Team Juggernaut ft. Booneman77 - 3 months to Mass!



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Bummer on the physique not changing but you are traveling too so who knows if some other stresses or situations are effecting water retention levels. Curious to see how you are actually looking because we haven't seen any of your progress photos in a bit. We might notice more changes than you do. Normally that is the case.
certainly the case... was actually just talking about that with the fiance last night and I will post up this weekend for sure.


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For a very long time I was mornings and it's not that i can't get up for it but just that I had the pressure of the hard time stop. I like to be able to take my time especially at the end of workouts becuase if I still ahve some left in the tank I like to do some "fun stuff" sometimes. That and after the gym I love to just relax and enjoy the endorphins ha. Typically now I try to workout after work in the evenings or late afternoon on weekends.
This is me too, there really is not much I enjoy more than sitting in the dry sauna for 15-30 minutes post workout but this can only be done on the weekend for me or I have to decide to take the time for myself and not have as much time with my family at night which I don't choose very often.
certainly the case... was actually just talking about that with the fiance last night and I will post up this weekend for sure.


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This is me too, there really is not much I enjoy more than sitting in the dry sauna for 15-30 minutes post workout but this can only be done on the weekend for me or I have to decide to take the time for myself and not have as much time with my family at night which I don't choose very often.

Post workout sauna is my favorite. Just feels so good to sweat out everything.

Weight today is 185.4lb so basically the same again. I texted my coach and told him how frustrated I am with the complete lack of changes and progress. We are gonna get blood work done here soon and just waiting on his beta test supp to show up.

I told him I’d stick it out through the test (half cuz I get free bloods too ha) but if progress isn’t up to snuff I’m done. He said that’s fair and that he appreciates me sticking with it through all the lack of progress.

Pics later when I get a chance to pull them together.


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Back and biceps workout was very average. Finally had my cheat meal tonight and tossed in a little bit of everything from donuts to cereal to pepperoni and cheese. A well spent 1200 extra cals


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Weight only up 2lb this morning so a very successful cheat. Forgot to weigh after my workout but I expect I was nearly back at weight already.

Update pics from yesterday

Again, really not seeing much compared to the 3 weeks prior.

Coach apparently is in the hospital/urgent care with the flu. Seems like he gets sick or has really bad luck an awful lot tho.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
That does indeed sound like a “successful cheat”. Good little mix

Can now confirm the nerd wear is great haha ;)


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That does indeed sound like a “successful cheat”. Good little mix

Can now confirm the nerd wear is great haha ;)
The amount of “squirtle” and “poke balls” sexual jokes made to my fiancé in the 18 ish hours I had them on probably turned her off for life hahaha. Either that or I’ll have more next weekend :)


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You look nice and solid, but I can see why you are both frustrated and confused with the lack of progress. So they are paying for the blood work? Now that is pretty cool.


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You look nice and solid, but I can see why you are both frustrated and confused with the lack of progress. So they are paying for the blood work? Now that is pretty cool.
yes, thats part of the deal. He wants to be able to analyze all aspects of the supp and see exactly what happens to my body so thats really nice.

Shoulders and abs today plus 20min of walking (cardio). 3x20min sessions added back in this week to try to get things moving a bit. No word on diet changes as of yet as coach is trying not to die apparently... for now its just back to the keto-esque diet.


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Really nothing special to report from yesterday or today... easy walking cardio with yesterday's workout. Diet unchanged as well so same old same old. Even workouts are the same as last week... only note is that my legs are still very sore from sunday's workout so hopefully feeling less pain tomorrow since its legs again already ha


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complete turd of a day... workout was just a total mess on top of it too. None of the exercises fit the equipment at the PF, everything had to be modified, weights were all over the place so no way to measure progress or regression and overall I was just in the foulest of moods.on to the next.


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That sucks, sometimes when you get into a situatiuon where things need modified that much that it is frustrating you I think it is better to go off book and just do a fun work I can enjoy... No reason to have a workout make your day worse even when on a strict plan. This stuff isn't life or death unless prepping for a contest and even then not life and death situation. Just a very heavily weighted one.


