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I will be visiting the test god in a couple of years


jeez...I go away for a couple days and the thread has TRIPLED! I absolutely love your logs TG. Inspirational. everybody says that when you get older you have to lower the weights. I was listening to a radio interview of Hulk Hogan this morning and he was saying that because he is older, he has to lighten the weights and focus more on cardio. I thought of you and realized that that is garbage. your use of machines not only allows you to go super heavy with great form, but do it safely! im digging the total body workouts too, I work an odd schedule and have been struggling for years to find a way to effectively hit all the groups within the week. I just may have to give this way a shot, it would free up time for more cardio and I could hit every major muscle group twice a week. I need to sit down with paper and pen and really give this one a think. thanks for all you do for your buddies, I know its time consuming. It shows how gracious you are through all the people that follow you on here. keep it up brudda.


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jeez...I go away for a couple days and the thread has TRIPLED! I absolutely love your logs TG. Inspirational. everybody says that when you get older you have to lower the weights. I was listening to a radio interview of Hulk Hogan this morning and he was saying that because he is older, he has to lighten the weights and focus more on cardio. I thought of you and realized that that is garbage. your use of machines not only allows you to go super heavy with great form, but do it safely! im digging the total body workouts too, I work an odd schedule and have been struggling for years to find a way to effectively hit all the groups within the week. I just may have to give this way a shot, it would free up time for more cardio and I could hit every major muscle group twice a week. I need to sit down with paper and pen and really give this one a think. thanks for all you do for your buddies, I know its time consuming. It shows how gracious you are through all the people that follow you on here. keep it up brudda.
Nothing's too much for my readers!! I just appreciate everyone following along and monitoring the madness that is the Thundergod!!

Hulk Hogan is going lighter with the weights these days because of all the injuries he accrued during his professional Wrestling career. His old hips have been abused badly. He can hardly walk these days.
I see where older (40+) powerlifters and bodybuilders continue to go heavy with no problems. Some say they continue to build strength as they get older.
Ronnie Coleman is as old as I am and he's an absolute powerhouse!!!


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Here you go TG your pic in that last post reminded me of

FUGGIN HARDCORE I love it when he is swinging that long sword.
Conan the Barbarian is the movie that inspired me to first start lifting weights at the tender age of 19. I saw that movie on HBO and went out the same week and bought my first weight set. I've never looked back since.
Slinging the heavy weights is 4-LIFE!!!:head:


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This video has me wanting to tear the freakin' weights straight up this morning!!
Branch is one of the most explosive lifters I've ever witnessed.
Just total brutality at its finest!!:aargh4:


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Conan the Barbarian is the movie that inspired me to first start lifting weights at the tender age of 19. I saw that movie on HBO and went out the same week and bought my first weight set. I've never looked back since.
Slinging the heavy weights is 4-LIFE!!!:head:
I remember watching that when I was 15, and started to train like an animal. Great inspiration for a young guy to want to be a warrior!! Rocky 4 was another one.


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I injected another 150mg. of Test-Prop into my right deltoid yesterday morning. And I believe that it was kicking this a mule on meth!!
I was pushing oh so hard on the heavy weights. I felt furious everytime I wrapped my hands around the bar. I squeezed the bar tightly as Franco Colombu advocated. He said that lets your muscles know it's time to get on down!!

Here's the carnage that ensued.......

