Volcom's, Controlled Labs' - Look good in dem BLUE GENE(s), Sponsored Log



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:goodpost: This is why I'm so glad you invited me to sub to this thread! Information! Good info at that. I'm a member of several other forums, as I'm sure a lot of us are. And you can't beat the amount of incredibly useful information that we have here at AM! I have guys from other forums asking me to check out so and so's supplements here on these forums to see if they're any good. This is known to be the information center of the forum world! Great stuff here in this post Volcom. Apart from all the resteraunt reviews that is!!! LMFAO!! This thread is going to put weight on me if I'm not careful!! HA HA :lol:
Thanks Thunder, we all have something to offer, that's why I like AM too :thumbsup:
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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yeah, volcom does know a thing or two about training!
that's why he's a beast!!!


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Day 3

Day 3 of Blue GENE and libido is noticeably up :bb:

Today could have been a workout day, but its probably best that I rested. It is my second day of rest in a row, however, it is well justified. Next week is going to be a true shock to the system. I'll be going through some serious sleep deprivation, compounded with the increase of responsibilities and activities, while maintaining my bodybuilding obligations (true privilege is a more accurate word). Historically, this frantically busy lifestyle is not that new to me, however, it takes awhile for my mind & body to get in the swing of things. All this to justify my two day recovery, even though I was not only ready, but enthusiastic to lift today.

I'm looking forward to my next big chest or back day. I think I'm going to reserve my back workouts for my gym at school. My back responded with a completely uncharacteristic degree of DOMS to the slightly foreign angles of the equipment from school, so I'll milk that until my back develops some muscular/ neuromuscular familiarity.

The BEST, BEST situation is if I'm well enough to perform Deads. Then I can do my deads and heavy shrugs at the hometown gym, where its not awkward to come out in full gear, belts and straps, and milk those new stimulus angles at school. One more session with Mr. Liu aka Lord of Pain might solidify my road to recovery.

Happy Labor Day guys, I hope my gym is open tomorrow.

Edit: i don't know where my head was when I wrote this, but this would be my first day of rest, not second. Twilight Zone, doo-doo-doo-doo....doo-doo-doo-dooo....
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Day 3 of Blue GENE and libido is noticeably up :bb:

Today could have been a workout day, but its probably best that I rested. It is my second day of rest in a row, however, it is well justified. Next week is going to be a true shock to the system. I'll be going through some serious sleep deprivation, compounded with the increase of responsibilities and activities, while maintaining my bodybuilding obligations (true privilege is a more accurate word). Historically, this frantically busy lifestyle is not that new to me, however, it takes awhile for my mind & body to get in the swing of things. All this to justify my two day recovery, even though I was not only ready, but enthusiastic to lift today.

I'm looking forward to my next big chest or back day. I think I'm going to reserve my back workouts for my gym at school. My back responded with a completely uncharacteristic degree of DOMS to the slightly foreign angles of the equipment from school, so I'll milk that until my back develops some muscular/ neuromuscular familiarity.

The BEST, BEST situation is if I'm well enough to perform Deads. Then I can do my deads and heavy shrugs at the hometown gym, where its not awkward to come out in full gear, belts and straps, and milk those new stimulus angles at school. One more session with Mr. Liu aka Lord of Pain might solidify my road to recovery.

Happy Labor Day guys, I hope my gym is open tomorrow.
Awesome updates. the rest is justified! :thumbsup:

Ahh new angles/equipment = new doms = more GROWTH a winning combination!


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Ahh new angles/equipment = new doms = more GROWTH a winning combination!
Yes sir. Variety is the spice of life! Every 2 weeks or so, I'm changing up angles, grips, stances, you name it. I'll switch from seated curls to standing curls to lying curls to bent over curls (spider curls are awesome!). I change the spacing of my hands on exercises. From wide grip to normal to narrow. From a regular overhand grip to an underhand grip. From a thumb-over (false grip or suicide grip) to a regular grasp with the thumb. All of these little things keeps the muscles off-guard and therefore keeps them responding with new growth and strength. Also: The mind will become just as easily stagnated as the body. Staying with the same routine with the same exercises with the same weights not only doesn't challenge the muscles, it also doesn't challenge the mind! I need new stimuli to keep me interested. :thumbsup:


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Yes sir. Variety is the spice of life! Every 2 weeks or so, I'm changing up angles, grips, stances, you name it. I'll switch from seated curls to standing curls to lying curls to bent over curls (spider curls are awesome!). I change the spacing of my hands on exercises. From wide grip to normal to narrow. From a regular overhand grip to an underhand grip. From a thumb-over (false grip or suicide grip) to a regular grasp with the thumb. All of these little things keeps the muscles off-guard and therefore keeps them responding with new growth and strength. Also: The mind will become just as easily stagnated as the body. Staying with the same routine with the same exercises with the same weights not only doesn't challenge the muscles, it also doesn't challenge the mind! I need new stimuli to keep me interested. :thumbsup:
:goodpost: Nice stuff there Thunder. That's my philosophy in a nutshell - I am constantly changing things up. I see a lot of guys staying in the same set routines for 8, 12, 16 weeks and then they'll change to another routine for another 3 months.. not changing anything within the routine. Structured routines are okay in isolated fashion, from time to time, but my mind grows easily stagnated if I don't change things up incessantly.


Subbed! Awesome detail to your log and looking forward to the rest of the ride.


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I kind of dropped the ball

This morning I woke up very anxious and excited to workout. I haven't had a morning workout since last Spring Break! So it's been MONTHS. I woke up, took my Blue GENE and knew I had to wait at least 40-50 min before I headed off to the gym. About 30 min into the morning, I started to make a good solid breakfast. Spicy Kimchi & Rice for carbs and a sweet peanut drink. The Chinese stores sell like this sweet peanut milk, its peanuts ground into a drink with some added sugar, It tastes good as hell and its packed with good fats and 12g protein per serving.

Following the anxious completion of cooking breakfast, I tasted my Spicy Kimchi & Rice and it was nasty. If I’m going to eat 50+ grams of carbs, its better be worth it. It wasn’t, so I dumped it down the drain in frustration and decided to grab a yogurt, frantically inhale it and head off to the gym. Yogurt is normally packed with a healthy amount of kcals, including plenty of carbs, sugars and some protein.

Later, I come back from my workout to discover that the yogurt I chose were the super low fat, low everything, 100 kcal per serving yogurts. Not the most effective thing to eat prior to an intense workout, this 100kcal yogurt explains a lot of what happened in today’s workout. OYE!!!


Flat Bench
225lbs x 10 reps (this felt waaaaay too heavy for 225)
225lbs x 10 reps (again, it still felt uncharacteristically heavy)
275lbs x 5 reps (yeah…..)
275lbs x 5 reps (lightening didn’t strike, I’m having a horrendously off day)

Incline Bench
185lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 10 reps
225lbs x 10 reps
245lbs x 8 reps

Smith, Flat Bench
(Smith…Flat Bench? Does this guy know what he’s doing? Yes; Sometimes I’ll count the Smith as one of my machine criteria(s). Chest Machines are just pec stimulators that attempt to mimic the bench at some modified and simplified position. I figured what better “machine” then the Smith, which mimics the bench with the most intimacy.

225lbs x 10 reps
245lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 7 reps

BW x 15 reps
BW x 12 reps
BW x 10 reps

Needless to say, my performance was subpar. I have no other explanation other then the critical one I described in the intro. 100kcals to pull a 214lbs man out of a fast perpetuated catabolic state, no bueno.

Mentally, I had more in me, however, in terms of energy, I was drained by the end of dips. I sat at an incline machine, wishing for the drive to manifest so I could hit this thing, but I couldn't do anything explosive if I was holding a grenade.

However, not all was lost, I did experience some interesting symptoms of a Stim Effect to note.

To my Stim Junkies: You know when you're on a POWERFUL stim, like the very beginning stages of an ECA (or ECY) experience. Your eyes feel as though they're being forced open and something is pushing your eye out of the socket from behind. In that state, I get intensely focused (or just weird, I don't know), but if I look toward a direction, I feel like I'm intently staring and whatever my direction of view is, its like a frame of pure focus in that particular direction, or whatever direction I look at (i hope I'm making sense here). Today, about 2 hours post ingestion of the Blue GENE, that intense focus and wide eyed'ness hit, but without the sensation of my sockets feeling like they're being pushed out of my head. Also, no fast heart rate or physical restlessness, just that intense, STIM focus and mind frame like you're in your own world, and the staring that makes you feel like you could stare a hole right into the wall. If this is something only I experience, then this paragraph was just weird and useless, but I hope I was able to communicate the STIM symptoms in a relatable manner.

