vikinginc's Xtremely[!] Stoked[!] about his Epi[©] Journey from ~T7 to D4~


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Your delts and traps are looking murderous man! Definition, striation and contour, it's all on display. I think the separation of the different delt heads looked more apparent on this video then the last shoulder blast video I watched.
Thanks, bro, I appreciate that one ! I've been feeling low the past couple days due to recovery and whatnot, and I was worried whether or not i'd be able to get a WHOLE workout session in today. One whole Endorush with 5 grams of BA pre-workout, and another 5 scoops of Xtend and 5 grams of BA intra-workout was necessary to get me in the zone and going. I was definitely satisfied with the hellacious pump I got, and the great hardening effects the Epistane has yielded for me thus far. I think seperation is a bit more visible compared to last week's shoulder session as well, so I have very high expectiations on a week from today, having already begun the PSlin and starting some more fun on Monday.


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Can you show me a study on what your saying about glutamine please? Sorry to steal your log, your workouts are looking good by the way


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Way to come back strong viking! :clap2: You're on top again now. Fukk oral surgery. It can't kill the viking. Dude, your upper pecs were pouring out of the sides of your scrunched up t-shirt. And they tie in nicely to your anterior deltoids. Great shape going on. You're getting the "cantalope" shape to 'em now. Or cannonballs as some refer to them. Medial delts are a problem for me. I've been hittin' 'em hard here lately though and can see some improvements finally. I'm excited about the new additions to your cycle. One I knew about of course. The M-Drol we talked about a few months back when you PM'ed me about this cycle. I know you're gonna love the strength you get off of M-Drol. I swear I like M-Drol better than dianabol. It is stronger than d-bol mg. per mg. For real. It supports drier gains and is even better for strength increases. Rock this thang dude!! :head:


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Lookin awesome, viking!! Way to keep pounding it out! :head:


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Lookn huge Viking! Shoulders/traps def are noticeably more defined and larger! MDrol sounds sikk! Good luck man!


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Bro I know your gonna do the letro thing which will undoubtedly be effective but at the same time it will further tank your lipids while in PCT to Mdrol that will already have thrashed them.

Your much better off getting Toremifene as it will IMPROVE your lipids AND cabergoline as the delayed onset of gyno from SD has been deduced by many to be progesterone related and gets real bad when in PCT as the estrogen flood gates are released to combine with the progestins making gyno city.

So Torem will take care of your boys super fast, make you sling rope like no other, speed PCT, fix your lipids and block estrogen right @ the receptors while caber will block the nasty progestins that are actually doing the nasty gyno deed set in place by SD.

Letro is good as a last resort and to have on hand but not the most desirable therapy in this situation.

BTW SD and PSLIN AND EPI, FTW!!!! this is gonna be NUTS. Slam those carbs like they arent even there, Im serious, abuse the hell outta them without regard, your gains will thank you.


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Bro I know your gonna do the letro thing which will undoubtedly be effective but at the same time it will further tank your lipids while in PCT to Mdrol that will already have thrashed them.

Your much better off getting Toremifene as it will IMPROVE your lipids AND cabergoline as the delayed onset of gyno from SD has been deduced by many to be progesterone related and gets real bad when in PCT as the estrogen flood gates are released to combine with the progestins making gyno city.

So Torem will take care of your boys super fast, make you sling rope like no other, speed PCT, fix your lipids and block estrogen right @ the receptors while caber will block the nasty progestins that are actually doing the nasty gyno deed set in place by SD.

Letro is good as a last resort and to have on hand but not the most desirable therapy in this situation.

BTW SD and PSLIN AND EPI, FTW!!!! this is gonna be NUTS. Slam those carbs like they arent even there, Im serious, abuse the hell outta them without regard, your gains will thank you.
Thank you for the input, sir ! At this point in time, i've only got Letro on hand (probably some good ol' Nolva, even, if I can find the bottle), and I will more than likely not get a bottle of Torem. With PCT's I'm never wanting to go overboard; I recovered using 6-OXO following a 1-TU pro hormone run a couple years back, and Metacort + Formestane following a S1+ run. Currently, I've got Letro, Act X, Stoked!, Anabolic Pump (although non-hormonal, but you understand me mentioning it here) and a final PCT product, yet to be introduced. It's a little surprise on the side, I guess, brought on by a certain -E-E-A-E -O-S. Get it ?! .. Didn't think so, so you'll better stick around . . lol

