D Aspartic Acid & Negative side effects



I am anxiety prone myself and can say no supp I have taken except for Atrophex gave me anxiety.

DAA - didnt know I was taking anything
test boosters - no problem
pre workouts - no problem
Epi - decreased my anxiety significantly.
stims give me anxiety, i have especially noticed it with 1,3 dymeth


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when I took Nutra bulk DAA, I had anxiety. Cant say that sodum-d-aspartate ever did that though. Just goes to show you never know what an untested molecule(pure DAA) will do in your body.


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im on PCT and i bought some of Purus Labs D Pol. not my first go around with daa. i was wondering today what has been up with my attitude lately. i wasnt sure if my irritability was from just from going through PCT but now that i read through some responds to side effects im led to believe that the reasoning behind my short temper could be a side effect from the DAA. although its not quite like the aggression and alphaness from being on a real cycle.
Dude. your going though PCT.....your hormones are going crazy, I am sure you are also on a SERM, jsut came off a steroid, and are on a testbooster and your bodies working to start producing more test. this is going to happen. Be happy, you know its working.


im on PCT and i bought some of Purus Labs D Pol. not my first go around with daa. i was wondering today what has been up with my attitude lately. i wasnt sure if my irritability was from just from going through PCT but now that i read through some responds to side effects im led to believe that the reasoning behind my short temper could be a side effect from the DAA. although its not quite like the aggression and alphaness from being on a real cycle.
i noticed a fair bit of irritability/short temper while using DAA. nothing major though


Dude. your going though PCT.....your hormones are going crazy, I am sure you are also on a SERM, jsut came off a steroid, and are on a testbooster and your bodies working to start producing more test. this is going to happen. Be happy, you know its working.
im not bitchin, and yes, i always use a serm in PCT


i noticed a fair bit of irritability/short temper while using DAA. nothing major though
ive got a pretty short fuse anyway but i figured maybe the combo of the daa and pct could be makeing it a bit worse


Great thread guys, I was looking for some side effect facts on DAA and this was extremely informative. I'm prone to anxiety and on the 6-7th day of 3G of DAA (single morning dose on empty stomache) I felt some anxiety coming on pretty good. NOTHING compared to tren anxiety, which i experienced in my couple years of AS use back a decade ago....but noticeable. I took .25 of my (prescribed "as needed") Xanax, and I feel much better. Not 100% for sure it was the DAA, but I figure probably it was. With tren, I felt butterfly's in my stomache, nervous as hell, uneasy and pretty paranoid after a while on it. Of course i had to stop that, nothing worse than paranoia and extreme anxiety. But so long as the DAA anxiety is mild, and controlable with minor doses of prescribed benzo's.... I can deal with that. I started the DAA and have been on it for about a week, and added 3 caps of Erase starting today, along with 2 NOW L-dopa/Mucuna caps. Well I take more supps than that, but that is the protocol for this particular supplemention strategy. I do worry about the brain damage issues brought up, but as has been beaten to death in here.... there is no real proof of this at the dosages listed on the label. This seems to be a supplement with perhaps the most diverse side effects that vary from user to user I've seen in a couple of decades of sports supplementation. It's like night and day, and everywhere in between, going from post to post as far as sides go.


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the term excititoxin is really a misnomer. It assumes that all agonists of the NMDA receptor are neurotoxic no matter what the concentration. That obvoiusly is not true

Lack of NMDA agonists would surely **** your brain up as you can well imagine. Too much can be kill neurons. The question here is are we reaching the level of d-aspartic acid in the brain that is dangerous. There is no evidence that we are

'The question here is are we reaching the level of d-aspartic acid in the brain that is dangerous. There is no evidence that we are"

Agreed, but in lieu of present "evidence", are we supposed to use ourselves as guineau pigs until that evidence presents itself, at which point it will be too late?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Agreed, but in lieu of present "evidence", are we supposed to use ourselves as guineau pigs until that evidence presents itself, at which point it will be too late?


it's sad to know people will risk there bodies for little bit more results.

a lot of insecure people out there man hahahaha
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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it's sad to know people will risk there bodies for little bit more results.

its risky to go to the gym. you might drop a dumbbell on your foot

its best to hide under your bed


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it's sad to know people will risk there bodies for little bit more results.

a lot of insecure people out there man hahahaha
I wouldnt blame it on that...

People take pHs still...

