vikinginc's Xtremely[!] Stoked[!] about his Epi[©] Journey from ~T7 to D4~



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dang man volcoms right, those traps and delts are looking saweeet!

oh and thank you very indirectly recommending the watermelon xtend. just got some in my np package, and it tastes better than candy. even WITH wms in is, it tastes like candy. reps brotha!


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Watermelon xtend and I have been together for a long time! We really care about each other and take care of each other. I really see it working out for us:)

oh and Viking, Im jealous as usual!!:thumbsup: Keep killn bro!


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dang man volcoms right, those traps and delts are looking saweeet!

oh and thank you very indirectly recommending the watermelon xtend. just got some in my np package, and it tastes better than candy. even WITH wms in is, it tastes like candy. reps brotha!
Helllsss yesss, it is ! I don't get tired of this flavor .. I throw a scoop in 20 oz. of water a couple times throughout the day on top of the 5-6 scoops intra-workout. mmm mmm mmm !


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I just figured you were havin a horny day... lol.:chick:

Ive used synergism before too... dunno if its really a word or not... Im just a dork.
Sure man.. synergy, synergism, synergistic, synergistically..

A word that I truly love to hear! :bruce2:


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Viking, oh shoot.. how could I drop in & forgot to tell you nice job in the training today?!? :thumbsup:


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Mullet's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
That was so graphically well put. You know how to paint a Rembrandt with your words Volcom.


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Thank you, sir ! My traps are finally responding . . hmm, wonder why ?! LOL
Because you're pounding them like a Berzerker of Odin?? :think: LOL You're a freakin' beastly of a viking-warrior. It very entertaining to watch you bustin' a gut in the gym like that. I watch some of the pro's videos and they don't even look like they're working hard. You, on the other hand, are pouring it on!! Good stuff bro. Your delts and traps were all pumped and veiny. You looked totally jacked in that video!! :clap2:


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Because you're pounding them like a Berzerker of Odin?? :think: LOL You're a freakin' beastly of a viking-warrior. It very entertaining to watch you bustin' a gut in the gym like that. I watch some of the pro's videos and they don't even look like they're working hard. You, on the other hand, are pouring it on!! Good stuff bro. Your delts and traps were all pumped and veiny. You looked totally jacked in that video!! :clap2:
Man, really appreciate the kind words ! Was hoping that my videos weren't too uniform/one-sided/un-interesting . . Anyway, black & white or color ? I'm personally a black/white kinda guy . . it looks a little less Hollywood that way ! lol


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Day #13: AM Workout

- 20 minute run outdoors. Got MAJOR shin splints/calf cramps, so I had to call it quits @ just over 20 minutes. Got home, got on my yoga mat, and did 10 minutes of constant-tensions ab-training; crunches, reverse crunches and oblique crunches.

Popped 3 caps Velocity XT and 1 cap T7 upon wakening. It WAS a higher-than-normal-intensity on my run (while I lasted), and the surprise dosing of Velocity CT had me sweat like a waterfall. Great way to start off a looong day of doing a literature research paper.

No gym-session today, by the way. Got chesticles coming up tomorrow !


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Man, really appreciate the kind words ! Was hoping that my videos weren't too uniform/one-sided/un-interesting . . Anyway, black & white or color ? I'm personally a black/white kinda guy . . it looks a little less Hollywood that way ! lol
I actually see your muscle contour and striations more clearly in color. I know black & white is suppose to be better for that, but maybe it has to be a certain type or particular shade or degree of quality of black & white. However, your lines, shape and even size looks more prevalent in color, in my pseudo-self proclaimed-IFBB judge opinion.

Black & white, at least from your vid shots, don't seem to capture shade, so your lines disappear in that lack of contrast, but in color, shade is captured against your body, so lines come out more distinctly, the shoulder caps cut deeper and the striations come out more due to that contrast in shade. Have I made my case yet or what? hehe.

Black & white is more Branch Warren hardcore and Dorian Dungeon'esque, and I'm down with that, but for the sake of displaying detail, I think your color vids have done a better job.


