A Legal Gear Christmas: T-911, BC+EAA, Lipotropic Protein (Sponsored)



The BPS Rep
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Day 22

So yesterday morning after getting home from the gym, our internet connection decided it didn't like me. I was on for like 3min and it died. So, this post is late.

Working out once a day is easy. Seriously. Way less taxing on the body in general. As mentioned previously, I am doing max-ot this week, though, so my work volume is fairly low, but intensity is pretty high.

T-911: This is it - this is the week when I really get to see how much of an impact this has made on my strength over the last couple of weeks. There was the initial "jump" that occurred over the first week, but this now is the real test. Also, I'm finding that if I take T-911 immediately before or after a meal, my appetite doesn't expand as exponentially as when taking it on an empty stomach. Also, it has gotten very cold here in SoCal, and cold + 3tabs/day = a stiff knee and elbow.

BC+EAA: Down to 2 servings a day with only one workout, so I won't run out quite so quick. Intra-workout carbs have been reduced to 40g, but this decrease has not affected taste at all. I still like my little concoction!

Protein: I ran out of the vanilla. The chocolate is looking very bare. There is mourning in the camp...

The Workout:

Warmups: 135, 225
Sets: 3x315, 3x365, 3x385...

Warmups: 135, 225
Sets: 3x275, 3x315, 3x335

DB Triceps Extensions:
Warmups: 65
Sets: 80, 85, 90, 95

That's right! I hit the goal towards which I have been working since February!! :head: :head: :head: Squatting 400lb has loomed over my head as unattainable for way too long and yesterday I rocked it! 2 good solid reps that went down to parallel. I didn't go ATG, but hey, it's the most I've ever squatted and hitting parallel is perfectly legitimate!
I was so psyched, but drained. One of the few times I've felt worked in the arms and shoulders from squats, which didn't carry over well into my bench. That didn't increase at all from my last max effort. But honestly, I've increased in strength-stamina there quite a bit - I can now do 5x4x315 and that in and of itself is a good improvement.
DB Tris were an afterthought, but left my arms dead. You'd have thought I'd done a GVT arm workout with the way they were feeling - even biceps and brachiales from stabilizing eccentric motion.


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Congrats on the milestone...


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How cool does all that weight stacked on the bar look when you are getting ready to squat?? Nice job R! Way to work towards those goals.


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At 500 lbs most bars start to bend, the only way I know is my son did 550 for reps when he was 18 lol

Just thought I'd add some motivation for the next milestone hehehe...

Irish Cannon

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Working out once a day is easy. Seriously. Way less taxing on the body in general. As mentioned previously, I am doing max-ot this week, though, so my work volume is fairly low, but intensity is pretty high.

Congrats on your squats, man! The most I've done is 425x3, but that was in the before time...The long, long ago. Now it's that minus 90lbs :sad:


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Wow, now there's something to work towards. That's quite a bit - you're son was one strong guy!

Irish - :rasp: that is all.
Yah he was a 270 lb freak back then, I had him traing again and he was back up to the low 400's at 250 in 6 weeks but he went back to Ottawa and I know he's not training what a waste of strength he can be sometimes. I mean here is a guy who can really make a mark and he does not use his gift the way I would. If I had that kind of strength I would be kickin some serious ass.


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Yah he was a 270 lb freak back then, I had him traing again and he was back up to the low 400's at 250 in 6 weeks but he went back to Ottawa and I know he's not training what a waste of strength he can be sometimes. I mean here is a guy who can really make a mark and he does not use his gift the way I would. If I had that kind of strength I would be kickin some serious ass.
It's funny you would put it that way - I've always looked at my capacity to lift as a gift. I mean, I'm big and strength comes naturally and I feel I would really be wasting an aspect of my potential if I didn't try to make the most of myself.

Now, I'm nothing special, but I just figure I was born with the frame and the genetics to move heavy things, so why wouldn't I do that?


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It's funny you would put it that way - I've always looked at my capacity to lift as a gift. I mean, I'm big and strength comes naturally and I feel I would really be wasting an aspect of my potential if I didn't try to make the most of myself.

Now, I'm nothing special, but I just figure I was born with the frame and the genetics to move heavy things, so why wouldn't I do that?
Yah that's the way I see it... I am going back to Ottawa today so I am going to lecture the fugger lol What makes me think I can get through the thick skull... hey maybe some jacked for Xmas...:think:

Irish Cannon

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I get extremely frustrated when I see people not taking advantage of their genetics, especially men. Why would you NOT want to be big and strong? I just don't get it. :think:


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I'd just be normal again.
We definitely can't be having that!! :nono: LOL
Normal is not cool. I used to be normal. A long time ago.