CHEST--Incline Machine Bench Presses--120X12, 220X10, 390X10>280X14>200X20. I gained a rep on that heavy set of 390. And I fought like a warrior-possessed for it too!!! :twisted:
BACK--Reverse-Grip Pulldowns--90X12, 140X10, 260X11>200X12>150X16. These really thicken up my lower middle lats. I think it's a great movement for both width and thickness.
SHOULDERS--Seated DB Arnold Presses--20'sX12, 40'sX10, 80'sX11>50'sX11>35'sX16. I gained a rep with the 80's here. Felt very heavy......just the way I like it!! :yup: :saevilw:
TRICEPS--Lying DB Extensions--20'sX12, 40'sX10, 60'sX11>40'sX12>25'sX16. I also gained a rep on the 60's here. The gear is definately influencing these gains. I can hardly wait for the next couple of weeks roll by and the gear is blasting at full force!!:head:
BICEPS--DB Drag Curls--30'sX12, 50'sX10, 80'sX11>60'sX12>40'sX15. I really like these!! I think I will go back to using the EZ Bar next time just for the change.
QUADS--Leg Extensions--80X15, 120X12, 200X22>140X12>90X17. Up 2 reps on the heavy set from last week's workout. I'm just lovin' dis shit!!!:woohoo:
HAMSTRINGS--Stiff-Legged Deadlifts--135X12, 225X10, 365X11>275X12>205X16. This is the first time I did a triple drop on SLDL's. Usually I just do a double drop, but it's time to turn up the intensity!! Turn the dial all the way up to 11. ha ha

And once again I'll hit up forearms and calves tomorrow morning after my cardio session. I've done that for the last 2 weeks and it works out fine. I have Thursdays off to recover, so it's all good.

In retrospect, I freakin' killed it this morning!! No Survivors!!! All Casualties!!:dead1: :rocketwhore:


YouTube- Pantera - Cemetery Gates official Music Video


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Those Arnold presses are scary.:eek:

f*cking killed it this morning. :clap2:


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Scary numbers TG. Take no prisoners.


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TG you truly are in a realm of your own!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Ditto on the Arnolds... holy &^$


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Excellent work Brother! We both waged wars on the iron battlefeild today. My workout was BRUTAL.


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200x22 on the leg extentions? ouch.


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"Ouch" is an understatement. Doesn't even cover what I felt.
It was more like, "AAAAIIIIRRRGGGHHH"!!!!! :aargh4: :aargh4: :cussing:

Watch Tom Platz doing leg extensions here and you'll get an idea of the intensity I was under!!!


dude all i can say is amazing. if i have half gains as u do im all good lol .ur such a hit it and get it inspiration :


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TG you truly are in a realm of your own!!
I'm still amazed that you guys think this when I repeatedly show videos of real monsters who toss around real heavy iron.
My poundages are very meager in comparison to Branch, Ronnie, Stan Efferding, Matt the "Killer Kroc", Dorian Yates, etc............

I feel sorta weak when I watch those guys laying it down!!!:nervous:

It took me 27 years of pretty consistent lifting to get to the poundages that I presently employ. And I'm gonna make damn sure that it doesn't stop here!! I will make increases even as the years roll on by.

So sayeth the Thundergod!!!!:hammer:


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This just in.......2 bottles of D-Plex thanks to CompEdgeLabs who was kind enough to listen to my supporters and allow me to add this to my cycle.
And he told me that a 3rd bottle is on the way!!!

CEL ROCKS!!!!:head:

Introducing D-Plex--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lean Muscle* Strength* Vascularity & Muscle Hardness

D-Plex is a pro-anabolic compound that is a precursor to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). It is commonly used by those looking to achieve maximum gains in strength and lean muscle while also losing fat and improving muscle hardness and vascularity.

In addition to its pro-anabolic properties, D-Plex can act as an aromatase inhibitor and also help inhibit the actions of estrogen by being a competitive antagonist. It also can help lower SHBG, which is a hormone that can reduce the amount of free testosterone. By helping reduce SHBG, that can potentially enable more circulating free testosterone to reach the muscles.

D-Plex can also help increase glycogen uptake, resulting in increased vascularity and muscle hardness.

Common user feedback includes:- Rapid, maximum gains in strength and lean muscle
- Improved vascularity and muscle hardness
- Improved fat loss and muscle definition

Dosage & Cycle Duration:
D-Plex can be used alone or can be stacked or bridged with select other Competitive Edge Labs products. For stacking and bridging options, it depends on the product selected as to the proper dosage and cycle duration.

