vikinginc's Xtremely[!] Stoked[!] about his Epi[©] Journey from ~T7 to D4~


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My brother had his wisdom teeth pulled about 3 weeks ago. He was only really out of it for a day (the day of). He didn't seem to struggle with recovery or eating that week. I don't know if it just varies or what, but his surgery had a super chill recovery.
Man, that's what I heard .. There's been a great deal of improvement in dental surgery, and 9/10 people tell me not to worry about anything, because, like you said Volcom, 'should be OUT of it, the day OF the surgery, but not so much beyond' ..

I'm not worried about this surgery taking a toll anywhere - KNOCK ON WOOD ! I won't be in the gym tomorrow, Tuesday, but I'll consider it an OFF day with a Velocity like diet, only adding some oats here and there. But Wednesday, I am counting on being back in the gym. Plan is to do legs, but I may just have to go easy on my day back in the gym following surgery . .


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Man, that's what I heard .. There's been a great deal of improvement in dental surgery, and 9/10 people tell me not to worry about anything, because, like you said Volcom, 'should be OUT of it, the day OF the surgery, but not so much beyond' ..

I'm not worried about this surgery taking a toll anywhere - KNOCK ON WOOD ! I won't be in the gym tomorrow, Tuesday, but I'll consider it an OFF day with a Velocity like diet, only adding some oats here and there. But Wednesday, I am counting on being back in the gym. Plan is to do legs, but I may just have to go easy on my day back in the gym following surgery . .
Pesonally, and maybe it's just me, but I would take at least 3 or 4 days off, probably even 5-7 as intensely as you lift. Surgery is a setback. It puts a lot of stress on your body, and those craters in your mouth can bleed. I dunno, maybe I'm overly cautious. But you should get a booklet before surgery; it should tell you in there, or better yet, ask your doctor specifically.

This is why I'd postpone the operation, personally. Or maybe I'm just :fool2:


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Day #15:

AM Workout: 15 minutes abs

PM Workout: Back

Wide-grip Pullups - 15, 12, 10, 8 reps
T-bar Rows (fixed ROM) - 90 * 15, 180 * 12, 225 * 12, 270 * 10, 270 * 10

One-arm Hammer Pulldowns - 45 * 15, 70 * 10, 70 * 10
Machine Close-grip Rows - 160 * 15, 200 * 12, 260 * 10, 260 * 12

Weight - ?

Great workout. Got a great pump as usual. Didn't conclude with traps as I had to finish up and get back home to work on a research paper. Didn't do any recording today, either.


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Pesonally, and maybe it's just me, but I would take at least 3 or 4 days off, probably even 5-7 as intensely as you lift. Surgery is a setback. It puts a lot of stress on your body, and those craters in your mouth can bleed. I dunno, maybe I'm overly cautious. But you should get a booklet before surgery; it should tell you in there, or better yet, ask your doctor specifically.

This is why I'd postpone the operation, personally. Or maybe I'm just :fool2:
I realize . . but I don't have the priviledge to change my appointment now. But still, I'm counting on being in the gym Wednesday, whether it's for a normal intensity session, or a reduced intensity session. Apart from the craters in my mouth post-surgery in which I need to look after carefully, I don't think my energy levels, etc will be much impacted. Worst case scenario, and Thursday will be my next day back in the gym. . .


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Your flat bench form is impeccable. I "try" not to bounce, but the heavier the weight, the harder it seems to be able to control at those last 1-2 inches, but you have a "no splash" chest contact, very admirable form there bud :clap2:

I'm much better at the no splash rule with machines and hammers. I get about .5 inch away from touching, then go back into my rep, no bouncing, no splash. I'm not perfect, but I try with intent.
Here, here my good Volcom! :clap2: I concur. No bouncing that sh!t like a basketball off the chest! I've seen some incredible cheating in gyms over the years. Hel, look at most of the pro's form on all those youtube videos. Most either bounce or they're doing like quarter-reps with a 6 inch range of motion. Like Jeremy Freeman. That was Re-Fukkin-Ridiculous!! :aargh: I stop only 1/2 inch away like you're talking about. Just enough to keep tension on the muscles and not let them "relax" the load by letting it rest on the chest. And I do stop a couple of inches before total tricep lockout. It's easier on the elbows and keeps the tension on the chest instead of locking out and letting the chest muscles rest. :thumbsup:


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I realize . . but I don't have the priviledge to change my appointment now. But still, I'm counting on being in the gym Wednesday, whether it's for a normal intensity session, or a reduced intensity session. Apart from the craters in my mouth post-surgery in which I need to look after carefully, I don't think my energy levels, etc will be much impacted. Worst case scenario, and Thursday will be my next day back in the gym. . .
Whether it's wise or unwise, I don't truly know. But I for one can't tell you not to lift, when I know for fukkin' sure, I would!! I do crazy sh!t all of the time though viking. I may not be the "sane" one to listen to!! Just warm-up really well and take it slowly a step at a time. You know your body. If you feel okay after the first couple of sets, crank it on up!! May All-Father Odin be with you in your surgery bro!! :box:


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Whether it's wise or unwise, I don't truly know. But I for one can't tell you not to lift, when I know for fukkin' sure, I would!! I do crazy sh!t all of the time though viking. I may not be the "sane" one to listen to!! Just warm-up really well and take it slowly a step at a time. You know your body. If you feel okay after the first couple of sets, crank it on up!! May All-Father Odin be with you in your surgery bro!! :box:
Thank you, sir ! Your encouragement further entices me to get back in to the gym quicker . . I can't think of a reason for why I shouldn't go back in the gym . . Balloned-up cheeks won't hurt anyone ! haha . . But I'll update you guys tomorrow sometime. Following my surgery. I'll speak with the dentist and see what he's got to say, but as I mentioned, most people I've talked to about this have told me that I'd be good to go to work the following day . . more than likely.


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I woke up from mu surger about 40 minutes ago. Sedatives are still wearning off. I'm about to make m oatmeal/pb/whey sludge/soup, and down it with my pills.

Getting some hardcore pain killers (codein/hydrocodone) but I'll ONLY take one of necessary.

Anyway, I've got my movies, my bed, and I came out of the surgery in one piece ,. . ahhhh, so far so good !


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I woke up from mu surger about 40 minutes ago. Sedatives are still wearning off. I'm about to make m oatmeal/pb/whey sludge/soup, and down it with my pills.

Getting some hardcore pain killers (codein/hyrocodone) but I'll ONLY take one of necessary.

Anyway, I've got my movies, my bed, and I came out of the surgery in one piece ,. . ahhhh, so far so good !
Your post reveals that there are still some freebees left in your system.

I've never tried Codein, lucky you. Rest up, bud. Don't accidentally wonder into a gym in a drug stuper and start lifting :nono: Glad to hear things went well.


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Your post reveals that there are still some freebees left in your system.

I've never tried Codein, lucky you. Rest up, bud. Don't accidentally wonder into a gym in a drug stuper and start lifting :nono: Glad to hear things went well.
Yeah, man, I've concurred that I won't be hitting the gym today at all. Depending on how I feel this early evening, I may do some abs and running outdoors, but hey, that's 6-7 hours down the line, and I haven't even popped my first painpill. I'm still whooooozy from the drugs when I went 'under' prior to surgery . .

Wednesday, though, man ! Seriously, it's happening then !


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Yeah, man, I've concurred that I won't be hitting the gym today at all. Depending on how I feel this early evening, I may do some abs and running outdoors, but hey, that's 6-7 hours down the line, and I haven't even popped my first painpill. I'm still whooooozy from the drugs when I went 'under' prior to surgery . .

Wednesday, though, man ! Seriously, it's happening then !
I can't believe he's even thinking about the gym.

But I love it. :toofunny:


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I totally believe it :D


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I can't believe he's even thinking about the gym.

