A Legal Gear Christmas: T-911, BC+EAA, Lipotropic Protein (Sponsored)



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So I got back home today and opened my package from LG. I looked at the bottle of MMV2 and realized that Yohimbene is in it! :eek: - I wasn't expecting that.

My box had two T-shirts in it. :woohoo: - A "L" and "XL"

New routine kicks off tomorrow. Thanks again for the help, Resolve.
haha nice man! Is the Yohimbene ok? Also 2 tshirts! haha lucky man!


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I managed to get a shirt for BW as well as myself - she wears it to the gym so all the guys know she's hardcore. :p

I know very little about MMV2, or any PH for that matter. I have heard that it's mild in sides and effective for fat-loss, but that's about it. Definitely looking forward to that log of yours man!


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Yeah Irish, I'm interested as well. I have been looking at MMV2 for cycle myself.

Irish Cannon

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haha nice man! Is the Yohimbene ok? Also 2 tshirts! haha lucky man!
Honestly, I would much rather it be left out. It's in SO MANY products that LG Sciences has, it makes it very difficult to (1) Dose high, and (2) stack with other LG Science products. That's A LOT of yohimbene I'll be taking in if I'm doing MMV2 + T-911. It just sounds like too much. Your Y is so strong, too. It gives me pretty horrible shrinkage, too, which kind of annoys me.

I really think it's overdone in a lot of LG products. It's just not necessary. I like dosing my designers Morning/Pre-wo, Afternoon, Night, but I can't dose at night with Y in it. Same with T-911. I like spreading out my AIs between morning and night, but again, with the Y, I can't do that.

IMO, the only product that should have the Y in it is Speed, and MAYBE the Cold Fusion. Definitely not the PHs, pSARM, or T-911. I'll probably have to go with another AI during my MMV2 run because of this.

I know very little about MMV2, or any PH for that matter. I have heard that it's mild in sides and effective for fat-loss, but that's about it. Definitely looking forward to that log of yours man!
The MMV2 won't be ran until mid-Feb, but I've got my X-Dream log up right now, and I'll have another starting this week as well with another member on the forum. It's going to be EPIC!


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Yeah you are correct about it limiting stacking ability. LG might have to look into this.


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My god man, those #'s are impressive. 80lb hammer curls?! Beast!!!


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Day 17

Thank you for the encouragement all.

I thought my dips were pretty good too until I saw a guy dip w/ the 120lb DB for sets of 12. Since then, not so much. :)

Anyways, yesterday was a recovery day. Appetite is HUGE! I can't keep myself satiated. Continued with 3tabs of T-911. No BC+EAA (Surprise!). I made another protein brownie; replaced the PB with coconut. It was a real treat, a little less moist than with the PB, but the flavor was great.

Finished up my Christmas shopping and started work on my next workout routine, after I'm done with my current one. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a fan of high frequency training. However, to change things up, I'm considering going over from total body routines twice a day to a total body split; i.e. some parts in the AM, the others in the PM. This would allow me to hit each part with higher intensity, which would be a nice change. It would also allow me to continue to work each muscle group quite often. I'll post up a tentative program when it's written, and I would appreciate any critique and suggestions you all may have!


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Be careful with that appetite buddy, you don't want to become.........



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Resolve, what are your times for the 3 a day dosing? I will be bumping mine to 3 next week and was just curious.


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Dude. I didn't know you had a log going. I would have subbed from the very start if I had. Let me know these things. I just don't go looking around the board shopping for logs to sub to. I'm subbed to like 20+ already. LOL I'm going to be starting up some T-911 in the near future. So this is cool for reference.

Keep hittin' dat heavy stuff bro!! :dl::squat::clean:


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Dude. I didn't know you had a log going. I would have subbed from the very start if I had. Let me know these things. I just don't go looking around the board shopping for logs to sub to. I'm subbed to like 20+ already. LOL I'm going to be starting up some T-911 in the near future. So this is cool for reference.

Keep hittin' dat heavy stuff bro!! :dl::squat::clean:
Hah I was thining of T-911 too... maybe stacking it with prime.


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Be careful with that appetite buddy, you don't want to become.........

:lol: I'm hoping all the lifting I'm doing will prevent that... I think I'm even leaning out a bit despite my enormous meals.

