Volcom's, Controlled Labs' - Look good in dem BLUE GENE(s), Sponsored Log



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Today I had a couple people whom I had a class with last semester, tell me that I've gotten bigger since they last saw me. My lab partner Andres, who saw me at the beginning of last semester weighing at 230lbs, to the end of the semester where I was 211lbs, but right now, at 216lbs, he thinks I've "blown up" since May, thats a good sign I suppose.

Working out at the Fullerton gym today was a trip. At my usual gym, I know everybody, or I know a lot of people no matter which gym I got to, so the atmosphere is more or less, supportive, encouraging, or commradery. The people stronger then you are people much older or on the juice, or I know them personally and its all love and the people much "smaller" or not as strong, are usually high school kids who I don't pay any mind to. However, working out at the University, I felt TOTALLY competetive, maybe its just because its my first time, or its because everybody is around my age more or less , so I kept scanning the room, picking out who the big or strong guys were. I mean, I wasn't obsessed with it, but the fact that I even had those competetive inclinations to want to punk somebody was off for me (but at the same time, good ole high school idiot days).

There were "bigger" guys and by bigger I mean fatter, but thick, like they definitely workout, but are just super fat too, but I was pretty sure that I was the strongest person there "that hour."

However, I definitely prefer commradery, so what I usually do, is I'll be the one to break the ice. You know how big guys or noticeably strong guys stare at each other from across the room, not mad dogging, but glances here and there to see what the other is lifting or for whatever reasons, comparing physqiues...etc. I get that a lot, and I'll usually go up and say whats up to the dude and end up cool with them (if i respect them). I can tell if someone is a little too full of themselves, then I don't care for them, but when I can tell the dude is just there to do his thing, and not a gym Diva, then I like meeting those guys.

On that note, some trainers mad dog me all the time, especially down at Grand (for Roland). Trainers hate on me a lot, I don't know why. I used to love to get to know the trainers at the gym I workout at. I started off at a TINY gym, so I'm all about the small town, everybody knows everybody type of gym, and its all love, but after too many mad dog experiences by trainers, I'm sick of them for the most part.

Its late, I'm done with school and delariously ranting, so I'll stop.

last note, I'm really looking forward to the Blue GENE. I was reading more about the ingredients in Blue GENE, and from what I gather, it may perpetuate an enhanced Beta Alanine effect, which would be terrific, because I love BA, but I'm uber sensitive to parasthesia, so I can't do BA too much. Increased circulation paired with increased oxygenation of muscles by red blood cells, whats more then two "thriced?" with increased test and anti catabolic = Hellz to tha yes, I'm ready for this!

I'm still talking, good night.
i actually worked at that one for like 2 weeks. doing sales. i hated it tho and one day i just quit, not even a two week notice. but i remember a couple of the trainers there. one of them i see at 24 all the time. couple of em were d bags. the others were cool.


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Yeah WTF Shadow....... god between you and Viking, I am three pancakes away from calling Jenny Craig.


How many cals were you consuming on your cut?
:toofunny: shaddow and viking are ripped to the proverbial bone aren't they?? It takes a lot of dedication to look that lean! I'm already eating the fukk outta South Beach Diet dinners, so I'm on my way!!! :bb3: I'm posting new pics at the first of next week in my Thunder log, if anyone's interested in seeing a leaner version of the God of Thunder!!! It's been 3 months since my last round of pics including the one in my avatar. I'm MUCH leaner now!!!