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That sucks, sometimes when you get into a situatiuon where things need modified that much that it is frustrating you I think it is better to go off book and just do a fun work I can enjoy... No reason to have a workout make your day worse even when on a strict plan. This stuff isn't life or death unless prepping for a contest and even then not life and death situation. Just a very heavily weighted one.
for sure... it was just such a cumulative mess ha. And not having free barbells is always annoying when I want to do "fun" stuff because those are my go-to's. So far today has been a better overall day thus far, but my mood this week overall has certainly been down. Not sure why either as nothing has changed, just feeling "off" the last few days. Body seems to be having a similar go as I both look and feel more bloated, digestion has been a bit slow, and quite sore after workouts.


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for sure... it was just such a cumulative mess ha. And not having free barbells is always annoying when I want to do "fun" stuff because those are my go-to's. So far today has been a better overall day thus far, but my mood this week overall has certainly been down. Not sure why either as nothing has changed, just feeling "off" the last few days. Body seems to be having a similar go as I both look and feel more bloated, digestion has been a bit slow, and quite sore after workouts.
Do you think your body could just be very acidic right now. A lot of times on a high protein keto diet the body will get very acidic and that can make a lot of things just feel off. Just for grins you might try some lemon water, or eating a fugton of greens and maybe even try some apple cider vinegar w/ mother.

Even if that isn't what is causing it, it will still likely improve your PH Balance, and aid in lowering some toxicity in the body.


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Do you think your body could just be very acidic right now. A lot of times on a high protein keto diet the body will get very acidic and that can make a lot of things just feel off. Just for grins you might try some lemon water, or eating a fugton of greens and maybe even try some apple cider vinegar w/ mother.

Even if that isn't what is causing it, it will still likely improve your PH Balance, and aid in lowering some toxicity in the body.
I drink ACV like water ha. its the first thing I buy when I get to the store every week and have a full mouthfull (prob 3-4tbsp) with every meal and snack every day. I even found these neat little 2oz bottles at walmart that I can keep in my carry-on backpack for travel days.


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I drink ACV like water ha. its the first thing I buy when I get to the store every week and have a full mouthfull (prob 3-4tbsp) with every meal and snack every day. I even found these neat little 2oz bottles at walmart that I can keep in my carry-on backpack for travel days.
Very cool, so yeah, probably not acidity...

Maybe get out in the sun if you get a chance, see if a sudden bump in body created Vit D gives you a boost.


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Very cool, so yeah, probably not acidity...

Maybe get out in the sun if you get a chance, see if a sudden bump in body created Vit D gives you a boost.
That could certainly be a factor... I barely see the sun during the weekdays.


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Well, I reached my breaking point today. Weighed in at 190.3lb (5lb GAIN), body comp still awful if not worse than the previous two weeks, and feeling bloated and just generally poor. This was the final straw and I texted my coach this morning and just lost it. Told him exactly how pissed I am, that he isn’t even delivering the info he promises let alone the results, and that for my level of commitment and dedication to this I’ve gotten nothing but half ass effort from him. Enough apologies and “next time”s.

That was at 10:30 this morning and I haven’t heard back.

I will plan to see what he says, and already told him we’re cutting now. No more of this “recomp” that clearly isn’t a thing with this plan.

Furious barely begins to describe my current mood.


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Sorry to hear that man, especially with the wedding coming up. You certainly gave it your all thats for sure. I’m guessing you get turned around in time for the big day!


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Sounds like your own insight to yourself might give you a trump card over your coach man,
He’s not in tune with you and as time is a factor I’d say you made the right move.

Either he admits his error and shifts to a cut to get you to where you want to be or it’s time to move on to a new coach... or honestly just your own know-how plus your efforts seem to be a better option as atm as well.