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No gym-session today, by the way. Got chesticles coming up tomorrow !
Yeah, no weights for me today either. It sukkz!! I want to lift some heavy ass weight. Pronto! :aargh: Oh well, tomorrow is my favorite day: Back and Biceps!! :woohoo: I did my cardio earlier this morning. I do the HIIT style. So it's intense and all, but it's not like lifting by any means. I'm totally addicted to getting psyched up for a heavy set, taking deep gulps of air into my lungs, gripping the bar with all of my might, and then straining against the iron with every ounce of strength in my body. This is what gets the Thundergod off!!! :twisted:


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Best things in the world.

1. Watermelon XTend
2. Sex
3. Money


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Grand prize:

Drinking Watermelon Xtend while having SEX for money! :D


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I have used Xtend in between sex sessions and....yes the recovery is awesome!!

I want an IV drip hooked up of this stuff


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I have used Xtend in between sex sessions and....yes the recovery is awesome!!

I want an IV drip hooked up of this stuff
Why the hell would you want that ? You wouldn't be able to taste it . . . :frustrate


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You make a good point...the taste is a big part of its awesomeness

Ill just route it into my mouth :D (no homo)
Australian made

Australian made

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I must be one of the only people to have never ever tried Xtend....


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Viking - I'm digging my initial impressions of the Beta-Alanine... Feeling the tingle you described, and have had two great workouts...

Workouts are always sick though. Going to take awhile to figure out how it affects my training.


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The fatigue after a week or so should start diminishing to the point of having NONE. Love the stuff


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Viking - I'm digging my initial impressions of the Beta-Alanine... Feeling the tingle you described, and have had two great workouts...

Workouts are always sick though. Going to take awhile to figure out how it affects my training.
Glad to hear you liking it ! like Metroba said, give it a week, and you'll be able to tell 'it's doing something' to everything ! :aargh:


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Day #13: AM Workout

- 20 minute run outdoors. Got MAJOR shin splints/calf cramps, so I had to call it quits @ just over 20 minutes. Got home, got on my yoga mat, and did 10 minutes of constant-tensions ab-training; crunches, reverse crunches and oblique crunches.

Popped 3 caps Velocity XT and 1 cap T7 upon wakening. It WAS a higher-than-normal-intensity on my run (while I lasted), and the surprise dosing of Velocity CT had me sweat like a waterfall. Great way to start off a looong day of doing a literature research paper.

No gym-session today, by the way. Got chesticles coming up tomorrow !
Chesticles huh?? LOL.. I get those shin-splints too when I do straight cardio runs, that's why I try to minimize that activity. I like the sprints, but extended running just tears me up. Give me some biking, or basketball, or tennis for my cardio endeavors. Guess I'm built for the short-burst effort mode..


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HUGE props to Scivation for creating Xtend. One of my "can't do without" supps, great taste, quality ingredients, and the price is really pretty good for the kind of product it is. All you fellas that haven't tried, DEF. jump on!

As a sidenote: PurpleWraath is a great product as well, Core's ABC too. I'm a huge believer in intra-workout supplementation, can't go wrong with any of these!


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Day #14: AM Workout

Chest-icles, baby !

Flat Bench Press - (135 * 12, 185 * 10) 225 * 10, 275 * 12, 315 * 5, 315 * 4, 315 * 4, 315 * 4
Incline Hammer Press - 180 * 15, 270 * 6, 270 * 6, 270 * 5

Palms-in Machine Presses - 170 * 10, 170 * 10

Pec-dec Flyes - 175 * 15, 190 * 12, 205 * 10
Incline DB Flyes - 50 * 12, 50 * 12, 50 * 12

DB Pullovers - 100 * 10, 100 * 7
superset with
Push-ups (toes on bench) - 15, 12 reps

Weight - ?

Working on footage now ! Got veins I've never seen before, and fullness my body's never attained before.

