Holy ****---a breakthrough by USPlabs



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O.G. Appnut
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The thread started with USPLabs sharing his excitement about a possible breakthrough, a completely legitimate emotion and intention. It took unfortunate twists and turns due to some comments with unnecessarily inflaming content.................

.................. I hope we can now re-focus and try to rescue this thread by concentrating on substance for a change!
I fully agree with Ike's commentary above and apologize for my part in it.


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Looks interesting. Allz we gotta do is stack it with some test booster to counter the sides. If the price is right Im willing to give it a try. My workout partner did not feel prime but loves jacked.


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I'm a little interested, hopefully we can see some studies and logs sometime soon. I've been pretty disappointed with my supplement choices as of late and it'd be excellent to find something that put on strength with little/no mass gain.


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The thread started with USPLabs sharing his excitement about a possible breakthrough, a completely legitimate emotion and intention. It took unfortunate twists and turns due to some comments with unnecessarily inflaming content. I am sure you are fine with that drift, because it is an expression of people's freedom of speech, considering an earlier comment you made in this thread. Yet, just because one can, or is legally allowed to, say something does not mean one must! This thread offered us an opportunity for objective discourse. We have missed the chance so far to beam in on the implications of USPLabs' original post for bodybuilders and other athletes. I hope we can now re-focus and try to rescue this thread by concentrating on substance for a change!

^^^Subtitle...let the bullsh*t stop and lets get on with real discussion pertaining to this mystery substance.

I personally only care about seeing data and info pertaining to the substance. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oh btw....hi Ike! As always, your a class act for sure. :).

Cheers bud!:cheers:


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Is this ProductX


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I always like to see what you'll come up with next, USP.

Good to see fresh ideas coming along.


  • RockStar
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I always like to see what you'll come up with next, USP.

Good to see fresh ideas coming along.
Ditto... I love the innovative attitude and would love to hear more.


Anabolic Innovations Owner
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innovation my AZZ!

Let's see Jacob come up with pickle flavored protein powder now THAT is innovation.

brb running to hide :)


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innovation my AZZ!

Let's see Jacob come up with pickle flavored protein powder now THAT is innovation.

brb running to hide :)
mmmm pickles ... delhi style, why has nobody thought of this before....:laugh:


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innovation my AZZ!

Let's see Jacob come up with pickle flavored protein powder now THAT is innovation.

brb running to hide :)



Anabolic Innovations Owner
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It was a joke with all the tension in this thread.

Comparing how much MORE innovation there is in a product like Jacob is talking about compared to just coming up with a new flavor of protein.


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Let's see Jacob come up with pickle flavored protein powder now THAT is innovation.
Dill or sweet???

I'm still working on my "Garlic Flavor protein" idea...

*runs to patent office before anyone reads this post*


Anabolic Innovations Owner
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brb registering domain name garlicflavoredproteinpowder.com
marco wolf

marco wolf

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Just a couple of personal observations:

If it weren't for the process of product development, coupled with marketing and/or hype, we'd all probably be taking dried up bulls balls as our preworkout test booster right now.

Also, any company that names one of its products "THE ONE", shouldn't really bust another company's chops about hype. No disrespect intended.
Outside Backer

Outside Backer

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Also, any company that names one of its products "THE ONE", shouldn't really bust another company's chops about hype. No disrespect intended.

no disrespect intended then you shouldnt have said it

and please explain to me hype? and why your bringing another product up in a thread about a diff company and thier product it has no place in this thread as this thread is about USP's new research not our product

also feel free to see whatever everyone else is saying about the one there is no hype just results

read before you spout your mouth off like and uninformed clown

no disrespect intended


read before you spout your mouth off like and uninformed clown

no disrespect intended
why would you say that openly?

He represents your consumer base and entiled to his opinion as a consumer without being ridiculed for it.
marco wolf

marco wolf

  • Established
read before you spout your mouth off like and uninformed clown
I mentioned nothing about the product, other than the name. So, maybe you ought to learn how to read, OLB.

