A Legal Gear Christmas: T-911, BC+EAA, Lipotropic Protein (Sponsored)



The BPS Rep
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Day 8 AM workout

Weighed in at 238lb this morning - I believe I've lost some water weight.

Got up, crammed down that huge breakfast that so enjoy, relaxed over a leisurely cup of coffee and then hit up the gym. 1tab T-911 dosed on the way there and had a very good workout all the way around.

Considering that I will be posting twice a day for the next couple of weeks, I will express my thoughts on each day's supplementation in the PM workout post. That way, it will be inclusive of the entire day's supplementation, unlike if I were to post now, when it could only reflect this morning's experience.

So, AM post's will simply be on the workout itself, while PM will be supplements for the day and PM workout.

today's AM workout: 4x4 (strength focused) Supersets

Military Presses: 185
w/Front Squats: 275

Wide-grip Chin-ups: BW+75
Overhead Triceps Extensions: 50 per arm

Ab circuit: Lemon Squeezers, lower-ab leg raises, bicycle crunches (6each)
BB Calf-Raises: 405 (10sec held at bottom-stretch position between reps)

I am definitely losing water - I had arm and shoulder vascularity during this workout, and I'm not taking any real vaso-dilators and this was a strength workout. I should be vascular as heck after tonights session, when I'll be doing sets of 12!
Seeing veins was exciting, as I've been trying to lean out over the past couple of months, and this a sign of progress. I'm still not "shredded", but hey, I'm on the road there!


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I'm thinking MMV2 @ 6caps ED for 6 weeks, Sustain Alpha @ 5pumps ED starting in Week 3.

PCT consisting of either CEL Post Cycle Assist or DS AX, Blue Up, and Formadrol Extreme. (And your basic powders like creatine, BA, etc)

Edit: OR MMV2/T-911 - MMV2 just seems so versatile. It's the only designer I've seen that actually works well with an AI. The fact that it's mild seems to allow for those types of products to only improve the cycle.
Either of those stack options would me epic in my opinion! I think either way you have a winner there!

Irish Cannon

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Either of those stack options would me epic in my opinion! I think either way you have a winner there!
I'm considering the MMV2/T-911 more, or possibly MMV2/Trione. I don't know. Something like that. I don't think I feel like dealing with a transdermal. Blech.


The BPS Rep
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Day 8 PM

This is where things start to get really interesting...

Nothing puts a nutritional and supplemental regimen to the test like full body two-a-day workouts. At least in my experience.

I felt good lifting again this afternoon. Relaxed, loose, warm - ready to push. I took a nap after coming home this morning and nothing helps with recovery like sleep. Anyone who has never tried it: take a 1/2 to 1 hour nap within 4hours of working out. You'll be amazed at how good you feel upon waking.

T-911: Too early to tell any major difference between dosing 3/day and 2/day. Mood continues to be great and my numbers keep climbing - even having worked out this morning, I set a PR on my Squats! My squats - the number 1 movement that I have been trying to improve and that just hates to do so. I was stoked!

BC+EAA: 2serving dosed over the course of each workout is good stuff. With twice as much, the flavor is somehow better, and I'm noticing that if I let it sit for ~20min the "play-doh" undertone is much less noticeable. Endurance is up and soreness is almost non-existant - in my opinion, a good indication of aminos doing their job.

Protein: Vanilla for both PWO shakes today - I particularly enjoyed this evening's, as it included milk and dextrose, and the combination of those two with the Vanilla was excellent. Also, this morning I mixed 1scoop of Vanilla with a cup of plain yogurt and then mixed that all in with some stevia, cinnamon and my oatmeal. This is a twist on an idea I got from 3clipsGT and let tell you - it's a good one.

The workout: 2x12 supersets

ATG Squats: 295 (PR! :nutkick:)
Incline DB Press: 100lb DBs (PR)

Narrow Grip Chin-ups: BW
Cable Triceps Press-downs

Leg-Press Calf-Raises: 690
Standing Cable Crunches: 100

Those squats were eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssyyy. I've been stuck with a PR of 280x12 for a couple of months, though my lower rep PR has improved. But tonight, I got to 8reps before I even realized it and the last 4 took way less effort than usual. This held true for both sets. And you know that feeling when your working with a particularly heavy load and your legs just don't want to go all the way down? Yeah, I had none of that - ATG without problem!!!!! Oh, I'm so stoked, I could put my head through the wall.
Incline press was a nice improvement, but honestly, I could feel that one coming - I knew that PR was gonna fall. And the Chin-ups, good grief they were practically plyometric I was pulling them off so easily! I will definitely be adding weight to those next time.