Bolded numbers are New personal records ! I've NEVER managed 275 for more than 8 reps before, and that was once and only once before. I managed to squeeze out 315 * 6 reps at the end of August, but I didn't do as many warm-up sets, and I jumped from 225 up to 315 in that session ,. . i.e fresher since I didn't do 275 for x reps. 275 for 12 was insane. What's really pissing me off is that my camera ran out of memory, and I accidentally deleted the recording, **** ! I uploaded the camera files and it wasn't there .. I didn't know what to say . . Disappointing as ****, because that's one HELLUVA jump, and the machine-like rhytm I was using was insane.

I say 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps were new personal records, because I've never done three consecutive sets of 315 for more than 3 reps each. At most, I did 315 * 3, 3, 2 reps before. Today i got 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps, STILL following 275 * 12 reps !! So yes, Insane jump !!


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Nice workout! Are any of these PR's?


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Good stuff dude, that's some nice weight. We're about the same on bench strength (aha, finally something I can keep up with you on!!) I don't max out much, but once a year or so I'll throw up a 1-rep max, just to see where I'm at (..okay, maybe 2 times/year, but you get the point). When I was hitting 315x6 mid-workout, was about the same time I 1-repped maxed 365, no suit or anything just raw, competition pause & controlled descent, most I've ever tried with a pause. You oughtta try the same next chesticle day, and catch it on film - that would be some good ish to watch from ya!

Those 315xreps were impressive in themselves bro - not even considering the 275x12 prior to! Nice work.


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Sheesh nice Viking!


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Day #14: AM Workout

Chest-icles, baby !

Flat Bench Press - (135 * 12, 185 * 10) 225 * 10, 275 * 12, 315 * 5, 315 * 4, 315 * 4, 315 * 4
Bolded numbers are New personal records ! I've NEVER managed 275 for more than 8 reps before, and that was once and only once before. I managed to squeeze out 315 * 6 reps at the end of August, but I didn't do as many warm-up sets, and I jumped from 225 up to 315 in that session ,. . i.e fresher since I didn't do 275 for x reps. 275 for 12 was insane. That's one HELLUVA jump, and the machine-like rhytm I was using was insane.

I say 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps were new personal records, because I've never done three consecutive sets of 315 for more than 3 reps each. At most, I did 315 * 3, 3, 2 reps before. Today i got 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps, STILL following 275 * 12 reps !! So yes, Insane jump !!
:clap2: Way to go my viking-warrior brother! Another insane workout by a true Berzerker. You're lighting a huge fire underneath my old ass lately. LOL I've set myself a very lofty goal for Wednesday's Chest day. Last time I Flat Benched (2 weeks ago) I hit 325 X 8-5-4 in the DC style of rest-pauses. This week I wrote in my logbook to do 335 for just as many reps. That's the goal. I'm not going to say that I'm going to "try" to do it. That's just bull-sh!t. As Master Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try." I like that. I'm going to fukkin' do it of course!! I would have been interested in seeing how many reps you could have done with that first set of 315 had you not exhausted yourself on the 275 X 12 before it. I'll bet that you could have gotten 7 reps maybe. You're a big inspiration to a lot of people around here viking. Keep up this good and honorable work! For as you know, with great power, comes great responsibility. :thumbsup:


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Day #14: AM Workout

Chest-icles, baby !

Flat Bench Press - (135 * 12, 185 * 10) 225 * 10, 275 * 12, 315 * 5, 315 * 4, 315 * 4, 315 * 4
Incline Hammer Press - 180 * 15, 270 * 6, 270 * 6, 270 * 5

Palms-in Machine Presses - 170 * 10, 170 * 10

Pec-dec Flyes - 175 * 15, 190 * 12, 205 * 10
Incline DB Flyes - 50 * 12, 50 * 12, 50 * 12

DB Pullovers - 100 * 10, 100 * 7
superset with
Push-ups (toes on bench) - 15, 12 reps

Weight - ?

Working on footage now ! Got veins I've never seen before, and fullness my body's never attained before.

Bolded numbers are New personal records ! I've NEVER managed 275 for more than 8 reps before, and that was once and only once before. I managed to squeeze out 315 * 6 reps at the end of August, but I didn't do as many warm-up sets, and I jumped from 225 up to 315 in that session ,. . i.e fresher since I didn't do 275 for x reps. 275 for 12 was insane. What's really pissing me off is that my camera ran out of memory, and I accidentally deleted the recording, **** ! I uploaded the camera files and it wasn't there .. I didn't know what to say . . Disappointing as ****, because that's one HELLUVA jump, and the machine-like rhytm I was using was insane.