In my HONEST opinion, seeing people throw on $100 support-stacks ON TOP of their STACKS to 'cover all the bases' is not worth it imo, and hence, you'll never see me do that. I've got my basic Multivitamin, fish oils, hawthorn berry, milk thistle and the likes, and I won't go beyond that. I keep wondering why people NOW feel like they need eight different supplements just to 'recover' following a PH-run. 1/10 used a liver protectant back in the 1-AD days, if that .. [no need to go on a methyl vs non-methylated compound, but just follow my drift] Are supplements in general, of such a remarkably less potency, that few [if any] things are good enough?

Oh, and also, compared to others, 20mg M-drol isn't something I fear. Other than being a little worried that my immune system is running low nowadays, my only fear is that of getting a bad cold or flu symptoms.. I'm finding myself at a bodyweight where i can comfortably do 20 mg M-drol/day without fearing anything spinning out of control. M-drol is a powerful compound that I respect, but all three times i've attempted m-drol thus far, the only bad signs of effects are lethargy and low immune system response. [Knock on wood]

But Epi, M-drol and Pslin ought to work for me . . It better work for me, and to be honest, I'll be running it till I see the results i want ! LOL. I mentioned my immune system being down? - I woke up at 8AM this morning, didn't even have time to get to the toilet before i spilt my guts, time and time and time again, in my trashcan. Laid down for ten minutes, then resumed the bucket-position. 9 AM, still throwing up. 10AM, still throwing up .. 10.30AM go to sleep, wake at 1.30PM, almost threw up one last time, but instead, laid on the couch and bed throughout the day. Ended up seeing my dentist again on an emergency basis - dry socket in my crater. Love this PAIN ! LOVING IT ! Constant pain in my mouth, resulting in my teeth feeling like they're in an ice-storm, with migraine headaches that make me want to rip off my ears and get to the 'ringing' inside my head. Friends, Im MISERABLE ! It's been a week of laying down, excluding my damned gym sessions. I was supposed to get in the gym today, but i've been feeling like I got ran over by an 18-wheeler. A week after surgery, you ask !? Damn, the lack of energy, drive, the nausea, the pain, the whole she-banga-bang is not working in my favor at the moment. I popped my 10mg Epi and 10 mg M-drol @ 8.30AM today, with my fish oil, sesamin oil, flaxseed oil and CLA, and sure enough three minutes after, I'm watching the fish oil and CLA caps floating on top of a bucket filled with vomit, with two tiny, cracked open caps (m-drol/epi).

I had ONE meal today @ 1.30PM. Popped a Pslin, another M-drol and Epi, fish oils, etc. Mixed up 1 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops whey, 2 tbs PB and a mushed banana. Took me 30-45 minutes to get this down. Beyond that, I had 1/2 TrioPlex bar and 2 more scoops of Whey Protein. I'm needing to eat again now, but I'm not hungry whatsoever, so I may do another protein bar . . just anything for calories . . I may just do a Subway sandwich in a bit, or maybe even a $5 medium Little Caesar's pizza, Toke up, EAT, BINGE [probably purge] and resume this action until I fall asleep tonight. I agree, poopsiepants, I need my carbs now, and I will have them !!


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damn dude thats some harsh sounding stuff.... mine wasnt even that bad...

Well then stick to the letro but switch off to nolva bout half way through just to start the lipids back in the right direction and then ramp the letro down while keepin the nolva going to avoid the rebound some get with letro.

hopefully you get better soon so you wont have to see any more precious caps floating in the toilet and start smashin on that iron again.


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DAMN!!!! You sound like you're having some enduring times at the moment. Don't forget to drink a TON of fluids with all that upchucking, because most, or at least much of whats coming up are precious liquids. Stay strong bro. Where's Thunder with an appropriately, uplifting warcry of raping and pillaging?


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DAMN!!!! You sound like you're having some enduring times at the moment. Don't forget to drink a TON of fluids with all that upchucking, because most, or at least much of whats coming up are precious liquids. Stay strong bro. Where's Thunder with an appropriately, uplifting warcry of raping and pillaging?
Thanks bro, I appreciate the encouragement. it's funny you mentioned the god of Thunder. . . I was hoping he'd drop by soon, too !

