D Aspartic Acid & Negative side effects



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Well they were something within the normal range - but I'm not sure what.

When I was in the military - I'm sure the bloods they did on me checked for test levels - but I never cared that much to look at them. I always just "scanned" my bloods to look for anything flagged too high or too low - and test was never a problem either way. I do remember when I got diagnosed with anxiety - the Doc in Bahrain didn't believe that I would believe the diagnosis so he took a blood panel from hell just to prove to me that there was nothing physically wrong with me. I KNOW test was on that - and I seem to remember all the levels were within specs toward the upper 1/4th of the ranges.

But when I did my bloods in September, all my test levels were flagged "HIGH" and I was like months off a cycle and the only thing I had taken was DAA to account for it.

I'm 49 years old - be 50 in February.

I don't want anyone to think I'm saying that DAA will work for everyone like this - hell, I don't even know that it's working for me. Maybe my test shot up because I lift heavy, or because I'm a lot leaner now. Or it could be because I told the Doc's to all go **** themselves because I was going to eat red meat everyday.

Maybe the reason I don't suffer mental side effects is because I'm hopeless brain damaged already. LOL - I don't know.
well I can tell you I am 21 and I do not even have test levels as high as yours lol


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From the blood work I have gotten it is usually around 700
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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even if the risk is unknown? i know what will happen if a dumbbell drops on my foot...
u dont know which dumbell is gonna drop on your foot

might be the five. might be the hundred and five

is it really worth it?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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u guys riding that DAA high til 30 years later and u may get dementia from it or some other ish, s

highly unlikely

it doesnt even accumulate to any significant effect in areas of the brain that affect memory and cognition
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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my username was made in mind of the people who are addicted to supplements, not to be taken literal.

if patrick arnold was satisfy with DAA and gave him what he was looking for he would of stopped there, now he's on ursolic acid or whatever the hell its called. if i got everything i wanted from DAA why leave it to try something else? that shows me enough to know its not worth it if people still looking for the next miracle pill.

ford should have stopped with the model T. the nerve of them to continue to roll out new models.

you would think they were running a business or something


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highly unlikely

it doesnt even accumulate to any significant effect in areas of the brain that affect memory and cognition
taking in enough nicotine appears to help rejuvenate those NMDA receptors anyhow. so keep smoking while you use DAA


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ford should have stopped with the model T. the nerve of them to continue to roll out new models.

you would think they were running a business or something
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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and its not just Patrick, me going in blind I took ERASE cause there are no "side effects" then to come find out ERASE can mess with you cholesterol levels. hahahaha whether i do have high cholesterol or not thats something every should know.

App Nut or whoever made Lit Up, I was one of those guys who put my order on the pre-sale of Lit-Up, all the benefits from Lit-Up sounded GREAT and no side effects? Awesome! I bought in to there pitch and ordered it to later come find out that DAA's long term side effects are unknown. I feel u should put at least small print on your products if it can cause neurotoxicity or whatever the fuk DAA can cause. dont tell me no side effects man.

no side effects man.

except for GI distress in some people

that is what the reports have been pretty much since the stuff has been on the market. a side effect has to occur to a significant amount of people for it to be considered valid. an occasional guy that says the stuff made him cry while watching a movie doesnt count

now if you want to know what might happen after 30 years i cannot tell you that. because i do not have a time machine. but you would have to say the same for every supplement that has been introduced in recent years

i respect your descision not to take the stuff. others make their own educated choice. i am not trying to deceive anyone.


no side effects man.

except for GI distress in some people

now if you want to know what might happen after 30 years i cannot tell you that. because i do not have a time machine. but you would have to say the same for every supplement that has been introduced in recent years

i respect your descision not to take the stuff. others make their own educated choice. i am not trying to deceive anyone.
Agreed. I'd be more worried about hypervitaminosis from a multi than side effects from DAA.


no side effects man.

except for GI distress in some people

that is what the reports have been pretty much since the stuff has been on the market. a side effect has to occur to a significant amount of people for it to be considered valid. an occasional guy that says the stuff made him cry while watching a movie doesnt count

now if you want to know what might happen after 30 years i cannot tell you that. because i do not have a time machine. but you would have to say the same for every supplement that has been introduced in recent years

i respect your descision not to take the stuff. others make their own educated choice. i am not trying to deceive anyone.
i know man im just being a a-hole..


