PES Beta Stim!


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My Beta Stim experience:

At first, I was a little hesitant to consume a once a day dose of 12 capsules. I really did not want the stimulant effect to be so pronounced that all I would experience was a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and day-long jitters... To my excitement, Beta Stim did not elicit any of the aforementioned ill-effects!

Stimulant strength: 10/10

Through extensive use of fat loss supplements, I've found that most are overly caffeinated/stimulated. Now, I like to feel the energy boost, but I also like the ability to properly function without my heart beating out of my chest... The stimulant aspect of Beta Stim has been absolutely PERFECT for me. When taking an early morning dosage (i.e. 6-7 AM), I've found that the one sample packet provided me with enough energy to last the entire day. By the time 10-11 PM rolled around, the gradual stimulant increase had subsided and I was ready for bed.

Appetite suppression: 7/10

In my experience, the appetite suppression was prevalent but not overwhelming. I did not feel as though I had to force myself to eat, nor did I feel mysteriously hungry. I did, however, feel as though my meals were more controlled. I was able to consume a smaller portion of food and still appease my appetite.

Thermogenesis: 8/10

Like the stimulant effect, the thermogenic aspect of Beta Stim was also gradual. About an hour after dosing, I began to feel a nice warming sensation. After a 40 minute long, high-intensity, cardio session I was sweating profusely. What I felt was particularly nice about Beta Stim's thermogenic effect, was that it didn't really transpire outside of the gym. Meaning, I would not just spontaneously sweat from performing simple, low-intensity, tasks (i.e. cleaning).

Other effects: 10/10

Obviously I am unaware of the ingredient(s) found in Beta Stim, but I experienced an extremely positive mood enhancement. I have felt more calm and collective these past two days, than any other two days this entire month! For me, this mood enhancing effect was unexpected but exceedingly gratifying.

Overall: 8.75/10

I would absolutely love the opportunity to try a months supply of Beta Stim! I can only speculate on the synergistic qualities it would have when used alongside the likes of PES greats Alpha-T2 and Erase. I really hope that Beta Stim is brought to the market so I might have that stacking opportunity!

Lastly, thank you again PES for giving me the opportunity to evaluate a great supplement! :cheers:


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Man mine still isn't here... So very sad...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie's Initial Impressions

If one has not followed my log/s, then a brief explanation of the circumstances under which I use this, to help one understand my comments:
I have just had a week off resistance training. I've also had a week of not using any stimulants, and have not even using my complete line-up of staple supplements. Yesterday was my first day back in the gym.

Day One

Dosed 12 caps first thing on waking

Started training ~60 minutes post-waking
Training duration from start to finish: 3.5 hours

Stimulant Strength: I am a stim junkie and a VERY heavy stimulant user - usually I stack SEVERAL stimulants, including caffeine, together and dose 2-3 times daily. Unfortunately, as a stimulant, this did not even scratch the surface, and it took me ~6 hours after dosing before I even started to feel remotely awake, but without any energy. If I was going to use this as a stimulant, it would have to be as part of a stack, and even then, I'm not sure I would know if it was doing anything, because of everything it would be stacked with.

Appetite Suppression: It's too early to tell as far as appetite suppression.

Thermogenesis: There was a definite increase in sweating - I particularly noticed this during my resistance session. And my face was actually flushed, not the usual white ghost that it usually becomes, especially when I am doing exercises for Legs.

Positive Effects: N/A.

Negative Effects: N/A.

Other Effects: Thirst was noticeably increased, which could possibly be from increased thermogenesis - or not. I couldn't drink enough, and by the end of training, I had already consumed a UK galleon (4.5 litres) of water. Definitely good, since the last few weeks I have barely been getting in 2.5-3 litres of water a day, feeling nauseous whenever I drink any.

Summary of Review: It's only the first day, and I've only used one dose, but I honestly have not felt anything aside from an increased body temperature so far.

How do you think it will serve as a fat loss ingredient? One day's sample is not enough to make this call - a couple of weeks, ideally at least four weeks, would be the best period over which to make a judgment on this as it pertains specifically to me.

Day Two

I will be dosing TWICE tomorrow - first thing and again 6-8 hours post-Dose 1.

I have four more samples left, so enough to last two more days - therefore I will give a Final Review and Feedback at the end of Day Three.



