VECTOR pre release leaks and info



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The third ingredient has something involving libido. 3 caps at lunch and I went 3/3 in 4hrs. I’m talking amazingness. I’m only 28... what can it do for everyone else!


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Is strong supps the place for first stock?


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Dear lord ppl. Have seen the answers to the last few questions on the SAME PAGE it was asked.


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I’d love to see before and after picks of a person who’s sub 12% BF. I want to be in single digits by May. So I’m going to run vector when I’m leaner, but buying now lol.


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Let's see how many other companies copy the formula. (V3ctor) is not here to take part, it's here to take over.
Can't wait for this to launch
Lol, you’re a Conor McGregor fan huh?


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I sure hope there is a good intro deal on this, cause $240 for a two month run is kinda crazy. Will the final version also be only a 15 day supply per bottle? I'm looking forward to trying this..Hope I have enough $$
Ive stated this once already so I dont want to be redundant but for those who are reading this-
Whats up currently is a PLACEHOLDER. The price isnt right nor is the quantity.
On the 6th is when we release and when everything will be finalized. They have to begin building the site page so something has to be there.
Just hang tight. Youll see the price when we release it to the public ;)
It wont be 59$


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Will Vector have to be cycled or can it be used continuously? And do the gains get better the longer you take it, as they do with FD2?
I dont see any reason to cycle it. It does have some hormonal effects but they are all positive as it increase LH, testosterone and lowers prolactin.
Nothing I know of would make it necessary to cycle. This is one of the big bonuses of natural anabolics. We are just augmenting growth factors and suppressing expression of factors than cause atrophy etc etc. Nothing that causes harm to your health or HPTA.which is a big part of why steroids are cycled. And finally I do think the longer you run it the better itll get because it does take time for these changes in levels to really show visible effects.
This doesnt mean it wont work sooner just that I think as you get into bottle 2-3 youll really be glad you didnt stop at 1 ;)
Like Foll.


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Almost there guys, prepare to buy bigger clothes next month. brundel can this be taken at anytime or around meals?
I havnt seen any gastro issues but I will tell you guys this stuff has really strong GDA effects. Corosolic acid, chlorogenic acid, Oleanolic acid, catalpol, Loganin etc etc all reduce blood sugar. Catalpol has been studied with Metformin for diabetes.
I say try it and see how it treats you. If you experience hypo, eat with it.
If it bothers your stomach, eat with it.


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Side note* This is why it would be nice to have a dedicated thread with all the pertinent info in it. Most people who can't be here constantly, have to wade through almost 40 pages of info to find these things out, since it's all separated by all kinds of other "stuff".
We will. Vector FAQ will be up within the next day or so with a full writeup and panel so its up for reference.
This has just been a thread for us to talk about it because there is so much to tell you guys.


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Looks Good! Capsules look a little bigger than the ones you sent to be tested?
are you going to pack more of these natural goodies in each capsule? That would keep the dose down.
Actually I don't care. I would take 6-5 times a day if I had to. most people are not anal like me and carry a few pill bottles on them and have reminders go off when it's time to dose.LOL
Those caps havnt been filled so they are sort of longer.
I doubled the strength of the extracts ;) So you dont have to take 12 a day lol.......


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Those caps havnt been filled so they are sort of longer.
I doubled the strength of the extracts ;) So you dont have to take 12 a day lol.......
but I COULD take 12 a day right ? :dance:


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I have a question.......or sort of a rant with a question inside it. Eriobotrya J and korean mistletoe are frankly badass. Im surprised myself at the amount of potential they have.
Its hard to even read through all the effects Let alone write them all down for you guys.
This of course is why we test each alone so, while the single ingredients are amazing....the final product is disgustingly strong.

Do you think ingredient #3 will be something exciting?

I mean there are alot of products out there that have maybe 1 star ingredient and a bunch of fluff and filler. Think of all the Ehem..epicatechin products or laxo products that have that and then a bunch of BS thrown in there. Im not gonna call any out. But you know what Im saying.

Eriobotrya alone has so many chemical constituents that are active and effective than it alone is better than most products that claim to deliver anabolic effects.
KME is also pretty Fn badass with a host of effects.

Is it possible I have found another?
What would you say if I were to tell you there are 3 chemicals within number 3 each of which I would consider an anabolic in its own right.
If it were standardized for each would DESTROY epicatechin many times over. But standardiztion would cost thousands so we are using a 100:1 extract that delivers mostly these 3 compounds.

