Tongkat Ali LJ100



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I got email from Dr.Tambi and he said there was no shedding in his patients at all. Even in healthy males.
If it increases test and deceases estrogen (probably not in comparison to anabolics) = higher dht


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If it increases test and deceases estrogen (probably not in comparison to anabolics) = higher dht
Everything is possible but does REALLY LJ00 increase shedding?
It can be due to stress and other things.


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Can we trust Dr Tambi though? I mean all his studies were shown at conferences and are not available in medical journals, it's also hard to know whether or not he has a commercial interest in the business, it seems he could be connected with (father of?) lj100.

Tell him Wagner himself said he noticed more forehead than usual.
It is not impossible. Even its not any evidence, we all react differently. But are you 100% sure its due to LJ100? It can be stress and many other things.


How long did you try it and for how long have you noticed a drop?
5 weeks total, first 2 weeks I had the aggression and libido, the rest of the weeks libido and aggression started to gradually to fall back to normal.
Costing about 140$ 800mg


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5 weeks total, first 2 weeks I had the aggression and libido, the rest of the weeks libido and aggression started to gradually to fall back to normal.
Costing about 140$ 800mg
Its very normal. It is not common to feel aggresion weeks after weeks on TA. Same with massive boners :)but if you could take bloodwork lets say 2 weeks, 1 month and after 2 months on TA, you would see T increased most after 2 months


It is not impossible. Even its not any evidence, we all react differently. But are you 100% sure its due to LJ100? It can be stress and many other things.
It happened while on TA, that's all I can say , also stress tend to be lowered on it .

Aggression is not a positive sign as far as I know, not even a positive sign of high dht/free T .


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]You mean as in quantity you ingested?[/B]

How long did you try it and for how long have you noticed a drop?
I did eyeball it and so do not know for sure what it was. Depends on the density of the powder. I thought between 1/8 and 1/4 teaspoon. Occurred a number of years ago. Terrible reaction. Wonderful if I were entering a MMA fight but awful for everyday type of activity.


You have to ease into the dose over days and weeks .

What brand did you use?


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You have to ease into the dose over days and weeks .

What brand did you use?
Once was enough although years later the curiosity is there because you know it made me an animal for a number of hours. If it could be less violent in its effect and last only for about 1 hr that would be great. I noticed my HR did not skyrocket.

As a knowing colleague said at the time, "sounds like the effects of good coke."

Hard Rhino. No dosage chart was provided. I had to look it up online and I saw they later removed the dosage chart for body weight as well from their site.


Its very normal. It is not common to feel aggresion weeks after weeks on TA. Same with massive boners :)but if you could take bloodwork lets say 2 weeks, 1 month and after 2 months on TA, you would see T increased most after 2 months
Test keep on raises but libido,aggression, and mood goes back normal.

But maybe if I cycle it it would be better?
Aggression is linked to high test or higher than ones test?

10 days on 3 off?


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I've used high doses of all the different TA extracts I have tried so far and I have not noticed any significant aggression increases that would cause me to be violent. I do notice that I am more easily annoyed by people/events/circumstances that waste my time and energy. At the same time, I also notice that I am extremely calm and relaxed all of the time, my posture and body language is confident and relaxed, and I tend to move very calmly and slowly. Many people I know have noticed these minor changes in my behavior and have mentioned it to me. After a while, I got used to this and it feels normal. Also, I am genetically prone to hair loss, and I have not noticed any significant shedding or hair loss even while running really high doses.

This is with no cycling or on/off schedule. I run a daily consistent dose and have no issues with hair loss, blood pressure, or aggression. The worst side effect I have ever had is not being able to sleep at night due to extra energy, and this usually happens when I increased the dosage too much too fast, or if I take my last dose too late in the day. Overall, a high consistent daily dose has improved my mental and physical well being for the better.


That's pretty close to what I experienced with moderate doses, some days the effects would be inconsistent but I see how a high dose could work even better.


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I've used high doses of all the different TA extracts I have tried so far and I have not noticed any significant aggression increases that would cause me to be violent. I do notice that I am more easily annoyed by people/events/circumstances that waste my time and energy. At the same time, I also notice that I am extremely calm and relaxed all of the time, my posture and body language is confident and relaxed, and I tend to move very calmly and slowly. Many people I know have noticed these minor changes in my behavior and have mentioned it to me. After a while, I got used to this and it feels normal. Also, I am genetically prone to hair loss, and I have not noticed any significant shedding or hair loss even while running really high doses.

This is with no cycling or on/off schedule. I run a daily consistent dose and have no issues with hair loss, blood pressure, or aggression. The worst side effect I have ever had is not being able to sleep at night due to extra energy, and this usually happens when I increased the dosage too much too fast, or if I take my last dose too late in the day. Overall, a high consistent daily dose has improved my mental and physical well being for the better.
This almost exactly mirrors my experiences with LJ/TA. Interestingly, however, I noticed more aggression and less libido with an (alleged) 2% eury bulk powder compared to LJ100. Not sure as the reason for that.