A lot of it has to do with curiousity.


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its risky to go to the gym. you might drop a dumbbell on your foot

its best to hide under your bed
Lol come on PA.

Thats quite an extrapolation from his comment...
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Lol come on PA.

Thats quite an extrapolation from his comment...
well how about this

we shouldnt eat any whey protein because its loaded with glutamic acid (glutamate). Which is a known excitotoxin.

and we should remain under the bed too, just to be safe


Too many Yes men and followers in this world man hahaha,

i know the risks for drunk driving, i dont want to deal with a possible dui and/or hitting someone innocent so i tend to take a taxi.

its all fun and games til u have to deal with the consequences tho.
then yall crying like a lil bitch when the cops arrest u hahahaha

u guys riding that DAA high til 30 years later and u may get dementia from it or some other ish, then u wish u can go back in time and change that. adding 25 pounds to my bench isnt worth it, ill get the same pu$$y, my paycheck will be the same, it will not help u out in a fight without the unknown side effects


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it's sad to know people will risk there bodies for little bit more results.

a lot of insecure people out there man hahahaha
No man ever thrived without taking a few risks. Funny you should talk about people taking risks with that user name. LMAO! Sorry had to be the one. Hope this doesn't get your panties in a bunch just got a kick out of your comment.


New member
I been running DAA and I think is not a side effects


No man ever thrived without taking a few risks. Funny you should talk about people taking risks with that user name. LMAO! Sorry had to be the one. Hope this doesn't get your panties in a bunch just got a kick out of your comment.
my username was made in mind of the people who are addicted to supplements, not to be taken literal.

if patrick arnold was satisfy with DAA and gave him what he was looking for he would of stopped there, now he's on ursolic acid or whatever the hell its called. if i got everything i wanted from DAA why leave it to try something else? that shows me enough to know its not worth it if people still looking for the next miracle pill.

the same way obese people is addicted to food and crackheads are addicted to drugs you guys are addicted to finding the next thing, at the end of the day its not healthy man.

if your not satisfy with yourself then that insecurity, yall wasting car payment notes a month on supplements, i wonder whats the break-up/divorce rate for people like some of yall


& trust me I was once one of those guys always willing to try the next craze on here.. but when u look at your bank account and evaluate how much your actually spending then workout couple months without taking half the shyt u take and notice not a thing changed u come to realize it aint worth it.

after everything your body balances out and your back to square one. your running in circles man. i take my "essentials" and mess with a product here n there, i dont feel healthy popping 20 pills a day, gotta be grateful i dont have too at the moment so why volunteer to do it? haha


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my username was made in mind of the people who are addicted to supplements, not to be taken literal.

if patrick arnold was satisfy with DAA and gave him what he was looking for he would of stopped there, now he's on ursolic acid or whatever the hell its called. if i got everything i wanted from DAA why leave it to try something else? that shows me enough to know its not worth it if people still looking for the next miracle pill.

the same way obese people is addicted to food and crackheads are addicted to drugs you guys are addicted to finding the next thing, at the end of the day its not healthy man.

if your not satisfy with yourself then that insecurity, yall wasting car payment notes a month on supplements, i wonder whats the break-up/divorce rate for people like some of yall
Correct, there is no substitute for hard work. Matter of fact I should have gone back and read what you were even commenting on, just thought it was funny to see a comment like that from COCAINE. No harm meant, and some of us aren't spending our car notes... And some of us wouldn't be hurt by dropping 150 a month into a little added motivation with hopes of getting a boost. :)


No man ever thrived without taking a few risks. Funny you should talk about people taking risks with that user name. LMAO! Sorry had to be the one. Hope this doesn't get your panties in a bunch just got a kick out of your comment.
stick your dik raw into some fine unknown pu$$y, that high is great til u bust your nutt and question if u just caught something man hahaha


I somewhat with agree with cokepwo it's all about money, you can't blame anyone for wanting money. That being said why risk it when there is numerous other ways to go that are proven safer and more conventional. Idk risk reward blah blah my brain is more important than my bicep


Correct, there is no substitute for hard work. Matter of fact I should have gone back and read what you were even commenting on, just thought it was funny to see a comment like that from COCAINE. No harm meant, and some of us aren't spending our car notes... And some of us wouldn't be hurt by dropping 150 a month into a little added motivation with hopes of getting a boost. :)
150 is my limit, and i been browsing on here long enough to know 150 a month is the minimal to a lot of people on here.. people spend $300+/month on here man no lie. I seen couple people who spend $150 a month on JUST BCAA n shyt hahaha


this "hobby" is inherently risky/unhealthy lets be honest. We use unknown substances much of the time that we really have no idea what they do or don't do for us/to us, we eat protein which is healthy but we eat too much of it, we take EFA's but then go eat a bunch of steak full of bad fat, we lift dangerously heavy weights that can injure us, we "burn fat" by elevating our heart rates (probably)too much with stims, etc etc.....if you *****foot around all the time maybe its not for you.