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Agreed. I'd be more worried about hypervitaminosis from a multi than side effects from DAA.
How can you attribute value to the side effects of DAA if they're not known.....?

You can't. So comparing the "worried factor" of x and y is pointless when no value can/has been attributed to one of the variables being discussed.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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How can you attribute value to the side effects of DAA if they're not known.....?
there dont appear to be any side effects other than GI distress

and obsession over big booty


i dont remember none of those benefits when i took lit-up man, might have to give daa another shot


How can you attribute value to the side effects of DAA if they're not known.....?

You can't. So comparing the "worried factor" of x and y is pointless when no value can/has been attributed to one of the variables being discussed.
It is perfectly relevant in this scenario. I'd be more worried about DEMONSTRATED negative effects of multivitamins on humans than negative effects of relatively high doses of DAA being INJECTED into the brains of rats.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Let me put it this way. When they run tests to determine if a drug is safe so that it can meet FDA approval they have a substantial amount of people take the drug for a year or so. Essentially, that is what has been done with DAA. And it is inarguable that it has passed the toxicity test

Yes, such a test does not predict what wild and crazy things can happen 30 years down the road but it is assumed that long term toxicity would be predicted by at least some short term symptom

So bottom line is DAA has for all intents and purposes succesfully passed the same test that the FDA would use to determine if a drug is safe for approval


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It is perfectly relevant in this scenario. I'd be more worried about DEMONSTRATED negative effects of multivitamins on humans than negative effects of relatively high doses of DAA being INJECTED into the brains of rats.
I was more interested in how you were attributing value to negative DAA side effects. I still hold by what I said, lack of research done on DAA makes a comparsion pointless. We know the negative effect of a MV on humans. We dont know the effect of DAA on humans when discussing negative side effects...

So of course you'd be more worried about something PROVEN versus something that has minimal research.

So no, I dont think any comparsion is relevant.

Im not saying DAA will have serious side effects, and im not saying it won't. Im saying its illogical to compare the risks of two things when you dont even know the risk of one product.

No comparsion is applicable because as everyone knows, the long term effects are unknown.


I was more interested in how you were attributing value to negative DAA side effects. I still hold by what I said, lack of research done on DAA makes a comparsion pointless. We know the negative effect of a MV on humans. We dont know the effect of DAA on humans when discussing negative side effects...

So of course you'd be more worried about something PROVEN versus something that has minimal research.

So no, I dont think any comparsion is relevant.

Im not saying DAA will have serious side effects, and im not saying it won't. Im saying its illogical to compare the risks of two things when you dont even know the risk of one product.

No comparsion is applicable because as everyone knows, the long term effects are unknown.
As are the long term effects of almost all supplements. Whether you think my comparison is relevant or not is irrelevant :D. It's just semantics at this point; you can pick apart my post however you want, but you know what I'm getting at: DAA is likely safe.


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As are the long term effects of almost all supplements. Whether you think my comparison is relevant or not is irrelevant :D. It's just semantics at this point; you can pick apart my post however you want, but you know what I'm getting at: DAA is likely safe.
Im not disagreeing with that and in fact made one of my points lol. Its silly to compare most products in terms of risk because as you said theres not much research.


