


  • RockStar
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oh, spider, i've got some xenaandrogens i'll sell you, similar to xenoandrogens, but instead it is a modified cyanocobalamin that will bind to the androgen receptor.

you may have heard of the infamous cyano's, it's similar to the compound found in "monsterdrol xt" and will get you swoll for 1/2 the price of a similar xenoandrogens.

shoot me your checking act info if youre interested. :thumbsup:


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oh, spider, i've got some xenaandrogens i'll sell you, similar to xenoandrogens, but instead it is a modified cyanocobalamin that will bind to the androgen receptor.

you may have heard of the infamous cyano's, it's similar to the compound found in "monsterdrol xt" and will get you swoll for 1/2 the price of a similar xenoandrogens.

shoot me your checking act info if youre interested. :thumbsup:
DUDE... MONSTERDROL XT... I took that stuff back when I was 13 and gained 22 lbs. and also developed the pointiest bitch tits you could ever imagine. I had to steal and wear my younger sister's bras and layer 3 shirts on top of that, and that was just so I could make it through the school day. And my sister was in 5th grade... so more often than not, they would still pop out all over the place and I would have to run off to the bathroom at random intervals just so I could try and stuff myself back into her training bra. Also, I developed and never recovered from EIGCS (Extreme Irreversible Genitalia Crevassing Syndrome)... do a Google Image Search if you really want to know (NSFW).

BTW, does this stuff require a PCT? I think this was where I went wrong with the Monsterdrol, so this time, I'll be sure to take some ZMA. At the very least, it seems like it's working for the cycle of dianabol, testosterone enanthate, superdrol, deca, tren, testosterane cypionate, and winny (w/ an EOD beastdrol pulse) that I just finished yesterday. (gained +/- 7.4 lbs over 18 weeks... don't think I was eating enough fruit or something)

BTW, do you take PayPal, or maybe Google Checkout? The only reason I ask is because when my uncle Rabuki e-mailed me last year from The Republic of the Congo of the Democratic People's Monarch (which happened to be the same email in which he first introduced himself to me BTW), he told me that great grandfather Moweegleeyuh had recently died (thanks for the funeral invitation but whatever) and had left a casual directive in his will asking to hold approximately USD5290000000000000000000.256600 in my own bank account, and in exchange, I could keep 5%. Now, don't get me wrong -- the money sounded nice, but I'm always willing to help out family, so I told uncle Rabuki that of course I'd be willing to help out however I can. So I sent him my account info and waited for Rhonda down at the local SunTrust to give me a call about a rather large sum of money being wire transferred into my account, but the call never came. Instead, I get my monthly statement in the mail a week-and-a-half later and am surprised to read that not only was USD5290000000000000000000.256600 never wired to my account, but the $84 that I was saving up to buy a Kinect with was actually WITHDRAWN at an ATM located adjacent to the Golden Happy Sip & Internet Cafe in Nigeria.

I have since switched to electronic banking with automated deposit/withdrawal email notifications.


So yeah, u cool with PayPal?


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Well, how do you like that... it looks like I might soon be in possession of several of Mega Gear's xenoandrogen products, and I might even decide to log them (not in this section, of course). Like the urge to vigorously fap with sandpaper, there is only one way this curiosity can be satisfied...


Well-known member
Well, how do you like that... it looks like I might soon be in possession of several of Mega Gear's xenoandrogen products, and I might even decide to log them (not in this section, of course). Like the urge to vigorously fap with sandpaper, there is only one way this curiosity can be satisfied...
There's nothing wrong with fapping with sandpaper.


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But seriously, I do have an order of 2 xenoandrogen products on their way, and the package should hopefully arrive either Saturday or Monday. I guess we'll find out "once and for all" if these products are legit. BTW, does anyone know how to tell if a substance can be absorbed sublingually? Can essentially any compound be taken in a sublingual manner?