LG Sciences - I'm loving it! :thumbsup:


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I'm considering the MMV2/T-911 more, or possibly MMV2/Trione. I don't know. Something like that. I don't think I feel like dealing with a transdermal. Blech.
The MMV2 and T911 would be insane! That's what I plan on running early next year. The strength gains would be damn good, not to mention some sweet lean gains.

Irish Cannon

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The MMV2 and T911 would be insane! That's what I plan on running early next year. The strength gains would be damn good, not to mention some sweet lean gains.
Man, it would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? I've got a little while to decide what I'll be stacking MMV2 with. As for now, I've got to figure out a new training routine for when I start back next Wednesday!


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Man, it would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? I've got a little while to decide what I'll be stacking MMV2 with. As for now, I've got to figure out a new training routine for when I start back next Wednesday!
You been taking sometime off? I'm thinking even a mmv2/T911 then into a Activate Xtreme + Trion log... haha...

Irish Cannon

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You been taking sometime off? I'm thinking even a mmv2/T911 then into a Activate Xtreme + Trion log... haha...
Ya, my first day off was yesterday, and I'll be resting until the 17th. I'll be in Chicago 11th-16th.

Your log sounds pretty much exactly what I'll be doing. Definitely MMV2 with some type of AI and a SERM-free PCT, probably Trione or Formadrol Extreme, with some natty test booster.


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Resolve; I'm late, but SUBBED ! Kick a$$ little stack you got on hand, I bet it'll treat you right !

.. Irish & Craig, digging the suggestions for that MMv2 stack. I'll be crunching on something similar to it myself prior to Spring Break. Gotta be leeeean and shredded to the damn bone once I hit that bbeeeeattchh !


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Ya, my first day off was yesterday, and I'll be resting until the 17th. I'll be in Chicago 11th-16th.

Your log sounds pretty much exactly what I'll be doing. Definitely MMV2 with some type of AI and a SERM-free PCT, probably Trione or Formadrol Extreme, with some natty test booster.
Well great minds think a lot, I know the mmv2 + T911 will kick serious ass, the jury is out for me on trion and AX but I have them layign around and might as well use them as a stack/PCT and see what happens. I'd say over 8 weeks of that cycle, I'd be aiming for 6-8 aggressive lbs :)


The BPS Rep
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Day 10

Well, yesterday was another recovery day. I relaxed, did a little bit of tutoring, picked up some Christmas gifts, etc.

One neat thing that I discovered, the makers of Southpark have posted every episode from every season on their website. It's entirely legal and you can watch the entire series. I indulged myself and enjoyed 3 episodes. They can be found here: http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/

As for supplementation, I continued with 3tabs of T-911. Good Lord, if you don't workout after taking that stuff your libido shoots so high in about a 1/2hr that it's almost painful. Lifting seems to counter this effect, or at least take my mind off of it, but on a recovery day like yesterday... well... there was mucho "action" as it were...

No BC+EAA on a recovery day, I save it for lifting when I really need it.

Did use several scoops of protein though - had a chocolate shake to which I added 2Tbsp of Peanut Butter - man was that a treat! Also slammed down a vanilla after being out and about without eating for 3hrs and I was starving. It was a good way to subdue hunger and prevent catabolism while I prepared a real meal.


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Livin' the Libido Loco!! Can't wait


The BPS Rep
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Day 11 AM and PM

11 days already? Where'd that week and a half go?! Today was a nice workout day all the way around. My lifts are rising nicely, even with the incredibly high frequency I am performing and I am exhibiting no signs of overtraining whatsoever. I'm happy, relaxed, healthy, energetic and strong - who say's you can't do 8 full body workouts a week and get stronger from it?!

T-911: I remembered to take that third tab today before my PM workout. I've noticed that there has been some "shrinkage" while dosing at 3tabs/day, but I was expecting that as it has been reported in other logs. The mood lifting is amazing - a guy was doing curls in the squat rack right next to me and I only slightly wanted to kill him. If any of you have followed my previous logs, you will recall that curling in the squat rack is normally akin to asking for decapitation in my book. Appetite is also through the roof - I mean I'm sure the amount of lifting I'm doing contributes to this but, good grief I'm eating 5000cals a day! You'd think that would keep me full!