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& trust me I was once one of those guys always willing to try the next craze on here.. but when u look at your bank account and evaluate how much your actually spending then workout couple months without taking half the shyt u take and notice not a thing changed u come to realize it aint worth it.

after everything your body balances out and your back to square one. your running in circles man. i take my "essentials" and mess with a product here n there, i dont feel healthy popping 20 pills a day, gotta be grateful i dont have too at the moment so why volunteer to do it? haha
If your bank account is small enough to suffer from supplements then I think evaluating your gains to expense is the least of your worries. :)


  • RockStar
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150 is my limit, and i been browsing on here long enough to know 150 a month is the minimal to a lot of people on here.. people spend $300+/month on here man no lie. I seen couple people who spend $150 a month on JUST BCAA n shyt hahaha
agreed this is absurd, just thought spiking a debate would get some added testosterone for your next workout! Thank me later!


this "hobby" is inherently risky/unhealthy lets be honest. We use unknown substances much of the time that we really have no idea what they do or don't do for us/to us, we eat protein which is healthy but we eat too much of it, we take EFA's but then go eat a bunch of steak full of bad fat, we lift dangerously heavy weights that can injure us, we "burn fat" by elevating our heart rates (probably)too much with stims, etc etc.....if you *****foot around all the time maybe its not for you.
i dont know man, this isnt a hobby for me, i lift and do cardio to live a healthy lifestyle, im not one of those stand infront of the mirror with a thong on and flexing my glutes at your local Golds Gym type dude.

other than high-fives from your gym broz and rep points on anabolicminds, i dont see the difference between a 18inch bicep and a 28inch one other than lost of range of motion and a harder time to wipe your ass


i dont know man, this isnt a hobby for me, i lift and do cardio to live a healthy lifestyle, im not one of those stand infront of the mirror with a thong on and flexing my glutes at your local Golds Gym type dude.

other than high-fives from your gym broz and rep points on anabolicminds, i dont see the difference between a 18inch bicep and a 28inch one other than lost of range of motion and a harder time to wipe your ass
I agree with you for the most part, I think you are over the top with it, but yeah....you need to set some limits on this stuff. I see protein and even BCAA & aminos as "food costs" though. Hell even vites and mins can be seen as normal expenses like coffee or tums or toothpaste. so the only real extra expense are things like test boosters, estrogen supps, new fangled supplement of the month and the like. I know if I did not take whey once or twice a day I'd be eating something or other spending money on that. but you need to put a cap on the extra spending on all the exotic stuff or you could end up in the poorhouse. and like you say, you won't look that much better in the long run most likely with much of this stuff.


its risky to go to the gym. you might drop a dumbbell on your foot

its best to hide under your bed
its funny this one of the people who makes supplements on here, people quote you like the Bible on here man, there is people who are trusting there own bodies for unknown supplements cause he says u can get gains from it.

if u feel the unknown side effects DAA can have on your brain is equivalent to risking your body by going to the gym and dropping a dumbbell on your foot then im scared to try anything u endorsed.

u poking fun at me like if im some type of agoraphobic cause i rather not risk my brain for the best 12 days of lifting you'll ever get cause of DAA.

your are willing to risk your body, Patrick. I'm not if I dont know what the risks are. we are two different people, thats why i cant follow u like most on here cause i aint willing to go down that dark alley.


and its not just Patrick, me going in blind I took ERASE cause there are no "side effects" then to come find out ERASE can mess with you cholesterol levels. hahahaha whether i do have high cholesterol or not thats something every should know.

App Nut or whoever made Lit Up, I was one of those guys who put my order on the pre-sale of Lit-Up, all the benefits from Lit-Up sounded GREAT and no side effects? Awesome! I bought in to there pitch and ordered it to later come find out that DAA's long term side effects are unknown. I feel u should put at least small print on your products if it can cause neurotoxicity or whatever the fuk DAA can cause. dont tell me no side effects man.

but thats what happens when ur put your trust in people and dont do your own homework and ridint that unicorn high trying find the next thing!