Would you think Vector just might be the strongest OTC anabolic anywhere from anyone?
I guarantee you. It is.

Ingredient 3 coming VERY soon.


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but I COULD take 12 a day right ? :dance:
I dont see why not.
When I bumped up the dose from 6-12 there was a noticeable increase in effects so much that I opted to double the strength of the ingredients
The Express 42

The Express 42

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I have a question.......or sort of a rant with a question inside it. Eriobotrya J and korean mistletoe are frankly badass. Im surprised myself at the amount of potential they have.
Its hard to even read through all the effects Let alone write them all down for you guys.
This of course is why we test each alone so, while the single ingredients are amazing....the final product is disgustingly strong.

Do you think ingredient #3 will be something exciting?

I mean there are alot of products out there that have maybe 1 star ingredient and a bunch of fluff and filler. Think of all the Ehem..epicatechin products or laxo products that have that and then a bunch of BS thrown in there. Im not gonna call any out. But you know what Im saying.

Eriobotrya alone has so many chemical constituents that are active and effective than it alone is better than most products that claim to deliver anabolic effects.
KME is also pretty Fn badass with a host of effects.

Is it possible I have found another?
What would you say if I were to tell you there are 3 chemicals within number 3 each of which I would consider an anabolic in its own right.
If it were standardized for each would DESTROY epicatechin many times over. But standardiztion would cost thousands so we are using a 100:1 extract that delivers mostly these 3 compounds.

Would you think Vector just might be the strongest OTC anabolic anywhere from anyone?
I guarantee you. It is.

Ingredient 3 coming VERY soon.
Panties moist in anticipation. Hoping tomorrow morning.


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It sounds awesome......something natural that really works. I plan on going to get 3 bottles on sale and take with Follidrone and see how it goes.


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I know Strong Just did a sale price on follidrone, was wondering if you think they would consider doing a bundle offer of 3x Vector with 3x Follidrone in their Vector Intro Sale?


Love the hype. Very exciting for BLR and the industry. The second coming for us lifters.


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I’m so loaded up on FD2 rn it’s not even funny lol. Super excited for this drop


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I know Strong Just did a sale price on follidrone, was wondering if you think they would consider doing a bundle offer of 3x Vector with 3x Follidrone in their Vector Intro Sale?
You can ask them but I think probably no.


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VECTOR ingredient 3 DATA.
Rehmannaie radix. (RR)
RR is the third and final ingredient in VECTOR the next generation of natural anabolics. RR contains within some of the most interesting anabolic substances Ive seen and has a host of effects and properties that are of interest to us as athletes. RR has been used for aeons in ancient medicine but recently it has been demonstrated to have more than just health benefits. RR is an exceptional for performance enhancement, muscle mass building, strength and fat loss. Lets explore why.

Catalpol is approx 11% of the dry weight of the Rehemannaie plant. In a strong extract like the one used in VECTOR percentages can be much higher. Think of Catalpol as.....natural Doping. I see this could be hard to wrap your head around so let me explain-
Here is a quote from a study regarding the use of genes for doping.

"the advance of gene therapy has opened the door to the possibility of using genetic manipulation (GM) to enhance athletic performance. In such 'gene doping', exogenous genetic sequences are inserted into a specific tissue, altering cellular gene activity or leading to the expression of a protein product. The exogenous genes most likely to be utilized for gene doping include erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1), myostatin antagonists, and endorphin. However, many other genes could also be used, such as those involved in glucose metabolic pathways."

So they are saying in essence that by targeting these specific factors an athlete could augment themselves and become sort of a super human. Interestingly Catalpol targets most of these and more. EPO, VEGF, IGF1, Beta endorphins. Augmenting these can lead to MAJOR increases in muscle mass, athletic performance and fat loss.

Catalpol increases EPO-
EPO has been used by athletes (illegally in most cases) to increase performance for decades. Well known for its use in cycling EPO when injected or when it is increased through other means leads to huge increases in overall performance. EPO increases red blood cells which in turn carries more oxygen to muscles. VO2Max is increased, overall power output is increased, time to exhaustion is increased. These boosts give the athlete a huge advantage in competition but also for those who are not competitors it allows for the same improvements making your everyday Clark Kent into more of a Superman. When combined with RRs second chemical constieunt, a strong vasodilator we have GREATLY improved performance as the oxygen rich overabundance of red blood cells are pumped through wide open blood vessels.