Post workout I ate-a-plenty, I may return to the gym for a second round to make up for the less then optimal first.


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Dude, I just gotta say kimchi is some of the most foul stuff I've ever eaten in my life. I got a buddy who chows on that stuff regularly, I have to leave the room when he eats it cuz the smell just horrifies me!

I wouldn't care if that stuff turned me into Arnold.. I'd have to pass.. :sick:


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ive only had that stim experience when i dosed 6 RPM an hr pre w/o.

that is definitely appealing from blue gene tho. hopefully you can use that focus and intensity to your advantage when youre having an "on" day.

anytime i feel in the zone when i walk thru the doors, and then i have an off day where my lifts are weaker and my pump is very short of spectacular, i feel like i wasted a day at the gym, or worse, a single serving of a supplement.

local food talk: have you ever been to banana bay off the 60 at fullerton?


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ive only had that stim experience when i dosed 6 RPM an hr pre w/o.

that is definitely appealing from blue gene tho. hopefully you can use that focus and intensity to your advantage when youre having an "on" day.

anytime i feel in the zone when i walk thru the doors, and then i have an off day where my lifts are weaker and my pump is very short of spectacular, i feel like i wasted a day at the gym, or worse, a single serving of a supplement.

local food talk: have you ever been to banana bay off the 60 at fullerton?
Is is at Life Plaza or 99 Ranch? There is a Banana Boat in 99 Ranch and there are about 15 restaurants in Life Plaza, but I don't know most of the names to. Life Plaza is pretty hardcore FOB, so I usually drop into whatever restaurant has pictures in their menus.

I just googled Banana Bay, it shows that its off Colima, but there's no pictures, so I still can't say.


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Dude, I just gotta say kimchi is some of the most foul stuff I've ever eaten in my life. I got a buddy who chows on that stuff regularly, I have to leave the room when he eats it cuz the smell just horrifies me!

I wouldn't care if that stuff turned me into Arnold.. I'd have to pass.. :sick:
You know your negative reviews can put restaurants out of business Chef Snag :stick:

Kimchi is an acquired taste. The Koreans love to pickle everything, and Kimchi is just pickled cabbage loaded with chili sauce. It's suppose to be a condement, normally to rice or meats, so eating it straight is a hardcore move. It can be good or it can be off-putting, sometimes varying from one brand to another.

I think I've been around some truly pungent dishes, such as a Chinese dish that's literally called, "stinky tofu" so Kimchi doesn't register on the phunk'o'meter for me.

Foods that I thought I could never like, but have grown on me; Chittlins and Spanish Menudo.

off topic. Since I grew up in Southern Cali from age 5, I'm about as white washed as the inside of a bleach bottle, so my taste in women is primarily white girls and Hispanic girls (I'm dating a half white/half Hispanic, go fig), but on the note of Korean Foods, next to "halfers" (half Asian/half white, muy caliente) I think Korean girls are the most attractive of the Asian clans.


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ive only had that stim experience when i dosed 6 RPM an hr pre w/o.

that is definitely appealing from blue gene tho. hopefully you can use that focus and intensity to your advantage when youre having an "on" day.

anytime i feel in the zone when i walk thru the doors, and then i have an off day where my lifts are weaker and my pump is very short of spectacular, i feel like i wasted a day at the gym, or worse, a single serving of a supplement.

local food talk: have you ever been to banana bay off the 60 at fullerton?
I know what you're saying, there are days where I feel like that too, however, I only feel like I "wasted" a supplement if I don't work out at all. I didn't perform as optimally as I normally do, but I did do enough to stimulate the mechanisms of strength and hypertrophy to take place, so I'm okay with that. Now if I were a competitive power lifter or a competitive athlete, then I'd be pissed off, but for the principles of body developing, I did alright.

