Volcom's, Controlled Labs' - Look good in dem BLUE GENE(s), Sponsored Log



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True story, in light of Halloween. When I was about 19-20, my friends and I gathered at a buddy's house, because we were all going to head out to this Halloween party. I didn't know it was a costume party and when I got to my friends house, my friends all told me that I NEEDED a costume. I didn't have anything and I wasn't about to go out right then and spend money on a costume. My friend Kevin suggested I go as a male stripper, just black slacks, and a black bow tie, which was available. I thought that was the most retarded and ridiculous idea, but my friends were like, "oh dude, but you're swole! I would if I were you, C'mon, you look like 50 cent." They kept egging and egging me on until I thought, phuckit. I take my shirt off, put on my friends black slacks and his black bow tie.

We get to the party, I'm feeling a little awkward, but hey, its Halloween. We walk around and everybody has seen me. I'm still dead sober so of course I'm still feeling a bit weird, but I keep telling myself its a Halloween thing. About 15 min in, my friend Kevin says, "I can't believe you actually did it" and starts laughing his a$$ off. I felt like the King Douche of Doucheslovakia
hahaha thats an awesome story.

hows the wallet situation going man?


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oh and when i update my massfx log, i think youll like my biceps forearm workout. good volume, and lots of brachii work :thumbsup:


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I'm on my way out so I'll be back to respond to posts later. I had a GREAT workout. I'm still catering to my lower back, so I couldn't get too heavy with my lifts, but I'm edging my way back up.

Dead Lifts
225lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 8 reps
295lbs x 8 reps
315lbs x 8 reps
335lbs x 6 reps

Db Dead Lifts
100lbs Db's x 8 reps
105lbs Db's x 7 reps
110lbs Db's x 6 reps

Barbell Shrugs
225lbs x 10 reps
315lbs x 10 reps
315lbs x 10 reps
315lbs x 8 reps

Upright Rows - Close Grip
95lbs x 10 reps
115lbs x 10 reps
115lbs x 8 reps

Good stuff today. I like capping off my BB Dead lifts with the Db Deads, I think I'll be incorporating this more often.


Advanced Muscle Science Rep
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You must be one popular dude...almost 12000 views so far..damn im happy with a 1000...lol


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It's not just me, it's everybody. They all make it interesting.
Stop being so humble. You make it interesting for all of us to be here in the first place. Volcom Rulz!! :head:


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Stop being so humble. You make it interesting for all of us to be here in the first place. Volcom Rulz!! :head:
Yeah, Samuel's alright . .


Just fvkin' with you, bro, you know you're rocking Dis Haus (as in all of am.com)


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Volcom is teh coolest!


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My upper back is sore as dust from the double dead lift session. The Dumbbell version Dead Lifts (performed after Barbell DL's of course), placed that traditional DL stress across the top of the back, but without the extra strain to the lumbar. Due to the fact you can hold the weight to your sides like you're about to perform shrugs, the weight displacement isn't in a manner that demands too, too much from the lumbar, which makes this a new post BB DL exercise. Especially now when I can't go heavy, heavy on BB DL's like I'd prefer.

On another note, I was suppose to lift today, but I worked with a Hockey team this morning and once the rush of that left, all my energy was zapped. I even popped some ECA and 2 hours later I fell asleep, I believe that was a good sign that I was in need of recovery. It's not so much it was this morning alone that was so draining, its my entire week. My 2 internships + job + school + bodybuilding, has turned more into My 1 internship + 2 jobs + school + bodybuilding. I'm not making excuses, I'm actually enjoying myself, but today it all caught up and even the might ECA couldn't be a life raft.

Tomorrow is another day and I prefer going into battle fresh anyway. Have a good weekend fellas!


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Stop being so humble. You make it interesting for all of us to be here in the first place. Volcom Rulz!! :head:
Ruuuuuuuhhhhhhlllll (as in Marcus), thanks Thunder, you may be one of the most innately supportive people on all of AM.