Good news, managed to conclude my evening with a giant shake with 50 grams whey, 1 large banana, 2 tbs PB, 10 oz. milk, 4 oz. water. @ 9PM, and followed up with a footlong Subway (chicken piazziara?) @ 11.30PM. Oh, and a macadamia nut cookie. With tons of Xtend on the side. About to hit the hay now, hoping I'll wake up feeling better.


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Thanks bro, I appreciate the encouragement. it's funny you mentioned the god of Thunder. . . I was hoping he'd drop by soon, too ! Good news, managed to conclude my evening with a giant shake with 50 grams whey, 1 large banana, 2 tbs PB, 10 oz. milk, 4 oz. water. @ 9PM, and followed up with a footlong Subway (chicken piazziara?) @ 11.30PM. Oh, and a macadamia nut cookie. With tons of Xtend on the side. About to hit the hay now, hoping I'll wake up feeling better.
It is I, the Scion of Asgard, the Odinson, the Lord of the Living Lightening, and the God of Thunder!! I am so happy to hear that you seem to be feeling better now. It is always darkest before the dawn my friend. Never fear, never give up hope, and By-Odin NEVER SURRENDER!! SENDEN SIE!!! :hammer: Keep on slammin' down the whey, peanut butter and oats. That sh!t will help to keep you healthy. Let me tell you what you need to make. Some Protein Butter Balls! Combine in a large mixing bowl: 8 scoops of your favorite Whey Protein, 4 tablespoons of dark honey, and 2 cups of skim milk. Stir this together until it's mixed and gooey looking. Next crush up 2 cups of Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries and pour it into bowl. Start mixing it all together. Now pour in some coarse oats until the mixture starts getting dry enough to work into balls with your hands. You may want to coat your hands with some wheat flour or powdered sugar like I do to help them release from your hands. I love the sugar! LOL Roll them into golf size balls, place on a tray and refrigerate them. They're delicious dude!! Now eat up, rest up, and party up. Because afterwards, it's time to MAN-UP!! Hit that iron like your life depends on it. Because it does!! :hammer: Oh, and gute nacht from the God of Thunder. See you in battle tomorrow my friend.
Australian made

Australian made

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It is I, the Scion of Asgard, the Odinson, the Lord of the Living Lightening, and the God of Thunder!! I am so happy to hear that you seem to be feeling better now. It is always darkest before the dawn my friend. Never fear, never give up hope, and By-Odin NEVER SURRNDER!! SENDEN SIE!!! :hammer: Keep on slammin' down the whey, peanut butter and oats. That sh!t will help to keep you healthy. Let me tell you what you need to make. Some Protein Butter Balls! Combine in a large mixing bowl: 8 scoops of your favorite Whey Protein, 4 tablespoons of dark honey, and 2 cups of skim milk. Stir this together until it's mixed and gooey looking. Next crush up 2 cups of Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries and pour it into bowl. Start mixing it all together. Now pour in some coarse oats until the mixture starts getting dry enough to work into balls with your hands. You may want to coat your hands with some wheat flour or powdered sugar like I do to help them release from your hands. I love the sugar! LOL Roll them into golf size balls, place on a tray and refrigerate them. They're delicious dude!! Now eat up, rest up, and party up. Because afterwards, it's time to MAN-UP!! Hit that iron like your life depends on it. Because it does!! :hammer: Oh, and gute nacht from the God of Thunder. See you in battle tomorrow my friend.
you amaze me almost everyday.....


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you amaze me almost everyday.....
You're an amazing guy yourself, Aussie! I do what I can for my mortal friends here on Midgard. All of you do so much for me, more than you all could ever know! :box:


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It is I, the Scion of Asgard, the Odinson, the Lord of the Living Lightening, and the God of Thunder!! I am so happy to hear that you seem to be feeling better now. It is always darkest before the dawn my friend. Never fear, never give up hope, and By-Odin NEVER SURRENDER!! SENDEN SIE!!! :hammer: Keep on slammin' down the whey, peanut butter and oats. That sh!t will help to keep you healthy. Let me tell you what you need to make. Some Protein Butter Balls! Combine in a large mixing bowl: 8 scoops of your favorite Whey Protein, 4 tablespoons of dark honey, and 2 cups of skim milk. Stir this together until it's mixed and gooey looking. Next crush up 2 cups of Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries and pour it into bowl. Start mixing it all together. Now pour in some coarse oats until the mixture starts getting dry enough to work into balls with your hands. You may want to coat your hands with some wheat flour or powdered sugar like I do to help them release from your hands. I love the sugar! LOL Roll them into golf size balls, place on a tray and refrigerate them. They're delicious dude!! Now eat up, rest up, and party up. Because afterwards, it's time to MAN-UP!! Hit that iron like your life depends on it. Because it does!! :hammer: Oh, and gute nacht from the God of Thunder. See you in battle tomorrow my friend.
Enough said, thank you, my friend !!


