YatesWifey Gets Alpha with Sustain Alpha - Sponsored



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My wife used to get Sciatica pain very bad, after a some regular visits to the Chiropractor she has it under control. (Just a Thought)
I just recently started going back to see a Chiro. It doesn't flare often anymore, but when it does it just about puts me on my ass.


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Awesome progress over the last 90 days!!!! I had my sciatic flare up on me once, it was bad for about 2-3 weeks then gradually get better. I was in prep for a contest and it took me completely out of the contest. So many different things caused the pain, training was basically impossible, I couldn't even do cardio which being 8-9 weeks out when it happened and 4 weeks out by the time I could lift much of anything it just killed my shot at competing that time.

It is funny I used to think people complaining about sciatica and saying it would stop them in their tracks were just being big vagines...
I have been converted from that line of thought through debilitating electrical shock type pain! Forget it!!!!!


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Awesome progress over the last 90 days!!!! I had my sciatic flare up on me once, it was bad for about 2-3 weeks then gradually get better. I was in prep for a contest and it took me completely out of the contest. So many different things caused the pain, training was basically impossible, I couldn't even do cardio which being 8-9 weeks out when it happened and 4 weeks out by the time I could lift much of anything it just killed my shot at competing that time.

It is funny I used to think people complaining about sciatica and saying it would stop them in their tracks were just being big vagines...
I have been converted from that line of thought through debilitating electrical shock type pain! Forget it!!!!!
It is some of the worst pain. It was really bad while I was pregnant, then backed off for a while. I started getting it from riding horses. The most random things will make it flare now (like a funky sex position). :D I honestly have to be really aware of my hip positions & body alignment. Wearing my son in his carrier on my back will do it too, if I don't have him centered properly. I'm sorry it knocked you out of your comp...that really sucks.


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Sorry everyone...I've slacked on adding updated pics & measurements.

Last Sunday (7/12) vs yesterday.....


Updated measurements....
Waist 26.2" - down .3"
Hips 34" - same
L upper thigh 19.5" - same
R upper thigh 19.5" - same
Chest 32" - up .6"
L quad 17.4" - up .4"
R quad 17.5" - up .5"
Biceps 11.2" - up .2"

My muscles are clearly growing, but I feel like my body fat loss has significantly slowed. So, dropped my calories a bit, and am going to start throwing more cardio in. My goal, right now, is to get my body fat down. Hopefully, I can maintain tye muscle I've built thus far.

Day 22.....

5 min elliptical

Seated db shoulder press

Push press

Arnold press

Bb front raise/Db Lateral raise Superset

Bent over rear delt raises

Plate front raise/Steering wheel burnout
10x6/10 to failure (~25 seconds)
10x6/10 to failure (~25 seconds)
10x6/10 to failure (~25 seconds)

I was feeling a bit fatigued this morning (nugget was up late), but got my pwo in me & pushed through. Estrogen is higher right now (about to start my cycle), so feeling meh is to be expected. However, I'm not as drained as I typically am around this time...thank you Sustain Alpha!!!


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(like a funky sex position).

You ladies just throw these comments like this in to drive us guys crazy!!


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The lower abdomen is slimming up nicely!!!!


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Looking awesome girl! It's common for the fat loss to stall a tiny bit here and there! Things are definitely changing though! You're doing great!!!


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Looking awesome girl! It's common for the fat loss to stall a tiny bit here and there! Things are definitely changing though! You're doing great!!!
Thank you, Kat. I didn't drop my cals much at all...just a little & mainly in the carbs dept. Still getting in what I need to stay fueled though. I'm saving them up for refeed day! :)


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Looking better with every workout!


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Hey YatesWifey04 check your inbox please ! Thanks !
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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My muscles are clearly growing, but I feel like my body fat loss has significantly slowed. So, dropped my calories a bit, and am going to start throwing more cardio in. My goal, right now, is to get my body fat down. Hopefully, I can maintain tye muscle I've built thus far.
Instead of dropping the calories, how about adding in some HIIT 2-3 times a week for ~20 minutes or doing post-weights cardio - more time efficient and less boring than long steady-state cardio and definitely will help more re muscle maintenance (or gains) and fat loss. That, or begin cycling your calories or manipulating when you have specific macronutrients to coincide with training days.



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Instead of dropping the calories, how about adding in some HIIT 2-3 times a week for ~20 minutes or doing post-weights cardio - more time efficient and less boring than long steady-state cardio and definitely will help more re muscle maintenance (or gains) and fat loss. That, or begin cycling your calories or manipulating when you have specific macronutrients to coincide with training days.
I was doing HIIT for a while until my shin splints put me out of high impact. I could definitely start adding some low impact back in. I've never cycled my calories or tweaked my macronutrients based on my workouts. I'll definitely look into that as well. I definitely don't want to lose what little bit of gains I have.