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Day 23

Ha, yeah, why on earth would I want to sink so low as to reach normality? :D

Today I went into the gym a little daunted. I knew that it was deadlift day and that the last time I maxed with DLs, 3x480lb just about sent my spleen shooting out my belly button. But I got in there determined none-the-less to give it my all. And now, after the fact, I am very pleased with my performance, as you will see below...

T-911: This stuff is unbelievable. Un-****ing-believable. And I am not a swearing man.

BC+EAA: 2 servings intra-workout as usual. I've been doing cardio the last two days (forgot to mention it for yesterday's workout), and I finish my intra-workout shake right before starting cardio. It seems to help with endurance on there, though I am starting out with only 15mins.

Protein: 2scoops chocolate in my post-workout shake, also as usual.

The Workout: 3RM

Warmups: 135, 225, 315
Work Sets: 405, 455, 475, 495, 500!!

BB Bent Rows:
Warmups: 135, 225
Work Sets: 275, 295, 2x305 (I did a third rep, but cheated with my legs, so I don't really count that one)

Preacher Hammer Curls:
Warmup: 60lb DB
Work Sets: 70, 75, 80

I just cannot believe that I lifted 500lb off the floor today. For three reps. With good form. That is a freaking lot of weight. And it was much easier than my last max DL workout. I think if I had really gone psycho I could've pulled another 10lbs, but with so many sets preceding that last set, I was pretty fatigued; my legs were quivering jelly and my heart pounding like mad, so I decided to move on.
Rows were mediocre - I prefer cable rows for actual back work, so using the BB I just didn't like as much, made it easier to cheat with my legs, which I ended up doing on that last rep. :(
Curls really surprised me. I had decided beforehand to use preacher hammer curls: isolate the heck out of each arm and really put it to the test, with no possibility of cheating. I thought because of the isolation, the weight I'd be able to move would really plummet. Instead, the weight kept climbing, topping out only 10lb below what I can do for standing hammer curls.
It kind of makes me mad, though. Here I am, grunting like a herniated hippo in labor with 18.5" arms and the dude next to me with the 90lb EZ Curl barbell has at least 2" on that. Just goes to show that strength does not equate to size.
But, I am still ecstatic over the progress I have shown today.
I have to thank LGSciences again for sponsoring me with T-911 and BC+EAA - they have been incredible and I'm not even done with them yet!


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Congrats on that heavy ass deadlifting bro!! And for that matter, the whole workout. Way to kill it dude!! :head:


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^^^^x2 R!!


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Nice workout bro! Because of you I will try T 911 . But I have others in my cabinet I need to put to good use! Nice log!


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Thank you guys. I'm glad I've inspired some interest in T-911; it really is fantastic.

I do not know if Canadian GNCs carry it, Berserko, I'm sorry. An LG rep could tell you that I'm sure - Craig? GT?

Tomorrow being Christmas, I won't be lifting, but I'll be back in the gym on Friday, for either some front squats or some RDLs; I haven't decided yet.

Dreamweaver, you mentioned a good while back in another thread that you used a carb cycling diet for contest prep, I believe. Given that we are of comparable weight, I was wondering how you calculated your caloric needs for that diet?
I've figured out what works for me to gain strength and size, but every time I cut down, I drop boat-loads of lean mass too and I'd prefer to avoid that next time around. Thank you!

Everybody -
Merry Christmas!


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^^^x2 for you and your family also R!


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So if I'm getting this right ... :study:

* PRE- T-911, BC+EAA, LP:

Squat 345lb x 5
Deadlift 435lb x 5
Bench 310lb x 5

* POST- T-911, BC+EAA, LP:

Squat 400lb x 2
Deadlift 500lb x 3
Bench 335lb x 3

Resolve, are you planning to crank up those post-Legal Gear stack reps to 5, to enable us to make a 100% legitimate judgement on your progress ? :D

Either way, in just over 3 weeks, this looks GOOD !


The BPS Rep
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Well, the real comparison would be the first week of LG's stuff to this week, I suppose and even the difference there is quite good:

1st week:
Squat: 365x3
Dead: 480x3

Squat: 400x2
Dead: 500x3

That, in and of itself, is a hefty increase, IMO.

