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No, you should feel it let's say "a reasonable amount of time". Minutes, not hours or days. That's just the supplement salesmans scam. Maybe that's Megagears target market. To sell injectables was the sole reason they got me to purchase. It's just nonsensical to go to the trouble of vials and injectable stoppers to then instruct to place the liquid under your tongue. I was thinking they said that to spoof the authorities, maybe I was the one spoofed! :). It's quite alright the $80 won't effect my disposable income if it turns out to be a bunk product. I'm not giving up yet, but if the pills don't rock your world then it's all rubbish. You WILL feel real D-bol. It only takes minutes. The Ciba stuff took less than a minute for me to think "WTF!" and 20 minutes to feel like "F-ing A Superman". I have no experience with "new" D-bol. I can't imagine taking more than one of those tiny pills a day, 2-3/day would have put me in the ER.
I have no doubt that a dose of real D-Bol would be felt within minutes of being taken, but the thing is, they don't even claim this to be real D-Bol -- it's the xenoandrogen "alternative" (in their words) to D-Bol. If you felt like Superman taking just one real D-Bol per day, then I know Danabol (the xenoandrogen) isn't nearly as potent because the Mega Gear employee told me to take 5 per day for 12 weeks. That combination of dosing regimen and cycle length would probably kill someone taking real D-Bol.

You probably are right about the liquid products being intended for injection, though; the employee did tell me that mass gains tend to be more substantial for people who inject the drug rather than take it orally. In fact, he said that the main reason they advise folks to take the liquid products orally is because they can't sell anything injectable as a dietary supplement. If I wasn't such a sissy in addition to being an all-around hard head, I would probably inject the Testobol-250.


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It seems kind of strange that they confiscated my package since Austria is generally regarded as a "safe" country (in terms of postal shipments).
I wouldn't say that. One of the world's biggest steroid operations was busted not so long ago just across the border in Slovenia.
Patrick Arnold

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I do agree that the packaging seems to be high-quality and lends a notion of legitimacy to the products. Hell, the boxes even have authenticity holograms like you'd find on the tag on a shirt from Armani or something.
stop right there and read what you said. now think to yourself that if you were to make a counterfeit scam product that would be convincible what would you do?

put it in a crappy box?

i am waiting for the lightbulb in your head to flicker on but i am starting to have doubts
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If the product is real, you'll notice the effects rather quickly. I notice a difference from an TRT injection in 20 minutes. Physical changes, not just mental- like the ol' ball sack tightens up and stays tight for 5-7 days. I'm almost 50, my ball sack isn't tight.

I've never heard of drinking an injectable by placing under the tongue??? I just can't imagine that would work??? The Dianabol will be the proof. If you feel nausated, then europhorically invincible THEN you'll know this is real stuff. It doesn't take hours, days or weeks. It's minutes...
yeah the old get nauseous on dianabol and then blow up. happens to everyone. wtf?

and of course putting an injecatable oil based steroid under the tongue would not work. the oil would prevent the steroid from transferring into the oral mucosa to begin with...and even if it didnt the amount absorbed would be quite miniscule
Patrick Arnold

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I want to apologize ahead of time for this, but what exactly is wrong with you? You have been told you are clearly buying into bull****, yet you are approaching this with such enthusiasm. In this post I quoted, you are already making justifications for what could be the cause when it doesn't work. I am with Pat on this one, it is upsetting to see that this gullible nature is still so prevalent, even more so disheartening that it can be found in a subforum that begins with "Advanced discussion."

Sorry to be a pessimist, but you should just toss it when it comes in.

i am starting to think that this guy is a shill for the Mega Gear company


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yeah the old get nauseous on dianabol and then blow up. happens to everyone. wtf?

and of course putting an injecatable oil based steroid under the tongue would not work. the oil would prevent the steroid from transferring into the oral mucosa to begin with...and even if it didnt the amount absorbed would be quite miniscule
That was my experience in 1985 with Ciba Dianabol tiny little blue pills. Only the first pill made me nauseous with in minutes, then euphoric. The remaining pills my system adjusted. I have NO idea of how the kitchen crap Dianabol works today. Perhaps that's YOUR experience. So, yes WTF!