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Ruuuuuuuhhhhhhlllll (as in Marcus), thanks Thunder, you may be one of the most innately supportive people on all of AM.
Innately supportive or just insanely supportive! You guys are the players on the field. Ol' Thunder is the freaky looking ugly cheerleader on the sidelines cheering you guys on!! Go team AM!! :head:


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On another note, I was suppose to lift today, but I worked with a Hockey team this morning and once the rush of that left, all my energy was zapped. I even popped some ECA and 2 hours later I fell asleep, I believe that was a good sign that I was in need of recovery. It's not so much it was this morning alone that was so draining, its my entire week. My 2 internships + job + school + bodybuilding, has turned more into My 1 internship + 2 jobs + school + bodybuilding. I'm not making excuses, I'm actually enjoying myself, but today it all caught up and even the might ECA couldn't be a life raft.

Tomorrow is another day and I prefer going into battle fresh anyway. Have a good weekend fellas!
So, thou art mortal after all, eh? :think: It was bound to happen my brother. I thought you were on an incredible run. No DOMS, no lethargy, no fatigue. And yet some insane unothordox sessions in one week! I feel my high level of intensity has caught up somewhat with myself as well. I have slept REALLY well the last 2 days. LOL After the Berzerker Rage subsides the Norse warriors would sleep for long periods to recover from the intense level of rage and fury they experienced in battle. Even All-Father himself, needs the all-refreshing Odin-Sleep from time to time. Rest up my warrior-brother. Tomorrow is another battle for us. Let us face it refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated. :duel:


Never enough
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speaking of halloween, anyone who will be in Tampa on october 25th drop me a pm, throwing a party at the house :D


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Ohh snap! I might be out in that area!


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Today I tried Thomas' (aka Vikinginc) off the handle, side of the bar grip on the Hammer Incline Press. LOVED IT!!! Also, I had an epiphany about the effects of Blue GENE and strength, in relation to my bench. This epiphany occurred during my Hammer Incline Presses. I'll get to it later.


Flat Bench
225lbs x 10 reps
245lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 8 reps

Incline Hammer Press - Viking Grip (hands on the outer bars, not the grips)
180lbs x 10 reps
230lbs x 10 reps
250lbs x 10 reps
270lbs x 10 reps
290lbs x 10 reps
320lbs x 8 reps
360lbs x 8 reps
410lbs x 6 reps [yes, this was four plates and a quarter on each side; no bouncing off the machine. Had I not done so many trial sets, I would have tried 5 plates]

Hammer Flat Press - Viking Grip
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 10 reps
180lbs x 10 reps

Pec Flies
190lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 10 reps
220lbs x 8 reps

BW x 15 reps
BW x 12 reps
BW x 8 reps
BW x 10 reps

On the incline hammer press, I was repping out weights my workout partner, who is generally equal in strength, could not press even once.

I informed my workout partner that I got this idea of bar gripping the Incline Hammer from a buddy who is Norse, therefore, I announced that we will officially dub this grip outer bar grip, Viking Grip.

P.S. I'll get to my epiphany later, I'm on my friends computer and his key board is funky. Everytime I go to hit "A" I'm hitting caps lock and its really annoying and not at all conducive to effective writing.


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Flat Bench
275lbs x 8 reps

Incline Hammer Press - Viking Grip (hands on the outer bars, not the grips)

320lbs x 8 reps
360lbs x 8 reps
410lbs x 6 reps [yes, this was four plates and a quarter on each side; no bouncing off the machine. Had I not done so many trial sets, I would have tried 5 plates]

On the incline hammer press, I was repping out weights my workout partner, who is generally equal in strength, could not press even once.

I informed my workout partner that I got this idea of bar gripping the Incline Hammer from a buddy who is Norse, therefore, I announced that we will officially dub this grip outer bar grip, Viking Grip.
All I can say is, "WOW" to those Hammer Inclines! 410 X 6!! You were definitely in some kind of "zone" during that set. That was an amazing feat of strength brutha. The rest you got yesterday afternoon did you up right. I laid around and took it easy yesterday after my cardio session. I was resting up for this morning's brtual workout. I had an outstanding session myself this morning. Swing by the Thunderhood when you get the chance and check it out. Props to another awesome workout from Volcom. And since Ol' Thunda is officially AM's big cheerleader, this one's for you bro. "Firecracker. Firecracker. Shish-Boom-Bah. Volcom. Volcom. Rah-Rah-Rah"!! :toofunny:


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Yes, can't wait to hear it! lol.

