I'm on Phosphatidic acid Ya'll



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Im taking King, not sure about you
I remember you arguing with Cooper and I on another forum that CEE was superior to creatine monohydrate (or effective at all), so perhaps your physique is in spite of your supplement choices, not because of them.


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I remember you arguing with Cooper and I on another forum that CEE was superior to creatine monohydrate (or effective at all), so perhaps your physique is in spite of your supplement choices, not because of them.
Speak of the devil; as soon as I mention CEE, he's talking about it again in another thread.


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Back on topic, Global River (the company who sells the lecithin powder with minimum 97% phosphatides at a great price with a minimum quantity of 100kg) is sending me a sample. I'll let you guys know when I get it.


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2 tbsp is 15g serving which contains 1200mg PA (fearns lecithin granules).

Dose pre-workout (30-180 minutes) and on off days dose with a fatty meal.
If I dose it pre workout (with a meal because it appears people are complaining its tough to eat normal) should I do it with a fattier meal? I usually make some proats about an hour-1.5hrs before I lift I could just add a couple table spoons into that since I throw PB in there (20-25g fat)

After reading this thread im actually surprised I havent heard the "OMG dont take this soy is gonna raise your Estrogen levels like crazy"


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If I dose it pre workout (with a meal because it appears people are complaining its tough to eat normal) should I do it with a fattier meal? I usually make some proats about an hour-1.5hrs before I lift I could just add a couple table spoons into that since I throw PB in there (20-25g fat)

After reading this thread im actually surprised I havent heard the "OMG dont take this soy is gonna raise your Estrogen levels like crazy"
Have you tried it on its own? Ive maybe had trouble once and thats might not have been from sl. a few tubs later no issues. I normally try to stay 30-45 mins from hitting the gym.


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nope im brand new to PA actually going to be buying 2-3 tubs of the Fearn brand soon and run it along side my ARA :D


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nope im brand new to PA actually going to be buying 2-3 tubs of the Fearn brand soon and run it along side my ARA :D
Out of all the granule products Ive tried Fearn is easily the best tasting. Some have complained, but many find no issue with it at all (and actually enjoy it).

As for the estrogen issue, it has come up, maybe not in this thread. Cliffs is that the potential is so minute there is no concern even if megadosing (I cant recall the specific numbers muscleupcrohn posted).


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Speak of the devil; as soon as I mention CEE, he's talking about it again in another thread.
CEE is worse than regular mono. And im not bias as SNS sold CEE


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CEE is worse than regular mono. And im not bias as SNS sold CEE
This is popping up a lot all the sudden. Are there that many companies still producing CEE?


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This is popping up a lot all the sudden. Are there that many companies still producing CEE?
I didn't think so, but I remember some troll bringing it up on another forum, and TheFugitive argued for CEE over mono because it dissolves better in water (which is the same reason he prefers King over lecithin apparently). I feel like I'm beating a dead horse arguing about it though; I thought CEE died off a while ago.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
I didn't think so, but I remember some troll bringing it up on another forum, and TheFugitive argued for CEE over mono because it dissolves better in water (which is the same reason he prefers King over lecithin apparently). I feel like I'm beating a dead horse arguing about it though; I thought CEE died off a while ago.
Agreed, and it should have.


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Agreed, and it should have.
Yep. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother to respond to TheFug's comments about PA. It's pretty obvious that he isn't interested in the science behind PA, or apparently creatine.

Anyway, I'm interested in getting that lecithin powder sample. If it's good, which it should be, I just need to find a few people to split the order with.


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Yep. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother to respond to TheFug's comments about PA. It's pretty obvious that he isn't interested in the science behind PA, or apparently creatine.

Anyway, I'm interested in getting that lecithin powder sample. If it's good, which it should be, I just need to find a few people to split the order with.
Count me in


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I didn't think so, but I remember some troll bringing it up on another forum, and TheFugitive argued for CEE over mono because it dissolves better in water (which is the same reason he prefers King over lecithin apparently). I feel like I'm beating a dead horse arguing about it though; I thought CEE died off a while ago.
So it mixes better in a cup? but considering none of it gets used, you just end up drinking ****ty tasting water.


Yep. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother to respond to TheFug's comments about PA. It's pretty obvious that he isn't interested in the science behind PA, or apparently creatine.

