Team Juggernaut ft. Booneman77 - 3 months to Mass!



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So the dramatic change is here. After confirming that the weight gain was legit (Home scale yesterday am) today we decided to give keto a try. Going to plan to keep protein high and carbs under 35net for 7-10d before starting refeeds.

Can wait to infuriate the fiancé when I lose 10lb this week hahaha


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So the dramatic change is here. After confirming that the weight gain was legit (Home scale yesterday am) today we decided to give keto a try. Going to plan to keep protein high and carbs under 35net for 7-10d before starting refeeds.

Can wait to infuriate the fiancé when I lose 10lb this week hahaha
Been looking a lot into Keto lately and am pretty sure I want to try it after the new baby is born.


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Been looking a lot into Keto lately and am pretty sure I want to try it after the new baby is born.
I’ve had mixed results. Always weight loss but both good and bad (worst ever) as far as how I felt during.


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I’ve had mixed results. Always weight loss but both good and bad (worst ever) as far as how I felt during.
The Keto Flu? I have played with it but never done it serious. Never really done any diet seriously for long term, hence why I am still fat lol


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The Keto Flu? I have played with it but never done it serious. Never really done any diet seriously for long term, hence why I am still fat lol
Nah wasn’t keto flu because that should only last a few days while you transition. I was full keto for 7+ weeks and still never felt good. Just didn’t suit me at all with low protein


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Been looking a lot into Keto lately and am pretty sure I want to try it after the new baby is born.
I would start before the baby is born so you aren't trying to fat adjust with a newborn in the house.
Nah wasn’t keto flu because that should only last a few days while you transition. I was full keto for 7+ weeks and still never felt good. Just didn’t suit me at all with low protein
Oh yeah, I don't like keto on low protein... I don't need it to be high either but 1.25lb per lb of bodyweight does me pretty well.

I have contemplated pushing keto here pretty soon just for the help it will give with inflammation issues. That and the fat loss is always nice. I don't really think it is that beneficial to go up to 2g per lb, even at 1.5 I become less comfortable. I know a lot of people get all TEF this and that but that is so minor, and just eating a couple grams less fat if FAR less expensive and is more efficient in the system. Plus extra protein can be broken down via gluconeogenisis to glutamine and ATP which can cause less need to burn fat for energy. So to me getting adequate amounts with just enough to break down for immediate uses like ATP works well and for most that is in the 1-1.5g/lb of body weight range.


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I would start before the baby is born so you aren't trying to fat adjust with a newborn in the house.

Oh yeah, I don't like keto on low protein... I don't need it to be high either but 1.25lb per lb of bodyweight does me pretty well.

I have contemplated pushing keto here pretty soon just for the help it will give with inflammation issues. That and the fat loss is always nice. I don't really think it is that beneficial to go up to 2g per lb, even at 1.5 I become less comfortable. I know a lot of people get all TEF this and that but that is so minor, and just eating a couple grams less fat if FAR less expensive and is more efficient in the system. Plus extra protein can be broken down via gluconeogenisis to glutamine and ATP which can cause less need to burn fat for energy. So to me getting adequate amounts with just enough to break down for immediate uses like ATP works well and for most that is in the 1-1.5g/lb of body weight range.
Always amazes me how dramatically different people react to even small changes. Especially when other factors are relatively similar as well in terms of body shape, places we hold fat, etc. And even more so that you hold more muscle and still do better with lower protein while it puts me into a coma ha.

Back to the weights tonight and this will be my first "real" day on keto while lifting as Saturday I lifted before eating and friday I still had carbs in all by my last meal. Weight was all over the place through the weekend... 194 fri at 6 am, 192 at 3pm (a couple meals in), 189 sat am (10a), 183 sat afternoon (3p - post workout, no food yet)... told coach all of this just for reference as its clear my body has some insane capacity for holding and releasing water and glycogen in very short periods.

I fully expect to be closer to 185 when I weigh in mid-week and again on saturday.


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How funny, so you see 1.25-1.5g / lb of bodyweight as a lower protein intake? I am 211 so that is a little over 250-300g a day. I honestly tend to be in the 185-225 range most of the time but go a little higher with the keto.