I say 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps were new personal records, because I've never done three consecutive sets of 315 for more than 3 reps each. At most, I did 315 * 3, 3, 2 reps before. Today i got 315 * 5, 4, 4 reps, STILL following 275 * 12 reps !! So yes, Insane jump !!

Awesome jump!!

I implemented your outer bar grip on the incline hammer. I officially dubbed it Viking Grip and introduced it to my workout partner as Viking Grip, so this is like your hand prints on the bodybuilding walk of fame. Viking Grip is our official term for that extra wide grip you displayed in your video.


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Awesome jump!!

I implemented your outer bar grip on the incline hammer. I officially dubbed it Viking Grip and introduced it to my workout partner as Viking Grip, so this is like your hand prints on the bodybuilding walk of fame. Viking Grip is our official term for that extra wide grip you displayed in your video.
I am honored ! Hope you'll see changes to the development !

Vids are on my computer .. I've been doing a research paper all day, and now I've got three hours of tutoring ahead @ 9PM. I'll add videos once I get back. Still, deleting my 275 * 12 will haunt me forever ! It was insane; THUNDER; it was like Thor was giving me a helping pinky from Wallhalla ! I was pumping them out like it was 185. 5 . . 6 . . hmm, still easy .. 7 . 8 . . wtf ? I'm gonna get 12 ! 12 ! 12 ! . . 9 reps . .10 . .11 .. 12 reps ! Fvvvckkkk yesss ! (that's how it went ! :aargh:)


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I am honored ! Hope you'll see changes to the development !

Vids are on my computer .. I've been doing a research paper all day, and now I've got three hours of tutoring ahead @ 9PM. I'll add videos once I get back. Still, deleting my 275 * 12 will haunt me forever ! It was insane; THUNDER; it was like Thor was giving me a helping pinky from Wallhalla ! I was pumping them out like it was 185. 5 . . 6 . . hmm, still easy .. 7 . 8 . . wtf ? I'm gonna get 12 ! 12 ! 12 ! . . 9 reps . .10 . .11 .. 12 reps ! Fvvvckkkk yesss ! (that's how it went ! :aargh:)
Don't sweat the deleting of your 275 X 12. It's not like you'll never hit it again. LOL You'll probably hit it for 14 or 15 reps next time around! Give it Hel my brother. :hammer:


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Gym Assault IX: Pectoral Damage

YouTube - An Epi(c) Gym Assault IX

Day #15 of Epistane Update:

Strength: Already begun rising in most exercises. I take that back, in ALL exercises. Looking forward to what the three week mark will offer, and then beyond ! I will not comment too much right now, as I feel like I need to repeat exercises more.. today's chest workout was the strongest I've ever been, i don't need a comparison, but to ME, today's chest workout was merely the basis for which I need to surpass next week when I hit chest again.

Vascularity: Significant increase in vascularity ! Prior to this run, i was unable to see my veins, and plasmajet didn't do $hit for me either .. I'm finally getting that invincible feeling/look.

Hardness/Fullness: Even utilizing somewhat low carbs (~160-200 grams/day), I'm keeping FULL yet lost water. Abs are coming in, definition coming in in my deltoids again. Fullness in entire upper torso. Traps are protruding without me tensing them up. Chest is pumped at all times, shoulders looking broad, and forarms with more veins than ever before. ****kk yesss !

Weight Gain: Weighing in @ ~234-235 lbs. I've lost a significant amount of water as I mentioned, when I was @ 236 lbs a couple of weeks back. I'm only a couple lbs lighter, but xod damn, I'm a different person. Shirts aren't fitting anymore. It's LEEEEAN mass I'm gaining. Abs are coming in very nicely even. See attached pic.

Overall, after 15 days of Epistane @ 40-50mg/day, I'm feeling Invincible, walking around with the Alpha Male feeling, and looking leaner, harder, denser and better !

