A Legal Gear Christmas: T-911, BC+EAA, Lipotropic Protein (Sponsored)



The BPS Rep
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I can think of something worse, a guy doing rotator cuff rehab with an elastic band tied to a squat rack. He was lucky I've only seen him doing it once or else

Great log Resolve, I haven't quite made it to the one you were running before, I was there but only in the backstage ;)

I'd love to run T-911 but at the moment, the only way to achieve that is to move to the US. The Aussie customs are annoyingly strict
Hey Dragonfly! Thanks for joining in! Don't worry about my last log - I was really impressed by MP stuff overall, but I'm just glad to have you along for this one!

Dreanweaver - Holy cow, that sounds like the PERFECT match to run along with T-911! :Sigh: Now I gotta another awesome stack to debate with myself over... :D


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Dreanweaver - Holy cow, that sounds like the PERFECT match to run along with T-911! :Sigh: Now I gotta another awesome stack to debate with myself over... :D
I know, I am hoping there is synergy... Prime does not raise Test and 911 does. So I am hoping they work through different means. Maybe when the research om Prime comes out from Penn State we will know more.


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Yo Resolvester, how’s the leaning process going? I’m curious, where are you at now. Not sure if your one of those guys who don’t weigh back in till the end or what , are you having very noticeable differences?


The BPS Rep
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My "official" weight update will be tomorrow. I weigh myself every Monday on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. However, just for you Lifter, I weighed myself right now.

With breakfast and at least a liter and a half of water in me I clocked in at 247.6. That's a large increase over my last weigh-in, but as I said, I've got several pounds of food and water in my gut.

Leaning-out-wise I cannot tell much of a difference. I'll try to post pics with Tomorrow's update and you can see for yourself.
With the routine I'm doing right now, diet becomes very touchy - my main focus is really making sure I'm eating enough. Insufficient calories right now equals almost immediate over-training. I'll adjust calories a little bit if I find I have to, but maintaining recovery and fueling hypertrophy right now is priority one.


Advanced Muscle Science Rep
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Kicking ass and taking names with this log..Keep up the good work!


Advanced Muscle Science Rep
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John! Haven't seen you in a while! Thanks for joining in man! :D

I'm wearing out that gym bag you sent me!
Well im glad your getting some use out it...I use the heck out mine too..Mines plum full of goodies


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My "official" weight update will be tomorrow. I weigh myself every Monday on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. However, just for you Lifter, I weighed myself right now.

With breakfast and at least a liter and a half of water in me I clocked in at 247.6. That's a large increase over my last weigh-in, but as I said, I've got several pounds of food and water in my gut.

Leaning-out-wise I cannot tell much of a difference. I'll try to post pics with Tomorrow's update and you can see for yourself.
With the routine I'm doing right now, diet becomes very touchy - my main focus is really making sure I'm eating enough. Insufficient calories right now equals almost immediate over-training. I'll adjust calories a little bit if I find I have to, but maintaining recovery and fueling hypertrophy right now is priority one.
And who says im not Important?!:lol: hahahaha


The BPS Rep
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Well im glad your getting some use out it...I use the heck out mine too..Mines plum full of goodies
As an AMS rep I can only imagine the fun stuff your's is loaded with! :Trying not to be jealous: ;)

Hey Lifter - Your Avy looks like something from Warhammer - is that where you found it? I had roomies who worshipped that game...


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Resolve, I'm thinking about doing two a day's for a week before I go on vacation and have to struggle to be able to workout.


The BPS Rep
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Resolve, I'm thinking about doing two a day's for a week before I go on vacation and have to struggle to be able to workout.
Ok, search around the forum, there're a couple of threads that have come up recently on it. Or you could just PM me if you got questions...

Gears of War brotha...
Oh, never played that, heard it's good though.


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Days 13 and 14

I swear I have never felt so recovered so quickly. I'm practically antsy to be back in the gym - full of anticipation, I can't wait to bash my body with heavy objects. Yesterday I woke up somewhat stiff, but by the end of the day I was fine. Today it's like I've taken a week off from lifting - I'm fresh and ready to go.