But I love it. :toofunny:
Haha, just because I had oral surgery doesn't mean the gym is of any less importance ! lol . . Today's nothing more than running and/or abs, if that. And at the moment, at 3PM, after movie #1 for the day, I'm not feeling GREAT (mainly just tired) and I'm looking to choke down some more PB Oatmeal w/Vanilla whey protein SOUP ! :afro:


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I can't believe he's even thinking about the gym.

But I love it. :toofunny:
I'm afraid I may have been a bad influence on him. I told him I didn't truly advise lifting right now, it's just what I would do. And I bet you would also Timber. I know how you are too bro!! Always fired up and ready to wage war! :aargh:


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Haha, just because I had oral surgery doesn't mean the gym is of any less importance ! lol . . Today's nothing more than running and/or abs, if that. And at the moment, at 3PM, after movie #1 for the day, I'm not feeling GREAT (mainly just tired) and I'm looking to choke down some more PB Oatmeal w/Vanilla whey protein SOUP ! :afro:
Rest up my fellow warrior. Eat that super-soup and take those pain pills. I expect you in the trenches tomorrow morning at 0900 hours!! We have battles to fight and foes to conquer!! :duel:


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I'm afraid I may have been a bad influence on him. I told him I didn't truly advise lifting right now, it's just what I would do. And I bet you would also Timber. I know how you are too bro!! Always fired up and ready to wage war! :aargh:
My back is jacked up from deadlifts yesterday... but I got in an hour of boxing at lunch, and also looking forward to some hump movements this evening.


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Rest up my fellow warrior. Eat that super-soup and take those pain pills. I expect you in the trenches tomorrow morning at 0900 hours!! We have battles to fight and foes to conquer!! :duel:
hahaha, friend, in the trenches @ 0900, huh ?! I've already been set up with no work nor school for tomorrow, so no 0900 gym torment session will not be on the table. Sleep, first and foremost, and a slow but steady start to the day, and in the gym by afternoon sometime. That's what I am realistically envisioning, so confirm the Wednesday gym session, friends !

May get some SICK action gym-shots; squirting blood outta my mouth on my 3rd rep with 455 lbs on squats tomorrow ? Perhaps let out a loud-a$$ grunt on my ascent, spewing drops of blood all over the mirror in front of me ?! Damn . . that's be the most wicked $hit I'd ever seen ! LET'S HOPE MY HOLES WON'T CLOG UP TONIGHT, and that there will still be smooth running tomorrow !!!! :aargh: :toofunny: :aargh: :toofunny:


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Seriously... clotting is for pussies.



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*News Update (haha):

- getting four wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning. Very excited about that.. not really ! I'll be drugged up all day tomorrow. Will be doing soupy oatmeal/whey protein shakes all day as I won't be able to chew/eat.

Anyway, throw on your wisdom-teeth pulling experiences, good or bad, so I can calm my nerves here . . lol
weeeeeellll I was knocked the F out, woke up and was jacked for a couple hours after and once I started coming back to reality I realized that the doc didnt just put Motrin in my goodie bag but a decent supply of percocet..... needless to say I was toast for a week or so after.

The only thing that sucked was the minor infection that I already had antibiotics for JIC but it left a hellacious taste in my mouth... worst smell/taste ever

All 4 of mine were impacted in the bone so thats why I was put under and given such heavy meds, honestly I think it was better off that way as it was enough to keep me plenty inebriated and hardly had to deal with any pain..... much better then being awake for the exp and getting a whack 2 day supply of vicodin like my brother.


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weeeeeellll I was knocked the F out, woke up and was jacked for a couple hours after and once I started coming back to reality I realized that the doc didnt just put Motrin in my goodie bag but a decent supply of percocet..... needless to say I was toast for a week or so after.

The only thing that sucked was the minor infection that I already had antibiotics for JIC but it left a hellacious taste in my mouth... worst smell/taste ever

All 4 of mine were impacted in the bone so thats why I was put under and given such heavy meds, honestly I think it was better off that way as it was enough to keep me plenty inebriated and hardly had to deal with any pain..... much better then being awake for the exp and getting a whack 2 day supply of vicodin like my brother.
Damn man, four of them impacted ? Talk about being $hit outta luck . . and no wonders you went on one helluva drug binge !