(Will also credit D4/Leviathan Reloaded/T7 for help with water loss. Diet is also clean, so really, it's the synergy of it all that's working for me.)

Side note. I've gotten comments from people at work, that I can literally change my appearance by the week. I'll 'bulk up', gain some water, and look a little more bloated . . then lose water, diet and get leaner and harder . . This example was when a bud commented a week ago, that DAMN, I had leaned up in a week since he last saw me; a significant difference. This has to account for something. People aruond me are noticing as well. Enjoying this one !


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Damn man! Lookin good bro! That pump/vascularity after your incline db press was helllacious!!


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I was thinking the same thing metroba. After those DB Inclines he was looking pumped, huge, and veiny. Way to go viking. You looked totally "juiced" bro. ha ha I'm glad you're liking the cycle. Hel, it sounds like you're loving it!! I like where you said you had that invincible feeling. I know exactly what you're talking about. My alpha-male mentality is at the highest it's ever been in my life on this Oral Tren. Totally off the page. I knew I had an extraordinary workout this morning. Like the spirit of other warriors were with me, supporting me. Then later after you other guys began to post your workouts, I realized that you, Volcom, Russianstar, and myself had all worked out at almost exactly the same time frame today. I know we're in different time zones, but it was still at the same time almost. It's like we were all in the battle together. Side-by-side. Waging war against our iron foe!!! :duel::numbered:


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Gym Assault IX: Pectoral Damage

Day #15 of Epistane Update:

Strength: Already begun rising in most exercises. I take that back, in ALL exercises. Looking forward to what the three week mark will offer, and then beyond ! I will not comment too much right now, as I feel like I need to repeat exercises more.. today's chest workout was the strongest I've ever been, i don't need a comparison, but to ME, today's chest workout was merely the basis for which I need to surpass next week when I hit chest again.

Vascularity: Significant increase in vascularity ! Prior to this run, i was unable to see my veins, and plasmajet didn't do $hit for me either .. I'm finally getting that invincible feeling/look.

Hardness/Fullness: Even utilizing somewhat low carbs (~160-200 grams/day), I'm keeping FULL yet lost water. Abs are coming in, definition coming in in my deltoids again. Fullness in entire upper torso. Traps are protruding without me tensing them up. Chest is pumped at all times, shoulders looking broad, and forarms with more veins than ever before. ****kk yesss !

Weight Gain: Weighing in @ ~234-235 lbs. I've lost a significant amount of water as I mentioned, when I was @ 236 lbs a couple of weeks back. I'm only a couple lbs lighter, but xod damn, I'm a different person. Shirts aren't fitting anymore. It's LEEEEAN mass I'm gaining. Abs are coming in very nicely even. See attached pic.

Overall, after 15 days of Epistane @ 40-50mg/day, I'm feeling Invincible, walking around with the Alpha Male feeling, and looking leaner, harder, denser and better !

(Will also credit D4/Leviathan Reloaded/T7 for help with water loss. Diet is also clean, so really, it's the synergy of it all that's working for me.)

Side note. I've gotten comments from people at work, that I can literally change my appearance by the week. I'll 'bulk up', gain some water, and look a little more bloated . . then lose water, diet and get leaner and harder . . This example was when a bud commented a week ago, that DAMN, I had leaned up in a week since he last saw me; a significant difference. This has to account for something. People aruond me are noticing as well. Enjoying this one !
Nice midcycle review. I feel ya on the body comp thing - that's the best of the best there bro, those daily changes, freaky. And incorporating that carb-cycle diet will only enhance that effect, as that's what it's meant to do. You feel kinda soft, yet full & swole after the end of the "carbed up" portion, but then the next few days pulling back the carbs you shrink-wrap the skin and get all hard & tight, a little more veined out than the last time, abs get more defined.. YEAH bro, that's a kick-@ss place to be.