I do find that I get a fairly significant libido spike when I first begin taking it after some time off. When I get around to it, I plan to experiment with a "dose-cycling" regimen wherein I will consistently take 300mg/day, and every 5 days I will up the dose 100mg until I reach 600mg, then start over, e.g.
-300mg 5 days
-400mg 5 days
-500mg 5 days
-600mg 5 days
and then go back to 300mg and repeat.

I am hoping I can get the continued overall health/adaptogenic benefits while "spiking" my libido through the increased doses, even if it is just a matter of perception.

Also, Wagner, thanks for the links on toxicity.


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This almost exactly mirrors my experiences with LJ/TA. Interestingly, however, I noticed more aggression and less libido with an (alleged) 2% eury bulk powder compared to LJ100. Not sure as the reason for that.

I do find that I get a fairly significant libido spike when I first begin taking it after some time off. When I get around to it, I plan to experiment with a "dose-cycling" regimen wherein I will consistently take 300mg/day, and every 5 days I will up the dose 100mg until I reach 600mg, then start over, e.g.
-300mg 5 days
-400mg 5 days
-500mg 5 days
-600mg 5 days
and then go back to 300mg and repeat.

I am hoping I can get the continued overall health/adaptogenic benefits while "spiking" my libido through the increased doses, even if it is just a matter of perception.

Also, Wagner, thanks for the links on toxicity.
This is just my opinion, but as Wagner previously pointed out, the 2% Eurycomanone product possibly had more of an AI effect, thereby lowering estrogen enough to effect libido in a negative way. Since it was extracted mainly for Eurycomanone, their is no telling how that may have affected the proportion or ratio of the other beneficial components of the herb. When I high dosed a 2% Eurycomanone product myself, I dried out significantly and I also experienced symptoms of slightly dry joints and tendons similar to taking an AI such as Arimistane or DHAA.

Depending on your tolerance to TA and your budget, I would recommend you start a bit higher and maybe work up to a higher dose as well. So maybe start at 400mg and take it up to at least 800mg to possibly 1000mg. From my personal experience with 3 different extracts so far, daily consistent high dosing works well. I'm almost done with my bulk supplements 100:1 extract. I've been running approximately 6 grams daily for the past month and it has been quite fun. I plan to continue at this dosage or higher until I run out. After this, I'll take a 3-4 weeks break and run a 200:1 extract I have had my eye on. I plan to high dose that as well.


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6 grams?? was that a typo?
No typo. 6 grams daily. I bought 1 KG and capped all of it using size 00 capsules. Each cap contains approximately 750mg each. I am currently taking 8 caps (6 grams) daily. Dosing schedule is 4/2/2 and doses are spaced out approximately 3-4 hours apart. First dose of 4 caps (approximately 3 grams) is taken first thing in the morning.

I originally started using this extract at 4 caps (3grams) daily. 2/1/1 dosing. I gradually increased the dose to where I am now.


This is just my opinion, but as Wagner previously pointed out, the 2% Eurycomanone product possibly had more of an AI effect, thereby lowering estrogen enough to effect libido in a negative way. Since it was extracted mainly for Eurycomanone, their is no telling how that may have affected the proportion or ratio of the other beneficial components of the herb. When I high dosed a 2% Eurycomanone product myself, I dried out significantly and I also experienced symptoms of slightly dry joints and tendons similar to taking an AI such as Arimistane or DHAA.
Agreed, I was about to mention the possible lowered estrogens sides.


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No typo. 6 grams daily. I bought 1 KG and capped all of it using size 00 capsules. Each cap contains approximately 750mg each. I am currently taking 8 caps (6 grams) daily. Dosing schedule is 4/2/2 and doses are spaced out approximately 3-4 hours apart. First dose of 4 caps (approximately 3 grams) is taken first thing in the morning.

I originally started using this extract at 4 caps (3grams) daily. 2/1/1 dosing. I gradually increased the dose to where I am now.
Interesting.. I've never heard of that high a dose taken by anyone. what effects are your getting from the 6g a dose? It might be economically feasible with maybe a cheaper bulk extract but with LJ 100 thats 1 bottle a day :)


I did 1600mg research grade for 5 days, 800mg morning 800mg afternoon, at week 4, did not see any improvement. Maybe Tolerance got me...


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I did 1600mg research grade for 5 days, 800mg morning 800mg afternoon, at week 4, did not see any improvement. Maybe Tolerance got me...
I'm curious to know exactly what is meant by "research grade" in this instance?


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Are you kidding with us?
You wrote:
"Simple, the same Tongkat Ali extract they do/did in Tongkat ali studies"
We asked you if it was LJ100 and you said No. Now the question is if it is Physta and you are trying to get Admin in for what reason?
Are you 12 or?