I've shifted from 5RM to 3RM to reduce volume and increase intensity - these Max-OT weeks are to give my CNS a bit of a break from my high frequency, so the less volume I can use to activate a maximum amount of muscle fiber, the better.


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Day 25 and 26

Walp, my Christmas was fantastic. On the 24th, we went out to Orange County to visit BW's family at her Grandmother's house. Late that night, we turned around and drove to my family's house, just north of the Palomar Mountains, and stayed there through this morning. With both families I had a lot of fun and we exchanged some great gifts.

Honestly, though, I don't think I ate enough. I've gotten to the point where very few "cheat" foods sound good to me. So, being surrounded by them left me without very much to eat. I did have a couple of ounces of dark chocolate when we were stuck in traffic (I was starving and it was the only thing I had!) and indulged in some of my Mom's mashed potatoes and 2 thick slices of her oatmeal bread (my absolute favorite!), but that's pretty much it for bad foods. Had a lot of beef jerky, cheese, protein powder, carrot sticks and nuts.

T-911: I have lowered dosage back down to 2/day now, one prior to workout, one later in the day. On days with 2 workouts, both tabs will be pre-workout.

BC+EAA: Due to inclement weather, I was actually caught without this for today's workout and had to use some heavily diluted protein. Not nearly as pleasant to drink and not nearly as effective. I look forward to returning to my amino acids on Monday.

Protein Powder: I am officially out of both the Chocolate and the Vanilla. :( Fortunately, my family had ordered some in conjunction with my order, so while visiting them I was able to continue using it.

Now, as mention above, we had some really bad weather come through last night, so BW and I ended up staying an extra night at my family's. Because of this, I trained this morning at their house. Their equipment is decent, but I had to make a few adjustments to my routine because of the limited amount of weight they have. With only about 250lb of olympic plates, front squats and RDLs were out of the question. So I focused on Clean and Jerks instead. As the saying goes, "Ya Gotta Roll with the Punches."

The Workout

Clean and Jerks:
Warm-ups: 95, 135
Sets: 3x155, 3x185, 3x205, 3x215, 2x225

Single Leg Squats:
Warmups: BW, BW+10 (For warming up I held onto the squat rack with one hand)
Sets: 20lb DBs, 30lb DBs, 40lb DBs, 45lb DBs

Unilateral DB Curls:
60, 65, 70, 80

Explosive lifts such as the Clean and Jerk or Snatch are a real weakness of mine. I do not incorporate them much, though I'm pretty familiar with them, and as such I knew that I'd hit my 3RM well below the 250lb limit that my family's wet set could provide. Still 225 for 2 is improvement, especially considering the circumstances.
The weight set is located in a carport, sheltered from rain and other precipitation, but not from the wind at all. At 9am when I got out there, it was 38 degrees! The Oly bar was so cold it was burning my hands and I had to find some full-fingered gloves to lift. The cold was very hindering - my joints were tight and I couldn't get my blood flowing despite attempting to warmup with a butt-load of calisthenics. I think if I had been at the gym, or just in a warmer environment, I would have performed better.
I really enjoyed the single leg squats. AZMIDLYF brought them back to mind with a post over in his log and they incorporated perfectly into today's routine. I'm going to begin using them regularly again: the way they work each leg so completely and independently was great! Thanks AZ! :)


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You made my day R! Glad I could contribute. I knew once I had done them they would be a regular in the rotation. I will be going back to 2 e/d after tomorrow as well. I am curious to see any differences. All the best...


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I can't tell any difference right now, but once I start 2 workouts/day again on Mon I think I'll feel a change.

I've begun compiling my Recomp stack for the next two months:
Green Tea
ECA (in the 2nd month)
Napalm/Lipoderm Ultra Stack
Fish Oil
Avant TheSize

Intra-AM Shake: 1scoop Purple Wraath, 3scoops GlycerGrow, 40g Carbs, 16g 4:1:1 BCAAs

Pre/Intra-PM Shake: 1scoop Assault, 10g EAA, 16g BCAA, 3scoops Glycergrow, 65g Carbs

Pre-bed: I-GH-1 until I run out; Bullet Proof after that.

I would also like to run some non-stim fat mobilizers, DCP or some such, but a good supply of that gets pricey quick.

In the 2nd Month, I'll run T-911 again, stacked with Anadraulic State, which will replace the Purple Wraath in my AM shake.

Irish Cannon

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Is there a reason people are putting Napalm and LipodermUltra together? Why not just use one or the other? Am I missing something?

