A new chapter...RickRock's path on the "DARK SIDE" begins...



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nice workout man! todays my off day then i have that workout tomorrow :p definitely doing tbar rows and definitely doing closegrip bench, im excited haha
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Good work man!

One thing I am not sure if it has been mentioned is trying to always end on a negative(very slow) . That is an extra half rep you are missing if you don't.

If you fought like hell to get that last rep up and know there isn't going to be another end on a super, and I mean super slow negative.


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Bis are one of the groups that seriously benefit from that, in my experience.


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Good work man!

One thing I am not sure if it has been mentioned is trying to always end on a negative(very slow) . That is an extra half rep you are missing if you don't.

If you fought like hell to get that last rep up and know there isn't going to be another end on a super, and I mean super slow negative.
Yeh man, I did my best to make sure I did that finishing on a very slow negative. Though I will admit, it is a bit unorthodox and not what I've been used to doing in the past, so I did miss doing that on a couple exercises. I'm sure I will get to the point where it will be natural to finish on the negative, but for now I just need to really think through the whole exercise to make sure I'm doing everything 100% the best I can with the breaths, the form, and the negatives
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Absolutely it all takes time. Then it becomes second nature and you just go into robot mode lol. That's why I always tell people to at least run 3 blasts before making any decisions on if they like the program or not. Seems like most people who don't like it are doing it wrong.

All this DC talk made me do some rest paused rack chins the other day. Lol


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lol nice frank, and yeah i think im gonna stick with it, at least for a little while, i doubt id end up just randomly stopping especially once i really get started in the states:) im not used to ending on negatives either but i feel like it makes really good sense to do it


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Dude I'm in this cycle your on you will probably gain at least 20 pounds of solid muscle good luck can't wait too see the end results.


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Day 7

Weight: 172.5 (+7.5)

Dosed 45mg EPI
Dosed 3mg albuterol

Yesterday was pretty much a big cheat day rest day for me. Me and the family were gone all day to a water park and my food was pretty much limited to what was available there. I had pizza, burgers, stuff like that...No cardio or any exercise to speak of. Just loose eating and recovery. I'm definitely filling out more and looking bigger as my weight keep creeping up. There is a little bloat, but its surprisingly not too terrible. I got quite a few stares at the water park, so I think I'm on the right track. My wife was getting a little jealous of all the ladies that were staring at me. Anyway you look at it, it was a nice ego boost at least...

Today will be a burn day, and my diet should be pretty tight and in check overall. I will probably end up around 2200 cals with carbs fairly low (<70g).

My cardio session today went excellent. I think i got a nice endurance increase from the albuterol. Even though I had a nice long session and was sweating buckets, I felt like i could just go forever. It was pretty sweet...

30 minutes treadmill run @7.5 MPH

40 minutes treadmill incline walking 3.5 MPH @ 10% incline

Total distance 6.2 miles

Total burn 1037 cals

Next pin is tomorrow, and I'm also increasing EPI to 60mg :sgrin:


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Good update bro, I'm at a water park with the family right now. The extra stares are nice aren't they! 7.5 is awesome bro, keep it up!


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pmed you rick :rambo:


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Coach told me he was subbing


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Great progress so far buddy. Your right on track


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Yah I like the ego boost, it's fun .. my wife is not so keen either :)


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Subbed to this!


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Oh oh here we go!! Awesome log so far brother and can't wait to see your final pictures. Man I'd kill to have a bf that would get some attention.

Day 7

Weight: 172.5 (+7.5)

Dosed 45mg EPI
Dosed 3mg albuterol

Yesterday was pretty much a big cheat day rest day for me. Me and the family were gone all day to a water park and my food was pretty much limited to what was available there. I had pizza, burgers, stuff like that...No cardio or any exercise to speak of. Just loose eating and recovery. I'm definitely filling out more and looking bigger as my weight keep creeping up. There is a little bloat, but its surprisingly not too terrible. I got quite a few stares at the water park, so I think I'm on the right track. My wife was getting a little jealous of all the ladies that were staring at me. Anyway you look at it, it was a nice ego boost at least...