Resolve, what are your times for the 3 a day dosing? I will be bumping mine to 3 next week and was just curious.
First tab is at ~8am, second at Noon, 3rd at 4pm. 1st and 3rd tabs are both preworkout, 2nd is situated about an hour in between two meals. With one workout/day you could spread it out a bit more though without problem, I'm sure. :)

Dude. I didn't know you had a log going. I would have subbed from the very start if I had. Let me know these things. I just don't go looking around the board shopping for logs to sub to. I'm subbed to like 20+ already. LOL I'm going to be starting up some T-911 in the near future. So this is cool for reference.

Keep hittin' dat heavy stuff bro!! :dl::squat::clean:
Why thank you TG! I honestly didn't know you'd be interested, but it's my pleasure to have ya! This log's gathering quite a respectable following - I'm more accustomed to just having hooligans like MrChristian and Irish Cannon along for the ride! ;)

Also, this isn't an official update yet guys, that'll still come later, but this morning I was doing sets of ATG squats at 365! That was my 3RM two weeks ago and now I can do 5sets of 3! :woohoo:


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I love results!!


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Day 18

Alright, guys, I had a whole beautiful post just about written out and my computer turned off on me! So, here is a bare bones idea of what went on yesterday:

After my PM workout I went with a bunch of relatives to look at Christmas lights, a family tradition. By the time I got home at about 10:20, I was too tired to post.

AM Workout: 5x3 Supersets

Weighted Narrow-Grip Chins: BW+100
Overhead Cable Triceps Extensions: 90 per arm

ATG Squats: 365
Reverse Crunches

Incline Bench: 275
Leg Press Calf Raises: 780

I used a new mentality with those squats: before performing each rep I told myself: "you're just doing a single; just do one perfect single." And it worked - I had a much easier time mentally than when I prep up for a set of three as a whole. I think I'll be using this for low volume sets from now on, it really helps.

PM Workout: 3x14 Supersets

Wide-Grip Chins: BW
Skull-Crushers: 115

Front Squats: 225, 225, 205
DB Shoulder Press: 75lb DBs

Wide-Angled BB Calf Raises: 365
Bicycle Crunches

I very much wanted to puke during the front squat/shoulder press superset: ugh that works up some major lactic acid. And they totally drained me of all remaining energy, I was dead from there on out.

A bit of a quick post; my update on today will be more in-depth, I'm just running short on time right now. :)


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Nice w/o R. Incline 275 is moving some weight. Question: Did you notice alot of difference when you upped the dose from 2 to 3 e/d? I am going to 3 tomorrow and was curious.


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I've felt a little bit of "dry joints" in some old injuries. No other side effects. Appetite increased more, libido rose more; I seem able to withstand higher volumes without pushing myself too hard.


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Thanks R!

Irish Cannon

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Man, you guys are all getting appetite increases, huh? That's the one thing that T-911 didn't give me. I had trouble eating post-workout. Maybe I was just going through a little phase at the same time and it was coincidence.


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Man, you guys are all getting appetite increases, huh? That's the one thing that T-911 didn't give me. I had trouble eating post-workout. Maybe I was just going through a little phase at the same time and it was coincidence.
Could also have been the yohimbine. The MMV2 didn't exactly increase my appetite either. But I do love dat stuff!! I can force-feed no problem at all.


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Could also have been the yohimbine. The MMV2 didn't exactly increase my appetite either. But I do love dat stuff!! I can force-feed no problem at all.
I can force feed myself, but I do not like it one bit. Sitting there, staring at the food, knowing you need it but every ounce of your being wants you to just put the fork down. I hate that feeling. Fortunately, that's not my problem, usually it's staying full, but that's a whole other story...

Daily update coming shortly guys!


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I have been force feeding alot lately....not anymore on this stuff. 3 doses tomorrow....yeah buddy!!


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Day 19

I like today. It was good. I woke up still tired as hell from toting around my 3-year-old brother-in-law on my shoulders all night. Lemme tell ya, he may only weigh 30-40lb, but after back squats yesterday morning and front squats last night, he felt like a truck on my neck. Good thing he's cute, or I might have left him there. :D
Anyways, I woke up tired, but once I got moving about I was fine. Really enjoyed both workouts - pushed myself hard and now I'm kicking back and enjoying that well-earned fatigue.