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Let me put it this way. When they run tests to determine if a drug is safe so that it can meet FDA approval they have a substantial amount of people take the drug for a year or so. Essentially, that is what has been done with DAA. And it is inarguable that it has passed the toxicity test

Yes, such a test does not predict what wild and crazy things can happen 30 years down the road but it is assumed that long term toxicity would be predicted by at least some short term symptom

So bottom line is DAA has for all intents and purposes succesfully passed the same test that the FDA would use to determine if a drug is safe for approval
PA I have a question for you. Got some blood work after on DAA for 3.5 weeks probably about 6 months ago. Past total test had been around 700 with LH/FSH in the middle of normal. When I got my DAA blood work after being on it for 3.5 weeks my LH/FSH was very high normal..however my total test was lowered to 550 but my free test was a lot higher then it was when I got my blood work saying my test was 700. Is there any explanation for this drop in total test?


Damn Patrick, your a G hahahaha I was reading up on victor cont e for his involvement in boxing and i saw your name.


We need to phone up "Ross" from "SupremeSupplements" or whatever it's called and see what he thinks about DAA..... maybe him and his "scientist" nobody is allowed to talk to (you have to phone his secretary) can let us know what kind of saponins and extract % of DAA we need and if we need to get it from the stem or the plant or the leaf. We can also find out if he is including it in the newest "androgenerator" product.


We need to phone up "Ross" from "SupremeSupplements" or whatever it's called and see what he thinks about DAA..... maybe him and his "scientist" nobody is allowed to talk to (you have to phone his secretary) can let us know what kind of saponins and extract % of DAA we need and if we need to get it from the stem or the plant or the leaf. We can also find out if he is including it in the newest "androgenerator" product.
Repped, amazing post.


Repped, amazing post.
Bwahahaha! I was HOPING somebody would get that "joke".... I was at it with him years back on fitnessgeared.com and even on elitefitness.com, as well as on his own supreme sports supps board (now defunct???).... I was friendly with the guy at first, but God forbid when I corrected him, he'd go apeshyte with all sorts of responses that supposedly proved himself correct. Add to that his constant spamming, you end up getting the shytes of the guy real quick. I am proud to have been "banned" from his "board" way back when!


Pro Virili Parte
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App Nut or whoever made Lit Up, I was one of those guys who put my order on the pre-sale of Lit-Up, all the benefits from Lit-Up sounded GREAT and no side effects? Awesome! I bought in to there pitch and ordered it to later come find out that DAA's long term side effects are unknown. I feel u should put at least small print on your products if it can cause neurotoxicity or whatever the fuk DAA can cause. dont tell me no side effects man.

but thats what happens when ur put your trust in people and dont do your own homework and ridint that unicorn high trying find the next thing!
Perhaps app nut should list all side effects to all ingredients then right?

Such as..

Vitamin B1 - black stools, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, change in color of urine, frequent urination, diarrhea, redness of skin, itching, allergic reactions, itching and rashes, and the development of kidney stones
Copper Citrate - may lead to liver, kidney, or neurologic damage and symptoms including weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, kidney failure, pleural damage, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, learning disabilities, memory lapses, diminished concentration, insomnia, seizure, delirium, stuttering, hyperactivity, arthralgias, myalgias, hypertension, gingivitis, dermatitis, discoloration of skin/hair, preeclampsia, postpartum psychosis, weight gain, or transaminitis

Folic Acid - flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dermatologic conditions including rash, skin redness called erythema, and itching, alteration of sleep patterns, irritability and overactivity.


or perhaps app nut employees should come to your house and make sure each scoop is leveled and then personally cook all your food and go over all your food selection to ensure you dont get too much of any of the vitamins within lit up?

Or maybe.. just maybe.. you grow up and realize you are an adult and you are responsible for what you put in your body? App Nut did not deceive you or anyone in any way whatsoever. What is listed on the label is what is inside the product. DAA is on the label! If you didn't want to take DAA then you shouldn't have bought Lit up. If you weren't sure what DAA was, then you should have further researched it before blindly buying something and ingesting it without a second thought. You are responsible for yourself.. no one else is. Your complaint would only be valid if App Nut secretly put DAA in Lit up and didn't list it on the ingredient label BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You were aware Lit up contained DAA, you had the opportunity to research and determine if DAA was something you wanted to take and you made the decision to buy Lit up and take the product.