Today will be a burn day, and my diet should be pretty tight and in check overall. I will probably end up around 2200 cals with carbs fairly low (<70g).

My cardio session today went excellent. I think i got a nice endurance increase from the albuterol. Even though I had a nice long session and was sweating buckets, I felt like i could just go forever. It was pretty sweet...

30 minutes treadmill run @7.5 MPH

40 minutes treadmill incline walking 3.5 MPH @ 10% incline

Total distance 6.2 miles

Total burn 1037 cals

Next pin is tomorrow, and I'm also increasing EPI to 60mg :sgrin:


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Alright, here will be by workout layout with my different rotating exercises for DC...


Workout A

Hammer strength chest press (11-15rp)
DB shoulder press (20-30rp)
Close grip smith bench (11-20rp)
Chins (11-20rp)
Tbar rows (10-12 reps straight set x2)

Workout B

Incline smith bench press (11-15rp)
Smith military press (11-20rp)
Skullcrushers (11-20rp)
Close grip Lat pulldowns (11-15rp)
DB rows (10-12 straight reps x2)

Workout C

DB bench press (20-30rp)
Upright rows (11-20rp)
Triceps machine-reverse preachers (11-20rp)
Front Lat pulldowns (11-15rp)
Deadlift (6-9 reps then 9-12 reps straight sets)


Workout A

Squats (6-10 rep set, then 20 rep widow maker set)
Seated calf raise (10-12 rep set w/ enhanced negatives)
Leg curls (15-30rp)
Alternate DB curls (11-20rp)
DB hammer curls (10-20 reps straight set)

Workout B

Hack squat (6-10 rep set, then 20 rep widowmaker)
Standing calf raise machine (10-12 rep set w/ enhanced negatives)
Lying leg curls (15-30rp)
BB curls (11-20rp)
Pinwheel curls (10-20 reps straight set)

Workout C

Leg press (6-10 reps, then 20 rep widowmaker)
Leg press toe raise (10-12 reps w/ enhanced negative)
Sumo ham leg press (15-25 straight reps)
Ez bar preachers (11-20rp)
Reverse grip one arm cable curls (10-20 reps straight set)
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Exercise selection looks pretty good. Any reason you changed the order on lower days? The widow you really want to be the last thing you do since it's so taxing.


Is the typical order.


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Interestingly enough, I switch arms and legs the same way he has. I think it's primarily because at some point I read an article about how working your legs has been shown to induce a release of testosterone in your body, so some people I've talked to on DC have put legs first in order to try and get a more successful arm workout from the benefits of a heightened testosterone level.

Could be complete bunk. On those days, I finish my leg sets, do arms, and then hit the widowmaker after arms. Allows me to get considerably more reps on the WM, but at the same time, since it's not following quads directly, the fascia tearing and hypertrophy might not be as beneficial. Would like to find that article again and ask Dante or Skip or Homonunculus about it.


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Exercise selection looks pretty good. Any reason you changed the order on lower days? The widow you really want to be the last thing you do since it's so taxing.


Is the typical order.

No reason I switched the order, other than I normally start with larger muscle groups and end with the smaller ones. Now that you point that out it makes sense though, and probably the way i will do it.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Interestingly enough, I switch arms and legs the same way he has. I think it's primarily because at some point I read an article about how working your legs has been shown to induce a release of testosterone in your body, so some people I've talked to on DC have put legs first in order to try and get a more successful arm workout from the benefits of a heightened testosterone level.

Could be complete bunk. On those days, I finish my leg sets, do arms, and then hit the widowmaker after arms. Allows me to get considerably more reps on the WM, but at the same time, since it's not following quads directly, the fascia tearing and hypertrophy might not be as beneficial. Would like to find that article again and ask Dante or Skip or Homonunculus about it.
Why would you need to ask Dante anything? He came up with the order. Heh If he thought there was a better order he would have revised it to reflect that.