I have so many carb powders and whatnot right now I am reluctant to go keto at the moment but have really been contemplating it. More than likely I will just limit carbs to my periworkout shake with no other carbs other than trace. I don't need to be in keto and if I keep the carbs to easily digested powders with no whole grains the I should still get a lot of the anti-inflammatory benefits from the diet anyway.

What did coach think about you rdropping 10lbs this weekend? Was he surprised?


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How funny, so you see 1.25-1.5g / lb of bodyweight as a lower protein intake? I am 211 so that is a little over 250-300g a day. I honestly tend to be in the 185-225 range most of the time but go a little higher with the keto.

I have so many carb powders and whatnot right now I am reluctant to go keto at the moment but have really been contemplating it. More than likely I will just limit carbs to my periworkout shake with no other carbs other than trace. I don't need to be in keto and if I keep the carbs to easily digested powders with no whole grains the I should still get a lot of the anti-inflammatory benefits from the diet anyway.

What did coach think about you rdropping 10lbs this weekend? Was he surprised?
Yeah, I meant more what I know you eat practically (usually closer to .8-1g/lb). 1.25+ is certainly not what I would call low (at 185 I typically try to stay the 230+ range).

And I actually am not sure how much true nutritional ketosis I will achieve as I have shakes and bcaas through the day (mixed with some fats, but not what I would consider "strict" keto type diet) and really not a dramatic amount of fats... I should know in a couple days tho when my pee smells like death ha. Always my sign I've hit the spot.

As for the weight, he was just kind of stunned at how much I can fluctuate. I ahd shared that aspect with him before but I think it took some dramatic numbers to really showcase it to the full extent.

I stepped on the hotel analog scale this morning just to see and was back around 190ish so it was just some lower carb/overall volume and water intake (or lack of) that day - happens to me all the time tho. This is one of the major reasons I almost HAVE to be consistent with diet the day before weigh ins, otherwise my scale numbers will look like a drunk person throwing darts. That said, I do still expect to be closer to 185 or so by the weekend from the continued glycogen reduction and lack of fluid retention.


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Yeah, I meant more what I know you eat practically (usually closer to .8-1g/lb). 1.25+ is certainly not what I would call low (at 185 I typically try to stay the 230+ range).

And I actually am not sure how much true nutritional ketosis I will achieve as I have shakes and bcaas through the day (mixed with some fats, but not what I would consider "strict" keto type diet) and really not a dramatic amount of fats... I should know in a couple days tho when my pee smells like death ha. Always my sign I've hit the spot.

As for the weight, he was just kind of stunned at how much I can fluctuate. I ahd shared that aspect with him before but I think it took some dramatic numbers to really showcase it to the full extent.

I stepped on the hotel analog scale this morning just to see and was back around 190ish so it was just some lower carb/overall volume and water intake (or lack of) that day - happens to me all the time tho. This is one of the major reasons I almost HAVE to be consistent with diet the day before weigh ins, otherwise my scale numbers will look like a drunk person throwing darts. That said, I do still expect to be closer to 185 or so by the weekend from the continued glycogen reduction and lack of fluid retention.
Okay, I got ya. It is a bummer that if he had listened to the very specific data you gave him early on this could have been handled better, and earlier on.


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Okay, I got ya. It is a bummer that if he had listened to the very specific data you gave him early on this could have been handled better, and earlier on.
Totally agree. I think over the last month we’ve had a lot more interaction and are developing much more of what I expected in terms of a coaching relationship. Based on our early talks I’m certain he was under the impression I was a “start from scratch” type of client and from my side that he was a “well developed” online coach. Assumptions that certainly got us both off on the wrong foot here.


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Totally agree. I think over the last month we’ve had a lot more interaction and are developing much more of what I expected in terms of a coaching relationship. Based on our early talks I’m certain he was under the impression I was a “start from scratch” type of client and from my side that he was a “well developed” online coach. Assumptions that certainly got us both off on the wrong foot here.
Agreed. When you have someone who has attained a certain level of fitness and found a way to maintain it then you need to value their input. Also if he had even looked at what you do for a living her would have known that efficiency is HUGE for you, so you do not do things willy-nilly... You took the time to figure out what works well for your body. So your input should definitely hold some weight.