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yeah the old get nauseous on dianabol and then blow up. happens to everyone. wtf?

and of course putting an injecatable oil based steroid under the tongue would not work. the oil would prevent the steroid from transferring into the oral mucosa to begin with...and even if it didnt the amount absorbed would be quite miniscule
Thanks for pointing that out; I didn't know that. Would there be any point to drinking the oil-based products if they can't be absorbed sublingually? Or is injecting them the only way I'll get any effects they (might) confer?

BTW, I'm not a shill for the Mega Gear company. I just became interested in this stuff after someone else made a thread on the other forum and my curiosity (and I guess stupidity according to others on the forum -- just don't neg rep me) got the best of me. However, regardless of whether this stuff is garbage or "the next big thing," the package (or what customs decided to leave behind of it) is here and so I figure I might as well take the stuff as long as it's safe. Maybe the light bulb just ain't up there.


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No, you should feel it let's say "a reasonable amount of time". Minutes, not hours or days.
I can tell you something is an anabolic, put high doses of caffeine, DMAA, NDMA and synephrine in it, and you'll feel it in minutes. It doesn't make it an anabolic.


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So how do you know its safe?. You're not even sure what it is.
Yeah, I guess all I really have to go on regarding safety reassurances is the fact that a few other guys have taken it and aren't dead yet. I know it sounds ill-advised, but I'm just gonna go for it.


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I can tell you something is an anabolic, put high doses of caffeine, DMAA, NDMA and synephrine in it, and you'll feel it in minutes. It doesn't make it an anabolic.
Off-topic, but when it comes to stimulants, I'm a fan of good-old ephedra + caffeine... I think the bronchodilation seals the deal for me, especially during running.


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Off-topic, but when it comes to stimulants, I'm a fan of good-old ephedra + caffeine... I think the bronchodilation seals the deal for me, especially during running.
My stimulants always end up on my nose.


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My stimulants always end up on my nose.
I don't want to get too hardcore though since I'm also going to be hitting the xenoandrogens hard and heavy :alcoholic:

BTW, does anyone know what type of needle I should use to inject the oil-based xenoandrogen? I might just man-up and inject it, but I've never injected anything before so I don't even know where to begin...
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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That was my experience in 1985 with Ciba Dianabol tiny little blue pills. Only the first pill made me nauseous with in minutes, then euphoric. The remaining pills my system adjusted. I have NO idea of how the kitchen crap Dianabol works today. Perhaps that's YOUR experience. So, yes WTF!
dianabol does not make people nauseous nor does it have an acute euphoric action
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I don't want to get too hardcore though since I'm also going to be hitting the xenoandrogens hard and heavy :alcoholic:

BTW, does anyone know what type of needle I should use to inject the oil-based xenoandrogen? I might just man-up and inject it, but I've never injected anything before so I don't even know where to begin...
16 gauge


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dianabol does not make people nauseous nor does it have an acute euphoric action
I heard the original Dianabols were pink so maybe he was not taking Dianabols?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I heard the original Dianabols were pink so maybe he was not taking Dianabols?
i think dianabols were blue and winstrols were pink


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If the pills don't work....it's all bunk. Let us know how it goes. The many D-bol "supplements" are fake crap and not anabolic steroids. Megagear might be right there with the rest of the imposters.
i think you failed to grasp an understanding of the subject of this thread.


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really? i was thinking he should use an 8 gauge needle
I was under the impression (from early posts read) that xenoandrogens were not good at all, and they actually counterproductive in the scenarios we would need them for...(LBM building...strength gain...fat loss)

Did I miss a post where they actually work? Or are we agreed they are bunk?


Active member
I was under the impression (from early posts read) that xenoandrogens were not good at all, and they actually counterproductive in the scenarios we would need them for...(LBM building...strength gain...fat loss)

Did I miss a post where they actually work? Or are we agreed they are bunk?
I'm sure they work if you use an 8 gauge...


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Have you seen the post about USPowders coming up with a new Suppository Delivery Method for Protein :D! This could be the same foe xenoandrogens in the future! ;)


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Sub'd for injects


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16 gauge... 6 guage... 8 gauge... anally... make up your minds, dammit! J/K

So would a 23 gauge needle work for this? Or will it need to be thicker since these are oil-based?


