Volcom's, Controlled Labs' - Look good in dem BLUE GENE(s), Sponsored Log



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Just one question... Is the frequency the number of days per week for the exercise?


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Just one question... Is the frequency the number of days per week for the exercise?
yes, but as you can see there is some leeway. I don't normally train more then 4-5 times a week, but once you're ON and you can handle the higher frequencies, more power to ya.


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Ohhhhhh, and Shaddow brings down the low glycemic index thunder!


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yes, but as you can see there is some leeway. I don't normally train more then 4-5 times a week, but once you're ON and you can handle the higher frequencies, more power to ya.
So this would be for a full body workout... doing all large lifts every time you hit the gym?


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So this would be for a full body workout... doing all large lifts every time you hit the gym?
No, you would use those numbers whenever you hit those exercises, whatever muscle group day they may be.


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I'm having a true to life, seafood stew.

- Baby Octopus
- Squid Slices
- Shrimp
- Scallops
- White Cod
edit: - just scooped up some Clams

with some rice in the soup. This thing needs more salt and white pepper.
mmmmmmmmmm........ :food:

my kind a stew!

[yeah, I'm way back here - there 's like 4 more pages or something I have to catch up.. I blink & your log goes outta control!] :afro:


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Dayyyyyum, some hella recipes brought to the forefront by Steveoph & Mullet Man.. nice!


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Dayyyyyum, some hella recipes brought to the forefront by Steveoph & Mullet Man.. nice!
Yeah, they would make a fine contribution to Chef Snags Bodybuilding Thread, aka Snagelrock Cafe.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Now if I only had a good, easy recipe, and the time to make it...
I will ask my fiance if she will be kind enough to tell you her recipe in full! I have already given the sauce - as is my style :dance: - so the foundation is all you need!


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Sheesh look at the size of the igf induced gut!!:eek:
Do these guys think that big ol' protruding gut looks good??!! I believe I would forego the igf shizz for good if I were them. Looks retarded. :icon_lol: To be lean and yet a fat-ass at the same time!!! Fuhget about it!!! :fool2:


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Cabbage Rolls and Meat on a stick sounds awesome. Lots of cultures have a cabbage wrap dish, and I've enjoyed all the wraps I've tired.

As large of a steak fan as I am, I've yet to try veal.
And I thought the cabbage rolls were German. :think: Surely my mother didn't lie to me! :lol: She also made these meat/rice rolls with red bell peppers and even grape leaves. Same method. Roll together ground chuck, rice, and diced onions. Take small hunks and wrap them in the cabbage, grape leaves, or stuff the bell peppers. Place them in a pot of water and tomoto paste. You can season it however you like: garlic, fennel, leeks, or whatever. Let them boil on medium heat for a couple of hours and enjoy!! The suffed bell peppers were my personal favorite. :food::thumbsup:


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I will ask my fiance if she will be kind enough to tell you her recipe in full! I have already given the sauce - as is my style :dance: - so the foundation is all you need!
That would be really cool. :thumbsup:

I'd even settle for something plain and simple. I'll eat just about anything... :lol:


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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That would be really cool. :thumbsup:

I'd even settle for something plain and simple. I'll eat just about anything... :lol:
Plain and simple Mediterranean Tuna and Pasta Dish:

1 can tuna
1/2 red onion
2 tsp Olive Oil
3/4 tsp Balsamic Vinegar/Red Wine Vinegar
1/4 red pepper
(optional, .25 cup Feta Cheese, if your fats are balanced)
4 Bella Mushrooms
1 1/4 cup whole-wheat pasta.
Mrs. Dash Chicken Spice


Put medium saucepan on medium-high, with fat-free cooking spray. Saute vegetables for approximately 3-5 minutes, until crispy; add Tuna, and spices. Fry until Tuna is crispy and somewhat brown (this also allows the flavor in the vegetables to dissipate into the Tuna, dimming its fishy flavor).

While this is happening, you should be boiling your pasta, so it is finished boiling at approximately the same time as your Tuna preparation is finished sauteing. Once finished, toss Tuna and Pasta together in a large bowl.

