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Thanks. I was able to do 210. A couple of weeks ago. But every since I tried to be he-man during the last chest workout I kinda messed myself up.


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You just feeling weak in the chest or is there a major pain? Pec injuries tend to be pretty painful otherwise you may have just torn it down so much it is having a rough time recovering. You could be overtraining too, but sounds like you just beat the holy ish out of them and haven't fully recovered due to hitting it again before fully recovered. You could have strained a tendon but again there would be pain involved still. Also 1 day of different eating can really make you feel week.

Think of it as a funny car you race that bad boy to 300 mph it needs rebuilt before the next race. You wouldn't take it back out after just replacing one of the heads and half the gaskets and expect the same performance you got from the first run. I almost bet you still have a few misfiring cylindars. Rest up real good and see what happens next time. If the chest is still weak after that then go really light and high rep for the following one to increase blood flow but not push the muscle or tendons too hard. Will help recovery and then you may be right back on track.


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It does not hurt to the touch. But while lifting i felt so damn weak i literally couldn't lift the same weight as i normally would. I had to force up the incline bench weight. Today is an off day and yesterday was abs. We shall see tomorrow though. Since it is another chest day. I will start out with my normal weight and if i feel like i am struggling at all i will drop the weight down. I think you hit it on the head as far as i probably trained so hard my body has not truly had time to recover. I have been off supps for a little over a week. And i dont take a pre workout anymore since i used up the N2TKS. As you know there was not a bunch in there only enough for like 6 workouts. I am contemplating on which supps i will use next. I know i want to try the rs-tranaderm when it come available. And get some more need2slin after i finally figured out what dosage i should take on it i really started to notice what it was supposed to be doing.


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Cardio 30 minutes after workout

Incline Barbell Press

1 set of 15 200 lbs
1 set of 8 200 lbs
1 set absolute failure 200 lbs 8 times

Seated Cable Vertical Chest Press

1 set of 15 140 lbs
1 set of 8 140 lbs
1 set absolute failure 140 lbs 8 times

Seated Cable Flys

1 set of 15 90 lbs
1 set absolute failure 90 lbs 15 times

Seated Dips

1 set absolute failure 150 lbs 20 times

Overall this chest workout felt better. Maybe because i was playing jedi mind tricks and used cable machines for most of the exercises with the exception of the Incline Barbell Press. I worked out in a fasted state just to get a little more out of my training today. Tomorrow morning i will be doing some measurements and some pics. I still feel like i am bloated but oh well life goes on.


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Looking forward to the measurement updates and pics Chevy! Here's to hoping for some nice changes! :cheers:


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May 23rd 2011 Start of Phase 2

Weight: 268
Neck: 17.75
Shoulder: 53.5
Chest: 49.75
Waist: 44
Abdomen: 53.75
Hips: 45.5
Thigh: 25.5
Knee: 16.5
Calf: 17.0
Ankle: 9.5
Arm: 16
Forearm: 12
Wrist: 7

July 3rd 2011

Weight: 265
Neck: 17.25
Shoulder: 52.75
Chest: 48.25
Waist: 44
Abdomen: 53.0
Hips: 44.5
Thigh: 25.25
Knee: 16.5
Calf: 16.75
Ankle: 9.5
Arm: 16.5
Forearm: 12.25
Wrist: 7

While I am not pleased by these results. I feel I have trained a lot harder than this shows. I still very bloated and it shows in my morning weight as two days ago my morning scale weight was 262.6. Pics to follow.


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Yeah yeah yeah i need a tan. Now you can really see that hernia in my abdomen. Like i said before i am not real pleased with these pics. I feel super bloated but it is what it is.


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I would be very pleased with those numbers Jeff. While it looks like you only have a 3 lb loss, a lot of measurements made some good progress. It tells me that you've added some muscle in there along the way, which would give you more than 3 lbs lost. It appears that you have been recomping rather well man!! Good job!!