Irish Cannon

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Resolve, have you looked into SNS' RK-125 and TTA-500? Cheaper than DCP.


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I was given the stack by Avant to compare results: I've used Napalm solo and Tony (Avants ceo) theorizes that Napalm + Lipo works better.

MrChristian received the same stack, as did Trauma1. Should be some rockin' logs once we get 'em going! :)

Irish Cannon

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Awesome, Resolve! Glad to hear it! It's always good to see these companies taking advantage of the athletes on this forum. It's good for both parties!

I'll be in this for the long-haul. You and BW are both going through some great transformation.


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Thank you! Yeah, this week really kicks off the real "fat-blasting" phase - I'm just refusing to lose any of the 7lbs I've worked so hard to gain in the last 2months. That's one reason I'm including Avants TheSIZE - awesome stuff and incredibly underrated.

Y'know the whole idea of using 5g Leucine at each meal to increase protein synthesis? TheSize is designed for that, but is a step up from just straight Leucine.

That plus the LG/CL/MP stuff I'll be using equate's to the biggest, most comprehensive stack I've ever had!


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Day 27 and 28

More recovery days, though yesterday I got a nice brisk 30min walk in - some good low intensity cardio. Felt really nice with the great winter weather that's been around the last few days.

I continue with 2/day of T-911 and should remain at this level through the week. This week begins a shift in my training from a clean bulk (though it started off as a theoretical recomp, it ended up not really being so) to a better recomp-oriented program: lifting 3days/week, 2x/day, with cardio and/or metabolic training another 3days/week. Calories are also being reduced to approximately 4700 and will continuously be shifted as I progress - this is when I begin to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.

I am stoked as hell about this upcoming routine :head: - I honestly think it's one of the best I've ever designed, though that's not really saying much.

Also, had some unexpected car maintenance issue arise, so some of the supps I wanted to inclue are going to have to wait a month or so. I was planning on picking up some TTA, Salvia, Raspberry Ketones and ALCAR, but that is going to have to wait. Avant's TheSize is as well; I don't have the money for anything but what I've already got right now. :( Still, I've got a rocking stack to start things off:

5g Leucine at Breakfast, Meal 3, Meal 4 and Meal 6
90mg Active Forskolin (gradually increased to 150)
GlycerGrow, Purple Wraath, Assault, BC+EAA, BCAAs, Essentials for intra-workout
I've got MP's Combat Powder coming for Post-workout and ZMA, I-GH-1 and/or Bullet Proof for Pre-bed.

I think that, coupled with freaking hard training and maintenance level calories should strip a good deal of flab from the bulk I lug about!


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I'm late .. but I'm here, and I can already tell I'm in it for the long run !

.. mighty interesting stack, bro !! Keep it up !


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Thank you! The intra-workout stuff is all kind of "either/or" - until I run out, I'm going to continue to use BC+EAA as my primary amino acid source. After that, I'll use PW in the AM, bulk EAA and BCAAs in the PM with Assault for the energy and recovery kick. Glycergrow and Essentials will be used for both sessions.

And I love bulk Forskolin - very first supplement I ever used, other than protein powder. I followed that up with ALCAR, BCAAs, fish oil, creatine mono and sesamin and I had a great newbie stack!


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Day 29

I got to wear one of the brand spanking new tank tops BW got me for Christmas to the gym today. And lemme tell you, I was looking fine!!! (...I wish, but I like the shirt!) I think it may contain some quantum polarization faculties, y'know like the Strap? I'm pretty sure my those squats felt lighter because of it. :p

Anywhoo, I'm feeling good, in case you couldn't tell. PM workouts leave me fatigued and battered, but inevitably happy. I do not know exactly why, but I like it!

T-911: Only 6 tabs left, such a bummer! Where did the time go? I'm continuing with 2/day and the effects are beginning to plateau, so I think it's a good time to begin cycling down off of it. Appetite has not been so high, and though my work in the gym today did display improvement, I can tell I'm lacking that 3rd tab.

BC+EAA: Today I shared some of my BC+EAA with BW; she had a serving in her intra-workout shake. She was thrilled by the flavor at first, it being a vast improvement over bulk bcaas, vitC, carbs and maybe some TrueProtein Flavoring. She did, however, concur that it did have a somewhat "Play-Doh-ish" aftertaste that coud be improved upon. This didn't keep her from asking for more for her PM workout though. :)

I'm out of Protein and yesterday was a recovery day so I didn't take I-GH-1, so that's really all I have to report on, supp-wise.