T-911: I believe I am acclimating to this. It's effects are still as present as ever (appetite, libido, strength, recovery), but not as pronounced. The bottle is also beginning to look a little bare. Good thing I ordered another one to run in February, huh (along with some Anadraulic State!)? :head:

BC+EAA: I have been having practically no soreness. I mean sure, I was stiff, tired and weak as hell last night, but my muscles didn't hurt, they just no longer worked. :) I realize that amino acids only partially attribute to recovery and that they contribute heavily to triggering and sustaining protein synthesis, delaying cortisol secretion and even activating some nootropic effects, but dammit, the soreness thing I can immediately feel and make note of! The cortisol suppression I can comment on as well, I suppose, as I have been gaining steadily, but that is much harder to judge quantifiably.

Protein: Too many darn calories in my diet for it too be lipotropic, but I am going to be doing a little tweaking to both my diet and training plan this weekend. BW and I have made a huge dent in both containers of protein and I'd have ordered more already, but there isn't supposed to be anymore until next year :jaw:. That batch sold out quick!

I-GH-1: This was a life-saver last night. With how tired I was, I know that my performance in the gym this morning would have suffered if not without a little help while I slumbered. In conjunction with ZMA, this stuff provides great sleep. I know it's supposed to be used pre-workout as well, but let's face it, I too much of a carb-whore for that to be realistic.

AM Workout: 5x4 Supersets

Flat Bench: 315
Narrow-Grip Supinated Cable Rows: 290

RDLs: 455
Reverse Cable Curs: 170

Wide-Angle Seated Calf Raises: 280 (6sec eccentric)
Cable Straight-Arm External Rotations: 70

It was FREEZING out this morning and that meant that I had to warm up a LOT for this workout. Even with 3 good warmup sets of both bench and rows and some jump-jacks, my first set of each was rough. But as the workout progressed, I loosened up and my last bench set was actually better than my first.
RDLs were hard, but getting easier - my grip is growing more accustomed to the heavier weights, methinks. And that makes a world of difference.

PM Workout: 3x12 Supersets

Cable Bench Press: 100lb per side
Wide-Grip Supinated Cable Rows: 225

Sumo Deadlifts: 225, 315, 315
Seated Incline Curls: 50lb DBs

Seated Calf Raises: 225 (3sec eccentric)
Lateral Raise: 30, 30, 40

I actually had a good time at the gym for a change. Usually, it's me surrounded by a hoard of soccer moms with boob-jobs and metrosexuals doing DB continentals while standing on one foot on a bosu ball (I wish that weren't true...). Tonight, however, it was a bunch of middle-aged to older guys in there who knew what they were doing!!
I started chatting with one guy who was probably in his 40s (he was MASSIVE, kinda guy you know has cycled some serious stuff) and he was telling me about his time as a powerlifter. I also got a tip for loading/unloading the bar for DLs: throw a 45 on either side and then roll the side your loading onto a 2.5lb plate. It raises the bar just that much more so all the rest of the plates slide on nice and smooth. Very handy.
Those Sumo DLs are weird; put a lot of stress on my hip muscles, I could feel it. Grip is different too. I went with lighter weight to accustom myself to it. Definitely like OlyDLs better, but I'll probably use Sumos here and there to change things up.

Irish Cannon

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Just had my first taste of Lipotropic Protein.

Very thick stuff. The first sip wasn't great, but the aftertaste is actually rather pleasant. Sort of peanut-buttery.


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YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Thought of this with your comment!!
Nice work R. The lack of soreness has been a great plus for me. It would take me a couple of days to recover usually. Now I am ready to lift the next day.

Irish Cannon

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Oh, man! I've got to watch that movie again.

I was looking in my stash last night for Anchorman, but couldn't find it, so I settled on Season 2: Disc 3 of Arrested Development.


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Ahh, Austin Powers - yes, the "nutty" comment came to my mind too. The second one was the best movie, IMO, but the intro to the third with all the guest cameos was one of the greatest movie beginning ever!

And Arrested Development Season 2? Best quote of the entire series: "The Question is...how do I put it in her? ...Maybe...I'll stick it in her brownie." - Oscar

Irish Cannon

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And Arrested Development Season 2? Best quote of the entire series: "The Question is...how do I put it in her? ...Maybe...I'll stick it in her brownie." - Oscar
Or how about..."How would I get someone in that musty, old, CLAP-trap."