Once Pasta and Tuna are finished, combine Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar in a separate dish with pepper, and basil, and hand mix until decently folded (you can increase the portions, simply remember that Oil 3: Acid 1). Add to Tuna dish ALONG THE SIDES (important in order to not 'over-dress' the preparation) and mix in with spoons.

Taste delicious, and you can barely tell there is Tuna in it! Add grilled asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower and don't tell the girl you are gaming that it is health; afterwards, she will be brought to tears!


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Mullet Method Mediterranean Madness.. looks like you should get the cooking thread rolling dude! Your expanding talents are impressing me..


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Mullet Method Mediterranean Madness.. looks like you should get the cooking thread rolling dude! Your expanding talents are impressing me..
Thanks Steve! Much appreciated!

I have most cultures covered carefully in the clutches of culinary capacities!

My Fiance is also a fantastic baker, and via using Splenda, alternative emulsifiers to Butter (Olive Oil and Peanut Oil, primarily), whole wheat flours and protein powder, she has figured out methods to bake all of my favorites! Sugar-free, whole wheat, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, banana bread, oatmeal cookies; mostly anything.

As I said, if anybody is interested I could most definitely coerce her into posting some of her creations on here; they make avoiding cheats incredibly easy, as they both satiate and satisfy the craving for junk foods!


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I have most cultures covered carefully in the clutches of culinary capacities!
Awesome, dig the "c"-raziness there as well, haha.

What a great way to eat, nice situation for you two. It's doubly helpful when both partners are health conscious, no doubt about it. I have to fend for myself, since my wife (wonderful woman that she is) doesn't have that particular strong point. She makes a few odd & ends that appeal to me (including a killer zucchini/egg dish that I just maul!), but mostly she caters quick-type things for my kids & her, attempting to stay as nutritious as suits her time constraints.

Seriously, if you're bored some day with some time to kill, you should start a food thread. I'm sure it would be extremely well-received.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Awesome, dig the "c"-raziness there as well, haha.

What a great way to eat, nice situation for you two. It's doubly helpful when both partners are health conscious, no doubt about it. I have to fend for myself, since my wife (wonderful woman that she is) doesn't have that particular strong point. She makes a few odd & ends that appeal to me (including a killer zucchini/egg dish that I just maul!), but mostly she caters quick-type things for my kids & her, attempting to stay as nutritious as suits her time constraints.

Seriously, if you're bored some day with some time to kill, you should start a food thread. I'm sure it would be extremely well-received.
Definitely! Let me a compile a few recipes that are worthy of mention, and put them together.

My Fiance also works at a Booster Juice (fruit smoothies with no added sugar, with options of Creatine, Protein, Anti-Oxidant 'Boosters') and she often brings them home! She says she is slowly prepping herself to eat healthy for our first child (not for some time, but better safe than sorry!).


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Cool deal, make sure you post the link in here, or pm me with it, I'll be there! Got a few of me own I could add as well!

Wow, never heard of a Booster Juice, place sounds killer. Def. a niche market, but I could sure see that as being successful in the right demograhical area..


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Thanks Steve! Much appreciated!

I have most cultures covered carefully in the clutches of culinary capacities!

My Fiance is also a fantastic baker, and via using Splenda, alternative emulsifiers to Butter (Olive Oil and Peanut Oil, primarily), whole wheat flours and protein powder, she has figured out methods to bake all of my favorites! Sugar-free, whole wheat, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, banana bread, oatmeal cookies; mostly anything.

As I said, if anybody is interested I could most definitely coerce her into posting some of her creations on here; they make avoiding cheats incredibly easy, as they both satiate and satisfy the craving for junk foods!
So basically, your guys' fetus will have abs.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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Thanks Steve! Much appreciated!

I have most cultures covered carefully in the clutches of culinary capacities!

My Fiance is also a fantastic baker, and via using Splenda, alternative emulsifiers to Butter (Olive Oil and Peanut Oil, primarily), whole wheat flours and protein powder, she has figured out methods to bake all of my favorites! Sugar-free, whole wheat, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, banana bread, oatmeal cookies; mostly anything.

