Is it worth going with injectable LGD if I'm stacking it with Oral Ostarine?


Before the "Ostarine is trash comments" - yeah, I know now. Fortunately I'm one of the dudes that have taken a few cycles with it and my bloodwork has been good. I have one bottle left, and just 3 pills short for an 8 week cycle.

I plan on LGD-4033 (dose TBD) + Ostarine 10 mg + Dermacrine for 8 weeks.

The question is, since I'm already taking an oral (the Ostarine), is there value with going with injectable LGD besides a lower dose being effective? Or just stick with the convenience of oral LGD at that point?
Stacking 2 compounds will always Provide more results than just using one compound.Given that the total milligrams are the same or higher.

Seeing how your only plan was 10mg of osta, I absolutely would add something else. Or if you get along with osta why not just use 20-40mg of osta?
Also injectable lgd dose wise requires the same amount as oral for the most part. 30-50mg a day was the sweet spot for me and most guys i kbow personally outside of the internetInvalid Link Removed
Stacking 2 compounds will always Provide more results than just using one compound.Given that the total milligrams are the same or higher.

Seeing how your only plan was 10mg of osta, I absolutely would add something else. Or if you get along with osta why not just use 20-40mg of osta?

Honestly I never really considering running Osta solo. I've run it with something as I read it was good for joints, and joints have always been a problem for me. But I also read that Osta isn't that strong compared to other SARMS. In fact that's something that always sets me back and pisses me off - I'll make decent gains with SARMS and the joints feel good. But each time after a cycle I get an injury and lose the gains healing. Getting old with numerous injuries in your youth sucks. I'm trying to get more of my lost muscle back before I'm too old for this s*#$. But for now, Gator don't play no s#$!

Last year I ran RAD-150 + LGD 4033 and liked it, then I just ran a mid dose of BPC-157 for a while after. That worked well and I didn't get injured afterwards.

I never ran LGD on it's own, I did run it with Osta and RAD. I was thinking with the low dose of Osta (10 mg) I could get a better idea of how well LGD works for me since when I ran it before it was equal doses each. BF is good now, I'm about 10% my goal is to bulk as cleanly as possible.
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Honestly I never really considering running Osta solo. I've run it with something as I read it was good for joints, and joints have always been a problem for me. But I also read that Osta isn't that strong compared to other SARMS. In fact that's something that always sets me back and pisses me off - I'll make decent gains with SARMS and the joints feel good. But each time after a cycle I get an injury and lose the gains healing. Getting old with numerous injuries in your youth sucks. I'm trying to get more of my lost muscle back before I'm too old for this s*#$. But for now, Gator don't play no s#$!

Last year I ran RAD-150 + LGD 4033 and liked it, then I just ran a mid dose of BPC-157 for a while after. That worked well and I didn't get injured afterwards.

I never ran LGD on it's own, I did run it with Osta and RAD. I was thinking with the low dose of Osta (10 mg) I could get a better idea of how well LGD works for me since when I ran it before it was equal doses each. BF is good now, I'm about 10% my goal is to bulk as cleanly as possible.
I would pick lgd over rad for a bulk. Maybe try 10+10 (lgd/osta) to start and make Adjustments as needed
Thanks @Smont. I remembered to use your code this time over at MA.

Most LGD I've taken is 30 mg last year. Most cycles though I really wasn't lean enough, and wound up using SARMS to cut down or recomp, which they did well. Problem was I was too lazy... not enough activity being an older dude with a desk job and kids. Getting lean wasn't an issue when I was younger, and I used the SARMS as a crutch. Now I've learned to up my activity and force myself to move around more and I am far more successful cutting without the crutch.

Current plan is the LGD with the Osta splashed in along with Dermacrine. The Osta starting on the 4th day because the stash is 3 short for 8 weeks.
Ostarine 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
LGD-4033 10 / 15 / 20 / 20 / 25 / 25 / 30 / 30

Of course, that could all go out the window depending if adjustments are needed.
Thanks @Smont.

Current plan is the LGD with the Osta splashed in along with Dermacrine. The Osta starting on the 4th day because the stash is 3 short for 8 weeks.
Ostarine 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10
LGD-4033 10 / 15 / 20 / 20 / 25 / 25 / 30 / 30

Of course, that could all go out the window depending if adjustments are needed.
Cool dude, hope everything goes smooth. I like that your keeping a eye to make mindfull adjustments as needed. Many guys write down the plan and stick to it no matter what goes right or wrong. Ive never understood that. Good luck