For stand alone cycles, D-Plex is commonly used for 4 to 6 weeks at 3 to 4 capsules per day.

During Your Cycle:
We suggest using our Cycle Assist product while on D-Plex for overall support purposes. Cycle Assist can be started at the onset of the cycle, or ideally can be started two weeks before the beginning of the cycle.

After Your Cycle:
It is important to be familiar with and to do proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), including, but not limited to our PCT Assist and Suppress-C products.


Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings per Container: 120
Amount Per Serving:
17-a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol-3-hydroxyimine – 25 mg

As a dietary supplement, take 3 to 4 capsules daily in divided doses, no more than 2 capsules per time, and not to exceed 4 capsules daily. Do not take within 4 hours of bedtime. Do not exceed 6 weeks of continued usage. Take at least an 8 week break between cycles of this product.

Do not use this product if you are under 21 years of age. This product should not be used by women. Do not use this product if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other physical and/or psychiatric condition. Keep stored in a cool, dry place away from children.



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How does this get added into the mix TG?


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How does this get added into the mix TG?
I'm glad you asked.

I have quite a bit going on already:

Alpha-Tren @ 3 caps per day.
Transdermal Formestane @ 100mg. twice per day.
Epi Clone @ 10mg. per day.

And then there's that there injectable Test....the Prop/Cyp combo!!

So what I'm thinking is since the D-Plex says that a standalone cycle would be 4 caps per day, I'm gonna lower my Alpha-Tren dose down to 2 caps per day and introduce the D-Plex at 3 caps per day. I'll divide the doses up on non-workout days but on workout days I'll hit up all 3 caps 2 hours before my workout and let the chips fall where they may!!!! I may take another cap in the afternoon.

This is the main reason that I wanted to add the D-Plex into this mix:

In addition to its pro-anabolic properties, D-Plex can act as an aromatase inhibitor and also help inhibit the actions of estrogen by being a competitive antagonist. It also can help lower SHBG, which is a hormone that can reduce the amount of free testosterone. By helping reduce SHBG, that can potentially enable more circulating free testosterone to reach the muscles.

Well.....this and the DHT it's gonna bring to the table. I love some DHT for workout aggression!!!

D-Plex is a pro-anabolic compound that is a precursor to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone).


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By the way, this RSS Alpha-Tren that I'm taking is NO joke!! It's pretty damn potent stuff.
There's 40mg. of the Estra-4,9 and 10mg. of the Phera clone in each tablet!!!

Here's the write-up on it from the website:

Estra-4,9 is a very androgenic substance known for substantial fat loss, increases in strength, hardening of muscle, and increased definition. It also dramatically increases the amount of growth hormones present in muscle cells. Like the other substances in our prohormones, Tren produces virtually no water weight. It is very good for cutting cycles and maintaining a lean, defined physique.
Pheraplex is a very androgenic substance which means that it gives all of the typical alpha-male effects such as increases in strength, hardening of muscles, increased vascularity, in-gym pumps, and increased focus - and of course, increased libido.

This product is best used by people who are looking to get cut, gain definition, and substantially increase strength while making modest size gains.


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Didn't the dosing say no more than 2 caps at a time? I know Thunder dosing was not taken into account here but just curious...


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This sh!t is getting extreme you don't think thats a little much along with the test? That is 105 mg's of methyls a day. Keep it safe brotha and take those support supps.


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Didn't the dosing say no more than 2 caps at a time? I know Thunder dosing was not taken into account here but just curious...
I know what it says. Say for instance a "normal" man weighing 175 to 185 lbs. can take 2 caps at once........what does that say for a 247lb. Thundergod???!!:thinking:

You know where I'm going with this. ha ha
I can handle the extra DHT induced aggression!!! :twisted:


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This sh!t is getting extreme you don't think thats a little much along with the test? That is 105 mg's of methyls a day. Keep it safe brotha and take those support supps.
I have a support list that would take up 2 pages here. LMAO

You can't add up the milligrams of methyls like that either hman. There's more to that equation than mere milligrams. It's the compound itself that comes into play with toxicity issues.