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Looking at their website, there are 2 and only 2 distinct possibilities in my mind:

1) They are selling bogus 'empty' oils and tablets.

2) They are trying to sell steroids labelled as legal supplements. I dont see how they can have tweaked these XA's to mimic so many different steroids.

Im leaning #2.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I was under the impression (from early posts read) that xenoandrogens were not good at all, and they actually counterproductive in the scenarios we would need them for...(LBM building...strength gain...fat loss)

Did I miss a post where they actually work? Or are we agreed they are bunk?

we reached a conclusion that it was all BS but that failed to dissuade at least one individual


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we reached a conclusion that it was all BS but that failed to dissuade at least one individual
Yeah I had stayed on that train of thought but since someone is so eager to try it...I thought maybe something new had popped up :p
Nothin new here, USP has been giving it in the ass to consumers for years
Haha while this is funny...its your Opinion :p not mine Patrick! :D


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Thanks for posting some of the discussions you've had with the Mega Gear company. It sounds like even they don't really know what's in the products they're selling, especially since they're only loosely affiliated with the lab that allegedly created the xenoandrogens in the first place. How does anyone even know for sure that these drugs aren't carcinogenic (or otherwise unsafe to take) when some shady, nameless lab in Central Europe is the only facility to have ever worked with them in a scientific manner?

So I guess I'm going with 23-gauge needles for this, then...


Well-known member
Thanks for posting some of the discussions you've had with the Mega Gear company. It sounds like even they don't really know what's in the products they're selling, especially since they're only loosely affiliated with the lab that allegedly created the xenoandrogens in the first place. How does anyone even know for sure that these drugs aren't carcinogenic (or otherwise unsafe to take) when some shady, nameless lab in Central Europe is the only facility to have ever worked with them in a scientific manner?

So I guess I'm going with 23-gauge needles for this, then...
Lol I told u they don't know wtf is them either. Yeah a 23 gauge should b fine.


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Lol I told u they don't know wtf is them either. Yeah a 23 gauge should b fine.
Thanks for confirming that; I was about to just say the hell with it and go with your anal suppository suggestion.

Do you think I could use a needle with an even higher gauge number? I wasn't sure since these Mega Gear products are oil-based, and from what I read, needles with lower gauges are often necessary to use when injecting substances that are suspended in oil...


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good luck with the scar tissue, everyday injections even if rotating spots can still leave bad scars
Then maybe I'll just inject the full dose once per week. Why in the hell didn't Mega Gear just choose a water-based suspension for their products instead of oils that prevent the active ingredients themselves from being absorbed sublingually?
Patrick Arnold

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When I stumbled across this sh!t back in March I didn’t know what to think and nobody had even heard of them so I said fu(k it and ordered some. I am currently 7 weeks deep in a 10 week cycle of Danabol 7/day + Deca 3ml/week + Boldo 3ml/week. I have gained about 5 pounds and have seen a steady increase in strength… at this point im not giving the xenos any credit because that could be my natural strength progressing and ill wait until the cycle is over before I conclude anything. I continue to research and talk to as many people as I can to find more out about this stuff. The problem is the US has little to no experience with this sh!t so im having to read French and german forums and having to translate pages of info can take some time.

After someone finally took the topic to PA and he saw some flaws I contacted the company. Many emails went back and forth and a lot of me calling them a scam but here are some interesting things he said:
“I looked into this matter and I was in touch with my boss. The two publications that you mention here are both perfectly "real". In fact there are much more publications called European Journal of Endocrinology or a similar name. This is a rather generic name, not a trade mark.
There are at least 4 different societies of endocrinology in Europe. With 500 mil. citizens this is not surprising, USA has also several (in fact many societies and journals).
Please kindly notice that there are hundreds of similar publications all around the world.”

“look, it's actually not that complicate. As you surely know, there are many non-hormonal substances with effects similar to hormones. Nothing new here. Phytoestrogens and phytoandrogens are not hormones but bind to the same receptors or launch the same cascades.
Many other chemicals have such properties and the general term used to describe them is xenohormones (there are other names too).
By using some common and rather complex molecules it's possible to "twist" them to have such properties too. Actually this is not as complicated as it may sound.
No rocket science here, just some patient work with complex molecules.
You would be surprised to find how many different xenohormones (exohormones, phytohormones, ectyhormones or whatever else they are called) are all around. The point is to isolate them and test them...”