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I have seen some of the stims you stack Rosie and I am not surprised this didnt scratch the surface if you dosed it alone. Honestly I have no idea how your resting heart rate isnt 200 bpm on those stacks...truly ridiculous.

Thanks for your input, as noted before i was curious to see how this would react with someone who is far more tolerant to stims then myself. I found it to be that perfect balance but again I cant even compare my tolerance to yours.


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waiting for rosie's review!!!!!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I have seen some of the stims you stack Rosie and I am not surprised this didnt scratch the surface if you dosed it alone. Honestly I have no idea how your resting heart rate isnt 200 bpm on those stacks...truly ridiculous.

Thanks for your input, as noted before i was curious to see how this would react with someone who is far more tolerant to stims then myself. I found it to be that perfect balance but again I cant even compare my tolerance to yours.
Resting heart rate is an indicator of fitness and the only time it is elevated is just before I get sick and during it - supplements don't affect it.

No worries :) It was definitely interesting. Actually, it was much like when I used the LIT UP beta re stimulant effects - some of us just need a whole lot of something to notice anything.

waiting for rosie's review!!!!!
See post #153 :)



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nice review rosie.


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Resting heart rate is an indicator of fitness and the only time it is elevated is just before I get sick and during it - supplements don't affect it.

No worries :) It was definitely interesting. Actually, it was much like when I used the LIT UP beta re stimulant effects - some of us just need a whole lot of something to notice anything.

See post #153 :)

Wow, that is quite impressive that your heart rate can stabilize under the influence of stimulants. I can only guess it has to do with your amazing tolerance.

Resting heart rate is an indicator of fitness level being that a stronger heart requires less beats to carry sufficient blood around the body. But as you very well know stimulants do indeed increase resting heart rate in I would say a majority of individuals being that they trigger a number of effects depending on their MOA. You would be the first I know of who is uneffected....something that would be testament to your training and fitness level.

A thermogenic fat-burner designed to increase resting metabolism may increase resting heart rate which is why those with heart problems or some form of cardiac insufficiency should be careful on taking stimulants b/c they do at times induce higher heart rates amongst other things(I am obviously over simplifying b/c you are probably more well versed in this then I). But in essence this side-effect os stims is why i noted my heart rate while on the bea-stim sample went from 60's to 80's. Still within normal limits but it was a means of me quantifing the effects in an unbiase manner.

And yeah...LitUp has definitely caught my attention and is on my lists of things to try in the near future.


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Been out of town but I received my samples, and I plan on kicking the new year off by taking them on 1/3/11.


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PLease tell me 12 caps isnt a serving:surprised:

Edit:, Did i read that, this is only the beta that is a huge serving due to non production yet? Sorry guys its late here!


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Got my sample will give it a try thurs and friday. Will post a link to the review here in this thread.
So I decided to try it today and tomorrow instead. :saevil:

1st sample: So I skipped my normal Black coffee and popped 12 twelve of these first thing in the AM. It took a bit but I started feeling a little more awake but it never got crazy. About an hour in and after my breakfast I started feeling the thermo effect - body, hands, and feet felt a lil bit warmer and my stomach was churning (in a good way if that makes sense).

Nothing crazy to report yet.

Thermo effect: 7/10 Felt it about 45- 60 minutes in and it's staying with me so far.

Stim: 5/10 Didn't do too much in this department but I didn't notice a clean sense of alertness.

Appetite Suppression: N/A I can't really expect too much off of one serving and I've never really had anything suppress my appetite to a noticeable degree.

2nd sample: First thing in the Am with no other stims. Stomach was churning after this dose for sure. Same mild stim effect but definitely more pronounced thermogenesis.

Thermo effect: 9/10 I'm not too sure if it was the sample cause it happened later in the day but damn! I was doing the usual house cleaning/chores and i was just sweating nonstop.

Stim: 5/10 Same mild alertness I felt the day before.

Appetite Suppression: 6/10 def didn't feel like eating breakfast but I was still able to get all my food down.


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PLease tell me 12 caps isnt a serving:surprised:

Edit:, Did i read that, this is only the beta that is a huge serving due to non production yet? Sorry guys its late here!
Only the beta will be 12 caps. :147:


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2nd day

Here is my breakdown for the second day of the sample.

