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  • I was reading some stuff u posted and it seemed like u know slot about pct can u help me outI'm 20 years old and I way 180 I'm taking bio test 400 it has decanate 200mg isocapoated 30mg phenylpropionate 40mg propionate 30mg cypionate 50mg enanthate 50mg 400mg all together I've been taking 400mg a week for ten weeks I'm comin up on my last shot in a week and I was curious on how the pct worked I'm new to this hole thing and did a **** ton of research and nothing answers my qeustion? Cause my first cycle I took a guy said for my first one take just deca 300 and ull be fine and u don't need a pct and I didn't use one and everybody say that that guy was full of **** so all the true facts help
    Hey Mattikus! Thanks for the reputation points...I'm new to this site so I'll have to look into what they're all about and how to give them as well...thanks again! :)
    Heres something to do for a cut...after you diet for 2 or howvere many months take a break for a week or two...then jump back on the diet...Ive done this three times bringing my bodyfat down since November and its May now..I think it helps holdd onto more muscle than dieting strait though
    Cut is comign along. I keep learning more and more...those high carb days are always something to look forward to during this time.

    This is a good interview if you get the time

    Muscular Development Online Magazine - MD Podcast: Justin Harris Interview
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