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I was doing HIIT for a while until my shin splints put me out of high impact. I could definitely start adding some low impact back in. I've never cycled my calories or tweaked my macronutrients based on my workouts. I'll definitely look into that as well. I definitely don't want to lose what little bit of gains I have.
Can you do sled work? Really made a difference on my last recomp


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Fasted cardio in the am waking on the steepest incline possible for 20-30 mins works good as well


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cybex arc trainers are a pretty common peice in gyms too that would be useful for low/no impact and can still get some HIIT in.

Also, carb cycling works wonders. Lots of different approaches to carb cycling too. its hard if you dont have non-lifting days much though, like 6-day a week lifters.


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cybex arc trainers are a pretty common peice in gyms too that would be useful for low/no impact and can still get some HIIT in.

Also, carb cycling works wonders. Lots of different approaches to carb cycling too. its hard if you dont have non-lifting days much though, like 6-day a week lifters.
We don't have cyber arc trainers. The closest we have is the standard ellipticals & a "climber" version. I could HIIT train on those.

I currently lift on a 5 day split regimen/routine (have Monday's & Friday's off).


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awesome progress so far btw. seriously amazing results in the little time of this log.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I was doing HIIT for a while until my shin splints put me out of high impact. I could definitely start adding some low impact back in. I've never cycled my calories or tweaked my macronutrients based on my workouts. I'll definitely look into that as well. I definitely don't want to lose what little bit of gains I have.
HIIT doesn't have to be SPRINTING - you could do re tabata on a bike, boxing, skipping, rowing, etc. And if you have shin splints, then I suggest you find out what the ACTUAL issue is - "shin splints" is an umbrella term for all injuries that affect the lower leg. If cardio is an issue, then adjust the nutrition aspect first and see what happens - if you've never cycled calories, etc., then it really does make a difference, especially if you have below, at, AND above maintenance calories (there's a reason why those who know what they're doing and always get results or stay lean year-round do it).



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HIIT doesn't have to be SPRINTING - you could do re tabata on a bike, boxing, skipping, rowing, etc. And if you have shin splints, then I suggest you find out what the ACTUAL issue is - "shin splints" is an umbrella term for all injuries that affect the lower leg. If cardio is an issue, then adjust the nutrition aspect first and see what happens - if you've never cycled calories, etc., then it really does make a difference, especially if you have below, at, AND above maintenance calories (there's a reason why those who know what they're doing and always get results or stay lean year-round do it).

Sports med Dr is going to investigate my splints further, but with no high impact they haved improved so much already (8 weeks of no high impact). I think it may be shoes, because they are reoccurring. Going to a Fleet Feet soon to get my feet scanned & hopefully get shoes better for me. I enjoy the rowing machine!! :) I'm still learning what works, honestly.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Sports med Dr is going to investigate my splints further, but with no high impact they haved improved so much already (8 weeks of no high impact). I think it my be shoes, because they are reoccurring. Going to a Fleet Feet soon to get my feet scanned & hopefully get shoes better for me. I enjoy the rowing machine!! :) I'm still learning what works, honestly.
Ok. Could be shoes - the right and wrong shoes for your feet do make a difference. Could also be another issue - injuries elsewhere can affect different areas of the body, especially if left "untreated"; not to mention functional imbalances. Never stop learning or experimenting, because what works for you may not for others and vice versa, and what once works will not always as you get older or mature re training or injuries occur, etc. - that's the best way to be and ensure that progress and growth is made.



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Ok. Could be shoes - the right and wrong shoes for your feet do make a difference. Could also be another issue - injuries elsewhere can affect different areas of the body, especially if left "untreated"; not to mention functional imbalances. Never stop learning or experimenting, because what works for you may not for others and vice versa, and what once works will not always as you get older or mature re training or injuries occur, etc. - that's the best way to be and ensure that progress and growth is made.

I am hoping that more regular chiro visits help too. I know if I get out of balance my body doesn't like it.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I am hoping that more regular chiro visits help too. I know if I get out of balance my body doesn't like it.
Chiropractors do not fix imbalances - they merely "help symptoms" and even then, not all, as they are not always aware of the issues causing any imbalances in the first place. The first step would be to discover your imbalances (you can do these fairly quickly with four simple movement screens, or go into more depth with adding posture analysis and other exercises) and build everything around them re training.