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Well, I reached my breaking point today. Weighed in at 190.3lb (5lb GAIN), body comp still awful if not worse than the previous two weeks, and feeling bloated and just generally poor. This was the final straw and I texted my coach this morning and just lost it. Told him exactly how pissed I am, that he isn’t even delivering the info he promises let alone the results, and that for my level of commitment and dedication to this I’ve gotten nothing but half ass effort from him. Enough apologies and “next time”s.

That was at 10:30 this morning and I haven’t heard back.

I will plan to see what he says, and already told him we’re cutting now. No more of this “recomp” that clearly isn’t a thing with this plan.

Furious barely begins to describe my current mood.
Im just curious did you ever get that bloodwork done? It just seems odd that someone as dedicated as you wouldnt be seeing results. I mean i havent been following along the whole time so it could just be your coach doesnt have a good understanding of what works for you (obviously) but maybe theres something else at play here too


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That is very unfortunate. Comes a time when a man must admit hes wrong but be willing to go the extra mile to make it right. We are all continuing to learn and grow together.


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That sucks man! You have certainly put in the effort and done the work! You deserve to see the results! I haven’t followed extremely closely but even if your coach agrees to switch to a cut is it worth staying with him? You are pretty knowledgeable yourself!


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I try to stay quiet on these things, but after I saw this thread and read a few posts I need to drop some constructive criticism.
1. Fire your coach.
2. Fire him again
3. Get to a normal bodyweight, by slowly introducing calories slowly.
4. Stop eating like a squirrell.
5. Keto doesn't work for you, so stop.
6. Get mentally healthy with your weight.
7. Talk to someone about your food issues., it only helps.
8. Relax, you are gaining weight on low calories, your metabolism is in the ****ter, fix it.
9. Find a new coach after all of that


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I try to stay quiet on these things, but after I saw this thread and read a few posts I need to drop some constructive criticism.
1. Fire your coach.
2. Fire him again
3. Get to a normal bodyweight, by slowly introducing calories slowly.
4. Stop eating like a squirrell.
5. Keto doesn't work for you, so stop.
6. Get mentally healthy with your weight.
7. Talk to someone about your food issues., it only helps.
8. Relax, you are gaining weight on low calories, your metabolism is in the ****ter, fix it.
9. Find a new coach after all of that
Ummm about 3/4 of this doesn’t make any sense or apply... I think instead of reading half a page and making assumptions about my entire life (eat like a squirrel? Get mentally healthy? Wtf) you should prob read a bit more and make more educated comments...


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Ummm about 3/4 of this doesn’t make any sense or apply... I think instead of reading half a page and making assumptions about my entire life (eat like a squirrel? Get mentally healthy? Wtf) you should prob read a bit more and make more educated comments...
From what I have seen, you are on keto, you eat low low calories all the time. You have an unhealthy relationship with foos, and your mindset about gaining a pound or two is atrocious. Tell me if I am wrong. Please, I have read a lot of your posts overall on the forum. If you did know what you are doing you would be in much better shape. So yeah, please just stop thinking that your 14% bf ir whatever you claimed. It's not true.


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So after not hearing from coach all day yesterday and half of today I reached out again. He said he was trying to work everything out before coming back so I made sure to tell him at least acknowledge the text I sent instead of making it seem like he was just ignoring it. I told him I’m treating this like a contest prep (obviously not to that level of lean but commitment wise) and he needs to too. The schedule is set by me and if it’s not fixed we’re going with my plan.

We will start to cut this week and plan to start the new supp next week. I will be going to the doctor for my normal physical and blood work Friday so that will give some info but the hormonal bloodwork will prob be a week or so after.