And Stri8ed -- be careful with that 100 grain. You don't want to learn what "Pepperoni Stick Dick" is the hard way. :sour:


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But seriously, I do have an order of 2 xenoandrogen products on their way, and the package should hopefully arrive either Saturday or Monday. I guess we'll find out "once and for all" if these products are legit.
No, we won't. We won't know if the ingredients listed are the ingredients in the pills, unless you were to have some tested. And an n=1 in vivo experiment hardly proves their efficacy.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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But seriously, I do have an order of 2 xenoandrogen products on their way, and the package should hopefully arrive either Saturday or Monday. I guess we'll find out "once and for all" if these products are legit. BTW, does anyone know how to tell if a substance can be absorbed sublingually? Can essentially any compound be taken in a sublingual manner?

And Stri8ed -- be careful with that 100 grain. You don't want to learn what "Pepperoni Stick Dick" is the hard way. :sour:

the only thing u will have proved is that consumers can be so gullible that they will buy something even when it has been made obvious to them that it is complete BS. And that depresses me greatly


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No, we won't. We won't know if the ingredients listed are the ingredients in the pills, unless you were to have some tested. And an n=1 in vivo experiment hardly proves their efficacy.
That's why I put quotes around the "once and for all"; I was mostly kidding, and since one of the products I ordered is supposed to be the xenoandrogen equivalent of Dianabol, I figure that if, after taking it for at least a month, I don't notice anything in terms of water retention (which the product literature specifically "warns" about), then it's a somewhat reliable indication that xenoandrogens (or at least that particular one) don't work, though it definitely wouldn't be an absolute one.

If you or PA want to test a pill or two after I get my hands on this stuff, just let me know...


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the only thing u will have proved is that consumers can be so gullible that they will buy something even when it has been made obvious to them that it is complete BS. And that depresses me greatly
Who says I had to buy anything? ;)
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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That's why I put quotes around the "once and for all"; I was mostly kidding, and since one of the products I ordered is supposed to be the xenoandrogen equivalent of Dianabol, I figure that if, after taking it for at least a month, I don't notice anything in terms of water retention (which the product literature specifically "warns" about), ...

thats a popular trick with companies that sell u scam products. they list warnings of side effects and that makes u think it must be real. its like those diets that warn u that if u lose more than ten pounds in a week u must stop taking the product!!! barf


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I'm new to the online purchases, but not to the game. Received the Megagear package today and am hesitant to inject. The more I read the more it does look "off". Customs held it for 7 days, then released. I'll let someone else be the test dummy before I inject unknown substance. I have plenty of legit gear, just wanted to see if this was real or fake. I will say that the packaging and bottle are quality. I'm kinda suprised that anyone would go to all of that trouble for $30-40 on a one time sale. I'd guess the bottle, injectable cap, and printing/packaging cost $5-10.

Has anyone tried the product?


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I'm new to the online purchases, but not to the game. Received the Megagear package today and am hesitant to inject. The more I read the more it does look "off". Customs held it for 7 days, then released. I'll let someone else be the test dummy before I inject unknown substance. I have plenty of legit gear, just wanted to see if this was real or fake. I will say that the packaging and bottle are quality. I'm kinda suprised that anyone would go to all of that trouble for $30-40 on a one time sale. I'd guess the bottle, injectable cap, and printing/packaging cost $5-10.

Has anyone tried the product?
Glad to hear that someone else got suckered into... er, was willing to give these products a shot. My order was shipped out by Mega Gear around the end of June, and whenever I track the package through USPS's website, the status is that, as of July 4th, it has been processed and remains at "ISC NEW YORK" (I.e., it's in customs). The shipping status hasn't been updated at all since July 4th; however, since the USPS status also states that the package has been "processed through sort facility," I'm assuming it isn't being intentionally quarantined by customs.

Anyways, if/when the package arrives, I'm more likely to try taking the oil-based product sublingually rather than by injection, although I don't even know if the "active ingredient" can even be absorbed via the sublingual gland. Keep us updated on whatever you decide to do, and please consider logging your cycle.


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I took Xenoandrogens and gained 25 pounds of muscle and my dick grew another 4 inches ..