“I guess the problem is that we are a European company and our sales in North America are weak.
MegaGear products are widely discussed on large French and German forums like all-steroids, musclesenmetal, bbszene, all-musculation and many others.
We got positive reviews and also a fair deal of negative ones, especially from French who are generally less patient and expect results in 2-3 weeks.
Even if you don't understand it, you can google xenoandrogene at google(dot)de (in German) and xenoandrogenes at google(dot)fr (switch to French).
You'll see that this topic didn't go unnoticed and the forums are all but controlled by us...”

“Since you are asking, this is not a secret. The xenoandrogen research was concentrated to some 4-5 labs. The commercial research and all commercial patents were developed by a single lab in Central Europe. They sold the know-how to MegaGear and the very same people do have close ties to the mentioned journal.
The blog xenoandrogens(dot)com is not run by our company. It's a blog of a coach who is a close aquitance of one of the researchers. BTW he is not particularly fond of MegaGear.
The researchers and "non-profit" people in general are sort of hostile to business in Europe. We are in fact begging them for help (more media support etc) but once they got their money for patents they are almost out of our reach.
Therefore I really suggest you read the large independent French/German forums and see for yourself. “

Hope this sheds some light on the matter.

no light was shed because no specifics were discussed.


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Pat, do you know if there is any way to degrade the oil base the active ingredient is dissolved in without altering the integrity/chemical structure of the active ingredient itself? I'm just wondering if there is a way I can render this into a supplement that can be absorbed sublingually...


Well-known member
Pat, do you know if there is any way to degrade the oil base the active ingredient is dissolved in without altering the integrity/chemical structure of the active ingredient itself? I'm just wondering if there is a way I can render this into a supplement that can be absorbed sublingually...
If this happens it will be part of a new MuscleTech supplement then lol..."Pure Bunk , No results. MuscleTech-Because your Money is all we care for."


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If this happens it will be part of a new MuscleTech supplement then lol..."Pure Bunk , No results. MuscleTech-Because your Money is all we care for."
Sounds about right lol.


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If this happens it will be part of a new MuscleTech supplement then lol..."Pure Bunk , No results. MuscleTech-Because your Money is all we care for."
If what happens? You mean if I'm able to "convert" it into a sublingual drug?

Otherwise, it (as in me taking the xenoandrogens) is DEFINITELY happenin'!
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Pat, do you know if there is any way to degrade the oil base the active ingredient is dissolved in without altering the integrity/chemical structure of the active ingredient itself? I'm just wondering if there is a way I can render this into a supplement that can be absorbed sublingually...
you gotta be kidding me


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you gotta be kidding me
No, I'm not, and it's about to get even more bizarre.

In a classic "WTF" moment, I walked out to my mailbox to get the mail about an hour ago, and on top of all the junk mail and leaflets, there's a random bottle of Danabol just sitting there. It's not in a box or envelope and it doesn't even have a shipping label. It was just sitting in my mailbox. Unless it grew legs and walked from the customs office in NY to my mailbox (not ruling this out), I honestly have no idea how anyone at the local post office could've known it was supposed to have been delivered to me.


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No, I'm not, and it's about to get even more bizarre.

In a classic "WTF" moment, I walked out to my mailbox to get the mail about an hour ago, and on top of all the junk mail and leaflets, there's a random bottle of Danabol just sitting there. It's not in a box or envelope and it doesn't even have a shipping label. It was just sitting in my mailbox. Unless it grew legs and walked from the customs office in NY to my mailbox (not ruling this out), I honestly have no idea how anyone at the local post office could've known it was supposed to have been delivered to me.
Haha YES!

Thread keeps getting better and better.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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No, I'm not, and it's about to get even more bizarre.

In a classic "WTF" moment, I walked out to my mailbox to get the mail about an hour ago, and on top of all the junk mail and leaflets, there's a random bottle of Danabol just sitting there. It's not in a box or envelope and it doesn't even have a shipping label. It was just sitting in my mailbox. Unless it grew legs and walked from the customs office in NY to my mailbox (not ruling this out), I honestly have no idea how anyone at the local post office could've known it was supposed to have been delivered to me.

sounds like a controlled drop

i kid
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