Notice back thickness is also last ;)

Secondly do you think someone on exogenous test is going to benefit from this logic?

Lastly let's assume this increase in test actually translates into results(I don't really buy it) . Do you think you need the test increase to happen prior to doing biceps to reap the benefits? You would still get the increase minutes later while the muscle is beginning to recover.

I dunno. When I do a widowmaker I wanna lay on the floor and go home. Lol


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RR your volume is insane man. I need to hulk up and start increasing my volume of things. I keep sticking with 4 exercises per body part with range of 8-10 reps.


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RR your volume is insane man. I need to hulk up and start increasing my volume of things. I keep sticking with 4 exercises per body part with range of 8-10 reps.
It may look like a lot but the volume on this is actually quite low. Since its only one working set (devided into 3 mini-sets) per exercise, its really pretty low in volume. 45 minutes a session, and bam its done!


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I just feel I got to change it up some. I've learned a lot from you and other's on here on routines. I get bored easliy lol.


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Day 8

Weight: 172.5 (+7.5)

Dosed 60mg EPI

Well, due to the holiday my gym was closed today. So instead of doing my workout today I did cardio instead and made it another burn day. I am kinda curved to switch Monday and Tuesday so tomorrow will be my workout and then I will do another workout Wednesday to put me back on track.

I do my pins very early in the morning, and also missed doing that this morning. I will pin tomorrow morning instead. I don't exactly want to pin when everyone in my house is up and running around for obvious reasons.

So...cardio today was a lot like yesterdays today.

30 minutes @ 7.5 MPH treadmill

40 minutes 3.5 MPH @10% incline

1015 cals burned

6.2 miles distance

I've been a little more loose (bit not too much) with my diet on burn days while I'm concentrating on muscle gain. If i see bodyfat climbing too much I will dial it back. Today I enjoyed a nice 14oz steak for my fast breaker with a sweet potato along with some Greek yogurt and 2 scoops of whey.. Tonight is 12oz chicken breast and veggies with another sweet potato :food:


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Day 8

Weight: 172.5 (+7.5)

Dosed 60mg EPI

Well, due to the holiday my gym was closed today. So instead of doing my workout today I did cardio instead and made it another burn day. I am kinda curved to switch Monday and Tuesday so tomorrow will be my workout and then I will do another workout Wednesday to put me back on track.

I do my pins very early in the morning, and also missed doing that this morning. I will pin tomorrow morning instead. I don't exactly want to pin when everyone in my house is up and running around for obvious reasons.

So...cardio today was a lot like yesterdays today.

30 minutes @ 7.5 MPH treadmill

40 minutes 3.5 MPH @10% incline

1015 cals burned

6.2 miles distance

I've been a little more loose (bit not too much) with my diet on burn days while I'm concentrating on muscle gain. If i see bodyfat climbing too much I will dial it back. Today I enjoyed a nice 14oz steak for my fast breaker with a sweet potato along with some Greek yogurt and 2 scoops of whey.. Tonight is 12oz chicken breast and veggies with another sweet potato :food:
Day 8 up 7.5?! You sand bagging SOB! Hi my names Rick I gain a pound of muscle a day, its no big deal... Lol!!!

Did my first blast today and let me say this i'm dropping incline DB chest. Its way too much to get 95's up that cashed my past rest pause almost resulted in a rest get it up smashed face smh...

Awesome work brother! Now I know what you mean by in the beginning not feeling like you did enough


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Day 9

Weight: 172 (+7)

Dosed 60mg Epi
pinned 250mg Test E
pinned 250mg Masteron E

Well, today my weight was down just a tad, but I kinda expected that if not more after having a couple burn days in a row. I am trying to deal with the bloat the best that I can, but it seems that even low carb burn days with cardio arent cleaning it up enough to be noticeable. This is probably just the way its going to be for a while until I get on the Forma in a few weeks.