On another note, I have no problem with AN. However, a few reps ARE acting like ass-clowns and putting a poor light on the company.


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no disrespect intended then you shouldnt have said it

and please explain to me hype? and why your bringing another product up in a thread about a diff company and thier product it has no place in this thread as this thread is about USP's new research not our product

also feel free to see whatever everyone else is saying about the one there is no hype just results

read before you spout your mouth off like and uninformed clown

no disrespect intended

A hostile one he is....AN's wonderful reps at work. You sir are a true businessman.


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RPM is better than Jacked.....


USP advertising campaign continues.......
marco wolf

marco wolf

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I'm a little interested, hopefully we can see some studies and logs sometime soon. I've been pretty disappointed with my supplement choices as of late and it'd be excellent to find something that put on strength with little/no mass gain.
You might want to try betaine(TMG).

I can't post links yet, but Google "betaine University of Connecticut study"

RESULTS: Body mass and total body water values did not change over the course of the study. Following 14-days of B supplementation, bench throw power (1779 ± 90 W) and isometric bench press force (2922 ± 297 N) increased (p<0.05) during REC compared to pre-supplementation values and corresponding P values (1535 ± 81 W, 2345 ± 146 N, respectively). Compared to pre-supplementation, vertical jump power and isometric squat force increased (p<0.05) on both D1 and D2. There were no differences in bench press repetitions, number of squat repetitions, and jump squat power between D1 and D2, or between B and P values.

CONCLUSION: B supplementation increased power, force and maintenance, particularly in the smaller upper-body muscle groups compared to larger lower-body muscle groups.


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This really is a bit disappointing.
Honestly, who really cares anymore. There was no point to this thread from the start anyways, other than what it turned into. This is how your advertising works. Jacob had to know this would turn into another ongoing thread arguing over who has the bigger c*ck. Its rediculous anymore really. I used to be pretty fond of USP, but recently the advertising really put a bad taste in my mouth. "Better than D-Bol", c'mon... I know, it wasn't meant that way, but weighing the sides, etc... Either way, its bad advertising. To the general public is was meant to catch peoples eyes, just like the products called D-Bol which are just trib based.

I give you credit from a business standpoint as you are continuing to do what any business wants and that is to succeed. Hell, you put post Prime...."Better than Sex" and justify it because there is no possible way to pick up a VD. These threads are comical anymore, but nonetheless, USP advertising behind the curtains again... Its a great plan, I applaud that, just don't act like it isn't what your doing because it is very transparent.

Cue USP defense :bandit:


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So, if it's obviously marketing (which is why they pay to be on this board) why point it out ad nauseum/infinitum? That's just as annoying, if not moreso, than any hype.


Honestly, who really cares anymore. There was no point to this thread from the start anyways, other than what it turned into. This is how your advertising works. Jacob had to know this would turn into another ongoing thread arguing over who has the bigger c*ck. Its rediculous anymore really. I used to be pretty fond of USP, but recently the advertising really put a bad taste in my mouth. "Better than D-Bol", c'mon... I know, it wasn't meant that way, but weighing the sides, etc... Either way, its bad advertising. To the general public is was meant to catch peoples eyes, just like the products called D-Bol which are just trib based.

I give you credit from a business standpoint as you are continuing to do what any business wants and that is to succeed. Hell, you put post Prime...."Better than Sex" and justify it because there is no possible way to pick up a VD. These threads are comical anymore, but nonetheless, USP advertising behind the curtains again... Its a great plan, I applaud that, just don't act like it isn't what your doing because it is very transparent.

Cue USP defense :bandit:


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So, if it's obviously marketing (which is why they pay to be on this board) why point it out ad nauseum/infinitum? That's just as annoying, if not moreso, than any hype.
Direct marketing is one thing. Making posts like this and saying your not hyping a product is another.