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AM weight today was 193.4lb so down a little over 1lb from last thursday's weight (same scale at the PF by my hotel). Took some pics too to give my coach a better idea of what that weight "looks" like.

morning bloat is down a ton. One of the comments I ahd made to him was that mornings I had to loosen my belt a notch and by mid afternoon tighten it as the bloat in the morning was pretty high. No such issues so far this week.

Outside of the good, the bad is that these first few days on lno carbs, significantly lower food volume and a decent cal drop (~300) has me exhausted at the end of the day. I literally dragged myself to the gym for abs and stepmill last night and the walk across the parking lot felt like a death march. ended up not being that bad but just tough (and no pre or anyhitng - havent needed it so I ahvent been packing anything and only taking a pre on the weekend lifts, usually leg day on saturday only).

I noticed my strength did not drop at all (yet) on monday, but my stamina was atrocious. Felt like the first working set really took 90% of effort and the rest were far harder. SHould be interesting to see if tonight is better or worse (chest/tri's).


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AM weight today was 193.4lb so down a little over 1lb from last thursday's weight (same scale at the PF by my hotel). Took some pics too to give my coach a better idea of what that weight "looks" like.

morning bloat is down a ton. One of the comments I ahd made to him was that mornings I had to loosen my belt a notch and by mid afternoon tighten it as the bloat in the morning was pretty high. No such issues so far this week.

Outside of the good, the bad is that these first few days on lno carbs, significantly lower food volume and a decent cal drop (~300) has me exhausted at the end of the day. I literally dragged myself to the gym for abs and stepmill last night and the walk across the parking lot felt like a death march. ended up not being that bad but just tough (and no pre or anyhitng - havent needed it so I ahvent been packing anything and only taking a pre on the weekend lifts, usually leg day on saturday only).

I noticed my strength did not drop at all (yet) on monday, but my stamina was atrocious. Felt like the first working set really took 90% of effort and the rest were far harder. SHould be interesting to see if tonight is better or worse (chest/tri's).
I would expect it to be similar but with weights. IE your first challenging set will probably take a lot out of you. I am sure you are still storing a little glycogen in the muscles now but after a couple more training sessions you will need to be fat adapted. I doubt it will take you long though. You typically run lower carb don't you?


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I would expect it to be similar but with weights. IE your first challenging set will probably take a lot out of you. I am sure you are still storing a little glycogen in the muscles now but after a couple more training sessions you will need to be fat adapted. I doubt it will take you long though. You typically run lower carb don't you?
I had until I started this, yes. At this stage though that means for the last 3.5months I've been high carb so there is significant adaptation in that respect. I expect that I will adapt back quickly but week 1+ may be a bit of a struggle ha. At this stage its totally a mental game tho to push through and that, for me, is easy. To me, the pain of no/sub-par results is worse than the pain of a hard/demoralizing set or workout.


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Workout tonight actually ended up going quite well... found out the flowers I sent the fiance showed up half the amount i bought and completely smashed so i was pretty furious headed there (and hungry ha)... let that rage fuel my workout so I never even noticed being tired which was nice. Even cardio wasn't too bad so overall a decent day, outside the flower debacle. getting that money back no question.


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No doubt, but at least she got something and they didn't completely drop the ball.


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No doubt, but at least she got something and they didn't completely drop the ball.
think they dropped the flowers instead haha. regardless, I'm furious and you can rest assured they've alraedy gotten a pretty nasty email full of pictures (only becuase after 40min of waiting on the phone I figured it clearly wasn't only me and I was wasting my time last night)


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Leg day today. I was absolutely starving when I got to the gym (about 7:30p, last food was at 4) and really did not expect anything special but was able to push just about everything including adding another 20lb to my top leg press set. Very happy there.