As I said, if anybody is interested I could most definitely coerce her into posting some of her creations on here; they make avoiding cheats incredibly easy, as they both satiate and satisfy the craving for junk foods!
I assume she has explored other flours other than whole wheat, or you are being severely short changed! Making Banana-Walnut Bread with Spelt Flour vs. WholeWheat flour is a whole new level.

Definitely! Let me a compile a few recipes that are worthy of mention, and put them together.

My Fiance also works at a Booster Juice (fruit smoothies with no added sugar, with options of Creatine, Protein, Anti-Oxidant 'Boosters') and she often brings them home! She says she is slowly prepping herself to eat healthy for our first child (not for some time, but better safe than sorry!).
This reminds me of the AM cookbook that has fluttered around a few times in the past. I'm crazy busy until Wed. when my medschool app is due, but after that I'll help this project out.

Sidenote: lol a squad of policeman just walked by my house waving their handcuffs. It's Queen's homecoming, and people have been drunk since the pancake keggers this morning. It's epic madness. The cop is the middle of the street was punching his fists together at the firefighter, and the dude in front is still playing with his handcuffs lol. Google the event, 3 years ago they flipped a car and lit it on fire.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I assume she has explored other flours other than whole wheat, or you are being severely short changed! Making Banana-Walnut Bread with Spelt Flour vs. WholeWheat flour is a whole new level.
Or, maybe, she is one step ahead and uses sprouted grains from our local Farmer's Market from time-to-time! Come now, Steveoph, I wouldn't be behind the times now, would I?


Lentils, soft-rye, soft wheat, cracked barley = Nummylicious for Mullet!


Her parents were quite stringent when she was young and incredibly fastidious when it came to cooking and cleaning! She has myriad skills which are far beyond my attention to detail.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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I should ask her to copy the recipe for her sugar-free Strawberry Cheesecake! Quite delicious!

Speaking of Sprouted Grains, she uses crushed Ezekiel Almond Flavor cereal for the bottom crust!


Never enough
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alternative flours are so interesting to bake with. I have at home quinoa, barley, almond, soy, buckwheat and whole wheat flours.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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Or, maybe, she is one step ahead and uses sprouted grains from our local Farmer's Market from time-to-time! Come now, Steveoph, I wouldn't be behind the times now, would I?


Lentils, soft-rye, soft wheat, cracked barley = Nummylicious for Mullet!


Her parents were quite stringent when she was young and incredibly fastidious when it came to cooking and cleaning! She has myriad skills which are far beyond my attention to detail.
Easy is that ground almonds? I've made almond crescents before and they're amazing. Mixing Amaranth/Spelt/Buckwheat/WW makes for some pretty crazy pancake batter.

Mullet see if you can throw up the recipe. I made 2 cheesecakes this summer; pumpkin (Right) and keylime (Left), and both were patchwork of various recipees. Turned out pretty decent, but I'm curious on her variation. I just skipped out on the crust altogether, althought the cheesecake was crumbly. I'm interested in trying blended FF Cottage Cheese as a base.

Farmer's market is awesome for getting some healthy stuff. It's quite pricey here in Kingston; luckily I keep going to the same guy and he is very fair to me as a student. No pesticides/sprays on any of his produce. The poor bison steaks run me broke. $10 a steak! It's like $24/lb which is nuts. They taste unbelievable though, so it's my once-a-week treat. Here's today's haul. Bonus points to whoever guesses the big green thing. On the plate is my marinated steak, was a delicious lunch.



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Let's see, there's Head Chef Snag, Head Chef Mullet, Sous Chef CTDeuce, Jr. Chef Shaddow, Jr. Chef Easy, and myself, who for those of you who have watched Top Chef, play the roll of Padma Lakishmi, who just eats and criticizes the other cooks as if I were a Head Chef.