I got hydrochodone earlier this afternoon, alongside of amoxicillin (pennicillin). I took two of the Hydrochodones this afternoon, and they did ziltch, nada, ZIP ! No pain relief, and it was getting to me by then as I'd been swallowing mouthfulls of blood (give or take, haha) for three hours already WHILE dealing with the pain/discomfort. I called my dentist, and he called in a script for Darvozet, a step beyond hydrochodones . .

I got to Walgreens, they had my prescription, but an additional one on top.. I was like, umm, what is this? 'oh, your doc sent it with you, it's an anti-nausea med in case you're sensitive to the painkiller' .. I was like, umm, OK, I'll have the darvozet, you take the anti-nausea/sugar pills. They're like, oh no, the doc CALLED in these two prescriptions ! I was like, how about you let me get the Darvozet now, for mY PAIN, and I'll come back tomorrow if i NEED to blow $15 on anti-nausea meds to go with it? . . .OHHH NO, impossible, simply impossible; 'you know, sir, we can't just give you the pain medicine and not the other one. . '

I'm like, REALLY? REALLY? TELL ME, IS THE TWO A DOUBLE WHAMMY FOR HEALING AND PAIN RELIEVING ? IS THE DARVOZET DEPENDENT ON THE OTHER ? I DON'T WANT TO THROW DOWN $15 (HALF OF A SUPPLEMENT, DAMMIT) FOR PILLS I MAY OR MAY NOT NEED, GET IT? I believe I decide what pills do and do NOT go in and out of me. My dentist didn't mention that I needed this, it's more than likely a suggestion as many have sensitive stomachs to pain killers [and/or following surgery] .. But no, NO LUCK !

.... Oh, the Walgreens phucks got it alright, but weren't gonna do anything ! They were like, 'we called the after hours hot-line for your dentist, he'll get back with us!'


Now, here's the beauty .. My top right crater starts pouring again, as I began to raise my voice, my BP, and everything else. All of the sudden, WHILE talking to this bit$h in the drive-through, my mouth starts filling with blood. I grab a cup in the middle compartment, while talking to her, and spit my mouthfulls of blood/saliva in it while not even looking up. I turn back to the lady, who says, 'we'll call you when we hear back, and we'll just leave the two prescriptions over here!'

.. I'm like, 'WHAT ? You want me back here a FOURTH TIME today ?' (yes, people, on four different scenarios did I drive to this cursed Walgreens today!) 'THIS IS ****ING BULLSHIT!' Now a chunk of blood shot out my mouth, and hit my arms. I made sure to wipe it with my other hand, but smeared it more than clean it . . While having dry blood on my lips, a spit cup for blood/saliva [and spitting/flushing/gurgling my mouth in front of these peeps]. The lady put the phone down after I threw the F-bomb, and while i sat there spitting in my cup, angry, mad, ENRAAAAGED, the bleeding continued and slightly worsened. I sat there, waiting for them to clear up their $hit, while cleaning my mouth, and was obviously having problems. The lady who hung up, walked off, and this young guy who had witnessed this whole thing - I guess a new associate in there - picked up the phone, 'Hey man, YOU OK THERE?' obviously worried of what I was spitting up. I acted cool to him, but I had already had it. I told them, CALL ME WHEN THE DENTIST CALLS, and took off.

5 minutes later, i'm back home at MY place (it's now been 45 minutes since they 'supposedly' called the after hours hotline). I call after-hours dentistry service, and they told me, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DENTISTS HERE, NO ONE IS EVEN IN THE OFFICE NOW ! Now, the bit$h at Walgreens had told me, 'oh the doctor who was on call would call right back' . . sleezy Cvntbag, no docs were there to begin with ! The lady I spoke with told me ALL she could do was PAGE my dentist and have him CALL ME. I asked her to, and within 60 seconds, my dentist called ME, I told him I wanted to try to Darvozet without the anti-nausea medicine in case I'd never need/use it, and he called Walgreens within 30 seconds of getting off the phone with me to have them change the scripts, and eliminate the nausea one. 60 seconds after this again, and the Walgreens lady called, and before she had said hello, I said, I already talked to my doctor, I know he changed the scripts, I'm in the car on my way . . Got my Darvozet, and now I am hoping to relax for once . .