I remember ForceOfGreen taking 225mg. of Halo-Drol per day for many weeks with NO problems.

It's not the same as taking 225mg. of Super-Drol......I can assure you that!!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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curious to see the review as the days turn into weeks. It's definitely an exciting combo to watch, and truly not for amateurs that might be following along. TG you might want to up your insurance on your Temple of Doom!!!! The walls will be down and the goddess very displeased!! She might inject a nerve on "accident"


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Smashing weights as always, TG!!!


one of these days i wanna be that guy that gets sponsered . im working on it !! and i def wanna do it . so watch me grow and i just wanted to give mad props to thundergod for helping me with newbie questions and just plain clarifications. not like some people in the forums that just talk crap and try to put u down. he understands that everyone starts somewhere ..anyways i know thats why u get sponsers and i know thats why everyone follows ur logs


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so..... now with the D-plex in the mix we should expect more intensity?

at the rate you're hoarding iron, methinks you'll have to visit the armory and start melting tanks...
Army Guy

Army Guy

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so..... now with the D-plex in the mix we should expect more intensity?

at the rate you're hoarding iron, methinks you'll have to visit the armory and start melting tanks...
I hope he records that!!! :trout:


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I have a support list that would take up 2 pages here. LMAO

You can't add up the milligrams of methyls like that either hman. There's more to that equation than mere milligrams. It's the compound itself that comes into play with toxicity issues.

I remember ForceOfGreen taking 225mg. of Halo-Drol per day for many weeks with NO problems.

It's not the same as taking 225mg. of Super-Drol......I can assure you that!!
I understand what your sayin here but remember that it isn't hdrol and it is a dht type hormone which has been know to possible do some funky sh1t. And force of green where the hell has that guy been anyways, it can be done but I don't want to be one of those guys that uses too much and then just leaves the bb scene all together. All I am saying is be safe brotha!


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I know what it says. Say for instance a "normal" man weighing 175 to 185 lbs. can take 2 caps at once........what does that say for a 247lb. Thundergod???!!:thinking:

You know where I'm going with this. ha ha
I can handle the extra DHT induced aggression!!! :twisted:
I'm VERY interested to see how this goes for you, my brother. Very curious indeed about the effect of test w/ DHT. Your cycle's actually somewhat similar to what I've been planning for my next one.

As of now, I'm thinking 6 weeks, a la:
250mg Test Base TD (125mg twice daily) weeks 1-6
PStanz 200-300mg weeks 1-6
3 caps Xtren weeks 4-6
DPlex ***I was thinking of just running the max dose of 4 for the first 4 weeks. But if you're lowering to the recommended stack dosage of 3, perhaps I should drop to 3 also and run all 6 weeks.


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I'm still amazed that you guys think this when I repeatedly show videos of real monsters who toss around real heavy iron.
My poundages are very meager in comparison to Branch, Ronnie, Stan Efferding, Matt the "Killer Kroc", Dorian Yates, etc............

I feel sorta weak when I watch those guys laying it down!!!:nervous:

It took me 27 years of pretty consistent lifting to get to the poundages that I presently employ. And I'm gonna make damn sure that it doesn't stop here!! I will make increases even as the years roll on by.

So sayeth the Thundergod!!!!:hammer:
You are comparing yourself to the most elite, and roided out weight lifters in the world. Go do 3 nutty ass cycles a year for 5-8 years and see where you are in comparison to them lol.


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You are comparing yourself to the most elite, and roided out weight lifters in the world. Go do 3 nutty ass cycles a year for 5-8 years and see where you are in comparison to them lol.