The Workouts!

AM Supersets
Squats: 365
w/ Supinated Cable Rows: 285 w/3sec eccentric

Weighted Dips: BW+105
Hammer Curls: 80 w/3sec eccentric

Unilateral Leg Extension: 90 w/4sec eccentric
DB Flies: 45lb DBs w/4sec eccentric

I increased volume from 5x3 to 6x3 and everything held up well - I was pleased with my squats and the rows felt downright easy so I slowed the eccentric to increase intensity there. Hammer curls I reduced the weight from my last workout a bit and really focused on contracting each arm as much as possible and controlling the motion.

PM: All Supersets 3x15
Single Leg Squats: BW
w/Decline Cable Press: 90lb per arm w/3sec eccentric

Leg Press Calf Raise: 600 w/4sec ecc
DB Pullover: 95

Triceps Dips: BW, BW, 50lb weight assistance (I'm so ashamed...)
Spider BB Curls: 95lb w/3sec Ecc

My knees and ankles popped so many times doing those single leg squats - and after this morning's workout, they were horridly amazing! I stood on a bench while doing them (looked like a moron but I don't care!) and the burn was unbelievable.
Between the Dec Cable Presses and DB Pullovers, my Triceps were shot before ever even approaching the Dipping bars, so my performance on that movement was somewhat less than what I had hoped. I am considering replacing the dips with another Tri isolation movement instead.
I obliterated my biceps on those curls - I did lighter weight and really focused all the way around on controlling the weight and flexing my biceps as much as possible. Holy Cow, what a pump! I don't usually care about "the pump" but geez, it felt nice tonight!
Now, I did have half a scoop of Assault tonight, pre-workout, to help my with energy since I'm off of ECA for a month, so I'm sure that contributed to the way my arms felt, but still, it was cool.


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I don't know how you do 2 workouts a day. I am spent from my one. Great recovery there R. I will be sorry to see my T-911 come to an end as well. The Anadraulic State should be arriving shortly to fill in the void though!!


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Day 30

My routines are tiring, and fortunately my work schedule is very flexible, so my recovery time can be maximized. Recovery is much like any other variable in weightlifting - it can be improved by training. I worked up to the frequency that I perform over time - starting with 3 total body workouts a week and increasing gradually, with periodic "unloading" weeks to rest a bit. I just don't like pounding any single body-part into oblivion during a workout - so I've pursued other methods of training.
That is not to say that my training lacks in volume or intensity though - my current routine has approximately 12 sets per major muscle group each lifting day - comparable to what many lifters do once a week.

Anyways, today was on "off" day, but having started a recomp, I was plenty active!

Upon first awaking I slammed down a serving of BC+EAA and ventured out for fasted cardio with the Little Lady. We had a great time strolling through the vineyards and worked up a nice sweat too!

This afternoon I did a half-hour of bodyweight circuit intervals - crazy stuff: Jump 1/4 Squats, Prone Toe Touches, Split Jacks, Burpees, Bodyweight Squats, Mountain Climbers, 5-point drills and Bicycle Crunches! Ooph, was I out of breath! I followed this up with another serving of BC+EAA.

I had one tab of T-911 this morning, and I think I'm going to hold off and do two tabs one last time tomorrow, then do one tab per day for the last 3 days I have left of that wonderful product.

Tomorrow's Dead Day and I only get to lift once because of a party I'm going to, so I'm gonna make it good! :head:


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Day 31 - New Year's Eve

I'm up in a lodge in Idyllwild, CA, where some friends will be hosting a party tonight. BW and I came straight up here after lifting this morning. We're surrounded by a snowy, forested "Winter Wonderland" - absolutely beautiful and great place to ring in the new year. As I mentioned yesterday, the one workout this morning is the only one I will be doing today, so I lengthened and added to the session.

T-911: The last of 2/day. Tomorrow begins the 3 day count down to the end of this log. I can tell that I'm coming down in dosage - Libido is returning to a tolerable level, appetite is not as humongous, but strength is remaining. I'm not really sure what to expect as I come off this, but so far, I don't seem to be weakening with the decrease in tabs.

BC+EAA: Just about out of my second tub - I recently discovered that the colder the water you use, the better this stuff tastes and the better it dissolves. I've also come to the conclusion that it must be the hydrolyzed EAA that gives it the aftertaste, as it is unlike glutamine and BCAAs entirely.