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Real Change of Pace

Today, I acquired a SECOND internship, this time, at PEAK PERFORMANCE. It's a performance facility heavily based on cross fit principles, free weights, plyo's and functional strength. There are maybe 6 machines in the entire facility. This facility gives me a lot of room to create field work programs, HIIT/Plyo conditioning sessions. All the other trainers are Certified Cross Fit Trainers, I'm the only Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. One of the principles at this particular facility, is if you can't do it, don't teach it. Book knowledge will not suffice, you have to be in shape to be a trainer here, thus, I need to get in better cardio shape, and sharpen my power lifting techniques and feel.

Today's session was inspired by an as needed, professional basis.

P.S. I performed these power movements at a gym without a power platform or bumper weights, therefore, I could not use weights that may have the potential (luxury) of being dropped.

Off The Ground Clean & Jerk, super-set, Power Push-Ups.
90lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
110lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
130lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
135lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups

Hang Cleans, super-set, Power Push-Ups
90lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
110lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
130lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
135lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups

Drove to Bonita High Football Field (4 min away)

[10 seconds rest between sets and exercises from beginning to end]

High Knees
75 yards x 3 sets

Butt Kickers
75 yards x 3 sets

Back Peddle to Forward Sprints
75 yards/75 yards x 3 sets

Full Sprints
75 yards x 3 sets

Definitely not a typical workout for me, but I may be performing some more power movements, as I'll be instructing them to athletes and lay persons on a more scrutinized and regular basis.
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Irish Cannon

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Looks great, Volcom. I love those workouts. If I wasn't focused as much on the bodybuilding aspect I would be doing much more powerlifting and agility type exercises.


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Looks great, Volcom. I love those workouts. If I wasn't focused as much on the bodybuilding aspect I would be doing much more powerlifting and agility type exercises.
Thanks, the power movements really take a lot out of you, and i haven't done any form of cardio since last May (before I re-aggravated my slip disc), so today's HIIT cardio was about two exercises shorter then I originally intended. I'll be upping my cardio in general and try to drop 10lbs-15lbs. This is one of those facilities where I may participate in the conditioning sessions along with the clients on some occasions, so i can't be a b!itch. Which currently, my cardio-respiratory is about as hardcore as a fluffy bunny wearing a Winnie the Pooh costume.

Bodybuilding will still be my prime focus, but I'll need to start throwing in some more power lifts for the sake of professional necessity. Maybe 90% bodybuilding, 10% powerlifting, if 10.

P.S. Those high velocity movements jacked me up with some serious DOMS; Entire back, lumbar, thoracic, upper traps and shoulders. I wasn't expecting that due to the low/moderate weight I used, so it was a pleasant surprise.
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Sick lifts broseph, any advice to someone who's never done those lifts before and wants to try? (clean & jerk specifically) Other than reading up on form and getting form down of course.


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Looks great, Volcom. I love those workouts. If I wasn't focused as much on the bodybuilding aspect I would be doing much more powerlifting and agility type exercises.
Same here. But when I read of workouts like Volcom just performed, it makes me long for those old powerlifting days when I incorporated some heavy ass power cleans and good-mornings into my deadlifting routine. Those were special days that taught me who I was and how strong I could be!! :head:


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Let's see, there's Head Chef Snag, Head Chef Mullet, Sous Chef CTDeuce, Jr. Chef Shaddow, Jr. Chef Easy, and myself, who for those of you who have watched Top Chef, play the roll of Padma Lakishmi, who just eats and criticizes the other cooks as if I were a Head Chef.
LOL. I will go Morimoto all over this thread.


  • Established
Let's see, there's Head Chef Snag, Head Chef Mullet, Sous Chef CTDeuce, Jr. Chef Shaddow, Jr. Chef Easy, and myself, who for those of you who have watched Top Chef, play the roll of Padma Lakishmi, who just eats and criticizes the other cooks as if I were a Head Chef.
Ahh, but the best capacity to serve in eh?!

Awesome workout yesterday.. Those cleans/push-up supers are no joke. Dig those HIIT choices as well.