I must be improving my pinning technique, because today was my 3rd inject and it went the best yet. That first one was painful (used the drawing needle), the second one there was just slight pain, and this 3rd one I did very slow and kept the needle very still and I can barely even tell that I did a pin. So, at least I know I'm getting better at it!

Todays DC workout went great, and I can definitely say that saving quads for the end of the session is a very smart move. That widowmaker set is taxing as a mofo and left me pretty much spent as I picked myself up and dragged myself out of the gym! Another thing i will comment on is the calf raises. These are no focking joke! You spend 5 seconds with your calves fully flexed in the rep positive then a very slow controlled negative to a full 20 seconds as far negative as you can go basically pointing your toes to your shins. this burned big time and I think I misjudged the weight I should use even though I lowered what I typically use quite a bit. I can see how these will make your calves grow quite a bit! Even though I did 245 on squats my last workout, I decided to do 225 today. I wasnt happy with my form, deepness, and the negative from that weight so I lowered it a little as I'm still trying to find the starting weights that work best on some exercises. 225 is now my starting weight for reps on squats, and will probably go to 235 next workout.


Alternate DB Curls
50sx11x4x3 (rest pause) +10lbs from last workout

DB hammer curls
50sx11 (straight set- one rep increase from last workout)

Seated Calf Raise (Straight set-enhanced negative)

Leg Curls (rest, pause)
180x11x4x3 (+2 reps from last workout)

Squats (straight sets)
185x20 (widowmaker)


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Killing it as expected and it looks like you are learning a sh1t load about DC training.

All very good things.

The pins should be getting easier and you will comfortable doing them quickly without much soreness at all.

Up 7? Gylcogen so far. Let's start putting on some mass. I bet at the water park you were getting nothing but stares. Funny thing, I used to run at a park with a girlfriend of mine and I got stares from the ladies all the time, but honestly the guys stared even more but it was a different stare. More like a "don't fock my girlfriend stare" and kids....they stare even worse. Ha ha.

Keep at it and I'm still following, I've just been slammed though.


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Killing it as expected and it looks like you are learning a sh1t load about DC training.

All very good things.

The pins should be getting easier and you will comfortable doing them quickly without much soreness at all.

Up 7? Gylcogen so far. Let's start putting on some mass. I bet at the water park you were getting nothing but stares. Funny thing, I used to run at a park with a girlfriend of mine and I got stares from the ladies all the time, but honestly the guys stared even more but it was a different stare. More like a "don't fock my girlfriend stare" and kids....they stare even worse. Ha ha.

Keep at it and I'm still following, I've just been slammed though.
Good to see you back in here again Morry. Yes...I've gained quite a bit of glycogen and water weight here right off the bat. There may be a little muscle gain in there, but I'm betting its negligible in the scope of the 7 (now 8 today :sgrin:) lbs of weight gained so far.

I'm ready to really start building the muscle now that the glycogen and water gas been retained. I figure I have to either be at complete saturation or damn close to it, so gains from here forward should either be muscle or fat. I'm hoping to make that 90% muscle with the diet and training regiment I have set up. The next few weeks should be pretty fun!

I definitely got a lot of stares from guys at the water park too. Mostly the look of jealousy in one way or another. I caught a couple guys that you could tell go to the gym somewhat, looking at me and then looking down at their arms...lol There was a ton of people there, and while I wasn't the biggest guy there, I definitely had the best physique without question.

Pins are definitely getting easier and I'm betting within a couple weeks it will be painless and second nature ;)


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No side effects to note as of yet?