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It is I, the Scion of Asgard, the Odinson, the Lord of the Living Lightening, and the God of Thunder!! I am so happy to hear that you seem to be feeling better now. It is always darkest before the dawn my friend. Never fear, never give up hope, and By-Odin NEVER SURRENDER!! SENDEN SIE!!! :hammer: Keep on slammin' down the whey, peanut butter and oats. That sh!t will help to keep you healthy. Let me tell you what you need to make. Some Protein Butter Balls! Combine in a large mixing bowl: 8 scoops of your favorite Whey Protein, 4 tablespoons of dark honey, and 2 cups of skim milk. Stir this together until it's mixed and gooey looking. Next crush up 2 cups of Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Strawberries and pour it into bowl. Start mixing it all together. Now pour in some coarse oats until the mixture starts getting dry enough to work into balls with your hands. You may want to coat your hands with some wheat flour or powdered sugar like I do to help them release from your hands. I love the sugar! LOL Roll them into golf size balls, place on a tray and refrigerate them. They're delicious dude!! Now eat up, rest up, and party up. Because afterwards, it's time to MAN-UP!! Hit that iron like your life depends on it. Because it does!! :hammer: Oh, and gute nacht from the God of Thunder. See you in battle tomorrow my friend.
Thunder's main message:

The Iron.


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- haven't taken any painkillers today, and I've been somewhat up and about. I knew I wasn't going to work nor school today; it's my last day off in recovery. I woke up at 11AM, after 10-11 hours of sleep, had 2.5 meals since I woke up, and will without a doubt hit the gym today.

- My NutraPlanet order is on it's way to my house. It's filled with goodies, but mainly the PSlin bulk powder, 6.6 lbs WMS, L-Leucine and hopefully a ton of samples. I'm currently out of a pre-workout, so I'm hoping for a couple samples of either White Flood caps or RPM . . anything that's easy on the stomach !

- Beyond that, I'll be doing a PSlin caps prior to my pre-workout meal, and .5grams of PSlin bulk powder with my post-workout shake or meal. Now, I need help in my post-workout shake. Which one?

Shake #1:
10 oz. milk
4 oz. water
1 cup oatmeal
2 scoops Whey Protein (vanilla)
2 tbs PB
1 mooshed banana
30 grams WMS
10 grams Leucine
3 grams CEE (on the side)

- warm up oatmeal with PB and milk/water. THEN mix in protein, banana and leucine. Mix in PSlin Powder ? Or on the side ?


Shake #2:

14-16 oz. water (already mixed with Xtend; what's left over after workout.)
60 grams WMS
30-40 grams Carbo Gain
2 scoops Whey Protein
10 grams Leucine
3 grams CEE (on side)

- mix in .5 grams Pslin powder in the shake? Or consumed with the first sip of my shake ? (use shake as a chaser ..?)

Let me know, I'm all ears to get myself into anabolic activity again !


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Before I knew it, FedEx came a'knockin !

Got to give Mad Props to NutraPlanet and Verner for the kick a$$ prices, services, and products ! I got a bunch of condom samples .. OK, maybe they were Basic Cuts samples. Lots of Dialene-4 (mini-tabs) samples, NO-Xplode (will enjoy one of these today for sure) and Axis Labs SMASH (blue raspberry, whew!) Oh, and another kick-ass leak-free Optimum Nutrition Giant Shaker cup !


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Before I knew it, FedEx came a'knockin !