BTW - dig the title of your vid yesterday! :toofunny:


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Kickin' ass and takin' names. Lookin' good, viking! :head:


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Your flat bench form is impeccable. I "try" not to bounce, but the heavier the weight, the harder it seems to be able to control at those last 1-2 inches, but you have a "no splash" chest contact, very admirable form there bud :clap2:

I'm much better at the no splash rule with machines and hammers. I get about .5 inch away from touching, then go back into my rep, no bouncing, no splash. I'm not perfect, but I try with intent.


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Your flat bench form is impeccable. I "try" not to bounce, but the heavier the weight, the harder it seems to be able to control at those last 1-2 inches, but you have a "no splash" chest contact, very admirable form there bud :clap2:

I'm much better at the no splash rule with machines and hammers. I get about .5 inch away from touching, then go back into my rep, no bouncing, no splash. I'm not perfect, but I try with intent.
Coming from you with the 410 * 6 on Incline Hammer Press, thanks a lot, bro !!


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Nice midcycle review. I feel ya on the body comp thing - that's the best of the best there bro, those daily changes, freaky. And incorporating that carb-cycle diet will only enhance that effect, as that's what it's meant to do. You feel kinda soft, yet full & swole after the end of the "carbed up" portion, but then the next few days pulling back the carbs you shrink-wrap the skin and get all hard & tight, a little more veined out than the last time, abs get more defined.. YEAH bro, that's a kick-@ss place to be.

BTW - dig the title of your vid yesterday! :toofunny:
Thank you, sir !

.. and 'Mid-cycle' ? Hmm . . Perhaps, perhaps . . lol, we'll see how this one runs out !


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*News Update (haha):

- getting four wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning. Very excited about that.. not really ! I'll be drugged up all day tomorrow. Will be doing soupy oatmeal/whey protein shakes all day as I won't be able to chew/eat.

Anyway, throw on your wisdom-teeth pulling experiences, good or bad, so I can calm my nerves here . . lol


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Ah snap! Viking gonna be chiefn all day


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My step-dad told me a story about getting his removed - all four at the same time. They put him to sleep, and when he woke up he said he had this cardboardy-feeling of clumpness in his mouth, between the gum & the cheek, and he spits it out with his numb jaw, and it's a huge chunk of coagulating blood, the size of a golf ball, with the gauze in the center that was placed over the incision, then all the blood just engulfed it.. said he was bleeding all night long, couldn't eat real food for couple days. He was a borderline alcoholic back then tho, so that could have skewed things. No problems at all with my own, was an easy process.


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*News Update (haha):

- getting four wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning. Very excited about that.. not really ! I'll be drugged up all day tomorrow. Will be doing soupy oatmeal/whey protein shakes all day as I won't be able to chew/eat.

Anyway, throw on your wisdom-teeth pulling experiences, good or bad, so I can calm my nerves here . . lol
Awwww, snap. How long before you can lift again, bro?

I had all 4 done several years back, and it was NOT bad at all, contrary to what I'd heard from everyone who went through it. My nurse hated me though, cuz she said I was spitting blood all over the place. Uhhhh, I dunno, sorry, I guess? :think: I was unconscious. Don't give me **** about it.

I didn't take the painkillers (I never do) and didn't really need them. I actually smoked the morning of my surgery (always do), and smoked a couple times daily post surgery for pain relief (or maybe just cuz I like to :twisted:), rinsing with Listerine afterwards. Trust me, Listerine is your friend. You don't wanna get those holes infected.

I think you'll be alright, I'm just curious about how long you'd need to take off from the gym, and how that will affect your cycle... I'd consider delaying the surgery until PCT or later, but that's just me.


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Yeah man... this is going to put a hindrance on your diet for sure... My girl had all four out about 18 months ago. All four cheeks exploded, bruised, and she lost her appetite for quite some time. Swallowing blood makes your stomach pretty f*cking twisted too.

Rinsing your mouth will be crucial, and I'd go pick up a protein mix with higher calories / carbs / fat to make sure you're getting enough calories. Cytogainer or something like that...

Best of luck man.


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My brother had his wisdom teeth pulled about 3 weeks ago. He was only really out of it for a day (the day of). He didn't seem to struggle with recovery or eating that week. I don't know if it just varies or what, but his surgery had a super chill recovery.
