1st off I'd like to say thanks for all the helpful info you supply on this site. I have a couple Qs about a stack I want to try and run. I was thinking of running "The Always Burning Fat Stack" i.e. OEP, A-T2, and Shift. You provided the dosing info on the "How to use SHIFT by PES" page, which was great. My Qs were:
1. How long would you run this stack?
2. Would it work well w/a lo-carb diet?
3. What other supps would you add to this stack (ex. multi, fish oil, cla, etc.) and how would you dose them? (I'd also appreciate your suggestions as to specific brands (of multis, fish oils, clas, etc.)
4. After finishing this stack, would you take any additional supplements? I've heard of people taking things like Lean Xtreme after finishing an Oxy+T2 stack and wasn't sure how you felt about this. You also mentioned 7-Keto DHEA in an old post?
Sry for being such a pain and having such specific Qs, I just wanna run this stack with as much success as possible. Thanks for any and all help!