*seconds pass* "Oh, you mean the cabin!"


The BPS Rep
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Or how about..."How would I get someone in that musty, old, CLAP-trap."

*seconds pass* "Oh, you mean the cabin!"
:lol: aw, now I wanna go watch it!

Alright everybody, here is a tentative plan for my next workout routine - this would begin not next monday, but the monday following, i.e. the 29th.

This will be a 2x/day, 3day/week regimen, with two off days containing some cardio or metabolic training. This is primarily a recomp plan, as that is what January will focus on.

AM sessions will consist of 3 heavy compound lifts with a strength focus and 3 isolation movements with a functional hypertrophy focus. PM sessions are straight hypertrophy.
Each day affords in total: 3leg movements (not including calves), 3pushes, 3pulls, 3arm movements.

Day 1 Monday AM: Squats, dips, rows, unilateral leg extensions, DB flies, Calves
PM: Speed Front Squat, Dec Cable Press, DB Pullovers, Triceps Dip, Preacher Curls, Hammer Curls

Day 2 Wed AM: Deads, Push Press, Chins, Unilateral Leg Curl, Lateral Raise, Calves
PM: Step-up, Arnold Press, Pull-ups, Cable Triceps Extensions, DB Curls, Reverse Preacher Curls

Day 3 Fri AM: Front Squat, Bench, Cleans, Lunges, Rear Delt Raises, Calves
PM: 2/1 Leg Press, Cable Press, DB Rows, Narrow-Grip Decline Bench, Cable Curls, Hammer Preacher Curls

Day 4 Following Monday AM: RDLs, Military Press, Wide-Grip Chins, Mule Kick, DB Swings, Calves
PM: Good Morning, Incline DB Press, Cross-Cable Pulls, Overhead Triceps Extensions, Preacher DB curls, Cable Reverse Curls

I believe I have trimmed some of the fat from my current workout plan and altered it more to my liking in terms of movement choices and volume. It may seem like a lot, but bear in mind that I am currently performing 8 full body workouts a week and this new plan will actually be a decrease in total workload.

Any suggestions or critiques are more than welcome - this is a tentative plan and if it can be improved I would love to know how!

Irish Cannon

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Sheesh. You guys must have some spare time to be able to do that workout routine. I actually am somewhat fortunate in that sense as well, but it's a double-edged sword for me.

That looks like an awesome workout, though. I have a feeling you will be doing more than recomping on that!

Irish Cannon

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Do you notice the Mule Kicks helping with anything? I know women use that exercise for glute-shaping, but does it really do anything for you other than that?


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Alright everybody, here is a tentative plan for my next workout routine - this would begin not next monday, but the monday following, i.e. the 29th.

It may seem like a lot, but bear in mind that I am currently performing 8 full body workouts a week and this new plan will actually be a decrease in total workload.

Any suggestions or critiques are more than welcome - this is a tentative plan and if it can be improved I would love to know how!
Wow. I got tired just reading that routine! LOL It looks good to me bro.

You're a strong dude Resolve. Big numbers.


The BPS Rep
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Sheesh. You guys must have some spare time to be able to do that workout routine. I actually am somewhat fortunate in that sense as well, but it's a double-edged sword for me.

That looks like an awesome workout, though. I have a feeling you will be doing more than recomping on that!
I'd like to continue to gain LBM while shedding fat in Jan., but I'm finding that currently more difficult than I had thought. I will probably change up my intra- and post-workout nutrition: that ought to do the trick!
As for time, this routine will end up supersetted (maybe even trisetted or circuited in some places) so that will cut back on time. Shouldn't be more than 45min for any single workout.
Also, BW won't be performing this routine. With the calorie deficit she is on and her training experience, it would not be a good fit for her right now.

Do you notice the Mule Kicks helping with anything? I know women use that exercise for glute-shaping, but does it really do anything for you other than that?
Mule kicks are just another ham/glute isolation movement; the motion they bring your lower body through is similar to an RDL, so I was thinking they'd pair up nicely. I'm still a little undecided though, I might replace them with cable pull-throughs or good old glute/ham raises.

Wow. I got tired just reading that routine! LOL It looks good to me bro.