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
Honestly, who really cares anymore. There was no point to this thread from the start anyways, other than what it turned into. This is how your advertising works. Jacob had to know this would turn into another ongoing thread arguing over who has the bigger c*ck. Its rediculous anymore really. I used to be pretty fond of USP, but recently the advertising really put a bad taste in my mouth. "Better than D-Bol", c'mon... I know, it wasn't meant that way, but weighing the sides, etc... Either way, its bad advertising. To the general public is was meant to catch peoples eyes, just like the products called D-Bol which are just trib based.

I give you credit from a business standpoint as you are continuing to do what any business wants and that is to succeed. Hell, you put post Prime...."Better than Sex" and justify it because there is no possible way to pick up a VD. These threads are comical anymore, but nonetheless, USP advertising behind the curtains again... Its a great plan, I applaud that, just don't act like it isn't what your doing because it is very transparent.

Cue USP defense :bandit:
Damn it i promised myself i wouldn't say anything! But he's just so right. They knew EXACTLY what would happen with this thread. But wait He just "had to tell us, cause he was so excited" or something along those lines right? Gimme a fukin break already. Magic undiscovered herbs and compounds. Jesus.:rant:


Direct marketing is one thing. Making posts like this and saying your not hyping a product is another.
The product is never going to be released until we can isolate and extract at a cost effective price. This is a real steroid coming out of nature.....it is almost like stating we found Anavar in a plant...this cutting edge innovation.

you probably cannot grasp the magnitude of this point so I'll let you speak foolishly.

If ever released it will be years down the road.

The thread was posted to validate our success with developing potent herbal products. I was hyping my company not the product.

This is a supplement board.

Next time I will do it your way. I will pay to advertise but I won't advertise.


Damn it i promised myself i wouldn't say anything! But he's just so right. They knew EXACTLY what would happen with this thread. But wait He just "had to tell us, cause he was so excited" or something along those lines right? Gimme a fukin break already. Magic undiscovered herbs and compounds. Jesus.:rant:
Honestly I had no idea other company reps would act so childish. The consumer is free to speak his mind. I respect your opinion. I cannot argue with what you feel or presume..that would be foolish.

I will briefly speak in magical terms.

Cissus has been very magical for people's injuries so much so that every other company now has a cissus product.

Anabolic Pump is magically working in ways that not any other product can replicate.

PowerFULL creates deep magical sleep.

We have proven our worth as a company developing powerful herbal products. You can deny it but it's undeniable.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Honestly, who really cares anymore. There was no point to this thread from the start anyways, other than what it turned into. This is how your advertising works. Jacob had to know this would turn into another ongoing thread arguing over who has the bigger c*ck. Its rediculous anymore really. I used to be pretty fond of USP, but recently the advertising really put a bad taste in my mouth. "Better than D-Bol", c'mon... I know, it wasn't meant that way, but weighing the sides, etc... Either way, its bad advertising. To the general public is was meant to catch peoples eyes, just like the products called D-Bol which are just trib based.

I give you credit from a business standpoint as you are continuing to do what any business wants and that is to succeed. Hell, you put post Prime...."Better than Sex" and justify it because there is no possible way to pick up a VD. These threads are comical anymore, but nonetheless, USP advertising behind the curtains again... Its a great plan, I applaud that, just don't act like it isn't what your doing because it is very transparent.

Cue USP defense :bandit:
Again, a bit disappointing. If you are attempting to bait me into glorifying you as a martyr, it is not going to happen; disappointing that may be, considering the stand you were/are about to take against a non-existent "USPlabs defense".

You are obviously capable of discoursing intelligently and like an adult, and it was and is disappointing you have chosen not to. That is disappointing, no matter how you wish to justify it to yourself.


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I know of stuff that is in the works at USPLabs and it will be better than any supplement out there on the market today. Serious.


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You might want to try betaine(TMG).

I can't post links yet, but Google "betaine University of Connecticut study"
TMG (Glycine Betaine) should be taken with co-fsctors Vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid, to optimize its status as a methyl donor in the conversion of homocysteine into methionine. More completely, the donation of a TMG methyl group to a molecule of homocysteine leads to the generation of dimethylglycine (DMG) and methionine, ultimately leading to the production of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe). The resulting improvements in methylation patterns (producing positive results in hepatic and neuronal function) and cardiovascular capacity are unmistakable.