Anyway, I'm interested in getting that lecithin powder sample. If it's good, which it should be, I just need to find a few people to split the order with.
Look man, there's noting you can teach me about the science of PA or Creatine. I do this for a living. Your so focused on my posts you don't even read into them. You continue to say I don't understand the science behind PA because I won't release the amount of PA in King. I told you on numerous occasions, it's not up to me it's up to Activator. I believe Chris told you the same thing.


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I'm pretty sure it's clear myscleupcrohn gives this log more then enough proof that he understands the science behind PA much more then you by your lack of information and excessive picture posting . Clearly you don't know the PA contents in King. Simple. This whole log has basically dismissed you and turned to looking at the best possible way in taking SL , which brands contain what, and so forth. We don't care about overpriced suppliments with less benefit then a product we can but at a grocery store that has much more to offer for extremely cheap . Why is this so hard to understand ? If you want to be a rep make a new post about king or is it really that much work for you to promo somewhere else?


I'm pretty sure it's clear myscleupcrohn gives this log more then enough proof that he understands the science behind PA much more then you by your lack of information and excessive picture posting . Clearly you don't know the PA contents in King. Simple. This whole log has basically dismissed you and turned to looking at the best possible way in taking SL , which brands contain what, and so forth. We don't care about overpriced suppliments with less benefit then a product we can but at a grocery store that has much more to offer for extremely cheap . Why is this so hard to understand ? If you want to be a rep make a new post about king or is it really that much work for you to promo somewhere else?
You guys are basing my knowledge on PA because I won't disclose the amount of it in King, bloody brilliant!


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Look man, there's noting you can teach me about the science of PA or Creatine
I need to disagree on this TOTALY.
There is no post/reply from you showing any knowledge about PA.
You do this for living? I need to laugh now.
There are many reps who really dont know much about supps. They are just pushing the products.

You said many times concentrated PA is better than PA from plain soy Lecithin.
If you really knew the science behind PA/phospholipids you would NEVER said that.

Muscleupcrohns is a guy full of knowledge, he see the details etc.
So you can actually learn something instead of being arogant.

Your strongest side is describing flavors/ textures of proteinpowders. Stick with that


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You guys are basing my knowledge on PA because I won't disclose the amount of it in King, bloody brilliant!
This is incorrect too!!
On all PA threads you were disagreed on the effect from Soy Lecithin and was pimping KING v2. You said it must be the placebo. You are giving a damn sh.. in the science. Stop pimping a product where BPI customers dont know how much PA they are getting.

From the beginning you were bashing Soy L. and you have shown the side where me and other really dont like/liked at all.
You are the ONLY rep who tried to come with incorrect information about PA/Soy lecithin. And that is telling me and other pretty much.


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Look man, there's noting you can teach me about the science of PA or Creatine. I do this for a living. Your so focused on my posts you don't even read into them. You continue to say I don't understand the science behind PA because I won't release the amount of PA in King. I told you on numerous occasions, it's not up to me it's up to Activator. I believe Chris told you the same thing.
I'm not saying you don't understand the science behind PA because you won't release the amount of PA in King/Activator; that is another issue entirely. You are either not aware of the science behind PA, or, more likely, intentionally ignoring it to push product, not when you don't tell how much PA is in King/Activator, but when you tell me that 750mg PA from Activator (assuming it's 750mg) is more effective than 750mg (or even much more PA) from lecithin granules, that concentrated PA is somehow inherently more effective than non-concentrated PA (even with equal or greater doses of PA from a non-concentrated source) because it mixes better/clearer in water (the same thing you told me when we were talking about CEE, by the way), etc... The list goes on and on, but I think it's clear enough to anyone reading this. Frankly, the fact that you "do this for a living" is entirely irrelevant here. If I'm being entirely honest, I'd say that you are aware of the science behind PA, but you chose to ignore and/or argue against it in an attempt to sell more King, since THAT, selling product, is truly what your job is all about at the end of the day.

I'm pretty sure it's clear myscleupcrohn gives this log more then enough proof that he understands the science behind PA much more then you by your lack of information and excessive picture posting . Clearly you don't know the PA contents in King. Simple. This whole log has basically dismissed you and turned to looking at the best possible way in taking SL , which brands contain what, and so forth. We don't care about overpriced suppliments with less benefit then a product we can but at a grocery store that has much more to offer for extremely cheap . Why is this so hard to understand ? If you want to be a rep make a new post about king or is it really that much work for you to promo somewhere else?
Thank you very much.