New member
It would be a great strategy to import designer steriods i.e. "the clear". The company declares the product a nutritional supplement, yet the top of the bottle is seal and only opened by a needle. Either that or it's grape seed oil and placebo. My natural T level is only 300-350, so I would know the difference. I'm still hesitant to inject until many more reports come in. It still seems foolish of MegaGear to advertise and promote the product for such a reasonable price only for it to be a one time purchase if/when it's discovered to be fake. My thinking was it's worth a gamble for such a low price. If the bottle had a hand inserted rubber stopper it was going to the litter bin. The packaging is as good a quality as Watson. The liquid inside is the mystery...
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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It would be a great strategy to import designer steriods i.e. "the clear". The company declares the product a nutritional supplement, yet the top of the bottle is seal and only opened by a needle. ..
yeah that'll really perplex customs



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Wow, so it's an inject? The thought of this being pills was bad enough.

Sub'd for horror stories.


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Dammit, why won't my package leave "ISC NEW YORK?" I read that it's the USPS's sorting center for international parcels and that if a package has been processed through that facility (according to tracking info), then it has cleared customs and is just waiting to be shipped out. The tracking info for my package has stated since July 3rd that it's been processed through the sorting facility, so where the hell is it?

Don't tell me that customs seized my Mega Gear because the products look like real steroids! :(
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Dammit, why won't my package leave "ISC NEW YORK?" I read that it's the USPS's sorting center for international parcels and that if a package has been processed through that facility (according to tracking info), then it has cleared customs and is just waiting to be shipped out. The tracking info for my package has stated since July 3rd that it's been processed through the sorting facility, so where the hell is it?

Don't tell me that customs seized my Mega Gear because the products look like real steroids! :(

they are probably testing the stuff. if they find a controlled substance in there u will have some explainin to do


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the only thing u will have proved is that consumers can be so gullible that they will buy something even when it has been made obvious to them that it is complete BS. And that depresses me greatly
It really shouldn't. You are in the supplement industry after all...I see so many people on here just wanting to throw their money at any new supplement they see. They even wait in the threads about new supplements and post things like "Credit card ready!". It is really their own fault if they get ripped off. I've seen this so much it makes me wish I was in the supplement industry. People are "sold" so damn easily it is laughable.


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they are probably testing the stuff. if they find a controlled substance in there u will have some explainin to do
When I track the package on USPS.com, it says it has been "Processed Through Sort Facility," so I'm not sure if it has already made its way through customs or not. I talked to another guy who made a fairly large order of xenoandrogen products and he received his package in less than 10 days.

The products shouldn't test positive for controlled substances. On Mega Gear's website, they state that, aside from the xenoandrogens themselves, the only other "active ingredients" they add to the products are boldenone precursors (e.g., campesterol). If they DO detect a controlled substance in one of the products, then that's Mega Gear's fault -- as far as I know, I ordered products that contain modified tocopherols/tocotrienols, not controlled substances.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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When I track the package on USPS.com, it says it has been "Processed Through Sort Facility," so I'm not sure if it has already made its way through customs or not. I talked to another guy who made a fairly large order of xenoandrogen products and he received his package in less than 10 days.

The products shouldn't test positive for controlled substances. On Mega Gear's website, they state that, aside from the xenoandrogens themselves, the only other "active ingredients" they add to the products are boldenone precursors (e.g., campesterol). If they DO detect a controlled substance in one of the products, then that's Mega Gear's fault -- as far as I know, I ordered products that contain modified tocopherols/tocotrienols, not controlled substances.

if its in a vial they may determine that it is a drug and an unidentified drug so they may confiscate it. supplements are not sold in vials


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if its in a vial they may determine that it is a drug and an unidentified drug so they may confiscate it. supplements are not sold in vials
Thanks for the info. To provide an update, I received the package today, but it had been torn open, re-sealed, and was delivered in a bag. It looks like a customs agent took a bottle of Danabol for testing, dammit. If the boldenone precursors contained in the pills cause them to falsely test positive for boldenone, do you think I'm going to be getting a visit from the DEA?