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I'm seriously confused at why you are trying to report this he did nothing wrong. So don't be that tool bag
I'm confused as well. Physta IS LJ100. That's like reporting me for saying KSM-66. Unless that's not why he's calling the Admin. I'm confused.


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I'm confused as well. Physta IS LJ100. That's like reporting me for saying KSM-66. Unless that's not why he's calling the Admin. I'm confused.
Agreed. They are same (US Patent: 7132117) LJ100 and Physta.
Even it was another extract, so what? An extract is not the whole product. We can say what extract it is without getting warning or get banned


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Agreed. They are same (US Patent: 7132117) LJ100 and Physta.
Even it was another extract, so what? An extract is not the whole product. We can say what extract it is without getting warning or get banned
If anything, it's better to say what extract you're using, that way people can get feedback on which extracts to use. Someone may be put off of tongkat ali, but never used a quality extract, or the dosing could have been a bit off for that particular extract, etc. If we know what extract is used, we can get more anecdotes, as well as try to give more useful/relevant advice/feedback.


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Simple, the same Tongkat Ali extract they do/did in Tongkat ali studies
all brands of tongkat are not the same...and admin is my uncle Cletus from up in the hills and we are very close-so don't even bother:toofunny:


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If anything, it's better to say what extract you're using, that way people can get feedback on which extracts to use. Someone may be put off of tongkat ali, but never used a quality extract, or the dosing could have been a bit off for that particular extract, etc. If we know what extract is used, we can get more anecdotes, as well as try to give more useful/relevant advice/feedback.
Correct :)


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all brands of tongkat are not the same...and admin is my uncle Cletus from up in the hills and we are very close-so don't even bother:toofunny:
Admin is not an angry dog who attack everytime someone call on him


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I've started Olympus LJ100 four weeks ago at 2 caps a day Mon-Fri weekends off and at week three I bumped it
to 3 caps a day and so far the only thing I'm feeling is deeper sleep and that I felt from week one. Tomorrow starts
week 5 so I'm thinking stay on 3 caps another week to see what happens or bump to 4 ?

I've used many different types of herbals over the years and some good and some not so good and Tong Kat/Long Jack
100:1 at 1000mg a day has had a faster effect on me so far than this particular LJ 100 from Olympus but maybe I need


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I've started Olympus LJ100 four weeks ago at 2 caps a day Mon-Fri weekends off and at week three I bumped it
to 3 caps a day and so far the only thing I'm feeling is deeper sleep and that I felt from week one. Tomorrow starts
week 5 so I'm thinking stay on 3 caps another week to see what happens or bump to 4 ?

I've used many different types of herbals over the years and some good and some not so good and Tong Kat/Long Jack
100:1 at 1000mg a day has had a faster effect on me so far than this particular LJ 100 from Olympus but maybe I need
total.. good to see you posting here. LJ100 is legit. That said i believe our bodies are pretty good at adapting to anything external. With my first run of LJ 3 caps was the max I could handle as the libido effects were too high that they were becoming more of a hindrance to getting any real work done. 2nd run had to take 4 caps for a similar effect and 3rd run had to take 5 caps.


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Following that link I saw a supplement named Balls of Fury, haha.


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total.. good to see you posting here. LJ100 is legit. That said i believe our bodies are pretty good at adapting to anything external. With my first run of LJ 3 caps was the max I could handle as the libido effects were too high that they were becoming more of a hindrance to getting any real work done. 2nd run had to take 4 caps for a similar effect and 3rd run had to take 5 caps.
I'm gonna stay on 3 caps one more week and see what happens before I bump it to 4 caps a day but
like I mentioned the 100:1 for me kicked in quicker and the effects were more pronounced but I do have
a couple jars of LJ 100 so I'm gonna have to give it little more time.

I think I have enough LJ100 to give this a fair try ;) but so far I'm not that impressed yet.


Today I tried 2000mg 1 dose, a felt light headed and dizzy after 2 hours, I did not have any libido improvement but I had a killer workout, not sure why


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I'm gonna stay on 3 caps one more week and see what happens before I bump it to 4 caps a day but
like I mentioned the 100:1 for me kicked in quicker and the effects were more pronounced but I do have
a couple jars of LJ 100 so I'm gonna have to give it little more time.

I think I have enough LJ100 to give this a fair try ;) but so far I'm not that impressed yet.
Damn those are some good supps! Thanks for the SNS support :D


I tried again 2000mg had no dizziness, insomnia woke up 4am and but had a great shoulder workout... I feel strength from than libido at that dose, guys what do you get at high doses ?


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Damn those are some good supps! Thanks for the SNS support :D

This is a real shot of my SNS stash and I usually have a lot of SNS supps on hand and I always
stock up on certain goodies when my stash gets low and the the great sales are going on.;)


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This is a real shot of my SNS stash and I usually have a lot of SNS supps on hand and I always
stock up on certain goodies when my stash gets low and the the great sales are going on.;)
better add some M-TEST to that pile...from my experience fadogia and longjack is a killer combo-serious business!!!

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