Even better tho was an email I got from a guy I have been helping/coaching who is running a version of the PHAT plan I use that we have been tweaking for him over the last few months now. We've had pretty regular conversations about both diet and the training aspects (including form and such) and its been really fun. Honestly, I find I get as psyched when I hear stuff like this from other guys as I do when I get my own results ha. Makes all the tinkering, trial and error, misc research and such seem worth it ;)

"Hi Dan, Just wrapped up the 2nd cycle of the program on the Pull day was great. By far this program has been the most successful program I’ve ever ran thank again so much.

— — Results of 2 Cycles — 12 weeks
+35KG - Sumo Deadlift
+17.5kg - Squat
+15kg - Bench
+10kg - OHP

-Squat 135KG ✅
-Bench - 97.5✅
-Deadlift 150kg✅
-OHP - 55kgb✅"


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Nice, that's awesome


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Sweet, it is awesome when you get to see that you have really helped someone.


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188.1lb today. Not nearly the dramatic drop I typically see when going 9 days under 35g carb... I expected a good bit more especially considering the volume of Work I’m still doing. I expect coach will be ok with the small drop but after dropping 300 cals/day and going low carb I’m pretty sure the laws of thermodynamics disagree ha. Even I can’t figure out what’s going on here and was sure this would be the change to really jump start literally anything. Ugh.


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Boone.. i think i associate the most with you. I can deplete my carbs and do good! I appreciate you running this log and showing us how different we all are. With your own knowledge, Have you considered running your own promo thread ? With your custom phat?


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Boone.. i think i associate the most with you. I can deplete my carbs and do good! I appreciate you running this log and showing us how different we all are. With your own knowledge, Have you considered running your own promo thread ? With your custom phat?
Ha thanks! Yeah I never seemed to struggle much with low carbs outside of that one “hardcore” keto experiment I tried last summer. I think my body is just very adaptable to whatever and know my mind/will power is all but limitless so mentally I don’t struggle with some of the aspects of a diet that derail many people.

What do you mean a promo thread? Like offer it up as a free trial for a few to try to sell a few after?


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Side note: since I’m home I jumped on the scale again today just cuz it was there and poof 185.4 ha. Literally zero change to anything and weight fluctuates that much in a day


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Well at least you are heading in the right direction now.


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Well at least you are heading in the right direction now.
That's my hope... I just needed a little change to get my head right too.

Workouts this week will be a bit "as I can" with a 2.5day trip to LA and a bunch of team functions (that I'm leading) going on... food will be interesting as well so we will see.


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That's my hope... I just needed a little change to get my head right too.

Workouts this week will be a bit "as I can" with a 2.5day trip to LA and a bunch of team functions (that I'm leading) going on... food will be interesting as well so we will see.
Good luck out there!!! Finding keto fair that has enough protein was almost impossible for me!!!! I wasn't even looking for keto just to get enough protein in and that was hard enough. Still a nice trip tho.


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Good luck out there!!! Finding keto fair that has enough protein was almost impossible for me!!!! I wasn't even looking for keto just to get enough protein in and that was hard enough. Still a nice trip tho.
When in question I always lean to the protein first. I know I feel better that way so when I can’t find a good balance meal, it’s straight to chicken or lean meat. Basically any meat salad will get me at least a 6oz portion and if I double that’s most of what I’m supposed to have. Throw a few shakes on top and that’s pretty much my “adaptable” play.

So far today Ive had a about 4oz chicken and about 100cal of mixed nuts. Just finishing up my cardio and feeling ok but not good ha. That 3hr time loss was great for sleep but I’m basically working out at what my body sees as 11pm and eating at 2am. Bleh.


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bit of a blur this week so far... flew to LA monday, worked, wokrout around 8-9:30p that night, ate most of my food around 11p-12a, took a nap, gym again (legs) at 4:45am, work the day, dinner, bed, off and travel yesterday getting me home around 2am, dinnner and another nap ha. Working form home today os nice and relaxing pace and will get to hit my "home" gym for the first time in a few weeks.No real changes in the mirror and really just feeling more of the same in terms of gym and strength. Numbers seem to be staying at or slightly up but endurance is def a bit down (tho not dramatic like the first keto week). Will be interesting to see if anyhting shows for weigh ins this weekend and what moght get tweaked. Coach had mentioned possibly lowering volume and upping intensity/weight late last week so we will see how the numbers impact that thought.

