Never Listen to Milas about RecoverPro



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<img src=""/>
Ill have to see.. I have a discount coupon for ai sports and a discount coupon for ntbm. Ill have to see which is cheaper.


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Sad thing is Blake is too bust talking about poop and being American then subbing to my log of his product give away.


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Who giving out free shirts? AI? I got one with my last testopro care package. Which is awesome, I now have 4 of them. Only supplement company that has been cool and sent me shirts.
I still need an AI shirt!


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asdklj jasdlj jla sdoifjnl gnao onoadfogin on asdnoias goihj!


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I just made a slamwich.
I invented this about a year ago.
It's a pretty hardcore sandwich.
Basically it starts as a sandwich, but then you punch it as hard as you can before you eat it. BOOM, slamwich!


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I just made a slamwich.
I invented this about a year ago.
It's a pretty hardcore sandwich.
Basically it starts as a sandwich, but then you punch it as hard as you can before you eat it. BOOM, slamwich!
That's what I do when I see a sandwich. Cept I throw it away.


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.
Awesome story!!
Douches like that I usually just ignore. But tbh I have become way stronger than most of the guys that even ask "How much you bench" and stuff at the gym.

Can't wait till I go back to Hawaii. Gonna hit the gym in the AM. Get in all my Stims then take the wife's family around the island. Haha!!!
And eat, and eat enough to get me to 235lbs cause when I get back it's time to break new prs!


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.
Right friggin on Bro!


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Good for you, Brucey! I'm happy for ya!

Next time, curl it.


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.
AWESOME! That's some good stuff!


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Good for you, Brucey! I'm happy for ya!

Next time, curl it.
Yeah that won't be happening anytime soon. I seriously thought I was going to tear my left shoulder on the 4th/5th reps on this.


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Mio squirts? Is that Spanglish? :lol:


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Awesome story!!
Douches like that I usually just ignore. But tbh I have become way stronger than most of the guys that even ask "How much you bench" and stuff at the gym.

Can't wait till I go back to Hawaii. Gonna hit the gym in the AM. Get in all my Stims then take the wife's family around the island. Haha!!!
And eat, and eat enough to get me to 235lbs cause when I get back it's time to break new prs!
Did I miss when u are going back to Hawaii?


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.
Way to go sounds like he deserved it never let anyone affect your gym time. I never want anyone in the gym to feel bad cause your doing something that lots of people don't have the heart to do.


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Guys, I did the real recoverbro thing.. I got sxtnas in the PMS facebook group. Take that you xtend 1.0 drinking fools!


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.

I love it my Recoverbro! Great story there....unfortunately every gym has a douche like that...or two...or three...or four

Definitely in for the polo shirt lifting douche that plays butt darts with his high five buddies pics...;)


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Good Job DJ!


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I earned my RecoverBro wings tonight at the gym...

This probably happens to a lot of you guys a lot. First time for me. I was there just to do cardio tonight since I lifted last night. Anyways there was a d-bag wearing sunglasses on the top of his head deadlifting 225 pounds huffing like a fool and when he was done he high fived his friends I look over at him and he flexes his pecks and gives that whole come at me bro like look/vibe. I got off the elliptical and asked if he was done. He said yeah and his buddy said, do you need us to remove some of the weight. I said nah, and I put on another plate on each end. Deadlifted 315 pounds 5 times, shoulder hurt like hell. When I was done I nodded towards the guy and put the weight away. Went back to doing Cardio. So yes I am an a$$hole, I just couldn't take that guy any longer. It was funny to hear the crap his buddies was giving him. He's in the gym every day and is the only guy who makes me feel like sh*t there. Has made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be there a couple time. This is the guy who has worn plaid shorts and a polo to the gym and lifted in it. Just in general rubs me the wrong way.

So I set a PR at the gym tonight on my Deadlift and got to show up the D-bag who takes over the power rack forever.

RecoverBro I have joined you tonight. I shall try to sneak a picture of this d-bag in the next day or so. So we can laugh at him together.


Good job DJ! What an asshat!


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Move this to the "cry" section...
Did you just reply to the first post without reading anything else? lol.

Bruce, your American RecoverBros should come to the gym with you. Anyone who sees you training with a buffalo and relative of Dave Navarro will know you are the real deal!


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Move this to the "cry" section...
Wipe the sand outta your vag brah. This is more of a general collaboration of awesomeness. Not everyone will understand what greatness has collaborated here.


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Morning recover bros. and hoes.


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Severe lack of posting going on bros.


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Wipe the sand outta your vag brah. This is more of a general collaboration of awesomeness. Not everyone will understand what greatness has collaborated here.
Honestly, NO SAND IN THE VAG is one of the VERY FIRST RULES of this Thread. WTF! (Although I did pound sand in Flexy's vag but that was all a big misunderstanding and we have moved past that now.)


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I got a box of Hello Kitty Band-aids and a couple bottles of 800mg tablets of Suck It The Fück Up for whoever needs it.


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I got a box of Hello Kitty Band-aids and a couple bottles of 800mg tablets of Suck It The Fück Up for whoever needs it.
Do you have to run a PCT with those tablets?


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Who is this DJ character everyone kept mentioning on the previous page? WHO?!?!?


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Not sure my name is Bruce.
Funny you mention this. I was looking thru everyone's addy's that won Ageforce logs so I could get all the stuff shipped out, and I couldn't find Bruce anywhere. I had to double check cuz I thought we had missed you.

Guys, does it seem like Bruce has been getting free crap ever since he joined here?


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Funny you mention this. I was looking thru everyone's addy's that won Ageforce logs so I could get all the stuff shipped out, and I couldn't find Bruce anywhere. I had to double check cuz I thought we had missed you.

Guys, does it seem like Bruce has been getting free crap ever since he joined here?
Bruce does win everything...and he doesn't make shirts. That sums him up.

Oh, and Bruce, you are never "Bucko" -- that is too close to my baseball nickname. You are Bruce, Brucey, Bruce Jr. and BRUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCEEEEEE!!!


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Speaking of winning, I just got my bottle of Recourse. Says take 2 caps 3x/day. There are 60 caps per bottle. I am hoping there is a typo. Cuz that's a 10 day run....for $22 retail. A full month would cost me over $60.


Board Sponsor
Speaking of winning, I just got my bottle of Recourse. Says take 2 caps 3x/day. There are 60 caps per bottle. I am hoping there is a typo. Cuz that's a 10 day run....for $22 retail. A full month would cost me over $60.


Well-known member
Funny you mention this. I was looking thru everyone's addy's that won Ageforce logs so I could get all the stuff shipped out, and I couldn't find Bruce anywhere. I had to double check cuz I thought we had missed you.

Guys, does it seem like Bruce has been getting free crap ever since he joined here?
I learned from you Fl3x.


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Speaking of winning, I just got my bottle of Recourse. Says take 2 caps 3x/day. There are 60 caps per bottle. I am hoping there is a typo. Cuz that's a 10 day run....for $22 retail. A full month would cost me over $60.
Wait each bottle has 60?! I thought there were 120 for a 20day supply. And I thought that was pushing it...


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Where u guys seeing that? I see on nutra:

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings per Container: 60

Take 2 Capsules 3 times daily evenly spaced throughout the day.

So I miscalculated on the servings per bottle, 60 servings/3=20 servings. But it doesn't say 120 anywhere...

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