And to add.. the label does say " Seek the advice of a health care practitioner before use"

How about you take some personal responsibility for doing things YOU choose to do and not play the childish blame game and point fingers at others.

*Note* These are the views of JudoJosh and DO NOT reflect the views, opinions or statements of Applied Nutriceuticals..


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Perhaps app nut should list all side effects to all ingredients then right?

Such as..

Vitamin B1 - black stools, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, change in color of urine, frequent urination, diarrhea, redness of skin, itching, allergic reactions, itching and rashes, and the development of kidney stones
Copper Citrate - may lead to liver, kidney, or neurologic damage and symptoms including weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, kidney failure, pleural damage, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, learning disabilities, memory lapses, diminished concentration, insomnia, seizure, delirium, stuttering, hyperactivity, arthralgias, myalgias, hypertension, gingivitis, dermatitis, discoloration of skin/hair, preeclampsia, postpartum psychosis, weight gain, or transaminitis

Folic Acid - flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dermatologic conditions including rash, skin redness called erythema, and itching, alteration of sleep patterns, irritability and overactivity.


or perhaps app nut employees should come to your house and make sure each scoop is leveled and then personally cook all your food and go over all your food selection to ensure you dont get too much of any of the vitamins within lit up?

Or maybe.. just maybe.. you grow up and realize you are an adult and you are responsible for what you put in your body? App Nut did not deceive you or anyone in any way whatsoever. What is listed on the label is what is inside the product. DAA is on the label! If you didn't want to take DAA then you shouldn't have bought Lit up. If you weren't sure what DAA was, then you should have further researched it before blindly buying something and ingesting it without a second thought. You are responsible for yourself.. no one else is. Your complaint would only be valid if App Nut secretly put DAA in Lit up and didn't list it on the ingredient label BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You were aware Lit up contained DAA, you had the opportunity to research and determine if DAA was something you wanted to take and you made the decision to buy Lit up and take the product.

And to add.. the label does say " Seek the advice of a health care practitioner before use"

How about you take some personal responsibility for doing things YOU choose to do and not play the childish blame game and point fingers at others.

*Note* These are the views of JudoJosh and DO NOT reflect the views, opinions or statements of Applied Nutriceuticals..
He has since come around and said he might give DAA another shot so maybe he will take another perfectly level scoop ;)


Pro Virili Parte
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He has since come around and said he might give DAA another shot so maybe he will take another perfectly level scoop ;)
I haven't been following the entire thread just caught the post where he was quoted referencing lit up and app nut so I addressed those statements.


I dont take advice from a man who gropes other men as a sport.


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Perhaps app nut should list all side effects to all ingredients then right?

Such as..

Vitamin B1 - black stools, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, change in color of urine, frequent urination, diarrhea, redness of skin, itching, allergic reactions, itching and rashes, and the development of kidney stones
Copper Citrate - may lead to liver, kidney, or neurologic damage and symptoms including weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, kidney failure, pleural damage, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, learning disabilities, memory lapses, diminished concentration, insomnia, seizure, delirium, stuttering, hyperactivity, arthralgias, myalgias, hypertension, gingivitis, dermatitis, discoloration of skin/hair, preeclampsia, postpartum psychosis, weight gain, or transaminitis

Folic Acid - flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dermatologic conditions including rash, skin redness called erythema, and itching, alteration of sleep patterns, irritability and overactivity.


or perhaps app nut employees should come to your house and make sure each scoop is leveled and then personally cook all your food and go over all your food selection to ensure you dont get too much of any of the vitamins within lit up?