BC+EAA: The longer I use this, the more I like it. Still think it needs a little tweaking, flavor-wise, but I am finding it easy to drink during a routine. What LG really needs to do is offer it in a larger size container. 90servings or something, to make it more comparable to Purple Wraath or Xtend. With it's Amino Acid profile, it beats out both those other products, they just have sheer volume going for them.
Anyways, I am feeling sore today, but it really is minimal. Stiffness is practically non-existant and energy and stamina are fine throughout each session.

Protein: Tried the pancakes again, this time with a little less milk and no pumpkin. Man they were good - I'm gonna stick with this for breakfast as it drastically reduces the volume of food I have to eat but keeps cals pretty much the same. I drizzled some sugar-free syrup over the top with a handful of mixed berries and it was just delightful.
I keep intending to try freezing some of the chocolate - protein powder "ice cream" has long been a staple to help keep my cravings for one of my few weaknesses at bay. Just haven't gotten around to it yet, but I will.

AM Workout: 4x3 Supersets

Narrow-grip Chins: BW+100
Overhead Cable Triceps Extensions: 90

Squats: 355
Incline Bench: 275 (PR!)

Leg-Press Calf Raises: 780 with 6sec eccentric
Ab Circuit: Contralateral hand-toe touches, twisting crunches, planks

Doing chins with 100lbs strapped to my waist was awesome. I was doing the PR I set last week for multiple sets! Squats also are showing nice progress - I think I'll be able to match the 365 3RM I set last week the next time I do squats for 3reps. Incline Bench was surprising - my old PR is 255 and even after increasing that by 20lbs that BB today just flew up.

PM Workout: 2x14 Supersets AKA: The Pump Workout of Doom!!!

Wide-grip Chins: BW
Cable Skull-Crushers: 100

Front Squats: 225
DB Military Press: 70lb DBs

Wide-angled BB Calf-Raises: 315 w/4sec eccentric
Cable Crunches: 100

That Front Squats/DB Military Press superset was killer - my heart rate was through the roof! You would have thought I was doing sled-sprints or something. The 70lb DBs should have been upped, but I had such a pump in my arms from the chins and skulls that it was actually debilitating and hindering my presses.
By the end of the session, EVERYTHING was pumped unlike anything I experienced in a long time. I didn't like it. Not at all - I'm not a "pump" man. However, the workout went by very quick and with only two sets of each movement it wasn't particularly draining. Still looking forward to bed though, the day's work has cumulatively left me ready for sleep.


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Not a bad days work big man. Now rest and grow..


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Yeah awesome update man! Glad we got you running this stuff :)


The BPS Rep
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Thank you gentlemen - I just got back from my morning session, but I'll wait to update you all on it until I'm done lifting for the day.

Craig, how often do you think one could run T-911 and still receive benefit from it? I was thinking I'd finish up this "cycle", give it 2-3months and repeat. Does that sound reasonable to you?

Irish Cannon

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Thank you gentlemen - I just got back from my morning session, but I'll wait to update you all on it until I'm done lifting for the day.

Craig, how often do you think one could run T-911 and still receive benefit from it? I was thinking I'd finish up this "cycle", give it 2-3months and repeat. Does that sound reasonable to you?
I'm not Craig, but I've personally found that cycling an AI for 4-8 weeks with 4-6 weeks off is the best way to go.


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I'm not Craig, but I've personally found that cycling an AI for 4-8 weeks with 4-6 weeks off is the best way to go.
I'd personally agree with that. A 4 week break is something I'd recommend. :)


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So am I to understand that there is no need for PCT or support supps using T-911 or did I misunderstand.

Irish Cannon

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Wow how did I miss this one, more and more I am thinking I am stack this with my next Prime run...
I still have my T-911 log in my sig. Check it out if you would like. I had a great time on it. It's excellent stuff.


The BPS Rep
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Wow how did I miss this one, more and more I am thinking I am stack this with my next Prime run...
A lot of people missed it when this log opp came around some how. I remember applications were real slim - but it made it easy for those of us that did apply to win!

And T-911 is really awesome stuff, I'm loving it!

I haven't finished the first bottle yet and I'm already planning when I can run it again.