T-911 has continued at 3tabs per day. BC+EAA I'm of course saving for intra-workout, though I did have some BCAAs in conjunction with a couple of my meals to stimulate a little extra protein synthesis.

Protein powder has been used creatively, and the more I use it, the more I like gemma. It is much more versatile than whey. I made a "protein brownie" with the chocolate today and I've never had better. Just two scoops, 2Tbsp PB, 1/4C Milk, a dash of stevia and a pinch of baking powder - microwave for 2+ minutes and your set. It even had a cakey, brownie-like texture - not gooey like when I've made them with whey. Pretty comparable to a real brownie and there's nothing even remotely like a "cheat" in it at all.

Had some friends over; you know, spreading the Holiday cheer! Played some Rummy and Great Dalmuti - good times.
But today, my wife and I went with my folks to their churches Christmas program; oh my it was bad. I mean sure, I understand they're just members up there and I like these kind of campy, corny things, but this was beyond campy and corny. This was...well, I had a great time just cracking up at all the little kids forgetting lines and singing off key (there was even a little blonde dude rapping while the choir sang "In Excelsis Deo!"). So, it was bad, but I had a blast none-the-less...


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Hey Dragonfly! Thanks for joining in! Don't worry about my last log - I was really impressed by MP stuff overall, but I'm just glad to have you along for this one!
My pleasure Resolve, looks like a fun ride

Was curious, how much yohimbine is there per caps T-911, any idea ?


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Protein brownies sound great right now. It's early but i could wash some down with some milk and feel great! I'm gonna have to try that out!


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The label does not disclose that. In effects, however, it's enough to perk you up a litte, but doesn't "stim you out." My guess is around 10mg, but maybe a rep could corroborate?
I might be able to get a ball park figure, but it must be minimal due to the lack of stim like effects on me, although I do take it with food.


The BPS Rep
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I PM'd LegalGear as was suggested about the EAA in Anadraulic State and he was very quick to answer (10g), so if it's important to you, Dragonfly, PM'ing him would probably be the quickest way to find out.

On an unrelated note: I received an email this morning that the first batch of LG's Protein is now out of stock. The next batch will not be in until the end of January - such mournful tidings :(

But, when it is in, it will be the "new, improved" flavors! So, if the protein is something you're interested in and you missed out on the first round, just wait, cuz things are only gonna get better!

Irish Cannon

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The label does not disclose that. In effects, however, it's enough to perk you up a litte, but doesn't "stim you out." My guess is around 10mg, but maybe a rep could corroborate?
10mg!:eek: - Probably more like 3-5mg. Maybe less.

That stuff cracked me out in the beginning. LG's Y is so strong!

Irish Cannon

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What type of Y was it? I've tried a few kinds; 11-hydroxy, bark extract, Y-hcl...They all have different potencies. I forget what LG uses, but like I said and you have mentioned, their's is by far the strongest. I have a feeling it's less, but stronger extract. The amount in mg is all relative to the potency.


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Thanks to both of you Resolve and Irish, got another question, in your experience guys, what form of Y was the most potent ?


The BPS Rep
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I've only used Y-HCL. Any quality purified active would be more potent and safer than just the bark extract. 11-hydroxy is supposed to have twice the half-life of the HCL, but is a bit pricier and I always just took Yohimbine for a pre-workout stim, so I didn't need it's effects to last 6-8hrs.


The BPS Rep
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Day 15 - Squats Galore!

Edit: I forgot to mention - I weighed in this morning at 242 - a net increase of 2lbs from my starting weight.

Ugh. Now I remember why these workouts are at the beginning of the week - there is no way I could do this at the end of a week of training. Nope. None. I am dead. Ugh again.

T-911: I will continue with 3tabs through this week, then base my plan of action on how many tab I have left. Strength, libido, and mood are steadfast in their high positions. I have begun experiencing little euphoric "rushes" at the end of my workouts - I get this feeling of incredible well-being and satisfaction, almost like an oxytocin rush after sex. It's very pleasant. :D

BC+EAA: I'm running out of my sponsored bottle already! But, at 4 servings a day, that is to be expected. Good thing I picked up another one in my LG order, huh? I'll be breaking that one open tomorrow.