I understand what you're saying though. It's the worst if I'm on a STACK, then it's like $20 worth of servings down the drain, that rarely happens where i completely cannot even enter the gym, but it has and it sucked.

My most expensive stack was my AX run encompassed around 3-AD. Anabolic Xtreme is the higher end in price supplement company as is (next to MuscleTech :dump:) I was on:
- 3-AD
- Mass Fx
- Retain 2
- Hyperdol X2

- X-factor
- Anabolic Pump
- Pslin

Could you imagine the pressure to get as many workouts in as possible? Missing out or copping out of a workout for ANY reason was not cool. I didn't miss any and that was an outlandishly successful cycle.


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I'm going to be running a Blue Gene + Prime starting next week, I know exactly what you mean. I feel guilty taking a day off :D

Interesting stim experience. I haven't had that yet, but there's no real stims in Blue Gene. Perhaps a mix of its ingredients causing a synergy?


  • Established
Stinky tofu.. oh, nice..

No doubt, different strokes for different folks. It always cracks me up when my buddies who don't work out say to me "Dude, how can you eat broccoli, at least put some cheese on it." :think: Um, right..

I know kimchi has all these good properties to it (supposedly anyway), but something about fermented cabbage just rubs me the wrong way.


  • Legend!
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I'm going to be running a Blue Gene + Prime starting next week, I know exactly what you mean. I feel guilty taking a day off :D

Interesting stim experience. I haven't had that yet, but there's no real stims in Blue Gene. Perhaps a mix of its ingredients causing a synergy?
Right, no Stims, that's the odd part. Although the combination of Quercetin and Ginkgo Biloba may simulate a Stim-Free, Stim per se, which is what I'm suspecting, because I hadn't had any morning coffee yet.


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Stinky tofu.. oh, nice..

No doubt, different strokes for different folks. It always cracks me up when my buddies who don't work out say to me "Dude, how can you eat broccoli, at least put some cheese on it." :think: Um, right..

I know kimchi has all these good properties to it (supposedly anyway), but something about fermented cabbage just rubs me the wrong way.
that may gross out the average civilian, but the Chinese have a treat called, "1,000 year old egg"

You're looking at an egg. The texture is like jellyfish and it tastes and smells like it looks, which is where it got its name, 1,000 year old egg. You're suppose to take small bits with a mouth full of rice and it adds a nice flavor, too much and the probability of up-chucking increases 10 fold.

My log has culture, haha.


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that may gross out the average civilian, but the Chinese have a treat called, "1,000 year old egg"

You're looking at an egg. The texture is like jellyfish and it tastes and smells like it looks, which is where it got its name, 1,000 year old egg. You're suppose to take small bits with a mouth full of rice and it adds a nice flavor, too much and the probability of up-chucking increases 10 fold.
OMG!!! :eek:

My log has culture, haha.
Culture=stinky eggs??

Ah, culture for sure Volcom, nice.

Irish Cannon

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More power to ya'. I guess Asians live long for a reason.


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If them 1000 yr. old eggs don't kill 'em first.. :jaw:


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maybe a touchy issue, but has anyone ever tried dog?

i know my dad tried it while he was on a business trip to korea.

Irish Cannon

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maybe a touchy issue, but has anyone ever tried dog?

i know my dad tried it while he was on a business trip to korea.
Always wanted to but never have. Kind of hard to find in the states.

Strolling through WalMart: "Poultry....fish...beef...pork...Damn it! Where the hell is the canine?!"


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Always wanted to but never have. Kind of hard to find in the states.

Strolling through WalMart: "Poultry....fish...beef...pork...Damn it! Where the hell is the canine?!"
haha. theres actually a fair amount of place that carry it. theres one by me called katies pet depot.

kidding of course. i love my dogs. i dont think i could eat a dog. tho i have heard they are quite tasty.


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Odds are that some of you guys (esp. Volcom as much as he frequents the Oriental establishments) have unknowingly consumed some tasty street cat in your lifetime..

I'm sure I have. I used to eat Chinese 3-4x/week back in my 20's. Some of those meats looked pretty questionable..