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A lot of people missed it when this log opp came around some how. I remember applications were real slim - but it made it easy for those of us that did apply to win!

And T-911 is really awesome stuff, I'm loving it!

I haven't finished the first bottle yet and I'm already planning when I can run it again.
haha yeah I'm like Irish and yourself and already planning future stacks with it.

Irish Cannon

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I know for sure that it's going to be in my MMV2 stack somewhere.


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Hey resolve. T911 is something more to run in a pct of a steroid correct. I mean if i were to take it with mmv2 and havoc i would be wasting it more than saving it for during pct right?


The BPS Rep
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It can be used PCT but it would also be great stacked with either MMV2 or Havoc. Irish Cannon will actually be running MMV2 and T-911 shortly.

Additionally, it can be run solo, as I am using it. Being an AI, it will raise testosterone levels regardless of whether your on cycle, post cycle, or not using a ph at all.


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Got mine late today and start it solo first thing in the morning!!


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Also, I'll update in the morning - I'm just too beat to letcha all in on the fun tonight...
G'night all!
Is this Fatigue setting in? you need some more BC/EAA;s :lol:


The BPS Rep
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Day 12

Is this Fatigue setting in? you need some more BC/EAA;s :lol:
:lol: I've been considering just snorting a butt-load of 'em - quicker absorption, better utilisation... either that or just buying like 5tubs, spreading it all over the floor and rolling in it, y'know for transdermal absorption.

Not to mention the lovely berry-fresh fragrance I'd be sporting everywhere! ;)

Anyways, yeah I was dead tired last night from the cumulation of the days events, not to mention the two workouts. I mixed up the order of lifts, performing bench and row first, rather than deadlifts.
Somewhat of a mistake, if you ask me. My deads suffered in result,

T-911: 3tabs a day still and the bottle is going strong. The "dry joints" have really been minimal. The only place it has affected me is my right elbow, but that's because I shattered the thing when I was 12 and to this day it is only half intact. No other joint issues at all. Strength continues to rise - no more 50lbs jumps or anything, but that's understandable.

BC+EAA: Two serving mixed in with everything while I workout makes it somehow taste a lot better. I'm sure the VitC and Dex I add in are contributing to that, but I've been enjoying it a good deal recently. Again, please make this in a larger size! :)
My endurance this week has really surprised me. And there is no way I'd want to lift the volume I'm at without the ton of Amino Acids that I'm taking. BC+EAA is keeping me from dying of DOMS! Honestly, I'm only slight stiff right now - no real soreness at all.

Protein: More Pancakes! More shakes! Had chocolate PWO again, yum! Not seeing any "lipotropic effects" but hey, I'm eating way too much to expect to see any of that. I am losing less fat than I thought I would, but hey, I will gladly hang on to a little flab for the strength raise I've gotten so far on this program.

I-GH-1: This is good stuff. With BW and everybody on this board doing sponsored logs of X-Dream, I'm bucking the trend and sticking with LG! :head:
I-GH-1 is definitely comparable in sleep quality to powerfull, abyss, and bullet proof. Whether it's as effective in GH release is kinda hard to tell.

AM Workout: 4x4 Supersets

Flat Bench: 315
Narrow-Grip Supinated Rows: 285

Romanian Deadlifts: 455
Reverse Preacher Curls: 105

Seated Calf Raises: 270 w/4sec eccentric
Straight-Arm External Rotations: 50lb w/4sec eccentric

Well, I finally (FINALLY!!!) am doing sets with 300+lb for bench. I can remember looking at all the "big" guys putting up that much and marvelling. Funny thing is, I still don't think of myself as one of the "big guys." But hey, I don't care I'm make good progress!
The rows though mangled my grip for deadlifts. My forearms were so freaking worked already that I couldn't hold onto the bar and had to settle for a bit less weight than I would have liked.
Also, for those who have never tried a Straight-Arm External Rotation - they're good. Hold a DB out to your side at a 30degres angle, then raise it up over your head as with a normal external rotation. Your arm goes through the same motion as if you were doing a snatch - great for all the deltoids, rotator cuff, and the traps.