You're a strong dude Resolve. Big numbers.
Thank you! I've always trained for both strength and size, so I'm fairly strong and fairly big, but not as big or strong as I could be if I'd have focused on one or the other. That's why I'm liking these two-a-days - I get the best of both worlds!
And these routines are tiring; I get home in the morning and take at least an hour nap usually. It's amazing what a little sleep can do. But, after the evening workouts I notice I'm not nearly as tired as after the morning, don't know why. You'd think I'd be even more exhausted, but they kind of just relax me somehow...

Irish Cannon

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Thank you! I've always trained for both strength and size, so I'm fairly strong and fairly big, but not as big or strong as I could be if I'd have focused on one or the other. That's why I'm liking these two-a-days - I get the best of both worlds!
And these routines are tiring; I get home in the morning and take at least an hour nap usually. It's amazing what a little sleep can do. But, after the evening workouts I notice I'm not nearly as tired as after the morning, don't know why. You'd think I'd be even more exhausted, but they kind of just relax me somehow...
I'm sort of in the same boat, except I can't say I'm very strong. My squats are pretty good, DLs are okay, but everything else is lacking.

I've actually always found the powerlifting to be much less exahusting than hypertrophy exercises. Something about high-rep sets just kill me. I always dread high-rep squat days, but now my squats only hit the 3-6 rep range, and that's cake.


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High Rep squats and Deads are evil. The antichrist would use them in his workouts because they are the only thing bad enough to reach his level of fiendishness.

I hate them. And yet, I do them...


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Resolve, I use to do this exercise when I was liftin some killer weight about years ago for squats! I called it the nasty 100! Its a single exercise for a short leg day! Load up the smith machine with 185lb! Do as many as you can! Then load up 205 as many! Then 225! Then 275 then 295 then 315 then 365 then 385 then 405! I use to stop around 405! The goal is to get 100 reps in! If your smart you will get in a lot early on or your screwed! I would finish with repin 405 for about 8 then maybe 455 for like 2 or three! When I finished I would do some leg ext. Slow and strict! 2 sets then go home! 30min. Tops! Try it big daddy! I did it about 1 every 4th leg routine!


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Hmm... I like it. I might try that for one of my squat routines. Don't know if I'll go so high in volume, given my high frequency, but I like the pyramidal loading scheme. Thanks!


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Day 20 and 21

Ahh, the weekend. My chance to sit back, relax, and not concern myself with making ANOTHER intra-workout shake and having to leave for the gym AGAIN in less than 8hours! But I jest, and this coming week is a transition week too - in preparation for my coming recomp.

It will entail a drop in calories from ~5000 to about ~4000 and a break from two-a-days. That's right, only one workout per day. I'm such a slacker, I know! :D But they'll pick right back up next week with a slight increase in cals again. For now, though, I'll be working up to 3RM for a series of movements over the week, beginning with squats and bench tomorrow.

Also, this week will bring the incorporation of metabolic training and cardio - I'm gonna blast me some fat!

For T-911, I will continue at 3/day through Christmas, following which I will decrease to 2/day until I have only 3 remaining tabs. Then, for the last 3 days I will have only one. Should be about another two weeks, approximately.

BC+EAA and protein will continue to be used as normal, but are running low. If they're gone before the end of this log hits, I will begin incorporating the intra and post workout nutrition that I am planning for my recomp. Speaking of which, I need a half-gallon water bottle...gonna have to find one of those...


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Is tapering the T-911 recommended? Are you concerned with some sort of rebound?


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I'm not worried about a rebound at all - I'm just trying to stretch it for as long as I can. Chemically, it'd be impossible for my test levels to drop any lower than my "normal" concentration after stopping T-911.

I'm hoping that if I make that transition back down to normal gradually, that I'll reap some more benefits from raised T levels even as they slope down.

If I cut it off cold turkey, nothing bad or detrimental would happen at all. I'd just be normal again.


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I like your thinking here R! I will plan the same action..

Irish Cannon

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Is tapering the T-911 recommended? Are you concerned with some sort of rebound?
That was my reason for tapering it, but as Resolve mentioned, there are other reasons to do so.

I always taper my AIs and SERMS down before I come off of them.


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Will do guys. I also like the fact that it will last longer too.

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