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Sick lifts broseph, any advice to someone who's never done those lifts before and wants to try? (clean & jerk specifically) Other than reading up on form and getting form down of course.
If your dead lift form is USDA approved, then you're 60% there.

Misconceptions and Clarifications for the untrained power lifter which may be helpful.

First off, I'm going to assume you have seen the clean and can following by picturing the stages. Therefore, I won't offer an overly detailed, step by step instruction, but I'll simply address what I consider, vital points. Of course if you have any further questions, I'm more then happy to clarify.

- Untrained lifters have the misconception that when you clean, you're pulling the weight off the ground and directly up to the catch. It is presumed that the clean is accomplished by how much force you exert at the beginning of the lift. False.

- There are two pulls involved in the clean, the first is getting the bar off the ground and yes there is the aspect of velocity in this first pull. However, it's the second pull, that really puts the bar into the catch position.

- The first pull pertains to the ground, up to your upper thighs/hip region. Your knees will still have a slight bend in them, as the forceful extension of the knees will be in conjunction with the hip explosion.

- You perform your first pull up to your upper thigh/hip, knees are still slightly bent. The girth of your explosiveness is exerted at this point of the second pull.

- Once the bar is positioned as mentioned above, all three of these steps have to occur simultaneously.

#1. You forcefully extend your knees to full extension.
#2. Let the bar make contact with your upper,upper thigh/hip region, almost as if you were trying to bump the bar upward by the use of your hip movement. Explode with your hips.
#3. The combination of those two movements should naturally send you onto your tippy toes for a brief moment.

- Its in steps 1,2,3, that you really exert force over the bar, in this second pull situation.

- Step #3 can cause some misconceptions. Many instructions will speak of a jump at the end point of step 3 and on frozen shots, which they love to do, the power lifter is briefly off the ground. This gives the misconception of a vertical leap, where the jump, is actually a downward jump, like an explosive squat. The downward jump allows you to explode downward, and meet the bar half way, rather then pulling it all the way up.

- Most "heavy" cleans will be caught in a partial squat position and often time dropping all the weigh down in a hydrolics response to the heavy weight. Where you then proceed to squat press with the bar in the catch position to full extension and repeat.

Bob, start with the bar, then add 10's and just go up to 25's. When you feel that you're no longer "muscling up" the weight, then move up. Even if you are relying on muscling up the weight, rather then the two pull technique, as long as your lumbar form is tight and your using this lighter weight, you won't injure yourself.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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This reminds me of how much I'm missing my not doing Cleans, High Pulls. But Squats, Deadlifts, Bench & ChinUps work well.

I've only given a half-hearted attempt at learning the technique. Perhaps I'll make it my October goal.


Never enough
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Bob, start with the bar, then add 10's and just go up to 25's. When you feel that you're no longer "muscling up" the weight, then move up. Even if you are relying on muscling up the weight, rather then the two pull technique, as long as your lumbar form is tight and your using this lighter weight, you won't injure yourself.
for sure, its definitely something you have to leave ego out of entirely while getting form down. If you can also see if you can videotape yourself doing it so you can look at your form afterwards and make adjustments


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Very interested in this new internship Volcom, as I've always been interested in cross-fit type routines. :thumbsup:


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Today, I acquired a SECOND internship, this time, at PEAK PERFORMANCE. It's a performance facility heavily based on cross fit principles, free weights, plyo's and functional strength. There are maybe 6 machines in the entire facility. This facility gives me a lot of room to create field work programs, HIIT/Plyo conditioning sessions. All the other trainers are Certified Cross Fit Trainers, I'm the only Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. One of the principles at this particular facility, is if you can't do it, don't teach it. Book knowledge will not suffice, you have to be in shape to be a trainer here, thus, I need to get in better cardio shape, and sharpen my power lifting techniques and feel.

Today's session was inspired by an as needed, professional basis.

P.S. I performed these power movements at a gym without a power platform or bumper weights, therefore, I could not use weights that may have the potential (luxury) of being dropped.