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However, I definitely prefer commradery, so what I usually do, is I'll be the one to break the ice. You know how big guys or noticeably strong guys stare at each other from across the room, not mad dogging, but glances here and there to see what the other is lifting or for whatever reasons, comparing physqiues...etc. I get that a lot, and I'll usually go up and say whats up to the dude and end up cool with them (if i respect them). I can tell if someone is a little too full of themselves, then I don't care for them, but when I can tell the dude is just there to do his thing, and not a gym Diva, then I like meeting those gus.
I've met some really great people in gyms. I don't pick up on as much ego as one would normally think you would find in gyms. Even the big monsters have always been very nice to me. But, I also am a super nice god, so you're usually treated as you treat others. Usually. Not always of course. :thumbsup:


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I've met some really great people in gyms. I don't pick up on as much ego as one would normally think you would find in gyms. Even the big monsters have always been very nice to me. But, I also am a super nice god, so you're usually treated as you treat others. Usually. Not always of course. :thumbsup:
So what you're saying is that you walk tall and carry a big hammer? :hammer:


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I know what your saying Volcom. Working out in a school gym is a totally different experience than the old gym back home. I come from a small town where I knew nearly everyone at my gym and if I didn't it's because I didn't care to know them. Now I'm at a school with over 30,000 students and there is only a few guys I really associate with. Those are the guys that I see everyday and who actually know what they're doing. The guys who are clueless and simply take up space in an already crowded gym annoy the hell out of me.

There is really only one monster in my gym. I've mentioned him in my log. He's probably around 6'2" 250 lbs ~7% BF. Absolute monster. Most people won't speak to him, just out of intimidation, but he's a really nice and open guy. We talk everyday and I've even met with him outside of the gym and just talked training and nutrition. The comradeship you mentioned is an awesome feeling in the gym. Yesterday I was pulling deads and the "monster" at our gym was going crazy and constantly yelling at me and motivating me. I don't think he expected to see me pulling 5 plates for multiple reps, but it's definitely an awesome feeling when everyone is supporting you and encouraging you.

I also definitely know what you mean about the "fat big guys". I think all college gyms are full of these. There is very few people in college who actually have the self control or desire to actually diet properly.

Irish Cannon

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I feel the same way as you guys when I workout in a school gym. I think it's mainly because of the similar ages. If you see a huge guy that's in his thirties, who gives a crap? He's got probably over ten years lifting experience on you, if not plenty more. But when you see a big dude at the same age, it's more competitive. You want to prove that you've worked harder for it, and ate better. I used to work out with Sergio Oliva Jr., and he is massive compared to me and only a couple years older, but his workouts aren't nearly as intense as mine, and my diet has always been better...Damn genetics.

About the "fat big guys" - they always call themselves Powerlifters. I think some people use that as an excuse to lift lots of weight while eating whatever they want.


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Yeah WTF Shadow....... god between you and Viking, I am three pancakes away from calling Jenny Craig.


How many cals were you consuming on your cut?
LOL. I was actually losing weight (albeit very slowly) @ 3700kcal, but went down as low as 2400kcal and got pretty damn lean. Had the abs looking pretty nasty about a month ago, but it's time to put on some LBM now. :thumbsup:


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Yeah WTF Shadow....... god between you and Viking, I am three pancakes away from calling Jenny Craig.

How many cals were you consuming on your cut?
Hahaha, bro, that's hilarious !!

And Shaddow . . insane definition in your back, there !! Props to you once again ! Did you get your bodyfat tested upon completion of your cut ?


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Volcom .. 11 pages worth of your log . . and you haven't even begun logging the actual product ..

..... Impressive !!


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So what you're saying is that you walk tall and carry a big hammer? :hammer:
B-I-N-G-O, and bingo is my name-o!! Very huge mallet indeed. Full of mystic power and the Odin-Force!!! :hammer::box: You guys will have to forgive me. I did double-dose on my ECA stack before this morning's workout. And I am tweaked and twisted!! My eyes look like this----:eek: LMFAO!!!! :lol:


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I used to work out with Sergio Oliva Jr., and he is massive .
Really??!! That's very cool. I really like Sergio Sr. He was a huge monster that was way ahead of his time. Even Arnold suffered a defeat at his mighty hands!! :bb3:


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And Shaddow . . insane definition in your back, there !! Props to you once again ! Did you get your bodyfat tested upon completion of your cut ?
Thanks, bro! 6.4%, by one of those electronic hand-held doohickeys. Not sure how accurate that is (I really don't trust those things). Here's a pic. It's a PITA for me to make it to my old gym where they have calipers.