PM Workout: 2x12 Supersets

Cable Flat Press: 100lb per arm
Wide-Grip Supinated Rows: 285

Deadlifts: 365 (My hands! My hands! AAAUUUGGGHHH!)
Wide-Grip Cable Curls: 130

Wide-Angled Donkey Calf Raises: 330
Lateral Raises: 30 w/4sec eccentric

I like the cable press, performing that after having done bench in the morning makes for a great chest workout. As for the deads, well, I got to the point where I was kinda hoping my hands would just rip off so I could put the freaking bar down! My forearms have never felt so worked. Cool thing though is that those cable curls felt like nothing in comparison - I could have and should have easily increased the weight by a good 20lbs. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

So ends one week of two-a-days. Now a weekend of recovery. On this routine that means as much laziness and good clean food as I can get!


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How many pills in a bottle how long can your run it for, this kind of info is missing from the website....


The BPS Rep
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Yep, 75 tabs per bottle, which will typically last more than a month if you start at 2tabs per day then increase to 3 then taper back to 2.

I'm running one bottle, then plan on a month break before starting up again. I don't think there's any question of how long it's SAFE to run for, I think it's more a question of how long would it be EFFECTIVE. But as to how long that is exactly, well, I'll have to let the LG reps answer that.

And, for all the LG reps - as Dreamweaver noted, LGsciences.com has no ingredient profiles or servings per container anywhere on the site. It'd really be nice to have those on there for each supplement. I've been trying to find out the EAA content in Anadraulic State for over a week and it is nowhere to be found. Even emailed the company and they don't even seem to be sure.


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75 pill bottle, start 2 e/d first week, can go to three after if you feel the need


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I have been stumped myself as far as getting ingredients from their site as well.

Irish Cannon

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And, for all the LG reps - as Dreamweaver noted, LGsciences.com has no ingredient profiles or servings per container anywhere on the site. It'd really be nice to have those on there for each supplement. I've been trying to find out the EAA content in Anadraulic State for over a week and it is nowhere to be found. Even emailed the company and they don't even seem to be sure.
I don't know if the guy's user name is "Legal Gear" or "LG Sciences" but if you PM him, he can get back to you I'm sure. I asked him about Speed V2's ingredients and he shot me a PM back rather quickly.


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I don't know if the guy's user name is "Legal Gear" or "LG Sciences" but if you PM him, he can get back to you I'm sure. I asked him about Speed V2's ingredients and he shot me a PM back rather quickly.
Agreed, fire him through an email and perhaps also suggest that the website lists ingredients and amounts. :)


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Cool so I am thinking 2 a day willl be sufficient if stacking with prime. So this is what I am thinking 6 Prime ed + 2 911 for 5 weeks then 3 weeks of prime at 9 a day.


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I liked the sound of that combo also.


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11 days already? Where'd that week and a half go?! Today was a nice workout day all the way around. My lifts are rising nicely, even with the incredibly high frequency I am performing and I am exhibiting no signs of overtraining whatsoever. I'm happy, relaxed, healthy, energetic and strong - who say's you can't do 8 full body workouts a week and get stronger from it?!

T-911: I remembered to take that third tab today before my PM workout. I've noticed that there has been some "shrinkage" while dosing at 3tabs/day, but I was expecting that as it has been reported in other logs. The mood lifting is amazing - a guy was doing curls in the squat rack right next to me and I only slightly wanted to kill him. If any of you have followed my previous logs, you will recall that curling in the squat rack is normally akin to asking for decapitation in my book. Appetite is also through the roof - I mean I'm sure the amount of lifting I'm doing contributes to this but, good grief I'm eating 5000cals a day! You'd think that would keep me full!
I can think of something worse, a guy doing rotator cuff rehab with an elastic band tied to a squat rack. He was lucky I've only seen him doing it once or else

Great log Resolve, I haven't quite made it to the one you were running before, I was there but only in the backstage ;)

I'd love to run T-911 but at the moment, the only way to achieve that is to move to the US. The Aussie customs are annoyingly strict


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That should make an awesome combo.

Mind if I ask what your results on Prime have been like?
Some lifts went up as much as 50 lbs in the first 5 weeks and when I changed routines I continued to get stronger. Even if I was not gaining strength as quickly in the 7 and 8th weeks the recomp changes started to show up more and more. I have lost about 3 % body fat and lost no weight. I am bigger than I have ever been in 20 some years of lifting. I feel like a rock 24/7 and have a tremendous alpha male/confidence. The pumps are crazy a minimal about of work like say 10 pushups and your pumped up. I have a log link in my signature.

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