You know what Fugi, if you truly understood the science behind creatine, why in the world would you post an image arguing for CEE that stated the following (in bold):
-Requires a smaller dose (the study comparing the two showed CEE was less effective than mono AT THE SAME DOSE, why would it be better with less?)
-Eliminates the infamous "water bloat" look (actually, there was greater extracellular water retention with CEE than mono in this study. Likely the reason why in the real world, people don't bloat with CEE is that they are taking too little to bloat, since people advocate taking less CEE for some reason)

And my issue isn't with Chris; he's been very courteous in discussions I've had with him via messages...


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This is incorrect too!!
On all PA threads you were disagreed on the effect from Soy Lecithin and was pimping KING v2. You said it must be the placebo. You are giving a damn sh.. in the science. Stop pimping a product where BPI customers dont know how much PA they are getting.

From the beginning you were bashing Soy L. and you have shown the side where me and other really dont like/liked at all.
You are the ONLY rep who tried to come with incorrect information about PA/Soy lecithin. And that is telling me and other pretty much.
This. Hell, Chris hasn't tried to disregard/ignore/contradict science to push King, and even the MT reps are conceding that the lecithin granules work, instead pushing their PA product based on ease/convenience, less chance of stomach upset, exact doses, and research-supported Mediator. While the last two are largely irrelevant, at least MT is playing up the benefits of their product, and not making things up and posting stock photos and clip art...


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You guys are basing my knowledge on PA because I won't disclose the amount of it in King, bloody brilliant!
I have nothing personal against you.
You seems like a guy I could joke with and have fun with (no homo) but I do dislike the way you are pushing the KING and bashing othwr products


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This. Hell, Chris hasn't tried to disregard/ignore/contradict science to push King, and even the MT reps are conceding that the lecithin granules work, instead pushing their PA product based on ease/convenience, less chance of stomach upset, exact doses, and research-supported Mediator. While the last two are largely irrelevant, at least MT is playing up the benefits of their product, and not making things up and posting stock photos and clip art...
I never bashed PA caps either.
Allways said Caps have an important place in the supplement industry due to stomach issues some are getting with SL, less calories, traveling with caps is easier etc.etc.
I personaly Use caps AND Soy Lecithin right now for even higher PA doses and its working GREAT. My pics dont lie either.

But I really find it funny when some reps are bashing other things for no reason and then pushing their stuff.


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I never bashed PA caps either.
Allways said Caps have an important place in the supplement industry due to stomach issues some are getting with SL, less calories, traveling with caps is easier etc.etc.
I personaly Use caps AND Soy Lecithin right now for even higher PA doses and its working GREAT. My pics dont lie either.

But I really find it funny when some reps are bashing other things for no resson and then pushing their stuff.
I agree. I've also been saying that caps can be very beneficial, and that I also plan on having a supply of them for when taking the granules wouldn't be practical.


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Ultimately hes a rep tryna move product. But this is AM and we dont subscribe to the bs. Links to studies, product testing, etc is all regular protocol on here.

I have no prob with king, never tried it, but i would and prob will and compare it to sl, but in absolutely no way is sl subpar by any means as far as PA goes. And ultimately the arguments and stupid memes really just take away from the overal pourpose of this thread: PA, not the brand names etc. Just PA and how to use it.


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Ultimately hes a rep tryna move product. But this is AM and we dont subscribe to the bs. Links to studies, product testing, etc is all regular protocol on here.

I have no prob with king, never tried it, but i would and prob will and compare it to sl, but in absolutely no way is sl subpar by any means as far as PA goes. And ultimately the arguments and stupid memes really just take away from the overal pourpose of this thread: PA, not the brand names etc. Just PA and how to use it.
Well said. I don't want this thread getting de-railed by Fugi and us arguing with him, that's probably exactly what he wants, as it will take the focus off of legitimate, valuable PA discussion, which, at this point, is focusing basically exclusively on soy lecithin products.
I suggest that we all just ignore Fugi's posts ITT and continue business as usual with our PA discussion.


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Well said. I don't want this thread getting de-railed by Fugi and us arguing with him, that's probably exactly what he wants, as it will take the focus off of legitimate, valuable PA discussion, which, at this point, is focusing basically exclusively on soy lecithin products.
I suggest that we all just ignore Fugi's posts ITT and continue business as usual with our PA discussion.
Totaly agree.
Lets hold this thread open for more PA/phospholipid information,discussion and helping
Other who is new to Phospholipids/PA


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This is incorrect too!!
On all PA threads you were disagreed on the effect from Soy Lecithin and was pimping KING v2. You said it must be the placebo. You are giving a damn sh.. in the science. Stop pimping a product where BPI customers dont know how much PA they are getting.