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my username was made in mind of the people who are addicted to supplements, not to be taken literal.

if patrick arnold was satisfy with DAA and gave him what he was looking for he would of stopped there, now he's on ursolic acid or whatever the hell its called. if i got everything i wanted from DAA why leave it to try something else? that shows me enough to know its not worth it if people still looking for the next miracle pill.

the same way obese people is addicted to food and crackheads are addicted to drugs you guys are addicted to finding the next thing, at the end of the day its not healthy man.

if your not satisfy with yourself then that insecurity, yall wasting car payment notes a month on supplements, i wonder whats the break-up/divorce rate for people like some of yall
I wonder what your literacy rate is cause "yall" posts are painful to read......

Btw $150 a month is a lot lol. I do maybe $350 a year....


I wonder what your literacy rate is cause "yall" posts are painful to read......

Btw $150 a month is a lot lol. I do maybe $350 a year....
u understood what i wrote tho, right? that's all that matters dork


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and its not just Patrick, me going in blind I took ERASE cause there are no "side effects" then to come find out ERASE can mess with you cholesterol levels. hahahaha whether i do have high cholesterol or not thats something every should know.

App Nut or whoever made Lit Up, I was one of those guys who put my order on the pre-sale of Lit-Up, all the benefits from Lit-Up sounded GREAT and no side effects? Awesome! I bought in to there pitch and ordered it to later come find out that DAA's long term side effects are unknown. I feel u should put at least small print on your products if it can cause neurotoxicity or whatever the fuk DAA can cause. dont tell me no side effects man.

but thats what happens when ur put your trust in people and dont do your own homework and ridint that unicorn high trying find the next thing!
There are very few compounds that we know long term side effects for. This includes thing we eat in our food, supplements, drugs, etc. You are right there are a lot of unknowns but I would rather live my life and enjoy it than be worried about every little long term side effect that MIGHT happen from using DAA for 30 days out of a year. Live your life how you choose and stop putting others down because you feel the way you live your life is superior.


There are very few compounds that we know long term side effects for. This includes thing we eat in our food, supplements, drugs, etc. You are right there are a lot of unknowns but I would rather live my life and enjoy it than be worried about every little long term side effect that MIGHT happen from using DAA for 30 days out of a year. Live your life how you choose and stop putting others down because you feel the way you live your life is superior.
im not worried cause I dont put myself in the position to worry tho. you shouldn't be posting on anabolicminds if you worried enough that u blacked out your face tho.


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For me, DAA is a staple.

I've been taking 6 grams a day since at least mid-May. In fact, I was off and on it for all of this year before that even - but since May I've been on it steady. First on TestForce 2, then the NutraPlanet DAA (which dissolves like ****), and now Formula X (which I LOVE!).

The only negative effects I've had are:

1. I had my free and total testosterone levels come back HIGH in a blood test I did in September. My total test was 950 ng/ml and my free was 34 ng/ml.

I can live with that side effect.

2. I have developed the "hots" for this fat girl I see in the gym each morning. Her ass is as big as Jupiter - but it looks like heaven to me!


I will be cycling off it in January though - but not because I think it's harmful - just because I think my body will adapt to it and it won't be effective if I run it all the time.


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u understood what i wrote tho, right? that's all that matters dork
No. Proper grammar matters also.

I cant but help to think you're trolling by this point.


For me, DAA is a staple.

I've been taking 6 grams a day since at least mid-May. In fact, I was off and on it for all of this year before that even - but since May I've been on it steady. First on TestForce 2, then the NutraPlanet DAA (which dissolves like ****), and now Formula X (which I LOVE!).

The only negative effects I've had are:

1. I had my free and total testosterone levels come back HIGH in a blood test I did in September. My total test was 950 ng/ml and my free was 34 ng/ml.

I can live with that side effect.

2. I have developed the "hots" for this fat girl I see in the gym each morning. Her ass is as big as Jupiter - but it looks like heaven to me!


I will be cycling off it in January though - but not because I think it's harmful - just because I think my body will adapt to it and it won't be effective if I run it all the time.
haha thats awesome.

what was your total test before you ever took DAA?