Thermo 8/10
Took it bright and early this am. Within the first 20-30 minutes I started to get the warm sensation, which was assisted shortly thereafter in my am cardio. My hooded sweatshirt that I run in was totally drenched. Thats a good thing

Appetite Supression 7/10
Not overly pronounced. However, I am not a huge eater in the am. Took down my shake and a banana without issue. I will note that I was not ravenous a few hours later. I was hungry, but not the typical eat my arm off feeling.

Stim 8/10 Not as strong as yesterday. Still a good feeling, very awake and aware, which is a plus.

Just curious, am I sensing a possible Stim/AT2 stack in the future? :thumbsup:


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I wish I saw this earlier, back to just staples and would be happy to test this for you guys.


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HereToStudy's Thoughts:

Alright, arguably this was a bit weird for me. I had two very different experiences between the two doses, so it is hard for me to give a definitive statement about this, but I will try. For those interested, two days in a row the 12 caps were dosed upon waking up at approximately 7:00am. A meal was consumed ~30mins later, consisting of about 6 whole eggs.

Day One
This would be the day I made the "HOLY HELL" post in this thread. My first signs of stimulation became evident at around +0:45, where a mild Euphoria was sensed. Nothing to write home about, but definitely present. The Magic began at aproximately +1:15. This is going to sound like total bullsh!t, but I have no dividend in PES and my Day two counter argues this so I have no reason to lie. I could honestly describe the "coming up" stim feeling to the same rise I would feel on a dosage of 10-15mg of adderal (before any smart asses comment, I was prescribed). Very strong stim feeling, good Euphoria, slight cotton mouth, and a strong increase in work productivity. I commented to a friend who knew i was doing the beta test that "I fell awesome" numerous times. This lasted until around +4:30 when I ate lunch (mild appetite supression, but I always eat). Once I was done eating, I felt very very full on a normal portion (a usual side from strong stim usage for me). At this point however, the feelings associated slowly dimminished over the course of another hour. No thermo feelings were directly noticed, sleep patters were normal at night.

Day Two
Upon waking on day two I was actually thrilled about taking the second dose. I was ready for the Euphoria (A stim feeling a really enjoy, partially too much which is why I stopped my adderall xlr Rx), and ready for the increased productivity at work. Unfortunately, my results were very different during this dosage. I didn't notice much until around +1:25, at which can best be described as a mild feeling. By +1:45, I was more alert than baseline, and had a slightly faster pulse than baseline (something I did not check for on day one), but none of the "zone feeling" (stimulant junkies know what I mean), or the Euphoric feeling. Thermo effects were not noted, but this was in line with Day one. I would say that the stimulation was present, just on a smaller level than I had experienced on Day One. This leads me to believe one of a couple scenarios are accurate: 1.) Tolerance is quickly developed. 2.) My body was either well prepared Day 1, or not well enough prepared Day 2 or 3.) Food consumption on Day 2 might have interefered with the absorption in a way I can't directly answer.

Overall a very good stim. I really enjoyed my Day 1 experience. Day 2 was still good, I just had alot of hope for it after experiencing Day 1. I think Tolerance is something that needs to be explored with this stimulant. I did not experience a crash in any sense throughout both days, and having only taken the dose upon waking, I did not have any altered sleep patterns, which on strong Stimulants (i.e. Adderall) is a common side effect for me.

If anyone has any questions, I will answer.

Big Thanks to the guys at PES. Great Supplement company, and I was delighted to help you guys develop your new product by beta testing!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie's Second Day with Two Doses

Day Two

Dose 1 - 12 caps first thing on waking
Dose 2 - 12 caps ~7 hours post-Dose 1 (~60 min pre-meal)

Started training ~2 hours post-waking
Training duration from start to finish: ~50 minutes (see notes in Training/Supplementation Journal for reason for short duration)

Stimulant Strength: Again, I didn't notice anything. I waited a little longer today before I started training, since I didn't even start to feel mentally awake until ~6 hours post-dosing on Day One, to give it a little time, but mentally I wasn't really focused until about an hour after my SECOND dose.

Appetite Suppression: No appetite suppression.

Thermogenesis: Definitely sweating - even during cardio I felt like I was running outside in high heat and humidity, and the sweat was dripping off.

Positive Effects: N/A.