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No side effects to note as of yet?
No sides at all so far. Typically from EPI the only side effect I get is dry and sore joints after a few weeks. There may be quite a bit less of that this time and less drying out because of the test I'm thinking. Time will tell, but implanting on keeping the EPI dosage high at 60mg


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No sides at all so far. Typically from EPI the only side effect I get is dry and sore joints after a few weeks. There may be quite a bit less of that this time and less drying out because of the test I'm thinking. Time will tell, but implanting on keeping the EPI dosage high at 60mg
So jealous dude... Wish I could pin! Keep rocking it Rickrock!


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Good stuff Rick, gotta love the Widow Makers! I think things are going to be crazy for you here pretty soon. I am getting leaner but bigger all in one. Of course you will probably only get bigger since you are already leaner than I am.


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So jealous dude... Wish I could pin! Keep rocking it Rickrock!
Thanks man! I'm enjoying it so far!

Looking good in here. Man those calf raises sound like they would SUCK. Lol
Thanks for the kind words man. Them calf raises are absolutely BRUTAL for real! Almost made me cry they burned so much...lol

Quads are the best. Easy and less pain.
I'm digging the location though I dont have experience pinning anywhere else for comparison. I feel like I have a lot of control pinning quads too since you can use both hands easy

Good stuff Rick, gotta love the Widow Makers! I think things are going to be crazy for you here pretty soon. I am getting leaner but bigger all in one. Of course you will probably only get bigger since you are already leaner than I am.
Hell yeh bro! The widowmakers made me want to crawl when I was done.

I'm hoping you are right, and i just start blowing up. Ive already gained a very nice amount of fullness, but there is quite a bit of bloat too. Even with hard flexing my abs look pretty blurry. You can still see the definition all there, but the cuts and seperation are washed out for sure. If all goes according to plan, i will gain a good amount of size within the next month or so, and then I can switch to more of a recomp with emphasis on shredding up so I can really peak well and shine by the end of July to beginning of August when the cycle ends :D


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Day 10

Weight: 173 (+8)

dosed 60mg Epi

Weight is still creeping up and I have to figure that I'm pretty full of glycogen and water right now and at my saturation point. With all the bloat, I actually dont look that bad. Abs are obviously washed out, but overall I look pretty good and still lean. I'm sure I have probably gained a little bodyfat, but I'm sure its not much. Its tough to tell with the water retention. my plan is to get a good 3 point caliper measurement this weekend to see where I am at and possibly take some progress pics as well. I will be at the 2 week mark then, and that is when I pretty much planned on checking bodyfat, measurements, and taking pics. a very good positive is my fullness. With a good pump, I look bigger than I ever have.

Todays gym session and DC workout was the best one yet. I'm really starting to get the hang of things I think and I seriously am enjoying the hell out of this routine. I went up on weight on everything that I previously did, so the progression is working very well. I dont suspect any strength gains from the any of the AAS or Epi yet, so the progression is just a result of the program here initially IMO. as we get into next week the strength gains should come as Epi usually hits me hard on the 3rd week with strength. I've really been concentrating during the negatives on all the exercises and making sure my form stays as good as possible also....then I've done all the extreme stretching to the textbook as well. Needless to say I'm pretty excited about what the next few weeks brings!!

chest/Shoulders/Triceps/Back width/Back Thickness

Smith machine Incline press (rest pause)
170x11x4x2 (+10lbs)

Smith machine Military press (rest pause)
150x10x4x2 (+10lbs)

Skullcrushers (rest, pause)
105x10x4x3 (starting weight)

Close Grip lat pulldowns (rest, pause)
190x11x4x3 (+10lbs)

DB Rows (straight sets)


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Nice work!


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We need more half naked pictures of you, Rick. Completely homo.


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We need more half naked pictures of you, Rick. Completely homo.
Who said half-naked? I'm going full frontal!!...lol :gay:


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Good work man. I loved DC when I did it for my SD cycle. You are looking good keep it up!


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Good work man. I loved DC when I did it for my SD cycle. You are looking good keep it up!
Thanks bro! DC has been great so far, and I'm sure it will only get better. I'm pretty stoked to see what the future brings!