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Ok...back to work-out, libido, & Sustain Alpha talk!!

Day 23....

Sciatica was being a bit of pain again this morning when I woke up, but once I got warmed up it backed off. It's getting better....just a bit lingering when I first wake up & am stiff. Pretty typical of my flares.

5 min recumbent bike
Back hyperextensions 2 sets of 8

Leg extensions
30x10x3 - warm-up set

Kettlebell Goblet Squat - wide stance


Leg press machine

Lying leg curls

Cable kickbacks

I felt really good today. I was able to increase my weight & reps on a few things. I really enjoyed how "powerful" I was feeling!! I was also full of energy. I went home & cleaned, and then went to the park with my nugget for a few hours. A bit tired now though. :D

Libido is still up...will definitely miss it when the Sustain Alpha is gone. It's been nice having that extra drive...even when I'm exhausted!! ;)


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Great work girl! So glad things worked themselves out as you warmed up and you were able to get in a good workout! I'm sure hubby will miss the extra libido too!


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Great work girl! So glad things worked themselves out as you warmed up and you were able to get in a good workout! I'm sure hubby will miss the extra libido too!
Thank you! He said he'll just get me more Sustain Alpha! :D Haha!!


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YatesWifey04 the only time you are near a stall is when you are in the restroom... because your waistline is coming down at a nice pace!


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YatesWifey04 the only time you are near a stall is when you are in the restroom... because your waistline is coming down at a nice pace!
Thank you! I think it was that slowing process that got to me...briefly. I think my body is just switching things up right now....because I'm definitely gaining muscle & strength. So, I'll take it!!


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Going to do a real quick update guys/gals...as it's almost bedtime for my little one.

Day 24....

5 min recumbent bike
Dynamic stretching

Alternating Db Hammer Curl

Cable Standing Tricep Extension

Bb Close Grip Standing Curl

Assisted Close Grip Dips (weight is assistance weight)

Alternating Db Incline Curls

Cable Tricep Kickback

My arms were definitely feeling it, when I left the gym. :thumbsup:

Mood has been really good, even with that time of the month approaching. It has been nice to have that more mellow feeling...vs being wound tight & anxious. I account that to the elevated test!! So, that gives me another reason to be a fan of this product.
love2liftkat I have been using the Jefit app and am really enjoying it. I play to start exploring it more over the weekend and incorporating a wider variety of exercises into my routine.

I hope you all have a lovely night!!


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Happy Saturday, everyone!! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. :)

Day 25....

I went into the gym yesterday morning aiming to get in a little cardio and ab work, but ended up doing much more. Like some of you recommended, I started off by walking on the treadmill with it set at the highest incline. I was pouring sweat half way through the 20 mins. I got that knocked out, and moved on to abs. I did some Hammer Strength crunch & Supported leg raise supper sets. I did 4 sets of 12 each, with 10 lbs of weight added to the HS crunches. My abs were on fire. I was planning to be done at that point, because I was just aiming to get in a little of cardio and abs. Well, then a friend came in. She has been working with the new Personal Trainer at our gym. The new trainer is also going to be doing PiYo classes once a week. Yesterday, was just a trial run of sorts, for her to get used to the audio/video system. So, she asked if my friend and I would be interested in doing a little with her so she could just a feel for things. I figured why not. Oh.my.gosh. It was definitely more of a workout than I was anticipating. The trainer, who is also a professional bodybuilder, was even pouring sweat. I actually thoroughly enjoyed it....and my whole body is feeling it today. My freaking abs hurt when I cough!!! So, I am planning to start attending the Monday (a rest day from lifting) class from now on.

I was so tired last night that I was nodding off while watching a movie with my little. I actually ended up going to bed without a shower or applying the Sustain Alpha. :doh: I made sure to get up and shower and apply it this morning though!

Day 26....

It felt good to actually get some decent sleep last night. I felt nice and refreshed this morning. I also decided to drop the weight a bit today and focus on higher reps.

5 min elliptical

Db bench press *warm-up set*

Barbell Incline bench press

Barbell bench press

Cable Cross Over

Pec Deck fly

All the weight felt really light in the first 2 sets, but started to feel those higher reps in the last 2 sets!!

We're in the short rows of this log now, and I'm going to miss using the Sustain Alpha. As a female who has dealt with spells of low libido throughout my life, and how challenging that can be while in a relationship...it may very well be something I start keeping in my arsenal for when needed!!


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Awesome work in here girl!


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We need some measurements and some nudez! What's up!?


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Lol you two crack me up!