Or maybe.. just maybe.. you grow up and realize you are an adult and you are responsible for what you put in your body? App Nut did not deceive you or anyone in any way whatsoever. What is listed on the label is what is inside the product. DAA is on the label! If you didn't want to take DAA then you shouldn't have bought Lit up. If you weren't sure what DAA was, then you should have further researched it before blindly buying something and ingesting it without a second thought. You are responsible for yourself.. no one else is. Your complaint would only be valid if App Nut secretly put DAA in Lit up and didn't list it on the ingredient label BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You were aware Lit up contained DAA, you had the opportunity to research and determine if DAA was something you wanted to take and you made the decision to buy Lit up and take the product.

And to add.. the label does say " Seek the advice of a health care practitioner before use"

How about you take some personal responsibility for doing things YOU choose to do and not play the childish blame game and point fingers at others.

*Note* These are the views of JudoJosh and DO NOT reflect the views, opinions or statements of Applied Nutriceuticals..
Reps when I get to a comp :)


send me a sample of of your new and improved peach tea, judo boy. i dont want my teeth stained red again


Perhaps app nut should list all side effects to all ingredients then right?

Such as..

Vitamin B1 - black stools, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, change in color of urine, frequent urination, diarrhea, redness of skin, itching, allergic reactions, itching and rashes, and the development of kidney stones
Copper Citrate - may lead to liver, kidney, or neurologic damage and symptoms including weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, kidney failure, pleural damage, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, learning disabilities, memory lapses, diminished concentration, insomnia, seizure, delirium, stuttering, hyperactivity, arthralgias, myalgias, hypertension, gingivitis, dermatitis, discoloration of skin/hair, preeclampsia, postpartum psychosis, weight gain, or transaminitis

Folic Acid - flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dermatologic conditions including rash, skin redness called erythema, and itching, alteration of sleep patterns, irritability and overactivity.


or perhaps app nut employees should come to your house and make sure each scoop is leveled and then personally cook all your food and go over all your food selection to ensure you dont get too much of any of the vitamins within lit up?

Or maybe.. just maybe.. you grow up and realize you are an adult and you are responsible for what you put in your body? App Nut did not deceive you or anyone in any way whatsoever. What is listed on the label is what is inside the product. DAA is on the label! If you didn't want to take DAA then you shouldn't have bought Lit up. If you weren't sure what DAA was, then you should have further researched it before blindly buying something and ingesting it without a second thought. You are responsible for yourself.. no one else is. Your complaint would only be valid if App Nut secretly put DAA in Lit up and didn't list it on the ingredient label BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You were aware Lit up contained DAA, you had the opportunity to research and determine if DAA was something you wanted to take and you made the decision to buy Lit up and take the product.

And to add.. the label does say " Seek the advice of a health care practitioner before use"

How about you take some personal responsibility for doing things YOU choose to do and not play the childish blame game and point fingers at others.

*Note* These are the views of JudoJosh and DO NOT reflect the views, opinions or statements of Applied Nutriceuticals..
He said he'd comply if in addition to the above considerations one of the supplement reps also rubs his balls while he is servicing himself AND holds his pee-pee when he urinates.....then......and ONLY THEN.... will he take any of these dangerous supplements......


Pro Virili Parte
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Anyone use Pure Test before, during/after a cycle?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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PA I have a question for you. Got some blood work after on DAA for 3.5 weeks probably about 6 months ago. Past total test had been around 700 with LH/FSH in the middle of normal. When I got my DAA blood work after being on it for 3.5 weeks my LH/FSH was very high normal..however my total test was lowered to 550 but my free test was a lot higher then it was when I got my blood work saying my test was 700. Is there any explanation for this drop in total test?

was the test taken at the same time of day both days?


Never enough
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there dont appear to be any side effects other than GI distress

and obsession over big booty
but Patrick, i've seen a fair number of anxiety related side complaints. Granted they appear to primarily be with taking direct d-aspartic acid rather than the sodium or calcium aspartates. but I wouldn't say there aren't any other side effects. Granted the number affected by it is relatively low, but not 0.


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Perhaps app nut should list all side effects to all ingredients then right?

Such as..