One thing that has frustrated me is that my coach keeps coming back saying “maybe there’s more to this, maybe it’s hormonal”... sure I get that and that may be, but I’ve overcome that before so it’s not like it’s not possible. I told him that I blaming the diet failure on my hormones isn’t a valid excuse.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
*nods* While I was my leanest my T was practically non-existent. You can overcome it to an extent, definitely moreso than this has been going for you so the nutrition coaching is definitely off metabolic/hormone issue or not

What has us all upset over this vicariously now is knowing your efforts. You should be well on your way to your targets


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From what I have seen, you are on keto, you eat low low calories all the time. You have an unhealthy relationship with foos, and your mindset about gaining a pound or two is atrocious. Tell me if I am wrong. Please, I have read a lot of your posts overall on the forum. If you did know what you are doing you would be in much better shape. So yeah, please just stop thinking that your 14% bf ir whatever you claimed. It's not true.
You are wrong. Here is why (since you're too lazy to actually go read, like I asked):

At the start of this (in november) calories were increased by 50% (from the 1800 I had been maintaining on) and increased to over 3200 over the course of the next 8-10 weeks. This doesnt count the 3 week stretch where i was also adding 300g of carbs post workout in the form of cereal and other simple sugars. Dont see how that is an unhealthy relationship with food, or how you can even discern my relationship with food from a few posts where I'm usually talking about something awesome that I tried or want to try when I get a chance... Most of the time though, I eat what my coach suggests as that's how coaching works.

Of course my mindset about gaining weight is bad, I'm supposed to be losing it! If I were bulking, that'd be different (and was, and only was I very critical when I ahd dramatic 5+lb jumps)... Not even sure how you can say it's bad considering the only post you read was the last couple where I gained 5+lb THIS WEEK when I was again supposed to be trying to lose weight.

I'm on a keto style now because THATS WHAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO TRY... Not by seem to miss the point of having a coach is to actually follow what they (and in this case his supporting help in the form of a UofMichigan team dietician) want to do so they can try to find the optimal solution for you...

Nowhere in the last 4+ months have I said I'm 14%... I'm obviously not and thus why im frustrated with this coach and the lack of progress in terms of leanness. Was I? Yes, and even better at times (as evidenced by my avatar from a couple years back). You can say what you like in other threads, but if you're going to post criticism in my own personal thread, at least have it be warranted and have actually read the facts of what is being criticized.

I think I pretty much covered all of your ignorance to the situation and information so if you have further "constructive criticism", please have at it. All I ask is that there actually be some facts or truth behind it because otherwise its not constructive or criticism, its just ignorance.


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Woke up this morning to no diet plan or workouts... texted carl to see wtf and there was something wrong with the app. Was fixed by the time I landed at 9.... BUT what I saw was a 150cal/day increase and cardio removed again so I immediately taxted him to ask what this was... he said it sounded like I was burnt out and needed a week to "recharge" to which I laughed and said no, Im not burnt out im frustrated... We agreed that since Saturday was a refeed/cheat day it would be fine and will be jumping right into the prep diet (which he is adjusting as we speak) and adding 3 cardio sessions this week.

We agreed that from here forward will be treated like a contest prep and his changes/updates and responses need to reflect that mindset. Test supp should also be starting next week assuming it gets to my house in time.


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You are wrong. Here is why (since you're too lazy to actually go read, like I asked):

At the start of this (in november) calories were increased by 50% (from the 1800 I had been maintaining on) and increased to over 3200 over the course of the next 8-10 weeks. This doesnt count the 3 week stretch where i was also adding 300g of carbs post workout in the form of cereal and other simple sugars. Dont see how that is an unhealthy relationship with food, or how you can even discern my relationship with food from a few posts where I'm usually talking about something awesome that I tried or want to try when I get a chance... Most of the time though, I eat what my coach suggests as that's how coaching works.

Of course my mindset about gaining weight is bad, I'm supposed to be losing it! If I were bulking, that'd be different (and was, and only was I very critical when I ahd dramatic 5+lb jumps)... Not even sure how you can say it's bad considering the only post you read was the last couple where I gained 5+lb THIS WEEK when I was again supposed to be trying to lose weight.

I'm on a keto style now because THATS WHAT WAS PRESCRIBED TO TRY... Not by seem to miss the point of having a coach is to actually follow what they (and in this case his supporting help in the form of a UofMichigan team dietician) want to do so they can try to find the optimal solution for you...