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Damn bro. What a horrific bunch of bulls!t to go through.....while bleeding no less! I think you restrained yourself rather well actually. Most of you guys around here think I'm a nice, polite, and courteous guy. But when I lose it....I fukkin' lose it BIG!!! :aargh: You now have a lot of fuel for tomorrow evening's workout. I was just messin' with ya ealrier about hitting the trenches at 0900 hours! You rest up until late afternoon. Gather all your strength and energy. Bottle up all that precious rage. And when you hit the gym......fukkin' explode!!! :numbered:


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That's one hell of a story, especially when you're spit'n blood in mid conversation. Sheeeesh!! That's when you just go into a front double bi and say, "Im sick of your lip, this is a stick up"


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All that talk of the blood coming outa your mouth and spitting it up and smearing on your mouth is bad phucking ass!! I know you are mad from it! But that has got to be some of the coolest sh1t Ive heard this week!

Glad you got your meds sh2t straightened out. Take care bud


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Yeah, I totally would have powerslammed her...

Actually, I probably would hav just taken the other damn pills and not used em... Wouldn't have even thought of gettin both.

Shoulda tried tellin her you only had 15 bucks on you, and would come back for the other ones tomorrow :lol:


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Holy Hell brother!!! that sucks a phat one! I cant stand idiots that act like theres no other way tings can be done when really they just like to hold out so they can exercise some kind of power over you... what a snatchbag....

I agree that IS bad ass with the blood flying and whatnot and agree with TG, Im quite the calm and cool fellow, VERY CHILL..... but do NOT get me pissed off to the point that I blow, cause then Im kickin in the front door to the dominos that just got locked in my face.... thats another story though, and was superdrol induced along with a killer pizza craving.


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hahaha thats hilarious!


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dude i hate that walgreens. The one off texas i think it is? I had to go pick up some prescriptions for my gf and they gave me hell because i wasnt her


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Yeah, I totally would have powerslammed her...

Actually, I probably would hav just taken the other damn pills and not used em... Wouldn't have even thought of gettin both.

Shoulda tried tellin her you only had 15 bucks on you, and would come back for the other ones tomorrow :lol:
Then Thomas would have been another CBS special about roid rage :aargh:

"Tall Texas student comes into Walgreens and threaten to beat and/or rape the pharmacist if he did not get his pills. He was clearly on steroids. Eye witnesses say that this tall Texan threatened to beat and/or rape other customers as he trotted out in what was clearly, roid rage"


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Then Thomas would have been another CBS special about roid rage :aargh:

"Tall Texas student comes into Walgreens and threaten to beat and/or rape the pharmacist if he did not get his pills. He was clearly on steroids. Eye witnesses say that this tall Texan threatened to beat and/or rape other customers as he trotted out in what was clearly, roid rage"
Without a doubt !

Young drug-abuser robbed Walgreens in the light of day; still NO luck finding suspect'

Thomas, a young and innocent Norwegian came to the country as a a teen, and found himself with the wrong side of the law from early on. Bodybuilding, a so-called 'sport', forced Thomas to get bigger and bigger. Once he maxed out his natural potential, Thomas turned to the black market drugs, and the psychical and psychological effects were astounding. All his friends and co-workers had seen the change [don't always the phyckin' media say this?], and Thomas had time and time again had to calm his nerves once anyone brought up said issue.

Walgreens employees first noticed Thomas' when he drove through the drive-through and asked for 33G, 1 inch pins and 29 G Slin pins a couple months ago.

'Why would an ordinary young man have such needle knowledge? I knew we had to do something. I knew we had to decline a 'users' requests,' commented a former Walgreens associate, who would like to remain anonymous at the fear of Thomas returning.