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Yes, best think of ways to enjoy your time left as a free man, and don't drop the soap!


Never enough
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I took Xenoandrogens and gained 25 pounds of muscle and my dick grew another 4 inches ..
so now its 4 1/2 inches?

Dammit, why won't my package leave "ISC NEW YORK?" I read that it's the USPS's sorting center for international parcels and that if a package has been processed through that facility (according to tracking info), then it has cleared customs and is just waiting to be shipped out. The tracking info for my package has stated since July 3rd that it's been processed through the sorting facility, so where the hell is it?

Don't tell me that customs seized my Mega Gear because the products look like real steroids! :(
I've had stuff sit at ISC for 2-3 weeks and not have been opened. Its new york, they suck.


Well-known member
Thanks for the info. To provide an update, I received the package today, but it had been torn open, re-sealed, and was delivered in a bag. It looks like a customs agent took a bottle of Danabol for testing, dammit. If the boldenone precursors contained in the pills cause them to falsely test positive for boldenone, do you think I'm going to be getting a visit from the DEA?
Ohhh that f*cking sucks, that must have looked pretty shady.


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Ohhh that f*cking sucks, that must have looked pretty shady.
LOL, apparently so. The return address label was printed on what looks like a home consumer printer (I.e., Cannon or HP) and the ship-to address was handwritten in pen, LOL. These guys definitely need to slap a corporate sticker on their shipping boxes or something. I seriously hope I don't end up having to pay big $$$ to a lawyer to get me off the hook for receiving a package that didn't even contain real steroids.

This is probably a dumb question, but in the spirit of wishful thinking... does anyone know if there's any chance at all that, after testing the Danabol and confirming that it doesn't contain any illegal substances, they'll ship the rest of the pills to me?


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Lol, your still worried about getting the rest of your pills after all this....
Well, unless the pills contain real dianabol, I have nothing to worry about, right? (the owner assured me that the products don't contain real steroids... hopefully)
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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xenaandrogens never fail



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Well, unless the pills contain real dianabol, I have nothing to worry about, right? (the owner assured me that the products don't contain real steroids... hopefully)
Lol I bet they don't even know what they put in them.


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Lol I bet they don't even know what they put in them.
LOL. Well, if I'm going to be getting a visit from the DEA over the next few weeks, then this stuff had better work! Haha


New member
if its in a vial they may determine that it is a drug and an unidentified drug so they may confiscate it. supplements are not sold in vials
Customs didn't open my package with vials. They held the package for a week, but it was unopened. Odd. Someone hurry and be the guinea pig on this one.


New member
LOL, apparently so. The return address label was printed on what looks like a home consumer printer (I.e., Cannon or HP) and the ship-to address was handwritten in pen, LOL. These guys definitely need to slap a corporate sticker on their shipping boxes or something. I seriously hope I don't end up having to pay big $$$ to a lawyer to get me off the hook for receiving a package that didn't even contain real steroids.

This is probably a dumb question, but in the spirit of wishful thinking... does anyone know if there's any chance at all that, after testing the Danabol and confirming that it doesn't contain any illegal substances, they'll ship the rest of the pills to me?
I've had many boxes of Cuban cigars confiscated by Customs and a nasty letter from Homeland Security each time. They do nothing, if you do nothing. If you call to claim your cigars, then it's another story. You can't help what people send to you, but if you claim you ownership of the item...
Don't sweat it. Millions of packages come through the mail everyday.


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Customs didn't open my package with vials. They held the package for a week, but it was unopened. Odd. Someone hurry and be the guinea pig on this one.
There are no guinea pigs; only ginny dogs.


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Customs didn't open my package with vials. They held the package for a week, but it was unopened. Odd. Someone hurry and be the guinea pig on this one.
I think they randomly selected my package to inspect, saw bottles of something called "Danabol" and didn't know what the hell they were looking at, and decided to snag a bottle to send off for testing. What's funny is that the vials containing the oil-based xenoandrogens (I.e., the vials that look like illegal steroids) were untouched and weren't even taken out of the bubblewrap. It seems kind of strange that they confiscated my package since Austria is generally regarded as a "safe" country (in terms of postal shipments).

What products did you order, Vis? Are you injecting the oil-based ones or administering them sublingually?


New member
I think they randomly selected my package to inspect, saw bottles of something called "Danabol" and didn't know what the hell they were looking at, and decided to snag a bottle to send off for testing. What's funny is that the vials containing the oil-based xenoandrogens (I.e., the vials that look like illegal steroids) were untouched and weren't even taken out of the bubblewrap. It seems kind of strange that they confiscated my package since Austria is generally regarded as a "safe" country (in terms of postal shipments).

What products did you order, Vis? Are you injecting the oil-based ones or administering them sublingually?
I ordered two vials 1- Prop 100 and 1-250 Susta-max. I'm not trying anything until someone else says it's real. I have plenty of pharma gear. This was just a late night "hey, let me try this" moment. I still think it might be legit. Hard to believe someone would actually go to this much trouble for a one hit of less than $100 bucks. The vials are quality and the packaging is far over the top for scamming someone for one purchase. I was thinking that it could be a UL claim bs about being Xeno-blah supplements and actually being the real deal. Let us know if you feel anything. The first time I took a real D-bol I wanted to throw up (actually I did heave, but nothing came out). Then I felt invincible. The D-bol I took was a US pharma grade (Ciba) tiny blue pill in 1985.


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I ordered two vials 1- Prop 100 and 1-250 Susta-max. I'm not trying anything until someone else says it's real. I have plenty of pharma gear. This was just a late night "hey, let me try this" moment. I still think it might be legit. Hard to believe someone would actually go to this much trouble for a one hit of less than $100 bucks. The vials are quality and the packaging is far over the top for scamming someone for one purchase. I was thinking that it could be a UL claim bs about being Xeno-blah supplements and actually being the real deal. Let us know if you feel anything. The first time I took a real D-bol I wanted to throw up (actually I did heave, but nothing came out). Then I felt invincible. The D-bol I took was a US pharma grade (Ciba) tiny blue pill in 1985.
I have been maintaining correspondence with an employee (the owner?) of Mega Gear over the last few weeks, and he actually stated that most users report having the most productive cycles (in terms of strength/mass gains) over the course of ~12 weeks. Having said that, you might not really notice anything at all from taking just 2 vials' worth. Here is a link to a supposedly independently-written blog by a "bodybuilding coach" who describes the cycle experiences among several of his buddies who were each taking a ****tail of Mega Gear products:


I just glanced over his blog again and saw where he stated that they were cycling the products for 13 weeks.

Your hunch that these products could actually contain "the real deal" might be on target; the Mega Gear employee told me that individuals who administer the oil-based products via injection have reported gaining the most weight. Hmmm...

I do agree that the packaging seems to be high-quality and lends a notion of legitimacy to the products. Hell, the boxes even have authenticity holograms like you'd find on the tag on a shirt from Armani or something.

I can barely contain my excitement -- when I go to the gym on Sunday (or tomorrow if I can't wait), I'll take 2 or 3 Danabols (5 per day is what the employee told me to take) along with a few mL's of Testobol-250. I doubt I will feel anything, but I bet the placebo effect will more than make up for the lack of true efficacy.


New member
I have been maintaining correspondence with an employee (the owner?) of Mega Gear over the last few weeks, and he actually stated that most users report having the most productive cycles (in terms of strength/mass gains) over the course of ~12 weeks. Having said that, you might not really notice anything at all from taking just 2 vials' worth. Here is a link to a supposedly independently-written blog by a "bodybuilding coach" who describes the cycle experiences among several of his buddies who were each taking a ****tail of Mega Gear products:


I just glanced over his blog again and saw where he stated that they were cycling the products for 13 weeks.

Your hunch that these products could actually contain "the real deal" might be on target; the Mega Gear employee told me that individuals who administer the oil-based products via injection have reported gaining the most weight. Hmmm...

I do agree that the packaging seems to be high-quality and lends a notion of legitimacy to the products. Hell, the boxes even have authenticity holograms like you'd find on the tag on a shirt from Armani or something.

I can barely contain my excitement -- when I go to the gym on Sunday (or tomorrow if I can't wait), I'll take 2 or 3 Danabols (5 per day is what the employee told me to take) along with a few mL's of Testobol-250. I doubt I will feel anything, but I bet the placebo effect will more than make up for the lack of true efficacy.
If the product is real, you'll notice the effects rather quickly. I notice a difference from an TRT injection in 20 minutes. Physical changes, not just mental- like the ol' ball sack tightens up and stays tight for 5-7 days. I'm almost 50, my ball sack isn't tight.

I've never heard of drinking an injectable by placing under the tongue??? I just can't imagine that would work??? The Dianabol will be the proof. If you feel nausated, then europhorically invincible THEN you'll know this is real stuff. It doesn't take hours, days or weeks. It's minutes...


New member
If the pills don't work....it's all bunk. Let us know how it goes. The many D-bol "supplements" are fake crap and not anabolic steroids. Megagear might be right there with the rest of the imposters.


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Then again, keep in mind that Mega Gear actually markets these products specifically as xenoandrogens and not anabolic steroids, so technically, even if I don't feel something immediately, it could just be that xenoandrogens really do have to be taken for an extended period of time before effects are noticed (which is what I've read and been told). In other words, it probably isn't real D-Bol, but that doesn't mean it's complete crap (unless xenoandrogens themselves really are worthless)...


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Then again, keep in mind that Mega Gear actually markets these products specifically as xenoandrogens and not anabolic steroids, so technically, even if I don't feel something immediately, it could just be that xenoandrogens really do have to be taken for an extended period of time before effects are noticed (which is what I've read and been told). In other words, it probably isn't real D-Bol, but that doesn't mean it's complete crap (unless xenoandrogens themselves really are worthless)...
I want to apologize ahead of time for this, but what exactly is wrong with you? You have been told you are clearly buying into bull****, yet you are approaching this with such enthusiasm. In this post I quoted, you are already making justifications for what could be the cause when it doesn't work. I am with Pat on this one, it is upsetting to see that this gullible nature is still so prevalent, even more so disheartening that it can be found in a subforum that begins with "Advanced discussion."

Sorry to be a pessimist, but you should just toss it when it comes in.


New member
No, you should feel it let's say "a reasonable amount of time". Minutes, not hours or days. That's just the supplement salesmans scam. Maybe that's Megagears target market. To sell injectables was the sole reason they got me to purchase. It's just nonsensical to go to the trouble of vials and injectable stoppers to then instruct to place the liquid under your tongue. I was thinking they said that to spoof the authorities, maybe I was the one spoofed! :). It's quite alright the $80 won't effect my disposable income if it turns out to be a bunk product. I'm not giving up yet, but if the pills don't rock your world then it's all rubbish. You WILL feel real D-bol. It only takes minutes. The Ciba stuff took less than a minute for me to think "WTF!" and 20 minutes to feel like "F-ing A Superman". I have no experience with "new" D-bol. I can't imagine taking more than one of those tiny pills a day, 2-3/day would have put me in the ER.


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I want to apologize ahead of time for this, but what exactly is wrong with you? You have been told you are clearly buying into bull****, yet you are approaching this with such enthusiasm. In this post I quoted, you are already making justifications for what could be the cause when it doesn't work. I am with Pat on this one, it is upsetting to see that this gullible nature is still so prevalent, even more so disheartening that it can be found in a subforum that begins with "Advanced discussion."

Sorry to be a pessimist, but you should just toss it when it comes in.
I'm still trying to figure that out.

I guess at this point, I'm just going to give it a shot and see what happens. If it doesn't work, I'll have no problem admitting that xenoandrogens are a farce. BTW, the package did come in the mail today minus one bottle of Danabol that was confiscated by customs.
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