Nowhere in the last 4+ months have I said I'm 14%... I'm obviously not and thus why im frustrated with this coach and the lack of progress in terms of leanness. Was I? Yes, and even better at times (as evidenced by my avatar from a couple years back). You can say what you like in other threads, but if you're going to post criticism in my own personal thread, at least have it be warranted and have actually read the facts of what is being criticized.

I think I pretty much covered all of your ignorance to the situation and information so if you have further "constructive criticism", please have at it. All I ask is that there actually be some facts or truth behind it because otherwise its not constructive or criticism, its just ignorance.
Hmm, so look back at your original post. 1800 calories for maintenance,

One post later a bump of 400 calories and you are scared that you won't be ad lean in your bulk

Constantly complaining in this thread no cheat meal.

You have your food issues. I have heard others on AM send me messages about this. Dude relax. It's food. You gain weight and you lose it. Your coach is doing you no favors. People are too nice on here, plus everyone is riding each other like horses

So I guess I don't look at the whole thread, and other threads. Woah is me. You have fun gaining weight on your cut. Go for it.


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I had cardio removed this week too, which is definitely not happening lol. Is today shoulders/abs for you?


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Hmm, so look back at your original post. 1800 calories for maintenance,

One post later a bump of 400 calories and you are scared that you won't be ad lean in your bulk

Constantly complaining in this thread no cheat meal.

You have your food issues. I have heard others on AM send me messages about this. Dude relax. It's food. You gain weight and you lose it. Your coach is doing you no favors. People are too nice on here, plus everyone is riding each other like horses

So I guess I don't look at the whole thread, and other threads. Woah is me. You have fun gaining weight on your cut. Go for it.
So how would you do it? Since you seem to have the answer, please inform us.


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I had cardio removed this week too, which is definitely not happening lol. Is today shoulders/abs for you?
shoulders and back for me today.

After discussing, coach made the shift to hard cutting... added 3x20min cardio session in and calories slashed to 1775... I'd say that covers my "its time to get drastic" level ha. The plan is to see how nasty this week is and potentially dial things back a bit next week calorie wise if need be. Also, having regular health checkup on fri with general bloodwork so we will see if there is anyhting out of the norm (not expected) in terms of the standard stuff (vitamins, lipids, thyroid, etc - not test/e hormones).


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Second day on the new plan... food volume really took a massive hit as the fats were kept basically the same and some carbs were added - basically protein took the bulk of the hit which for me is different for sure... So far so good though and as long as there are results this week and next, I'm up to try anything.

Finally got the details on the beta supps and its actually going to be 4 products all at once, designed to work together. The one thing that I was quite peeved about was that once again the info was presented completely incorrectly and I actually had to correct and further inquire about the details and use... After some convo Carl finally came out and said that he really doesn't know anything but the basics of the supps and even gear aspects, but rather defers to his partner for most of that stuff and jsut gives him the situation and needs and uses that... Not exactly something I wanted to hear, but being as I know all but 1 of the ingredients and have a good understanding myself, I'm not overly worried... more just annoyed that I keep having to dig out these types of "admissions" after having to call him out on it.


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Treat it like prep but keep the mental status it’s for your big day brother; any stress you save yourself is beneficial to your cut.

I’m out of the loop on the supps here did this come as a package with the program?


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Treat it like prep but keep the mental status it’s for your big day brother; any stress you save yourself is beneficial to your cut.

I’m out of the loop on the supps here did this come as a package with the program?
Yeah the whole reason I want to get ahead of things is so that I don’t have to be cutting at all the last 2mo before the wedding. I want to be in shape by July and just be able to cruise into it with just minimal effort to maintain that shape.

The supp is a beta test stack coming from his company. He asked me to trial it just because I’ve been such a pain to figure it and a) will get bloodwork pre and post as well as b) hopefully see the results we expected to.

4 products total (3 new 1 revamp of a current version) that are hopefully going to help make some of this easier. Non hormonal too so no worries about a pct or sides or anything dramatic like that.


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Wow, so his supplement and he doesn't know anything about it.