Thomas has apparently spun off, screaming and shouting, 'I'll be back here with my lawyer once I re-use my pins and get an infection, bit$hes!' Thomas has NOT had the opportunity to comment or verify this story.

Then came the incident where AAS-user Thomas craved his medication, or pain killers, rather. Thomas also had a craving for pain killers, from contins to codeines to darvocet. He had struggled on and off with this as well [not confirmed my Thomas, but this is a news article, and I can say anything I want, editor]

Thomas entered Walgreens, demading his Darvocet prescription in which he had come back for a fourth time. Each time, the associates would find a reason for not giving Thomas his drugs/fix, but with this final doctors call-in, he got the Darvocet he was needing. Once the Darvocet was in Thomas' hands, Thomas threw on a facemask and screamed 'This one's for you bithce$ not getting me my deserving drugs! I had a major oral surgery proceedure four hours ago, and you CVNTS refuse to give me my doctor's prescribed meds? **** you ! Thomas jumped the pharmacy desk, and went straight for a box load of Somatropin hGH (.8 iu * 100 kit). He then proceeded while screaming at the associates, 'where's the test? where's the tren? where's everything?'

Thomas stormed the pharmacy shelves, while single-handedly fighting off three male Walgreens employees. He had bloodshot eyes, and eyewitness had said of Thomas. Thomas had three bag fulls of pills, pins, shots, medicine, jumped back over the pharmacy counter, and ran for the door. Instead of running off, Thomas was said to have stopped by the front-door of the store sweet-talking to a young Walgreens employee. Without knowing what happeend or what was said, the Walgreens manager saw his young insanely hot female employee run after Thomas and get in his car. Thomas' 1995 Lada spun off, with the rubber nearly melting off the tires.

If anyone has seen this silver grey '95 Lada, with license plate 'BIGPHUK', please contact the College Station PD [bithc].'

The A$$ociated Pre$$

[** I don't have class today, too much time on my hands - hahaha **]


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Without a doubt !

Young drug-abuser robbed Walgreens in the light of day; still NO luck finding suspect'

Thomas, a young and innocent Norwegian came to the country as a a teen, and found himself with the wrong side of the law from early on. Bodybuilding, a so-called 'sport', forced Thomas to get bigger and bigger. Once he maxed out his natural potential, Thomas turned to the black market drugs, and the psychical and psychological effects were astounding. All his friends and co-workers had seen the change [don't always the phyckin' media say this?], and Thomas had time and time again had to calm his nerves once anyone brought up said issue.

Walgreens employees first noticed Thomas' when he drove through the drive-through and asked for 33G, 1 inch pins and 29 G Slin pins a couple months ago.

'Why would an ordinary young man have such needle knowledge? I knew we had to do something. I knew we had to decline a 'users' requests,' commented a former Walgreens associate, who would like to remain anonymous at the fear of Thomas returning.

Thomas has apparently spun off, screaming and shouting, 'I'll be back here with my lawyer once I re-use my pins and get an infection, bit$hes!' Thomas has NOT had the opportunity to comment or verify this story.

Then came the incident where AAS-user Thomas craved his medication, or pain killers, rather. Thomas also had a craving for pain killers, from contins to codeines to darvocet. He had struggled on and off with this as well [not confirmed my Thomas, but this is a news article, and I can say anything I want, editor]

Thomas entered Walgreens, demading his Darvocet prescription in which he had come back for a fourth time. Each time, the associates would find a reason for not giving Thomas his drugs/fix, but with this final doctors call-in, he got the Darvocet he was needing. Once the Darvocet was in Thomas' hands, Thomas threw on a facemask and screamed 'This one's for you bithce$ not getting me my deserving drugs! I had a major oral surgery proceedure four hours ago, and you CVNTS refuse to give me my doctor's prescribed meds? **** you ! Thomas jumped the pharmacy desk, and went straight for a box load of Somatropin hGH (.8 iu * 100 kit). He then proceeded while screaming at the associates, 'where's the test? where's the tren? where's everything?'