Still a bit slower going than I would like so I will be talking to him about that aspect as I feel im a good bit further behind than I wanted to be for where we are in the year.


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bit of a blur this week so far... flew to LA monday, worked, wokrout around 8-9:30p that night, ate most of my food around 11p-12a, took a nap, gym again (legs) at 4:45am, work the day, dinner, bed, off and travel yesterday getting me home around 2am, dinnner and another nap ha. Working form home today os nice and relaxing pace and will get to hit my "home" gym for the first time in a few weeks.No real changes in the mirror and really just feeling more of the same in terms of gym and strength. Numbers seem to be staying at or slightly up but endurance is def a bit down (tho not dramatic like the first keto week). Will be interesting to see if anyhting shows for weigh ins this weekend and what moght get tweaked. Coach had mentioned possibly lowering volume and upping intensity/weight late last week so we will see how the numbers impact that thought.

Still a bit slower going than I would like so I will be talking to him about that aspect as I feel im a good bit further behind than I wanted to be for where we are in the year.
Yeah, I can understand that. Hopefully you start seeing some quicker results.


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185.6lb today so positive progress again. Still looking very full even after 2 weeks under 35g carbs daily. Interested to see when I will get a refeed now


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Off day yesterday and had lunch at a cool persian buffet. Kept it totally clean and on diet tho and just had some f the meats and a few veggies (skipped the rice and most of the sauces). It was still awesome tho.

Same workouts this week but cardio is completely gone. Kind of a dramatic swing IMO so we will see. Coach said he wanted to have a call tonight to discuss some things on his mind, but as usual he's still missing every deadline/target he sets for himself ha... at this point if he says (insert day here) for a change or call or anything, I just assume 2-3 days later as he literally has yet to meet one of his own commitments... this is really the one aspect that peeves me the most, as I would NEVER trust someone to contest prep me when i know they can't meet their own deadlines.

Wrist is still coming along super slow. certain things are still total no-go's but most things are ok. I do have some nagging tendinitis and such tho from the odd ways I have been doing some lifts (subconsciously) and that bothers me, but doesn't impact lifts much, if at all.

Also, another week without cheats or refeeds which is really starting to irk me since every other client of his (including the people in prep outside of the final 6 weeks) gets one EVERY week. Meanwhile, i've been following to the letter (literally the same foods every day) since the last week of october and had only 3 days period. Thanksgiving, xmas, and new years. That is extremely frustrating as its now gotten to the point where its become and inconvenience and annoyance in my personal life as I can't enjoy any of the fun things I was able to eat every week prior to this (and was leaner...). Somehting has gotta give here very soon.


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Off day yesterday and had lunch at a cool persian buffet. Kept it totally clean and on diet tho and just had some f the meats and a few veggies (skipped the rice and most of the sauces). It was still awesome tho.

Same workouts this week but cardio is completely gone. Kind of a dramatic swing IMO so we will see. Coach said he wanted to have a call tonight to discuss some things on his mind, but as usual he's still missing every deadline/target he sets for himself ha... at this point if he says (insert day here) for a change or call or anything, I just assume 2-3 days later as he literally has yet to meet one of his own commitments... this is really the one aspect that peeves me the most, as I would NEVER trust someone to contest prep me when i know they can't meet their own deadlines.

Wrist is still coming along super slow. certain things are still total no-go's but most things are ok. I do have some nagging tendinitis and such tho from the odd ways I have been doing some lifts (subconsciously) and that bothers me, but doesn't impact lifts much, if at all.

Also, another week without cheats or refeeds which is really starting to irk me since every other client of his (including the people in prep outside of the final 6 weeks) gets one EVERY week. Meanwhile, i've been following to the letter (literally the same foods every day) since the last week of october and had only 3 days period. Thanksgiving, xmas, and new years. That is extremely frustrating as its now gotten to the point where its become and inconvenience and annoyance in my personal life as I can't enjoy any of the fun things I was able to eat every week prior to this (and was leaner...). Somehting has gotta give here very soon.
I may be completely off base here. But, do you think a cheat meal is going to piss off your coach if you decide to have one without consulting with him?