Negative Effects: N/A.

Other Effects: High thirst factor.

Summary of Review: I've seen what one dose and two doses are like standalone - on Day Three, it's time to stack it with BLACK CATS (which is the only stimulant product I have anything left of).

How do you think it will serve as a fat loss ingredient? Even two days are not enough to make this call - a couple of weeks, ideally at least four weeks, would be the best period over which to make a judgment on this as it pertains specifically to me.



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Good quality reviews in here so far. I can't wait to try mine when it shows up.


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Day Two

Dose 1 - 12 caps first thing on waking
Dose 2 - 12 caps ~7 hours post-Dose 1 (~60 min pre-meal)

Started training ~2 hours post-waking
Training duration from start to finish: ~50 minutes (see notes in Training/Supplementation Journal for reason for short duration)

Stimulant Strength: Again, I didn't notice anything. I waited a little longer today before I started training, since I didn't even start to feel mentally awake until ~6 hours post-dosing on Day One, to give it a little time, but mentally I wasn't really focused until about an hour after my SECOND dose.

Appetite Suppression: No appetite suppression.

Thermogenesis: Definitely sweating - even during cardio I felt like I was running outside in high heat and humidity, and the sweat was dripping off.

Positive Effects: N/A.

Negative Effects: N/A.

Other Effects: High thirst factor.

Summary of Review: I've seen what one dose and two doses are like standalone - on Day Three, it's time to stack it with BLACK CATS (which is the only stimulant product I have anything left of).

How do you think it will serve as a fat loss ingredient? Even two days are not enough to make this call - a couple of weeks, ideally at least four weeks, would be the best period over which to make a judgment on this as it pertains specifically to me.

damn, sounds like the thermo effect stacked with at-2 would be downright nice.

nice review, rosie.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie's Third Day with two Doses

Day Three

Dose 1 - 12 caps first thing on waking (stacked with 2 caps of BLACK CATS)
Dose 2 - 12 caps ~7 hours post-Dose 1 (~60 min pre-meal)

Started training ~2 hours post-waking
Training duration from start to finish: ~2 hours

Stimulant Strength: Even with the BLACK CATS, there was no real stimulant effects (I'm starting to think I need some time OFF stimulants, since most are affecting me this way now). However, it took less than ~6 hours post-Dose 1 to start becoming mentally awake, with focus and concentration lasting throughout the day.

Appetite Suppression: If anything, it is the OPPOSITE, and after my second dose, I was ravenous.

Thermogenesis: The most noticeable effect from this - increased body temperature when training and in general.

Positive Effects: Increased thermogenesis - if used for fat loss.

Negative Effects: Increased appetite - if used for fat loss.

Other Effects:Thirst prevailing. Another thing I have noticed - and I did on Day Two as well, but thought that it was possibly more due to the one cap of Recompadrol I dosed with Dose 2 - is that ~10-15 minutes after my second dose (dosed with nothing else on Day Three), I get the chills for a few minutes, which is interesting.

Summary of Review: I've seen what one dose and two doses are like standalone, and now what a dose is like stacked with a stimulant product. Effects are gradual, if anything, and take a few days to notice (i.e. appetite effects).

How do you think it will serve as a fat loss ingredient? I still stand by using a couple of weeks - ideally at least four weeks - as the best period over which to make a judgment on this as it pertains specifically to me.



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Tried first sample today and was amazed. Quick, clean energy within minutes...took on empty stomach and did 45min fasted cardio and was drenched in lasted into the afternoon as i was running around work for couple hours doing a lunch for 60 people and was done before my help even showed up...normally a pretty quiet person, but i was really talkative today, and was extremely thirsty....have not had stim hit me like this for a while....

ps...this was the first stim ive used in about 2 weeks, and have been taking Reset AD for several days so that may be y it hit me so hard....def not to hard though, completely enjoyable

Rosie, if i may suggest, u should check out Reset AD by PaloAlto, i was very non respondent to stims over the last month or so, taking eca +yohimbine 3x daily, and a pre workout 4-5 times a week with little feeling from them....I could tace the ECAY and fall asleep 20 min later. Very happy i tried the ResetAD and took time off...