Got to give Mad Props to NutraPlanet and Verner for the kick a$$ prices, services, and products ! I got a bunch of condom samples .. OK, maybe they were Basic Cuts samples. Lots of Dialene-4 (mini-tabs) samples, NO-Xplode (will enjoy one of these today for sure) and Axis Labs SMASH (blue raspberry, whew!) Oh, and another kick-ass leak-free Optimum Nutrition Giant Shaker cup !
I prefer USPS or UPS, I have horrendous experiences with FedEX, but there's nothing like getting a new package of supps, it's better then Christmas Day


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Fedex screws me every chance they get. glad they like you tho Viking :D


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Fedex screws me every chance they get. glad they like you tho Viking :D
FedEx screwed me this morning and put me in a severe mood of BRO-MS. I'm still a little pissed right now, but what can you do


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As in they're late delivering your packages ? Lose your packages ? .. it's funny, I'm living in an apartment complex with abuot 400 other people.. The FedEx guy's a russian, a real cool cat. Whenever I'm not here, he drops by the front office and says everytime; 'this one's for schwarzenegger up there' and they always know .. haha

Anyway, Sam, my post-workout meal/shake.. What do you suggest, friend ?


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Before I knew it, FedEx came a'knockin !

Got to give Mad Props to NutraPlanet and Verner for the kick a$$ prices, services, and products ! I got a bunch of condom samples .. OK, maybe they were Basic Cuts samples. Lots of Dialene-4 (mini-tabs) samples, NO-Xplode (will enjoy one of these today for sure) and Axis Labs SMASH (blue raspberry, whew!) Oh, and another kick-ass leak-free Optimum Nutrition Giant Shaker cup !
By-Odin, I hate to sound so fukkin' dumb, but how in Hel did you get all of those samples? I just placed another order at NP an hour ago and the only samples I saw were for Green Magnitude and it only let me order 1 fukkin' packet!! :frustrate That's bullsh!t. Is there some trick that I'm not aware of when ordering samples? I have sunk a lot of money here and have gotten almost NO samples. I need a make-up sample order NutraPlanet!!! :aargh:


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As in they're late delivering your packages ? Lose your packages ? .. it's funny, I'm living in an apartment complex with abuot 400 other people.. The FedEx guy's a russian, a real cool cat. Whenever I'm not here, he drops by the front office and says everytime; 'this one's for schwarzenegger up there' and they always know .. haha

Anyway, Sam, my post-workout meal/shake.. What do you suggest, friend ?
In terms of protein, however much you normally take. If you have maltodextrin, I'd throw that in there too. I'm a fan of fast carbs post workout, but some people don't like fast carbs anytime and I've been in that boat myself. Whey/Oats/10g of your Leucine, BAM! Take it up a notch!


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By-Odin, I hate to sound so fukkin' dumb, but how in Hel did you get all of those samples? I just placed another order at NP an hour ago and the only samples I saw were for Green Magnitude and it only let me order 1 fukkin' packet!! :frustrate That's bullsh!t. Is there some trick that I'm not aware of when ordering samples? I have sunk a lot of money here and have gotten almost NO samples. I need a make-up sample order NutraPlanet!!! :aargh:
PM !


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In terms of protein, however much you normally take. If you have maltodextrin, I'd throw that in there too. I'm a fan of fast carbs post workout, but some people don't like fast carbs anytime and I've been in that boat myself. Whey/Oats/10g of your Leucine, BAM! Take it up a notch!
Original advice sounded a bit broad, because of course you're well versed in post workout activities.

These are my reasoning
The Whey/Fast Carbs/Leucine again, as a combination elicit a greater release in post workout insulin. You know that carbs alone will elicit an insulin response, but the leucine in the equation creates an even GREATER insulin sensitivity in the already insulin sensitive environment of the post-workout state. Also, the leucine concentration and protein will aid in creating an anabolic environment.

Could you use oats? Sure, but they won't be transported into the muscle in time to fully exploit this overtly insulin sensitive environment you just created with the leucine concentration.

Can you imagine what the hell is going to be going on with the whole nutrient partitioning aspect when you introduce the Pslin into this radioactive insulin sensitive environment. How about treat yourself to some Whey powdered donuts.


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Original advice sounded a bit broad, because of course you're well versed in post workout activities.

These are my reasoning
The Whey/Fast Carbs/Leucine again, as a combination elicit a greater release in post workout insulin. You know that carbs alone will elicit an insulin response, but the leucine in the equation creates an even GREATER insulin sensitivity in the already insulin sensitive environment of the post-workout state. Also, the leucine concentration and protein will aid in creating an anabolic environment.