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im not worried cause I dont put myself in the position to worry tho. you shouldn't be posting on anabolicminds if you worried enough that u blacked out your face tho.
I blacked out my face because this is the internet lol that has nothing to do with this topic.


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AI Sports sells it too, but I wouldn't say the sides are the same. Outside of the anxiety yes. And the anxiety doesn't affect a lot of people true, but a fair number, and particularly people who follow the more is better and dose higher. It is very effective though, and if you keep doses reasonable (or comically if you smoke cigarettes ) the anxiety isn't likely to be an issue.
Like I said, I take 6 grams a day and have been six months - I think that's pretty high.

But I don't feel any anxiety and, I was diagnosed with anxiety one time - but that was when I was in the war zone in Iraq.

A lot of these compounds just don't affect me the way they do some. Like many people say Yohimbine will give them wood that lasts for days - but for me, absolutely NO pro-sexual sides on that one dammit. Same with Cabergoline ... na da.

I thought (emphasis on "thought") I saw Pat Arnold post somewhere that he used his own Testforce for like six months straight at about 6 grams a day ...

So I figured the stuff would be okay to use like that and I have ever since.

I have no problems with it - no anxiety ... no sides other than I want to **** anything that moves and I can get real aggressive with the weights in the gym.


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For me, DAA is a staple.

I've been taking 6 grams a day since at least mid-May. In fact, I was off and on it for all of this year before that even - but since May I've been on it steady. First on TestForce 2, then the NutraPlanet DAA (which dissolves like ****), and now Formula X (which I LOVE!).

The only negative effects I've had are:

1. I had my free and total testosterone levels come back HIGH in a blood test I did in September. My total test was 950 ng/ml and my free was 34 ng/ml.

I can live with that side effect.

2. I have developed the "hots" for this fat girl I see in the gym each morning. Her ass is as big as Jupiter - but it looks like heaven to me!


I will be cycling off it in January though - but not because I think it's harmful - just because I think my body will adapt to it and it won't be effective if I run it all the time.
Good results from the blood work. What were your baseline values and did you use an AI?


For me, DAA is a staple.

I've been taking 6 grams a day since at least mid-May. In fact, I was off and on it for all of this year before that even - but since May I've been on it steady. First on TestForce 2, then the NutraPlanet DAA (which dissolves like ****), and now Formula X (which I LOVE!).

The only negative effects I've had are:

1. I had my free and total testosterone levels come back HIGH in a blood test I did in September. My total test was 950 ng/ml and my free was 34 ng/ml.

I can live with that side effect.

2. I have developed the "hots" for this fat girl I see in the gym each morning. Her ass is as big as Jupiter - but it looks like heaven to me!


I will be cycling off it in January though - but not because I think it's harmful - just because I think my body will adapt to it and it won't be effective if I run it all the time.
I'm no scientist, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the sudden interest in fat-assed women has a direct correlation to the out of control testosterone results. Forget about brain damage warnings, they need to put "might cause an interest in women with huge asses" as a warning on this DAA stuff.


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even if the risk is unknown? i know what will happen if a dumbbell drops on my foot...
if there is factual existence that the risk exists, and known obvious and moderately common side effects exist unless the reward is significantly high, it's not worth the chance.


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haha thats awesome.

what was your total test before you ever took DAA?
Well they were something within the normal range - but I'm not sure what.

When I was in the military - I'm sure the bloods they did on me checked for test levels - but I never cared that much to look at them. I always just "scanned" my bloods to look for anything flagged too high or too low - and test was never a problem either way. I do remember when I got diagnosed with anxiety - the Doc in Bahrain didn't believe that I would believe the diagnosis so he took a blood panel from hell just to prove to me that there was nothing physically wrong with me. I KNOW test was on that - and I seem to remember all the levels were within specs toward the upper 1/4th of the ranges.

But when I did my bloods in September, all my test levels were flagged "HIGH" and I was like months off a cycle and the only thing I had taken was DAA to account for it.

I'm 49 years old - be 50 in February.

I don't want anyone to think I'm saying that DAA will work for everyone like this - hell, I don't even know that it's working for me. Maybe my test shot up because I lift heavy, or because I'm a lot leaner now. Or it could be because I told the Doc's to all go **** themselves because I was going to eat red meat everyday.

Maybe the reason I don't suffer mental side effects is because I'm hopeless brain damaged already. LOL - I don't know.

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