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Odds are that some of you guys (esp. Volcom as much as he frequents the Oriental establishments) have unknowingly consumed some tasty street cat in your lifetime..

I'm sure I have. I used to eat Chinese 3-4x/week back in my 20's. Some of those meats looked pretty questionable..
or rats. i remember seeing a short investigation on CNN i think about small asian joints that were serving rat instead of chicken. what i took from it: rats are damn tasty in my chow mein!


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Second time is a charm

Two meals, one nap and 5 hours from time of blue GENE ingestion, I returned to the gym for a second workout, to claim my OPTIMAL performance standard, and I managed to accomplish my objectives.

I had the absolute PRIVILEGE to workout with my workout partners, Zack and Matt. I've been working out with my little brother or by myself lately, but there's a special something about congregating with animals of the same pride, strength and intensity. Gawd I missed them!


Db, One Arm Rows
115lbs Db's x 10 reps, each arm.
120lbs Db's x 10 reps, e.a.
125lbs Db's x 10 reps, e.a.
125lbs Db's x 8 reps, e.a.

Incline Bench, Double Db Rows
85lbs x 10 reps
90lbs x 10 reps
85lbs x 8 reps

Lat Pull Downs - Close, Underhand Grip
190lbs x 10 reps
205lbs x 10 reps
220lbs x 9 reps

Standing Db Shrugs
125lbs Db's x 10 reps
125lbs Db's x 10 reps
125lbs Db's x 10 reps

Incline Bench Db Shrugs
90lbs Db's x 10 reps
90lbs Db's x 10 reps
90lbs Db's x 8 reps

This last exercise I performed, the incline bench Db shrugs, targets the same middle/lower portion of the traps that Dead Lifts heavily target. It's not a popular exercise, but its great.

I kicked @$$ with the guys today. It was refreshing getting buck wild with people as strong and sometimes stronger then yourself. I haven't had that in awhile and those two elements alone seem to drive the intensity and grows the nuts two sizes larger.

I don't know if Blue GENE has far reaching effects up to 5 hours post ingestion, but I did feel more energized and stronger during this second bout, but of course I wasn't in a state of catabolism and malnutrition.

Just to bring the quality of food discussion up a notch from cats & dogs that I consider family. My black lab Spencer is more of a family member then a pet, he's in a bunch of family photos and Christmas cards, its hilarious. Anyway.

Post Workout Meal: BAJA SHRIMP & AVACADO BURRITO, with Spanish Rice, BAM!!!


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I'm going to be running a Blue Gene + Prime starting next week, I know exactly what you mean. I feel guilty taking a day off :D

Interesting stim experience. I haven't had that yet, but there's no real stims in Blue Gene. Perhaps a mix of its ingredients causing a synergy?
Sexy combo!


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Post Workout Meal: BAJA SHRIMP & AVACADO BURRITO, with Spanish Rice, BAM!!!
Now that's what I'm talking about! Much better fare than Fido, Whiskers, and rotten cabbage! :nono:

Workout looking top notch man, fade them Blue Genes out bro! :thumbsup:


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Now that's what I'm talking about! Much better fare than Fido, Whiskers, and rotten cabbage! :nono:

Workout looking top notch man, fade them Blue Genes out bro! :thumbsup:
high five on the food


MST Reppin Hard!
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logs lookin awesome man...i'm amped to see you conquered your earlier crap workout with a killer.


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logs lookin awesome man...i'm amped to see you conquered your earlier crap workout with a killer.
Thank you, it was well needed. Ending on a strong note sets up enthusiasm and confidence for the next workout and that's always a healthy place to be.


MST Reppin Hard!
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Thank you, it was well needed. Ending on a strong note sets up enthusiasm and confidence for the next workout and that's always a healthy place to be.

I hear ya. My last few days have been good, but I actually go back to work from my vacation in about an hour....and that will lead to some mild depression and an anger the size of arkansas so yeah....workout might suffer for a few days til I get re-adjusted.


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Hella workout volcom!

Thanks for the visual Royd
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Royd The Noyd again.