From the beginning you were bashing Soy L. and you have shown the side where me and other really dont like/liked at all.
You are the ONLY rep who tried to come with incorrect information about PA/Soy lecithin. And that is telling me and other pretty much.


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With supps we are generally all about the immediate, 'acute' effects, which is obviously all fine and dandy; with PA these may include increased hunger, muscle fullness, strength increase, etc (Im being somewhat loose with my use of 'acute' here, Im really just meaning anything in the short term ie within a month).

But something we may lose sight of are the long term benefits of a supp. To me, it is the long term benefits of supping with PA which are the most, well, beneficial. That is, the effects on mTOR. And these benefits may not manifest for months.

I guess its kind of like some of the short term effects some people experience with ArA, effects not everyone experiences, and effects which are not necessarily indicative of the long term benefits of supping with the ingredient.

The beauty here of soyl granule supplementation is that we can be relatively confident that long term continual use is not only safe, but actually preferrable if we are to maximally reap its benefits :)


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To me, it is the long term benefits of supping with PA which are the most, well, beneficial. The beauty here of soyl granule supplementation is that we can be relatively confident that long term continual use is not only safe, but actually preferrable if we are to maximally reap its benefits :)
The fantastic thing with PA/SOY L. , longer period you use it, better gains will be (longer period of activating mTOR=more gains).
And its Safe :)


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just bought some soy lecithin!!!!

you guys need to sell cars, lol!!!


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I'm curious to see when I start to notice anything out of a 2 tbsp per day dose. Does everyone here take it every day?

I just had an awesome workout a little bit ago with 2 tbsp. of SL, 6 X-Gels (1.5g ArA), 1 scoop of HemaVO2 Max, 200mg Caffeine and 5 caps of MyoSynergy :)

It was a quick 5 X 3 Power based workout with Squat and Bench, with high-rep (3 X 15) curls, face pulls and tri rope pushdowns.

No stomach discomfort so far :)


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I'm curious to see when I start to notice anything out of a 2 tbsp per day dose. Does everyone here take it every day?

No stomach discomfort so far :)

I think you have the right idea, starting your dosing quantity somewhat conservatively.

My own experience has been this. I initially dosed exclusively prewo, but eventually dosed ed once I was confident I was getting no gi issues. Also, with one theory as to the MoA of PA, dosing ed will have additional mTOR benefits (there is a recent murine study suggesting increased mTOR activity due to PA ingestion for subjects 'at rest' ie equivalent of off days for humans).

Its possible you may notice muscle fullness within a couple of weeks, and perhaps increased hunger. But dont be too deterred if these dont occur (the former sometimes requires higher dosing).


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If I can find cars to sell for a quarter a day, I'm sure I can sell the hell out of them.
i can't see there being much of a profit margin, lol!!!


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Just started today :). Do you recommend it every day?
I would recommend EVERYONE to take it everyday.
Even if it works even better with physical stressor such as training , It is "active" without physical stessor/s and there is a study showing that.
Take it everyday :)


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I would recommend EVERYONE to take it everyday.
Even if it works even better with physical stressor such as training , It is "active" without physical stessor/s and there is a study showing that.
Take it everyday :)
I concur. Even without a physical stressor, oral PA supplementation is able to increase PA and LPA levels (1.5g PA was used, which is certainly a realistic, easily achievable amount using soy lecithin). Unlike concentrated PA supplements, which seem to be at least $2 per day (the ones that list 750mg), lecithin is so cheap that there's no real reason not to take it every day. I don't think about 100 calories and <10g fat a day is going to deter too many people either.


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Fearn needs to get on this board and hire you guys as reps! :)


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I concur. Even without a physical stressor, oral PA supplementation is able to increase PA and LPA levels (1.5g PA was used, which is certainly a realistic, easily achievable amount using soy lecithin). Unlike concentrated PA supplements, which seem to be at least $2 per day (the ones that list 750mg), lecithin is so cheap that there's no real reason not to take it every day. I don't think about 100 calories and <10g fat a day is going to deter too many people either.
I love my 4g of PA .and EVERYDAY!
I had a break from PA but it is really difference when I am on this amazing ingredient.
I love the strenght gains,muscle fullness, sick appetite increase and generaly size gains.
If anyone want to see my PA results (pics) send me PM and I will gladly send

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