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major regulator of blood vessel formation during development and in the adult organism. Recent evidence indicates that this factor also plays an important role in sustaining the proliferation and differentiation of different cell types, including progenitor cells of different tissues, including skeletal muscle, bone marrow, bone, and the central nervous system. VEGF promotes the growth of myogenic fibers and protects the myogenic cells from apoptosis in vitro and prompt a therapeutic use for VEGF gene transfer in a variety of muscular disorders. VEGF also increases angiogenisis and blood flow to muscles.

Catalpol increases IGF1 which is a well known positive regulator of skeletal muscle. Vector is a fantastic muscle building agent but we all know that in order to grow we need to eat caloric surplus.
Unfortunately as we eat more, particularly carbs, blood sugar rises and IGF1 is suppressed while IGF1 sensitivity is increased.
Catalpol prevents this drop in IGF1 leading to higher IGF1 levels during a period where IGF1 sensitivity is at its highest. This contributes to Vectors muscle growth potential.

Catalpol increases Beta endorphin release. B-EP are known for causing the often referred to "runners high" and is part of what makes us feel great after exercise. B-EP have also been shown to decrease muscle fatigue and increase glucose uptake in muscles. B-EP are in a large part what gives us the Mind/muscle connection when training. B-EP improves neuromuscular function, increases the amplitude of contractions and decreases the time to peak muscle contraction in response to nerve stimulation. B-EP can increase initial, maximum and mean muscle tension meaning strength potential.

Catalpol effectively increases mitochondrial ATP production.

Catalpol is also remarkably hypoglycemic, reduces total serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Making it a powerhouse within RR and lending itself nicely to the overall structure and potential of VECTOR.

- Is a well known iridoid glycoside with many sources but Loganin is present in high quantities in Rehemannaie.
Loganin is a fantastic anabolic agent in its own right. Loganin is being studied currently as a treatment for skeletal muscle atrophy. In addition Loganin seems to possess anti inflammatory, antioxidant, glucose lowering and muscle protective effects. Loganin upregulates the Atk/mTOR pathway and increases IGF1 leading to increased muscle tissue.
Loganin has also been shown to increase skeletal muscle strength in animal studies and inhibits Atrogin-1 which prevents skeletal muscle atrophy. Further anabolic potential lies in its suppression of SMAD2/3 and increased expression of SMAD7. In animals studies Loganin increased muscle mass, overall bodyweight, strength and protein synthesis making it a powerhouse anabolic.

Betain is a well known constituent of Beet roots. Betain has been studied and shown to increase performance as well as skeletal muscle growth making it a fantastic component of RR and ultimately VECTOR. Betain has been found to increase IGF1 expression, as well as MyHC synthesis which can both lead to increases in muscle. In addition it is a great vasodilator and improves blood flow to muscles. This vasodilation combined with Catalpols increase in RBC from EPO makes this stuff a wicked performance enhancing ingredient.

RR is
-improves cognitive function
-Has been shown to increase testosterone
-Increase muscle mass
-Reduce blood sugar/ antidiabetic
-Helps with gastrointestinal disorders
-Is used as a feed for animals as it increases weight and muscle mass.
-Increases Beta endorphins
-Mild opioid activity/ pain killing with out the negatives of NSAIDS
-Increases GLUT4
-Improves mitochondrial function
-Increases IGF-1
-Increases EPO/Red blood cells
-Increases SMAD7 expression
-Reduces SMAD2/3 expression
-Increases performance
-INcreases strength
-Prevents muscle atrophy
-Increases ATP production





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What the fork? Loving this.


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brundel will there be a preorder available for AM members?


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brundel will there be a preorder available for AM members?
No pre order. Just order.
On the 6th there will be a brief intro sale at strong supplements.


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brundel, any idea when will European customers will be able to order from JW supplements? Will they also have the webpage done for the product on May 6?


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Did you add anything somewhere on that large label about how these ingredients are standardized or extracted? I’m hoping you did. Otherwise, I’m curious why you didn’t at least add “100:1” in the Supplement Facts section. E.g. “Viscum Album 100:1 Extract 1000mg”.
This information was probably omitted to avoid future attempts by companies to replicate the formula.


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3 DAYS til GO TIME~!


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Will the intro price still be available on the 6th even if stocks sell out? I would like to at least get a bottle but won't be able to buy until after work.


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Not sure if this has been asked. Will someone on TRT notice or get all the benefits as someone who is not ????


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This is a tricky question but how can Vector gains be compared to steroids?