Thomas stormed the pharmacy shelves, while single-handedly fighting off three male Walgreens employees. He had bloodshot eyes, and eyewitness had said of Thomas. Thomas had three bag fulls of pills, pins, shots, medicine, jumped back over the pharmacy counter, and ran for the door. Instead of running off, Thomas was said to have stopped by the front-door of the store sweet-talking to a young Walgreens employee. Without knowing what happeend or what was said, the Walgreens manager saw his young insanely hot female employee run after Thomas and get in his car. Thomas' 1995 Lada spun off, with the rubber nearly melting off the tires.

If anyone has seen this silver grey '95 Lada, with license plate 'BIGPHUK', please contact the College Station PD [bithc].'

The A$$ociated Pre$$

[** I don't have class today, too much time on my hands - hahaha **]
There were reportedly 8-12 random rapes during this incident, which non have been verified, or looked further into beyond word of mouth, but in my objective journalistic opinion, its almost a definite yes if steroids were involved. I fear I myself may have been a victim to his random roid raping, but I certainly hope not. This is CBS news.


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There were reportedly 8-12 random rapes during this incident, which non have been verified, or looked further into beyond word of mouth, but in my objective journalistic opinion, its almost a definite yes if steroids were involved. I fear I myself may have been a victim to his random roid raping, but I certainly hope not. This is CBS news.
Exactly right, Volcom, I'll make sure you're rewarded by Associated Press for adding these great details. My objective opinion is far more educational and based on more proof than the general journalistic process. :)toofunny:)

Anyway, fact of the matter is; AAS DON'T KILL PEOPLE; PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE !

(Oh, and people sometimes want to kill people for not giving giving them their right prescription . . just something I heard in the passing by .. lol)


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That was great viking, It made my day. The real story is well not so funny. Sorry about those b1tches!


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LOL. Thomas. Dude. That was like Drugstore Cowboy... On steroids. :lol:


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I've been browsing YouTube, being the uber-productive person that I am today. Found Trey Brewers very recent pictures from the Ronnie Coleman Weekend 2008. He looks like complete utter ****. He doesn't just look like he's bulking, but he looks so severely over-inflated that you may wonder if he's popping Anadrol 50/100s like they're skittles. He's what, 22-23 years of age? I wonder how many young bodybuilders (around that age) ever got to that severe a level of bulk. You let me know.

YouTube - 2008 Ronnie Coleman Classic Video Series: Trey Brewer Pose


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He looks like a football linemen who lifts for football and not bodybuilding.


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Alright . . I'm counting down the minutes now, I've promised myself a work out today, and so I will ! I've been somewhat lethargic all day, but obviously i would be as I've been inside since the morning. I had one errand to HEB, picking up tortilla soup, hot sauce and sour cream, for I am so zod damn tired of peanutbutter soup of oatmeal and whey protein.

I got an Endorush waiting for me, and I mean the whole thing. Today IS leg-day, but due to the circumstances, i will do one-legged exercises from beginning to end. It will take some pressure off of my whole system I think .. Do 1-legged leg press, extensions, curls, seated curls, perhaps db lunges. Any other suggestions fellas ? I've got 30 minutes till take off !


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weighted, one legged lunges, back leg elevated on a bench.


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Ol' Trey is getting some Jay Cutler-esque proportions there ain't he? They both look like sh!t.


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Day #17:


Seated Leg Estensions (a la Volcom)

Warm-up: 100 * 30, 120 * 30

Working sets:
120 * 30 reps - step off machine, squat down to 70-100 degrees (depends on how exhausted I am), and stay for 60 seconds. Non-stop, return to next set of 120 * 30 reps, followed by another 60 seconds in squats stance, and a third set just like it. My quads, particularly my tear-drops, were popping out like aliens on my quads. I got an hellacious pump right off the bat with these !