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Yup the blue gene does have far reaching effects - the pills are 'time released'


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To my Stim Junkies: You know when you're on a POWERFUL stim, like the very beginning stages of an ECA (or ECY) experience. Your eyes feel as though they're being forced open and something is pushing your eye out of the socket from behind. In that state, I get intensely focused (or just weird, I don't know), but if I look toward a direction, I feel like I'm intently staring and whatever my direction of view is, its like a frame of pure focus in that particular direction, or whatever direction I look at (i hope I'm making sense here). Today, about 2 hours post ingestion of the Blue GENE, that intense focus and wide eyed'ness hit, but without the sensation of my sockets feeling like they're being pushed out of my head. Also, no fast heart rate or physical restlessness, just that intense, STIM focus and mind frame like you're in your own world, and the staring that makes you feel like you could stare a hole right into the wall. If this is something only I experience, then this paragraph was just weird and useless, but I hope I was able to communicate the STIM symptoms in a relatable manner.
I'm sold on this already.

I'm really enjoying your log style Sam :thumbsup:


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I'm sold on this already.

I'm really enjoying your log style Sam :thumbsup:
Thank you Jakellpet, and best of wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
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I also want to clarify my "Stim Experience." I wanted to use the words Stim Symptom, rather then Stim Effect, because symptom seems to have a more indirect implication, as Blue GENE is not a Stim product, nor are there any traditional Stim ingredients in it, however, there are the combination of certain ingredients which create compound effects that could simulate and create symptoms liken to stim experiences, such as the intense focus and "zone staring" as I call it and an oddly increased amount of endurance and "energy as you lift". It's a during lift energy, but it doesn't get you restless pre or post, which I suspect is the oxygenation and RBC circulation taking the main stage. The Stim Symptom seems to happen to me kind of consistently, but sometimes with greater degree then other times.

Anyways, this is my super long day, 6:00am to 10:00pm, I'll catch you guys on here later. Have a good day everybody.
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Stinky tofu.. oh, nice..

No doubt, different strokes for different folks. It always cracks me up when my buddies who don't work out say to me "Dude, how can you eat broccoli, at least put some cheese on it." :think: Um, right..

I know kimchi has all these good properties to it (supposedly anyway), but something about fermented cabbage just rubs me the wrong way.
I guess you don't like SauerKraut then, do ya snag??!! I love it! Of course, I'm German, so........:rolleyes:


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Logs lookn good Volcom! :thumbsup:


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I guess you don't like SauerKraut then, do ya snag??!! I love it! Of course, I'm German, so........:rolleyes:
I freaking love sauerkraut! I haven't had a good hot dog in years, but by far my favorite topping (from what I can remember; its literally been years).


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Personal Update

As some of you knew from my past log, I had an internship at a Chiropractor's Office, however, at the FULL completion of my Certified Strength & Conditioning exams, I went on a bull-headed hunt for a more beneficial gig with my new found credential upgrade. I called, spoke with and scheduled with many places and my final decision was one I did not see coming.

I'm interning at the "WORLD RENOWNED" Center for Successful Aging in Fullerton. This institution actually sets the national and international standards for senior programs. Protocols and tests are developed and derived from this facility, including the leading gold standard research and it goes out into the world from the information and research performed here (on seniors). Basically, the premise of this institution is to help improve the quality of life for seniors and for injury prevention or rehabilitation. We help seniors with balance and mobility so they can walk and do regular things in daily life and help develop core strength aka functional strength, so they can sustain their basic needs, like get out of a chair, bend over and do laundry, reach for dishes & cups in high or low places, and remain physically independent and not have to go into a home or require assisted living, or can walk without canes or wheelchairs, or simply to bring their health to a "better" state, where they go from 12 medications to only 4. Basically, to help aging people improve their quality of life all around, health, socially, mentally, through physical independence & competency and a healthy, active life.

It's not as cool as training fast & powerful athletes, but I like the cause behind this gig, it carries a very weighty significance & purpose; to literally change and transform the lives and lifestyles of seniors through various venues of kinesiology.

I've had to go to 3 training seminars and I have 2 more to attend before Friday to complete my internship pre-training.


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but don't get it completely twisted, I am writing a Sprint Training Program and working with a linebacker to improve his 40 time, [on the side].

It's an arena ball guy, so nothing prime time or anything, but still, that's actually where my strength and knowledge is, performance enhancement.

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