Sounds like this guy is having other clients pay for other peoples knowledge and doesn't have a clue what is going on or much professionalism for that matter... Just the fact he chose to use Juggernaut knowing damn good and well there is a highly respected company by that name made me skeptical of him. Like he is trying to pick up on scraps of what others have built. Now these admissions just further lead me to believe this guy is not the real deal. None of this looks good on this guy...

Hopefully you see some changes, with 1700 I can't imagine not seeing them. Also hope that the supplements are stellar at what they are designed for.

What type of products are in the stack? Just in general you don't have to get specific but like GDA, or Test booster, or thermogenics...


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I understand this is being treated as a prep and I don't know anything about that. But with starting out at 1700 and that being decently low, where does that leave you as far as giving you room to lower more as you move through this prep.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
I’m guessing 1700 is the kickstart for some results here, and moving forward we would see more cardio and some carb manipulation once he’s got as far as he can with this

No doubt 1700 is low this far out but I would suggest similar if it was me having had no progress (and some gain) up to this point


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Wow, so his supplement and he doesn't know anything about it.

Sounds like this guy is having other clients pay for other peoples knowledge and doesn't have a clue what is going on or much professionalism for that matter... Just the fact he chose to use Juggernaut knowing damn good and well there is a highly respected company by that name made me skeptical of him. Like he is trying to pick up on scraps of what others have built. Now these admissions just further lead me to believe this guy is not the real deal. None of this looks good on this guy...

Hopefully you see some changes, with 1700 I can't imagine not seeing them. Also hope that the supplements are stellar at what they are designed for.

What type of products are in the stack? Just in general you don't have to get specific but like GDA, or Test booster, or thermogenics...
Stack is basically test booster, ai types, and general health (gut/immune, etc) plus laxo. Nothing terribly magical but the doses are pretty solid from what I can determine (using some assumptions due to prop blends) and the laxo is known. Most of the ingredients will be new to my body though as they are mostly newer to the market in general so I hope that is a good thing.


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I understand this is being treated as a prep and I don't know anything about that. But with starting out at 1700 and that being decently low, where does that leave you as far as giving you room to lower more as you move through this prep.
I’m guessing 1700 is the kickstart for some results here, and moving forward we would see more cardio and some carb manipulation once he’s got as far as he can with this

No doubt 1700 is low this far out but I would suggest similar if it was me having had no progress (and some gain) up to this point
I think Driven2lift is correct a) becuase I made it clear that its results this week or gtfo and b) he explicitly mentioned adding fats/protein as needed going forward.

Also, knowing my body was maintaining on 1800 (only 25 above this week) just a few lean mass lbs earlier, I expect that there isn't a ton of room to go dramatically higher. I would estimate that 2000 would be the absolute highest to see much noticeable weight loss week to week even with the new size and hopefully improved metabolism from the ramp up/bulk phase.

I'm actually happy as I would really like to get a few of the truly "easy" lbs gone and then dial things in from there. Knowing myself, theres 5+lb of fluff that can disappear before my body even realizes its in the fight.


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Weekend was very basic, refeed on Saturday (about 1200 extra cals) and off on Sunday. Weight was at 187.6lb so not even back down to before last weeks random spike. Carbs were added back tho even with the cal cut so that could have played a factor.

I haven’t seen the lab work from fri yet but the office called and said that both liver and cholesterol were high which was shocking (both to them and me as everything else apparently was perfect). I will be interested to see exactly how off they were once it’s posted online for me to see.

No changes this week to diet or workouts but cardio has been upped to 30min on all workout days (5) and 45min walking on of days. Not thrilled at that huge jump again but whatever. I need some results at this point or I’m screwed. It’s not even about the coaching anymore at this point because I’m not on my own deadline so if things are going right, I’ll be taking the reigns regardless.

Not going to be updating nearly as much in here going forward as I have two massive projects for work that are gonna consume the majority of my days and evenings I have a feeling. I will post major items but less day to day.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Best of luck with those reigns in hand brother.
Real easy for someone training with intensity to have bloodwork come back with high enzymes but when it gets flagged it’s something you should always look into anyways.

