR but that does not mean it is more than enough! They are interessed in more Money With less ingredient. Thats why they rather sell 750mg dose for a lot of Money than 3g. no one would buy PA caps if you needed 3g or more for Ultimate mTOR activation. would you? I dont think so!
Other way of thinking would be pretty naive!

I will still buy capsuled PA since I am bored of SL aftertaste, but I really laugh when I hear SL is not so good as concentrated PA.
I know I am repeating some things often but again:
Those who believe Soy enriched PA is better than PA from SL/which are exact same thing and same source but just higher % which does not play any role in absorption/bioavaiability.again, it means % is not important but the amount!).

Like I said, I am not bashing caps PA Products. Not at all.
I was one of first PA users (when Biotest came out With micro-PA).I liked it but 750mg was nothing compared to 1,5g or 2g. but I was tired of swallowing almost 20 PA caps prior workout.
Thats how I started to find out more about Soy lecithin , contacted Dr Wilson and other regarding old studies,info etc.

Do you want cheap, effective way to get high doses of PA,PS,PC and other phospholipids, then buy Soy Granules
If you dont like taste,if Your stomach cant handle big doses of SL, you are traveling etc, then caps can be added. (much higher price ofcourse).
Concentrated PA does NOT work better at all. Soy Enriched PA just let you take less Soy to get higher PA doses. thats it!
Concentrated PA (mediaTOR) is used in the study for business/sale/promotion strategy. And even a kid would know that!
So it is not like "hey they used soy enriched PA in the study. SL cant be any good".bull****


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It's on. Starting it tomm. 4tablespoons


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I'll never be overpaying for pills again. SL is COMMON SENSE. The companies who slam SL are a disgrace to those who are results focused and not money focused. I don't believe they should be allowed to rep and spread the manure that flows from their mouths


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You will deff love it
I'll never be overpaying for pills again. SL is COMMON SENSE. The companies who slam SL are a disgrace to those who are results focused and not money focused. I don't believe they should be allowed to rep and spread the manure that flows from their mouths
I have no problem with PA caps even og the bottle is 60$ but it should at least contain a great dose of PA
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Fugitive how do you not understand that PA=PA?

SL or granules aren't a placebo. You can argue semantics, but you DO UNDERSTAND that the granules contain PA right?


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Fugitive how do you not understand that PA=PA?

SL or granules aren't a placebo. You can argue semantics, but you DO UNDERSTAND that the granules contain PA right?
And we shall not forget that even soy lecithin even with 1% PA would be still the same as long as you dose it enough. Like said. No issues with absorption and bioavailability


Because of certain affiliations I am able to run a ridiculous stack for minimal if any cost...currently using

HMB FA-dosing 1.5g pre and 1.5 pre bed (theorizing it will be beneficial for GH release according to current studies)
Epiq PA-750mg PA pre
ARA-1g pre working up to 1.5g (im sensitive)
GAKIC-it actually works well
HV-1 scoop AM 1.5 pre WO
PEAK ATP-1 serving pre wo
Ostarine 30mgs

Going to sub Soy L starting today for the PA. I used 1.5g of OG Cutler King and it was one of the best natural runs i have had. Im curious what 4g can do. It just is not feasible with concentrated PA to run that much.

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