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Really??!! That's very cool. I really like Sergio Sr. He was a huge monster that was way ahead of his time. Even Arnold suffered a defeat at his mighty hands!!
Ahh.. but only because that was the late 60's when Ahnold was just starting to figure things out as a youngster..

Serg Sr. was an impressive dude tho, no doubt about it.


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Thanks, bro! 6.4%, by one of those electronic hand-held doohickeys. Not sure how accurate that is (I really don't trust those things). Here's a pic. It's a PITA for me to make it to my old gym where they have calipers.
Biolelectric impedance analysis. Which means you could have been even leaner or slightly the other way, whatever the case, 6.4%! I'm going to take the next 10 secs to hate...... .......... ....... ....... okay, now back to props.

Great job man :thumbsup:


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212lbs this morning :think:

I toggle between 212 and 216. I feel better a 212lbs.


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I'm surprised I got such a response on the whole collegiate gym experience thing. I'm glad some of you could relate and don't just think I'm an @$$hole or something.

Apart from the people who perform 3-4 1RM sets on chest every day at the Fullerton gym, their equipment is unparalleled.

I have to tell you about this "guided free weight bar"

Imagine a squat rack, only length it to a total of 8 feet long and about 8 feet high, so picture a giant cube. There is a barbell that rests on the floor, but there are two bars that connect the top of the rack to the barbell. If this confuses you, imagine being able to perform walking lunges on a Smith Rack, and then piece it all together. So the equipment has free range of motion, but its balanced for you like a Smith (from left and right). You still have to balance it to prevent front and back movement, but its on a track like a smith, however, you have full range of motion, you can perform walking lunges with it. I've never seen one of those before.


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I'm surprised I got such a response on the whole collegiate gym experience thing. I'm glad some of you could relate and don't just think I'm an @$$hole or something.

Apart from the people who perform 3-4 1RM sets on chest every day at the Fullerton gym, their equipment is unparalleled.

I have to tell you about this "guided free weight bar"

Imagine a squat rack, only length it to a total of 8 feet long and about 8 feet high, so picture a giant cube. There is a barbell that rests on the floor, but there are two bars that connect the top of the rack to the barbell. If this confuses you, imagine being able to perform walking lunges on a Smith Rack, and then piece it all together. So the equipment has free range of motion, but its balanced for you like a Smith (from left and right). You still have to balance it to prevent front and back movement, but its on a track like a smith, however, you have full range of motion, you can perform walking lunges with it. I've never seen one of those before.
My school recently built a new gym and they have one of those super smith machine's you described. I've never used it, but it's definitely an interesting piece of equipment.


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My school recently built a new gym and they have one of those super smith machine's you described. I've never used it, but it's definitely an interesting piece of equipment.
I'd like to do heavy shrugs on that thing, but I HAVE to wear my belts if I do that and I already feel awkward enough in there wearing wrists straps.

Side rant on "some" beginning lifters.

I noticed the two guys next to me on the bench, were performing I think 4 sets of 1-2RM's, half of them which were failed attempts, at 205-225lbs. I'm not dogging on lack of strength, everybody is at their relative level, and effective lifting is definitely not ALL ABOUT pure strength. My eye brow raising issue, was the 3-4 sets of 1-2RM's. I thought the guy was on his last 1 RM attempt, because he spent about 10 min looking around to see who might be watching. He failed, then he dropped the weight for another 1RM and failed, then he dropped it again and got 2 reps I think, so I was confused :think: I started way after them and they will still at it way after I was done, and they were performing 1-2RM's the entire time. I guess they wanted to show the gym how strong they were, which I suppose at 205-225 would be a lot for the average crowd. I think the average lift was well under 185lbs on the bench for reps.

My first working set, which is my second set after 135lbs warm up, is 225lbs and I think they hated on me, because I began my reps right after his 225lbs 1RM failed attempt, but then I asked one of them for a spot and made simple convo to break the ice.