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Day 27....


*I was proud of those last 2 sets.*

Bent over rows

Full range motion cable crossover

Straight arm pull-down

Behind head lat pull-down

I was feeling very strong yesterday, and was super happy with my deads.

Day 28....

I went to the gym this morning & got in 30 mins of fasted cardio on the treadmill!! That seriously works you're butt
more than people would imagine....even the gym manager commented on how I was sweating (very respectfully & almost complimentary)! I think I'm going to stick to doing that on Fridays & PiYo on Mondays...for my off days from thifting.

Still feeling nice & strong, and recovery periods have continued to be shorter....except my abs from Friday. Still feeling those bad boys!

My monthly female visitor has arrived. Interested to see how the Sustain Alpha helps me during this time...even though I'm almost done with it. I usually have no energy & feel pretty puny. I'm hoping the test boost will help to counteract some of that!

I was going to skip weekly progress pics this week, since I'm bloated & holding some water weight (from my cycle starting). However, since yates84 had to call me out I'll post. It's not very impressive, in my opinion, this week. Not every week can have that "wow" factor though, right?

Last week vs this week....


Waist 26" - down .2"
Hips 34"- same
L upper thigh 19.3" - down .2"
R upper thigh 19.3 - down .2"
Chest 32.4" - up .4"
L quad 17.75 - up .35"
R quad 17.75 - up .25"
Biceps - 10.8 - down .2"

Not sure how my biceps/arms went down unless it's from finally losing some fat & starting to tighten up my back arms. Idk ???

I'm not very happy with this week....so going to step my game up & make sure I'm keeping my diet right on point!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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yates84[/USER] had to call me out I'll post. It's not very impressive, in my opinion, this week. Not every week can have that "wow" factor though, right?


I'm not very happy with this week....so going to step my game up & make sure I'm keeping my diet right on point!
No, not every week has a "wow" factor. But still doing progress pictures, regardless of time of the month is always good, so you CAN see changes being made. Being a female during a certain time doesn't mean you have to hold water either, nor be bloated, especially if training and eating well and right for you.

Be happy with the work you've done and resolve to do better next week. What is done is done. Let it go and move FORWARD!



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No, not every week has a "wow" factor. But still doing progress pictures, regardless of time of the month is always good, so you CAN see changes being made. Being a female during a certain time doesn't mean you have to hold water either, nor be bloated, especially if training and eating well and right for you.

Be happy with the work you've done and resolve to do better next week. What is done is done. Let it go and move FORWARD!

All this^^!


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No, not every week has a "wow" factor. But still doing progress pictures, regardless of time of the month is always good, so you CAN see changes being made. Being a female during a certain time doesn't mean you have to hold water either, nor be bloated, especially if training and eating well and right for you.

Be happy with the work you've done and resolve to do better next week. What is done is done. Let it go and move FORWARD!

I accept the bloating & water retention as part of it. It's always happened to me, and considering I have extremely bad cycles...it's the least of my worries during that time. I still eat & train "right" during that time. I know that's how my body responds during this time, and considering everything else it's going through, I'm ok with it. I do continue to take progress pics for myself...I just don't always choose to share them.


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Your waist is trimming down nicely, I'm sure your pants are getting looser !!


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Your waist is trimming down nicely, I'm sure your pants are getting looser !!
Indeed they are, Rocket! That reminds me...I was actually just telling hubby, this past weekend, that if it wasn't for my wider hips & my butt my shorts wouldn't stay up anymore!! That's always a good feeling. I have to remember to take everything into account...not just weight, or only measurements...but all of it as a whole!! Thanks for the reminder!!


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Indeed they are, Rocket! That reminds me...I was actually just telling hubby, this past weekend, that if it wasn't for my wider hips & my butt my shorts wouldn't stay up anymore!! That's always a good feeling. I have to remember to take everything into account...not just weight, or only measurements...but all of it as a whole!! Thanks for the reminder!!
We both need new clothes! This dieting thing is working too good, I'm ready to go back to bulking!


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You are definitely still making progress and if you are bloated this week then you made killer progress because I can't see the bloat! You look as good or better than last week and this week you are bloated. That means the unbloated version of you continued making all that progress you will see next week when the bloat goes byebye!

We both need new clothes! This dieting thing is working too good, I'm ready to go back to bulking!
Don't do it!!!!!!! Keep the abs, there is a reason we always cut back down, we look and feel better that way!!!! Slow gains for the win! I have to drop this weight back off from being lazy before I can say I am following it now. However I am regretting the off time and the bad nutrition decisions now!!!!

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