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I want to add that i have not taken any supps for 2 weeks now. Other than my EFA lean gold with CLA in it. I need to figure something out. I have not taken a pre or a post workout supp for most of my transformation from the start. With the exception of maybe 5 days worth of N2TKS. If there are any suggestions i am all ears. I need to shed this freaking body fat once and for all. I have increased my cardio to 2-3 times in the mornings during the weeks and have added cardio after all my workouts in the evening.
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

Keep up the hard work, I know how hard you have been training because you have been kicking my butt in the gym.... by the way people this is Jeff's other half. The Beatch...lol


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Jeff, the difference in the musculature of your shoulders is ridiculous. You obviously built some muscle in your shoulders and traps and a lot of fat has come off of that region. Your arms and shoulders will be the first things to lean up and they are so you should be pleased with the results. You must have a pretty efficient metabolism like mine so if you want to see a little more scale weight come off drop about 250-300 cals per day and no more than that. I know right now the goal is fat loss so let's step it down a tiny bit and see what happens.


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Vitamin A1,930.1mcg900.0214
Vitamin A29,061.0IU----
Vitamin B6102.9mg1.37,915
Vitamin B12109.7mcg2.44,573
Vitamin C1,062.7mg90.01,181
Vitamin D12.5mcg5.0250
Vitamin D500.0IU----
Vitamin E280.2mg15.01,868
Vitamin E418.2IU----
Pant. Acid5.2mg5.0105

Fat (g)
Carbs (g)
Protein (g)

Total Calories is 2450


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7-4-11 Happy 4th of July

Wide Grip Pull Downs

3 sets of 10 120 lbs

Barbell Bent Over Rows

1 set of 12 230 lbs
1 set of 8 230 lbs
1 set absolute failure 230 lbs 8 times

Seated Cable Row with Precor FT322 Machine

1 Set of 15 Each Arm 40 lbs
1 set absolute failure 40 lbs each arm 15 times

Rear Delt Machine

1 set of 12 80 lbs
1 set of 8 80 lbs


Lying Crunch with Medicine Ball 12 lbs
2 sets of 20

Hanging Leg Raise
3 sets of 25

Lying Side Crunch
3 sets of 15 each side

Machine Crunch with weight
1 set of 10 140 lbs

12 Minutes of H.I.I.T Cardio after workout

All of this was in a fasted state.


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Changes are forth coming in my diet. We shall see if it works. Once I see changes then I will elaberate on what I am doing for nutrition. Mean while workout stays the same.


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Good stuff let's see what you can do here.


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Barbell Front Press

1 set of 15 140 lbs
1 set of 8 140 lbs
1 set absolute failure 140 lbs 8 times

Hammer Strength Shrug Machine

1 set of 15 270 lbs
1 set of 8 270 lbs
1 set absolute failure 270 lbs 8 times

Side Lateral Machine

1 set of 15 120 lbs
1 set of 8 115 lbs
1 set absolute failure 115 lbs 8 times

Rear Delt Machine

1 set of 15 100 lbs
1 set of absolute failure 80 lbs 8 times

Felt weak in the beginning had to actually lower the weight down on the Barbell Front Press because of it. Once I got into the workout i was getting stronger. Probably had to do with the new diet did not eat enough prior to the workout. It will take some adjustments but soon enough it will all work it self out.


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keep up your cardio and it will come off. Dont get down, what your doing is not easy but with time you will reach goals set. Continue to cut carbs more and pick a bottle of forged burner to speed things up some. diet will still rule tho



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Changes are forth coming in my diet. We shall see if it works. Once I see changes then I will elaberate on what I am doing for nutrition. Mean while workout stays the same.
Diet is where its at when you want changes.


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Your right Rick. I think the diet I did this time around would work. Only issue I was up against was the lack of carbs after my workout. I had all my carbs in the morning and afternoon. This new diet however is something I have never done and am giving it a shot.