Could you use oats? Sure, but they won't be transported into the muscle in time to fully exploit this overtly insulin sensitive environment you just created with the leucine concentration.

Can you imagine what the hell is going to be going on with the whole nutrient partitioning aspect when you introduce the Pslin into this radioactive insulin sensitive environment. How about treat yourself to some Whey powdered donuts.
Just so I am not misunderstanding you .. You're saying a post-workout shake consisting of WMS/Maltodextrin/Whey/Leucine, right ?

.. asking because in your first response, you made it seem like 'whey/oats/10 grams of leucine' was what I should aim for. Personally, i was rooting more for the above-mentioned shake recipe with WMS. Agreed ?


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Just so I am not misunderstanding you .. You're saying a post-workout shake consisting of WMS/Maltodextrin/Whey/Leucine, right ?

.. asking because in your first response, you made it seem like 'whey/oats/10 grams of leucine' was what I should aim for. Personally, i was rooting more for the above-mentioned shake recipe with WMS. Agreed ?
The first option is the whey to go, I only put the latter option in case you were in carb-nazi mode, because I can empathize, but I just realized you bought the Pslin to work with the heavy carb intake related to M-Drol.

Yeah, the WMS is a nice added bonus for effects unrelated to the exploitation of the acute, radioactive insulin atmosphere created by the Malto/Whey/Leucine. I just wanted to make sure Malto/Whey/Leucine were in there, but the WMS is a great addition. I've done that, too.


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The first option is the whey to go, I only put the latter option in case you were in carb-nazi mode, because I can empathize, but I just realized you bought the Pslin to work with the heavy carb intake related to M-Drol.

Yeah, the WMS is a nice added bonus for effects unrelated to the exploitation of the acute, radioactive insulin atmosphere created by the Malto/Whey/Leucine. I just wanted to make sure Malto/Whey/Leucine were in there, but the WMS is a great addition. I've done that, too.
clever one, friend ! lol .. and yes, I bought the PSlin and M-drol to get some growth. Oh, that's also why I got 6.6 lbs worth of WMS. And Leucine .. I'm about to charter unventured territory, and I'm armed, locked and loaded !


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clever one, friend ! lol .. and yes, I bought the PSlin and M-drol to get some growth. Oh, that's also why I got 6.6 lbs worth of WMS. And Leucine .. I'm about to charter unventured territory, and I'm armed, locked and loaded !
Yeah, it should be a nasty ride. M-Drol, Pslin and the post PWO leucine, everything works together in a very relevant manner. All desired effects are perpetuated by carbs, and each supplement plays a separate and vital role toward the same goal. It's not just a pyramid or something, I don't know, but calling this whole set up a stack seems too simplified.

Viking's Pyramid.


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Yeah, it should be a nasty ride. M-Drol, Pslin and the post PWO leucine, everything works together in a very relevant manner. All desired effects are perpetuated by carbs, and each supplement plays a separate and vital role toward the same goal. It's not just a pyramid or something, I don't know, but calling this whole set up a stack seems too simplified.

Viking's Pyramid.
I like it ! But we've got time to come up with a name .. we've got quite a few weeks left, my friend !


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- haven't taken any painkillers today, and I've been somewhat up and about. I knew I wasn't going to work nor school today; it's my last day off in recovery. I woke up at 11AM, after 10-11 hours of sleep, had 2.5 meals since I woke up, and will without a doubt hit the gym today.

- My NutraPlanet order is on it's way to my house. It's filled with goodies, but mainly the PSlin bulk powder, 6.6 lbs WMS, L-Leucine and hopefully a ton of samples. I'm currently out of a pre-workout, so I'm hoping for a couple samples of either White Flood caps or RPM . . anything that's easy on the stomach !

- Beyond that, I'll be doing a PSlin caps prior to my pre-workout meal, and .5grams of PSlin bulk powder with my post-workout shake or meal. Now, I need help in my post-workout shake. Which one?

Shake #1:
10 oz. milk
4 oz. water
1 cup oatmeal
2 scoops Whey Protein (vanilla)
2 tbs PB
1 mooshed banana
30 grams WMS
10 grams Leucine
3 grams CEE (on the side)

- warm up oatmeal with PB and milk/water. THEN mix in protein, banana and leucine. Mix in PSlin Powder ? Or on the side ?