Update as you can and enjoy the work projects ;)


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Interesting that your liver values were up. You have been all natty this whole time, and I assume not drinking much... any environmental factors you can think of that might bump them up a bit?


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After some PAINFUL conversations with the idiot secretaries that apparently "work" at the docs, I was finally able to get one that understood how to upload my labs online vs the other 3 who swore they had to mail them... after helping me sign up for the online site... 4 times... They also apparently don't ahve to ahve a single shred of heathcare related knowledge as none of the 3 could even tell me what the doc had asked for in terms of follow up... literally the first lady "I dont even know what these letters mean, let me get someone else"; next lady "Well, it says something GGT/AST something review, something 6 months... Let me get someone else"; and finally "Ok, the lipids it just says lower sat fats and dietary cholesterol then we can follow up in 6mo, the liver part I'm not real sure..." Lots of help you gals are... geez.

Regardless, here are the standouts (vs 1yr ago):

Non HDL Cholesterol (calc): 165mg/dL (108) - high
LDL: 150mg/dL (98) - high
HDL (calc): 59mg/dL (60) - normal
Total Cholesterol: 224mg/dl (168) - high

Urea Nitrogen (BUN): 35mg/dL (33) - High (same as last year - expected)
Creatinine: 1.05mg/dL (1.22) - normal
BUN/Creatinine Ratio: 33 (25.4) - High

AST: 63U/L (74) - High
ALT: 70U/L (77) - High
*both improved slightly from last year

Overall the only thing I'm really concerned about is why my LDL shot up by 50%... that's a dramatic jump and I am wondering if it's not associated with the keto diet I ahd been on for the 3+ weeks prior.

No booze had been consumed in over a month and I haven't touched anything hormonal in over 1.5 yrs so those are out of play. At this stage, I'm prob just gonna go in for the hepatitis screening just in case but plan would be just to add some CEL Cycle Assist as a daily for awhile (prob at 1/2 dose) and then see how things turn out in 6mo.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Gotta love the secretarial staff and even nurses in some Hospitals.

How much of the keto diet would you say was saturated or trans fats?

Only way I’d imagine that could have contributed... But if you were mainly using plant fats it should theoretically have improved during the keto

If liver enzymes are improved since your last panel (it looks like?) I wouldn’t worry. Mine took 2 years to normalize


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Gotta love the secretarial staff and even nurses in some Hospitals.

How much of the keto diet would you say was saturated or trans fats?

Only way I’d imagine that could have contributed... But if you were mainly using plant fats it should theoretically have improved during the keto

If liver enzymes are improved since your last panel (it looks like?) I wouldn’t worry. Mine took 2 years to normalize
Yeah it was all secretaries. They have a separate “nurse line” that I was then directed to but of course nobody answered there... useless. I swear I’d rather just do everything myself since I’ve literally never had a good experience and even with 4 nurses in my immediate family I don’t trust their knowledge after hearing some things they say ha. My fiancé would kill every patient she had if the machines didn’t do calculations for her cuz she just doesn’t math. Like at all. Can’t even tip haha

I actually thought the same about the keto but did some reading this afternoon and found that there’s a small population that actually has an odd effect that their LDL spikes while hdl stays the same... which would explain why keto has treated me so badly each time I’ve tried it. It’s def not the norm and my diet was not particularly high in sat fats so it seemed less likely until that. Without doing bloods each time it’s really just a guess but it does seem to add up.

And yeah, slight improvement so not really worried about the liver. I actually had some liver issues as a kid where it was about 3x too large for my body and borderline dangerous as they didn’t know if it would keep growing but it randomly stopped and alll was fine but was quite wonky for a few years there and I’m sure my natural levels may have always been slightly off


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Strange stuff is afoot with that blood work... Were you able to find any correlation for why some people end up with an LDL spike from Keto? I would be very curious on that one.

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