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Good deal, I wouldn't complain about doing 15 reps of barbell shoulder presses with 140 that is damn strong. Diet wise any change is gonna wreak a little havoc on your energy system. Keep it up!
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

Changes are forth coming in my diet. We shall see if it works. Once I see changes then I will elaberate on what I am doing for nutrition. Mean while workout stays the same.

Let's just say I'm not sure if I'm going to like living with him! Just kidding, I'm very proud of him!! :) :)


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Standing Cable Curl

1 set of 15 40 lbs each arm
1 set of 8 40 lbs each arm
1 set absolute failure 40 lbs each arm 8 times

Preacher Curls

1 set of 15 80 lbs
1 set absolute failure 80 lbs 12 times

Incline Cable Curls

1 set absolute failure 50 lbs each arm 15 times

Seated Tricep Extensions

1 set of 20 80 lbs
1 set of 8 80 lbs
1 set absolute failure 80 lbs 8 times

Tricep Pushdowns w/ Straight Bar

1 set of 15 80 lbs
1 set absolute failure 80 lbs 12 times

Tricep Overhead extensions w/ Rope

1 set absolute failure 140 lbs 12 times

30 minutes of cardio

I felt flat and or Blah in the beginning. I ate about 1 1/2 hours prior to my workout and was just stuffed. This new diet is something I cant wait to get used to. Grrrrr.
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

WOW! This new diet Jeff is on completely sucks!! He's stinking up the house and not due to cooking!!


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Today is an Off day. Thank goodness i needed it. Allowed me to focus on getting my workout diet straight now its time to work on my diet for the off days.
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

Today is an Off day. Thank goodness i needed it. Allowed me to focus on getting my workout diet straight now its time to work on my diet for the off days.
Yeah, I need to work on my breathing thanks to you! :)


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Ok so a new workout started to day to go along with the new diet. Was it planned no but it happened. Lets just say I was real close to vomiting during and after the workout. I also was getting weaker towards the end mostly because the new workout will be a full body workout every other day. Needless to say my overall strength may be there just the muscle fatigue was much greater. So adjustments will have to be made until I can get back to my normal weights. I am alright with this also.

New Workout

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

1 warm up set of 8 65 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 65 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 60 lbs 10 times no rest
1 set to failure 55 lbs 8 times

Dumbbell Rows

1 warm up set of 8 70 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 70 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 60 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 50 lbs 10 times

Shoulder Press Machine

1 warm up set of 8 180 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 180 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 160 lbs 10 times no rest
1 set to failure 120 lbs 8 times

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Drag Curls

1 warm up set of 8 25 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 25 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 20 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 15 lbs 12 times

Leg Press (This is where is was wiped out of energy and started to cramp so i dropped the weight super low. Normally I use 810 lbs or 720 lbs on just leg days)

1 warm up set of 8 360 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 360 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 270 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 180 lbs 10 times

Leg Extensions

1 warm up set of 8 125 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 125 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 110 lbs 10 times no rest
1 set to failure 80 lbs 10 times
Chevy6s Chick

Chevy6s Chick

You did AWESOME!!


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Had the weekend off from training. Monday will be another full body workout. We will be on this new program schedule 3 days a week for training and on the off days will be cardio. Should be some fun and hard work. I will be taking in approx 2400 calories on workout days and approx 1800 on non workout days. Soon as I figure out what supps I want to try this go round results should happen quickly I hope. It would be nice to have consistant supps that work to run the entire 90 days.


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Oh and after seeing my brother in law this past weekend lets just say is dont let him fool you that SOB looks amazing. Seeing him prior to eating and then see him fill out after his meal I was just amazed at the difference it was. Soon enough I will be there again. And we will both have to take pics together. That is one of my goals that I just let out of the bag. He had no idea I want this, besides of course doing my first and possibly only show with him.