Off The Ground Clean & Jerk, super-set, Power Push-Ups.
90lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
110lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
130lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups.
135lbs x 5 OTG cleans, 5 jerks, super-set, 5 power push ups

Hang Cleans, super-set, Power Push-Ups
90lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
110lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
130lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups.
135lbs x 5 hang cleans, super-set, 5 power push ups

Drove to Bonita High Football Field (4 min away)

[10 seconds rest between sets and exercises from beginning to end]

High Knees
75 yards x 3 sets

Butt Kickers
75 yards x 3 sets

Back Peddle to Forward Sprints
75 yards/75 yards x 3 sets

Full Sprints
75 yards x 3 sets

Definitely not a typical workout for me, but I may be performing some more power movements, as I'll be instructing them to athletes and lay persons on a more scrutinized and regular basis.
congrats on the internship man. one of my close family friends is a crossfit trainer there, but shell be opening up her own cross fit facility pretty son, january i think i heard.

i always wanted to go to the crossfit class there on saturdays, but until recently, i was always working the weekends.

ps. met some cool doods at the olympia...


Irish Cannon

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Those guys are tiny.

Congrats on your self-respect. I'd probably kill myself by the end of the day if I was walking around with a sleeveless shirt on. Actually, I'd probably just compare myself with those beasts all day to the point where my brain couldn't handle it anymore.


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haha actually it was kinda depressing especially because these pics are during my refeed on CKD and i get soft and kinda bloated, making me even MORE self conscious. i wore it more because its a designer supps tank. was hopin they would be there and i could score some free stuff :D

oh well scored almost too much free stuff. came home with like 5 tshirts and tons of free samples.


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Ohhh snap, you got met the Warren Tree Branch, that's tight.

At those shows it's not just the pro's that make you feel like a pee wee, a lot of the audience attendees are beasts, too. Monsters everywhere.

Cross-fit looks pretty f'n hardcore. I think I'll need to drop 10-15lbs before I could pull off some of their psychotic conditioning routines.

Which is why I've been upping my cardio in a hard hitting manner.

HIIT S&A/Plyos

All sets and transitional exercises were performed with a 10 seconds rests in between.

75yds high knees out, 75yds run back in x 3 sets

75yds butt kickers out, 75yds run back in x 3 sets

75yds back peddle, 75yds sprint in x 3 sets

75yds full sprints x 3 sets

3 min walking breather

10 leap frogs into 5 second full sprint x 3 sets

These exercises are most painful due to the very brief, 10 seconds rest between each set and each exercise. Once you get going, there's no slowing down, and the exercises get progressively more challenging, as the body demands more rest. This makes for a painful HIIT routine.

P.S. Brandon Curry and Kai Green are sick, too. Good thing you didn't run into Lou Ferrigno, he would've charged you $5 to take a picture with him.


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I need to update the Chef's list, I can't believe I forgot Head Chef Steveo and Jr. Chef Roland.


NutraPlanet NinjaMonkey Rep
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for sure, its definitely something you have to leave ego out of entirely while getting form down. If you can also see if you can videotape yourself doing it so you can look at your form afterwards and make adjustments
Great idea. If I video myself doing it, think you can give me some pointers Volcom?

And I was wondering where I factored into your chef list . I thought maybe my lasagna didn't hit your weak spot enough ;)

Rolanda are all the samples loaded up in the backpack ?


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Great idea. If I video myself doing it, think you can give me some pointers Volcom?

And I was wondering where I factored into your chef list . I thought maybe my lasagna didn't hit your weak spot enough ;)

Roland are all the samples loaded up in the backpack ?
nah. i had my backpack loaded with t shirts, my homeade protein bars, and a bottle of water. and the osteo sport and neovar i picked up from jammie at the AN booth.

all my supps were in my giant bag from the ultimate nutrition booth. it was filled to the brim with supps, posters, and flyers.


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ps. met some cool doods at the olympia...
I'm so freakin' jealous. Markus Ruhl rules!! :head: He still looks big as a house. Has Branch already had his triceps re-attached and looking that good already??!! :think: He's just a straight-up freak!! :twisted: I watch his DVD almost every week at some point before some workout!! :lol:

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