Protein's long gone and I didn't take I-GH-1 for the last couple of days so that I could try out a couple of doses of X-Dream, which BW (and a hoard of fellow AM folk!) are testing. It seems good. I'll post a mini-review on my short experience with it at some point.

The Workout: Uber Supersets

Deadlifts - 425
Push Press - 190

Weighted Chins - 4x6 - BW+60
Leg Curls - 4x7 - 190 (4sec ecc)

Lateral Raises - 40 (3sec ecc)
Reverse Curls - 90 (squeeze at top for 1sec, 3sec ecc)

4x10 Triset
Seated Calf Raises - 225 (5sec ecc)
Rope Triceps Extensions - 130, 140, 150, 160 (3sec ecc)
Unilateral Cable Curls - 50, 60, 70, 60 (3sec ecc)

Deads+Push Press is my favorite superset, bar none. I've used it in past routines several times, and there is not a muscle on me that it doesn't work. I had a large cup of coffee before lifting, as well as a half-scoop of Assault with my T-911 tab, and I was stimmed-out! With so taxing a superset and all the nootropics and stimulants I'd taken, my heart-rate was through the roof, I was sweating like crazy and puffing like a steam engine. Little too much, IMO, won't be using that particular pre-workout combo again.
I added the calf, biceps, and triceps work that would have been performed this evening to the workout, so's they wouldn't feel so left out, and dang, I hit 'em hard - concentrating on those eccentrics always really puts the fire in my belly! I can't handle as much weight, but they still get hit more than hard enough, I'm sure.


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So if I'm getting this right ... :study:

* PRE- T-911, BC+EAA, LP:

Squat 345lb x 5
Deadlift 435lb x 5
Bench 310lb x 5

* POST- T-911, BC+EAA, LP:

Squat 400lb x 2
Deadlift 500lb x 3
Bench 335lb x 3

Resolve, are you planning to crank up those post-Legal Gear stack reps to 5, to enable us to make a 100% legitimate judgement on your progress ? :D

Either way, in just over 3 weeks, this looks GOOD !

sums it up very nicely, T-911 really is the truth.

those are some BIG gains for 3 weeks time, congrats Resolve!


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we are always watching! Your log is simply amazing! Well done on the gains as well! I also feel your pain coming off T911.. haha :p


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The squat gains are very impressive! Great stuff!


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Well, a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. I certainly had a great time - good food, good dancing; staying in a snow-covered lodge in the mountains with a bunch of my friends - it was fantastic! And, I didn't have a single significant cheat! I had some sausage and part of a "Rock Climber" (an egg dish similar to Eggs Benedict), so there was a bit more saturated fat that usual, but I had NO sweets, alcohol or junk foods of any kind!

The food I did have, though - Oh man... The guy who got us the lodge is a cook, and he made dinner and breakfast for everybody. It was amazing stuff - roast lamb, smoked turkey breast, smoked salmon, garlic mashed potatoes (which I didn't eat), fettucini with salmon-tomato-cream sauce (didn't have that either, but it looked and smelled amazing), brie and dubliner cheeses, a mixed green salad with marinated mixed mushrooms, and a whole lot else too!

And it was sooo beautiful outside - snowy meadows, pine-trees and mountains under a perfectly clear night sky. Man, I love the mountains...

Irish Cannon

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Dude that sounds like an amazing trip. Glad you had a good time.


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Great way to ring in the New Year, no doubt about that!!


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Well, a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. I certainly had a great time - good food, good dancing; staying in a snow-covered lodge in the mountains with a bunch of my friends - it was fantastic! And, I didn't have a single significant cheat! I had some sausage and part of a "Rock Climber" (an egg dish similar to Eggs Benedict), so there was a bit more saturated fat that usual, but I had NO sweets, alcohol or junk foods of any kind!

The food I did have, though - Oh man... The guy who got us the lodge is a cook, and he made dinner and breakfast for everybody. It was amazing stuff - roast lamb, smoked turkey breast, smoked salmon, garlic mashed potatoes (which I didn't eat), fettucini with salmon-tomato-cream sauce (didn't have that either, but it looked and smelled amazing), brie and dubliner cheeses, a mixed green salad with marinated mixed mushrooms, and a whole lot else too!

And it was sooo beautiful outside - snowy meadows, pine-trees and mountains under a perfectly clear night sky. Man, I love the mountains...
Great will power

And I agree, nothings as beautiful as the mtns!

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