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keep working man, hopefully your new workout goes well bro


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Had the weekend off from training. Monday will be another full body workout. We will be on this new program schedule 3 days a week for training and on the off days will be cardio. Should be some fun and hard work. I will be taking in approx 2400 calories on workout days and approx 1800 on non workout days. Soon as I figure out what supps I want to try this go round results should happen quickly I hope. It would be nice to have consistant supps that work to run the entire 90 days.
I'm looking forward to how this does for you man. Should rip the fat right off with what you have set up!


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Oh and after seeing my brother in law this past weekend lets just say is dont let him fool you that SOB looks amazing. Seeing him prior to eating and then see him fill out after his meal I was just amazed at the difference it was. Soon enough I will be there again. And we will both have to take pics together. That is one of my goals that I just let out of the bag. He had no idea I want this, besides of course doing my first and possibly only show with him.
Thanks, I just mentioned what you said about me filling out before your eyes in my log too. Was kind of cool to hear you say it then. I often forget what a good food pump can do for you. I love the food pumps from Lean Gains.

I think you are going to have great success with the warrior workout too. I would increase your weights tho, if you are able to get 15 on your second work set. You should be failing at or below 8 reps on that second set. If not then both working sets need to have the weight increased so that concentric failure occurs in the 6-8 rep range. Anything else and you aren't lifting heavy enough for the program to work as designed. Although breaking into it isn't a bad idea but the goal needs to be to get that rep range to where you are giving maximum effort by the end of your first work set, and then failing when trying to repeat the set for the same reps. That is the intensity required to make quick and unquestionable progress on that program. Give that a shot and see how it goes.


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Will do that tonight since it will be the same routine.


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Good stuff keep us posted.


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Let me start off by saying having the last couple of days off made me realize how good it can be for you. I felt stronger today. I might have been able to lift a little heavier just don't know how much more. So here we go here it is tonight's workout.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

1 warm up set of 8 70 lbs 1 minute rest (Ties Personal Best to Date)

1 set to failure 70 lbs 15 times no rest
1 set to failure 65 lbs 10 times no rest
1 set to failure 60 lbs 6 times

Dumbbell Rows

1 warm up set of 8 80 lbs 1 minute rest (Personal Best to Date)

1 set to failure 80 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 75 lbs 8 times no rest
1 set to failure 70 lbs 6 times

Shoulder Press Machine

1 warm up set of 8 200 lbs 1 minute rest (Personal Best to Date)

1 set to failure 200 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 180 lbs 8 times no rest
1 set to failure 160 lbs 6 times

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Drag Curls

1 warm up set of 8 45 lbs 1 minute rest (Personal Best to Date)

1 set to failure 45 lbs 8 times no rest
1 set to failure 40 lbs 6 times no rest
1 set to failure 35 lbs 5 times

Leg Press (
I was able to bump the weight up not to my normal but better than last week.)

1 warm up set of 8 540 lbs 1 minute rest

1 set to failure 540 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 450 lbs 10 times no rest
1 set to failure 360 lbs 8 times

Leg Extensions

1 warm up set of 8 140 lbs 1 minute rest (Personal Best to Date)

1 set to failure 140 lbs 12 times no rest
1 set to failure 125 lbs 8 times no rest
1 set to failure 110 lbs 6 times


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I have got to mention it feels real good to be able to lift like this and not be on any supplements. I am almost excited to see what can be done once i find a supplement that i can stick to for the full 90 days of the transformation. Fat burners will obviously help in burning fat. But once i start taking a pre-workout and or creatine sheesh I should be able to blow all my personal best away. At least this is my hope.


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Good stuff although still not sure how you are getting 15 and 12 reps on your second workset if you are actually going to failure on the first work set you shouldn't be able to do more that second set. You put that 8 x70 was your best to date on db bench but then under it you have 70x15 so I am a little confused. Could you have done more on that first set? If so man jack that weight up. If you can do 15 with 70 you should probably be starting off with 80 for 8.