At L.A. Fitness (Grand), there were these high school kids who attempted a 315lbs 1RM, EVERYDAY, literally. Every day was bench day, that stuff trips me out.
Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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Vol, do the trainers maybe hate on you b/c you train friends in the gym? I know they hate that kind of stuff from personal experience. That and some just dont like when members give out advice, especially if its contrary to what they believe (similar to these boards we frequent!).

Shaddow nice pics. We have similar builds.


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I'm surprised I got such a response on the whole collegiate gym experience thing. I'm glad some of you could relate and don't just think I'm an @$$hole or something.

Apart from the people who perform 3-4 1RM sets on chest every day at the Fullerton gym, their equipment is unparalleled.

I have to tell you about this "guided free weight bar"

Imagine a squat rack, only length it to a total of 8 feet long and about 8 feet high, so picture a giant cube. There is a barbell that rests on the floor, but there are two bars that connect the top of the rack to the barbell. If this confuses you, imagine being able to perform walking lunges on a Smith Rack, and then piece it all together. So the equipment has free range of motion, but its balanced for you like a Smith (from left and right). You still have to balance it to prevent front and back movement, but its on a track like a smith, however, you have full range of motion, you can perform walking lunges with it. I've never seen one of those before.
That sounds awesome! You should take a pic of it and post it!......please?


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Vol, do the trainers maybe hate on you b/c you train friends in the gym? I know they hate that kind of stuff from personal experience. That and some just dont like when members give out advice, especially if its contrary to what they believe (similar to these boards we frequent!).

Shaddow nice pics. We have similar builds.
Funny you mention that, BACK IN THE DAY, when I was cool with all the trainers, I used to train my friends, but I haven't done that in YEARS. The older I got the more I realized the lack of respect that may promote, not to mention the business aspect. As far as advice, I only offer advice to my immediate workout partners, I don't even do much to correct faulty advice because I don't like playing the one up game. I try to supplement already given advice and build on what was said, rather then nullifying it. If it's something really big & important, I tell them what to research instead telling them to accept my opinion as Gospel. However, one of the trainers in La Verne tried to convince my buddy to go on an all vegetarian diet for lean bulk, I had to put a stop to that one (theoretically possible, realistically ineffective).

Random strangers ask me for advice all the time, and will tell me what some other guy told them. I almost never shut the other guy down, because most of the time, "the other" (usually another trainer) has a good part of the equation right, but not the full picture and many times I'll invite them to workout with me and my buddies to get a feel of what kind of intensity might be needed for the results they're seeking and I'll break off some knowledge for their own success, (of course I only invite the guys who i can tell are serious).


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That sounds awesome! You should take a pic of it and post it!......please?
I can try, but dude, hand scanners to get in, that gives an indication of the anality, which means the probability of them trip'n like a one legged blind man without his cane is relatively high.


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I'm surprised I got such a response on the whole collegiate gym experience thing. I'm glad some of you could relate and don't just think I'm an @$$hole or something.
regarding college gyms .. I've attended Texas A&M for three semesters, and I have yet to touch by the rec center . . that's how much I despise the gym traffic at college gyms, along with the jocks . . :thumbsup:


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regarding college gyms .. I've attended Texas A&M for three semesters, and I have yet to touch by the rec center . . that's how much I despise the gym traffic at college gyms, along with the jocks . . :thumbsup:
One SERIOUS fault at our gym, is that the gym floor is a light brown, almost like a kitchen floor, way too pretty and nice, which means a Dead Lift session would be shut down immediately, guaranteed. Drop 8 plates on the floor, I'd get expelled from the University. I would have hope a college like ours, who pride themselves in their Kines programs would have some Olympic Stations for power exercises, but those equipments are saved for the athletes in their own separate training areas.


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I can try, but dude, hand scanners to get in, that gives an indication of the anality, which means the probability of them trip'n like a one legged blind man without his cane is relatively high.
I LOL'd. :lol:


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hey volcom. i know youre a fan of phil heath. i watched his dvd last night. ive become even more of a fan of him now. that dood has an absolutely amazing physique (no homo). try to DL it if you get a chance. id say buy it, but its like 46 bucks and takes 2-3 weeks to ship.

it basically takes you thru his 12 week contest prep for the colorado pro, which was his first pro win.