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Day 1

Dosed at 6am ate 30 mins later. Let me remind you that I am not just a stim junkie but I'm caffeine dependent. I need at least 200mg caffeine upon waking or I usually have a headache by 9am

I had no headache (from caffeine withdrawal) until 3pm however, I felt no stim effect from the beta sample. I was very tired all day. I would say it was just enough of a stim to keep the headache away for 9 hours. So I give it props for that alone. I know this is suppose to be more of a fat burner with a slight stim effect so I wasn't expecting a huge buzz.

At about 430 the headache was so bad I couldn't focus but lucky for me it was time for my pre workout energy stack.

Workout was good I did notice I was sweating A LOT more the usual.

Thermo effect/good
Stim/ very very slight

Day 2

Dosed at 0630 and 3 hours later I had to take some caffeine (200mg). I was just to damn tired and unmotivated.

I think the caffeine made all the effects of the beta sample a little more noticeable. However, to get a real good judgment on the fat loss effects of this product one would be about 2-4 weeks of use. 2 samples is a good judgment for a stim but not so much for a fat loss product.

Once again I sweat a lot during my workout. I usually sweat a lot but I mean I was soaked!

I defiantly liked the way I felt when I added the caffeine.

Interested to see the final product.


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i keep thinking about the thermal effect of this stacked with a-t2.....hmmmm.


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Shiiiiiit I would drowned people at the gym!
my gym would have to put in a waterworks ride. damn, last summer i left a sweat trail down the sidewalk just from at-2. there were earthworms coming up just to get a drink, lol.

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Reviews are sounding great considering this will be used as a fat loss ingredient...

We still have some more reviews to come in for Round One, but, Who wants samples for round 2???


NutraPlanet Rep
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Reviews are sounding great considering this will be used as a fat loss ingredient...

We still have some more reviews to come in for Round One, but, Who wants samples for round 2???
Will be posting mine up shortly


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Reviews are sounding great considering this will be used as a fat loss ingredient...

We still have some more reviews to come in for Round One, but, Who wants samples for round 2???
Come one! Don't tease me just mail it... You have my addy lol


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I'm in for a sample and I'm a steam junkie. Also 12 capsules is nothing.

Edit: this was started the 16th! ****...I'm waaay too late!!!


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Finally got around this weekend to taking the PES Beta Stim (stuck up north in bad weather). First serving was taken yesterday morning prior to a fasted cardio session. The second serving was taken this morning as well, again prior to a fasted cardio session. I have to preface my comments by saying that these are only 2 servings, and I can only report back on what is immediate, so fat-loss obviously won't be part of this review.

Stim/Energy: 6/10

The energy from this product is very clean and smooth. It's not as intense as I would have liked, or perhaps something I'm just accustomed to. But Natty did explain that this product is a fat loss product, with stim properties. I would describe the stim properties as moderate.

Thermo Effect: 7/10

I felt warm (core temp) within 10 minutes of my run and was sweating quite nicely. Normally it takes me a lot longer to warm up, however, with certain products that I've used in the past, this compares favorably in that regard. I imagine that the thermogenic effect of this product would potentially lead to weight loss with long term usage.

Appetite Suppression: 4/10

For me there was very little appetite suppression from this product. I felt hungry within 30 minutes of taking the product.


These are essentially the only 3 attributes that I can report back on, since more servings would allow for a more well rounded review. I like the thermogenic effect - that was a product highlight for me. The other two areas being the stim portion, in addition to appetite suppression need to be tweaked, and if done correctly I think this will be a very effective product for weight loss, especially since it raised core temp. I'd like to thank Natty and the guys over at PES for allowing me the opportunity to try this product. Good luck and I look forward to reading the other reviews.


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ooooooooooookay here goes.

stim/energy 8/10 Not overwhelming, but it lasts a FREAKIN LOOOONG TIME man. Did I mention how long it lasts? what do I mean by long? I am a freakinstim junkie and I can tell you this, dosed at 7:00 am before training and still getting app suppression and energy past 1 pm, there is no way I would have taken 2 doses in one day, And other stims that are like 10/10 11/10 on the stim scalem I would alwasy take 2 doses because I usually crash pretty hard from them, These sneeky little pills had no all.

app suppresion. 9/10 had to force myself to eat both days. thats it.thats all.

thermo feeling ... Hmmm i would say 7 or 8 At2 being an 11. But i cannot help but to think how nice this would have been with at2, and I might add I would be willing to log that stack :).

