Who wants a new BLR SERM?!

Should BLR release a new SERM?

  • Yes New BLR SERM!!!

    Votes: 79 90.8%
  • No I love shady RC chems.

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oddly nobody complained of joint pain.
We did get reports of tanked libido and other low estro symptoms.
Ill likely cut the dose in half and then make it a 4 cap dose. This way guys can take 1 to 4 caps. Because unless your on test or something wet a full dose is too much.
Can you share how many pills per bottle?


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Can Arimistane be used with Rebirth?
Based on bloods I had done before, during and after Arimistane, Arimistane is useful only if a guy wants to become a lactating woman. Barely touched my test levels, trebled my estrogen levels and increased my prolactin by 50%.
That was the only blood test I've ever had done in which my E2 and Prolactin were higher than the lab rangers, let alone the optimal levels.


Had bloods done subsequently which were more or less back to the original levels. Wouldn't touch the stuff again with a barge pole.
This is why I now refuse to run any alleged AI unless I've already seen bloodwork showing that it works.


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Based on bloods I had done before, during and after Arimistane, Arimistane is useful only if a guy wants to become a lactating woman. Barely touched my test levels, trebled my estrogen levels and increased my prolactin by 50%.
That was the only blood test I've ever had done in which my E2 and Prolactin were higher than the lab rangers, let alone the optimal levels.


Had bloods done subsequently which were more or less back to the original levels. Wouldn't touch the stuff again with a barge pole.
This is why I now refuse to run any alleged AI unless I've already seen bloodwork showing that it works.


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Based on bloods I had done before, during and after Arimistane, Arimistane is useful only if a guy wants to become a lactating woman. Barely touched my test levels, trebled my estrogen levels and increased my prolactin by 50%.
That was the only blood test I've ever had done in which my E2 and Prolactin were higher than the lab rangers, let alone the optimal levels.


Had bloods done subsequently which were more or less back to the original levels. Wouldn't touch the stuff again with a barge pole.
This is why I now refuse to run any alleged AI unless I've already seen bloodwork showing that it works.
Thanks for info,I looked at it as cortisol blocker.Will be switching to Reduce Xt then


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Didn't know that about Arimistane. Reduce XT is a great choice!


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One caveat about Arimistane, the product which ****ed me up contained two other compounds which allege to be SERMs, so theoretically either of them could have been the culprit, but either way Arimistane certainly didn't reduce my E2 at all, even if it wasn't responsible for increasing it.


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My friend ran a cycle and I gave him a bottle of rebirth on me for pct and he was amazed.

His cycle was-
7 weeks of
Tr3st at 50mg
Epi at 60mg
Stano at 800mg first 4 weeks and 1200 last 3 weeks.

He said he felt recovered after two week and week 3 he fully felt recovered.

His pct was-
Formeron (had a bottle and also gave it to him)
And also had abliderate ammo (cortisol)

Rebirth is really taking over. Glad Brundel brought this to us. Really special product imo.


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My friend ran a cycle and I gave him a bottle of rebirth on me for pct and he was amazed.

His cycle was-
7 weeks of
Tr3st at 50mg
Epi at 60mg
Stano at 800mg first 4 weeks and 1200 last 3 weeks.

He said he felt recovered after two week and week 3 he fully felt recovered.

His pct was-
Formeron (had a bottle and also gave it to him)
And also had abliderate ammo (cortisol)

Rebirth is really taking over. Glad Brundel brought this to us. Really special product imo.
BTW my boss put Rebirth on sale again



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Between Rebirth and after seeing the labs on the new AI that will be released, Brundel has PCT on lock.


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You saw the labs, aren't they great


Ya I got to give it to The Brundel man I'm on pct in week 1 and wow I am definitely feeling better then on my last pct run


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Yah test results for the oral are the best Ive seen for any otc AI.

Also I finally got all of the transdermal ingredients to hold in a gel today. Version9090192398172938719287391827391827398127398127391823
It took a special formulation method to get everything to hold but it looks good.
Im gonna make a handful of bottles for testing next week.
Also we will start Oral AI logs soon.


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Yah test results for the oral are the best Ive seen for any otc AI. Also I finally got all of the ingredients to hold in a gel today. Version9090192398172938719287391827391827398127398127391823 It took a special formulation method to get everything to hold but it looks good. Im gonna make a handful of bottles for testing next week. Also we will start Oral AI logs soon.
Lmao! Yes!!! Can't wait


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Slightly off topic, can someone tell me what is e2?

Estradiol (estrogen) Estradiol is essential for the development and maintenance of female reproductive tissues

Men don't want high estrogen but it's needed.


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Ya I got to give it to The Brundel man I'm on pct in week 1 and wow I am definitely feeling better then on my last pct run
Thanks bro. I glad Rebirth is working so well for everyone.


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Estradiol (estrogen) Estradiol is essential for the development and maintenance of female reproductive tissues

Men don't want high estrogen but it's needed.
Ok lol. Its weird that I've made posts about estrogen and got corrected by saying e2 not estrogen, as if e2 is different than estrogen. Thanks.


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Ok lol. Its weird that I've made posts about estrogen and got corrected by saying e2 not estrogen, as if e2 is different than estrogen. Thanks.
E2 is an estrogen in the same way that testosterone is an androgen. Essentially, Estrogens = hormones which primarily have actions on female secondary sex characteristics, androgens = the same for male characteristics. E2 (estradiol) and estrogen are often used interchangeably in the same way that testosterone and androgen are used. E2 tends to be the only estrogen relevant in men because it is by far the most prominent estrogen in a guy's body and because it is directly affected by androgen levels, hence its relevance to people doing any kind of androgen (steroid, prohormone) cycle.

The key word in my explanation here is "primarily". Both testosterone and estrogen are essential in both men and women for everything from physical health to psychological wellbeing and libido. Issues arise when one of two scenarios arises - levels of one are too low, or the ratio of one to the other is out of whack. For instance, in my own case both my testosterone and estradiol levels are within the normal lab ranges, but the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is too high. According to my blood work from week one, Formeron halved my estradiol from 108 pmol to 54 (still within normal ranges), but my body had not yet reacted to this by upping my testosterone, so my test was 12.5 nmol which is exactly what it had been on my previous blood test - yet I felt a hundred thousand times better in terms of mood, libido, motivation, etc.

As with most things in the body, it's not just about individual levels of hormones taken in isolation, it's about the balance and ratios between them. Sometimes your lab or doc will largely ignore your results because they get a report back saying "everything within normal ranges", and it's only when you look more closely that you see "eh… Normal ranges, but ridiculously out of balance with eachother".


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E2 is an estrogen in the same way that testosterone is an androgen. Essentially, Estrogens = hormones which primarily have actions on female secondary sex characteristics, androgens = the same for male characteristics. E2 (estradiol) and estrogen are often used interchangeably in the same way that testosterone and androgen are used. E2 tends to be the only estrogen relevant in men because it is by far the most prominent estrogen in a guy's body and because it is directly affected by androgen levels, hence its relevance to people doing any kind of androgen (steroid, prohormone) cycle. The key word in my explanation here is "primarily". Both testosterone and estrogen are essential in both men and women for everything from physical health to psychological wellbeing and libido. Issues arise when one of two scenarios arises - levels of one are too low, or the ratio of one to the other is out of whack. For instance, in my own case both my testosterone and estradiol levels are within the normal lab ranges, but the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is too high. According to my blood work from week one, Formeron halved my estradiol from 108 pmol to 54 (still within normal ranges), but my body had not yet reacted to this by upping my testosterone, so my test was 12.5 nmol which is exactly what it had been on my previous blood test - yet I felt a hundred thousand times better in terms of mood, libido, motivation, etc. As with most things in the body, it's not just about individual levels of hormones taken in isolation, it's about the balance and ratios between them. Sometimes your lab or doc will largely ignore your results because they get a report back saying "everything within normal ranges", and it's only when you look more closely that you see "eh... Normal ranges, but ridiculously out of balance with eachother".
Well put. I couldn't find myself to go deep into it lol.


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E2 is an estrogen in the same way that testosterone is an androgen. Essentially, Estrogens = hormones which primarily have actions on female secondary sex characteristics, androgens = the same for male characteristics. E2 (estradiol) and estrogen are often used interchangeably in the same way that testosterone and androgen are used. E2 tends to be the only estrogen relevant in men because it is by far the most prominent estrogen in a guy's body and because it is directly affected by androgen levels, hence its relevance to people doing any kind of androgen (steroid, prohormone) cycle.

The key word in my explanation here is "primarily". Both testosterone and estrogen are essential in both men and women for everything from physical health to psychological wellbeing and libido. Issues arise when one of two scenarios arises - levels of one are too low, or the ratio of one to the other is out of whack. For instance, in my own case both my testosterone and estradiol levels are within the normal lab ranges, but the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is too high. According to my blood work from week one, Formeron halved my estradiol from 108 pmol to 54 (still within normal ranges), but my body had not yet reacted to this by upping my testosterone, so my test was 12.5 nmol which is exactly what it had been on my previous blood test - yet I felt a hundred thousand times better in terms of mood, libido, motivation, etc.

As with most things in the body, it's not just about individual levels of hormones taken in isolation, it's about the balance and ratios between them. Sometimes your lab or doc will largely ignore your results because they get a report back saying "everything within normal ranges", and it's only when you look more closely that you see "eh… Normal ranges, but ridiculously out of balance with eachother".
Well done.


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Wow! That's crazy!! That's going to be a muscle building ai! I bet estrogen was super low


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Super interested in Rebirth and the new AI. Can't wait to see the labs from vujade's log!


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Wow! That's crazy!! That's going to be a muscle building ai! I bet estrogen was super low
Chopped in thirds If I recall correctly.

Test rose 5x ;)


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You have a dirty, whore-ish mouth
Ill take that as a compliment.

I dont know if youve heard but Im kinda a big deal. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.


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In before _____says its impossible for an ai to raise test levels 5x.
This one sure did.


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Big titties!!! can't wait for this one!


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The blood results he was talking about was to the oral AI I believe, not the fat burning transdermal(which is probably just as good). Just a FYI


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So I can get my test into a supraphysiological range by using this new AI?

The Transdermal is not the same as the one we are talking about. 2 different products.
And probably not no.
His test level rose from 100 to 590 I think Not the exact numbers but approx. I dont have them in front of me. This was in a week or so.
LH rose from .4 to 5.


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The blood results he was talking about was to the oral AI I believe, not the fat burning transdermal(which is probably just as good). Just a FYI

Exactly. Just an FYI JackedJack ^^ is the one who ran labs.
Well known, trustworthy member of the community with no ties to BLR.


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The blood results he was talking about was to the oral AI I believe, not the fat burning transdermal(which is probably just as good). Just a FYI
Nice to know, great news in fact

I'm OVER and DONE rubbing gels and lotions into my body, can't stand it. Never again. I'm too hairy, there's an infant at home, I sleep naked in bed next to wife, etc etc


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Didn't really need to know the last thing, but to each their own ;)


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Nice to know, great news in fact

I'm OVER and DONE rubbing gels and lotions into my body, can't stand it. Never again. I'm too hairy, there's an infant at home, I sleep naked in bed next to wife, etc etc
Pictures or it never happened.
Or a video of you rubbing lotion on your hairy musclebearness.


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E2 is an estrogen in the same way that testosterone is an androgen. Essentially, Estrogens = hormones which primarily have actions on female secondary sex characteristics, androgens = the same for male characteristics. E2 (estradiol) and estrogen are often used interchangeably in the same way that testosterone and androgen are used. E2 tends to be the only estrogen relevant in men because it is by far the most prominent estrogen in a guy's body and because it is directly affected by androgen levels, hence its relevance to people doing any kind of androgen (steroid, prohormone) cycle.

The key word in my explanation here is "primarily". Both testosterone and estrogen are essential in both men and women for everything from physical health to psychological wellbeing and libido. Issues arise when one of two scenarios arises - levels of one are too low, or the ratio of one to the other is out of whack. For instance, in my own case both my testosterone and estradiol levels are within the normal lab ranges, but the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is too high. According to my blood work from week one, Formeron halved my estradiol from 108 pmol to 54 (still within normal ranges), but my body had not yet reacted to this by upping my testosterone, so my test was 12.5 nmol which is exactly what it had been on my previous blood test - yet I felt a hundred thousand times better in terms of mood, libido, motivation, etc.

As with most things in the body, it's not just about individual levels of hormones taken in isolation, it's about the balance and ratios between them. Sometimes your lab or doc will largely ignore your results because they get a report back saying "everything within normal ranges", and it's only when you look more closely that you see "eh… Normal ranges, but ridiculously out of balance with eachother".
So you're saying e2 and estrogen are interchangeable but not the same? You're saying theres more than 1 type of estrogen in a male, but the majority of it is e2?


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The good news is youll have an option. THe transdermal is very solid. Ai+ very good fat burners. In fact we tested all of the ingredients by themselves and all worked well solo so...this is gonna be a bomb product.
The Oral is like an estro nuke.


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The next thing I want to hear is shipped to retailers!! Lol

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