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I was talking about actual weight not reps. As far as the sets. I bumped it up 5 lbs to hit 70 lbs. Had no idea I was going to be able to do as many as I did. When this work out comes around again I will try 80 lbs to start. Right now it is a game of how much can I push myself. Once again this is all new stuff. And for as exausted I was it felt freakin great. Heck I was also able to bring the weight back up on the leg press. Not to my normal but a descent amount.


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Oh and just for the record I was really pushing to get those reps. And can I say trying to lift the dumbbells then to lay down sucks with heavy weight.


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LMAO, yeah dumbells are a lot of work to get into position. You are definitely working hard, would just rather see that first work set be more challenging. If you crap out between 6-8 reps on that first set there is no way you should be able to go to 15 on the second one. YOur muscles should be pretty much whooped already.


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Otay. Good to hear. I think I might be able to lift more than. Once I get it in position it seems to be a little challenging but not too bad. Just pain in the arse to get ready. While working out the hernia is not bad. Just lifting and laying back is when there seems to be more strain. But I will manage. Fatman needs to be like batman and lose the gut before surgery will happen to remove it.. :) I know I am stubborn but that is just me.


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Put the dumbells on your knees then just roll back with your knees at the same angle and they will lift the dumbells into postion then lower your legs back down and press the weight.


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Put the dumbells on your knees then just roll back with your knees at the same angle and they will lift the dumbells into postion then lower your legs back down and press the weight.
Thats pretty much what I have been doing. Lol


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I would just take a few basic supps. Nothing crazy, save those for down the road.


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Lets start this off with the over all workout. Prior to my workout I used a sample packet of FinaFlex N.O. Ignite Pre-Workout packet. I took it about 20 minutes prior to hitting the gym. The product itself tasted pretty good. At first it was a tad powdery taste, I wasn't sure how much water to use so i used 4 oz of water. It finally kicked in about 45 minutes after i took it which was almost half way through my workout. I would have to give this a thumbs up. Just would need to take it about an 45 minute to an hour prior to working out. The product reads take 15-30 minutes prior.

Now for the workout. Since i am still a fatty doing chin ups or pull ups are real tuff. So instead of doing chin ups i did close grip pull downs.

Close Grip Pull Downs

1 set of 7 180 lbs
1 set of 6 180 lbs
1 set of 4 160 lbs
1 set of 5 140 lbs

Decline Bench
(Very awkward. I don't have long lean arms yet so lifting it off the top rack was a challenge and the bottom rack was too close. So I used weight a lot less than I probably should have)

1 set of 8 160 lbs
1 set of 15 160 lbs
1 set of 12 150 lbs
1 set of 8 140 lbs

Dumbbell Upright Rows

1 set of 8 45 lbs
1 set of 8 45 lbs
1 set of 6 40 lbs
1 set of 4 35 lbs

Squat Machine

1 set of 8 630 lbs (Personal Best for amount of weight to date) (A guy came over and said holy cow that was impressive you had that rack almost full of 45's LOL... Made me smile)
1 set of 8 630 lbs
1 set of 7 540 lbs
1 set of 6 460 lbs

Stiff Leg Dead Lifts

1 set of 6 320 lbs (Personal Best for weight to date)
1 set of 4 320 lbs
1 set of 6 230 lbs
1 set of 8 140 lbs


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Good workout. You may want to think about a weight belt for some support for that hernia don't want make it worse.Also get Cathy to help you with the lift off on decline bench.


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Yeah you should also have noticed I didn't have Tea Cup Exercise in there. Felt like a dork doing that in the gym. I am guessing it is suggested to use weight as if it was a tea cup. I did it a couple of time with no weight and it felt more like a stretch than an exercise? I could have easily done more weight on the decline once i got the weight off the rack hooks it was easy so i tried to focus a lot on form. Next time I will either continue with the decline or just move over to a flat bench or go back to Incline? Also with all the exercises so far I don't feel like i am getting a good bicep or tricep workout? I will stick it out for a while and maybe add that in somewhere later. I did feel a burn coming on with the decline bench press.

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