Irish Cannon

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Really??!! That's very cool. I really like Sergio Sr. He was a huge monster that was way ahead of his time. Even Arnold suffered a defeat at his mighty hands!! :bb3:

It was okay I guess. I never really thought much of it. Sort of like working out with just another big dude that was my age. I think he's 23 or 24 now. I've definitely seen him move along in his BBing rather quickly, though. When I first started lifting with him he was about a solid 180lbs I believe, and now he's a solid 220lbs. That increase was within about a two year time-frame. :rolleyes: Forty pounds of LBM is a lot of size for sure. I'd post some pics of us but there are other people in them and I don't want to put their faces on the net if they didn't agree to it. He definitely looks like his dad back in the day.

Here was his routine last month in Panama City...


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Pretty cool routine. Glad to hear "dangerous" again. good times

Irish Cannon

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Have you recieved your BG yet, Volcom? Mine just came in.

Irish Cannon

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Pretty cool routine. Glad to hear "dangerous" again. good times
Ya. I just saw him last week. I guess he's got a sponsorship from Gaspari now. If you go to their website and scroll down a bit they show some of his pics and stuff.


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Is Sergio, Jr natural? he kind of looks natural.


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I'm surprised I got such a response on the whole collegiate gym experience thing. I'm glad some of you could relate and don't just think I'm an @$$hole or something.

Apart from the people who perform 3-4 1RM sets on chest every day at the Fullerton gym, their equipment is unparalleled.

I have to tell you about this "guided free weight bar"

Imagine a squat rack, only length it to a total of 8 feet long and about 8 feet high, so picture a giant cube. There is a barbell that rests on the floor, but there are two bars that connect the top of the rack to the barbell. If this confuses you, imagine being able to perform walking lunges on a Smith Rack, and then piece it all together. So the equipment has free range of motion, but its balanced for you like a Smith (from left and right). You still have to balance it to prevent front and back movement, but its on a track like a smith, however, you have full range of motion, you can perform walking lunges with it. I've never seen one of those before.
I seen one like it just the other night. It was in a gym in my town called The Rush. I don't know if that's a national chain around the country, or just in my region. But it's an awesome gym. Me and a friend went and checked it out just the other night after work. I even did some barbell curls on that "floating" smith machine. I couldn't believe how smooth the action was on that damn thing. Just incredible. He and I are VERY tempted to join that place. We get off of work at 4:30 A.M. in the morning, and it's not crowded at all at that time!! We only saw 2 other dudes there that night. Yeah, I did curls on that thing and some standing shoulder presses. You don't have to push straight up and down but can follow a natural arc and groove. It was bad ass!! :head:


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As some of you know, I worked out at the Fullerton SRC gym on Tuesday, aka, The Birds Nest aka Shangrila.

My back, NEVER EVER, EVER gets sore, UNLESS I do heavy deads. Only when I perform heavy deads, do I get back DOMS. However, my teres muscles, rhomboids and lats are fricken destroyed. I suspect it's because the Back Equipment I used at Fullerton stimulates the back muscles slightly differently then the machines I'm used to at L.A. Fitness. I didn't think that a slight switch of angles like that would have made such a difference. My back is seriously dust. I hit Chest and Back, and my chest got sore, but my chest always gets DOMS, my back however, never does, less the inclusion of a heavy deads session. I only performed two back exercises (three chest) a strange pulley equipment for lat pull downs (close, undergrip) and a strange double lat row, both free weights loaded. I normally crush my back with 4, 5, 6 exercises, but I was just testing the waters last Tuesday, so I kept it simple (still intense), but I only did 2 strong back workouts on foreign equipment with similar, yet different angles of stimulation from the equipment i normally use, and wow, I'm trash.

ON TOP OF THAT, I revisted Mr. Liu, aka, Lord of Pain, for an OG Chinese Deep Massage, aka medieval interrogation torture tactics. It's pain like no other, you'll have to find my previous description of a Mr Liu experience to understand.