Protein: Nothing new to report - I continue to use it post-workout and throughout the day when I need a quick nitrogen boost.

AM Workout: 5x4 Supersets

Military Press: 210 (PR!)
Front Squats: 300 (PR!)

Wide-Grip Chins: 3xBW+100, 1xBW+75
Lying DB Triceps Extensions: 90lb DBs

BB Calf Raises: 405 (6sec eccentric)
Hanging Leg Raises: BW+10

The first rule of two-a-days is don't go to failure ever. Well, I didn't go there, but I went a little close on those front squats and MPs I think. Increasing volume AND weight just didn't feel optimum. Therefore:
This week I will focus on increasing volume rather than weight moved as my primary form of progress.
If I feel capable of adding weight, I will, but I will not allow myself to overtrain. I am still feeling great, just very fatigued, and I am proud that I finally hit the 300lb mark for my front squats, and that my other movements have increased.

PM Workout: Holy Crap it's 3x12 Supersets and my arms and quads just exploded all over the mirror!

ATG Squats: 2x295, 1x275
Incline DB Press: 1x105, 2x100

Narrow-Grip Chins: BW
Cable Triceps Pressdowns: 140

Leg-Press Calf Raises: 600 (6sec eccentric)
Reverse Crunches

Because of this morning's front squats, my legs were done by the time I finished 2 sets of squats tonight and opted to lighten the load a little for my 3rd set rather than continue with 295 and come up short of 12reps. Same with Incline Press, after the first set at 105, I could just feel that I wouldn't be able to hit 12 again. Considering that this was a hypertrophy focused workout, that's fine with me - I can work on increasing my weight in those final sets in the future. There's always room for improvement.:thumbsup:


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Good weight on the front squats man! Impressive log! Love the detail!


  • RockStar
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Those front squats are outstanding!! I am speechless. DB extensions with 90 lbs...wtf! Must be some serious guns involved here. Your weights across the board show no weak body parts. Solid work R.


The BPS Rep
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My shoulders and legs are weaker than I would like them - but I'm getting there.

I'd also like to get my arms bigger - they were at about 18.5 inches cold last time I measured them and I like to add another 1.5inches on there (what guy wouldn't?). They keep getting stronger, but growth is slow...


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Front squats are brutal
. Nice work Resolve !


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Hey resolve, have you tried LG's speed or lipoburn? A store I go to has a pack with each one on sale for cheap! Its on the discount rack! I want to buy it! They aren't carrying LG anymore!


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210 shoulder press weak? I think you will be happy with them soon. Lookin' good R.


The BPS Rep
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Thanks everybody! I am quite happy with the progress I'm making - It's one step at a time, but I'm gettin' there!

Strength runs in my family and in comparison to some of my Dad's and Uncles' lifts, I'm a baby. My dad could shoulder press over 300 and I've seen him deadlift cars and fridges like they were nothing. One of my uncles used to box-squat with 600+lb for sets!

I am however, MUCH leaner than they were; they were straight-up powerlifters; I consider myself a "strength athlete" - lifting is the discipline I pursue to both get stronger and better conditioned.


The BPS Rep
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Bravoboy- sorry haven't tried either product. If they're cheap and you're planning to recomp sometime soon, they'd probably be a good addition. Lipoburn's topical right? That'd be best to save until the last month or two of cutting.

I know LG just came out with Speed V2, so maybe the store you went to is making room for the new formula?


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Thanks everybody! I am quite happy with the progress I'm making - It's one step at a time, but I'm gettin' there!

Strength runs in my family and in comparison to some of my Dad's and Uncles' lifts, I'm a baby. My dad could shoulder press over 300 and I've seen him deadlift cars and fridges like they were nothing. One of my uncles used to box-squat with 600+lb for sets!

I am however, MUCH leaner than they were; they were straight-up powerlifters; I consider myself a "strength athlete" - lifting is the discipline I pursue to both get stronger and better conditioned.
Do your dad and uncle still pound it up?


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Hey, watch that 50's being too old stuff. j/k


The BPS Rep
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Haha - I know better than to say they're too old to lift, what with you squatting so much!