One-legged Horizontal Leg Press

Warm up sets: 90 * 20, 135 * 15

Working sets: 180 * 12, 225 * 8, 225 * 6, 225 * 6

Laying Leg Curls -

Warm-up: 120 * 20 reps

Working sets:
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps

Machine Calf Raises

Working sets: 200 * 25 reps * 3 sets

Weight - ?

I had enough after those sets. A sense of fatigue, hunger, and all the rest.. I was definitely affected by the whole surgery process; didn't have the stamina I was hoping for today. I think i did the best out of what I had, though. New personal record on the horizontal leg press with 225 * 3 sets * 6-8 reps. And I was controlled the movement better than alst time I was handling that weight for half the amount of reps. Quads are growing, and I'm real glad i pushed my body to the limit today, and didn't give myself a sorry a$$ excuse not to do legs.


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Attaboy Big T! Way to overcome the obstacles.. read my sig line for what I think of that mentality!


  • Legend!
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Day #17:


Seated Leg Estensions (a la Volcom)

Warm-up: 100 * 30, 120 * 30

Working sets:
120 * 30 reps - step off machine, squat down to 70-100 degrees (depends on how exhausted I am), and stay for 60 seconds. Non-stop, return to next set of 120 * 30 reps, followed by another 60 seconds in squats stance, and a third set just like it. My quads, particularly my tear-drops, were popping out like aliens on my quads. I got an hellacious pump right off the bat with these !

One-legged Horizontal Leg Press

Warm up sets: 90 * 20, 135 * 15

Working sets: 180 * 12, 225 * 8, 225 * 6, 225 * 6

Laying Leg Curls -

Warm-up: 120 * 20 reps

Working sets:
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps
150 * 12 reps -> DROP -> 120 * 10 reps

Machine Calf Raises

Working sets: 200 * 25 reps * 3 sets

Weight - ?

I had enough after those sets. A sense of fatigue, hunger, and all the rest.. I was definitely affected by the whole surgery process; didn't have the stamina I was hoping for today. I think i did the best out of what I had, though. New personal record on the horizontal leg press with 225 * 3 sets * 6-8 reps. And I was controlled the movement better than alst time I was handling that weight for half the amount of reps. Quads are growing, and I'm real glad i pushed my body to the limit today, and didn't give myself a sorry a$$ excuse not to do legs.
Props for trying "The Method." If your quads weren't burning like someone was slowly pouring acid over your thighs while you were in the squat position, then your quads are incredibly flexible.


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Props for trying "The Method." If your quads weren't burning like someone was slowly pouring acid over your thighs while you were in the squat position, then your quads are incredibly flexible.
Oh, it was painful, bro, trust me ! But I definitely needed something like that, a mixer-up. Appreciate the advice, V !


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Ol' Trey is getting some Jay Cutler-esque proportions there ain't he? They both look like sh!t.
I agree snag! Why do all these guys become obsessed with becoming mass-monsters??!! It does NOT look good at all. The sport needs to re-gress back to the level of the competitors during the late 60's through the 70's. Arnold, Zane, Ferrigno, Ed Corney, and guys like that had great looking physiques. They were more concerned with aesthetics than just pure mass. At the famous 75' Olympia Lou Ferrigno at 6'5" only weighed 258 lbs. and Arnold was around 225 lbs. or so if I remember correctly. They both looked amazing. Don't you know that big Lou could have bulked to over 300 lbs. easily if had wanted to? But why would he want to? I think the freaks are hurting the image of the sport. Let's get back to the basics of why we started lifting in the first place.


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weighted, one legged lunges, back leg elevated on a bench.
I've seen people doing these before. But I have never tried them myself. I believe I'll throw a couple of sets of these on at the end of my leg session tomorrow morning. I've been doing my DB lunges the way I've seen Lee Priest doing them. He has his "lunging" leg up on an angled foot plate of a hack-squat machine. He lunges forward onto the leg that is elevated on the floor plate. They feel better than regular lunges. I feel them hitting the large belly of the thigh muscles better than he regular lunges which seem to stress my knees more than anything else. Thanks for reminding me of this alternative. I'll definitely try some of these tomorrow!! Thanks Volcom!! :clap2:
