Who wants a new BLR SERM?!

Should BLR release a new SERM?

  • Yes New BLR SERM!!!

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  • No I love shady RC chems.

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Weighed in today a total of 2lb lighter then when I started the ai. So in 7 days, 2lb weight loss. I am dieting so that played a part, but I had some cheat meal type food over the weekend so there's some balance.

I found that the first few days, there was some body warmth and drying out. About day 3 I believe was when I really noticed the drying taking hold. No issues with joint pain or anything like that. I do seem to have a bit of decreased libido the last day or so.

Strength wise, I would consider this a weaker version of Adex. Def not on par with aromasin but did seem to have a reasonable effect. Overall I would give it a 6/10. 1 being nothing, 10 being pharma grade aromasin. For reference, I would put Adex at 7-8 and arimistane at 4 so about in the middle of the pack.

There's def a lot of potential here as I felt like the burner was a solid compliment and would have liked to run this longer. Only real negative is the libido drop but that's to be expected when estro is too low.


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Weighed in today a total of 2lb lighter then when I started the ai. So in 7 days, 2lb weight loss. I am dieting so that played a part, but I had some cheat meal type food over the weekend so there's some balance.

I found that the first few days, there was some body warmth and drying out. About day 3 I believe was when I really noticed the drying taking hold. No issues with joint pain or anything like that. I do seem to have a bit of decreased libido the last day or so.

Strength wise, I would consider this a weaker version of Adex. Def not on par with aromasin but did seem to have a reasonable effect. Overall I would give it a 6/10. 1 being nothing, 10 being pharma grade aromasin. For reference, I would put Adex at 7-8 and arimistane at 4 so about in the middle of the pack.

There's def a lot of potential here as I felt like the burner was a solid compliment and would have liked to run this longer. Only real negative is the libido drop but that's to be expected when estro is too low.
Thanks for the review bro.
The ai looks solid. I just got more of the ingredients and Im gonna make another test batch this week.
I also got the ORAL AI yesterday and Im gonna press some caps today.

Gonna start testing this week.


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Thanks for the review bro. The ai looks solid. I just got more of the ingredients and Im gonna make another test batch this week. I also got the ORAL AI yesterday and Im gonna press some caps today. Gonna start testing this week.
Very nice. Excited to see how the oral pans out as well. Tds are nice but inconvenient when traveling and dosing can be sketchy without a syringe.


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Alright guys, here is my final review. Wanted to wait a few days to before reviewing to see what changed.

Main thing of note the 2 to 3 days has been joint pain! But, that only started when I had to remove the top and try and eyeball the dosage. Before that I only had one instance of joint discomfort that could have been related to something totally different.

I never got the the body warming effects, but the weight loss was apparent. At the time of my last dosage I was down 3.8lbs. As of today I am maintaining the weight loss. I am by no means a clean eater lol, so the fact that I have any weight loss is great.

Ive never run anything stronger than Formeron. So if I had to compare, and formeron was a 10, this would be a 8.

Reason being Formeron kicked in quicker and felt stronger overall. But I must say that this stuff may be just as strong but the results just dont come on as quick. Never got joint pain from formeron but this stuff almost crippled me lol.

*Also one more thing. It didnt do this on the first few doses, but once I had to remove the top from the bottle and eyeball, the AI left a yellowish tint to my skin. Not something that wouldnt come off after washing but it was apparent

Thank you Brundel for the chance to try this out and for putting out top notch products


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Alright guys, here is my final review. Wanted to wait a few days to before reviewing to see what changed. Main thing of note the 2 to 3 days has been joint pain! But, that only started when I had to remove the top and try and eyeball the dosage. Before that I only had one instance of joint discomfort that could have been related to something totally different. I never got the the body warming effects, but the weight loss was apparent. At the time of my last dosage I was down 3.8lbs. As of today I am maintaining the weight loss. I am by no means a clean eater lol, so the fact that I have any weight loss is great. Ive never run anything stronger than Formeron. So if I had to compare, and formeron was a 10, this would be a 8. Reason being Formeron kicked in quicker and felt stronger overall. But I must say that this stuff may be just as strong but the results just dont come on as quick. Never got joint pain from formeron but this stuff almost crippled me lol. *Also one more thing. It didnt do this on the first few doses, but once I had to remove the top from the bottle and eyeball, the AI left a yellowish tint to my skin. Not something that wouldnt come off after washing but it was apparent Thank you Brundel for the chance to try this out and for putting out top notch products
Thank for the update and review. We appreciate it. Imo this is stronger then formeron with more pronounced effects. The longer your on it the more you will see.

I also got joint pains within the first few days. Major drying out.


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Alright guys, here is my final review. Wanted to wait a few days to before reviewing to see what changed.

Main thing of note the 2 to 3 days has been joint pain! But, that only started when I had to remove the top and try and eyeball the dosage. Before that I only had one instance of joint discomfort that could have been related to something totally different.

I never got the the body warming effects, but the weight loss was apparent. At the time of my last dosage I was down 3.8lbs. As of today I am maintaining the weight loss. I am by no means a clean eater lol, so the fact that I have any weight loss is great.

Ive never run anything stronger than Formeron. So if I had to compare, and formeron was a 10, this would be a 8.

Reason being Formeron kicked in quicker and felt stronger overall. But I must say that this stuff may be just as strong but the results just dont come on as quick. Never got joint pain from formeron but this stuff almost crippled me lol.

*Also one more thing. It didnt do this on the first few doses, but once I had to remove the top from the bottle and eyeball, the AI left a yellowish tint to my skin. Not something that wouldnt come off after washing but it was apparent

Thank you Brundel for the chance to try this out and for putting out top notch products
Sorry about the joint pain bro. We knew there was a strong chance of this happening.
Unfortunately at higher doses a portion of the ingredients will stay on the skin :(. This was the same with Formeron as well.
4lbs loss is pretty significant. Imagine if you used this with Follidrone and ate more....you would gain muscle but dry out. SERIOUS recomp potential.

Thanks for the review bro.


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Holy ****, Formeron + Prolactrone is quite a stack. Not sure which is causing it, or both, or perhaps neither, but I'm suddenly motivated to do so many things that I had on the backburner. I might actually have a clear bedroom floor within the next couple of nights :D

I'm now stacking Formeron with TransFORM by OL so that it lasts longer, so instead of 2x Formeron ED it's 1x Formeron in the morning and 1x TransFORM in the evening. 3x Prolactrone, with each dose timed more or less to coincide with empty stomachs.

Is it ok if the doses aren't evenly spaced throughout the day? I'm semi-bulking at the moment so eating like a pig (still losing weight since I started Formeron which is just ridiculous given my diet) so empty stomachs are few and far between, basically just taking one any time I think I won't be eating for an hour or two without any real regularity. It's 3x / day though and at least four hours apart. That alright or should I get more disciplined about meal times?


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I would think your dopamine levels are skyrocketing from the Prolactrone which is causing the mania lol.
Its amazing stuff. At that dose your HGH levels are also super high so...take advantage of it.
In one study oral administration of 250mg Ldopa raised HGH on average to 19.6. The human norm is 0-3 so....

There is 498mg ldopa in 3 caps :)
Double the dose used in the study.

I think the dosing is good yes.


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Seriously man you have no idea how bizarre it is for me to say "I CAN SEE CARPET!" ;)

What's the situation with regard to tolerance? I've seen some people refer to L-DOPA as "two weeks on, two off", my original plan was to do 8 straight weeks and then take a month off :p Also, should I skip it on days I take a PWO that has stimulants in it?


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I usually run a bottle then take at least a month off.
Regarding the stims it depends on alot of things. DO you have a blood pressure cuff at home to test blood pressure?


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I usually run a bottle then take at least a month off.
Regarding the stims it depends on alot of things. DO you have a blood pressure cuff at home to test blood pressure?
Yeah my dad has one I can use, when should I check it?


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check it 3 times per day.
Relax. Stay seated. uncross legs etc.
Test it after taking both the Pro and the stim and see where you land.


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Thank for the update and review. We appreciate it. Imo this is stronger then formeron with more pronounced effects. The longer your on it the more you will see.

I also got joint pains within the first few days. Major drying out.
For some reason I got that feeling too. That things were getting better the longer I took it. I enjoyed the mini run and will definitely be purchasing when it comes out.

Sorry about the joint pain bro. We knew there was a strong chance of this happening.
Unfortunately at higher doses a portion of the ingredients will stay on the skin :(. This was the same with Formeron as well.
4lbs loss is pretty significant. Imagine if you used this with Follidrone and ate more....you would gain muscle but dry out. SERIOUS recomp potential.

Thanks for the review bro.
No reason for the apology Big guy. At 2 pumps morn and evening, I didnt notice any joint pain. The joint pain came when I started trying to eyeball the dosage after the pump stopped ejecting fluid. Was probably applying too much.

The residue left behind on the skin wasnt an issue for me. I just mentioned it for the sake of the review.

Thanks for the chance. Im down if you need anymore testing on some other products!!!!!!


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Blood pressure post workout was literally perfect. Not sure about the combination though to be honest. I still feel a positive mania with the mix of caffeine and L-DOPA but it's the mind-racing, leg-jigging, shifty-sitting, impossible to concentrate on anything kind of mania. L-DOPA on its own causes a kind of productive mania where I actually get things done and feel proud of them. The only thing I'm getting done with this combo is wrestling with my dog and peeing far too often. ;)


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Blood pressure post workout was literally perfect. Not sure about the combination though to be honest. I still feel a positive mania with the mix of caffeine and L-DOPA but it's the mind-racing, leg-jigging, shifty-sitting, impossible to concentrate on anything kind of mania. L-DOPA on its own causes a kind of productive mania where I actually get things done and feel proud of them. The only thing I'm getting done with this combo is wrestling with my dog and peeing far too often. ;)
My motto is always not to take something you dont need. So...if you dont need the pre workout caffeine and in fact you feel better without it then drop it. No brainer.
Save it for when your off the prolactrone.

Or wait till our pre comes out. There will be some caffeine in there but....its an fn powerhouse of performance enhancement.
Like a symphony.
Frankly....Im proud of myself on this one. Just wait....its like nothing else.


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My motto is always not to take something you dont need. So...if you dont need the pre workout caffeine and in fact you feel better without it then drop it. No brainer.
Save it for when your off the prolactrone.
Well the dilemma is that the extra intensity was f*cking EPIC during the workout, it just meant there was no chance of doing anything useful post workout except mindlessly pacing my living room and wrestling with my dog ;)
Maybe I should try just upping the post workout cardio :D


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Well the dilemma is that the extra intensity was f*cking EPIC during the workout, it just meant there was no chance of doing anything useful post workout except mindlessly pacing my living room and wrestling with my dog ;)
Maybe I should try just upping the post workout cardio :D
Start deadlifting and squating EVERYDAY, you'll be wiped for sure lol.


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So I have been on cycle about 2 months, nips have been sensitive and slightly itchy. Always had very small lumps, barely noticeable at all (i am the only one that ever would). They disappear off cycle and seem to reappear while on. Been on rebirth for three days and there is zero sensitivity. I am impressed. On par with nolva for on cycle management for sure. I will be stockpiling this stuff.


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There's lot of hype regarding this product... I've seen a few people's experiences from using this product which have been good & solid... But why never any labs? Nobody ever has before and after labs, I've never seen it run after a heavy cycle either.. Not trying to stir up drama or cause conflict, just looking for a link possibly or proof... Does this proof exist?
Check out vujades log he's running bloods



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With regard to Rebirth in PCT, is Rebirth likely to have any effect on the HPTA? I was trying to discover which estrogen receptors (alpha or beta) SERMs like clomid antagonise in the hypothalamus which causes it to start releasing GnRH, but I couldn't find a definitive answer on that.
Is Rebirth intended to combat the side effects of increased E2 after a cycle while waiting for the HPTA to return to normal, or is it intended to jump-start the HPTA itself?


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Hey Brundel whats the ETA on the AI being shipped over to UK. was hoping to use it in PCT starting beginning of April.


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So I have been on cycle about 2 months, nips have been sensitive and slightly itchy. Always had very small lumps, barely noticeable at all (i am the only one that ever would). They disappear off cycle and seem to reappear while on. Been on rebirth for three days and there is zero sensitivity. I am impressed. On par with nolva for on cycle management for sure. I will be stockpiling this stuff.
very happy to read something like this. i just bought rebirth to combat some gyno and hoping it can do the trick


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So I have been on cycle about 2 months, nips have been sensitive and slightly itchy. Always had very small lumps, barely noticeable at all (i am the only one that ever would). They disappear off cycle and seem to reappear while on. Been on rebirth for three days and there is zero sensitivity. I am impressed. On par with nolva for on cycle management for sure. I will be stockpiling this stuff.
Ive been waiting for people to start chiming in with these type of results.
I appreciate you trusting me enough to give it a shot. This stuff is amazing really. Once people start to hear the reviews this will be the new staple.
Vujade is having issues with random wood in public 7 days into his PCT using Rebirth ;)


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There's lot of hype regarding this product...
I've seen a few people's experiences from using this product which have been good & solid...

But why never any labs? Nobody ever has before and after labs, I've never seen it run after a heavy cycle either..

Not trying to stir up drama or cause conflict, just looking for a link possibly or proof... Does this proof exist?
The product has only been out for a few weeks.
There is plenty of evidence to support the ingredients as SERMS.
We also ran a ton of internal testing over years. Its solid stuff. Hands down the best OTC SERM available.
There are logs up presently one who plans to run labs so..soon enough.


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Chag and DIM are both antiandrogens.
This means they block testosterone and DHT and any prohormones or DS etc.
If you want to get weaker and smaller then its a great choice because this is literally what youll get.
Doesnt matter if estro drops if it also lowers or inhibits androgens.


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Hey Brundel whats the ETA on the AI being shipped over to UK. was hoping to use it in PCT starting beginning of April.

None of the AIs are ready yet.
I shipped out the oral to a few people yesterday. Once we get some test results back and I know for sure its up to par we will release.

REBIRTH is already in the UK


Brundel what AI contains chag and dim just trying to see what you are talking about


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Just need an AI soon from 3rd April when PCT starts and may need something before your product is released do u have any suggestions cos i only have Viron and Clomid Currently, but will require an AI. If Forma Stanzol V3 isnt that great then it will just be a waste of £60 for me.


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So is it pointless to run rebirth solo?
Depends on your goals.
You could use it solo for on cycle estrogen management.
Could use it solo for PCT but I would recommend using it in concert with other things.


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Just need an AI soon from 3rd April when PCT starts and may need something before your product is released do u have any suggestions cos i only have Viron and Clomid Currently, but will require an AI. If Forma Stanzol V3 isnt that great then it will just be a waste of £60 for me.
Unfortunately the AI market is very bad right now. Lots of companies scrambling to try to release new ones but unfortunately most are weak or inert.
Its nice to see something look great on paper but its how it works in real life that is important.
Im not gonna start on ingredients because there are people with vested interest who become upset. My suggestion is before you buy a product do some serious research into the ingredients.
Make sure they are actually AIs
Have been tested in humans with positive results.
Have no toxicity
Are not antiandrogens
are not phytoestrogens or estrogenic
are orally active
etc etc

Formestane was the the last solid AI on the OTC market. Until someone releases something viable your in a desert unfortunately.

We are testing both and oral and a transdermal. Frankly Im not 100% sure about the transdermal yet. Ill likely make a bunch more and give it to 10 or so guys on here and see what everyone thinks. So far everyone who has tested it liked it.

The oral Im 99% sure about just based on research. I know its a strong AI.
Works orally. Very well absorbed.
Has a ton of other positive effects.
All looks good. Well see in about 2-3 weeks after this run of testers is done and we have more data.


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Td AI is looking good.


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Td AI is looking good.
Everyone testing it says this.
I need to be certain though. By the way you have a big pack coming.
New ai
And some other goodies.
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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Curious about the pre


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Curious about the pre
Hasnt been anything new in many years. I started to think about why. Im not going to say what I think the answer is. Instead im gonna do something about it.
Our new pre will be fresh.
Several new ingredients. One i know for 100% sure nobody has ever seen or heard of. Our approach is different.
Some surprises for sure. A new type of vasodilator.
An ingredient that goes against everything you thought was needed in a pre. And some interesting high % standardized extracts.
This is the formula so far. Its gonna be a big deal.
I sent beta versions to kasaj and halfhuman. Plus 2 other friends.
Well see what they think. They have a 7 day supply.


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Chag and DIM are both antiandrogens. This means they block testosterone and DHT and any prohormones or DS etc. If you want to get weaker and smaller then its a great choice because this is literally what youll get. Doesnt matter if estro drops if it also lowers or inhibits androgens.
Yes it is true that DIM is an antiandrogenic- however I find no substantiation associating this with becoming 'weaker and smaller'. The antiandrogenic activity has only been established in LnCAP and PC-3 prostatic cancer cell lines which for the vast majority of cases express mutated androgen receptors (T877 mutations)- and this does not even appear to be the primary mechanism for reducing progression of the cancer. So essentially there is not any direct evidence that the AR antagonist activity of DIM can be anyway transposed to the AR isoforms expressed in skeletal muscle or even in normal endocrine tissue.
Tissue disposition studies indicate that DIM distributes primarily to the liver and kidney and the small remaining amount equally to the brain and plasma. If this small amount reaching the brain were to have an appreciable effect on hypothalamic ARs you would expect a rise in LH and FSH as observed with pharmaceutical antiandrogens- but this does not happen. What can be deduced is if that even there were to be any appreciable effects on normal endocrine and muscle AR then there are no measurable manifestations.
Theoretically if it were to be compared to biclutamide- a pharmaceutical antiandrogen for treating prostatic cancer (as has be done in research- due to structural similarity)- then androgen activity at the muscle cells would be unaffected as measured by preservation of bone or muscle weight.

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