Shake #2:

14-16 oz. water (already mixed with Xtend; what's left over after workout.)
60 grams WMS
30-40 grams Carbo Gain
2 scoops Whey Protein
10 grams Leucine
3 grams CEE (on side)

- mix in .5 grams Pslin powder in the shake? Or consumed with the first sip of my shake ? (use shake as a chaser ..?)

Let me know, I'm all ears to get myself into anabolic activity again !
shake number one is almost identical to the one I make everyday. VERY tasty and depending on your whey can get pretty thick too, but still tasty.

Give yourself an hour and a half after eat/drinking it to settle before you hit the gym but I promise youll be starving come the end of your workout that stuff (pslin) uses every last bit of it and shoves it into your muscles.

Damn I love pslin.... one cap left... and no dough for the pow, :(


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Or better, Viking's Pantheon Of Power!! :box::bb3:


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By-Odin, I hate to sound so fukkin' dumb, but how in Hel did you get all of those samples? I just placed another order at NP an hour ago and the only samples I saw were for Green Magnitude and it only let me order 1 fukkin' packet!! :frustrate That's bullsh!t. Is there some trick that I'm not aware of when ordering samples? I have sunk a lot of money here and have gotten almost NO samples. I need a make-up sample order NutraPlanet!!! :aargh:
in the notes section on the end of your order just type in some requests for samples.


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in the notes section on the end of your order just type in some requests for samples.
They've already answered my e-mail and have taken care of it. I love Nutra Planet!! Best prices and my order always arrives in just 2 or 3 days. :woohoo:


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Original advice sounded a bit broad, because of course you're well versed in post workout activities.

These are my reasoning
The Whey/Fast Carbs/Leucine again, as a combination elicit a greater release in post workout insulin. You know that carbs alone will elicit an insulin response, but the leucine in the equation creates an even GREATER insulin sensitivity in the already insulin sensitive environment of the post-workout state. Also, the leucine concentration and protein will aid in creating an anabolic environment.

Could you use oats? Sure, but they won't be transported into the muscle in time to fully exploit this overtly insulin sensitive environment you just created with the leucine concentration.

Can you imagine what the hell is going to be going on with the whole nutrient partitioning aspect when you introduce the Pslin into this radioactive insulin sensitive environment. How about treat yourself to some Whey powdered donuts.
oh sir but they will!! if you blend the oats dry first before adding any wateror milk in my case (basically prechewing them, does NOT raise their overall GI) alongside the pslin they will most definately get absorbed fast enough and long enough to be all shuttled into the muscles come WO time.


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Viking's Tower of Ares

You're very close with that one. The Norse God of War is Tyr. Ares is of course Greek Mythology. How's the Tower Of Tyr sound?? Now we're getting somewhere!!


  • Legend!
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oh sir but they will!! if you blend the oats dry first before adding any wateror milk in my case (basically prechewing them, does NOT raise their overall GI) alongside the pslin they will most definately get absorbed fast enough and long enough to be all shuttled into the muscles come WO time.
You're probably right with that suggestion, but we're talking about post workout.


  • Established
wait I just realized he said POST workout shake...

Viking, your not planning on using pslin PRE workout at all????

I think you should shoot for both... ant morning dose... hell TAKE PSLIN NON STOP VIA IV DRIP!!!! lol

but for real when I had like 5 boxes of pslin I was taking it 3 times a day till I got some AP and then cut it back down to once or twice a day and AP the other 2 or 3 times (for a total of 4 assisted meals a day) talk about nutrient partitioning city.


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wait I just realized he said POST workout shake...

Viking, your not planning on using pslin PRE workout at all????

I think you should shoot for both... ant morning dose... hell TAKE PSLIN NON STOP VIA IV DRIP!!!! lol

but for real when I had like 5 boxes of pslin I was taking it 3 times a day till I got some AP and then cut it back down to once or twice a day and AP the other 2 or 3 times (for a total of 4 assisted meals a day) talk about nutrient partitioning city.
Sorry for the confusion . .

1 PSlin cap 15 minutes prior to pre-workout meal
.5 grams PSlin bulk powder in my post-workout shake/meal

= 2 servings of PSlin daily ..

I got my bottle of Anabolic Pump from MulletSoldier a couple days ago .. once PCT begins, it'll turn in to the nutrient partitioning city, indeed !