Quick question. My joints are starting to feel the effects of my heavier lifting and I'll be adding some Cissus into my supplementation as soon as I can (stretched the budget hardcore this month...). Do you think the Cissus in Blue Gene would be enough to stand alone in protecting/repairing or would I need to go ahead and grab something else instead/as well?


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Viking Grip, I like the sound of that. I'll have to give it a whirl next time I'm on a HS machine.

As for your epiphany, the suspense is killing us!


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Yes, can't wait to hear it! lol.

Quick question. My joints are starting to feel the effects of my heavier lifting and I'll be adding some Cissus into my supplementation as soon as I can (stretched the budget hardcore this month...). Do you think the Cissus in Blue Gene would be enough to stand alone in protecting/repairing or would I need to go ahead and grab something else instead/as well?
If the Cissus does not help, I would recommend a month of lighter weight/higher volume, then switch back to the higher load if that's where your heart is. I had someone else from the gym asking me the same thing. Sometimes the positive response of your neuro-muscular facilities can exceed the rate of adaptions of your joints and tendons. This can also be true with sheer muscle strength. Bones are tissue and as such, break down, build up and hypertrophy (both in girth and density). However, the rate of growth for bone is slower then the rate of growth for muscle, especially neuro-muscular facets, so even exercises performed with good form (depending on your body's ratio of adaptions) could eventually lead to pain or even injuries.

Joint pains are those pains we "shouldn't" push through (unless perhaps its a long history of established "discomfort" from previous injuries of long ago. Some people have a permanent shoulder pinge or uncomfortable click, or sometimes my own sciatica will temporarily act up in the beginning of Deads). Muscle burning, suck it up, joint pains, keep a watchful eye on it. Some serious shoulder injuries never come back 100%. Just be careful with joints & bones discomforts.

If Cissus doesn't work for you, simply switch up your lifting method temporarily.
Last edited:


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Aww mannn.. the suspense bro.. c'mon with dat epihany!
Sorry, bro, I think i sort of lost it. i was running with this great answer to a theoretical question I posed to myself regarding my ambiguous strength results from the end of my sponsored Blue GENE log, in relation to my clear and obvious increases such as my incline hammer press and many other exercises, but I lost my thought.

I should have recorded it earlier, but my friend's key board was really annoying. Letters wouldn't register and the damn positioning of that caps lock, anyway. I'll bring it back up if it comes back to me.


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All I can say is, "WOW" to those Hammer Inclines! 410 X 6!! You were definitely in some kind of "zone" during that set. That was an amazing feat of strength brutha. The rest you got yesterday afternoon did you up right. I laid around and took it easy yesterday after my cardio session. I was resting up for this morning's brtual workout. I had an outstanding session myself this morning. Swing by the Thunderhood when you get the chance and check it out. Props to another awesome workout from Volcom. And since Ol' Thunda is officially AM's big cheerleader, this one's for you bro. "Firecracker. Firecracker. Shish-Boom-Bah. Volcom. Volcom. Rah-Rah-Rah"!! :toofunny:
Your positivity is well appreciated my friend!!


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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I'll try out the different grip next time. I was almost going to do cleans and put up a video today but I forgot my camera, and my traps were still a bit sore. I was reading up on proper technique/you tubing it, so hopefully this Thursday or Fri. I'll get it done.


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Nice workout man! Viking grip sounds bad to the ass!


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I'll try out the different grip next time. I was almost going to do cleans and put up a video today but I forgot my camera, and my traps were still a bit sore. I was reading up on proper technique/you tubing it, so hopefully this Thursday or Fri. I'll get it done.
As long as you're implementing a two pull method, then your technique is on the right path. Cleans aren't a single effort pull from the ground to catch. Pull one is from ground to hips level, second and most powerful pull, is off the hips, up on the toes and then in the catch.

Viking grip only seems to be viable on the incline hammer. We tried Viking grip on the flat hammer and although I personally enjoyed it, it was giving my workout partner the injurious type of shoulder pains.