My Dad's old injuries just bugged him too much and other responsibilities kind of forced him to give up the sport. My uncles? Well, beer, pie and espn is a lot easier than heavy barbells...


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It's easy for me. I have a 17 yr old playing 2 sports and we push one another.


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Probably the best times we have. His legs are stronger than mine.


The BPS Rep
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Day 16 AM and PM

Another day, another 5000cals, another 50+ deadlifts... Good times. I am feeling less drained tonight than previously; I changed up my routine slightly and man, it made a large difference. I'd been thinking about my PM sessions and, whether I intended them to be or not, they are very much "pump" workouts. And while I don't particularly shoot for that when lifting, on my current regimen I can definitely see the "pumps" that I am getting as a benefit. If I lifted purely to achieve that feeling of muscle fullness, it'd be less than optimum, but when coupled with my strength-focused sessions in the mornings, it's fine.
Therefore, rather than fight it, I decided to run with it. I'll be mixing things up, therefore, and slowly my motions down during PM sets to maximize that aspect of the workout. For example: tonight I substituted DB RDLs for BB RDLs and slowed my eccentric drastically. Now, they didn't have nearly enough weight and this ended up being more of a metabolic, cardio movement, but it gives you an idea of what I mean.

T-911: Through both workouts today I just felt goooood. I'm moving very heavy objects all around and I was having no problems; downright enjoying it even. Mood was and is happy and I get turned on at the drop of a hat. BW has been VERY accommodating and helpful with this last aspect; I think she like's my libido like this.

BC+EAA: Cracked open the second tub today. 4 more servings gone! Seriously, you mix the stuff with carbs and vitC and it tastes great, fairly comparable to Intra-Aid, IIRC.

Protein: Do yourself a favor: mix the chocolate with milk and a few grams of your carb of choice and enjoy post-workout. Good grief it's amazing. I sat in the spa while drinking this and it was bliss, but it could just be because I was freaking starving post-workout (dang T-911!) and was incredibly happy to have anything. Still, it was very enjoyable.

AM Workout: 5x3Supersets

Deadlifts: 455
Dips: BW+105

Wide-Grip Pronated Cable Rows: 285
Hammer Curls: 80lb DBs (No cheating, honest!!!)

Seated Calf Raises: 280
Cable Vertical External Rotations: 70

Both dips and deads were feeling easier, and as the sets progressed it seemed I warmed up to the weight even better, so that my final sets were stronger than my first. The curls were a total surprise - I couldn't remember how much I used last week, so I just grabbed a DB and started curling. I didn't know it was a 10lb increase until I got home! External rotations were good - haven't done them seriously for a while, but I'm glad I'm incorporating them now. They work the traps and shoulders well, in addition to the rotator cuff of course.

PM Workout: 3x14 Supersets

DB RDLs: 120lb DBs (biggest they had... :( )
Decline DB Press: 100x14, 100x14, 100x10

Narrow-grip Pronated Seated Rows: 210
BB Curls: 110, 110, 100

Lateral Raises: 30 w/4sec eccentric
Wide-angled Seated Calf Raises: 180

BW says my arms were about the biggest she's ever seen them after finished that row/curl superset. The pump, once again, began to be debilitating, resulting in a slightly lowered final set.
The RDLs were a joke - it was more akin to cardio; just got my heart rate up but that was about it. Oh well, now I know. I just thought "hey, DBs offer a greater range of motion; maybe if I slow them down that will compensate for the lack of weight and work my hammies better!" Uh-uh, not true: that hypothesis came back entirely unsupported.
I'm alert and energetic now, though - no intense DLs = much less fatigue. No surprise there. :)


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Dips and hammers have me speechless...daayam!
Question: Do you feel your recovery has improved? I am feeling much better the day after my leg w/o than usual.

Irish Cannon

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So I got back home today and opened my package from LG. I looked at the bottle of MMV2 and realized that Yohimbene is in it! :eek: - I wasn't expecting that.

My box had two T-shirts in it. :woohoo: - A "L" and "XL"

New routine kicks off tomorrow. Thanks again for the help, Resolve.


  • RockStar
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Then this will be perfect for me. My age really hampers my ability to recover. That's great, thanks R.

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