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  • nice work former fatazz ;-) All those Jenny Craig fees went to good use! Im about to recomp soon, but sum10 a little stronger . . . btw them fkg ostrichs werent laying, couldnt buy an egg for love or money.
    Nah, left there about a yr ago. Work up in the Kimberlies, based in Perth. I think cub is a little chubby again, he mentioned something about enhancements lol. Probably not as fat as you though ;-)
    wouldnt mind a trip that way, but not in fkg winter! Let me know when you head home for a visit.
    thanx for the info and help man...trying to get everything in line, I know Im making a mountain out of a mole hill no-one's mentioned the initiation ceremony yet? haha!!

    The idea is solid, yeah? I got cub a free pass too - will be a good crew :thumbsup:
    rumour has it he draws little eyes and teeth on his knob and chases little old ladies down the street with it
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