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Sorry, bro, I think i sort of lost it. i was running with this great answer to a theoretical question I posed to myself regarding my ambiguous strength results from the end of my sponsored Blue GENE log, in relation to my clear and obvious increases such as my incline hammer press and many other exercises, but I lost my thought.
Damn, I hate lost epiphanies. Nice madness in the workout yesterday btw, forgot to mention that. I just had an epiphany - Volcom's one strong mofo.. :D


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As long as you're implementing a two pull method, then your technique is on the right path. Cleans aren't a single effort pull from the ground to catch. Pull one is from ground to hips level, second and most powerful pull, is off the hips, up on the toes and then in the catch.

Viking grip only seems to be viable on the incline hammer. We tried Viking grip on the flat hammer and although I personally enjoyed it, it was giving my workout partner the injurious type of shoulder pains.
he must not be as hardcore as you! :aargh::aargh:


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Yes, can't wait to hear it! lol.

Quick question. My joints are starting to feel the effects of my heavier lifting and I'll be adding some Cissus into my supplementation as soon as I can (stretched the budget hardcore this month...). Do you think the Cissus in Blue Gene would be enough to stand alone in protecting/repairing or would I need to go ahead and grab something else instead/as well?
i would give super cissus rx a try, or osteo-sport. i high dosed super cissus for 2 weeks, about 6 caps a day spread out, and have great results.

osteo-sport is a far more versatile product tho. addresses joint and tendon problems more effectively too i think. and its more cost effective.

but i had good results with both on joint and tendon pain. my tendonitis is still there a little bit tho, but its SIGNIFICANTLY decreased.


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As long as you're implementing a two pull method, then your technique is on the right path. Cleans aren't a single effort pull from the ground to catch. Pull one is from ground to hips level, second and most powerful pull, is off the hips, up on the toes and then in the catch.

Viking grip only seems to be viable on the incline hammer. We tried Viking grip on the flat hammer and although I personally enjoyed it, it was giving my workout partner the injurious type of shoulder pains.
dang i wish i could try this grip. im imagining it has a similar feeling to twisting your palms upward on low cable flyes.

and congrats on the incline dood. thats extremely impressive. reps dood!


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dang i wish i could try this grip. im imagining it has a similar feeling to twisting your palms upward on low cable flyes.

and congrats on the incline dood. thats extremely impressive. reps dood!
Thanks Roland,

Doesn't 24 have hammer presses?


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he must not be as hardcore as you! :aargh::aargh:
No one is as hardcore as Gambit, (okay no, Wolverine. All I'm say'n is, if I were Gambit, I'd have found a way to tap Rogue awhile ago if ya know what I mean)


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Damn, I hate lost epiphanies. Nice madness in the workout yesterday btw, forgot to mention that. I just had an epiphany - Volcom's one strong mofo.. :D
Thanks Chef,

Maybe I'll get it on video if I get the chance. Thanks again to Thomas for his Norse Innovation.


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Sweet stuff @ viking grip!
Continued strength increases from Blue GENE/Blue UP I'm assuming. I've never pressed the four plates on the incline hammer for more then 6 reps, let alone four and a quarter for 6 with a foreign grip. It was good stuff.


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Thanks Roland,

Doesn't 24 have hammer presses?
yeah we got em, but i still cant do pressing movements. causes too much pain in my shoulder. push ups seems to be cool tho. but the machines, bar, and dumbbells hurt too much.


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yeah we got em, but i still cant do pressing movements. causes too much pain in my shoulder. push ups seems to be cool tho. but the machines, bar, and dumbbells hurt too much.
Gotcha, and Viking Grip is a little harder on the shoulders in of themselves.


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No one is as hardcore as Gambit, (okay no, Wolverine. All I'm say'n is, if I were Gambit, I'd have found a way to tap Rogue awhile ago if ya know what I mean)
I think it's cool that in the future, Wolverine and Storm wind up in love. That's so sweet. Wolverine is my favorite of the X-Men. Love his attitude!! :twisted:


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I think it's cool that in the future, Wolverine and Storm wind up in love. That's so sweet. Wolverine is my favorite of the X-Men. Love his attitude!! :twisted:
I didn't know Wolverine ends up with Jungle Fever. I've only ever known about his low key deal with Jean Grey, but that's cool. Wolverine has always been my favorite, too. I used to love X-men comic books back in the day, or almost anything by Stan Lee.


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Yeah, Wolverine's a badass. An "adamantium" frame, regenerative abilities, and those crazy sharp claws... What I wouldn't give to be Wolverine for a day... :twisted:

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