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The product is never going to be released until we can isolate and extract at a cost effective price. This is a real steroid coming out of nature.....it is almost like stating we found Anavar in a plant...this cutting edge innovation.

you probably cannot grasp the magnitude of this point so I'll let you speak foolishly.

If ever released it will be years down the road.

The thread was posted to validate our success with developing potent herbal products. I was hyping my company not the product.

This is a supplement board.

Next time I will do it your way. I will pay to advertise but I won't advertise.
So if I found oil on public land a few miles from my house, but won't have the equipment to drill for it until years from now....... I probably should tell everyone about it, right??

If you weren't hyping a product, but hyping USP labs, then why did you put it in the supplement section and not your own subforum?


  • Established
So if I found oil on public land a few miles from my house, but won't have the equipment to drill for it until years from now....... I probably should tell everyone about it, right??

If you weren't hyping a product, but hyping USP labs, then why did you put it in the supplement section and not your own subforum?
give it a fucking rest already mate - this horse has been flogged to death :bandit:

.... go and tell your oil story to your mom


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i dont wana hype this, but im wicked hyped up, so im gonna hype my way over the wall and hype the hell outta something


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If you dont agree with his marketing scheme or products you dont have to buy or say anything. Just give it a rest. Truth is, every single company on this site does the same thing and that is what they PAY FOR! I couldnt help but write something because this is flat out rediculous. USP found something different, great thanks for letting us know and keeping the consumers updated, hope to hear more soon. That's it! If your not interested in USP, (or any other company) than you dont have to pay attention to them. They do not market any differently than any other COMPANY whether it be supps, cars, or any other product for that matter.


Now that is disappointing.
I agree. I wouldn't of stated it if this particular member was not continously chasing down USPlabs threads to interject negativism.

Perfect example of attacking a company and prasing another company for marketing.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Can you tell us more about this product?
I would rather discuss it than marketing.

Is it something that easily grown?


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I agree. I wouldn't of stated it if this particular member was not continously chasing down USPlabs threads to interject negativism.

Perfect example of attacking a company and prasing another company for marketing.
I don't praise any company unless its deserved. Not sure why you attack me for liking JP8 more than Jacked. Honestly, i've been using JP8 and NO-Shotgun interchangeably and they are both great product. I don't hype any company, nor do I suck up to companies for free stuff. I give credit where credit is due. Most people on boards don't speak their minds and only speak up for free stuff. I could start a thread like you did like:

Tell me why my urine makes you HUGE and I will be giving out free product "X" to 25 lucky winners.. Suddenly I have a train of people loving my urine.....


Can you tell us more about this product?
I would rather discuss it than marketing.

Is it something that easily grown?
We are working on growing it with hydroponics.

The problem with this herb is that it is grown on sacred grown so

1. hard to source
2. very expensive to source

We are consulting with a team in India that is working with hydroponics but it is in its infancy.....

The end result should be a much more POTENT herb. cool stuff.


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Can we finally focus on substance? I do not want to see this thread closed!

Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Sacred ground? Like a burial site or something?
Any way to clone the herb to grow in a lab?
I need to research hydroponics. I know a little, but not enough to engage in conversation about right now.
We are working on growing it with hydroponics.

The problem with this herb is that it is grown on sacred grown so

1. hard to source
2. very expensive to source

We are consulting with a team in India that is working with hydroponics but it is in its infancy.....

The end result should be a much more POTENT herb. cool stuff.


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We are working on growing it with hydroponics.

The problem with this herb is that it is grown on sacred grown so

1. hard to source
2. very expensive to source

We are consulting with a team in India that is working with hydroponics but it is in its infancy.....

The end result should be a much more POTENT herb. cool stuff.
My earlier comment did not refer to this post.


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