I guess its to soon to know and it will vary from person to person but since steroids were previous mentioned in this thread i'm curious. Of course i'm not hoping it will be comparable with harsher compounds but how about milder ones?


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Not sure if this has been asked. Will someone on TRT notice or get all the benefits as someone who is not ????
I’m on TRT and it’s only maintenance levels so I may as well be natty. So. Yes.


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brundel, any idea when will European customers will be able to order from JW supplements? Will they also have the webpage done for the product on May 6?
It will likely be shortly after the 6th.
You can also order from strong supplements as their international shipping is fast, reliable and relatively cheap.


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Did you add anything somewhere on that large label about how these ingredients are standardized or extracted? I’m hoping you did. Otherwise, I’m curious why you didn’t at least add “100:1” in the Supplement Facts section. E.g. “Viscum Album 100:1 Extract 1000mg”.
Its sort of a protective tactic.
For example we use a 100:1 standardized extract for Letrone. Since release 2 companies I know of have started using atractylodes. Before Letrone nobody used it.
But, nobody using it currently has an extract anywhere near as strong and they are targeting the wrong compounds.

Its about the fine line between telling you guys whats in it but not exactly.


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Is absorption good enough solo, i would probably stack with FD2 for more of a boost but if using would like to use solo just to gauge effects.
Absorption is good yes but Follidrone with it certainly wont hurt. For example Eriobotrya J has a good deal of epicatechin. About 50% that of cocoa so at 1000mg and as strong an extract as we have there is a viable dose. The absorption package from Foll will help with at least some but not all of the constituents. At this point I think you know well enough how foll works so you could stack them and still know there is a difference.


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Will the intro price still be available on the 6th even if stocks sell out? I would like to at least get a bottle but won't be able to buy until after work.
Yah will be up for 48-72 hours.


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Not sure if this has been asked. Will someone on TRT notice or get all the benefits as someone who is not ????
Absolutely yes. Being on TRT wont effect it at all as the effects are not HPTA related. We do see a rise in test levels but this isnt a test booster its just a benefit that it keeps test levels healthy and it also means guys can run it during PCT as its not suppressive but actually raises test.

Ive been running it on TRT and LOVE it.


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This is a tricky question but how can Vector gains be compared to steroids?

I guess its to soon to know and it will vary from person to person but since steroids were previous mentioned in this thread i'm curious. Of course i'm not hoping it will be comparable with harsher compounds but how about milder ones?
So Ill do my best to accurately answer this.

First "steroids" is just too general of a term. What does that mean? I realize most people dont know this but there are hundreds of steroids some are anabolic, some are not, some are highly toxic some are not. DHEA is a steroid but I wouldnt call it anabolic.

Vector is 100% natural and does not work like a traditional anabolic steroid.
It does, however, increase protein synthesis, mTOR expression, IGF1 expression, downregulates atrogin 1 (catabolic factors) and in its own right is a really strong anabolic blend.
It also is a very effective performance enhancing mix as it increase EPO, PPAR, VEGF, Beta Endorphins in addition to dilating blood vessels etc etc.
And finally its a solid fat burner. If you took away the performance enhancement and muscle building effects Vector would stand alone as a fat burner.

So it offers all the benefits of anabolic steroids but without the side effects. Instead of suppression it raises test.
Instead of requiring PCT it can be added to PCT to prevent atrophy.
Instead of causing health risks is has health benefits.

It may not be as effective but its better in every other respect.
As far as potency. Ive seen a handful of guys gain 10+lbs while losing bodyfat. Some of these guys were not super dedicated diet wise so if say someone were to run a 12 week vector cycle and progressively increase cals they could gain 20lbs.

Now, since I know people like to take what I say out of context Ill clarify.
Im not saying every person who takes Vector is gonna gain 20lbs period. Im saying its possible to gain 20 and I think 7-10 will be easy.
I also think well see alot of PRs and alot of guys running Stacks for recomp and cuts who will be getting shredded while adding a few lean lbs..

Basically Vector replaces the PH in your arsenal without the health risks or PCT.


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Increases EPO? Bummer. Won’t be buying this.


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Increases EPO? Bummer. Won’t be buying this.
Dislike red blood cells?
Blood pressure problems?

Out of 30 testers we saw 0 increases in blood pressure. There are significant vasodilation properties enough to counter the increase in RBC.
But if you have an issue maybe steer clear.


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Oh, this is exciting. Besides lifting, I love to road bike and vector being a vasodilator too should increase my speed and endurance. Can't wait?

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