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You are comparing yourself to the most elite, and roided out weight lifters in the world. Go do 3 nutty ass cycles a year for 5-8 years and see where you are in comparison to them lol.
I almost chimed in when I watched Efferding's video as to what sort of gear this guy has pumping thru his veins. He does not look like a young guy but just seems jacked to the gills!!


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My guess would be, lots of juice, lots of GH, and lots of insulin....


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Yeah and who knows what else these new guys are doing. I have seen myostatin peptides popping up here and there. Who knows if they are using these or not but I bet you some are.


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My guess would be, lots of juice, lots of GH, and lots of insulin....
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way belittling their efforts. I know the insane work and dedication it takes to do what they do and it is a full time job. They were already elite before the outside assistance and that is why they are elevated to such a higher level than others with it.


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Don't get me wrong, I am in no way belittling their efforts. I know the insane work and dedication it takes to do what they do and it is a full time job. They were already elite before the outside assistance and that is why they are elevated to such a higher level than others with it.
Well it is far from a natural sport at that level. you can't compete with those guys unless you are on your you are a genetic freak and lacking some myo. imo


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LOL I think all of that top class are genetic freaks then they add that stuff to the mix and become truly inhuman regarding strength and musculature.


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You are comparing yourself to the most elite, and roided out weight lifters in the world. Go do 3 nutty ass cycles a year for 5-8 years and see where you are in comparison to them lol.
Thank you! I didn't want to bring up the obvious either. To compare yourself to someone who has chosen to alter their lifestyle to the absolute maximum with unknown amounts of chemicals is not fair. We are all strong and into this life to some extent but not like the pros. I think we choose health over the look and risk to get that look. Just sayin'.


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Yeah and who knows what else these new guys are doing. I have seen myostatin peptides popping up here and there. Who knows if they are using these or not but I bet you some are.
I would totally use Myostatin Peptides if I could, that'd be sick; Assuming that it would have the same effect on a healthy, "normal" person as it would on people with muscular dystrophy. I think it would certainly help some more then others, given that the margin of negative loop regulation of muscle growth has a max threshold that varies from person to person.

I'm guessing people like Ronnie Coleman are pretty maxed out in their ability to muscle hypertrophy or at least painfully close to his ceiling, so his negative muscle regulation was probably already rather minimal (again, assuming there is a ceiling effect).

The idea sounds sick though and for the average joe, it'd probably be neck & neck with Tha Sawce, in terms of gains potential (but the combination of the two.... jeeeeze). New Log Thunder!!!


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Just jumping in on the thought. I wished I had at least once or twice, but now that I'm married..... I'm fight'n for my creatine.
You are pretty Deisel Volcom, I would not sweat it.


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I would totally use Myostatin Peptides if I could, that'd be sick; Assuming that it would have the same effect on a healthy, "normal" person as it would on people with muscular dystrophy. I think it would certainly help some more then others, given that the margin of negative loop regulation of muscle growth has a max threshold that varies from person to person.

I'm guessing people like Ronnie Coleman are pretty maxed out in their ability to muscle hypertrophy or at least painfully close to his ceiling, so his negative muscle regulation was probably already rather minimal (again, assuming there is a ceiling effect).

The idea sounds sick though and for the average joe, it'd probably be neck & neck with Tha Sawce, in terms of gains potential (but the combination of the two.... jeeeeze). New Log Thunder!!!
I don't know though, take a look at flex wheeler he supposedly is natty and lacks a gene of mysotatin. The belgium blue cows lack both and they have so much muscle for doing nothing. I think the majority of the pros might lack a little but nothing significant. If they lacked more it would be far easier for them to gain that size with out juice.imo Look at the dam mice that they test on. That is quite a increase for no diet change and not activity level change.




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Myostatin works wonders for healthy people. It's given to "certain" people in regards to certain places they go....that's as mch as I can say

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