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I may be completely off base here. But, do you think a cheat meal is going to piss off your coach if you decide to have one without consulting with him?
I think in this instance his coach would take that as a sign that maybe he has been doing this all along and that is why he is not progressing as expected. I have a feeling if this guy can find a way to displace the blame that he would to help with his own ego. I think it is his ego that has made him offer to do this for free until he gets it right, so if he gets an idea that he is not following the process he will more than likely assume it has been that way the whole time.

IE... he would welcome a place to lie blame and exit unscathed.


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I may be completely off base here. But, do you think a cheat meal is going to piss off your coach if you decide to have one without consulting with him?
Honestly I don’t know. He does always say things like “you’ve gotta live life first and foremost” “enjoy things and get back when you can” etc. I get that but also I personally like to dedicate myself if I expect the results too.

For me, if I want to cheat, I simply factor that in. If/when we talk we’re certainly going to discuss this because it’s at a point now where it’s becoming unrealistic to be able to live a “normal” life with this diet being 100% on point.

My assumption is that he truly doesn’t expect that me (or any client) actually follows things exactly as prescribed and thus doesn’t worry much about specifying “eat a bit off here and there”. I wouldn’t expect most people to eat or be as borderline obsessive as I am ha.

Reading my MFP log is like a big joke... weeks of exactly the same meals every day over and over ha. It takes me about 5 min to shop for food cuz I have a route through the store haha


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Honestly I don’t know. He does always say things like “you’ve gotta live life first and foremost” “enjoy things and get back when you can” etc. I get that but also I personally like to dedicate myself if I expect the results too.

For me, if I want to cheat, I simply factor that in. If/when we talk we’re certainly going to discuss this because it’s at a point now where it’s becoming unrealistic to be able to live a “normal” life with this diet being 100% on point.

My assumption is that he truly doesn’t expect that me (or any client) actually follows things exactly as prescribed and thus doesn’t worry much about specifying “eat a bit off here and there”. I wouldn’t expect most people to eat or be as borderline obsessive as I am ha.

Reading my MFP log is like a big joke... weeks of exactly the same meals every day over and over ha. It takes me about 5 min to shop for food cuz I have a route through the store haha
Lol.. Seriously, I think you should just have a cheat meal if you want to.


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Lol.. Seriously, I think you should just have a cheat meal if you want to.
Its not like its killing me, just more of an annoyance with the protocol as im literally the only client not in prep not getting them ha. Not becuase I'm afraid to ahve it or anyhting, but I like to commit to something fully and to give him a fair chance, I like to follow it to the letter... Just me whining haha


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Quads and calves tonight was BRUTAL. Not sure why but literally from the first set my legs were screaming. It was that feeling of extreme contraction and almost tearing/searing type of burn on every set. I would attribute it to the high reps but it was from like rep 3 on ha. Basically staggered out of the gym which was actually kind of nice and had me re-energized just from the endorphins. Fun/Nasty workout for sure.

Texted him again to see when we were gonna talk but no response again.


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Quads and calves tonight was BRUTAL. Not sure why but literally from the first set my legs were screaming. It was that feeling of extreme contraction and almost tearing/searing type of burn on every set. I would attribute it to the high reps but it was from like rep 3 on ha. Basically staggered out of the gym which was actually kind of nice and had me re-energized just from the endorphins. Fun/Nasty workout for sure.

Texted him again to see when we were gonna talk but no response again.
It's that no response stuff that is the big problem...

I have those workouts too where I am like wow the contractions are so strong right now for this amount of weight and only a few reps in... They normally end up being great workouts but have you kind of expecting it to be a really rough ones by the way they feel.


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Finally got to talk with coach today at lunchtime and it was nothing really diet related. He is working on testing out some new supps and wanted to see if I would be interested mid-late next month (which of course I am). So, with that said I will be sticking with this at least through then however this does not give me even more leverage to be a bit demanding when it comes to progress and changes so I'm actually pretty happy with that.