BUT .. . the thing i like the best was the mood enhancement, I felt real nice on this stuff, and It really gave me the kind of energy I need to be productive, I would take this stuff to cut with in a heartbeat. Thank you Mr. disaster for letting me try them.


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Stim/Energy: 6/10

Energy I got from this was more of a motivator, not a get up and go straight stim product. I was ready to hit the gym within 15 minutes, and once I got there I was ready to WORK. Clean, smooth with no crash, lasted about 2-3 hours. I would have to dose this higher, for example I use 6 OEP's a day, 3 upon waking and 3 later in the day with no sleep troubles.

Thermo Effect: 5/10

Slight thermo feeling about 25 minutes after dosing, did not notice an increase in sweating during each of my workouts.

Appetite Suppression: 3/10

Was hungry about an hour after taking each 12 capsule sample pack, which is more than I get with some others. Rarely get appetite suppression from a supplement


This product would be best used with AT-2, thermo aspect of this beta was the highlight for me. Dosing of energy could be left as is and up to the user whether or not they would like it increase (2 caps per day as opposed to 1 for example). Didn't notice any leaning, would need a longer time frame to judge it in that aspect. Thank you for the opportunity to try this natty, looks like another winner.


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Second dose I took on an empty stomach, about 4 hours after a meal. There was not a noticeable difference in stim effect, but the thermogenic feeling was a little more pronounced, and I could feel the appetite suppression. It's wasn't taking me to no hunger, but took the edge off to where I didn't care.


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Thanks Natty got it i will put the review in few days :D (need clean my system)

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Okjay took my dose about 45 minutes ago on an empty stomach
before i go any further let it be known i am a stim junky

okay at about 20 minutes after dosing i noticed a clean energetic feeling- VERY VERY PRESENT the clean energy is very noticeable and not only do i feel physically energized i feel mentally alert i would mos def use this and if it comes out i am going to buy 2-3 bottles of it

this is probably the best stim i have used yet-seriously

20 out of ten here
From another thread


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I am starting to wonder if my mailman knew there was a thermo in there and took it to warm up on his mail rounds. My samples are still not here yet.


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Chris that sucks yours is not there yet!!! I am anxious to get mine as well, thanks natty!

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They are on there way!

Kleen and Oufinny were inbetween 1st and second round so I had to wait until more was packaged


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Ok took my first dose this morning but should've waited tell tomorrow because I forgot I had a funeral to go to so that killed it for my morning workout!!
Here's how it felt for me.

Stim: 7/10
It was a nice clean stim feeling as I just felt more alert.

Thermo: 7/10
I really liked the thermo effect of this product even thou I didn't get to workout like I wanted I felt that my core temp was up because just sitting in the church I felt my neak, back, and arms felt like they warm way warmer than should've been. This stacked with AT2 would be killer!!

Appetite Suppression: 6/10
Appetite today was kind weird because 45-60 minutes after taking my dose I felt super hungry, so I ate and still felt hungry after!! Then later on in the day I wasn't even hungry at all and I still don't feel hungry as I write this.

I'll report back tomorrow and let you guys know how my second dose goes


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They are on there way!

Kleen and Oufinny were inbetween 1st and second round so I had to wait until more was packaged
No worries Natty, happy to have the chance to try this and give my opinion of it. I hope I see the same positive results I continue to read about.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie, if i may suggest, u should check out Reset AD by PaloAlto, i was very non respondent to stims over the last month or so, taking eca +yohimbine 3x daily, and a pre workout 4-5 times a week with little feeling from them....I could tace the ECAY and fall asleep 20 min later. Very happy i tried the ResetAD and took time off...
I was actually selected to log Reset-AD in 2008 when I was trying recover from my first bout of Chronic Fatigue, but never received the product, so I just battled it out on my own. Honestly, though, I just deal with the problem in my own way and figure out to make it work for me (bad, I know, but eh, that's what you get for being stubborn), and I've got several other products that help me out.


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They are on there way!

Kleen and Oufinny were inbetween 1st and second round so I had to wait until more was packaged
Perfect, I was more concerned with giving you a solid review than anything and was worried that maybe the product had been lost in the mail. Waiting isn't a big deal too me.

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