Vitamin B1 - black stools, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, change in color of urine, frequent urination, diarrhea, redness of skin, itching, allergic reactions, itching and rashes, and the development of kidney stones
Copper Citrate - may lead to liver, kidney, or neurologic damage and symptoms including weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, kidney failure, pleural damage, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headache, learning disabilities, memory lapses, diminished concentration, insomnia, seizure, delirium, stuttering, hyperactivity, arthralgias, myalgias, hypertension, gingivitis, dermatitis, discoloration of skin/hair, preeclampsia, postpartum psychosis, weight gain, or transaminitis

Folic Acid - flatulence, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dermatologic conditions including rash, skin redness called erythema, and itching, alteration of sleep patterns, irritability and overactivity.


or perhaps app nut employees should come to your house and make sure each scoop is leveled and then personally cook all your food and go over all your food selection to ensure you dont get too much of any of the vitamins within lit up?

Or maybe.. just maybe.. you grow up and realize you are an adult and you are responsible for what you put in your body? App Nut did not deceive you or anyone in any way whatsoever. What is listed on the label is what is inside the product. DAA is on the label! If you didn't want to take DAA then you shouldn't have bought Lit up. If you weren't sure what DAA was, then you should have further researched it before blindly buying something and ingesting it without a second thought. You are responsible for yourself.. no one else is. Your complaint would only be valid if App Nut secretly put DAA in Lit up and didn't list it on the ingredient label BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You were aware Lit up contained DAA, you had the opportunity to research and determine if DAA was something you wanted to take and you made the decision to buy Lit up and take the product.

And to add.. the label does say " Seek the advice of a health care practitioner before use"

How about you take some personal responsibility for doing things YOU choose to do and not play the childish blame game and point fingers at others.

*Note* These are the views of JudoJosh and DO NOT reflect the views, opinions or statements of Applied Nutriceuticals..
more people were admitted to hospital emergency rooms for things related to multivitamins last year than have been admitted for steroid related in the last decade.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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but Patrick, i've seen a fair number of anxiety related side complaints. Granted they appear to primarily be with taking direct d-aspartic acid rather than the sodium or calcium aspartates. but I wouldn't say there aren't any other side effects. Granted the number affected by it is relatively low, but not 0.
i can give people placebo and get the same proportion of people that will say the stuff is making them anxious i bet

but you are right, you still count it. thats why drug companies have placebo arms in their studies to account for these things


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i can give people placebo and get the same proportion of people that will say the stuff is making them anxious i bet

but you are right, you still count it. thats why drug companies have placebo arms in their studies to account for these things
I gotta say is that if you're implying that anxiety is a poor (unreliable) reportable symptom, I agree. As you rightly pointed out, you can get the same thing from placebo. I mean, look at Cocaine; he's getting anxiety from just thinking about DAA! If someone could dig up a study that has data showing that DAA causes substantially more anxiety than placebo, then there might be something there (or maybe the study has yet to be conducted, I dont know).


I gotta say is that if you're implying that anxiety is a poor (unreliable) reportable symptom, I agree. As you rightly pointed out, you can get the same thing from placebo. I mean, look at Cocaine; he's getting anxiety from just thinking about DAA! If someone could dig up a study that has data showing that DAA causes substantially more anxiety than placebo, then there might be something there (or maybe the study has yet to be conducted, I dont know).


Once again, all supplements have side effects. I'd be more concerned about anxiety from preworkouts/stims than DAA.


if testforce2 wasent so expensive ill give that a shot.


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I gotta say is that if you're implying that anxiety is a poor (unreliable) reportable symptom, I agree. As you rightly pointed out, you can get the same thing from placebo. I mean, look at Cocaine; he's getting anxiety from just thinking about DAA! If someone could dig up a study that has data showing that DAA causes substantially more anxiety than placebo, then there might be something there (or maybe the study has yet to be conducted, I dont know).
But one of DAA's metabolites is nmda, which does have the MOA capable of causing it, which is documented.



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What is the benefit of using the sodium DAA as opposed to bulk DAA? Better solubility and less GI upset?

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