Still no Blue GENE, I haven't forgotten the purpose of this log, I just haven't been able to start yet. The whole purpose of my visits to Mr Liu, Lord of Pain, is so that my body will be 100% when I begin my product.


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Thats awesome man! I love it when I get rhomboid/back doms. Shows Im pushin myself harder than the last time! No worries about the Blue Gene man. This log still kicks some major ass!


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I Take That Back

Date: 08/28/2008; 11:22pm PST; Blue GENE arrives at The Firm

[I corrected the date on the screen of the original post in that picture]

This is great. It's a nice, clean blue box and surprisingly heavy. The last time a box of this size was this surprisingly dense, was when I picked up a bottle of DTH by Diesel.

Tonight will be my first "sponsored workout" with Blue GENE in my veins.

P.S. For the regular friends who frequent this log, I apologize for a redundancy alert. I am going to re-post with some minor changes, the intro page, for the people who just browse and click straight to the LAST PAGE, will know what the heck the point of this log is, I'm also going to link the official starting page to the intro, so people who might be interested can jump straight to the "official starting page" and not feel encumbered by having to dig though 12 pages of "pre-season" Thanks for all the patience guys, and I apologize again for some upcoming redundancy.
Last edited:


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very naaas!


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Hell Yeah!! It's on like Donkey Kong now. Let's get this mutha rollin' fo sho!! :head:


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Official Start

I opened this log about a week and a half ago (I think?), but my Blue GENE arrived today.

What is it?


- Controlled Release Formula
- Stimulant Free Endurance and Stamina
- Natural / Legal Power and Performance
- Optimize Natural Hormone Levels and Recovery

Designed to help the serious athlete optimize mitochondrial biogenesis, hormone level ratios, and support oxygen rich blood cells during athletic performance and recovery, this stimulant-free formula means more endurance, power, and better recovery without pro-hormones or grey area compounds. No hormones means no post-cycle therapy, depression, or other risks associated with exogenous hormonal ingestion.

I intend on testing both the muscle strength [perhaps even peak power; 1RM] and muscle endurance this product intends to offer.

I have performed pre-cycle strength and endurance evaluations, to establish a base to contrast against post cycle results. My pre-cycle evaluations were as follows:

Date: 08/18/08

405lbs for 8 reps, video validation

YouTube - Dead lifts

455lbs for 3 reps, video validation

YouTube - Dead lifts 2

This is where I currently stand strength wise, as far as over-all strength. I'll perform upper body strength shortly.

Date 08/19/08

I just got my measurements taken.

- All measurements were done without apparel obstruction.
- All measurements were done in a muscle relaxed state, EXCEPT for one, which I will specify.

I'll provide measurements in inches and centimeters, for our international friends like Jakellpet.

Current Weight: 214lbs or 97.27kg

Neck: 15.5 inch or 39.37cm

Upper Arm (bi's & tri's): 15 inches or 38.1cm

Upper Arm (Flexed): 18 1/4 inches or 46.35cm

Lower Arm (forearms): 12 3/4 inches or 32.38cm

Chest (beneath arms): 44 inches or 111.76cm

Chest (around delts): 52 inches or 132.08cm

Upper Leg (Quads & Hams): 23 inches 58.42cm

Lower Leg (Calves): 16.5 inches or 41.91cm

Waist: 36 3/4 inches or 93.34cm

Date: 08/19/08

This is a pre-cycle endurance evaluation. I performed the chest press with the 100lbs Db's for 17 reps.

Video Validation
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Date: 08/22/08
Final Strength Evaluations

Heavy Bench, 295lbs x 7 reps
YouTube - Benchpress

Heavy Dips, 2 Plates hanging off a chain belt.

This is it, my pre-cycle measurements of strength and endurance are completed. I will provide end result performance measurements by the end of the cycle. Thanks to all of you who have come to hang out with us here.

-Samuel "FINALLY!!! I get to start!"

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