We will see how things go (and what i can talk about in terms of details since its a beta test type product) and hopefully be getting something awesome to help speed this process up!


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Finally got to talk with coach today at lunchtime and it was nothing really diet related. He is working on testing out some new supps and wanted to see if I would be interested mid-late next month (which of course I am). So, with that said I will be sticking with this at least through then however this does not give me even more leverage to be a bit demanding when it comes to progress and changes so I'm actually pretty happy with that.

We will see how things go (and what i can talk about in terms of details since its a beta test type product) and hopefully be getting something awesome to help speed this process up!
Did you mention free meals at all. It might be EXACTLY what you need to kick start the metabolism a bit. THen again your leptin levels shouldn't be low since you haven't lost a lot of fat yet... kind of odd. Aren't you just a wonderful puzzle!


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Did you mention free meals at all. It might be EXACTLY what you need to kick start the metabolism a bit. THen again your leptin levels shouldn't be low since you haven't lost a lot of fat yet... kind of odd. Aren't you just a wonderful puzzle!
I did not. Half forgot, half was rushed as I just stepped out for a few minutes to take the call. Will text him about it tho.

Chest and tri's tonight. nothing special, just more of the same. weights still moving decently well but bench (as always) is a bit stuck. Always has been my worst lift progression wise and the one thing I've never really found a good method to train it better. Just another puzzle for me ha.


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legs were super sore still today and of course it was hams and shoulders tonight... had to deal with some calf cramping on some of the leg curls but made it through. Certainly not my best performance in terms of progression but I attribute that to the fatigue somewhat as well. Really starting to notice some changes in terms of body comp so I'm getting happier. Still want some oreos tho haha


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Off day Friday and back/bi’s yesterday. Weight was up slightly to 186.1 so basically same as last week. Body come still seems to be slightly improved so I’m content.

Not expecting updates until at least Monday as coach is at the Arnold with competitors


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off day again today (didn't want to have 2 in a row but this was the only day I'm in Pitt that worked out to see my mom for dinner so not gonna miss that). I talked to coach about the lack of cheats and his initial response was " i assign them every week on the fb group"... to which I said, yes, I know, but every time you and I talk we say "not yet" "soon", etc... I think he realized this was true and said to have a 1200cal cheat today (which I didn't see until too late) so I will work one in at a more convenient time later this week. I'm not gonna just waste a cheat on a random day on the road as i'd much rather enjoy it at home and with friends or the fiance. This will be one portion that I wont have dictated to me as there's no reason to have it on a particular day outside of the workout that goes with it, which I can move around anyways. I'll most likely wait til saturday and have one at home to clear out some of the junk I've been stockpiling for ages now ha.

Early (5am) workouts tomorrow & weds due to work and after work schedule this week. Not my favorite as I like to relax after my workouts but its jsut a few days so its whatever. Will be doing off day thurs (travel) and then fri/sat/sun.


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5am workouts yesterday and today... both I was insanely tired (~4hrs of sleep and no pre workout or anyhting) but was able to hit my weights and some slight increases. I did have to cut some rest times shorter as I was pressed for time due to work schedule and gym opening time.... really dislike having to be pressed for time in the gym and mornings are always that way. I'll be trying to avoid that as much as possible.

Otherwise no real notes to be made. body comp looks to be holding steady this week so that's a bit disappointing but we will see by saturday.


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Those early morning workouts are tough! I like them but they require a good pre workout for me! Are you normally an after work or evening guy?


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Bummer on the physique not changing but you are traveling too so who knows if some other stresses or situations are effecting water retention levels. Curious to see how you are actually looking because we haven't seen any of your progress photos in a bit. We might notice more changes than you do. Normally that is the case.


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Those early morning workouts are tough! I like them but they require a good pre workout for me! Are you normally an after work or evening guy?
For a very long time I was mornings and it's not that i can't get up for it but just that I had the pressure of the hard time stop. I like to be able to take my time especially at the end of workouts becuase if I still ahve some left in the tank I like to do some "fun stuff" sometimes. That and after the gym I love to just relax and enjoy the endorphins ha. Typically now I try to workout after work in the evenings or late afternoon on weekends.

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